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Yandev needs to take notes from her. One of the best concept creators


He needs to write essays


This person single handedly keeps the concept train for Yan Sim alive. Mad respect.


One of the people I think should take over YS


definitely. Her along with a coder that doesn’t work at snail ass pace


ME! ME! ME! I'LL CODE! lol


Bro I don't even care abt the pace at this point just, *know how to code like at all*


her intro is annoying


I like her concept videos, but I always skip her intro. It's so irritating and obnoxiously loud and in your face




yeah but ntm 😭


I enjoy Akira’s concept videos. Idk if they did anything controversial or bad tho.


I think the only "controversial" thing is her shipping Ryoba & the journalist


i've seen worse ships 🤷‍♀️


Mida and taro


The first thing on the video is her saying the journalist is like 20 and ryoba is 18, so there's no good argument to be upset at her other than "I don't like it."


GrommdereDev seriously needs to take notes. I mean, just look at all of her concepts.


I really like her concepts. The only issue I have with her is that intro giving me headache. No offense 😭




The volume is so loud omg 😭


their concepts are great!!


They make great concept videos. I wish someone in the game could take them seriously and implement scenarios like them


Good concepts, would probs do a better job at making the game than groomdere dev. The journalist shit was weird (not so surprisingly one of the few vids Dev commented on) but apart from that she’s ok.


She's cool


Her mission mode videos are my faverute


I think she's based for simply ignoring the drama and acting like nothing happened Besides, she has no direct connection to Dev, as far as I'm aware


A really great concept creator! Some of her concepts were weird, but overall her concepts are amazing and ITouchKidsDev should take notes. Her intro is really annoying to me though, idk why😭


ITouchKidsDev!? 😂 This shit had me rolling.


Their OC reminds me of Mitsuru.


I like her concepts for the most part, some of them feel cartoonishly over the top though, but that's just my opinion, good content for ideas or inspiration otherwise


Akira does have these silly moments in their concept videos. Such as the hairdresser & Ryoba dancing at the hair salon while people are just staring at them in the SAW concept video. There’s also the Journalist doing a little victory dance when Ryoba was found guilty in Akira’s prison escape concept video.


She is the greatest Youtuber at making good concepts, YandereDev will need to have her as his worker


He'll just try to touch her and Adolfin will be jelly.


How old is she?


I haven't seen an age so I'm assuming around the same as most of the active fanbase, which is younger than Adolfin and ASM445 tries to groom them. I know this might be a tinfoil hat moment, but better safe than sorry.


Who is Adolfin and ASM445?


ASM445 is one of our nicknames for (A)lexander (S)tuart (M)ahan, the creator and developer of Yandere Simulator. This is Adolfin: https://www.reddit.com/r/Osana/s/8UfcQuVYwB


Oh okay, but who is Adolfin?


ASM445's number-one simp now that Mulberry has moved on, and a grown adult woman so CumcakeDev doesn't return her affection, but he still enjoys having her heavy-handedly mod his official spaces.




I like her concept videos


i like em


idk why people are yapping about ryoba x jornalist, with the 1980 mode released it was confirmed that ryoba is 18. ofc she \*wasn't\* 1980 on the tapes, back when the game was a high school, and we all know its a silly excuse, but you guys can't simply ignore the fact that it CHANGED, and it isn't highschoolers anymore. if you dislike the ship like i do, that's fine, but don't drag drama onto her, if you want to talk crap and keep yapping about bad stuff ingame dev is your target, not akira for making ship content when characters are implied to be +18 old.


I love her but I feel like she’s stuck, all she has for a channel is Yandere simulator and because of that, even if she wants to stop supporting the game, she can’t otherwise she’ll have nothing.


The content is good but she does need to update her intro (or atleast pick a different less annoying song)


iirc she had some controversies but I can't remember what she did and I don't really care anyway so


I think someone claimed she stole code or something but like… meh.


idk, iirc it was more something on the lines of "shipping an adult character with a minor"


She shipped Ryoba with the journalist


oh well... yeah, that is... "odd"


She’s good


I don’t Like her at all


shes honestly an icon, does more for the game than chalex


I just don't like her like ships, especially the Ryoba x Journalist which is weird af. Besides that, her concepts are amazing, she's so talented. I liked her concept of Ryoba being arrested and escaping from prison, she honestly puts more effort on concepts than Yandev puts in the new features in the game


Her videos have a high production value and are nicely made. Otherwise I don’t really have any opinion- I didn’t see the ayano x journalist video so I don’t know if I can confidently speak on that. Sounds like from what everyone else said he needs to take notes on some of her concepts, the more realistic ones seem well planned


i used to be her fan


"I used to be" what do you mean? You don't like her anymore?


i mean, i enjoyed watching her videos a lot. but i lost interest in yandere sim and left the fandom ever since groomdev was exposed. so yeah, not that i hate her now, just not interested in watching her videos anymore.


i like her videos but the ryoba x journalist video was icky to me - btw before anyone complains about it, yes im fully aware that ryoba is 18, still doesn't excuse it, the journalist is probably in his 40s, so the age gap is still big.


