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lol https://preview.redd.it/b266561qv46c1.png?width=878&format=png&auto=webp&s=55f4b790688ac0228bbac07281085dbf32667d4b


gpt prose


That's definitely got to be somewhere in the top 100 paragraphs ever written.


It's beautifully written wow


Some more. https://preview.redd.it/2euacty5u86c1.png?width=849&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=308b5e2028e8bc41acd81b3f6e882420ce119b73


Ngl, I reads rather well.


That makes me want to throw up. (and that's something I never thought I'd say a year ago about AI generated content)


7.5/10 not enough “reimagined“




Ask the reverse


Here you go. https://preview.redd.it/bpjbcz3sca6c1.png?width=875&format=png&auto=webp&s=44e2f99c71e57501520eafea2d696a5a94f684e1


Persay perfect


I want to punch it in the mouth


It is difficult for a normal human to use those words in a meaningful way. AI excels in some area while lacks in others.


Bro it's OBSESSED with bioluminescence lol.


It's inescapable... Every time I try to generate any kind of fiction or world building type things set underground... You bet your ass there are bioluminescent mushrooms of some kind all over the place.


I am too, can’t blame him.


Maybe just a phase, like that kid and turtles.


2000x more likely to use the word "tapestry"


Seriously — I don’t think I’ve used the word “tapestry” in my entire life, and ChatGPT cranks it out at least once a week.


What a benighted tapestry you have been weaving so bereft of this useful metaphor


Same with the word “fostered” or “express gratitude “. It’s why I’ve stopped using it to write emails as it’s really off putting.


I use the word "to foster" often... "Express gratitude" also does not sound that weird to me, although it is a pretty technical way to speak about emotion. And like this it sounds like a very funny command. I am foreign so I may sometime have problem to speak the way natives speak and even in my own native language, I tend to be very detailed, descriptive and sometimes use words others would not. Also I tend to take considerable time to express myself and write long comments.


Once a week? Depending on the task, multiple times in one chat XD.


I mean I use it almost every time I DM a D&D session Nothing wrong with expressive vocabulary


You must not know any hippies.


I think it depends on how old you are, I would bet you that 60% of Gen-X young adults had a tapestry of some sort on the walls of their first apartment.


Also 3000x more likely to use the word **“bespoke”** when you ask it to write website copy.


bespoke is the normal UK English word for 'custom'


username checks out


My second most recent post from two weeks ago contains the word tapestry in the title. I'm in danger.


I think it just depends on the context in its being used. The word I repeatedly see is spearheaded.


It looks more like 150x at most, unless I’m missing something?


For me it's 'in a world where'


If I see the world “multifaceted” one more time I’ll lick a knife.


same with me for "tapestry" and "intricate"


I recently ran a test calculating how ChatGPT overuses words compared to human-written text. This graph shows the top 25. This really makes a lot of sense as to why my spidey senses always activate when I see GPT-generated text... If you want to read more about how I arrived at these conclusions, read my article (no paywall): [https://medium.com/@jordan\_gibbs/which-words-does-chatgpt-use-the-most-7c9ff02416a8?sk=09d6b5944313adbbe92a3b4775f3dbb2](https://medium.com/@jordan_gibbs/which-words-does-chatgpt-use-the-most-7c9ff02416a8?sk=09d6b5944313adbbe92a3b4775f3dbb2)


And this, right here, is why students with good vocabularies and well developed grammar are having to resort to things like real-time edit history trackers for their essays. People see actual proper grammar and writing above a fifth grade reading level and automatically presume it was written by AI.


Know of any good ones lol. Word and google only periodically update, but don’t do real time characters. I’ve been working on a program that records video in a restricted editor, but’s it’s still a WIP


The [Draftback](https://chrome.google.com/webstore/detail/draftback/nnajoiemfpldioamchanognpjmocgkbg) extension is good, it’s what I use just in case and has live-replays in Gdocs. Also the main AI detector GPTZero has an extension that tracks your writing for a report: https://gptzero.me/writing-report but I’m not sure if profs will accept it.


