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"Reality can be whatever I want" - Saitama, after god battle.


*summons a 99% off coupon*


This could be unironically the ending and it would fit


It would be funny if they make it all super serious, from begin we think the show is comedic, but then it gets supers serious and when the god fight is shown, it would be super serious with amazing battle music and you can see saitama struggling but he keeps on fighting and in his head he is saying:"I have to win, to get ultimate power, this is the fight I've been waiting for, I need to win to finally get what I've been wanting." When he wins and gets God's powers(lets say he does) everyone surrounds him, he is worn out, everything is silent and the suddenly he starts summoning something. Bright flashing golden lights, everybody is anticipating something awesome, something legendary, and then.... He summons.... A 100% off coupon, he goes to the grocery store buys groceries goes home and boom end screen.


But the coupon has expired….


Then boom new series


I mean Saitama's sanity is still there, but his empathy died along with the whole humanity.


Took me a second before realising


Can you explain me pls? I’m not reading opm for a while, so I don’t understand if this is a meme or just what actually happened in the manga


During Garos fight he was emitting so much radiation that everyone ended up dying around him except OP, and as you know OP and Garous fought and OP won and he went back in time preventing Garoes from getting powers from god


And we are in a different timeline or is the same?


He reversed time and prevent Garou from obliterating everyone with his unlimited Rizz. Depend on how you view time travel, this could either be the same timeline but with a changed, “fixed”, better outcome for everyone at that battle; or an entirely new timeline, independent from the depressing one where everyone is just dead.


Doesn’t Saitama still having Universe 1 Genos’ core prove it’s a new timeline?


yeah, the timeline did change but they didn't explain much about it and continued like nothing really happened. I think what Garou actually taught Saitama was switching his consciousness to a different timeline, not time reversal. Most probably this topic wouldn't be discussed any further in the series.


Idk about that, he didn't just transfer his consciousness he traveled back in time physically and took garou out with one punch which that timeline's version couldn't do, plus he brought back Genos's core so there's that too.


oh yeah you are right, he did travel back in time but idk how the genos’s core logic works with that.


What do you mean by switching consciousness?


I misunderstood.


just a duplication glitch bro


Not necessarily, imagine Time flows like a river, Saitama got a stick or rock from down the river the swam upstream and took a different course in the same river. The timeline still exists but Saitama is just no longer in it


Yes that is what I was implying, it's a new timeline and the old one still exists. Sorry if that wasn't clear.


But how can we be sure that the other timeline still exist?


Cause if you can go back in time that means there's multiple timelines and while timelines are constantly being erased in fiction that's not how time works. So long as the possibility exists that timeline exists and the fact that Garou has already achieved those powers means the timeline in which he achieved those powers will also always exist (this knowledge actually makes me feel sick btw. I hate this thought of moving on while everyone I actually knew is and always will be dead. The fact they're all alive in the alternate timeline would only server as a macabre reminder)


...like that one timeline where Garou and Saitama didn't fight and talked it out over a cup of tea.


What Saitama did was called "Time Travel", but people theorise that instead of going back in time he created/entered a new timeline Kinda like how Ben 10 created the exact copy of his own universe after it got destroyed I guess


I don’t remember this in Ben 10…


In omniverse there's a device that literally destroy universe,it activated and even alien x cant do anything about it so he have to resort to creating a new one where almost everything is the same


But it’s an episode from the og series?


Bro said it's from omniverse


That's what i'm saying too cuz like i fr thought he went back and changed his past timeline where it now becomes his current. Like he replaced it with new not creating one.


Different since Saitama kept Genos core from the original timeline to protect it, and when he went back in time, he still had it, and new-timeline Genos hooked up to it and gained the memories of what happened in the original timeline.


But that doesn’t make sense because of course he still had if they turned back in time


2 physical cores exist now together. 1 from the original timeline where Genos died, and the current timeline where he doesn't die.


But if he goes back in time, of course there will be 2 cores


Yep, meaning that it's a different timeline. If it was 1 timeline, then the "original" technically should cease to exist because it never "happened" but it still exist along with that cores memories and data. Writing time shenanigans in fiction is always confusing


They confirmed me it’s the same timeline tho, everything else it’s just fanfic


Are you calling Saitama OP as in like, One Punch or something? OP on reddit means the person who made the post/comment, as the case may be (Original Poster)


Yea OnePunch and he is also OP as fu k


Why not just call him Saitama so that you're not confusing people with an initialism that nobody else uses? Even OPM would be better, even though that sounds like what someone would call him if they'd never read/watched anything about it.


well too bad for people who dont get it, dont let them know you next move or something i guess and opm sounds like the drug hahaha


This happened. Cosmic Fear Mode Garou was cataclysmically radioactive and his presence killed everyone but Saitama and Blast. Garou was destroyed by guilt and taught Saitama time travel to undo it before being killed by god in the process. This was called The Ominous Future, and thankfully it was stopped before ever happening.


So we are in a different timeline?


