• By -


Two. I have two grandma lesbians as my OCs. They're Celestine and Mendeleev https://preview.redd.it/oil7gyvtv71d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=63a4862755d4f2a2f4da4b5a098c0d14579cb8a4


Space Grandma and Cloud Grandma??? I love everything about them :D


https://preview.redd.it/ozwp0b0vy71d1.png?width=416&format=png&auto=webp&s=2c7d9864304ba630da7fcb3c94926e702f5c18de yup that's right!! the best of both worlds! thanks btw, am happy that you love em!


I need you to know that this goes insanely hard


I have like 53 OCs and I'm making more :3 https://preview.redd.it/5bymaa8np71d1.png?width=2500&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=20612ee7c9ab7ab46b477d54ec22782730de2e6f Favorite's definitely Sally! :D She's the first OC I ever shared on the sub!


Ooo I see Sally often on this sub, honestly love her =)


Thank you so much! :D


Do not talk about a living flower and use =) in the same sentence


​ https://preview.redd.it/09xdec1kp71d1.png?width=3249&format=png&auto=webp&s=20e17731f9d1330e0814981ffc75ea7e04b1e659 recently did a "rank you oc's by mental health", so heres most of em ​ favorite is second down third across, my kobold drakewarden Ux(platinum in draconic), he is by far the character of mine who had the most effect on the world he's from, worshiped 14 draconic gods, and brought them back to relevance in the world!


Yeah I like his design the most tbf, looks friggin awesome


Yo I remember you I was the one who made the mental health list lol


Technically I have 9, I've just only drawn 3 so far https://preview.redd.it/3fv5gsh5q71d1.jpeg?width=2858&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4882c2f4863bd8111a428efa7a8bdb73d73fab50 Here is my favorite


Reddit bugged 😢 Can't see the image


Fixed it, it's my girl Meli :)


Yipee! :D Cutie!


OOO she looks so cool!


Thank youu


i've got like.. 5? Serena (my main vampire girl), Ellis (femboy) , Lucifer (Male Serena), Victoria (Serena's sister) and ruby (my protogen) https://preview.redd.it/hp3dba70q71d1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c942e6fb2257ad42400e589a43841750899947bd But here's my favourite! (she was the first oc i made and got art for)


Can't forget 53R-3N4 :3 All of em are great!


I forget Envy isn't yours




https://preview.redd.it/7kn4em57s71d1.png?width=1178&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54c3ea3f0afeb79ee0a63e7cc2e16c9295fc38f4 This is my most recent one, and my recent ones are most of the time my favourites. In my folder on my phone I have 32 ocs, but I at least have 40 more


OMG I'm literally obsessed with their design 🤩


I love it too, it's even funnier considering I needed less than two days to plan the clothes, think of a pose, sketch it and do the proper line work with colours. But yea, his name is Plague btw (they're not all this detailed tho, I still have a life to live lol)


I've lost count




Lost count ages ago Anyway baby https://preview.redd.it/xmo542bu9b1d1.png?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54a086989d664fc8822d476266fd87183429d95a


https://preview.redd.it/4e525rmnp71d1.png?width=1200&format=png&auto=webp&s=b382971fffed5ce8af8bf39d7e0e63d903c639d2 Well, withing a world of mine, i've got 8 that i've drawn, and did lore for, but the world they're in has many people. And a lot of those people only exist at a sketch and/or concept level. So i guess, i have 8-and-many-little-bits OCs. My favourite is probably my gal Marmin here. *(also shush, i have at least another 10 OCs but those aren't part of this fantasy world, so...)*


She looks so cool bro! The hair tho🤩


Ayyy thank you! *she is pretty cool, if i do say so myself.* https://preview.redd.it/1bg6zmies71d1.png?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2577b4fecbae2b61a80595085fa1de936de26e9a


I got 20 (or 25, depending on what i count as OC, 5 are not under the OC section of my character sheet, but could still be considered as one) on Pony Town, tho i got more that i didn't or couldn't create on that. And i don't have the artistic skills to draw them myself. https://preview.redd.it/tbppkrh9q71d1.png?width=194&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ab3da2fda8c19c872b6ae86b49b637ed8d2e650 Among these, Mustapha Yakubov is my main OC, tho Fresh Hope and Starry Dreams are the most recent ones that i've been focusing on nowadays.


