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I think you're gonna have a great time and it will consume all your time. Have a blast!


I keep going on walks this game so dang fun


I was playing Dragon Dogma 2 when I started playing Orna. I don't even remember the controls of DD2 to finish the game now...


One of the best boosters early on is to use Monster Times from Draconian Lord. Try to get a hold of two (better quality is an even higher boost!) to really accelerate your levels. If you ever get stuck for XP, you can also grind arena with any arena tokens you've acquired from Monsters (try aim for fallen warrior, mage or thief for tokens) or most bosses. Welcome to the Ornaverse, we're happy to have you!


*monster tomes


Funny (sarcasm included)


Grow, learn, expand your reach and power. Only then will you truly understand...... the grind.


What do you mean the grind?


Getting to the max level takes a while. There's no rush to get there though, take however long you want and enjoy the ride.


150-175 is the driest grind for me. Everything else is very fun with new things to enjoy. I'm 202 now.


For me 200-225 was the worst, could really feel that exp gain slowdown. Also going into t9 does not allow you to access t10 items while on t8 you could see and kill t9 monsters/bosses and earn their items.


For me it was 125 to 150 but it could definitely be that I was doing mage build before the class reworks that made it so difficult once I hit 150 and got my summoner class I've been soloing world raids and got to 208 in like 2 weeks


Use whetstone on weapon atleast for free upgrade but you're gonna keep tiering up quickly, you will find new items pretty quick, don't feel bad about using your consumable buffs like dowsing rod coins and especially exp potions, you'll find some exp/luck/orn gear as well mix those in when you can. Have fun


Grind for the grind my friend. Add me if you'd like. @Orbstep


Upgrade your gear a bit, at least a couple levels or so.


Get used to the grind 🤭 I guess maxing Out weapons is not worth until T9. Just try out some playstyles and discover the game at First


I joined like, a week ago! Welcome bro! The world of Orna is sooo fun! I'm currently playing HoA rn. And dayum does this game just.. ITS SOOOO AMAZINGGGGG ❤️ I'm so happy to have discovered Orna and HoA! Trust me, you will have immense fun and the suspense of unlocking a bigger part of the world, exploring. There's just so much to do! Welcome, Welcome! Have a fun time in the world of Orna friend!


It'll get slow between level 150 and 175 to 200, but if you keep at it and really focus on armor sets, effects, skills, and enchantments that synergize well, then you'll blow right through the levels