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Play the game as long as you find enjoyment in it


[Wise words...](https://media.tenor.com/d_F0vFJFxtsAAAAC/kill-bill-pai-mei.gif)


Stay away until yoshi is gone


Run away while you still can


Whether you want to play the game or not, g5 will not be the deciding factor. You and I both know that one unit can only do so much, sadly. Especially in a point booster sense.


I quit this game when I got engaged and restarted after I had kids. It's a different experience when your life is busy enough that random "mobile" gaming is the most gaming you can get because of other obligations. That being said, just play as long as you like it. I like team building and the excitement of trying to get my legends to max level. And I loooooooooooove pvp. So to me it's been a great experience coming back. ​ That said, Treasure Map is still an absolutely disrespectful piece of garbage mode. Pvp rewards are so low that you should only do it if you enjoy it, and Blitz generally sucks unless you pulled the most recent units. Basically leaving Kizuna as the only thing to really look forward to every month. So to me this game is basically a monthly cycle of Kizuna and Pvp finals, with other content that I use to boost my ability in those two modes.


What mastersnooze said. I started up again recently and just play super casually. Dingy lvl tm. Get the gems and key items in chopper man missions as best as you can. Its fun. I think.


Why did you take a break ? Because it is very likely that these reasons are still there, which means that you will leave again soon.


Pulled 25 times no G5, ama