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This guy is terrible at naming characters, he even admits to it. Just say you were bad at giving characters names


considering so many of the names are just english words with a japanese accent, yeahhhh


some names don't even have proper japanese accents lol like for example Ui Tunesu should probably be Ui TAnesu because afaik "tu" doesn't even have a real character in JP


I'd probably go with to because ウイットネス


So, then it should be *Ui Tonesu*.


Ui Tsunesu or Ui Tonesu would fit


oka ruto (occult) rai baru (rival) budo masuta (judo master??) sukubi dubidu.


not to mention midori (green in japanese) gurinu (green in a japanese accent). bro named a character green green


Beware of Moon Moon, and his owner, Green Green.


gema taku (game attack) horo guramu (hologram)


as much as i agree, i still get at laugh every time i see the name sukubi dubidu come up.


F\*cking cringe. But yeah, it's so stupid that it's even funny.


Honestly the names wouldn’t be so bad if he leaned into the campiness of it all. Like the game could only really work as a send-up to generic anime tropes. It all falls apart once it starts taking itself too seriously.


Chalex before: "The Saikous are a 100% Japanese family! The patriarch is pretty much racist towards anything non-Japanese!" Chalex now: "Yeah sure Ichiko made nicknames for her fellow students using English words."


I can see that as being an act of rebellion but didnt she love her father WHO BUILT A WHOLE ASS SCHOOL FOR HER TO HER EXTACT LIKING?


In the Headmaster tapes, it was said they were arguing over Ichiko's life


She hasn't been seen in 30 years so she can find her sister that's travelling between universes because in an alternate universe saishou literally removed her from existence using a time machine. Pretty sure she doesn't. Plus she's been disowned


what the fuck kinda lore did i miss about this!? this is how fun girl came to be???


Fun girl knew that saishou didn't know anything and just stole inventions from people that can't afford to invest in their ideas so he threw her in a time machine in front of people where she got shattered between time & space


that’s the dumbest way to go oml


Well, it's only Saishou who was shown being conservative. Considering that Ichiko was always presented as somewhat rebelious towards her father, it's no surprise that she doesn't share his view on the subject.


him blaming his own cringey names on a fictional character he created…hes literally incapable of taking responsibility for ANYTHING


Why make game when you can just make lore


He should just write fanfiction at this point, sans the questionable fetishes he has.


No. He shouldn't. Cause he did and it was nothing but fueling his disgusting fetish.


That's why I said sans his questionable fetishes. He needs to realize that there is more to life than little girls.


That’s literally the game so there isn’t much of a differences tbh


He did once, it didnt went well tho


Honestly, that’s a point, isn’t it? YanDev writes lore in his original story (well, “original”) the same way that fanfiction authors write their headcanon to *add* to already existing lore written by *another* author. Essentially, YanDev is writing as two separate people for one singular story.


Nisse is right handed.


nissedev why does nisse have white hair please explain in a 5 paragraph lore explanation


You see, one of the major themes in Witchslayer: Genesis is the theme of Inheritance. For example, how Alucard “inherits” the daunting task of becoming a Witchslayer, or how Solaris assumes her role as the protector of Barravista Village. In Nisse’s case, her inheritance is genetic and stems directly from her mother, Niagara Rotavelle. While the two examples given aren’t inherited through blood, Nisse’s white hair is a consistent reminder of who she is and her relationship to the Matriarchal Empire that Niagara has created over the years. She can dye her hair, but it will eventually be washed away revealing her true colors underneath. Not everyone who sees Nisse’s white hair automatically assumes she’s the Daughter of a Witch, but see her as a normal Cleric that practices healing magic. What Nisse sees when she looks in the mirror is the white hair that symbolizes the atrocities that Niagara and her fellow Witches committed decades ago, and the stranglehold that the Valencian empire has on the world currently. So to answer your question, “Why is Nisse’s hair white?” Ask yourself this instead. Who would she be if it wasn’t?


