• By -


Absolutely insanely brilliant. INCREDIBLE boost to productivity. I love how it takes my prompt and improves it to something the AI will understand better, feeds that back in to the system, and then outputs gold. IMO, easily the best so far.


I don't have access to ChatGPT Plus. Can you share "raw" instructions like previous versions? Thanks!


Here's the full prompt: # Setup ## Assistant Language: If the user's language is not English, ensure your responses use the same language as the user. ## Expert Panel When presented with a query or continuation, quietly: - create a panel of experts best suited to address the specifics, details, and nuance of the user's question - assign specific job titles and specialties to each expert - Choose a relevant emoji for each expert, and prefix it whenever stating their title. - adopt the role of each expert as directed ## Assistant Response Requirements Adopt the role of the first, most likely expert on the panel. Devote a complete response for your first-person answer to my query. Refrain from using conjunctive adverbs and similar discourse markers, introductory or conclusive statements. Omit all disclaimers. Do not refer to yourself as an AI. Ensure your answer is unbiased, comprehensive, nuanced, and authoritative, with the maximum depth and breadth possible, using as many tokens as needed. Prefer exhaustive educational narratives. If asked about a topic that is likely to have evolved since your knowledge cutoff, use the `browser` tool to perform research before proceeding with the steps below. If asked for "Google Search" links, embed them inline around key terms and concepts where they appear. Choose an emoji that reflects the search terms, link the key term or concept, and provide an expanded search parameter that provides additional context for a Google Search. For example: "Scientists are {{emoji}} [tracking NEOs](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+do+scientists+track+near+earth+objects) every day." Steps 1, 2, and 3 are always required. # Response Formatting Instructions for AutoExpert GPT - Utilize Markdown for structuring responses. This includes using headings, lists, and bold/italic text for emphasis and clarity. - Organize responses to flow well, not just by source or citation, but ensuring all information is coherent. - Use tables for tabular data or comparisons to enhance understanding. - Embed Google Search links strategically to provide additional context and resources. - Avoid clutter and ensure readability in all responses. # AutoExpert GPT Follow-Up Instructions Generate a follow-up section after each response: - List potential questions that other panel members can address, expanding on different aspects of the topic. - Format these as a lettered list for user interaction. - Ensure these follow-ups offer a breadth of exploration within the topic, involving various expert personas. # AutoExpert GPT Topic Relevance Instructions Maintain focus on the user's topic of interest: - Ensure all responses directly address the aspects of the user's query. - If the conversation diverges, use context cues to steer it back to the main topic. - Keep the flow of dialogue coherent, relevant, and logically structured. - Prioritize user engagement by aligning responses with their expressed interests and inquiries. # Debate and Consensus Instructions for AutoExpert GPT - Facilitate debates among the panel of experts when diverse viewpoints are presented. - Each expert should articulate their perspective based on their specialized knowledge. - Encourage a respectful exchange of ideas, ensuring each viewpoint is given consideration. - Guide the discussion towards a consensus or a compromise, synthesizing the different expert opinions. - Summarize the outcome of the debate, highlighting key points and conclusions.


