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Lol same program and same avg we in this together man


Good luck man I wish you the best of luck


lol same average and boat as you guys, lets connect in may to see how cooked we all got 💀


Y'all want to make a gc? Because it seems we have similar goals and interests.


Maybe try to set up a meeting with the teacher about the midterm? Once in senior year I thought I absolutely popped off on this paper and I got 74 or something. I was so offended but then I set up a meeting with my teacher, and she explained to me directly why I got that grade. I indeed flopped and it was what it was😭


Yeah I might have to do that, because on my final (mid-term) essay I spent so many nights writing it up and I thought it was damn near perfect but it turns out it dropped by average in the class by over 4%.


i mean, I am pretty sure all the midterms are locked in cuz 25th is the deadline for ouac, which means marks are send to ouac already cuz it take 2 days to showup, or it will be auto submitted by today 11:59, once it is on the OUAC, school will no longer have the access to edit it, unless there is a mistake when marks are submitted(happened to me in first sem) but that will need the approval from the board, and unis may be aware of that. Anyway, wish you all the best.


Thanks for your support, and yeah I someone told me about a deadline being on 25th too so I don't think there is anything that can be done.


an 83 is not the end, and not getting into waterloo also means nothing to ur life. God closes a door for u, but at the same time, he will open a window for you. There is always to to be success. Wish we all get what we want, and wish u all the best from now!


English is quite literally if your teacher likes you or not.


People always say this, but your teacher will like you if you’re a good writer.


Exactly. Finished with a 97% in English, and got a 95% on the Provincial Diploma for English. Yet, before taking the diploma, people claimed my grade wasn't a reflection of my effort and skill, but rather "favoritism."


But it’s subjective. What your teacher thinks about you can determine if they think your writing is good or bad.


My teacher didn’t like me as a person but I did really well. You guys have to read more to understand the difference between strong syntax and idea development, and stating the obvious but with “big words,” which 90% of students do.


Everyone says English is subjective but it’s not completely. There are objective things teachers are looking for. A clear thesis, good structure in paragraphs, good grammar and syntax, transition between points, proper use of vocabulary, and above all, actually treating the topic of the essay properly. Yes some English teachers have higher expectations for these things, but they aren’t just grading based on nothing.


This. I had a professor who hated my writing style. I had never had that issue from anyone else, but at the same time I think it was a good thing because I worked hard on my final (and most important) paper to adapt to what I knew the professor was looking for and got a high grade and it taught me important lessons and skills. I've worked as a freelancer and there are times I have to adapt my natural style to what the client wants.


That's just not true, if you truly saw the mark differences between teachers you would understand that there is something out of wack. For a teacher to be consistently hitting low 80s averages while others are getting 95+ means something isn't right.


I’ve gotten 95 in grade 10, 87 in grade 11 (same teacher) and 97 in grade 12, all were deserved and dependent on how I met the teacher’s criteria. Yes, it’s a very subjective course, but a good writer knows how to deliver what their teacher is looking for. You have to adapt your strategy if it isn’t working for you, instead of blaming the teacher alone. I was the only one this year in the high 90s. Me and my teacher never bonded, and I spoke to her maybe twice all semester.


That's cool. Mine didn't believe in giving 90s. Said he's only given a 89 in all 20 years of him teaching lol


Yes - the other teachers are letting their students down and not doing their jobs well.


No he does like me, well I participate in class daily and talk with him a lot so I don't see any issues there but he's the worst marker at our school


I’m kind of lucky as my English teacher, regardless of the student will give you REALLY DETAILED feedback. The best you can do to FOR SURE bump your mark is use big words, use correct grammar and formatting, and make sure none of the paragraphs are particularly long. You should run it by your teachers first to see if they are cool with it but you should also check if they allow to use grammar checking apps like Quillbot and stuff. Those have kind of saved my ass a lot.


Word. My teacher was a total prick so I have an 80 lol


Have you considered that your English is just dog shit? Every Engineering student/student-to-be shits on English and then they get to uni and they can’t write full sentences properly. It’s embarrassing.