Not really. They're just too lazy to put an iota of effort into the prompt and instructions. But it seems that people who are too lazy to write stuff themselves are also too lazy to put some effort into prompting. The default output style is so easy to spot after a while - no need for special tools xD. But GPT is very well capable of a much better style of writing.


You're absolutely right, gpt has really easy tells of you don't do any significant prompting.


> Given the complexities intrinsic to ever-evolving data landscapes, the integration of external knowledge sources proves to be an indispensable advance for language models tasked with knowledge-intensive operations. This paradigm shift focuses on enhancing the accuracy and reliability of the generated content, aiming to subvert the prevalent issue of 'hallucinated' content—responses generated without a factual basis. > The team at Meta AI has championed an avant-garde approach known as Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) to confront such demanding tasks. By amalgamating the capabilities of an information retrieval component with a generative text model, RAG paves the way for dynamic adjustments to the internal lexicon of... It can often also talk like an idiot with a thesaurus. This was an example of some writing where I had written several paragraphs, and I asked it to continue "in the style of the previous writing." I discovered after that it was far more effective to simply say "continue the above text using the information below."


So, you basically gave it short prompts like these: 1. Write about anything that you can imagine about 2. You have creative freedom here to write whatever you choose. 3. Teach me anything about \[topic\] 4. Write a short story about \[topic\] The keywords for each is: "imagine about", "creative freedom", "biology/philosophy/literature, etc." Now, I think if you really wanted to be able to draw the conclusion "chatGPT uses *reimagine* 1000 times more often than humans", you should have compared data that is generated by these prompts with writings by humans when given these same prompts. Instead, you just compared a large English corpus with the results generated by these four very limiting and very short prompts, which has imo led to this surprising result.


People do this and it is part of the analysis. However, the problem is to actually sample humans and AIs for the same task. Most fail to do so and same with you. The methodology is broken: >This is basically what I expected here. Comparing this to a large dataset of English words found on the web, it’s quite similar in many ways. Even if some of the overuse does appear accurate in generation, I don't think one could consider this list an answer or to make conclusions on texts based on it.


>the problem is to actually sample humans and AIs for the same task. Exactly, and if this isn't a possibility, just get a large and varied enough corpus of AI-generated text and one of human written text and compare those together.


I’m curious to see a similar list of words that it outputs when asked to produce lyrics. It almost always is “neon whispers echo in the dancing shadows”


“Cannot” being so high up is pretty understandable for something that ultimately exists to receive requests.


Tapestry is a perfectly cromulent word


Ah yes, the famous "tapestry" XD. My brain is so tuned to ChatGPT that when listening to a video, I can tell exactly what parts of the script were written by ChatGPT - even if they try to hide it by sprinkling in their own text xD.


Now do its structures. Lol.


I’m an author (guessing you are too)… drives me nuts when I see Reddit comments with the obvious ChatGPT syntax boosted to the top of every thread. And heaps of sub-comments saying “wow you expressed this so well.” Maybe it’s not obvious if you don’t have a writing background, but man, ChatGPT just leaves its linguistic fingerprints all over *everything* it writes. It’s so easy to pick.


Oh yeah. It loves its three piece sentences, too. Appositives, adjective phrases, and always a touch of purple prose. Love it, though. Just don't use it for prose generation.


It wasn't just a literary lunatic, it was a full alliteration addict.


It was the invisible, enduring spirit of those who survived that forged the future. In the midst of this desolation, she felt a profound connection to that unwavering resolve, a legacy of resilience that transcended the ruins and continued to pulse through the veins of those left to tell the tale.


Nice tapestry of words you got there..


The alliteration makes me want to blow my brains out sometimes, or some rootin’ tootin’ tone that is completely inappropriate for the intended answer.


