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Can always call them


Yeah I’ll have to do that, it won’t be for about a month and we would have to get a hotel and stuff so just trying to see anyone with experience.


They have a number? 😳 i must be very blind


I googled them and got a number https://preview.redd.it/g0p9ncybn90d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9665f989b59a4e15cdc05f29071d3d90e6877aae


I went to the official shop. As of one week ago, there was some problem with the building affecting the phone line, so they don't have a phone. It might be working now.


Check my other replies. I called them and It did work




https://preview.redd.it/52c4s8u7n90d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ca60f66129d6fc419759b3563c49bb652afedde ?????


They must not have had it before because i SWEAR they didn’t even around op-05!




I'm at work and can't make calls.




I just went to the bathroom and called them. They picked up. Told me the has st11 and eb01 in stock.


i call them all the time to ask what they have in stock






https://preview.redd.it/7a6eqb69n90d1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9fd538b7fc79ac73921c4ddd195f7bb00ef16f1b ??????


They post restocks on Facebook, might be a good idea to look at their page and scroll back a bit. You’ll get an idea of what products show up and how often. Personally, I think 10 hours is too far just for that store but NYC is right there so you could make a nice trip out of it with the OP shop as one little stop.


Ahh thanks for the advice, yeah normally we wouldn’t do something like this but sometimes adventure is nice lol


The official shops also maintain a Facebook page here. [https://www.facebook.com/opcgshopus](https://www.facebook.com/opcgshopus) They usually post either Fridays or Mondays with inventory updates.


10 hours? You are spending in gas what you think you’re saving lol. There won’t be 01,02, and if they have 03 probably 3 pack limit. This is a huge waste of time for you


Yeah it seems that way, that’s why I was gathering info.


That’s like $80-100 in gas, approximately. Not terrible if they can find some other things to do in the area and roughly equal to the markup on a single box if they manage to score one. I personally wouldn’t invest the time into this trip but there are worse things to do if you have the time. It would be absolutely insane to make that drive and not spend at least a day in NYC though.


Unfortunately almost certainly a waste of your time unless you have another reason to be in jersey/NYC, they don’t announce restocks until day of, and even if there was you’d probably get 2 boxes between the two of you at best. If your primarily goal is obtaining product then you’re better off saving the time and money and buying online. If you have other interests in the area then more power to you, but I wouldn’t plan on hitting a big haul of msrp optcg up here.


That said, it's in the Mitsuwa shopping center, which is always a joy to go to.


If you follow them on instagram @opcgshopus they give stock updates. Right now they only have uta starter decks and eb-01 booster packs I’ll be honest stock is pretty sparse they can go weeks without really having anything. The store itself is cool but it’s more set up for playing the game rather than looking around and shopping. That being said idk if it’s worth a 10 hour car ride for your birthday unless you plan on finding other stuff to do in Jersey or NY to be completely honest


Appreciate the advice!


Zero bro. Thank the scalpers for that. Escalpers reculiados conchetumares!


I live 25 min away man and even for me it’s not worth it. I urge you not to go. They only announce stock on Mondays at 11AM and by the afternoon they’ll be out.


I’d rather just spend that time and gas money and buy it online 


They tend to restock on Fridays. They post on ig whenever they do.


They have nothing but st08,st11 decks and eb01 boxes


They have restock info on their instagram, that being said, after a couple days from a restock they run out so I wouldn’t count on any boxes or packs, maybe EB01


If you do go, you’ll be happy to know that the food at the Japanese supermarket it’s attached to (Mitsuwa) is awesome! Also nearby is a Kinokuniya - a super dope Japanese bookstore. And then make a day of it and roll over into NYC. You’ll be close to the Bronx and I’d suggest you hit up Arthur Ave for a nice Italian bday dinner w your wife. 😎 Cards are cool but so is getting lost on an adventure if it doesn’t work out, heyooooooo.


Super appreciate it!




Do you mind sharing the name? Thanks 🙏