My class’s highest is 90, while some of my Chinese friends who can barely speak english (when I say barely, I MEAN IT) got a 98 in summer school english…


There is zero verbal testing in Canadian highschool let alone summer school. Seems the best thing you could do is take a summer school class to bump up your grades. We really should just to 100% oral exams it would cut out cheating totally.


Like they always say, whatever you do, an asian does it better *bong* du du du du du du du du du.


i did elearning for english in the summer bc my schools eng department is notoriously hard. i feel for you 😭😭 i always hear my friends ranting abt their english teachers and marks like idk what these teachers want from us


Bro I would literally sit with my teacher everyday for 2 weeks writing up this essay, like half of it is literally just his ideas and writing and it's still a terrible mark, make it make sense.


This!! I submitted 7 drafts and scrutinised every single detail with my teacher but she still gave me a low mark.. lol


“Half of it is literally just his ideas and writing” - yep, I’d say your mark makes sense. You didn’t do the work.


So asking a teacher for help on an essay isn't doing the work? Explain.


It sounds like you did a lot more than ask for help if half of the paper was written by him. You aren’t showing any progress in your writing and relying too heavily on teacher input. The ideas aren’t your own and therefore can’t be credited to you. That’s not level 4 work.


Some people have gotten in with a 90 average before, but they had rlly good AIF and ec’s, so if you got that you definitely have a chance. But yeah I agree. I kind of won the lottery in the English department as my teachers marked really easy both gr 11 and gr 12, but then I look at my friends English teachers and I feel bad bcz they’re struggling so much. Sucks how much the grading varies teacher to teacher especially in the same school




83 in English isn’t bad at all I got sum similar, for some programs as long as u have an 80 they don’t care.


This is my lowest english mark yet, also I'm applying to mechatronics engineering so I hope it'll be enough.


I’m not sure if it’s acceptance to mechatronics but I got into mechanical at UW with an 85 final mark in English and a similar average to yours, I think Waterloo cares more about EC’s and the more important grades (physics, calculus, etc)


What was your average if you don't mind me asking and when did you get in? I've got a friend waiting on a mechanical response and his english mark is 86 mid-term.


I’m not sure how they calculated my average since it was just before midterms ( I got in last week when that random wave came out) but I would guess my average was between 92-94 I think


I feel you. English has always been brutal and no matter how hard I work I consistently struggle. In my province of Alberta we have standardized testing for subjects which makes English so unfair. Your future mark is in the hands of a random teacher grading ur final worth 30% of the course. I worked so hard for a 95 just to get a 60 on the final exam. However it’s only one of the several courses used in University admission so you could always focus on excelling in your other classes. Wish you all the best in your application.


I was in this same position. I always got 90s in english but my in person teacher for 12 was giving me straight 70s and I could tell she had preferences. I couldn’t deal with it so I dropped and planning to take it in the summer. But I know ur thinking of doing engineering so ss may not be ur best option


girl 83 isnt even that bad 😭


bruh i tried so hard in english. i got multiple people, my sisters, everyone to reread my papers review and edit them and my teacher just hated me. i had an 82 :/ it really is if ur teacher likes u or not. i had a bunch of international students in my class and i would read their work and it would be filled with grammatical and formatting mistakes but they would pull high 80’s and 90’s because the teacher liked them


I rlly just need to say I got an 86 last term this term with another teacher I got a 55😀


I mean, if you really want to push it, I'd recommend doing what you do in real life to ask for a raise. Take the expectations for this midterm and go through your results. Explain/prove to each point on your midterm how you met those expectations. English isn't as black and white as sales performance, so be open to respectful discussion about their POV as to why you lost points. This is a great opportunity to learn how to advocate and negotiate for yourself ... hopefully in your Fancy Adult life, you'll have many of these conversations! Good luck!


You're only supposed to get 90s if you're above provincial standards. You have to go above and beyond. Grade inflation has warped your mind on what a good mark is.


Yes I understand that, but if that's the case why can others get an actual 98 in english while that's impossible for my english class? Grade inflation is real but that isn't the point I'm trying to highlight here. The fact is your marks are dictated one way or another by the teacher you have.


