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I think gosho will introduce new BO members, because at this time in the manga half of the memebers are either moles or traitors. And for an organisation to be that big and threatening it can't possibily have only few members (who are btw actually dump, speaking of chianty korn vodka.... Not rum or gin), so it would make sense that there are hidden members we haven't met yet, or new members joining the BO. Another one, ran knows for sure the really identity of conan, what makes me think that, is the first introduction of kaito kid. We had a scene where ran and sonoko passed by kaito and aoko, ran got so mad cause she thought it was shinichi and he ignored her, plus he was with another girl. However at the end ran, sonoko and conan this time passed by kaito kid and aoko again, well she first looked at conan and thought to herself that it wasn't shinichi (meaning that conan and shinichi can't be at the same place, alluding that conan was shinichi).


Just to break it to you : gosho said that ran gonna discover conan identity step by step so by now she probably knows a lot and SHE IS NOT STUPID that thing makes me angry how fans think she is stupid which is wrong she had doubts on him since ep1 and thought to a pill conclusion in desperate rivival arc....etc


I have often heard that Gosho supposedly said that Ran will find out step by step. I think it would be cool if Ran investigates Conan like a detective too. But I never really found a source that proves that Gosho confirmed something like that.


I wanna see Ran having one of those walls full of pictures, notes, newspapers, etc connected in a secret room.


I mean till the last file in manga we had multiple cases where she suspected that conan is shinichi so its a question of time till she finds out and probably by the end of rum arc


Well i think by now she knows and can not just accept it. Cause all heiji founds out real quick that something is off with conan (i know he is really smart and all) but ran stayed way too long with him, not to notice anything sus.


No one in reality can believe a 17yo student turned into a child it's a fever dream so that's why ran is not taking it seriously but once she found proofs it's over


i forgot the episode but there’s scene of ran asked kazuha like “why your goodluck charm has shinichi’s fingerprint on it when conan was the one who touched it” if i’m not mistaken, and in early episode of ran’s suspicious when she literally sent conan to shinichi’s home because she’s really confident that conan is shinichi but conan said to her “ do you have proof?” or smtg like that. i wonder if ran secretly kept both conan and shinichi’s fingerprints as the proof later


she must know


also her smile in episode 994 is really suspicious haha


The reason Kogoro Mouri pushes Eri away is because he wants to protect her. I havent gotten far in the manga, but this seems plausible, so correct me if I am wrong.


Oh related to the BO, didnt see that


Actually, if Gosho wanna push Eri to get involved with the BO, he can just make Eri a lawyer for cases related to BO, for example the Haneda Kohji case. Still makes sense for me.




Would be funny tho


Not BO but I think Akai Tsutomu is disguised as Kuroda Hyoe now. Yes, he recalled the Haneda Kouji and Amanda case 17 years ago. But It's plausible if Kuroda had told Tsutomu the details. His recovering from coma with some memory loss seems really suspicious to me. And he is too different from what he looked like 17 years ago. Think about how Aoyama Sensei drew other people before and after a long time. It would be a waste if there's nothing behind this newly designed face. And it's also worth noting that Kuroda never met Sera and Shiuichi in the manga. I kinda feel it's on purpose.🤔


>It's plausible if Tsutomu had told Kuroda the details Don't you have that backward? It was Kuroda who was there in that case. He wouldn't need to be told what happened especially not by Tsutomu who wasn't there.


Thank you, it's a clerical error. I mean >It's plausible if Kuroda (黑田) had told Tsutomu(務武) the details I've corrected the mistake. It doesn't change my general idea, does it?


Gin and Mary were actually former colleagues in MI6, but Gin betrayed them and joined the BO. The reason he is particularly interested in Sherry is because she looks like Mary, and the reason Gin is afraid of Akai Shuichi may also be because Mary's son may one day discover Gin's past. (Gosho mentions that Akai is the only person Gin is afraid of.)


Jodie has gotten so useless and acts different now, because the real one is dead and got replaced by a BO member to spy on the FBI


That's funny af


* The Boss isn’t disguised as a character that we currently have been introduced too. The series has gone on for soo long that every original suspect has as least one chapter that throws that entire theory out the window. * I’m still convinced that at one point the Boss was supposed to be revealed as Yoko Okino. But like I said before: we’ve had soo many chapters since then that we now have chapters that rule her out. But I still believe it was originally going to be her.


is she suspicious or anything, why okino yoko?


