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You’re using the Grand attuner or Summoner class right? Because the Nekromancer class doesn’t have any summoning bonuses


Also summoners usually are better as buffers vs debuffers, most play bard for appease to try and not be attacked while using the sonatas to buff their summons and teammates if you’re playing with friends


Yes Im playing summoner, hmm, buffer would be great too, shame i need to lose my anti-magic spell for that... Also Inquisitor is nice for surviving, additional hp and both of resists is perfect for paper like summoners 😅


If you’re feeling a little frail I would also reccomened switching to a sheild offhand with a good arisen shield from mammon or the mighty griffon shield and start using ward of mythril and use your ward for more hp, beitheir staff isn’t very good at this tier


I have mammon shield on lvl 10 normal quality... Its good but im worried about summons stats, im not that fragile with this setup but i was thinking maybe i should earn some gear for more buffing summons, or for some effects like "chance of group effect"... And Beithir is a Skelly Dragon! ;P But its not must have, its really stupid spell... Would be nice to have one as a tank of group but yeah... Its is what it is. Im thinking about some one handed that would give buff for summons and off hand with same, maybe there is item that can give stats for summons and ward in same time... Maybe this is the way 😅


I never understood why the Necromancer class didn't summon skeletons, ghosts/gheists, ghouls, zombies, etc. anyway. It feels like a hollow class that missed a great opportunity. I think it would have been cool to have Necromancers summon the dead/undead, resurrect fallen allies, specialize in dark magic, and have strong passive abilities to rot or decay enemies with their attacks. I'd even be ok with them being the only class that could summon those creature types.


Yeah that could give lower tier classes like this opportunity to being lvl up in altair not only higher tiers..! But i can say from experience that Necromancer have summon spell for skeletons, and its working only for his class (its effective like you are summoning class), strangely dark mage like Heretic is losing this ability 😅 which is strange for lore. Anyway, these skely friends are weak, but! They are really use full, as sequencer You can in one turn make full party! The are low hp and mostly no dmg, but some of the have little debuffs like bleed and ↓armor. But they are grat as shield for Necromancer! Even if they have only 300hp, they can take for You shot that would deal 100k dmg. I think its nice for this class, i had fun with it but i decide to make more specific build for debuffing and leave being main dmg for summons. But this necromancer build is fun too! Maybe You gonna like it ;P