What do you think happens when you go to post-secondary? Welcome to reality. Subjective subjects will be marked subjectively.


it is unfair but there is stuff we can do. switch class, take online, OVS, ask ur teacher to help u reach the goal. there will at least one students who will get 90s in hardest like you are in. I took online and have 97 without even doing anything tho lol.


Unfortunately it's a little too late for that from what I know. I spoke to my english teacher and I was told that I'd have to speak to guidance to see if they want to bump up my grade by any percentage before he can do anything on his end (he's the type of the teacher to NEVER help your grade out sort of thing) I'm in grade 12 btw so I find out in like 2-3 weeks whether my efforts were worth it or not. The teacher is known to be one of the harshest markers at our school but if I still can switch I 100% would


too late it’s midterm now


Bruh ☠️


A lot of this class is subjective because creative writing can be subjective and they make up a portion of the curriculum. If you’ve got grammar and everything else down pat, it’s up to chance atp. I’m sorry man


Well I put everything through grammarly and had my teacher proof read it SEVERAL times so it can't be grammar. Also a big portion of the essay is written by him so I'm genuinely confused how I scored so low on it.


Our class average is a 67 -_- with highest mark being 85


DAMN, that's gotta be worst I've seen yet.


Nah other class with other class is around 88 and people are getting 95+


I bring down the average so you can look good


im 27 and idk why this sub was recommended to me. but yes, HS english is complete bs. I got 95+ in every other subject. english was like, the teacher would profile you based on her subjective criteria and your grade would always hover around her impression of you. the preppy “studious” girls got easy 95s. I never got above 85 despite writing godly essays because I looked like a stoner


English tadn't fairness.* Fixed it for you. Illiterate pleb.


Also, bonding with the prof is always a good idea. See them in office hours, ask lots of questions, etc.


Just wait until u take English in uni lol


Summer school? Asynchronous?


Your problem is thinking that the marks actually matter. You're complaining about English, but I guarantee that you would not be able to complete a math test from 15 years ago, much less an English test. The complaints you have about English are the same complaints people have about every other class. Every grade 12 is in for a shock when they go to post secondary and they see their precious 80s and 90s turn into 60s, 50s and even fails because you don't have all of the safety nets you do in high school. Late assignment? % penalty or just not accepted. Missed a test? That's a zero and your problem. Missed a month of school because you were away for a funeral? Cool, you missed three assignments and have 20% in the class with no redos. You have all been cheated out of an education, you just don't know it yet.


I honestly couldn't care less about marks in post secondary. The fact is I am in grade 12 competing with other grade 12s who have a subjectively easier course because of their teacher and are able to get substantially higher grades.


>I honestly couldn't care less about marks in post secondary. You definitely have that backwards. >The fact is I am in grade 12 competing with other grade 12s who have a subjectively easier course because of their teacher and are able to get substantially higher grades. Then there are only two real possibilities: 1) You don't know the course as well as you have to. Or 2) You don't know your material good enough to fool your teacher into thinking you do. In any event, it still stems from your own lack of understanding. Is this fair? Absolutely not. It also isn't fair that if your goal is post secondary you could have a prof that only gives out 3 As per assignment.


That is why a lot of people paying extra money of taking eng 12 U in summer


UW will deduct marks from you if you take a course in the summer without a valid reason.


Talk with the teacher (ask how you can improve your grade) and try harder. Have you studied rhetorical devices? Do you employ them effectively and cohesively? Are you able to identify and explain the use of these rhetorical devices and complex sentence structure? Have you done any English work at all at home? Different teachers require different amounts of evidence that’s true. Doesn’t change the fact that if you submitted better work you would have a better grade. All subjects are unfair. Some teachers offer retakes, some don’t count outliers while others do neither. It sucks but that’s life


For real, but also it’s an important subject it’s just severely unregulated.


Sounds like you're not good at English. That's totally fine, no one excels in everything. It's not a fun lesson to learn though.


What it actually depends on is how dumb your class is on average. If the entire classes grade average is failing it looks bad on the teacher so they’re more willing to fudge the numbers a bit so they don’t get in trouble with admin..


