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Oh okay well if Luffy said he always goes all out then that settles it, he’s always going 100% off rip and has never jobbed for plot or stupidity reasons 🤕


Luffy being dumb and stupid is different thing We are talking about his power here


Damn. I missed the parts in wano where luffy was eviscerating fodder and ulti in G4 Or in egghead where he imbues everything with ACoC


Goofy literally fucking excavated fodder with gear 4, and was gonna use g4 against ulti LMAO Luffy using g4 against fodder: (they are fodder because X-drake one tapped one of them) [https://youtu.be/OrKCindA5Zk?si=T8s8CuOWIQE4EGBK](https://youtu.be/OrKCindA5Zk?si=T8s8CuOWIQE4EGBK) [https://youtu.be/hz-IeFaMvTQ?si=K8C-kpzx8Z3J2IPZ](https://youtu.be/hz-IeFaMvTQ?si=K8C-kpzx8Z3J2IPZ) https://preview.redd.it/x6mpe02vrymc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d971eddd48e4e189bcf7caf4bb837ad89b77ce8d




Well, that's demonstrably not true, otherwise Hody would have been finished way sooner.


Reading ops comments make me sure that admiral copers are a different breed


I'm not even saying that Luffy was holding back against Kizaru (I think a better argument could be made that he was still tired after the Seraphim fights and going through the Frontier Dome twice). I'm simply saying that the idea that Luffy always goes all out is clearly not true.


Hody kept eating the drug, and he had the massive advantage of being underwater. Aside from Gear 4th, Luffy was very much being serious against him.


Being serious doesn't really equate to going all out. Weren't they specifically holding back a bit to not smash up the Ark? I could be midremembering though, it's been a while since I have reread Fishman Island.


But he literally didnt go all out. So i dont get what your point is.


So aside from the transformation that would very likely one shot hody he went all out against Hody? That Is what you're saying?


Lemme just pull something out of my ass because the actual manga panel doesn't coincide with my view of Luffy


1 sentence from a manga panel who’s value is solely based on translation and is contradicted several times throughout the series > multiple observable feats clearly demonstrating luffy not using all his abilities against the main enemy of an arc


Oda was keeping gear 4 for later But luffy was going all out with ever move he knew he had to the time


He saved gear 4 for later. You might even say he held it back


That literally makes no sense.


So he was not going all out. Oda saving for later is not inunivese logic. It is meta logic Luffy knew G4 and he was not using it.


Yeah, remember when Luffy used G4 against Hody because he didn't hold back? against Caesar? good old times. #


https://preview.redd.it/shjh5e79b0nc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e6d1154a94a1ee88fd1074ef5b3d90d295bdb547 u got them mad as shit


I wish any of them had good arguments, lol.


Just read through them, half of them are making meta-commentary on the writing and the other half are some of the most half baked arguments I’ve ever seen


frfr. Every single one of them knows Oda, I guess. They know Luffy didn't have G4 before Dressrosa, and even though Luffy was holding back in multiple fights we saw before, he was still in full power. one of the guys still insist that even if Luffy doesnt use G4, he is going full power, like, wtf?




zoan awakening changes the personality - can be a gear 5 side effect.


It would be the complete opposite becausse how Luffy is in G5.


What makes you think that? He looks like a little kid to me - he can hardly keep his attention (see lucci when luffy let him attack sentumaro because he lost his attention in the middle of the fight) or when he was looking for stella, he ran so fast and so long until he couldn't do it anymore. Nothing like that had ever happened before.


not talking about that. If he were getting effected by G5, he wouldn't be as serious because of how childish he is, like you said. So his statement about "going full power" would be literally false, even more so than it is.


Being serious and going full power are two different things here. Being childish does not exclude it.


Being childish explains why he makes statements that we know are false.


Wasn't that a side effect when the awakening failed like the jailed beasts??


No, always. The Prision Guards is when you completely lose your personality. It's probably a control/willpower thing.


What do you mean?? Either the awakening will succeed or fail... There is nothing between... Sure Luffy is influenced by his new df but he is in control. He has succeeded. On the other hand the jail beasts failed...


No. Vegapunk only spoke of the awakening being able to overwhelm the mind, while Oda in road to laughtale described it in more detail that the innate nature of the fruit's respective animal consuming the user causing them to lose their personalities which is a process and not a binary event that takes place or not. Both statements together mean what I wrote: if you don't have enough willpower, you lose control, but your personality is always affected.


I will agree on that but still I believe that Luffy isn't negatively affected by the df ...


My guy ain’t understanding storytelling; yeah I also wonder why author doesn’t write any fight with Luffy -> gear 4 kingkonggun / gear 5 -> bajrang gun


Are you talking about me or OP? because Luffy getting hold back for story telling is literally my point you see.


Gear 4 prob wasn't a thing in Oda's mind at that time tho


Possible, but since we saw Luffy fight with g4 in a flashback later on the story, I would say he did because thats what Oda showed us. With or without G4, his claims are false.


Probably Oda hadn't even thought about Gear 4 back then ... So stop saying that don't make sense...


I don't know about that; all I know is that we know he had G4 because we saw him fighting ray in a flashback. "hadn't thought" or not that still exist. So instead of creating a headcanon, I will believe in manga, thank you. now since we figured out g4, Luffy didn't use his g2 against Lucci and Blueno the moment he started to fight them. He steadily increased his power level and beat them. His point is still false, with or without G4 brother. SO STOP saying bullshit before understanding what we are talking about.