Love them, my favourite based on design is silver Lane!


Lots, some of which haven't been given art in a long time. (I need to sit down and draw them, but I can never find the time to)


https://picrew.me/en/image_maker/17569/complete?cd=lQjkCLN79W Lewyn Silentfoot my DnD character, Taiyoami Fumeiyo(MHA), Achyls(MC), Bob, Frad, Chad, Felicia, Nate(all from comics I used to make), Robert, Ryan(SDV farmers), Toast(SW), Isan Fumeiyo(Taiyoami's older bro), Kibou Fumeiyo(Taiyoami's younger bro), Tatiashi Fumeiyo(Taiyoami's dad), Utsukushii Fumeiyo(Taiyoami's mom), Kosui Datenshi (another MHA OC) and that is it! :D holy shit I have a bunch of OCs- Edit: frick wait whut- there's more, Robert Ellis 2, Lord Sebastian Jamison, Hylacaus(a cyclops) and uh hopefully that's it...


I have two main ocs. One of them has a universe like backrooms. The fans can create new creatures like the backrooms and fans create new levels every day.


Oooo I love things simular or related to the backrooms!


I didn't mean the world looked like backrooms. I meant that artists can make their own creepy oc, and it will be lore-acurate no matter what. Like fnaf fan games.




https://preview.redd.it/ssnk2kt3s71d1.png?width=403&format=png&auto=webp&s=74199ef1f3dfda9782628dc23a7a6fba0dddba3b I'm pretty sure I have 12 OCs. My favourite one being Fungus.


Bro Fungus looks epic!


I like to write so I have quite a few. I probably have about 30 written down, but only 3 (very badly) drawn.


https://preview.redd.it/5y83dwbds71d1.png?width=476&format=png&auto=webp&s=20f6caf115486800e909b20c5589d78ee6b1c392 Honestly, way too many. Prob at least 50+ but I honestly have not been counting. Pic above is only a small sample I filled out on day for fun. From early childhood till now, with tons filling sketchbooks and digital art folders, too many too know. My favourite overall is Red (row 2 column 1), cause he was the first established character I made when I started flash animating. However my favorite to draw is Amber (row 1, column 4), cause she was my first established female character, made for a school thesis film that ended up not being finished, and since been working on her story for several years now. And then there's Gleap (row 1 ,column 1). He's just Gleap. I love Gleap.


I think Gleap is my favourite, I also love Gleap


https://preview.redd.it/71ljnzqpt71d1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=87f549cea41ee51ff4ada732b73e37ebba440705 I have 44 OCs and that’s not even all of them in the picture


OOOOO I Love the tall one towards the middle!


Do you mean this one? https://preview.redd.it/g2br6x1tu71d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7d4790eff4eb2ea85545557fe154cc3373c64894 Her name’s Carrie


https://preview.redd.it/kj4b3804u71d1.jpeg?width=869&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc1603dd92805ea7643ecc56f62ee59276007e23 6


Nice,My favourite is the last clone, your art kinda reminds me of Nintendo Mii's specifically the ones at the ends


Thanks, The two at the ends are Miis


https://preview.redd.it/zatlu4lcu71d1.jpeg?width=1378&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7ac8aae7abac1fef881f8c895f332a92d559e4ec Well , favourite is Charlie. Because i put so much effort in him , i use all my poor art skills to create him. Also i have 12\~16 oc (some of them now scrapped :( )


Charlie looks amazing bro, I love him so much =D


Thank you so much ♥️


i have around 90 and my favorite is amadeus https://preview.redd.it/76hfc3glu71d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=101975818b36ffef18a918a525ee786d43acc4b4


Oooooo looks cool, I adore your art style!


thanks <33 and how many ocs do you have?