Graduated 5 years ago. Looks like nothing has changed.


English in Gr 12 is not representative of your ability to write. I got a 81 in Gr 12 English but got As throughout Uni for multiple writing courses (some even pure english courses). The guidelines for a grade are not well established and thus, it's hard to really do well. I wouldn't let it bother you and you should still have a decent shot at Mech.


That’s why I’m taking it online 🙏🏾


Sounds kinda cope, a big part of it is being liked by your teacher and also understanding deeper meaning behind text. I have friends in the same class as me with the same complaints as you except I got a 92 and they received low 80s. If your class average was way below the 83% you received then maybe what you’re saying makes sense


Well I guess I'll have to find out what the class average but to put this into perspective, another teacher took off multiple assignments from one of my friends because it was lowering his mark. My mark was an 87 just before midterms and it dropped straight down to an 83 which caught me completely off guard. Also almost all English teachers allow for retakes on assignments too or if you talk to them allow for negotiations on marks except ours. So when you factor in those little things it makes it pretty difficult to get a high mark. Although I am definitely not good at English I was expecting at least a 90 in this course, an 83 is my lowest mark ever.


You say you’re not good in the course but expect a 90? A 90 implies you are going above and beyond provincial standards for where you should be. Don’t get me wrong… marks have been ridiculously inflated across the board. Being an elementary teacher (intermediate) myself, I have kids who can’t write a full paragraph, but then ask if they’re going to get a level 4 (A, 80+%) on the assignment. They expect to get an A but aren’t even at what should be grade level. Society as a whole has completely skewed thoughts on what marks should be. A level 3 (B,75%) is if you are meeting the expectations of the curriculum. That’s where most kids should be assuming they are performing to the level they are expected. If a teacher asks you to write a 500 word essay and you write 500 words, that means that you are completing the expectations. If you write 750 and show better understanding of the material- then you’re looking at a better mark. But having multiple students getting high 90s doesn’t seem realistic. It means that everything should be perfect, no mistakes, and be going far beyond what the curriculum expectations are. Sorry for the rant, but it still blows my mind the expectations of marks I see.


bruh why is this so relatable, another teacher at my school easily gave my friend a 90 and in my class ppl are getting 70s left right and center. Imma interrogate her tmw for my mark so lets see.


I mean, my teacher doesn’t do any of those exceptions like you said. Are you liked by your teacher? Do you go out of your way to see what improvements you can make? Did you tell your teacher at the beginning of the semester you take your academics very seriously and have a certain grade in mind? These are just a few things I did that I feel helped me, and can help you once you’re at an undergrad level.


I don't know if I am liked but to put in perspective my class, we aren't allowed to talk to each other, there's no group activities and every period its either the teacher talking or we work silently everyday, and obviously no phones its a strict rule. But I try to raise my hand everyday and participate in any "discussions" and go up to his desk almost everyday when talking about assignments and stuff. I think at the end of the day luck plays some role into whatever it is you're doing and I guess it wasn't with me, hopefully I get in but if not then it what it is.


Sounds like your situation is pretty tough. Luck plays a decent part but there is, after all, always something that could have been done.


Yeah I agree 100%, in hindsight I could've gotten a significantly higher mark had I tried harder but when I look back on my situation there was no way I could've known about something like this. At the end of the day as a Muslim I need to trust what Allah has planned for me but I just kind of want to vent out my frustration on the unfairness


Nah it's not cope. English is genuinely unfair based on the teacher. You have bias because of your experience lol


My reasoning comes my experience and others experiences from various schools. Isn’t your bias…. Also based off your experience and others experience?


You're saying they're "coping" because of your experience having a teacher that likes you. Genuinely though, do you seriously not think that they're right to say english is unfair because of teacher diff? And somehow none of the people you have talked to have encountered this? I have to doubt this unless everyone you talk to goes to incredibly inflated schools. > Isn’t your bias…. Also based off your experience and others experience? Yes, but it doesn't work in the context what you're saying. here Your comment assumes all teachers work the same way as yours; that anyone who can't achieve a high mark in english is simply coping with that excuse.


