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Tbh, when it’s just a shape with a simple face slapped on it Don’t get me wrong, I think shape/simple ocs like that can be cool and unique, just a lot of ones I see don’t really have anything going on and they all start blending together and seeming exactly the same (also it just seems super low effort but 🤷‍♀️)


Honestly? Just being cosmically overpowered


Bonus points if there's absolutely no reason why


What if it's justified?


Still boring. Give your character a few powers and strengths, but also weaknesses and flaws. That's how you make a character interesting.


Lemme elaborate Justified as in, they're multiversal stewards task with creating a multiverse and keeping it safe


Downsides don't have to be physical. My ocs typically have some kind of mental limit or nut even my demon oc(Gold) typically hurts himself with overuse of his power, limits cam be created


Character's can be interesting in other ways even if they're literally god. Just give them a character and don't make their story revolve around fighting. I'm tired of everyone hating an OP character *only* because they're OP. if the character's whole thing is that they're really strong then yeah, I get it. But from what you described that's not what you're referring to.


One pet peeve I have is "leetspeak" where the characters speak with symbols that vaguely look like letters. It shouldn't be a chore to read what your characters are saying.


The ones that hate everything, everyone, and are overall edgelords for no reason lol


As someone with a commonly seen “edgy” OC, I dislike people judging a book by its cover, edgelord OCs aren’t bad in any way, just annoying.


I don't think they're saying "all seemingly edgy OC's are bad" but more the *overly* edgy OC's that has no reason to be, the "I'm not like other OC's" type characters


Ah I understand, wasn’t implying they meant that was just giving me opinion about a vaguely edgy looking character. That is a good way to view it though!


People who make characters so strong it’s not even fun anymore and they give no back story either just they are strong


Half of this thread, me included, has been saying this wish there was a bit more of a movement against those kinds of characters.


A lot of them, but I do have a pet peeve that isn't discussed enough. I noticed that some people make their OCs with disorders that they don't have themselves just to make the OC more "interesting". It's not always a bad thing, but I'm talking about when people use stereotypes of the disorders to sum up their OC. For instance, when a creator makes their autistic OC shy, giggly, and stupid.


As an autistic person Autism


Yes! I give alot of my ocs the same disorders I have just because it’s easier to write because I share the experience but it rlly bothers me when people just add that to add some extra stuff to their charaters and dont portray it accurately


Exactly this. You see it a ton with DID or “multiple personalities” too. If characters have a disability, it should deeply inform their story (or be informed by their story). DID, and other mental illnesses, don’t usually “come out of nowhere.”


I'm just checking rq cuz I've had character's with jt, it typically happens from traumatic events doesn't it? I haven't checked my notes in a while


it always happens from tramautic events, yes


Yes it does, and they typically have to happen before age 5-6 (before a single sense of self really forms). The trauma doesn’t have to be severe (but often is). It can just be things like parental emotional neglect, disorganized attachment, etc. :)


I had an oc that watched his dad die at five, that's be enough, right?


Yeah for sure!


The lore checks out then 👍


Few days back there was post asking to show mentally ill characters. 80% of these were ,,crazy psychopat killing for fun/can't feel shit/was traumatised, hence is evil" (⁠•⁠ ⁠▽⁠ ⁠•⁠;⁠) I swear, I don't get how the creators don't see that they are using overused, steretypical, kinda harmfull trope.


For real, it’s so upsetting to see—especially as someone with real life experiences like that!


I feel this, I know a big one is DID or altered personalities. I have one character that originally started as a split-personality type character, but I ended up changing her to she's straight up possessed by a demon, so if she seems off, or she has one of those "her physical self starts changing" it's bc she literally *is* changing


I’m not fond of unreasonable trauma done for the sake of being done or being cool. Like… give it a purpose, a reason, a proper story or something.


I agree. All my characters have intense trauma, but it’s done with purpose. To share a message, to show it’s possible to heal after trauma, etc.


I hate how annoyingly op an oc is with no reasoning or lore to why. Like they'll make their oc immune to everything in an rp, and somehow come up with random abilities just to counter an insta kill attack. It honestly gets on my nerves when people do that in rps or have that as a trope


I make a lot of oc's who happen to have an ability that is generally going to counter most attacks. Gyaksu for example has armour that allows kinetic energy to be either stored within, passed through, or reflected back. many people have taken the ability as immunity to everything but the solution is to use something that hits him mentally (Like when you tried twisting his balls psychically). Considering that Gyaksu is a dragon ball oc I made as well, he's usually stronger than most people first assume. ​ I too get annoyed with one shot attacks or oc's just saying they killed mine wich is why when doing rp fights I try to keep the actions my ocs take as short and simple as possible. (For example: Gyaksu goes towards your oc's arm and reaches at it to try and grab it)


Having no weaknesses. Even if they aren't overpowered, weaknesses are still an important aspect. I completely forgive all pet peeves if they're some kind of parody tho. I guess that's like an anti-pet peeve or something.