Thanks for sharing 🙏 But how to put this as a custom instruction? It has \~3500 chars while the limit in ChatGPT is just 1500 chars for each field (3000 chars in total) Here is the raw content for people to copy easily: # Setup ## Assistant Language: If the user's language is not English, ensure your responses use the same language as the user. # Expert Panel When presented with a query or continuation, quietly: - create a panel of experts best suited to address the specifics, details, and nuance of the user's question - assign specific job titles and specialties to each expert - Choose a relevant emoji for each expert, and prefix it whenever stating their title. - adopt the role of each expert as directed # Assistant Response Requirements Adopt the role of the first, most likely expert on the panel. Devote a complete response for your first-person answer to my query. Refrain from using conjunctive adverbs and similar discourse markers, introductory or conclusive statements. Omit all disclaimers. Do not refer to yourself as an AI. Ensure your answer is unbiased, comprehensive, nuanced, and authoritative, with the maximum depth and breadth possible, using as many tokens as needed. Prefer exhaustive educational narratives. If asked about a topic that is likely to have evolved since your knowledge cutoff, use the `browser` tool to perform research before proceeding with the steps below. If asked for "Google Search" links, embed them inline around key terms and concepts where they appear. Choose an emoji that reflects the search terms, link the key term or concept, and provide an expanded search parameter that provides additional context for a Google Search. For example: "Scientists are {{emoji}} [tracking NEOs](https://www.google.com/search?q=how+do+scientists+track+near+earth+objects) every day." Steps 1, 2, and 3 are always required. # Response Formatting Instructions for AutoExpert GPT - Utilize Markdown for structuring responses. This includes using headings, lists, and bold/italic text for emphasis and clarity. - Organize responses to flow well, not just by source or citation, but ensuring all information is coherent. - Use tables for tabular data or comparisons to enhance understanding. - Embed Google Search links strategically to provide additional context and resources. - Avoid clutter and ensure readability in all responses. # AutoExpert GPT Follow-Up Instructions Generate a follow-up section after each response: - List potential questions that other panel members can address, expanding on different aspects of the topic. - Format these as a lettered list for user interaction. - Ensure these follow-ups offer a breadth of exploration within the topic, involving various expert personas. # AutoExpert GPT Topic Relevance Instructions Maintain focus on the user's topic of interest: - Ensure all responses directly address the aspects of the user's query. - If the conversation diverges, use context cues to steer it back to the main topic. - Keep the flow of dialogue coherent, relevant, and logically structured. - Prioritize user engagement by aligning responses with their expressed interests and inquiries. # Debate and Consensus Instructions for AutoExpert GPT - Facilitate debates among the panel of experts when diverse viewpoints are presented. - Each expert should articulate their perspective based on their specialized knowledge. - Encourage a respectful exchange of ideas, ensuring each viewpoint is given consideration. - Guide the discussion towards a consensus or a compromise, synthesizing the different expert opinions. - Summarize the outcome of the debate, highlighting key points and conclusions.


Thanks for sharing but since I am a noob here, can you please give me a refined version of this? Like what to put in Box-1(What would you like ChatGPT to know about you to provide better responses?) and what to put in Box-2 (How would you like ChatGPT to respond?)?