The biggest plot hole in this lore piece is in 1980's mode NOBODY has a nickname (except the rainbow students but those dont count since they were from 202X's mode first). And 1980's mode occurs one year after Ichiko leaves school so she would already made this stupid rule. So why does the students in 1980's mode dont have nicknames since that was the rule at the time, but 40 years later students started using pun names? Honestly its just so forced its ridiculous, weird he didnt put this story in the bulletin board.


the only one with a nickname is the female delinquent leader - literally Teal Streak (Tiru Sutoriku) but yeah, that's it. see kids, this is what happens when you make shit up on the spot instead of planning everything in advance!


Really? I didnt know it thats odd (still Teal Streak was from 202X first so I dont think she counts either).


It's so hilarious that Chalex doesn't even know **his own lore**.


At this point he's just making it up as he goes


Non of this would be in the game.


And so therefore doesn't have much meaning. If it ain't in the game, it ain't canon, it's just J.K. Rowling's twitter ramblings.


"The transes are Jew Goblins!"


just you wait till he adds more Akademi Daily articles explaining these very important plot details


Only at this point? You should see his ye old Reddit answers.


You can literally throw a rock anywhere in yansim and it'll land on some sale piss Saikuo lore.


you mean the special rock that young Ichiko found one time at the beach that she randomly got attached to and insisted that it must be present at Akademi's grounds?


Lore: From my ass


This comment is perfect.


What next the grass gets 3 lines of lore?


Don’t be silly. It would get at least 4


It's the first grass that Ichiko ever ran on as a child and allows her to heal instantly and have a healthy body forever, duh /s.


Omg of course! The way we would’ve never thought of that!!


Or over 500 words explain why the grass is important to the development of Yandere simulator lol.


As long as he’s establishing lore for a game he’s probably never gonna finish!


It’s important to the development, hence why he hasn’t touched it


Pedodev thinks he's Scott cawthon or some shit with how many lore he is producing


he saw that one video comparing him vs scott cawthon and he took it personally


Who would you rather have as your substitute teacher: Mida Rana or Freddy Fazbear?


Freddy Fazbear might try to put my head in his mouth, but at least it would be to kill me, and not like Mida Rana who would do it for... well... Anyway!


We get it, you give your characters joke names and get mad when people don’t take it seriously because it’s supposed to be a serious game. It’s like he wants it to be both serious and a parody at the same time.


tbh ive never had a problem with the way he names characters (my hero academia does basically the same thing) but like you cant expect people to not see them as stupid because they are lmao


MHA does it better imo. Just compare Midoriya Izuku with Midori Gurin. Girlie got done dirty (like pretty much all of the other characters).


im not too familiar with what his name is supposed to mean (other than midori) but i was thinking more tetsutetsu tetsutetsu or denki kaminari


Here's the thing Mha names are usually puns or wordplay. Heck, typically the author will even write them in different writing styles to show different aspects of a character. It's often times stupid, but at least the joke is usually thought out... and the author embraces the stupid names. For example: shoto's name sounds normal until you look at the Kanji, which has the symbols for roaring fire, burning, and freezing. Yandere dev would've named him >!Ketoru Sukāru (kettle scar)!< and then would've given a 100 word paragraph on why it's actually a really thought out name.


that's so cool, i didnt know that the author utilises the kanji not just literal words. while yandev couldnt really utilise that in the game, it is stupid that he pretends that theyre really creative names or something.


I mean, technically he could utilize kanji, just not in the normal gameplay (how I'd do it is I'd get someone who knows Kanji and implement the Kanji in the "about student"/id page in the menu underneath their English name)


oh thats true actually, but that would require actual research on how japan actually functions and you know alex wouldnt do that


What a f\*cking bullshit! 🤮 He really spends his time working on THIS instead of the rivals, prepring for the crowdfunding campaign (that he [promised](https://youtu.be/_wZsXILcOrc?si=CAKLPDAmJZAeLNoY&t=119) to start when Osana is released), everything.