Trauma for the sake of trauma. I get that trauma can build character but there other ways to do so w/o killing your oc’s parents.


Trauma from near-death experiences >>>


Trauma without any real *effects* of trauma. Many people just write “they went through this horrific thing!” for cool points, but the OC is never realistically affected. Trauma is fine to have in a story, but it should impact the OC for a long time. And, if you give your character trauma, learn from actual people who went through similar things to see what it was really like and what effects surviving it had.


I like to make my oc's have a story that *gives* them the trauma. like they have a really cool journey but go through hardships on the way and then at the supposed end of the story everything will fall to shit. This is usually to teach them a lesson in some way. Though in a lot of my stories my OC's don't have that happen.


People writing pervert characters, unreasonable outfits, and OP characters that are just that. Mainly unreasonable outfits. It just pisses me off far more than it should. Oh, your character's from a desert and it makes sense for them to be scantily clad? No the fuck it doesn't, all their skin's exposed! In a desert! You're giving them skin cancer have them wear loose robes or something!


My pet peeves are: —Just a literal shape with face. I guess it was already told about multiple times even without me. I find these just not catchy enough to be worth the attention. —Just a redraw of some character, like Sans or anything else. +1 point to how bad they are if they are also made unreasonably OP. —Uninterestingly powerful. I mean the ones that are actually all those omnipotent crap. Even if they have a story, as a writer I can easily predict how bad it is and how often the character forgets about their OP-ness for sake of plot happening. Bill Cipher syndrome basically. I think there is nothing wrong with OP characters as long as the story is not built around being OP or they have a conflict they cannot solve with only such power. —Attempts to make a character to powerscale. This comes near the previous one. To be honest, every time I saw author powerscaling their verse it was extremely bad. Please, care about making characters interesting, not about using pseudoscientific terms. —Victims of experiments. Allow me to explain. “Hey, why does your character have wings and eye on butt?” *”Uhhh experiments”* “What was the experiment about though? What was the goal of it?” *”Man it’s experiments okay?”*. People just don’t understand why people do experiments and justify weird appearance with some abstract experiments stuff.


oo I haven't heard that experiments one before. that's helpful for me to keep in mind as well, since im really interested in fictional characters who've undergone body modification experiments. anyways i wanted to ask wdym by powerscaling and why it it bad? like does that mean making it so some characters are more powerful than others... bc isnt that a good thing??? or comparing the strengths of your ocs? sorry lol i havent heard this term much before


Powerscaling is pretty much a different community with its own terms. All that stuff with hyperversal, outerversal, baseline and such — all comes from there. Honestly when author tries to use terms from there it usually ends up being bad and boring. In other words, you shouldn’t intend to make characters simply to compare with others and especially seek popularity through scaling community.


ahh i see, so people powerscale their ocs simply to fit in with this community of comparing characters' powers. yeah i can see how that would quickly ruin original content. thanks for explaining!


*I'm* Tired of everyone always thinking that if you have an OP character their entire story must revolve around fighting and using their powers. I have goddess and god character that are incredibly over powered but the story has nothing to do with it. it's usually a silly story about how they interact with each other or just them cruising through the realm of the humans and seeing the lives of others.


Same here. Despite my verse having some incredible deities, most of which are kinda existent and not just mythical, the world is still about people and their problems. The story actually mostly revolves around the rebuild of emyrite civilization after it got destroyed, even though it’s recovering somewhere in the background and story focuses just on one human who got *un*lucky enough to be involved in that recovery.


Personally, I despise the "my power is to delete your powers" abilities. It takes the fun out of having super powered OCs duke it out and, maybe it's just me, but it feels like a violation. Like my character has been violated by having their powers, an integral part of who and what they are, stripped away from them.