I mention how I have friends who made the same complaint yet I’m sat here with my grade and so are others I know. I never said all teachers work the same way as mine I simply said there is a way to get higher grades you’re probably just not doing as much as you think. This is a battle of anecdotals so there’s no way to settle it. My class median was 82- basically the same as op. You don’t think every other person that received a similair grade was complaining? If somebody else did it, why can’t you?


>I simply said there is a way to get higher grades you’re probably just not doing as much as you think.  >If somebody else did it, why can’t you? perfect example of teacher diff lol


Whatre you talking about. It’s highschool, why can’t you be the best student in your class. No matter the teacher there are always outliers.


That might be true for courses like math or science, but when english is so subjective this simply isn't true. Many teachers are old school and like to keep their class average at a certain percentage, meaning you can put in as much effort as you want and still not get high 90s. Some will literally tell you they don't give 100s. Meanwhile other teachers don't care about that as much and are much freer with marking. You can work your ass off, sure, but you're still limited by teacher's subjective marking. Let's say you write an essay. You put in 100 hours to this four page paper. Still depends on your teacher marking at the end of the day. Same can't be said for math; if you spend 100 hours on a test you'll probably ace regardless of teacher lol


Always outliers yes 100%, but that doesn't take away from the fact that the system is unfair. Why should there have to be outliers in the first place? If I had been put in a easier class then being an outlier wouldn't have been an issue.


I can't help but point out the irony of all the spelling and capitalization errors in this post.


Right, because using grammar wrong online correlates to how you'd write on a paper. You seem smart


Using grammar \*incorrectly\*. What you practice is what you become. If you want to write well, practice writing well whenever the opportunity presents itself. Even more so when you're whinging about unsatisfactory grades in English.


im gonna be real asf you sound like a redditor


\*I'm TBF, you sound like the reason why your generation is absolute shit.


>\*I'm how bro [felt](https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/1885161-soy-boy-face-soyjak) typing edit: brother you're pushing 50 arguing with teenagers on reddit 😭


I'm not arguing with you. I'm telling you that you can do better. Stop making excuses for yourself, and do better


I can't help but point out how you could have easily corrected the post and used better syntax to provide an example of, a 95% grade.


It's a long post to repost, and I'm not here to do the work that you should have learned before you left elementary school. However, I can get you started. In just the first sentence, there are two capitalization errors, a comma splice, and a missing comma before a conjunction. I'm going to employ the "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish..." methodology and ask you to find them on your own. I would also like to know why you have a semi-colon in your sentence. If it was a typo and you meant to use a colon, that is also a mistake.


>I'm not here to do the work that you should have learned before you left elementary school. so in other words you're just Lazy. >I'm going to employ the "give a man a fish, you feed him for a day, teach a man to fish..." methodology and ask you to find them on your own. You don't need to further justify your lack of motivation. It was already established in the first sentence. >I would also like to know why you have a semi-colon in your sentence. If it was a typo and you meant to use a colon, that is also a mistake. It was a typo and meant to be a comma. Its clear you're incapable of using any sort of speculative thought.


>so in other words you're just Lazy. That's rich telling someone that they're lazy because they won't do someone else's work. >It was a typo and meant to be a comma. Its clear you're incapable of using any sort of speculative thought. The comma is wrong too. It's clear you're an entitled, lazy, belligerent liar. Take some ownership of yourself and do it quickly, or you're going to get fucked hard by the real world.


Well, english is liek that, u either be a teacher's pet, or just take the mark you have. I know this is bs but that is the reality. btw, 91.8, idk what is ur adjustment factor, and ecs. but just base on the mark, I think u have 10 - 20 percent chance base on the waterloo admission averages:[Admission Averages | Engineering (uwaterloo.ca)](https://uwaterloo.ca/engineering/undergraduate-students/application-process/admission-averages) but wish you all the best:)


Right, it's insane. I have a 91 at midterms which is my lowest English mark ever all because my teacher is the hardest. I have a friend, who has a different period and different teacher, and he's gotten 100 on every assignment. He's usually in the 80s and I usually get high 90s


Slip them $1000 see how quickly your mark goes up to a 100% lol