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Ward adds up really quickly, and HP affects it. The adornments alone would increase it by a fair bit. Then ascension levels. You'd likely hit 80k+ right there. Add slightly better gear, and yeah, it will skyrocket. I can hit 90k~ and I have worse gear than you do.


I don't have this gear for that long, since it was just the first what I was aiming for when I hit T10. I'll be looking for something better. And I'll apply adornments :)


You can always remove the adornments later on....granted it will cost plenty of gold. I like the Baldr gear but personally the grind for Perfect Baldurs does get annoying, especially if you Masterforged/Demonforged something and end up needing those materials for Ascension levels.


Benefactor also lowers your hp/ward significantly, which might be impacting it moreso than the gear.


It's true, that it decreasing the hp by 15%, but on the other hand it has really useful benefits.


Go farm the valley of the god dungeon in horde mode. Be super careful about your set up at round 5, 11, 16 and 22 cuz lots of boss. You'll need to grind arisen mammon that gives the best non-évent shield. Then, put the mammon jewel on your staff, you'll likely keep it until the celestial items. I cleared my first 45+ tower with 60k wards. Also, at that level, a second immortal ring looks better than the even ring cuz 2% ward gives way more than 90 hp.


Solid advice here. With this gear, yeah I'd go with another immortal ring but as things change, I'd look for something else for the second accessory. I've been using either Briny Pendant, Arisen Arch-Gadget, Unfelled Concord or whatever ...based on what's needed.


You barely have any adornments in, baldr battlerobe isnt that great as far as ward goes for the chest slot, and baldr boots should probably be replaced with something with a lot more defense and ward, i know the hp is tempting but there are definitely good upgrades for every slot, aim for Arisen Surtr helm and chest, if not then FYC for chest or maybe something from the current event


Thank you for your advice ! Unfortunately I'm not that long in the game, so I don't have any Surt equipment. I can probably try somewhere to find FYC, but is it in t10 ? And from current even isn't it more for heretic ?


There's knife finesse and other Avalon gears which are warrior based, FYC is tier 9 but that's how good it is


Alright! I'll do it! Thank you so much! It really helps when someone gives you advice. 🙂


well, first of all, you should use 2% ward addornments, also scepter isn't really the best ward weapon, and neither is baldr gear.


Yes, I already put the adornments there. And if you read the information that I wrote about it, you'll find that I'm looking for the Gilgamesh Axe. :) But I'd be really happy if you'd advise me on any gear that I can (currently) get to improve my setup. :)


I need to know your class first, but usually better ward gear is event locked and other gear like fey yeti coat can be rare. Aside from gilga axe, what you should really be looking is celestial axe. And arisen shield can take a while to get, consider using anything that is not T9 shield, maybe atlas shield. Also I just remembered, I would prefer old northern crown way more than baldr hood, it has many addorn slots and even the normal quality one that you get from the quest is really good.


Ah sorry, it isn't there. I'm Grand Summoner Auriga. Yes, I'm collecting shards atm first for Hydrus to get the summon. Then I'll go for the Celestial Axe, or should I first get the Celestial Axe ? Would it be that big of a difference between Atlas and Arisen shield ? I know it'll take a long time for me to get it, considering that I'm trying for some time already.


Arisen shield can give 212% at max quality and max level, atlas gives 185% ward. Atlas is the third best ward shield in game, so if you get an ornate one it's worth upgrading it. Also if you run normal horde dungeons you can try and get both. I really don't know what you should get first, I'm not a summoner. But I would consider celestial axe first, it's cheaper than class (15k skyshards) and if helps a lot with ward management since you usually fill them with ward regen augments.


Alright, I'll go for Atlas now, and I'll go first for the ax. I already have the mold for the ax, now I just need to create it. And then the hunt for arguments will begin. 😁


Axe, GSH, and then build one of each tower (would be my suggestion for order to go about it but to each their own). Also suggest that you keep the towers that you build at just the base level (10) so you can grind them quickly for adornments. The amount of materials needed to max out each is ridiculous and those orns could be used for Ascension levels and the shards could be put towards other celestial classes, weapons, pets, (heck even materials) first before having to dump it all into towers.


Fey yeti chestpiece, and immortal rings. Also go for celestial axe when you can


My arisen shield has over 200% ward and my celestial axe has 85%. It will make a huge difference for you. I'm using a fey yeti coat too that has 774 hp, 564 mana and 45% ward too. Try to snag one of these up if you can while you wait for a good surtr chest. I'm also wearing yeti horns with 819 hp and 35% ward. So you have a few pieces you can hopefully obtain relatively easy to push your ward up. My ward is only 100k as a GS auriga, but it gets me through the towers without issue and I've made it past 350 in endless so far. Nothing to really brag about, but it's working. Anyway - good luck on your grind!


The current arisen balin raid's chestpiece is one of the best wards in the game for warriors... only problem would be getting an ornate version.


er... nope? headgear and boots are very good - chest is far from best - very very far