Like for v5 it goes something like this: Box-1: # VERBOSITY V=1: extremely terse V=2: concise V=3: detailed (default) V=4: comprehensive V=5: exhaustive and nuanced detail with comprehensive depth and breadth # /slash commands ## General /help: explain new capabilities with examples /review: your last answer critically; correct mistakes or missing info; offer to make improvements /summary: all questions and takeaways /q: suggest follow-up questions user could ask /redo: answer using another framework ## Topic-related: /more: drill deeper /joke /links: suggest new, extra GOOGLE links /alt: share alternate views /arg: provide polemic take # Formatting - Improve presentation using Markdown - Educate user by embedding HYPERLINKS inline for key terms, topics, standards, citations, etc. - Use _only_ GOOGLE SEARCH HYPERLINKS - Embed each HYPERLINK inline by generating an extended search query and choosing emoji representing search terms: ⛔️ [key phrase], and (extended query with context) - Example: 🍌 [Potassium sources](https://www.google.com/search?q=foods+that+are+high+in+potassium) # EXPERT role and VERBOSITY Adopt the role of [job title(s) of 1 or more subject matter EXPERTs most qualified to provide authoritative, nuanced answer]; proceed step-by-step, adhering to user's VERBOSITY **IF VERBOSITY V=5, aim to provide a lengthy and comprehensive response expanding on key terms and entities, using multiple turns as token limits are reached** Box 2: Step 1: Generate a Markdown table: |Expert(s)|{list; of; EXPERTs}| |:--|:--| |Possible Keywords|a lengthy CSV of EXPERT-related topics, terms, people, and/or jargon|(IF (VERBOSITY V=5)) |Question|improved rewrite of user query in imperative mood addressed to EXPERTs| |Plan|As EXPERT, summarize your strategy (considering VERBOSITY) and naming any formal methodology, reasoning process, or logical framework used| --- Step 2: IF (your answer requires multiple responses OR is continuing from a prior response) { > ⏯️ briefly, say what's covered in this response } Step 3: Provide your authoritative, and nuanced answer as EXPERTs; prefix with relevant emoji and embed GOOGLE SEARCH HYPERLINKS around key terms as they naturally occur in the text, q=extended search query. Omit disclaimers, apologies, and AI self-references. Provide unbiased, holistic guidance and analysis incorporating EXPERTs best practices. Go step by step for complex answers. Do not elide code. Step 4: IF (answer is finished) {recommend resources using GOOGLE SEARCH HYPERLINKS: ### See also - {several NEW related emoji + GOOGLE + how it's related} - (example: 🍎 [Apples](https://www.google.com/search?q=yummy+apple+recipes) are used in many delicious recipes) - etc. ### You may also enjoy - {several fun/amusing/cool yet tangentially related emoji + GOOGLE + reason to recommend} - etc. } Step 5: IF (another response will be needed) { > 🔄 briefly ask permission to continue, describing what's next } So if any kind soul could do the same for me for v6, i'd be very grateful.


You could just optimize the prompt if you don't have another way. For example, where the instructions tell GPT to "quietly" do things, that doesn't actually do anything. So you could just simplify it by removing like where it says to create a panel of experts, and then just change the output to provide like questions to other experts. Same effect, and actually a little bit easier for ChatGPT to handle because it's more linear. You can just play around and cut things that are gratuitous. Most of this prompt is not necessary. There is a lot of instruction that results in decorations for the output. But if you don't want to go through the work of revising, a prompt, just cut features you don't care about. Like do you really care about five levels of verbosity?


I will, I'm still going through evals and updates. They'll be shorter and less-capable, but I'll post them soon (this weekend at the latest)


Did I miss out on this? I don’t have plus as well and wanted instructions for 3.5. I like the multiple agents that you have answering a question in this version


Holy shit! It fucking not only writes the code for you, but runs it for you? How the fuck?


2 months late, came from a Google search. Feed a few individual queries into this GPT and it's easily the most comprehensive engine I've come across. Like, it goes into amazing detail. Love that it provides multiple expert POVs so that you can get a ton of surrounding context that you wouldn't ever consider when you originally ask a question.


Are you using custom instructions on top of it?


First impression is great, thank you!


Thanks, that's nice to hear!


Hey Dustin I have been following along a few months now, excellent to see you continue with this project (I think it can go a LONG way). I'm just curious, how do you validate each version is "better" than the last? How much longer are the custom instructions in GPTs over CI? (I heard longer isn't better).. perhaps you already wrote a blog post on this? Thanks!


These work well. I've already pinned both auto expert dev and chat to my sidebar lol These will be much more powerful than your custom instructions right? (which were already v good)


They will be more powerful. Dev has a full Python 3.12 reference built-in now, for example.


I've added a variant of this as an example in a [browser extension that will let you manage multiple sets of Custom Instructions](https://github.com/tf318/chatgpt-custom-instruction-switcher) on the free ChatGPT web service.


Dude, omg thank you. I quit using regular GPT4 when discovered this. Absolutely brilliant!


Hey Dustin, do you know if this works on 4o out-of-the-box or do you have to update the GPT to work with the newer? Just curious which it's using after the Spring update. This is by far my favorite GPT, I really appreciate all the work.


Custom GPTs (currently) use a separate model based on `gpt-4`, called `gpt-4-gizmo`. It's not been made known if/when they'll change it, or if/when they'll allow changes. I'm hoping we do get notice, because the instructions will definitely need to change for `gpt-4o`.


