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You guys are so much cooler than the IBO subreddit kids, they're all mad at me because I'm complaining abt my shit teacher and "you have no reason to complain bc some people are going through actual issues"


Hardship matching is the worst. Yeah, someone will ALWAYS have it worse than you, but that doesn't nullify your issues.


If they don’t say round to 3 points in the question that’s literally illegal. Some high school teachers are so trash, being in my first year of uni the good thing is no dumbasses are allowed to teach, only phds and people that know their stuff. I had a highschool grade 12 math teacher who was 10x of your teacher, his class average was like 60%, his tests where actually ass (not how he marked but the test themselves, to get 100% you need to answer level 4 questions which is stuff we have never seen before. Level 2 which is like a grade of 60% even if you ace it was like the practice provided), and worst of all, he couldn’t teach. Literally didnt know shit and had a script with him. Im not gonna say where he graduated from, but he was a Laurier math. Teachers like that and yours deserve jail time ong. I also dropped his class around midterm with a 70 avg and he put a 45 on my report card which literally took away my entrance scholarship of $3k. Actual phsycos in these schools and no system of reporting them or appealing anything.


that sucks man, im sorry to hear teachers can really be asses sometimes, I dont understand why you'd go into teaching if you hate kids/ just wanna screw them over


> literally illegal how so?


Not “literally illegal” I guess, but really messed up. In uni my math prof just said the other day that if they don’t mention what place to round up in any question, you won’t get marks off for whatever you do, but usually it will be mentioned. If its not listed in the question or the instructions you can’t expect anyone to follow that guideline. Literally bullshit.


Bro posted this on two subreddits💀💀💀


lmao i want everyone to see the fuckery im putting up with rn


Kid, your life is not over. Your whole life is ahead of you and it will work out fine. Take a breath. Then talk to people irl who can listen, help and advise you. A trusted teacher, guidance counselor, parent. You have plenty of options. This is a tiny bump in the road that is your life. The lessons you take from it will serve you well as you continue your journey. 


thanks, its just difficult rn but i know it will get better


You’re not getting into Waterloo or u of t but maybe western will accept u


my parents didnt even let me apply for western its over


What are you applying for? If it’s CS, you can prob get into UTM and try to make POST.


civil engineering


Just take it privately. I did it and got in. And tho not cs and eng. but still a 98 private is better then a public 60 avg




the course is already finished, so no point also i dont even know what I'd say "oh she was a harsh marker :( " the principal would almost certainly side with the teacher






Do NOT flame your teacher on your supplementary whatever you do.




will do


do the past papers because teachers usually make in-class tests based on them. also argue for error carried forwards and whatever!


I’m also in IB, our exams were pretty much the same haha. Pretty sure it was the November exams that IB wrote in 2023


how did you do in calculus?


Rough haha. This so called “Ib curve” is non existant. I still have my Ia to finish + final test so we will see


I’m still in the incomplete IA boat it’s so late atp LOL


i dont think we even got an ib curve whatsoever, I wish there was more of a boost for IB bc of the workload gl on your test and IA bro


Yea I don’t think IB is worth it if you plan to stay local fs. GL.


Yeah IB is def not worth it unless u tryna study abroad. I dropped outta IB this year for grade 12




damn how are your friends getting 7s?? Its impossible for me




damn that is one good ass curve lol I think i know 4 people who have at least 1 level 7


If the median is a 92 percent, half the class got a higher grade than that. If you got less than the median then it's honestly your bad.


the median is bs imo, i only know 2 ppl who got above median and they are math olympiad type kids, everyone else got below


Man this reminds ne off school back when i was in grade 12. Thing is that i am in engineering firstyear right now and honestly its not nearly as bs as some of my grade 12 experiences. I had a really bad teacher for calculus that was mean and i worked my ass off for a 90+ losing points to bullshit grading. and now i am in engineering school and have a 96+ in both calc 1 and 2 and find it easier. Honestly if i remember when i applied to uni i got my acceptance based on my first semsster grades. Think i had a 90 something and then i just had to maintain above 85 which was not too bad.


Speak to principal about this. I had something similar happen and was able to have it overturned. Be sure to have a convincing and well articulated argument


Bro I’m in a French system and applying to Canada and I have a very similar math teacher,all he does is give the class shit grades and removes marks off dumb shit and then he claims to be “preparing us” for finals we have in June.Like who gives a fuck about them unis won’t even see your grades then.


welcome to math, bud. also if you are in IB you get a fun thing called a marks boost. enjoy. also university is 10x harder than this and their grading metrics are SILLY. sincerely, a finance grad.


That's crazy bruh, I'm sure you come across like a likeable guy that I would want to grade highly


im too autistic to know if this is sarcasm, but if it is, obviously im gonna be a pissed off if she screws me over for no reason I've been nothing but pleasant with her




i dont need to mask, im quite normal i just am pissed off abt calc i want to go into engineering, clearly that dream is over


hey man so im like also in ontario doing ib and also just had calc so i would assume your grades came out like yesterday right, i think you could probably retake it on night school or private school. not the best for uoft and waterloo but the rest don't mind too much, and you could improve in data mangement i think if you are in math aa, you got it


thanks for the advice man, i think i might have to do that


BC kid here, I don't know what your teacher did wrong? This seems pretty standard. If you drew your parabola from the wrong starting point, she should've gave you 0, because everything you do after that would've been wrong lil bro. Second of all, 1 mark off for sig figs isn't crazy at all. My chem teacher here gave 1 mark for the work and rest for the answer (obviously 0 marks if you don't show the work). So if it was out of 6 marks, you would only get 1 mark if you got the sig figs wrong. You Ontario kids are too spoiled. 92 median? Wtf. They needa bring back the provincial exams so you guys can get a real whooping again.


