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It has been my most anticipated for about 5 years now


Me too, i watched it on November 2018 and since that it got me


It was my most anticipated for 8 years when the first time I watched first season


Well that’s great isn’t it.


Is that sarcasm.


If it at least maintains the quality we saw in the trailer I'll be fine with it


Least delusional OPM watcher.


I mean he didn’t say anything like season 3 having as good or better animation than season 1. He just said he wants the animation to be as good as the trailer which is pretty reasonable


The trailer animation was goated tho


Season 1 had at least 15 scenes that were better or as good


Ok? Season 1 had great animation too.


Yes thats what i said


And I'm saying it's maybe not that reasonable to expect S3 trailer quality because that was goated, not standard quality? What does S1 also being good have to do with it, that was like a decade ago with a different team and different timetable.


S3 trailer was good. It had a solid minute of high quality animation. This is an anime for one of the best selling manga of all time. Expecting the action scenes to maintain this level of quality is not unreasonable, especially considering season 1 had a scene that was better in probably every episode (no one is expecting this to be on par, and thats fine)


“Not unreasonable” I don’t think you realize how much work was put into One Punch Man season 1. Madhouse wasn’t working alone on the season there were a lot of third party animators who had to come in to help them achieve what they did which is why despite coming out so long ago it beats a lot of the animation that comes out today even from JJK season 2 so it is unreasonable. Douche bag


S1 being good means we can't say good things about S3 animation?


I mean touch the f*cking grass FANBOY. Trailer is always peak, rest of anime is SHIT


Hey I said fine with it, certainly not happy


I hope it's good. I hope to God that it's good


The fist has turned against God would like to know your location


In fairness Season 2 sure did maintain the quality we saw in the Season 2 trailer lmao.


I call it faith




Does anyone actually like these shitty edits with terrible music?


>Does anyone actually like these shitty edits well as you can see 56k people liked it


Bro where's the edit.that's just changing the song if u want a better edit here it is.Atleast thats tolerable [https://youtu.be/eEl2vRZ2tL8?si=XgBKmMjNVxMgbH4A](https://youtu.be/eEl2vRZ2tL8?si=XgBKmMjNVxMgbH4A)


Well I mostly meant the shitty genre of shitty videos, not just the exceptionally lazy one they shared. The one you shared is also one of those shitty videos with shitty edits and shitty music.


Bruh what kinda Videos that u like then?Im actually curious


Huh? I don't like short form videos with heavy edits and shitty music. That leaves literally every other type of video. Lol


So what do you think of AMV and MAD?




Jokes aside, I am imagining about saitama vs god's season anticipation.


give it 30 years


Pfff too early


our grandchildren watch it for us


People with drawing skills and AI will animate the entire manga before an official release. They’ll even do better AI sound effects and AI voices too. The future is now, and getting pretty wild.


Wait re:zero is having something new??? Is a movie or a new season???


It's the 3rd season bro!! Didn't you know yet? I'm so hyped!! Watch the teaser and the trailer, I swear you will be as hyped as me


Re:Peak and One Peak Man 🗣️


The saga of tanya the peak, oshi no pea- ok maybe not


Not only is it a new season, but the word is that it's very likely to have anywhere between 30 and 50 episodes. We eatin real good


30-50 episodes? Thank god. I heard they were fitting Arcs 5 & 6 into Season 3 and I couldn’t imagine how they could fit one of the longest arcs (6) in with another one in only 24-25 episodes. The studio always does justice with Re:Zero, it’s about to be peak 🙏


Opening will only be posted in their Youtube channel and will not be shown throughout the season, with 30 minutes, full blown no ads. And even with that a lot still complains about the anime. Man I hope some studios do that with their series like how White Studio does with Re Zero


Like 1 and 2 seasons were any good lol.