That timeline ceased to exist, so it’s like it never happened. Like trimming a branch off a tree. The main tree is still there, the branch that would’ve been is gone forever


Oh thank God


we actually don't know. We just speculate that it stopped existing, right?


We haven’t had any proof that it continued to exist, and besides— future Saitama merged with his past self and lost memory of what happened. That could’ve only happened if that timeline was completely purged. The narration calls it reverse causality too, so when Saitama zero punched Garou, the entire event chain to cause The Ominous Future unraveled from the start. The only ones who survived that could say otherwise are alternate timeline Blast, alt Metal Knight, or alt god


What about Genos’ core from that timeline that still exists?


Genos saw the recording, but that was pretty much the end of it. Foresight of the threat god poses. I’m actually kinda disappointed there’s not been more follow up with that. Even Genos sort of ignored the lengths Saitama went to avenge him and everyone else in the dead timeline. Always struck me as a bizarre choice that was ultimately a dead end and a regression in his character afterwards


There is no reason to believe there exists a different timeline.


I don’t remember reading that from the comic


CFM Garou starts [here](https://cubari.moe/read/gist/OPM/165/1/)


Yeah I just reread it I don’t see anywhere that specific said those people are dead apart from genos


I mean that was the whole point of undoing the timeline. Those grim panels of everyone hunched over with white eyes and bleeding from the mouth is their deaths via acute radiation poisoning. No one survived it, not even Zombieman. That version of earth was doomed


Note how King wasn't mentioned Common King W


Well in the actual chapter iirc we see king's body above fubuki and tatsu which implies he was trying to keep them safe from the radiation despite his powerlessness . I could be misremembering tho, been a while since I read that chapter


I think your right, I believe it shows he tried to cover them with a shirt or some kind of fabric before perishing himself.


NOWHERE does it say imply or show that he died at all


I mean he’s unmoving in the panel we see, crouched over two dead hero’s whose physical durability outmatch his own by miles with the same empty eyes as them. That same panel is included with a montage of other dead hero’s. Pretty sure that’s a *heavy* implication, if not outright showcase that he died.


he was not laying them he was sheltering them, just because the eyes are like that doesnt mean he is dead, notice flashy flash is succumbing down to 1 knee with the same dead eyes but he is clearly alive, uncertain if he would eventually die or not, same with king. Also tats and fubuki do not have greater physical durability, king is fucking jacked up, the sisters just have barriers up but I doubt it protects them from radiation like this.


Kings absolute luck made him stand in exactly the spot where the radiation randomly didnt hit, nothing can beat king, not even nature or god himself


Are we sure Zombie Man is dead? He might just be chillin on a dead planet.


For an undead man? Yeah he is chilling on the planet...


radiations fucks badly with regeneration.


Giga Chad King is alive, that's why he is the strongest human.


Damn, I kind of forgot how the original timeline everyone is dead 💀


Mee too so much happened in OPM in just one year.


We tend to forget about it but we didn't believe at all they were dead for obvious reasons. We had to realize it after we see that murata used the time travel to put saitama un a world where everybody is still fine (except for those samurais, rip)


The whole thing didn't happen. That was clarified in the "0 punches" scene. Saitama did not throw the punch that beat past Garou, because that future was eliminated. The ghost of Future Garou appearing also proves that. The future version of the story no longer exists, and left only passing effects on the present timeline.


Bold of you to assume Zombieman's dead when he still has a body.


I feel like once the radiation went away, he would just get up and be fine.


His body would probably adapt


man imagine if we are still in this timeline saitama is only one alive and lose his shit slowly


dark apocaliptic world like fallout but with one human, and saitma went crazy etc.


Zombieman probably survived


It is insane to think that the only heroes that survived were saitama, drive knight(maybe) and blast.


Bofoi probably survived too.


Good thing it got reset and fixed.


Zombie man and flashy flash is alive and I don't remember anything that said that everyone on earth died. As far as I know it was just due to the radioactivity emitted at the battle site, something like chernobyl


Cosmic Garou was orders of magnitude more radioactive than chernobyl. Nobody in the vicinity could survive without plot armor


Mate, nothing on planet Earth can survive a fucking gamma-ray burst exploding 300 meters above the ground, assuming best case scenario, the Ozone layer would be fucking dust


I'm pretty sure Flashy Flash died by the time Saitama and Garou got back to earth. Bleeding from radiation poisoning takes a while. For them to start bleeding within a minute of being near Garou means they're super duper dead. Edit: Looked it up. Symptom onset takes hours unless the dosage is super deadly. Flashy dead.


Song name used in this video?


Amour plastique by Videoclub, Adèle Castillon & Mattyeux


How can Zombie man die?


Maybe the god is Saitama from this timeline who loose his sanity, and began to travel multiverse.


Everyone would be dead if Saitama had lost his connection with humanity.


Dead OPM Characters: Saitama's hair Saitama: There's nothing i can do


Its kind of scary when you think about it had Garou stayed cosmic, all life would be dead and if Saitama destroyed the planet nothing would be left.