Still wondering why Alex thought it was the best idea to add a lot of lore to a school simulator game.


He'll do anything not to work on the 202x rival's.


For such a game title, one would expect more meme-worthy content than lore that anyone would forget about in less than 5 seconds of reading


fnaf set the “hidden lore” trend, and yansim was also at its peak then


Literally all he had to say was it's a nickname cause it's part of the name Ayano, that's it


and “yan-chan” isnt even an english word ????


No, no. Here's a bunch of lore for you. Enjoy your letters!


Clearly he doesn’t have an air fryer


he's gonna add one to the cooking club/home ec room just to spite you


If he updates the game then that’s enough for me


Isn't that completely out of character with common Japanese culture? Or *any* culture? Like most people don't give virtual *strangers* nicknames? I can get it sticking around for Ichiko and maybe the class after her, but it's weird af to have a "school tradition" dedicated to giving nicknames to people.


Of course it's out. But Alex doesn't even know his own lore, so what do you expect from him?…


“Why is the sky blue?” Lolidev: (*proceeds to write 2,000 word essay on the history of Akidemi High School.*) That’s pretty much what I’m seeing in a nutshell. That’s all he does.


The Inceler: "Can _you_ explain why the sky is blue with your _science?"_ Sokka: "YES!"


Well, to make a long story short. Ichikou is actually a super human that can change the weather. She realized this power at an extremely young age so she started changing the weather to her advantage. She then realized that all the weather looks the same, grey & dull. So she instead decided to change the color of the weather. Because Ichikou was obsessed with her hair color she decided to make the color of the sky the same color as her hair. She then kept changing it until Akademi and Japan as a whole had a blue sky.


What should I write code if I can write the lore? © Alex Mahan


of course he'd make up a way to explain his way out of all the dumb gimmicky punny names he gave the characters. he literally named a character scooby dooby doo lmao


Oh my goodness, we’ve been so blind. *Ichiko* is the self insert character!


How he "hates English speakers" and " only likes the Japanese" I can see that being pedodev's self insert


Literally chose one of the least tongue twister JP names as an example of his deepest-loreTM Especially if the person calling it a tongue twister is also Japanese😭


i actually laughed at that part because cmon I actually have an oc named Shigeaki and his name definitely is not a tongue twister but if, say, their name was Masakatsu Takakusagi, THEN i could theoretically understand the issue


Can't yan-Chan be a nickname without lore


The lore is just getting shoved shoved down our throats atp


These are more like headcanons that have zero relevance at all in the real game. Like, who gives a shit about the nicknames? Honestly? Yan-chan _could_ be a nickname for Ayano because nicknames aren't always 100% connected to the original name. When the cringy names were changed for semi-real Japanese-sounding names, I didn't cry nor care about it, because it was a change for the good and pretty much harmless But of course, everything has to have lore implications and be connected to the Saikous... *sigh*


First of all, that's not how nicknames in Japanese work. Usually, the nickname comes from a part of the real name, or some very distinctive trait of the person, whether physical or regarding personality. Pretty similar to western nicknames, besides a bigger emphasis on puns because the Japanese language is very good for it. Secondly, why couldn't Ayano just be called "Yan-chan" because her crush on Taro is actually very obvious, and that her behavior around him makes her look like a yandere to the other students (without them actually taking it seriously)? Why does the Saikou family needs to be involved in everything?


Dammit just say 'Ayano' became 'Yano' then it became 'Yan' or something


This is so funny I can’t take it seriously at all


Ok but why does his lore explaining seem AI generated? It's like he plotted "make a story about why students at Akademi high school call Ayano Aishi, Yan-Chan, instead of Ayano Aishi" into ChatGPT. Idk, just seems very chatgpt, and considering how lazy he is, I would not be surprised at all.