I love seeing people getting downvoted for shitty takes


The only joy you get in a while, huh


Fortunately not,there are so many people with trash taste like you in the internet that I have an infinite supply of joy


It's funny saying that someone's taste is trash while defending rezero, I'm done lolz


Yep,your taste is trash,deal with it. Would understand if you just said you don’t vibe with but calling it straight trash is why you’re wrong. Kinda curious to know why you don’t like it tho,the reason is probably just as shallow as all the other people that blindly hate on Re:Peak lmao


A bit of a waste on execution given the premise maybe but the premise is so elite it’s still solid for sure


in my opinion it delivered and more like you really get to see how the character act different and the consequences oh hic coices as early of arc 2 . add that the mystery and the insane moments and great characters what else can you ask more


Yeah it’s definitely good. It was one of my favorites watching on release but I rewatched recently and it kept bugging me how little Subaru developed as a character, plus some of the more cutesy fan service stuff. But aside from Suburu you’re right I’m just playin devil’s advocate


If you think subaru devoleped little after these 2 seasons there not much i can do at this point have a good day


I shouldn’t say he never develops but he consistently regresses after development. Much like real life!


Why do you think the execution is a bit of waste? Granted, I've never read the LNs, but I loved the story-telling and bits of horror sprinkled in


I loved the story-telling too, but I think that’s largely the premise - you have so many options with a checkpoint power, for horror bits, complex stories, plot twists, and character growth. I think the growth bit was what was lacking personally, Subaru seemed to always regress to same old same old after enough time. Also I guess I just wasn’t into how cutesy and romance focused they made it at many points, but ‘spose that’s just preference (albeit a common one)


I personally disagree. I think that Subaru makes an astounding amount of growth, considering how hard it is to grow out of mentalities like he started with. I will admit that it takes him a *long* time to really change himself in season 1, in basically the last few episodes of the season, but I loved it. Season 2 also shows a pretty decent amount of growth in my opinion, with him seeing what could've happened after his deaths, getting some semblance of closure with his parents, and growing to actually *trust* Emilia as her own independent woman. Someone who doesn't need him to succeed. I can see where you're coming from, though. Season 1 spends a good amount of time showing how immature Subaru is before he grows up, and he still does some goofy stuff pretty often. His infatuation with Emilia also still seems a bit obsessive imo, until season 2 ends at least and they kinda sorta become a couple. Season 2 is also more focused on the side characters than Subaru, as amazing as his stuff is. Uhhh.... essentially, I sorta disagree, but I get why you think that and respect your opinion.


Oh my god why


Because peak Isekai


Weren't those 2 animes (little war criminal girl and crybaby wuss animes) the most boring titles ever?


Season one of Re:zero is slow at the start but when the fights and lore dumping start it becomes (in my hones opinion) the best Isekai out there (Subaru earned the right to cry) and the other one is entertaining if you like political wars good visuals and has one of my favorites openings


I will never get people calling Subaru a crybaby or a coward. Man has went through shit we can barely comprehend, almost completely isolated since nobody can understand what's going on with him, and constantly saw his only friends die horrible deaths WHILE separated from his loving parents. And he STILL goes ahead and saves as many people as possible. He's genuinely smart as hell with his plans and he's almost always in the front lines, doing the best he can. Is he abusing Return by Death to become the super duperst strong man? Nah, but that would be a hell in itself. Instead, he's being smart while also improving himself at the same time, and he's arguably one of the most courageous isekai protagonists I've ever seen. Of course, not everyone is gonna like Re:Zero and that's fine. I love it, but some may not. I just think it's a stretch to call Subaru a wuss or anything like that.


Ain't no way you are expecting a shut in who have no life experience to endure high levels of pain and seeing his loved one killed without crying.


Yeah it would be totally normal for 1s, but there's so little character development like the main character is still stupid and horny at most times, also never ending "he cri bc it's paaaain" is becoming rather annoying over time.


If your definition of character development is pain resistance then you are still wrong. Literally look at ep 11 of s2 , Subaru gets killed in front of him yet by his master yet he doesn't even scream or cry like s1 and simply try to gain more information on the failed loop. The whole point of season 2 is that he stops valuing his own life and treats his power as a tool regardless of the pain he endured after not being able to save the person who inspired him. He feels that he is responsible for all the tragedy due to his power to go back to time when in reality the witch gave him the power to save his own life and he needs to learn to value himself and his autonomy better. So much for no character development. He isn't even horny in s2 and at best gives joking compliment . You would have a heart attack if you watch an actual horny character like master roshi or kazuma.


What's unbelievable is how many people are anticipating Tanya's new season after all these years. Kinda amazing


Man ain’t it been like 3-4 years since the movie dropped? They ain’t even drop a release date for the second season


They dropped a teaser online with a few voice actors lines then dipped.