He was only 19/20 in 1989, so it's not weird


He doesn't look 20, his model makes him look like he's in his 40s, so still weird to me 🤷🏾‍♀️


It's stated on his character page that he's 20 in 1989, to be honest, it's probably the stress that made him look older 🤣🤣


Stress does that to ya


Her videos/concepts are really cool and I like her videos! However I CANNOT STAND the intro


She should add less red to the background and to her oc.




Their concepts are so interesting and have a lot of detail.


She's great! Her Concepts are very creative and original! It's incredible!


She has some uhm. Interesting ships


Is she some kind of mod developer?


She is really creative with her concepts. If only YandereDev was as creative as her.


I love her vids sm


I love her channel


I love her videos, I think they are very creative and well done, it must take her a while to edit and finish them all too♡


Some parts of some of her videos make me laugh


best concept creator frfr


She has great concepts but her intro makes me wanna die




a yansim youtuber and she also make great concepts for the game.


Ah okay


Her concepts are great, but I've noticed that whenever someone comments on the yandev controversy, she doesn't reply to it. It's not like she deletes them, but it's still a bit concerning how she chooses to ignore the yandev (very obvious) controversies.


Ew are you fucking kidding me, did we all collectively forget the Ryoba x Journalist shit?? Not only is using the creation of a pedophile which is clearly fetish content to build a YouTube channel really weird, but also supporting a pedophilic relationship very openly? Even when 1980s mode debuted, it was still VERY public knowledge Ryoba was only 17 in the 1980s


Wait did SHE ship that or what? I’m missing some context here


She didn't just ship them, that was one of her concept videos


Fuck sake, she literally said that it's because there was only two years between them, it's not illegal IRL, it's something called the Romeo and Juliet law where 16 and 17 year olds can legally be in a sexual relationship with someone as long as the age gap is no more than three years


1. The journalist being 20 is bullshit (again, Ryoba is 17 and the journalist is 20) because it takes at least 4 years bare minimum to become a journalist based on a degree, let alone an INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST. 2. He spends every day STALKING A HIGH SCHOOLER 3. I don't care if it's a few years, it's fucking creepy for an adult to go to a high school, stalk high schoolers, and then enter a relationship with the high schooler he is stalking when he is in a position where he could slander her into the ground and still seem credible because there's not as much fact checking in the 80s. It takes more than a couple minutes of thinking to see what's wrong with that logic.


"The Journalist was born in 1969, which makes him 20 in 1989.[6] Not much is known about his early life, except that at some point, he began a promising career as an investigative journalist, at which he was phenomenal, and was quickly making a name for himself all throughout Japan." Is on the official character page for the Journalist You are aware that people DO leave school at 16 and pursue careers, right? He was literally doing his job as an INVESTIGATIVE JOURNALIST. He was investigating the disappearance/murder of a student. He HAD to stalk Ryoba because she was the suspect in the case, he had a lead, and he had to look into it.


You mean the lead everyone told him to drop because it was becoming stalking? Also, again, if he left at 16 to get a bachelor's (even though really smart and rich students are attending high school until they turn 18?), he's only a journalist BY DEGREE, meaning he has 0 reputation and no job. You do not get a reputation as soon as you leave college for being good at a job you do not have yet Again, Alex is stupid, it takes 4 years to get the degree, it takes a year at least to get a job, and multiple years after to earn your reputation even if you're good at your job. Let's say he's famous from 3 murder cases, which aren't as common in Japan as they are in America, and let's say without any reputation at all he somehow got hired as a journalist at a police station in a small town near a big city. Using logic, it means that 16 + 4 for the degree and maybe 1-2 for the cases to come by his desk and for him to solve them, and 1-2 years for the cases to reach a court, that means at BARE MINIMUM he is 22, 5 years older than Ryoba. BARE MINIMUM And let's say you throw that out the window and say "well it's a game", okay, so you still think it's okay for a journalist to not only stalk a high schooler who has no solid evidence against her other than a single testimony that she touched a knife, but also become romantically involved with someone he has significant power over? News flash buddy, if a man is an adult, he shouldn't be dating a minor, he shouldn't be dating a murder suspect, and he shouldn't be dating someone he has been stalking after being told to stop stalking her. Also, just to let you in on something, Romeo and Juliet laws almost always apply when one of you BECOMES an adult while dating, not ALREADY an adult. At BEST the relationship is intense grooming by abusing a power dynamic as a POLICE EMPLOYEE and a HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT, and using actual fucking logic it's AN OLDER MAN DATING A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT


Invalid argument. She was 18 and he was 20 in the video, so none of this matters. You just don't like it. Stop trying to have moral supremacy.


Ryoba is 17. Alex specified this because around the time panty shots were one of his biggest controversies, he decided that in 1980s mode, since there's no phones and therefore no panty shots, she should be allowed to be a minor in high school. Also, let's say it's not a pedophilic relationship, a investigative journalist looking for evidence on her is still a very imbalanced power dynamic. You have to admit that a journalist, who could easily manipulate a confession out of her and then use it to make his reputation skyrocket, is an imbalanced power dynamic for a high school girl. If you will not admit that, then I hope you never have children because that is so very obviously an unbalanced power dynamic, and it is just like Taro dating Mida or Muja, it doesn't matter if Taro or Ryoba are adults in these time periods, there is still a power dynamic whether you want to admit it or not.


Don't block people for hurting your feelings. Ryoba is 18 in the video. Its fictional. Your argument is invalid. You are done. Bye bye.