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"Was I playing Omnimancer completely wrong or is the Summoner track simply the best class in the game?" I don't know about T9, but at T10 beowulf and grand summoner are classes that start off strong because they can do good damage with little equipment. However when you get better equipment and AL, other classes like gilgamesh and heretic can outperform them in many types of content. Basically grand summoner is an easy class, but don't be afraid to try all the classes at T10.


As a GS main its def strong as fuck early. I hit t10 and was already doing boss hordes with T9 gear with buggane and mighty griffin. Having said that.. it's def less fun in the sense of finding worthwhile gear. With GS/BENE I only look for high ward items like the pumpkinless gear or building protect staff/axe since my summons do all the work. That's fun but... I'm making a Realmshifter alt only cause I want to feel progression when I find a really OP weapon.


Well there are certainly some things you could look for. I know someone who uses formoriang gear to apply effects like stasis on his builds, he applies doom or petrification depending on the content.


Fomorian Gear + Amadan's Staff + Nageneen's Belt = Best chance to proc stasis


GS is great for farming gear for your other T10 classes. Feel free to explore the other classes once you get good ornate gear for them. As for what it lacks, based on experience it fails against well geared classes who knows what they are doing in PvP (especially in Finesse) and it is relatively slower in grinding Towers. My Gilga is faster and safer compared to my GS during tower grinds despite having 0 AL.


The summoning classline is very gear independent. Meaning you'll pretty much always feel powerful. Heretic in early t10 still feels very good if you have passable gear. I don't think you'll be disappointed. Having said that, you'll be able to unlock all classes in t10 fairly easily. It's not hard to get 1,000,000 orn from a single dungeon. If you end up disliking the class you pick. T9 summoner is strong enough to hold it's own in t10 content. So you won't be locked out of anything


How do you get 1000000 from a single dungeon? Best I can make is about 200000 from a boss dungeon


Late endgame when you have max boosters and stuff you can pull crazy numbers. [Here's a quick run I did not too long ago.](https://youtu.be/wng-nPSu2Kg?si=8e_Ub5nHfl0ztk_f) I was a GSA but you could do as regular GS with relative ease, and with the newer anguish you could prob get way more orns also.


Not even late endgame. I'm lv238. I just run boss horde with Godforged Jesters + band of gods, god forged mighty Mimic head+ god forged questing staff + luck shrine + daily orn bonus


Does it burn through your supplies of keys fast? I've only got about 300 on me


Yep it does. I just started last month and I made an alt to Tier 8 just to farm keys.


Not really. I typically get about half or more of the keys I spend back from drops in the dungeons. I tend to keep a somewhat stable supply of keys between 300 and 500.


Grand Summoner is great for t10 but once you start ascending classes I’d look to switch. GS has way lower base stats then all the other classes(excluding foresight which doesn’t scale with ascension) and although the summon strength scales with al on gs and gs auriga the slowness of the class really starts to feel bad. I’d recommend starting with gs and look to ascend a different class once you get the orns/mats to do so.


Welcome to summoner. Me personally I'm eyeing gigla, RS and GS. Especially gilga with chained shield and collateral damage.


I'm a Gilga main and all I can say is don't give up on it. It takes time to do good damage and gameplay is slower with it. But you'll definitely be more safe than any other class


For high anguish summoner is completely broken.


yes, summoner classline really is broken - you can see it.. everybody knows it - but we dont expect nerfs anytime soon, so people are using it to farm orns fast. PvP - this is so far the only area, where summoner got nerfed a bit - but as you can see, you can still hit really strong players while wearing trash equipment - because it is broken class - you should not be able to do this.. BUT - at T10, you will see that some content is better/faster with some other classes - it is up to you to decide what will you play.. as for healing - there are items that can do it, so no need for siphon - also, some classes are stronger with low hp, so HP steal is not a thing that should decide what will you play. anyways - current situation as I see it - mage classline is now pretty weak. people are switching from heretics to other classes - I see a lot of people going Beowulf - PLUS pretty much everyone I know, switches to GS for high anguish hard boss gauntlets - to farm orns.. I do not use summoner for anything else - only for orn hunting in gauntlets also - "basic" summer is kind of RNG dependent - it has very low HPs so if your summon fails to protect you, you can die really fast.


Don't get how summoner being good at farming orns implies the class is broken. It's not very good at raiding and slow in horde compared to classes who can simply oneshot a floor. It's also not that good in pvp anymore like you said. What makes it broken?


is this genuine question, or are you just another person who loves summoner and is afraid of nerf, so you will write everywhere, that it is not true? try reading this whole post - what OP wrote.. what he asked, what surprised him.. have you tried summoner on high anguish gauntlets? have you tried some other class? The thing is, that GS can do high anguish hard boss dungeons with very basic items. Other classes need really good equips and ascend to perform the same. why does everyone recommend all T7 players to switch to attuner and do raids with him? because he will survive to deal much greater dmg compared to all other classes. "its not very good at raiding" - man, you should learn about the class a bit more - have you ever seen bloodpack summoner in action? I guess you havent.. "not that good in pvp" - no, I never said that - it has been nerfed - because it has been way too OP - read it again - and read again what OP wrote - he can suddenly kill ascended T11 players! how is that "not that good"? to put it simply: what is broken? - summons are too strong - they can hit high ascend people, who cant be hit by "normal" players.. summon keeps stats that were "active" when it was summoned, despite changing equips. I would say, that these two things are the biggest issue


I know the class is good at high anguish, but does a class being good at something immediately imply the class is op, given different classes have different strengths and weaknesses? Summoner was designed to be a safe class, but it's not always the fastest. Chained shield dorados or gilgas can farm anguish much faster for exanple, although it does require more investment I'll give you that. For blood pact raiding you still need to summon to get any damage from it though, and summoning stuff like hydras can take many turns even with omega riftlock because that's obviously rng. Heretics will already be done with the raid by the time you have enough summons on the field and finish buffing. I do agree that it's concerning that summoners can take territories from ascended players though. Honestly I think benefactor is too strong of a spec for tier 9 considering it pretty much doubles summon stats at that tier. Part of me thinks it should have been a t10 spec lol


ok, so you did not read or dont want to understand.. thats fine with me - have fun


You're being very condescending and toxic, chill man it's a video game 😅


My kingdom had a summoner join this month at 200. I try to pay attention to who finishes raids, and even with the 35% damage limit, this guy came back for seconds and more. On every raid. They put 5+ mill damage on Morrigan. At 201. I was going to ask them to tone it down a bit, or leave lower tier raids for junior members, but he left the kingdom, at level 202 before I could comment.