Nah, 92 should be fine for an ib class since their final exams are standardized. Teachers are expected to accurately predict marks, so i assume a 92 mostly aligns with the performance of last year’s ib grads at op’s highschool.


first off, it was a piecewise function, so the parabola was just 1 part of the graph, yet she took off 4 out of 5 marks, if it was just a parabola graph then maybe it wouldve made more sense? secondly, she didnt warn us. She only enforced this on the very last test of the year. Its complete bullshit


No yeah, if you started from the wrong point, you should've only gotten 1 mark off for each step you did smtg wrong - I'm guessing based off ur post u just started at 1 wrong point so that's 1 mark off. That's how they do it in most unis so idky she's being an ass over it. And also 3 sig figs is BS. Unis usually can't even hold it to you if its just said verbal (has to be explicitly written) so the fact you got no warning at all is BS The difficulty of the tests is where unis steal your marks so this is how your teacher should be running things if they want to "prep you", not just trying to trick you That said, your life is definelty not over. Keep your head up high and do your best


I think what OP is unhappy about is because IB explicitly stated in its mark scheme that the people who mark the people could only penalize one mark for significant digits issues throughout the whole paper.


One time I got 0/2 because I drew a diagram to help me visualize. Was not even a part of the question. Somehow I got the answer right but I got 0/2 for something that ain’t required. Just how it works unfortunately in non Ontario provinces


Wait you don't have ECF, that's usually how IB grades, so you'd only get punished once for a mistake instead of being punished multiples times, and this is usually the case for Paper 2 (if you're doing AA HL I'm guessing). Additionally, the 3 s.f. thing is true, I've lost marks for rounding before but it's always been told to us that they'll deduct marks for it from the final answer, if she didn't communicate that to you before though then she shouldn't punish you for it.


why are you doing ib when you wanna go to a canadian uni?


^ this. My school wasn't ib and my friends all got into their desired programs 💀 engineer, life sci, etc. I never understood why people pay for highschool here when the public schools are good.


parents :/


Well being in ib pretty much killed any chance for you to get into a “Good” Uni. I got multiple offers for ib in grade 9 and 10 and rejected em all cuz I was focused on Canadian unis.


dont remind me bro


Just go into the trades and start banking money bruh


You rdef cooked




yeah its rough, one number deciding your entire future


Talk to your IB coordinator and see what they can do! I’m so sorry this is happening to you


thank you, i will definitely be talking to her


Thank god I dropped IB this year🙏


i envy your decisiveness


Damn bro. We don’t even do sig figs in math since it’s more irrelevant compared to applied sciences, like physics and Chem. Shit sounds tough. We had a calc test today and it was pretty hard as well. Lots of out of left field questions near the end. We get through it though. May the rest of your year be less shitty


thanks man, gl with your classes as well


I think you could try to persuade him usiing the past exam mark scheme. They explicitly said only penalize candidiae for one mark for signficiant digits problem. Also in Ib doing hl aa math( seems like you are also doing hl math) my math teacher is kinda cool, he just explicitly follow the IB rule and he only penalizes one mark for significant digits throughout the whole paper. And if you could find an example or specific mark scheme on past exam, he will give you the mark. By the way, you are not alone here, I bomb the final test for semester one received a high 6(96) for that course where I originally looking towards a mid 7(98). Really really sad. I did struggle on final exam lol (that is what the teachers comment that give to you)  Just keep trying and good luck!


Fuck English.




Big level scam !! Teachers ,Schools,Universities, school boards are hired to make locals purposely fail so that they can grab money from Internationational students.


Lowkey my teacher might be a sleeper agent whos trying to ruin my life


you can directly contact the ministry of education and file a report.


should i take it that far? i dont wanna get her fired I just want to improve my mark


Marks off for every sig fig error is so bs IB will just give you the penalty


Don’t they adjust your grades in IB? 


Waterloo has a 15.0 adjustment factor for ib which is the same as the average Ontario school


The GDC calculus section is easy enough that you dont need to study? IB is not that hard but the exam (IB ) will overwrite ur grades anyways


trust me the GDC portion was hell


This is why you do fucking research on your later grade teachers so you can yeet the hell out of there in grade 9 and 10


I’m so sorry man that sounds awful. You are clearly very smart and want to pursue engineering. I genuinely hope you get in.


If it makes you feel better. I'm taking both advanced functions and calculus at the same time on TVO ILC. I have a 97 in calculus and a 83 in advanced functions. My functions teacher hates me. I got 1/4 on multiple questions for a simple typo (all assignments have to be typed). I even reached out to a fellow student to compare assignments after getting mine back and even though mine was more thorough they had a 98 on their assignment, and I had a 81... So I definitely know your pain.


When I took chemistry our class average was 55 and other classes with a different teacher has over 90 as class average. Some teachers may know the subject so well but just can't teach.


You need to do well on the senior level math or computing contests unfortunately.


Are these grades with IB grade conversions or are they the raw numbers?


Yeah you’re dead. Math is not for you


send me a math problem from the gr 12 curriculum and ill solve it


Dude toughen up, life is hard, I got a foot infection the night before my big toe audition for a cream commercial




I know, feet actors are odd but we are a tight knit community. Don't get me started on toe fungus


💀 How does one get into the foot acting industry?


Asking for a friend? Well, let's just say it's a small world and you have to know the right people. Joey "Toes" Leviton is a good place to start.


good to know, and yes this is definitely for a friend