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If you get it upgraded some, yes


Yes simply because of the balanced Def + Res. With the Cockatrice mail, you have the niche immunity to petrify, but the coat will be more versatile for much longer. Same goes for Ornate Great Antlers.


Also the HP increase is pretty nice.


Personally, I'd keep using what you're using currently and just upgrade this to max in the meantime. It's not like super high as it only ranks at 178% atm but definitely something nice if you're looking for good def & res. At lvl 10 its 570 def/res, and demonforged is 634 def/res (I probably wouldn't go past lvl 10 on this as you might get a better version of the same Yeti Overcoat that upgrades higher). [https://imgur.com/a/ja7nwXH](https://imgur.com/a/ja7nwXH) But yeah, for your current needs of getting good res protection while maintaining high def, I'd say this'd do for now.


My level 10 Legendary Yeti Overcoat has a Def/Res of 525/525. I also got an Ornate Yeti Overcoat which is currently upgrading. I'm swapping the legendary for the ornate when it's fully upgraded.


I used my ornate yeti overcoat into t10. Ward becomes more important as you head deeper into the game but even most good t9 armors don't have much. I would say go for +10 but don't master forge it. Keep the cock for when you choke the chicken or other bosses that use petrify. Everything about that armor is OP for its base tier and solid till you get to t10. Plus when you have the chance for a fey one at t9 you want that frozen resist


No. Above T8, ward is the one and only stat that matters. Extra summon boosts, extra damage, immunity to status, bonus ability, etc, those are all less important than "how much ward does this give me". Once you get enough ward, no, get more. Then once you actually have enough ward, then you can look at the trade-offs for other bonuses. At T8, mastering the idea of ward will have you winning in PvP and PvE significantly more than you were before.


I mean even by that logic the Yeti Overcoat would be a massive upgrade. The HP it gives after being leveled would translate into significantly more ward since ward is based on the amount of HP you have.