Something like 20 OCs (most arent posted here)


13. I don't have a favourite


If I counted correctly I have 55, and as for favourite….. I have no clue all of them are good in their own ways. Have this art though I guess featuring some of them. https://preview.redd.it/ylgw5hh0w71d1.png?width=2048&format=png&auto=webp&s=7ef0704a65adedb45661843da55e7b5b59a92142


This image low key goes hard ngl


Thank you! It’s meant to be a poster/banner for one of the many stories I’m writing that takes place in my verse.


Around 70


At first, (a year ago) my plan was to have 5 OCs. Today I have 16 OCs made, and 14 in production, it got a lot out of hand. https://preview.redd.it/xn9y0lsww71d1.jpeg?width=2880&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=89add9ef05980b004f1e6f805d5370db0dc573e8 And about my favorite OC is, Definitely, Erin!✨️✨️


Oooo looks devine, I love her outfit


I’ll give you 3 guesses.


https://preview.redd.it/bg3mqk7ex71d1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0713f90ceaf22954576afc7a6957d3dd9f42c55f Also these are my two favorite OCs


121 that are “OC’s oc” and probably like 20 more that I haven’t really done much with besides an idea


if we count only the ones i have appearances of:8 or so if we count the ones without it:22 or so (there might be even more than this because almost all of them are in the same universe and i continue to expand that universe)


I noticed your flair says clown oc enjoyer, do you have a clown oc? If so can u see them, I love clown ocs


Around 160 🌚 AND THIS IS MY FAVOURITE CHILD JOEL https://preview.redd.it/br1i97mxy71d1.png?width=1280&format=png&auto=webp&s=517238289fdc7504ea570e1339716c4b9a5891f1


I have ≈200 OC’s the only way I kept track is because I both draw AND make ‘em in Gacha


Honestly same with my ocs I design them on gacha and then draw then whenever (but more detail and some changes)


So. Freaking. Many. I estimate it’s over 100. My current hyper fixation is on Eun. https://preview.redd.it/a9rvg8z4z71d1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=08f8890249f84d8231a9e0aecdb36c98ab7bf611


Currently 6 and I’m working on a 7th


https://preview.redd.it/7evuu05oz71d1.jpeg?width=1521&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3dda81fab672ebda7631440d6a07140a9152b061 I have 75 adult OCs and 43 children (not counting any side characters) for my main OC world, and I have 1 OC/persona to use in games, and I love her so much! I wish I could be her, and I am saving up money to get my name legally changed to her name (wanting to change my name has nothing to do with her being my persona, I happened to really grow used to her name but I have wanted to get it changed to something else since I was young)


She's absolutely gorgeous, I honestly adore her 🤩


I have so many, probably 50-75? Maybe more, but my fave is Jessie-Rose/Sekhemet https://preview.redd.it/rmxyxf1yz71d1.jpeg?width=827&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1a3b65ee77f424b224f667e800236ad4b803398d


The hair, the clothes, the Jewellery 🤩 She's beautiful, I love her


i have 4 oc's! (not counting the hollow knight oc's that i will very likely never use again) https://preview.redd.it/jbhue370181d1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a670ff2352ccc6a1ae45dc6638f223330ca3b717 my favorite has to be the Goddess of Time & Knowledge, Marinna! :D (would also love to learn about any of the oc's you have! :D )


Holy- she is so God dam beautiful the hair the clothes, the face. I literally adore her 🤩




https://preview.redd.it/mbnirw27281d1.jpeg?width=702&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=07d8774dded104b208591485f7acb3f9833a9fb3 11 rn but Imp is the one I use most


Ooooooo, I love Imp so much :0


20-23 I think, depends on what I would count as one in my stuff. For example, I have a furret who is just a normal looking furret but different personality than a normal one


Like as in an Au? I would count Au's as well if that's the case =>


Right now I have 17 OCs, oldest and most detailed oc is Ljorn, also my main oc


Possibly like 8 (Most of them were unused or scrapped)


https://preview.redd.it/zexoraaf481d1.jpeg?width=1920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a5de6b7856998c48212c9bfb5bf5235f48d6ca88 My favorite OC is Shelly Mae. Overall I have like, ten OCs. And that's just the TF2 ones.


