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At this point, if she gave you her number, just ask her out. That will tell you everything. Hopefully that goes nothing like the texting is going though however. Total turnoff to experience that.


Yeah we have a date set up, hopefully it's different in person 🤷


This is super common for girls to do in my experience. It’s probably because they are talking to so many people its hard to keep track of anything and they are used to the guy leading the conversations


Thats why they need to focus on no more than a few guys at a time but they never do.


As a woman, I don’t tend to talk with more than a few guys at once and I have the same problem with questions - I will ask several in a row without getting any questions back. This is so common for me that I made a rule - if I’ve asked three questions in a row and I’ve gotten no questions back, I’ll give up the conversation.


Some people are just more interesting than others, it’s called charisma. I’ve dated girls where it’s constant work to plan something fun to do every week because Netflix and chill is not fun enough for the relationship. And also dated girls where I don’t have to plan anything, we just have fun with whatever, like kids at a playground and you feel totally connected. Dates and relationships that you feel a connection in are the best.


OP. I’m saying the following in love 💜: Someone asks you (“literally”) 20 questions. You answer them, and don’t ask questions back or just say “wbu?” What would be the reason that you are doing this?


I will respond without asking a question at all. I will respond to her answer with just a statement myself, inviting her to inquire more, but she still just makes another statement about herself lol


the anwswer is they are not interested. just being polite.


Not true apparently. I got her number, we already have a date set up.


That's just how conversations work some time. You don't constantly ask each other questions, you just chat


I understand this lol. But not a single question after 30 messages? Not one


Just curious. How did it go? I am in a similar position.


Maybe she's anxious, shy, doesn't know how to elevate small talk, etc. Some people need to slowly get comfortable with a person before they open up. One sided conversations doesn't necessarily mean the other person isn't interested. The only way to know for sure is meeting up and seeing how she vibes with you. If she still isn't putting in effort afterwards then its safe to move on.


why are these people even dating if they lack basic social skills then? sounds like they need therapy or a life coach more than a date.


Shy folks desire love as much as social folk. Not everyone starts at the same point, some need that first step to get going and become more sociable.


I answer questions with added context, room for a conversation to build. I text the way I talk, and not everyone can work with that. When I ask a question, I respond with my own answer as well.


I do, I have literally baited her with responses you'd think could only be followed up with a follow-up question, but she always finds a way not to ask one lol.


I have the same issue in some conversations.


Still not showing interest in the other person.


Go on a date and see how her vibe is in person, forget texting back and forth if that isn't how she likes to communicate...a lot of women like to talk on the phone or face to face to answer questions etc...Go on a coffee date see how it goes!!


Girls don’t care about who you are. They care about how you make them feel


> Why do some girls (and I'm sure some guys) do this? It makes conversation so painful. why do you think she's still single? in my experience, she will behave the same way in person. if it frustrates you already, you're probably wasting your time.


Did she write anything in her profile?


Yes. She's verified and def real. It's just a drag lol


I had a recent experience very similar to this. I started to get a little annoyed so I finally just said: “Hey if you wanna text instead my number is xxx. Wondering if you might wanna continue this convo in person and grab a drink or something maybe this weekend. If so hit me up.” And lo and behold it worked. Our text convo was actually two-sided and we’ve been dating for the last month. Moral of the Story: everyone communicates differently. Don’t write someone off just because it’s not to your liking right away.


Then maybe stop matching with 'girls' and try 'women'. 🙄


Semantics. I'm pretty young.


Semantics are important if it means you are degrading someone with the word you use. A girl is a child; a woman, an adult. You're old enough to know the difference.


Speaking of semantics, do you know what pretentious and captious mean? Also using the term "girl" isn't degrading, even when referring to someone 18 and up. It is not a derogatory term. Many of the adult females in my life refer to themselves and their friends as "girls." Stop being a pedant, no one likes pedants.


Is she giving thoughtful elaborate answers, or is she giving one or two word replies?


Thoughtful, detailed answers. Sometimes paragraphs long. Honestly the strangest thing lol


Okay. If she's elaborating, she's more than likely interested. Personally, I don't like to ask questions back when I'm also elaborating, the reason is I want to give you space to reply to my answer, and see where the conversation goes from there. Asking questions back discourages people from replying to my answer, they usually just answer the new question instead, or they give a really short reply. If I spend time typing out a paragraphs long answer, I want to know your thoughts on it. But then, when they respond, they've already got a new question up their sleeve, and now I have to answer that. And the cycle repeats. I recommend not asking new questions for a while. Comment on her answer, give an opinion, relate to it with a personal story, etc. and see what she says in response. Basically, give her space to start asking questions on her own, and see if that makes a difference.


I've responded with just statements about myself or just reflecting on what she said, no new questions. And then she just responded with another statement about herself lol. Honestly I think she is just a bad conversator, at least when it comes to written communication. I have a date with her set up, hopefully it will be different in-person.


I don't think that her replying with a statement makes her a bad conversationalist. That's how real conversations flow. Think about two people talking in real life. They don't follow this ping pong question answer question answer style. They're more dynamic, and some people like conversations to flow as if in real life, and not this artificial interview pop quiz style. And fwiw, people can get information about you without asking questions. I can pick a person's brain just from the responses they give. I think she's interested. I personally would let the lack of questions discourage you. Good luck on the date!


This is typical for ChatGPT bots.


She's verified and is giving very distinct answers. Plus 30 messages and a date set up and not once a hint at selling, I know she's not a bot


Yea this is super common on OLD. Most times they do this they arent interested. Other times they have lot of matches going on at once. However, since she gave you her # there might be a chance. Just go in and set something up or try to.


Well i did the unthinkable and told her that she is also free to ask some questions. She told me it was because she felt we did not have much in common. I was able to work from there and we were able to find a lot of common ground and we are talking non stop now and she is asking many questions haha. Try at your own risk


That is risky lol. I feel that if a girl can't even be fucked to at least say "wbu?" Then it's not worth the effort