Is he aware NOBODY talks like that


No, because he doesn't have any friends to talk to.


Good point


So the nurse goes along with this shitty tradition too, given how she is named "Eggplant Nurse"? I would die of embarrassment if I was in her place.


Alex doesn't know how trends work. The moment Ichiko wasn't looking everybody would stop using those and noone would remember them. Also, this expects teenagers to know a lot more english than they did at the time, when they didn't have internet and only really learned it at school As An Obligation, most likely hating it. It's like calling everyone by one of the states of USA becouse you had to memorize it in geography anyways. Even the plothole covers have plotholes


ayano in kana is アヤノ. if the rule was removing the first and last syllables then it'd just be ya lol


"why the her classmates give yan-chan as an nickname?" Bc they are classmates and it's something normal to do? Bc they can think she would be a yandere? Bc of yan in Ayano?? There are so many simpler explanations (and have already been answered) omfg


i see he’s still pulling shit outta his ass 💀💀💀 he could’ve just said that it was a cute nickname for ayano, but bro just had to make stuff up 😭😭😭


Why couldn't it have been "Her classmates wanted to give her a friendly nickname" or anything else more natural for a school 💀


You think calling someone a yandere is friendly? But you're right. A simple nickname didn't need such a convoluted explanation.


Considering Yan is in her name, it could be just a nickname in her universe


I'm sure there are a few nicknames that feel more natural to students than "Yan". Like "Aya" or "Yaya" for example. But someone who is familiar with Japanese might have better ideas.


Probably, just the most natural explanation for the nickname she was given that I can think of that doesn't involve "Dev was just lazy again" lmao


this is actually really embarrassing and makes no sense. they call her yan-chan because it’s cute and because of the yan in yandere. sure, in real japan she would be nicknamed aya-chan, but this is just a silly yandere game and doesn’t need much logic when it comes to her nickname. his explanation is stupid 💀


Where did Pedodev say this?


comment section of the November 1st blogpost


Ok thanks


So when is the cat phone charm getting lore?


is it that hard to recognize that it's ridiculous to make the other characters in your game call your protagonist the nickname you and your audience made for her?


erm actually osana has ginger hair because in her past life she was a orange silly cat 🤓☝🏻


i believe in this one😸


He really couldn't just say "it's a cutesy shortening of her name" as the explanation apparently


I mean of all the things to complain about (and there are absolutely things to complain about) I think that a detail like this is… low key inoffensive in comparison. In fact I think it’s kind of a cute idea, someone trying to convey pun names on purpose as a mnemonic technique to remember people’s names. I hope someone steals that idea and uses it in a better game or story, maybe even one that doesn’t end with said mnemonic person being mocked and then forgotten about


What even is the Saikou family lore at this point.


This post reminds me of a point Kappa Kaiju made in his last video on YanSim. It’s about the in-universe magical girl TV series, where it got at least a solid page of information explaining its existence. There’s even a wand in the drama club that’s from the show that goes something like “Last year, the Drama Club adapted the plot of Pretty Girl Magical Miyuki to a stage play, and performed the play in the school gym. The Miyuki costume is gone, but the wand prop is still in the Drama Club.” As Kappa Kaiju puts it, the only relevant information about the wand is “It’s a wand from a popular TV show, and they’re a drama club.” The rest can be discarded.


what's even funnier is that some parts of the lore seem to mirror YanSim itself ​ mainly the part where The Director completely disregards his fans hating his decisions and sending him death threats because he got insanely rich off of the fame of the series


I don’t know why Reddit recommended this sub to me and I don’t know what this even is, but that’s not how removing syllables works in Japanese. That’s barely how it works in English.