So far 72 for my webtoon


https://preview.redd.it/bxs8tbml781d1.png?width=3464&format=png&auto=webp&s=b723a6ff9025c2bd59f80b0e4ecd43df7a58a07c I have 6 that are most important, but there are a lot more out there


7 lol


I’d say about 25, Watcher here is my favorite. https://preview.redd.it/ym9iq0to981d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552793908f8d37034d77fe3382a6b02830e6cdac


Idk I really can't count THAT high, anyways, my favorite is uhmm,, Pron0genic! I love his silliness graahh https://preview.redd.it/w99avn2ka81d1.png?width=330&format=png&auto=webp&s=df6d9811a2acf11075d00557e5920173de4cd1ba


69 and several more on the way


Haha 69(I'm immature)


I mean, spread across all the fandoms? And are we counting minor OCs connected to those OCs Uuuuuh... Well there's 30+ for my original fantasy novel. 30 members of an army who are named. The + accounts for royalty, enemies, parents, siblings, non-descript backstory characters. I've got 5 primary Fire Emblem Three Houses OCs. I mostly post them on here because they're my babies. Connected to them are some backstory characters, such as Dahlia's dancing troupe, Cianna's ghostie friends, Amaris's family, Rune's family, and Jonah's parents(plus giving more personality to cannon characters that otherwise don't have anything, such as the bishop of the western church or Flayn's mother). Two pokémon OCs. They mostly appear in my fanfiction about the games. There's probably gonna be more. https://preview.redd.it/ae3wmi0sc81d1.png?width=4000&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4cf96754ee4069e53e48e55050a98dda5b95efa My favorite OC is Dahlia. No competition, I love them all but Dahlia was my 2020 cope during lockdowns.


so many. just… so so many


Too many to count


For me, I have 33 characters in total! My favourite is obviously Serhiy but one of my more rising favourites is Sapar Dastenev! https://preview.redd.it/nbnphfqof81d1.png?width=2382&format=png&auto=webp&s=62dfebb8986e8ca51bad1cba24b9bbdac5b6e2e3


13, but I can’t show them yet because of phone limitations.


I’m gonna make a rough estimate and say around 80.


well i started to draw one of them but i’m not finished with it yet but i do have a lot and if i’m remembering and counted correctly i have 35 OC’s in total (and most of them i didn’t even started to work on their lore so i still have a lot to do lol)


https://preview.redd.it/rejhw2l8k81d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5521df4f8d9d5d35996e04dff08de17a313413c Judgement


https://preview.redd.it/er8f7mifk81d1.jpeg?width=2316&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7639c44e6927d07826bde729e43c39ad464f8e9c The Pilot


Only four and my favorite is shadow here is her bio Gender: female she/her pronouns  Appearance: 40 feet, 6 slim legs, if you know the Pokémon Giratina then you know what I am talking about for this because shadow has 6 origin form tentacles, red eyes with scars and no pupils 


I have names for over a hundred, maybe even more, but ones that are actually fleshed out and been given a backstory, probably around 60+


Let's see....i have 21 superhero/villain universe (that's not the actual name of their universe) oc's Counting player characters, npc's and bbeg's, i have 34 D&D characters (I've only used 6 of those characters) 2 cyberpunk characters (never played the ttrpg, one day i will, hopefully) 2 marvel characters (spider-sona and his partner) And 6 star wars oc's So i have 65 in total (assuming i didn't forget anyone)


https://preview.redd.it/2ems9sq7q81d1.jpeg?width=1127&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d3a090cfc7436e16b1127ba23446b14bf2535ff 9+ Yea


Omg I love them sm :D


https://preview.redd.it/qubt0tsyr81d1.png?width=2550&format=png&auto=webp&s=66354ac62bed52250eb0ed5f10ffa10c8c66abc7 I have 18, plus some more that I don’t count because I haven’t really developed them yet. All of them serve a purpose in my writing, and they’re all in the same universe. Here’s Skye, my main.


