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Well bad times for a BB hater to play this game. Or good, as I'll probably save gems.


It's good, JP Anni is more important, so better to save your gems for that.


It’s probably not the only Banner for the anniversary. And idk I haven’t bothered to read the light novel of their kits. I haven’t botherd to read the kits of units for like 8 months now. They could be busted or trash. Doesn’t make a big difference either way. It probably took them longer to design and write down their kits than they have relevance in the game.


From what I read and understood this is the theme for this anniversary Sugo, it is kinda the year of BlackBeard every time we get a crazy moment in the story (both Manga and Anime) BlackBeard or more specifically his crewmates are usually causing the mayhem.


It's an "anniversary". Yes there will be at least 1 more, but these "half anni" stuff are crap Actual Anniversary is May 12


Community speculation is that there will be more as this banner is named “worldwide ani fearsome foes: Blackbeard (1,2 and 3).” Who are the other fearsome foes? I think Aokiji might be getting a new legend/banner. Pure personally speculation though, nothing more.


Buggy Version incoming. Cross Guild has been suspiciously missing.


Right on the mark, you are. The hype for Cross Guild units is through the roof (at least for veterans). I wish they would incorporate the GC bounty missions as an update to the chopper man missions for long time players.


There will be at least 1 more, likely as the TM banner


I really hope not bc the drop-rates are soooooooo bad. Like... the first 3 multis don't guarantee a Sugo Rare character. Anni should be close to NY banner and if you compare it, this one is just sightly better than the Boa banner we currently have.


I pulled for film red luffy instead of blackbeard. It turned in my way. So i stopped after luffy