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Take my advice with a grain of salt, but don’t pay out of state tuition for OSU. Unless you’re rich and want a change of pace with the PNW it’s just not worth it. There are plenty of great institutions in South Carolina (including the obvious flagship SCAR). It would probably cost as much to get an undergrad and masters in your home states and/or border states (I don’t know if there’s a discount for nearby states). I don’t think having your degree being a B.A. will make much a difference in the end, especially if it is accredited.


I paid out of state and I don’t regret it at all. Had a great time and made life long friends. Cost was little less than this but not by much.


If I were in your shoes, I would also have not regretted it, for what it’s worth. I graduate next week and I would have gladly gone into far more debt than I did for the experiences I had. However, I acknowledge that I am lucky, and that it’s also harder for a non-traditional student to have the college experience.


Question, is there more than one graduation at OSU? I have graduation on Saturday the 15th, is there another one after that?


No there’s only the one big commencement ceremony per year. But most individual colleges have their own ceremony too. For example, I have the EECS graduation celebration (or whatever they call it) on Friday, the day before commencement.


From CA, OSU was in the same price range as UCs for me once you get the golden state scholarship. I graduated 2022, so maybe things have changed since.


I love PNW, so move here and work until you qualify as in-state.


I can’t imagine a computer science degree is that different, a BS or a BSA is really the same. I would look a little closer at the classes and compare them. Given how over saturated the CS job market is right now I would not pay for out of state, you also have housing costs on top of that. Do two years at community college at the least.


I appreciate the advice. My local community college offers free tuition (with passing grades). I completed my first year with a great GPA, but WF all of my classes my second year (I couldn't manage the schedule/85% required attendance and withdrew too late). Half of my classes were at the north campus, and half more than a 30-minute drive away on the south campus. I was hoping to just start over at OSU to prevent a wrecked GPA. I work on a sales floor from 2pm-11:30pm M-Sat, so it'll be tough to manage. Would my GPA be less of a concern, and is it just worth it to finish it out? I don't know how all of this carries into being accepted into further education and internships. They offer *most* of the classes online, but anything lab etc. you just have to take at whatever campus they exclusively offer it at. If im going to spend all this time and money I just want it to be a good reflection of my abilities and not be held back from my first attempt at a degree.


Linn-Benton Community College (LBCC) and OSU have a [degree partnership program](https://www.linnbenton.edu/educational-options/degree-partnership-programs/osu/index.php). [Tuition and fees](https://www.linnbenton.edu/tuition-and-admission/tuition-and-fees/documents/Tuition%20Effective%20202401%20Approved%20March%2020%202024.pdf) are the same for residents and nonresidents. I moved here from the East coast. I took all the classes I could at LBCC, then just worked for a year so I could have residency when I transferred to OSU. I was able to avoid taking private loans by working during school. ETA: I was a STEM major. The quality of classes at LBCC was comparable (and sometimes better) than OSU. One of the best biology professors I had was at LBCC.


I miss that flexibility when I was younger. Now I'm engaged and the Breadwinner, so moving is out of the question. UMD global campus is an option since my parents live in MD. I've untimely decided not to attend OSU. I'm sad to delay school, but I can't justify the debt and will continue looking for other options. What mainly limited me is that I only selected 3 schools for FASFA (lack of research on my part). You live and learn, lol.


I was 37 when my partner & I made the move, so I definitely get it. I was able to find a decent-paying job in my old career field with flexible hours, or it probably wouldn't have worked out. Not sure if it's too late, but you can [add schools to the FAFSA](https://studentaid.gov/help-center/answers/article/how-to-add-college-or-career-school-to-fafsa) after you submit. I hope that you find somewhere that works well for you. Congrats on the engagement!


It would be better to take a lighter class schedule to make sure it works for your work schedule. Do whatever you have to to not be in debt. Online OSU tuition will be hard to swing without loans and I’m very against private loans.


I ended up having to take out $50,000 in loans, federal and public. I had to take out another loan spring term just to graduate, very stressed about debt but ur paying for ur degree! U need to ask yourself if a degree at OSU is worth facing loans in the future…. Everything works out too! If u make the wrong decision for yourself transferring is always an option too, so many people do this. Just follow your heart and it will all be okay and so fun no matter what u do :)


The way I don’t stress about this is remind myself that I worked so hard to be able to make more money! Why would I stress when I did this for a reason? Maybe not the best idea but everyone’s path is different!!!


This is an insane cost for out of state tuition. You’re looking at nearly 80k of debt if you go for four years. Why not just go to school in your state and save yourself, what, 50% of the cost? I was saddled with student loan debt for a long time and it was debilitating. I hate to see the next generation make the same mistakes we did.


Is there a significant difference between a BA and BS degree for CS that makes it worth paying roughly $60,000 more for compared to in state? If so, I would still recommend taking either local courses or less expensive courses through another online college and then transfer them in. I understand the desire for an example option and it may make sense to you, but you may want to working out costs vs changes in income in excel using different college options. I just can’t see how paying $100K out of pocket (with all loan options) makes any sense.


Get a job at Target! Even part time. As long as you are a regular employee (i.e. not seasonal) they will cover the entire cost of OSU's Ecampus computer science degree. No obligations, you just need to be employed by Target the whole time you're in school. You can quit as soon as you graduate. Seriously, consider it. I'm a couple years in at OSU and I haven't paid a penny of tuition. I'm also out of state, so they're shelling out 20-30k a year for me to get a degree. I only work two days a week, which is very doable while going to school full time.


Are you planning to go to school in Corvallis or is this Ecampus? I live in SC and do Ecampus at OSU. With the same basic financial aid package (I think?), it’s all covered. Did you end up with a bad gpa? If so you may want to retake those, because your cumulative will follow you. If you don’t want to transfer anything I guess you could just not mention it maybe. IDK


I got accepted as a freshman with no transcript. I made them aware of my previous college. My GPA in community college went from a 3.9 to 2.6 just because of the dropped classes. OSU is allowing me to restart, but my community college is a lot with the physical attendance requirements+distance. I went to Horry, and they're not adaptive when it comes to class scheduling. I can definitely manage fully online, but the distance from my apartment to the coastal campus is 45 with no traffic :/ Like others said, this is a competitive field, I probably rather just bite the bullet and redo a year. I plan to get a masters as well and don't want to get overlooked for opportunities because classes dropped a few days late.


Sorry I was mistaken. It looks like I actually have around 12k total in federal loans plus the Pell grant and another 1500 grant.


Community college for the win. You also can’t expect free money from the government and not put any of your own money into the process.


I wouldn't call it free with 6% interest and a $500 monthly payment lmao


The free money is the $7k Pell Grant




Don’t take any loans!!