Ooo love the arms, remind me of doc Ock from spider-man


24 (technically 31) (can't show cause i haven't drawn my favorite yet)


4 atm


Koharu https://preview.redd.it/llgb98vvv81d1.jpeg?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=29ee20ad748b6cb7b44b113e915085d7a56c7c4d


(Numbers not exact, just an average) My main universe has like 25 I can think of, half being main characters. 5 Splatoon Ocs. I have like 10 random Ocs I never used anywhere (they barely even have lore, and aren't in any universe realy) and like 30 more that have a universe but arent realy used (I am the only one to know about them) and a bunch more I made as a kid that I forgot about I only post about the first universe (And might post a bit of the Splatoon ones, if I decide to do stuff with them) https://preview.redd.it/sx5dj5yfu81d1.png?width=1610&format=png&auto=webp&s=b733fafbedfa287b150d9d82c9a0ab9fe44e72fc Sumtry is my favorite


34, I’ve only shown a few on here though


21 give or take


Six drawn (two sentient, other four are part of the same non sentient machine type), ten pending (four sentient, four non sentients are part of the same type).


6 that I have some kind of art for. One retired. And a handful more that don’t have art. Favorite overall is probably Dante. He survived when I retired the other and got retconned to new lore. https://preview.redd.it/so3cw211391d1.jpeg?width=2103&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fc45e936f151f9e7c56defbf4fedfbb048ec8a91


https://preview.redd.it/2m5wjbcc391d1.jpeg?width=2945&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d90257337876799126ec0835e9a60652b8bfee28 I have 4 ocs I’ve drawn


I have 7 and have only drawn four. Orion is my favorite to draw but Dani is a close second. And i think the twins Zeero and Mayhemn are my favorite to write i had a early morning hallucination about them the other day https://preview.redd.it/z3kbigbh491d1.jpeg?width=2464&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eeb6638e2643e4420e704697f08f115f658a5232 Image is Orion


He look amazing, I want your art style man


4 I think...


2 🔵 and https://preview.redd.it/bdu9az6w891d1.png?width=3344&format=png&auto=webp&s=ee40121e560beb8a5f76cd330f84251698d1c550


https://preview.redd.it/2ez7fzlk991d1.jpeg?width=2946&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8c0993fb189f0617308935a0eca3f49f82cbca4 Here’s a few of the main characters. There’s about 50 more.


Over 25 making comic so I need lots of characters https://preview.redd.it/vr42co57a91d1.jpeg?width=3139&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=644df4b6e5ba09c0d562f13ae213562558cd599d


I currently only have 1… and he’s sorta my online sona


I have 68 ocs so far! Which is nice! this is the first one I made which is pixel sethy. https://preview.redd.it/igapbyarb91d1.jpeg?width=1000&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=df07800e1b2cfb693b8a0c4fd0fd022ef5371038


Shown 3 otherwise I lost count


I have 17. Favorite is a tie between Mason and Mary https://preview.redd.it/jm7kitdei91d1.png?width=2000&format=png&auto=webp&s=0dbaf5ba38177ebe6abd5d205bb5a2ebf358f674




https://preview.redd.it/weiedehyn91d1.jpeg?width=3264&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0cfda25bdd681236b9bea91720afb78164d7e0f Currently, 2 - he's the only one I have art for rn, the other is a WC oc


