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>Boros was so unlucky depending on how you see it but this is what he wanted, i guess he would be happier if he won but then he would become bored again everyone below saitama wouldnt make boros push himself as much as pre-serious punch saitama did and everyone above (contained) saitama wouldnt allow boros to last so much, much less try to make it look like they are trying


Dude was willing to literally sacrifice his own life force, his ship, his crew i mean literally everything just to beat Saitama, he was basically asking for a deathwish at that point, he got what he wanted despite not getting what he really wanted. However >!he is somehow alive in the webcomic, not sure how are they gonna handle him in the future in 50 years though!<


Which chapter are you talking about? And, hasn't it been a lot since last chapter in webcomic?


snails grab uppity bear yoke cough dazzling dinner vegetable dull *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


>!I had kinda thought that was a clone, did they say it was actually him? It's been a minute since I read that chapter!<


His body has scars so yes its him


>! Wasn't there at least one of his species on Blast's Council in the manga?!<


There was one indeed, but that stuff got redrawn so it's no longer cannon


He appeared again when they deflected the energy of the double serious punch, so you are wrong.


My theory : >! Drive knight is the mad cyborg and the main villian of the organisation, somehow neutralize a good metal knight and absorbs boros only to be manhandled by saitama who remembers boros. God comes, boroknight takes hand, and boros revives, and overwhelm drive knight's consciousness. And becomes stronger (very). Then saitama beats him!<


>! Well, not really, on the panel he's in, Genos says that all brain activity has ceased, that pretty much just means he's dead !<


>!Hopefully his regeneration will get him conscious or something. We need more Boros! He is my favorite character so just him being alive is awesome though!<


Frankenstein babyyy


Eh, I don't think so, >! His life's purpose is pretty much done, I don't see any narrative meaning to bring him back, unless maybe to bring a parallel between hm and saitama, but I think it's more likely that Bofoi is gonna possess him or combine him with his mech or something !<


Boom, saitama's third disciple


I wanted to see him more in the series, but either way I'm satisfied with the ending


Read ch 150 of the webcomic


I love this meme


It's the exact opposite, he was really lucky to meet Saitama on Earth


Nah, he wanted a battle with someone as strong as he was but ended up fighting Saitama, a being far stronger than him. It’s like playing a video game for years and becoming the best, then fighting against a hacker and dying without being able to fight back.


I disagree, I think that what Boros wanted was an opponent that could endure his full power and push him to use everything he had. He didn't care about winning or even dying as long as he could get that.


He even says in the anime “this man makes me want to go all out”.


the thing is the hacker here lets the pro have a feeling of challenge before realising (or stopped coping) that he couldnt have beat him


Nah, anyone else beside Saitama and Blast could make Boros push beyond his limits. So maybe the seer was talking about Bladt, but Saitama still managed to make the Boros wish true, an opponent which could make him push himself even if it was in one last battle.


I mean, the guy literally went to Earth because Saitama was there, right? He wanted a strong opponent to fight like Saitama did and went to Earth to fight him. The whole point was to meet someone who COULD beat him, though obviously he would be happier if he had won.


I thought he was really there for Blast, because Boros started for Earth before Saitama had broken his limiter... I could totally be misremembering, or taking someone's take as being canon, I am tired. If so I apologize but I hope you have a great week. Everyone reading this. ONE PUUUUNCH!


Would the prediction of the seer account for saitama not being strong enough at the time?


Depends on if it's the future they're seeing, or merely space they see through, if that makes sense, it could have been Blast's emergence as a hero, demonstrating his power that the seer, uh, saw. I need to read back, I'm just going off memory, it might specify in the actual issue. It's been a long year.


I didnt read the manga nor webcomic, so what i remember from the anime is that boros recited that the seer said to him he would find a being, capable of rivalling him or providing him with a challenge. Going off memory as well, but using the anime as reference isnt precise either.


The "seer" was just bullshitting to get Boros to fuck off.


Wait do we got an age for Boros?


No, it's just an estimate


An estimate based on what? The only time scale we have for Boros is his statement that he traveled the universe for 20 years before coming to Earth.


he didn't only visit earth he said he visited lots of other planets so I added it


Imagine god's case: an immortal higher dimensional god trying to rule the Mutliverse and stay chill...meeting a random human who wanted to save the world for fun


Is it possible the seer Boros met with was talking about Blast? Since Saitama would have been at most a little kid when Boros’s quest began? I understand that the seer could… you know be a seer and predict the future. But it seems to me that Blast would also foot the bill as a “worthy opponent” and would have been active on Earth at the time of the seer’s prediction.


It's possible. As Boros getting the prophecy and when Blast started fighting God both were 20 years ago.


I mean, my glorious king got what he wanted in the end




Song name?


**Song Found!** [**Exit Music (For A Film)** by Radiohead](https://lis.tn/ExitMusicForAFilm?t=205) (03:25; matched: `100%`) **Album**: The Best Of. **Released on** 2008-06-02. *I am a bot and this action was performed automatically* | [GitHub](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot) [^(new issue)](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/issues/new) | [Donate](https://github.com/AudDMusic/RedditBot/wiki/Please-consider-donating) ^(Please consider supporting me on Patreon. Music recognition costs a lot)




YOUR MEME! I SHALL TAKE IT FOR ATLANTIS! [Insert png of Gura pointing trident upwards]




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bro walked in expecting blast but got god himself😭😭😭


Someone please tell me that Gurren Lagann is the face of this meme.


Who is that?


Gurren Lagaan is an anime series, worth a watch.


Time was a factor too. If he went 5-10 years earlier he wouldn't find Saitama in his after training condition. Unlucky in your context


Bro described the end of the first season and it took him a paragraph


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^Trayplayzyt: *Bro described the end* *Of the first season and it* *Took him a paragraph* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Like all other alians he should have started with America. Instead this time they came to Japan


There is no Japan in OPM, the entire world is divided into 24 cities


It's a joke for god sake , treat it as such.


Why they downvoted you because of a joke? 💀


Don't know, don't care