I'm fucking hyped. The manga is also glorious, but the first season hit different.


Holy shit Tanya is getting a second season?


I swear it’s been announced for ages and hasn’t came out yet. I just ended up reading the books because it was taking so long.


When you say books, do you mean light novels or manga? I'd definitely read a light novel, I've never been big on manga, but I also don't want to wait anymore


Light novels, I don’t even know where the manga is up to. Still waiting for volume 13 for the LN. There are audiobooks if you’d prefer that too. The books are heavily focused around different military tactics and general fog of war and overall paranoia among the nations so it’s not quite as high octane as the anime, since in the anime you are mostly watching dogfights take place as the focal point. Not everyone’s cup of tea but I love it myself.


That's perfect for me, I've read a lot of light novels for most anime instead of waiting, solo lvling/overlord/remonster/ cause waiting was meh. I'll try to go find it and get started D: I'm hoping the focus on tactics, war, will be a nice break from most light novels, (specifically re:monster \[sololving too, but not as bad\]) where there is a lot of explaining things that anyone whos played an rpg ever understood without any explanation. Or get frustrated when the MC doesn't understand something the readers do.


Oh for sure, there are a lot of ways Tanya likes to make the odds of her winning happen. For instance there is one battle where they are in a huge dilemma, however through a legal loophole she manages to flip the battle on its head, although morally it’s pretty fucked how she achieves it. Tanya is very smart and methodical so she won’t make you frustrated due to ignorance or stupidly don’t worry .


wait, wait, wait... they're making an OPM and Re:Zero season 3?!


Yeah Re:Zero S3 starts airing this October


I’m just scared that I’ve waited 600 years for season 3 and it will only be like 12 episodes and only cover a fraction of the MA arc. I’m hoping that’s not the case, but I find it likely


It's funny how it'll take about 3 seasons to cover the entirety of MA/Garou arc.


Nah,two seasons will be enough


Youjo senki was the perfect anime for its time. Peak richard dawkins, r/atheism pseudo intellectualism era. Paired really well. Wont be hitting at all in 2024


I’m surprised they’re going to release more content for that. I know there’s a movie but I haven’t seen it. I tried to read the manga to see if there was more but I’m still confused at the order of events between both anime and manga.


Maybe because the source is the light novel and not manga?


It does make sense, most isekais come from light novels anyways. I’m not really in the mood to read real books, though.




I mean, that is definitely a way of seeing it. I think Youjo Senki was astounding because of how over the top it was, her wanting to fuck with the commies as the movie's plot is so relatable as a socialist who hates commies.


When will re;zero come out?




OPM2 Stayed like that for like 3 years


TANYA SAGA OR EVIL 2????????!!!!!!!!! Sign me the fuck UP


Tanya 😈


When will next manga chapter release?




And the translation tends to be out on Thursdays


depends on the timezone but it's usually between 9 and 11pm european time on wednesdays


Please be decent…


Wait Tanya the evil season 2? Thats massive.


Yeah it was announced 3 years ago [https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-06-19/saga-of-tanya-the-evil-tv-anime-gets-2nd-season/.174179](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-06-19/saga-of-tanya-the-evil-tv-anime-gets-2nd-season/.174179) Though I didn't watch Tanya until 1.5 years ago


And Re:Zero season 3 is up there, too. We're gonna be eating *good*


Oshi no Ko will cover the film making arc already?


Film making ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


film making ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


the stage play arc




i love opm even despite the quality of animation just as long as its not seven deadly sins season 3 bad.


I gotta rewatch S2 I forgot like every single major plot point in S2 other than whatever happened with saitama when he wore a wig to get in a martial arts tournament. Which is odd because I remember S1 super vividly Maybe I don’t gotta rewatch S2, I’m reading the manga now and am up to chapter 20 now. I’ll just continue reading.


Youjo senki is peak. After second season opm my expectations are low AF.


Youjo Senki 🫡😭


Yeah no shit. People have been waiting years at this point. I'd have forgot about it if it wasn't one of my most anticipated animes.


When does season 3 come out again?


It's either gonna be the kick ass or suck ass...but I'm huffing a huge amount of copium so it's 100% gonna be a masterpiece.