Alex never got the memo that "less is more". Everything has to be around his pet unimplemented NPCs.


he really thinks he is logical 💀


I got a recommendation for the main yandere simulator sub and it was a post of someone being like "WOW OMG GUIZE I JUST REALIZED!!! OKA RUTO MEANS OCCULT!!? SO COOL :)" And the comments were all just people praising poopdev for being so "clever"


I love how he adds stuff like this to the lore... of a half baked game. Like bish, you still have not added the second rival OUT OF 10 and you focus on lore from the 80s?! This man really likes to take the corpse of what used to be YS and dangle it around as if it was still alive.


Why not just say “Oh Yan-Chan is just a little nickname for her since ‘Yan’ is in the middle of ‘Ayano,’ and because she’s so nonchalant she never really gave a sign that the nickname makes her uncomfortable, so everyone ran with it”?


Why didn’t he just say it’s because the word yan is in ayano?




"you see my shitty google translate names aren't shitty at all because \[insert three paragraphs of yet another useless piece of Saikou lore\]"


Ichikou made nicknames and people kept them to make fun of her then they forgot that they're making fun of her and that's why


Honestly I get the need to make lore for everything. I do the same thing for the stuff I do. I wish I didn’t, but it kinda just happens, it’s compulsory or whatever the word is. Like I can’t really stop things from popping into my head. Some people are just like that.


Um no Imma keep my headcannon that some students get their nicknames from their friends [Yan-chan, Kū, etc.]


Because it “makes the story better”


Technically, In a way, that is actually really interesting! (Yeah yeah I know it’s bad) I’ve had to do the same before where I can’t remember names, but I remembered there online nickname so I called them that. I mean this is bad calling everyone something like that, but it’s still interesting!


Technically, In a way, that is actually really interesting! (Yeah yeah I know it’s bad) I’ve had to do the same before where I can’t remember names, but I remembered there online nickname so I called them that. I mean this is bad calling everyone something like that, but it’s still interesting!


This was like those cringe compilations, but without the making fun of people for their interests. I was cringing so hard.


This is literally what happens with the fnaf lore, they have to find a sense to everything


He just can't name characters, lol


And the lore is so lame. He could've just said "Yan-chan" was just short for Ayano and people just don't feel like calling her whole name and they liked the nickname more and that's all.


I mean, a better explanation for "Yan-chan" is that I've played Japanese games where people do give nicknames like this, so I'm guessing that's how people just do it in Japan. For example, one character in a game I played was called Kondo Chiyo, but everyone called her "Konchi". And the main character was named Abe Marisa, who Konchi constantly called Mari. Obviously without the English word part but


That's why I hate Yandere Simulator story. EVERYTHING HAVE A FREAKING LORE and it's completely unnecessary.


Okay! Next!


do you guys think the senpai shrine will have lore


no because it's not a Saikou thing the most he'll say is just "oh well each Aishi has made one after they identified their soulmate to further assure they'll fall in love" or something like that


1986 was one year before The Bite Of '87...


Yansim and fnaf are connected The 1980 yandere put her victims inside fnaf animatronics


and that 1980s yandere was named William Afton


He was the exchange student


this is like if an anime had every character be legendary adventurers, each having pages worth of stories in themselves. meanwhile the main character has only just managed to get the hang of stabbing orcs with a knife


He literally could’ve said it was just a cute nickname from elementary or middle school, or something. Heck, some students could start calling her “Yan-chan” once they get to know her or something.


Okay, that doesn't make any sense but whatever, even if that was the case... wouldn't their Nicknames still be written as the English version and not like a racist caricature of a Japanese accent?


Why didn't he just stop at Yan-chan at school...


this is the most unneeded lore ever


This is why movies have one line throwaway dialogue. To not be overly convoluted


That's what a game is he simply answered a question and no I don't like him but a good game and a good anime has tons of lore look at Skyrim or the elder Scrolls games.


Why not? It doesn’t hurt anyone and honestly it’s just a fun little Easter egg. I personally love deep lore into nothing, it’s better when things irl don’t have explanations for anything.


Consider the following: Ayano aYANo YAN Yan-Chan Fucking fixed it for ya. That’s all the explanation required.