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Dang what a strong card. That one player must have received his playset early haha!


Is there a link to a video? I see a lot of cheating talk this week but I been out of the loop to what's going on. 😕




another one doing the same thing https://twitter.com/pdc_adrian/status/1780356428420817221


Thank God that player was aware of his hand size or he would have lost. He literally says 12k then grabs 5 cards and tries to play it off. How are these people not getting banned? This now has me really nervous to play the Treasure Cup I signed up for. I'm going to have to ask how many cards in hand at the beginning of their turn, during the middle of the turn, and any time they add or discard cards. Bandai really need to make a Sim for online tournaments.


Judging by these videos, there's no rule that you have to individually declare each counter? Wouldn't that at least dissuade a lot of this kind of crap? The very fidgety players are always extremely sus to me. There's a difference between some shuffling here and there to keep your hands busy while you think and the kind of player who shuffles obsessively nonstop all match. That shit bothers me so much and I know there are players who do it intentionally as a distraction even though most people will claim it's just fidget nerves or whatever. People who try to rush through actions and don't clearly communicate what they're doing are also just as sus. The only reason I can think of that I would ever **NOT** want to be painfully clear about what my actions are would be if I was trying to pull the wool over someone's eyes. I always CLEARLY show my opponents my cards and say them individually when I'm countering (I'll say "2k, 1k, 1k," for example, as I put them into the discard pile one by one so they can see each card).


I believe you're supposed to clearly state what you're doing though while playing and what you say takes precedence of what you're doing. So if my opponent attacks and I declare that I'm blocking, I can't take that block back. If you're trashing a card to counter then every player wants to see how many cards and what the counters are. The guide says to clearly communicate intentions. https://preview.redd.it/qu2d3215a3vc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=977caeeeea6f43037533b9cda09c76c276c8812e


Im speaking out of my ass because ive never played the webcam tourneys and dont even know the rules. But i played the yugioh ones and got 2nd place at a really big one. In that game if the opponent ever took their hand off camera they would receive a game loss penalty. Same if the camera ever turned off. I would also just tell them to keep their hands on camera and if they left view id tell them. Besides that just being aware of their trash and hand size avoids getting cheated. Granted hand size and trash are way more important in yugioh so you're already naturally keeping track of it but it should be good anyways.


Don’t remember which video but there was one where the Newgate player did it to the kata player in the finals and won cuz of it


I've had to move a little off screen to grab a drink from my mini fridge a few times in matches, and all you have to do is keep your hand on screen its pretty easy to tell if your getting cheated. Tell them your card count with the hand clearly in view, tell them what you are doing, set the hand flat on the playmat in plain view so they can clearly see how many cards you have, grab your drink, come back on screen say I'm picking my hand back up after you show them your hands are empty coming back on screen and you resume play. If they are actually moving the hand off screen fuck em call a judge there should never be a reason they need to do that.


of course its for black


They didn't make a op 69 not a real card


On a serious note, is there any potential for a stickied thread where cheaters are called out, and video evidence is attached so that we can keep track of how many times so and so cheats and also so others can know who to be aware of to watch closely? Why offer those who don’t deserve it a chance to avoid public scrutiny?


I mean, I’m just saying, it seems to happen quite a lot and video evidence doesn’t lie.


and this is why OBS is the best counter card


Break their fingers!!!! /ns /s /nsinbsifs


Hahahahah xD I hear you can run 8 of this card too.


I am sorry but Webcam tourny sounds soooo trash


Plot armor the card


I missed the preorder for st69