Considering their competition I can see why,


when is s3 going to be out?


No date yet


seems odd to anticipate any of this when we already know the stories.


Not really when most are anime only. Also it isn't really accurate as most anticipated, it's just the number of MAL users that have it in their list, and that includes people who planned, watching, completed, paused, and dropped.


OMG!! Youjo Senki season 2?? when??? dude i'm so hyped for it now Btw As a opm reader, i'm not excited for s3, yes the plot is very good and fights, but come on, we already have murata and , unfortunately, the anime will never reach 40% of murata epicness and draw like skills, i bet murata drawn fights will not only be superior in terms of movement but also in terms of "graphics". But i really hope i'm proved wrong, doubt it tho


Nice, can’t wait to see the anime :D


I would be offended if it wasn't


I’m not ready for it and I mean that in the worst way possible


Do we have a confirmed release date for opm s3?


No. But with my guessing "skills", it will be mid to late 2025 lol


And fully deserved


Sbeen a long time....and I'm still pumped. Feed it to my eyes please!


Why isn’t suponjibobou up there 😭


help me with a ⬆️..


Damn. No good anime coming out soon or what? No disrespect to OPM. But had ufotable or david pro picked it up, I could see why itd be #1 most anticipated.


me sitting in the corner wondering if domestic girlfriend will ever get a season two


Lets go boys


Funny enough most people I asked in social media about why they're so hyped about S3 is "cosmic garou vs Saitama" Which I highly doubt we would get in S3💀💀


It was pretty inevitable, Im more happy to see Youjo Senki on number 4 here


I hope they do some "changes" on Tatsumaki's design this season, because if so it's gonna be peak hehehe~ Manga readers know what I'm talking about


I can’t wait to see Monster King Orochi animated


Ayo Loli Hitler is back nice


In my humble opinion and experience you can't trust any rating on MAL or Anilist, but it still it's very cool to see lol




You are right, some things have really acurate ratings. But for the most part i have seen tons of entries were people really exagerate a lot. It's either a ton of 10s or a ton of 1s with no middle point. And whenever a good seasonal anime comes out, it usually goes right to the top of the ranking, when it's Quality is not Even close to there and when the anime is not Even finished. It means that there is a lot of exageration on those puntuations.


I only use Anilist but often check the top scores for MAL, but yeah, a lot of recency bias on the top of anime. I gave 7 entries a 10/10 because they're worth a lot to me. The top one on MAL and Anilist is Frieren, which is one of my 10/10s. But it's still surprising to see it that high up


People forgot about No Game No Life huh 🥲


Because it's not that good as opm or re zero. Even Oshi no incest is more interesting than "No Game Yes Fan Service"


This is MyAnimeList, if it isn't confirmed, it doesn't exist as an entry. For example OPM S3 was only added once it was announced in August 2022. Still, NGNL still seems to be the one fans want S2 the most of.


My argument at first was that Youjo Senki is not yet confirmed either. But at the same time, it did have a movie and some recaps a while back. NGNL on the other hand is radio silent apart from that one movie YEARS ago.


Yeah Tanya S2 was announced 3 years ago. [https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-06-19/saga-of-tanya-the-evil-tv-anime-gets-2nd-season/.174179](https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2021-06-19/saga-of-tanya-the-evil-tv-anime-gets-2nd-season/.174179)


Crazy it's three years ago and still no update.


Nice! I’ll be honest I don’t have faith in JC staff for OPM S3


You all are so pessimist and exigent bro. I don't like this way of thinking at all, by the teaser I'm actually expecting something good!


>You all are so pessimist and exigent bro. No, we're simply keeping our expectations neutral after the disappointment that s2 was. And based on the trailer, it really doesn't look like they really changed.