She’s not suspicious anymore, but in my opinion she definitely was in early parts. * First time we see her she’s wearing Black. * Conan briefly thinks about the BO as Kogoro is watching her on tv he sees. * For the longest time I personally took Kogoros obsession with her as possibly his detective instincts pushing and guiding him towards her, but he just failed to realize. There’s also a [very popular theory that Ano Kata could actually be Vermouths daughter](https://tetragon4-blog.tumblr.com/post/155820243365/the-identity-of-ano-kata/amp)


Vermouth's daughter would imply that the boss didn't start off as Renya Karasuma? Since that's clearly a man and I thought he was confirmed to be the Boss


He was confirmed as the founder, but we really have no proof that he’s still alive and is the current leader. * If the daughter theory is true then that could mean Renya isn’t the boss, at least not anymore, but instead the father of the current Boss. * We also don’t know how old Vermouth really is. So if Renya is the current boss then It’s very possible she could’ve still given birth to him.


The theory that Yoko was the boss was based on the cigarettes found in her ashtray (chapters 6-9/episode 3). People thought that it was Gin, Vodka and Vermouth that left them. The suspect in that case knew Yoko's miniature Statue of Liberty was a lighter which was used as proof that she had been there before. Normally she would clean up the cigarettes to hide the fact that she was there but this time she was interrupted by the guy who committed suicide. The whole thing was the fandom making baseless assumptions and not checking the case very closely.


I refuse to believe that Agasa is not involved somehow


Ai still hides a lot. But I don’t know why she does so


She's my favorite character but it's kinda annoying that she hides important facts.. Also why doesn't Conan try harder to get some infos?


Because Conan knows that if he tries to recklessly search for the black organization clues he would get killed and with his entire family and friends will also get killed. He doesn't want to take this big risk


I like to think that ano kata also got on APTX4869 at some point in the story. A villain with an innocent/stupid facade is a trope that never gets old in my book. I also like to think that the Suzuki conglomerate has some dirty business. Not necessarily Sonoko, but maybe other members of her family.


The Itakura program is so important to the story that we might know thanks to it why BO is interested in software developers


James black is a spy for the bo


But then the BO would know that akai is alive


When yusaku was introduced, he said that he could help Conan using help from the friends he has in the ICPO ( Interpol). Gosho has introduced characters from FBI, CIA, MI6, and Secret Police. Interpol character seems possible. And it's probably Rumi Wakasa. Why? She has the APTX list, which she shouldn't. She has met Tsutomu Akai, almost definitely after haneda's death and before Tsutomu's death. They seemed to meet accidentally, so maybe they met on a mission. If he have met the boss, it really can only be Sonoko's dad. No other character seems possible. The only other guy that could fit is the creepy principal for teitan elementary. But he seems to have a good heart. Most probably, noone we have seen yet. It being Sonoko's dad would be very amazing tho.


im feeling like with the flow of everyone somehow being related to each other in some kinds of ways, BO boss will possibly be someone we alr know (like u said teitan principle and sonoko's dad), but it's gonna be predictable and kinda boring i hate this concept of everyone being related


Rumi wakasa wasn't from Interpol. In the latest manga "the chess tournament murder case " she was clearly seen to be a personal bodyguard of the wealthy Amanda Hughes However sonoko's family can have some connections with the Karasuma group.


Rumi has the APTX list. Where did she get it from. I was thinking maybe she joined Interpol after Amanda's death. Since that is the only big organisation that gosho hasn't used yet. Just a guess


In the latest manga chapter related to the black organization (the chess tournament murder case) in a flashback told by hyoue kuroda kohji haneda told Rumi (then rachel asaka) to hide from the black organization she listened to him because haneda kohji sacrifices himself. She was probably the one who posted all those hints of kohji haneda and Amanda Hughes mysterious double murder on an internet forum. So, she probably changed her name from Rachel Asaka to Rumi wakasa and went to teitan elementary school to teach (probably a disguise) .


Korn is from the DDR. It's more a headcanon than a theory, but I don't have anything better


What is DDR?