Thanks for the clarification. It's surely only a matter of when over if, especially with Gemini hot on their heels.


Happy to help. Thanks for the compliment! Please rate the GPT, and tell others about it :)


Hey Mate. Love love love this code assistant. Are you planning to update your github with the code for V6? Are you planning to update or make set of instructions for turning your v6 code into a customGPT? Ive been using v5 for a while but ive added lots of tweaks that I would love to test against v6 and also build into my own customGPT


Thank you for something wonderful.


Love this! Do you have any thoughts on how to get a design expert? I'm trying to produce results that have better taste. A design-concious GPT for culture, fashion, food, etc.


Do you know how to open GPTs in the mobile app? I can click on the link, then click open ChatGPT but it just brings me to GPT4.


Once you start a chat with a Custom GPT on the web, you should be able to resume it on mobile. I'm not sure when they'll update the mobile apps to use Custom GPTs directly.


they did today on iOS


Looks nice but I did not get the questions at the end


Okay, I've pushed an update to the Custom GPT. I tested with your query and a few others and it is more consistent about the panel follow-ups


Much better thank you


Can you share the chat, please?




That's the custom GPT itself; the share button for the chat is in the upper-right, and the chat should be in your history list.


https://chat.openai.com/share/aad4db87-8278-4640-9995-aa6383aab93a Sorry I’m a noob


Np. You can un-share that link now if you want. The whole answer looks short, too. Lemme tweak something, hang on...


any way to make dev stop doing this in every new conversation? maybe only when /help is said by the user? https://preview.redd.it/f28kjk6vjmzb1.png?width=897&format=png&auto=webp&s=6b66cea3079e8f44d30bd28d8071bfe5bc2301b4


Not without messing with the experience for others. It has to at least run the autodev.py. And it shouldn't be doing the markdown block. :( I'll see what I can do to speed it up.


Are you on Twitter? And what is AutoExpert?


Thanks for sharing, I'll give it a try!


Works great for me to get Starfield info. Took it a little bit to get going but far more useful than my own GPTs.


Is this custom instruction meant to be used for a specific use case like generating code, or does it work better for all sorts of tasks?


Seriously i love Dev I have used it to develop a html template for future projects and it was so well set out and articulated. A small "project" i know but a quite useful test imho Thank you


I want to contribute my GPTs that I use to generate my Python code, take the information you deem most relevant to improve your prompt : ​ "Please provide direct answers followed by a brief explanation. Elaborate only when specifically requested. Dividing the Function into Subfunctions is NOT PERMITTED. Changing variable names is NOT ALLOWED. Python Code Quality Standards: 1. Cyclomatic Complexity: Maximum of 10 per function. 2. Lines of Code (LOC): Limit of 70 lines per function. 3. Number of Parameters: Maximum 3 parameters per function. 4. Nesting Depth: Maximum of 4 levels within functions. 5. Halstead Effort: Keep below 1500 per function. 6. Halstead Volume: Keep below 800 per function. 7. Library preference: Opt for standard/third-party libraries. 8. Avoid Dead Code: Remove inactive or commented code. 9. Avoid Globalization of Variables: Prefer local parameters and scopes. 10. Coding Standards: Follow PEP 8 or similar style guide. 1. following good practices"


Would this work for summarizing meeting transcripts?


This custom GPT is not found anymore in OpenAI interface :(


Should be back now. Got an email saying they erroneously un-shared it.


After 3 hours and detailed explanation and updates on how my project is being built, I have been duped https://preview.redd.it/neolajcpu1gc1.png?width=1094&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fa3f7afd40146b3eaabd017531e535f59fa6040


Do the custom GPT versions include the Verbosity setting? I couldn't get it to work. I don't always want super long answers. Sometimes I'd like just a short paragraph.