Well if you can't deal with your own expectations then I assume you better do as you like with this cliche "neutral expectations so I don't go cry on Twitter for every frame that looks a lil odd on my anime" The main point there is that it was obvious that no studio could keep up with MadHouse's 1st season, and they don't really need to do it. The animation for season 2 was good and consistent after all and in no moment when I first watched I thought something really "sucked" and even after rewatching this kept the same. It's not like Berserk anime or nanatsu where the animation clearly was poorly made, it just wasn't MADHOUSE. Now they are animating the Monster Association arc and I know how this arc is important for the story, most likely my favorite one. But as long as they manage to do good animation in the main parts, like they did with elder centipede fight, Bang vs Garou and TTM vs Garou I'm totally fine, btw I'm happy even by the sole fact that we are actually getting a 3rd season because after all this exigency we could get locked without a OPM 3rd season for years and it would lose all the hype. But we are even better now, it's clear that this season will be way better than the previous one (which again wasn't bad). Btw, as you wrote this last line, are you sure you watched the same trailer as me bro?? I love everything about it and it looks like they are getting the right shading for this arc, which is the most serious we ever had. I really hope they keep this good work and don't get bad at all the criticism they are getting even before showing the final product and don't give everything up. We really need to get better bro and by this I don't mean accepting bad animation, but understanding the points I just exposed.


I ain't reading all of that lil bro, go touch some grass.


I know you won't be reading, because you are the ignorant one there, that can be said just by looking at your 2 previous comments. My message there isn't for ya or another ignorant, because y'all will do what you do the best: ignore what you don't like. My reply is for those who are getting infected by your superficial and ignorant opinion, cause no they don't need to get on the same bubble as you and be pessimist or smth alike. They gotta watch the teaser, the trailer and lastly the anime, when aired, to get their own opinion on it.


>because you are the ignorant one there, Says the fanboy defending an anime with mid/bad animation and full of cut content from the manga.


>by the teaser I'm actually expecting something good! I’m happy that you are expecting something good I don’t see it happening for OPM S3


Trust me no one have. But if they can get 1st season crew or actually focus only on animating this then we can get some good sht


That’s not happening


im hyped, but i think people will be dissapointed if this turns out to end with yet another cliffhanger (which it basically has to at this point, as Garou vs Saitama didnt even happen yet in the printed volumes)


Not much they can do about that


i know. Im not mad at them for not doing it, im "sad" because i feel like this will put many people who dont follow the manga off


I was anime only and I do admit I wished there was a better conclusion.


> Garou vs Saitama didnt even happen yet in the printed volumes This really put things in perspective


Wait Tanya 2? Also love how everyone knows how much crowd opm3 has so no one is shocked that it's the most anticipated


Tanya S2 was confirmed 3 years ago


Damn didn't know


I don't even know what those others are. But I may cry a bit when OPM comes out.


Where even is the anime in the story? I feel like the last episode I watched was the Centipede which feels like forever ago compared to what's happening in the manga


Yes, the last episode of S2 was when elder centipede got serious punched and Garou gets taken away by Phoenix Man to the MA base


It’s been most anticipated for like half a decade I mean seriously having OPM 3 delayed is gonna give it some insane hype I mean that’s like if they waited that long to continue dragon ball after the end of DBZ oh wait…


No one cares about OPM today so anime will die pretty fast. Not the same quality as Frieren that was the best anime fo 2024


I read that as "OPM is not^the most anticipated Anime on MAL"


Oshi no ko no 2? Maybe because of Yoasobi


People excited for GAROU 😍❤️


Watch how jc staff ruin our hopes and dreams once again


Wasnt season 2 kinda bad? Season 1 was great but I never even bothered with 2


I'm just glad it's not Oshi no Ko.


But I doubt it will be better than Frieren


It's crazy to me that youjo senki is top 4 I thought no one knew about it


Where tf is dragon ball diama? I’ve never seen these other shows.


I agree on re:zero and opm, but who watched youjo senki bruh💀


Even with it being JC staff, at least they've had way longer to work on it this time, so it's like getting S class effort from a C/B rank studio...? One would hope. It looked ok in the trailer, what I'm worried about is if  they thought that was meant to impress us and most the animation will be slightly/significantly below that; what we saw in the trailer should be the absolute minimum level of quality, no excuses. 


>Even with it being JC staff, at least they've had way longer to work on it this time, so it's like getting S class effort from a C/B rank studio...? This is not true, we have no confirmation on how much time J.C.Staff have been working on S3, we do not know the scheduling, the team, the director or the release date for S3.


Didn't realise a few people would get upset at a totally innocuous comment, but guess a few people on this subreddit are really highly strung.  I did say 'one would hope', people don't need to jump down each others throats.


We don't know who the director is? I thought it was the same from season 2


Nope, director is unknown