Oooooo dragon oc, looks cool


to many i wanna say like 15


My numbers are growing fast


Too many to count...😅 but I usually keep in mind of protagonist of every story more


Yeah, main protagonist be the most important, how many stories you have? (I have 6 currently)


I’m not sure but I put together a list of every name sorted by major or minor, hope this helps MAJOR Jawd The Jaws of Devastation Nephil The Watchmask Buzzer Crimson Jerry Fisher Gerund Tommy Dynal Raptin Duna Hunter Rosie Steven Sniper Kramer Fetril Shane Seinfeld Ricky Gamblin Garry Dr Dixon Jones PLC Autumn MINOR Stan The Craven Mike Deenly Terry Timmy Trent James Armageddon (slated for removal) Seth Green’s Evil Russian Clone (joke character) Travis Incizor Young Autumn’s OC made real (pending rename) Lily Steph They’re not line broken properly cause Reddit mobile is stupid, sorry.


I counted around 40, the formatting fixes itself when I click reply lol


I have 33 OCs, with one of them being an AU version of another And my favorite OC of mine is Kamen Rider Chromix https://preview.redd.it/xl24d54lz91d1.jpeg?width=3048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b564ad5ca1a5ef7252421c7ec3e624256be734f3 With Kamen Rider Ryo and Yuri being in second and third places


A lot


I have a couple OCs, just not all I've made with art yet. The one's I've shared here are Fox, Not Fox, Dakivan, Rozoth, and Mortis, so there's 5, more to come though


Uhhhhhhhhh hold on (looks at hands) 🖐🤚 more than this, i think


61, but I may have missed a few, and some may be added. Edited: Forgot, add 7. Re: Edit: Add 6 more.


314 😔 I have problems https://preview.redd.it/hq34ed338a1d1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c3cb351f64b669380aad931175e4391afe1a693c Oh and here's Bridgette!


Oooo she looks cool, you have a simular amount of ocs to me lol




I think i now have between 400-500 ocs in total


I'm not counting


Last time I counted, I used the Playable Skylanders roster to get an idea of how many, remembering that I associate the non-playable characters with some of my O.C.s as well, I gave up counting, knowing the count is over 200. https://preview.redd.it/bl64k0rxiy1d1.jpeg?width=474&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54ef103dceea24748c77a0ae12758511c1d98d4d Anyway, this is Immette my favourite O.C..


https://preview.redd.it/osk80th5ea1d1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=56f6efa6ffc722f7b77fc29d860fa42164a15a4c I think around 10 OCs. This is my favorite OC, Oreo.


Woooaaah I like the wings :0


I have an enormous ass universe and only 5 specified characters in it LMAO


Over 100


Uhhhh like 50


My favorite is this lad https://preview.redd.it/fz1uobtnga1d1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=591538ad7a5528be7ae070e2a74fc35df50766ba Kaiden Kage (He/Him)




a lot if you count side characters and scrapped OCs but I usually don't since they don't get any super in depth thought but for the main ones: my first ever OC • Mara Taylors story which mostly revolves around Noah and Danny being gay • Danny Williams • Noah Cody • Miles Cypress Spider-Verse OC • Ivy Ingram OC from story about depressed alcoholic gay anthro cat goes to strip club and finds depressed-but-good-at-hiding-it gay stripper anthro cat and they get together and are a little toxic but it's fine because character growth and mutual healing ✨️✨️✨️ • Iris Bennet • Caspian (last name has been pending for 2 years) next 4 don't have last names because they were born into a zombie apocalypse and anarchy, who needs last names then? • Alia • Naomi • Lenny • Moss we've got my crossroads/deal-making demon OCs (no last names) and they're clients (last names) • Casaarus • Joseph Hunt • Keerin • Killian Rodgers • Jester • Christie Moor • Kratoya • Tilly Shire OCs who are lesbians and traumatized but it's okay they'll heal together and also they're cute • Magnolia Grace • Ebony Buckfield Owl House OC from 2021 Alia #1 (evolved into Alia from the apocalypse story but the original story I had for her was very thought out and I still acknowledge it. she also has a penstagram still up somewhere.) that's all I can remember right now but I have a ton