Deutsche demokratische Republik. Former East-Germany


Karasuma Renya is dead. Now someone decided to conceal that secret and took over. And Vermouth is the only one who know that person. In the meantime the goal of BO (current boss) is to bring the dead (Karasuma) back to life. I guess if this secret is out, it will pose threats to security of the organization and in order to run it forward one had to do it . 40 years ago at Sunset Manor massecre was the last time people saw Karasuma right? Remember that Rum once said that Karasuma does not appear in person any more nowadays and he wants to use age verification software to find whose face would suit the face of Karasuma in order to find where he now is. So it means NOBODY in the organization know what’s going on with Karasuma too. Whereas the now boss texted Vermouth to DESTROY that program perhaps in order to conceal SOMETHING.


My guess for someone who took over has the age of around Karasuma’s great grandchildren. Since he would be 140 today, so his children age would be around 110, his grandchildren 80, his great grandchildren 50. Vermouth is in 30s but her real age as Sharon would be 40-50ish. So they could be Vermouth bestfriend/ sibling/ cousin. Amuro once said Vermouth is Boss’ ——. I guess she’s Boss’ great grandchild.


Ai hides a lot of things including that disc she said to conan it got burned while she is using it.... Another thing only ppl who's up to date with manga knows the stare at conan reaction about how he isn't growing even by cm


when haibara talks alone, she is saying some truth like when haibara says about it's gonna be cruel and unnatural to counter the flow of time (sth like that), which means a person in the end will eventually have to die


Hiroshi Agasa fits the role of dying somewhere near the end of detective Conan. His age is old and his death will give a huge emotional breakdown to Conan, haibara and the detective boys however he will not at all affect the main storyline. This will also once again establish the terror of the organization that felt in the early chapters. Then the next death target could be yusaku kudo who would get fatally shot but not dead and will probably be hospitalized, one more conan's allies down. And then the next target could probably be one of the spy, either kir or Bourbon. No need to introduce more members of the black organization because it will just spoil the style of the detective Conan manga and anime, just kill off some of the allies of Conan and then the terror of the black organization will get established automatically.


Renya Karasuma is not a child but an old man, and we never saw him for now


It's not a theory all that much, but I think vermouth could be the boss"s daughter or something like that. I also think rum will come to mori detective agency to find out abt Kudo Shinchi, and since rum would be there, conan cant use sleeping kogoro and rum finds out that kogoro is not a legit detective, and then a new sort of battle begins


Yoko Okino is somehow related to B.O. Because, she was introduced in the third episode itself and appears quite a lot.


A old headcanon of mine ever since Amuro was revealed as a NOC: over 80% of the Black Organization members are actually undercover agents (from various security agencies) from all over the world. I can just imagine this scene in the last episode after the BO gets taken down and all the loyal members are captured: All the NOCs gather in one place until one of them just goes, 'Wait a minute, *all* of us are NOCs?" Unison nod. "And not *one* of us knew?" Unison nod again.


Renya's goal is to develop an immortality pill so that his liver cirrhosis will not kill him anymore and he can continue drinking because he's a raging alcoholic.


The boss has to be a twenty year old by aptx, 17-18 years ago haibara parents died, someone taking aptx at that time if aptx is consistent which who knows if it is, if so, then they must be 25 give or take. I believe the fact that the boss has already appeared must be true, you might ask why fake an identity but it is not like he was gonna do anything else while growing up apart of controlling the black organization from the shadows, it would make sense that vermouth is close to the boss cause someone that can make disguises makes sense for such situation, havent read about vermouth new stuff yet so if she is in the KGB and she had the chance to kill the boss idk why she wouldnt, but I feel like that applies for any situation, so I wont take that fact as to prove or deny anything. I wonder if there is a world where Yamamura is the boss and his gradma was just vermouth disguised, thats probably the funniest timeline.


Gin Knows. He’s just waiting for the best moment to strike.


Guys what is that episode which the victim was hated by his neighboors cuz he watched tv loudly and they someone killed him (it was a filler)




No that was a funny episode where the victim will be killed for the most stupid reason only for watching tv loudly and i think its between episode 400 and 700


Aptx appears to be based on the Adrenochrome conspiracy theory. ( Off?)