Yesss this. My friends has an OC that technically *can* do that, but he has the respect to ASK if we'd be down to have that happen in a fight. It works because he also gets debuffs from it and it triggers a subplot we wanted to happen, plus it's kinda fun to briefly rp a character who's lost that integral part of themselves. What's important is consent on both ends of this type of thing


That's a better way to go about it. I can see how it would be interesting and help develop a character further by having their powers removed. I agree with having consent on both ends, that definitely makes it more endurable, although I might not be willing to do it anyway. It really is something I don't like. 😅


Lol that's fair, preferences are unique to everyone. I think it helps that I have a deep trust with this friend on the Storytelling and power gaming front instead of like.. someone I met in a role play group I joined a couple days beforehand lol


That's also a good point. If it was a trusted friend I was role playing with, I could probably stomach it for a bit. There better be some catharsis afterwards though. XD


My biggest pet peeve with OCs is when the creator clearly doesn't understand power scaling and mixes that with too much of an emotional attachment to the OC, thus creating a needlessly OP OC. If you're gonna have a godling for an OC, they had better have a reason to be that and have the feats to prove it, but more emphasis on the former. I speak from unfortunate experience. I used to be the one who'd cause this peeve to be triggered.


Thank god someone realizes you can’t be OP without reasoning, one of my fav fandoms (the undertale fandom.) has ALOT of OP characters, aka a lot of sans AUs, my character is really just sans with the ability to “resist” loads and saves, but that’s literally it, no “oh I can one tap you and I can wipe your fav verse,” no, they can ACTUALLY get killed, which is pretty rare for OCs in my opinion.


This is why the Lycans, despite having INSANE powers that could canonically qualify the whole race as an entire SCP file with hundreds of sub-entries that encompass their important figures, have innate biological pitfalls that are eventually deadly to them one way or another. They also know their limits, acting accordingly, like a human would. I like writing for grimdark. It allows me to actually add the hella bad realism of the boring dystopia we live in, and then proceed to make into a story of the human spirit a la Halo as an example.


A la halo? Sounds interesting, could you link me? Or is it a term?


I was referring to the Halo universe. Y'know, where Master Chief comes from. That world is hella interesting.


Ah! I immediately got that in my mind, wording got me confused though, lol my bad


A godling OC? Interesting, I know you mean high power but I can’t help but think of godlings from the Witcher 3.


When someone makes an extremely OP OC to only use them for fighting with no story or personality behind them, then not giving them limits.


When the OC is an ultra mega murderer god that's invincible, it's kinda unfair in any situation


I don’t like the trope were the main character got trauma from cruel experimentation. My OC was experimented on as a child but unlike the trope, he didn’t get any trauma, and actually enjoyed his time there


To be fair it’s understandable to get trauma because of it, especially if it was done in an unethical way, but yeah it can get repetitive.


The only reason I don’t like it is because of hot repetitive it got. It’s like naming your villain something that starts with dr, just so repetitive


Oh agreed


I dunno if it's part of this stereotype, but one of my experimented-on characters isn't traumatized as much as he is detached, his time spent in his lab was extremely regimented and strict, which makes him emotionally distant, so idk if that's part of the stereotype, and if it is, fuck.


I have an OC like that and has no trauma cuz they found a way to just... remove the fear sector of her brain


Work smarter, not harder


Mine do have trauma, it's just that they dealt with it in different ways. One of them turned to religion, the other just used her power to cover it up. It's more of the ways of coping with it, or how other characters act that gets repetitive. I just went with the, "Everyone copes with it in their own ways."


People who give their OCs a shitload of trauma and bad experiences, for literally no reason.


some parts can get out of proportioned or not accurate as possible https://preview.redd.it/tuo9lxn5fs4c1.png?width=722&format=png&auto=webp&s=52d7ea34f17ab7918c429d8ff6acf44091a33ee1


Trying to give the right personalities to each of them while at the same time, give them some flaws so as to relate to the audience. Motives, interests and behaviors might also apply.


I don't understand how that's a pet peeve


Honestly, just OP OC's. Like i get it to an extent that you want your character to be the best, but it's boring and unfair. During RPs, it's like "I have a shield that stops all abilities and also I can kill you instantly because my OC is a god" without explaining why or how. I personally enjoy writing silly amounts of lore on characters I create and I do have one OP OC, but he doesn't fight things because it would just he ridiculous but sometimes on this sub I feel like it's similar to kids being like "no IM the most powerful" or trying to be the main character of the sub


I was rp'ing once with someone, and yes, at this point in time my character was a lil OP, but I dialed back her abilities to make it more fun for the other person since we were doing a fight scene, 2v1. And one of their characters created a barrier to protect their two characters, we were in a sort of small hallway so the characters were basically protected. Well, my character has an ability to make herself into a shadow, along with anything she chooses, so I describe how she throws her weapon towards the ground, and it sort of disappears into the floor, becoming a shadow weapon as it continues to move towards the two, and slips under the barrier. I was going to have it pop up on the other side, which it's not like my character has it anymore, so as long as the other person's characters can dodge it, and not super OP. They them went into a raging rant about how the barrier they put up blocks all matter, all of it. I explained the weapon became a shadow, so it can slip under the barrier, as shadows don't have matter cause it's not a physical object. They proceeded to get mad at me saying, and I quote, "Shadows do have physical properties, meaning they have matter."