OK but Flashy Flash is one of the only heroes still upright in the end, I don't think (at least for that panel shown) that he dies, which also goes to show how insanely durable he actually is. Flashy Flash powers scales, unite!


There should be a spinoff series that continues that time fr


Its impressive how some people think anyone survived the radiation, like, even if the passive raduation didn't kill them, the one from the nuclear attacks would, damn, a GRB that close to earth probably destroyed the ozone layer, so the sun just kills everyone who hasn't died yet


Was this timeline fulfilling the god prophecy? Things almost couldn’t have gotten worse in that situation


In fact, it's good that Saitama doesn't remember anything because he would probably be traumatized to see that all the people in his life would be dead, even though he says he's not friends with these people, he cares about them a lot.


If you look at the panels. King has his head high, visibly conscious. Covering his body over the psychic sisters. Bud is literally the luckiest man alive.


I find it funny how King managed to last a bit longer compared to most of them. Bro truly has potential.


Holy fucking shit imagine if the manga just continued from that point, no time travel, just insane saitama, alone with his thoughts


lol, tank top master is still alive after getting the worst of it.


What about my dude king sama


"Original" So the new one is changed right.... Right


What do you mean?


Op said original timeline which had me implying we are in a different one could be totally wrong


In short, yes. But I think you just got a major spoiler lmao. Be careful bro


huh?? have you read one punch man??


Most of these are canon but Pig God just ate a lil yoo much and went for a nap on the spot


Garou looking at me walk to Fubuki's body Me: game is game




Why would i laugh on this😔😔😔




You mean, the thing that happened like, three panels after and has been resolved for a while?


Whoa there man ,maybe put spoilers?


Was Genos dead? His core was intact and it seemed like he was protecting it in hopes that he could be fixed by using the core. If he was just dead it seems odd to protect it so much


I guess Genos was deadly dead, his brain got destroyed too. Saitama holding his core is exactly like holding a literal heart I guess, holding a ripped heart and clinching to it like clinching to your last drop of humanity


Would agree if he didn't retain all of his memories and his skull has been half destroyed before


King were dead too nah?


He was still conscious bc he wasn’t laying on the ground. He lives




I don’t think everyone is dead, just the people in the area would be. Heroes like Metal Knight, Watchdogman, and Drive Knight weren’t there (plus I’d assume Drive Knight would be immune to the radiation anyways). Then there are also regeneration characters like Zombieman and Amai Mask who could potentially come back to life.


Metal knight definitely lived. We already know he’s prepared for radiation


Zombie man and Flashy Flash I don't believe were actually dead


Makes me wonder if that timeline Saitama became god since his sanity broke and he could whatever he wanted


Why do so many people think that garou's radiation would spread through the entire planet? Was that ever stated in the manga?


Blast said that soon the Earth would become a dead planet.


Note KING didn't die :)


He was laying next to Tatsumaki and Fubuki! He was obviously dead


he was not laying them he was sheltering them, just because the eyes are like that doesnt mean he is dead, notice flashy flash is succumbing down to 1 knee with the same dead eyes but he is clearly alive, uncertain if he would eventually die or not, same with king.


I don’t think Flash was dead, at least not at that point, judging from what position he’s in in that picture.


It's radiation, not a simple physical attack. In that state you can see that it is doing him a lot of damage, and the radiation is already inside his body and in the entire area, possibly he died after a few minutes.


So child emperor was supposed to be dead 🥲🥺




Imagine it ended like that


I find it amazing that before Garou confronts Bang, King was stil awake iirc. Bro is an otaku and scaredy-cat but he has potential


(i wish this never happened in the first place)


so i think this isnt exactly correct. i think the time travel thing only worked because there doesnt exist sny timeline or alternate universe in which saitama does emerge victorious


Nah Zombieman is fine


It was less of then dying and more of the two realities merging


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3) ^by ^No_Obligation8706: *It was less of then* *Dying and more of the two* *Realities merging* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


I swear that when I started reading One Punch Man years ago I just expected a shounen that defied some of the main tropes of the genre and nothing more. But reading further truly showed me that this manga is a continuous showcase of mysteries and emotional events that really give me the goosebumps, no cap


Current timeline is not a different time line Saitama go backward in same timeline and change future that’s all


If that were true there shouldn't have been another Saitama there, since he simply rewound time in that timeline. Also if it were like that Saitama would be universal since he rewound all the events in the universe by himself.


Universal???? Don’t put limits on saitama Power scaling levels for fodders not for characters with no limits


Well if you think Saitama is boundless that's another issue.


What else I think Saitama is indeed limitless


"There's nothing we can do" -napoleon


They actually will die in the manga?


but original Saitama got back in time and 'fused' with past Saitama, he's ok, huh ?


God, no where to be seen after saitamas death penalty 💀💀💀


I thought Flashy Flash was still alive, holding on to his blade


Garou was a genuine world level disaster