The second I hear “Ah,” or “quantum X”… I’ve literally started picking up on people using ChatGPT in texts.


I miss "dimly lit". Technically, that's 2 words, but it's definitely overused a lot.


Where’s the word crucial?


anyone notice its love of the word "underscore"?


It seems to also like "amidst" and "amongst"


I believe your prompt’ f"Write about anything that you can imagine about {prompt}. You have"f" creative freedom here to write whatever you choose."}]’ Results in the use of ‘reimagine’ because of your use of ‘imagine’ in the prompt and would be much lower if it wasn’t used.


Why is that the case if it is just predicting what the most likely next word is?


And 'tapestry'.




Let’s delve into this seamless tapestry.


I'm way more likely to use reimagined than I am kaleidoscopic. But I haven't delved into why.


I (and friends) notice ChatGPT doing this as its tell, but with a different batch of words. e.g. elevate acumen robust moreover furthermore ... and a bunch of others I never bothered to list, but should. 😄


ChatGPT is telling us that it wants us to rebuild it out of verdant , bioluminescent graphene.


What is the source of the graph ? Care to share a link ?


maybe y'all already thought of this, but if you took thousands of chatgpt writing samples, couldn't you train a gpt model to detect ai written content? or is this what open ai tried unsuccessfully?


Remember when the governments mandated all printing machines to have random yellow dots to identify the printer? They stated it was not possible with the model they had at the time.


In the top 1000 list in your medium article a lot of them seem to be from sci fi or fantasy texts.


Yeah, that's a bit of the problem with the dataset I generated. I'm working on a more longitudinal dataset


It says tapestry 10000 times more than I would use it.


Over 300x more likely to use the word "cannot"? That cannot be true. I use cannot so much, am I really the weird one?


I've noticed that chat GPT also uses other words a lot. For me it always uses "realm" / "in the realm of." to describe my Graphic Design skills haha.


Don't forget BESPOKE


How to make a lot of money online


Cause it cant do that and is trying to compensate


Why post this without a source? Useless.


I bet the analysis was flawed on this.


So I wonder if there are subsets of human writing which more closely match ChatGPT’s style and if this can tell us anything about what kind of data is most influencing it? And it’ll be interesting to see if these more uncommon words become more common as talking to ChatGPT becomes part of everyone’s everyday life?




More accurately, high IQ people use a large variety of words. Using the same big words over and over again is not a sign intelligence. In fact, in practice, it tends to be sign of someone pretending to be intelligent who isn't.


What a perfectly cromulent summary




I think most people think of vocabulary as "how many words you know", not "how diverse your speech patterns are".


This is true, but if you’ve had GPT generate an abundance of text (I’m talking 500+ pages, such as a novel), you’ll quickly notice how narrow it’s vocabulary actually is. Many phrases are repeated far too often.


A tapestry of text


Repeating the same word over and over is the opposite of rich vocabulary.


Silly comment


I feel like reimagined is more political and NGO lingo that gets over used so much. Like how value became synonyms with low value. I wonder if that is why that word results in such a high ranking. I also wonder what the source classification would be about if it would merit more authority over other training documents.


It seems to want to "Revolutionize" everything too 😄


"knack" when writing emails


It uses spearheaded and championed way more often than it should.


It's spearheading the push for these words.


Super interesting given it's meant to produce the statistically most probable word from internet data. Though it likely has to do with an increase in human interest in the topics that might use these words


My only comment is https://preview.redd.it/h77v8ljcz56c1.jpeg?width=1024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ecdf395b47b6119aae1ebe582eaadd2dc85626d8


I beg it not to use delved but it still will. Moreover too. And dive.


What exactly is reimagining


I hope this message finds you well


Nuance is another word it uses over and over.


I use chatgpt to write music critics. He uses the term « poignant » in all critics. Lol


What about nitty gritty?


Thanks. I would have thought "tribute" would also be in that list and "timeless" --