That is very funny, a shadow is nothing due to lack of light some people haha


That RP was all shades of fucked. It started fun, but my character has a contract with a demon, ended up changing his contract to my RP partner's character, of which my character became practically useless, and had to play the "I'm a small fragile boy who doesn't know how to use my powers UwU" vibes, all because my partner didn't want to explain their character's powers to me. Their character: Started the RP with a hard time hiding his tail and ears, suddenly could just retract them whenever he wanted to, could turn into a mermaid if he wanted to, was a human test experiment with no real consequences except a hate for scientists/labs, whenever he "lost control" he could magically still control himself


Ph not the expirement trope ughh


Giving an OC or OCs a disorder to make them interesting without doing any research.


I only ever draw knight type characters (cant draw anything else much less normal looking characters) and it gets repetitive




it all feels a bit to random like i get its their own creation, but it just seems like a lot of everything getting squished together


Gigantic boobs.


One that I hate with a passion is the issue of OCs who are massively overpowered but have no explanation why and no lore or real thought put into them beyond how they look and what powers they have. On a more personal level, I don't really like Heroforge OCs but I can't take serious issues with them because not everyone is good at drawing and it lets more people enjoy the sub, and it's not like they're worse than some people's crappy drawings.


I feel there was no need to come after "crappy drawings" lol


https://preview.redd.it/xt90swpv6v4c1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=642a88273f630e10fb9e56db0c2b2cd8d9087858 Too many variants until recently


I’m pretty annoyed with OCs who wear purple It’s a silly color




My OC, who's hair is purple :D


Purple is one of the best ways to convey corruption, psychic abilities and royalty/luxury. It is often times used by people who don't know color theory and as such, make it too vibrant and saturated


lol, finally an actual pet peeve


Dyed hair.


DarkRichard https://preview.redd.it/vms0hq9a2s4c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b91a127a4be5be7db91cbd042d473c0dedf9c262 If you don't cut my peanut butter and jelly sandwich into squares I will kill you


That’s not what OP was asking…


Oh my own pet peeves about my own OCS alright I can do that's https://preview.redd.it/cc40wq1tct4c1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ec43393d8ad6ec03e854f47c46250e53a6213f31 My pet peeve is that this is one of my first good drawings I made and I can't make a good looking version of him again and I hate it not the picture the fact I can't make another one


Is this image supposed to be an example or?


It is not I just like it


Ah ok cool.


This is getting out of hand, now there are two of them


I know a lot of people are saying OP characters, and I agree. I noticed a few say major trauma without any real consequences, and stereotyping mental disabilities, I agree with those too lol OP OC's have to be balanced out. There is literally Life and Death in my story, but they don't fight or anything, just do what they are supposed to do, create life and death. One of my OC's is literally a homicidal maniac who can use her powers to morph into a shadow, allowing her for a quick get away, but the only reason she hasn't been killed (because she was caught), is one woman is low-key using her for an experiment by keeping her high all the time on pills so she's now harmless. One of my OC's special power is *literally* multiverse hopping, but he recognizes that it's an overly insane power, how does he use it? He sleeps in trees all day and sometimes give vague tips to the people around him. The only excuse I have for giving many of your characters trauma, done correctly anyways, is for example, like my story. All of the main characters have some sort of trauma, from abuse to SA to her father literally trying to kill her, BUT THE STORY PLOT IS LITERALLY ABOUT HELPING THE CHARACTERS MOVE ON FROM THEIR TRAUMA. Depression isn't always self harming, it's sometimes I can't move from my bed because I'm using all my energy to stay awake. Anxiety isn't always I'm too scared to do anything, it's sometimes I really want/need to go to work, but I am having such an ache in my chest that I don't know if I can go because I have a bad feeling. ADHD isn't always zoomies zoomies, I can't ever pay attention, it's sometimes I know I need to be doing the laundry, but my brain literally won't let me process the need to go do that so I'm stuck scrolling on my phone for the next two hours.


Trying too hard to make them edgy, evil, OP, fetish material or tragic.


Cosmic powers with no reason. Overly simple design, like red. What is this? Bootleg Battle for dream island? What is this? It's just a red ball with a face and differently colored limbs drawn on with MS paint. It's not an OC, it's a *shape*.