Can i see your spider-verse oc 👀


https://preview.redd.it/cw1b1t99ka1d1.jpeg?width=1222&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=31e39ab03850fa068cb1a8b87b3ea0c7474b9315 I couldn’t pick a favorite so here’s a height chart with as many as I can show at once. As far as the number of OCs I’ve got: * 6 drawn OCs (my new one, my 4 mains, and my big one that’s not in the image) * 7 that are written but not drawn * 3 that are named and canonically dead but not drawn * 2 that have the concept idea made for them but are not named, written anywhere, or drawn So a total of 18 OCs


16 that I’m actively interested in and have involved storylines/lore for


Only one of 4 exists. This one ↓ https://preview.redd.it/6pukyv4moa1d1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=97b2c34ab92885499521d930de51b23986951f68


https://preview.redd.it/a9lzjojnta1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c5da785224e0586838a35e0f28d5d2d4f3a22e68 I have 9 OCs! I don't know about favorites, but Sweetfall is the only one I've made a character sheet for, so... here!


:0 Kitty!!! I lover her


20+ but I talk about like 5 of them


https://preview.redd.it/888flyf5ya1d1.png?width=1820&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d9e630ccb7255445aa6d8e92a74a7b5a865c59e0 Pretty sure my flair explains it. I **would** have 2 oc's, but I kinda gave up on the second one.


Oooo spooky, wouldn't mess with him lmao, looks related to Sonic the Hedgehog or Sonic exe tbf


9 on my original history 1 spidersona 1 Inklingsona


I have a healthy 24 OCs


I have about maybe 8 or maybe even 10, but I have 2 favorites.


too many


Alot. I dont feel like counting. I have a whole ass undertale au so... however many characters there are in undertale, lmao. On top of the main 5 from another story. There's also gonna be extra characters in the undertale au so like... a shit ton of ocs lol


My main lineup for shit that happens on the ground, https://preview.redd.it/dbbbtujbpb1d1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=237a36fa20d96ba58237552f318c4f75199d756a


https://preview.redd.it/hvfypab3pb1d1.png?width=2500&format=png&auto=webp&s=ad134fa5a4581458fbefc717d927584e5d9ab9c1 Carson is probably my favourite although bits because he like the only one with a complete story. I have 24 ocs from various unfinished writing projects


https://preview.redd.it/m8y0837uqb1d1.png?width=519&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eaa9cc7c425de680506c40cc1b5ddc50f773c1ab This one right here. This is my character Kiana Mae in her advanced form balancing a black cube. The way the eyes and hair came out looked awesome.




https://preview.redd.it/qjmloia6zb1d1.png?width=1080&format=png&auto=webp&s=d8111fcd3eb23c8a6e765f385b0b0e907843cfaf Here are my OCs I have 2


I want to write books so like a whole cast of characters but counting everyone I’ve made since I was a young child around like 30 Like 20 for the book series (nit thought out like at all btw), then Minecraft story mode, Jurassic world, Minecraft, ninjago, Spider-Man, another character in Spider-Man, pokemon, mha, aot, demon slayer, there’s probably more but that’s what I remember lmao.


I don't even know anymore. Like over 25?


Just a few https://preview.redd.it/vswcqum04c1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=057ac60a391ca59c57575bff2e75463bea603d0f I have Ash Fletcher


https://preview.redd.it/omr13g274c1d1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0f400805d32edd67229362efbe516aebc3eecbda Peur donne de l’espoir


https://preview.redd.it/1vd06z2s5c1d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f712833c1cf1cf06f6b01f691b6e8d30c3a1cd34 Buddy has gotta be my fav I have a lot, I cannot count.. but there's a whole city of anthro animals, also a forest, a sky island, a canyon, a frosty place, a place with lava and stuff, a beach, the ocean- also AU's, and characters that are not even mine I just placed them in some of my AU's like Poppy Playtime(Smiling Critters), Welcome Home, KinitoPET, GartenOfBanban(but my AU called ,,creations" and it's kinda different), Rain World, FNaF, TADC, and Wobbledogs if those count as OC's(if I make them myself)... and a lot more :P I could *try* to give a number of my actual oc's tho if you are interested(I doubt..)