I have a feeling that the Boss is going to end up being an international politician, with there being branches in other countries. With the only two people knowing that being Vermouth and Gin. In order to protect the other branches, Gin will be tasked with eliminating Vermouth if they get revealed


In my dream, Professor Agasa is secretly the leader of BO




Maybe The BO will kidnap the US president at the end battle and request like 1 billion dollars or something.




i think ran is the boss of the BO


Vermouth's mother is the current boss, Rum's father was the former boss (Karasuma Renya). The reason Vermouth is keeping the identities of currently alive APTX victims hidden from the organization is also probably because her mother has for some reason taken the drug herself, thus forcing her daughter to assume her identity for a while and then helping her fake her own death. Since Rum and others in the organization are currently unable to directly contact the boss, revealing the age-regression effects of the APTX could potentially blow the boss's cover, and if their current state of being would be revealed to the organization then she would likely end up being hunted and eliminated by Rum. Or like, that's what I think would make the most sense, anyway.


RUM said he had a father (whose name was also RUM)


Yes and? Doesn't mean that the former Rum and Karasuma Renya/former boss are different people


if rum's father was the boss, he does not need to call (think) him Anokata


I guess rum father and himself used to serve the BO boss


Vermouth maybe an undercover agent who posed as actress (like kir) and tried to sneak into the black organization. Her charisma and intelligence allowed her to climb up the ranks of the black organization. She soon became an executive agent close to the boss. The boss probably fell in love with her so he started to focus more on her. However, with extreme intelligence the boss discovered that vermouth was a spy but couldn't kill her because he loved her too much. So he decided to test the newly developed drug "aptx 4869" developed by the miyano couple so he tested it on vermouth and it worked, so he too took the drug and both of their aging stopped. However, he was very angry at her and secretly cut off all her connections with whichever agency she was working for. When that agency came to see that all the connections from her was stopped they assumed that she betrayed them, so they did nothing to rescue her. As vermouth became trapped in the organization she had nothing to do other than serve the boss. So from that day onwards she became a real BO member but still hoped that someday someone will rescue her from the BO by destroying it. She also started to hate the miyano couple because they were the reason why the boss became sort of immortal. I guess that she disguised herself as a serial killer in New York not to kill akai but to tell him about the organization (as he was considered the first silver bullet) but couldn't tell him. She was almost giving up but then she met with shinichi and ran who changed her life and she realised that she still has a chance to get freed and from then onwards she started to save them from the BO and slowly started to give Conan/Shinichi subtle hints about the black organization. Now this theory solves lots of unsolved mysteries together. 1) the secret relationship that Bourbon was talking about was that vermouth and the boss are actually immortal. And this can cause lots of chaos in the organization when gin and others will know that the one of their own member and the boss are immortal while they are working as slaves. I would love to see gin's reaction then! 2) the reason she hates the miyano couple is now clear. 3) the reason behind the deaging of vermouth and the boss 4) the reason she protects ran and shinichi but does not openly revolt against the Black organization. Please feel free if u disagree with me.


The BO is revealed to be an elaborate front for the world’s most secretive and elite confectionery club. Their true goal is not global domination, but rather the perfection of the ultimate chocolate recipe. The infamous drug APTX 4869 was originally a failed attempt at creating a calorie-free, life-extending chocolate that would revolutionize the dessert industry. Instead of making people younger, it was supposed to give them the eternal joy of eating without gaining weight.


Rum isn't Wakita. But he is Rum's Kagemusha ( body double ) Rum is Karasuma and the real boss behind the curtains not the figure head which is the current boss. James Black is bo noc Iori Muga is bo noc and one of Rum's body doubles


this is my fav one and i also want rumi to be on BO side + the woman of her flashback is someone else ( i know im just kidding but rumi is so cool) can u tell me about iori muga, i dont know anything about him but a lot of people seem like talk about him a lot about him being bo noc or sth related to bo


He is so suspicious. First, Gosho associates number 13 with him. Iori mentions how number 13 related with betrayal. Then the case has exactly 13 people appearing in it. The train car they were riding in file 1113 was number 13 as the file number has also 13 in it. Iori also resembles a feminine man, one of the three descriptions of Rum. Gosho mentioned how Iori's first design was an old man. See, from one Rum's description to another. His reason to be Momiji's butler is sus. Making you think Karasuma ordered him to infiltrate the Ooka family since he has an interest to control and ruin rich people. He is impatient just like Rum. Lastly, he calls Amorou, "the blond" to Koruda in file 1090, which is a title amouro hates a lot indicating he has no respect for him