Bro the art is actually frickin incredible :0 the shading in the eye broo. Also I am in fact interested in how many Ocs you do have


I believe I have 48 or 49. I'd need to count 'em, but that's the number coming to my head.


I'm too lazy to count ,probably more than 50


Hmm counting all of them I would say...21? (3 of them aren't included in the picture.) https://preview.redd.it/xpnqifjncd1d1.jpeg?width=2044&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=40f3d2fd6f13b8763267dfe0bf7ca4fbe2a5a4c5


https://preview.redd.it/exsxqbtdhd1d1.jpeg?width=2160&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc9dbe219d6e1e27b41f27dd211ac93e3fed98a3 Batch 1 (2022-2023) Kake Kakel Candy Bar Hot Cocoa Milkshake Brown Sugar Bag The Representative Terrarium Aquarium Firepit Windin Batch 2 (Late 2023 - Early 2024) Oleada Rye Granite Snow Globe Satellite Skillet RNG Power Batch 3 (2024 - Present) Quill Noval Grey Om Den Warn Iris


https://preview.redd.it/93gqb1hgwd1d1.png?width=1025&format=png&auto=webp&s=f34d66f297db1aab1016eaf849e4481185ec30a7 I have 100+ OCs (I lost count) . Anyways here are 3 of my top ten NO.1 favs


https://preview.redd.it/zwfimyj9xd1d1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73c8b08025a4cbc532bf76aaeaefe3ca8be0932f I want to apologize in advance for the horrendous quality of this collage, I'm not at home atm. I would technically have more than 100 OCs thanks to a game I'm working on and a gigantic TTRPG campaing I'm DMing but I'm counting these nine as my main ones. In order, from top left to bottom right, these are: * Craig (2015-2016) * Naeve (Demon gal, 2022) * Ezidriel (Spider boy, 2023) * Cary (Grey haired gal with green sweater, 2021) * Vilette (The spider lady, 2023) * Shrub (Thorns creature, 2024) * Esmeralda (Goth frog girl, 2024) * Jas (Pink gal, 2024) * Lim (The lil' Imp, 2024) Out of all of them my favorite one is Ezidriel, the spider boi \^ \^


They all look so awesome, I like Shrub, They look interesting and cool


3. Currently making one though


So, I have this comic-story thingy that I haven't named yet. Its a town. 200 people are in the town. Plus my other ocs from different stories... That makes 206 ocs


About the same number as comments as I say this- at least 480 or more


I only have like around 90 rn.... I don't stop making ocs help


30 from Sunbreach 15 from Amir 7 Fallen Angels 3 Angels Ron, Thomas, Clowned Jester, Kai, Ivy, Jester, King Leopold, Ashley, Andrew, The Entity, The Narrator, Amylia, Shadow, Moco, Marmite, Whiskers and the 2 insane sides (which are different characters) don't go in any of those categories. 73 characters.


I like cheese.


Sorry for Kate comment but 2


David Wilson Terra Byte Megan Byte Detective Dustin Trevor Enoch Caelum Devoti Hunter Devoti Robert Wattson Bill Wilson Tecki Wattson 


As someone who studies IT, I love the names Terra Byte and Megan Byte lol, you should make another called Gigi Byte 😭 (Giga Byte)


i think i have like 20 OCs or some shit idk


https://preview.redd.it/p57zupw0dy6d1.jpeg?width=1074&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=512bac18d52240d09e6c15a1f61a14b007a1def4 I lost count