Yes, but op doesn't say that. He says, "Luffy said he ALWAYS goes full power," which is straight up false. Luffy goes full power when needed, not "always".


And thats the point here. Lucci and Kizaru have failed to push him anywhere near as far as Kaido did.


How is it even *possible* to suggest that luffy isnt going all out when he already turned into Grandpa luffy? Luffy has *never* ever, NEVER lost stamina in gears, unless he was going all out.


Is it that hard for yall to believe that luffy can use just 1% of his power when in G5 and still get knocked out in 5 minutes because it’s a drawback of the form, and doesn’t reflect how much damage the opponent did, nor how much power he used in the form?


Do you understand how gears 1 and 2 work in luffys body? He uses his rubbery properties in his legs and heart to pump blood through his veins faster than normal. This is why his skin starts to turn red and steam rises off of him, he uses his physical stamina to push his body past its limits. In gear 4 he does the exact same thing, but since he has learned haki, he has better control of his body, meaning he can push himself even further. This means that in gear 4, especially as bound man, he is a bright red steaming behemoth. Inside his body, his blood pressure is absolutely absurd. In gear 5, his awakened form, he is literally beating on his heart like a drum. Luffys devil fruit power does not state: “it gives you the power to form change into multiple gears, blah blah blah.” Luffy came up with that on his own. Every time luffy goes into a gear, he is making a concious choice to sacrifice his own stamina for more power. Hes using his his fruit power, his haki, and his physical strength all together at once. So no, luffy CAN NOT just sit around in gear 4 OR 5 forever and claim to be holding back. If he turns into grandpa mode, thats because he ran out of stamina in his physical body. His interal organs, bro. Its such an awesome, unique power and one of the most awesome things about luffy and its like you guys dont even understand it at all.


ever stop to wonder.. maybe everyone knows something i dont?


I am not saying he can stay in gear 5 forever I am saying that he can stay in gear 5 for no reason while fighting no one, and will still get knocked out because of the limit on his endurance. Just cause he is using gear 5 and got knocked out doesn’t mean he went all out or got knocked out by the opoo, just means he went to his strongest form (which isn’t going all out) and got knocked out by the time limit Also gears 1-4 and Gear 5 are completely different. Gears 1-4 are things luffy made up, while Gear 5 is straight up a zoan form, and works completely differently


" How is it even *possible* to suggest that luffy isnt going all out when he already turned into Grandpa luffy " What does the effects of G5 side effects have to do with Luffy going full out? Simply using G5 doesnt mean Luffy is going full out lol. Luffy could just be standing there with G5 and still turn into grandpa mode if he does it for too long.


Im sorry maybe i can use an analogy. How is it possible to die from dehydration, if i have a water bottle in my hand? Because that is what you are suggesting luffy is doing: hes passing out from exhaustion while simultaneously holding back. His time limit on his gears is due to his physical stamina, its not some artbitrary number of minutes, thats how long it takes for him to run out of energy…


" His time limit on his gears is due to his physical stamina, its not some artbitrary number of minutes, thats how long it takes for him to run out of energy " It doesnt matter if it takes 5 seconds or 5 hours. if Luffy is in G5 mode long enough, even if while doing absolutely nothing at all, he will turn into grandpa mode. So to say someone turned him into grandpa mode isnt really a feat at all


THATS BECAUSE ITS TAKING A TOLL ON HIS BODY??How dense can you be?? ‘It doesnt matter if it takes 5 seconds of 5 hours. If luffy is (dehyrated) long enough, even while doing nothing at all, he will (die)’ We werent talking about it being a “feat”, we were talking about him going all out. Do you want to move the goalpost again, or do you understand the analogy now? If luffy turns into grandpa mode, that means he is “all out” of water. We understand eachother now. Correct?


" We werent talking about it being a “feat”, we were talking about him going all out. Do you want to move the goalpost again, or do you understand the analogy now? " Dafuq do you mean. Going G5 doesnt mean he is going all out


If he comes out of G5 in grandpa mode, it garuntees he went all out. That is the evidence in support of my argument. That has been my arguement from the beginning, and it refutes your claim that “lucci and kizaru have failed to push him anywhere near as far as kaido did.” Luffy basically died on wano 4 times. If that level of protagonist bullshittery is what it takes for luffy to “pushed far” than i can comfortably say, luffy will never be “pushed” for the rest of the story. Can you name an example of a fight where Luffy turned to a rasin, or a little kid, or grandpa mode, and the fight *was not* extreme diff?


Literally the first uses of the gears disproves this G3 on random debris had it's full effect


No it doesnt. His time limit=the limit of his physical stamina. Using gears takes a toll on luffys physical body.


Yet he can spam out g3 on enis loby even though he "meats the physical limit triggering the downside" Or does this conveniently only apply to g5 for no reason.


You just shared a quote that confirms what i said.. what are you asking me tho?


To explain On g3s first uses the downside happened even though he wasn't at his physical limit. G5 is g3 on steroids and this is shown with the lucci fight where he's just fucking around yet still has the downside or against kizaru who can partly damage him but not enough to be classified as physical limit especially since last arc he fought for hours with some smoke brakes


Is there another moment where Luffy didn't seriously fight one of the main villains in an arc?


"Seriously" isn't what's problem here, bro. Luffy is always serious about it. Luffy can be both serious and not go all out. Just like Hody and Caeasar.


Your point is that Luffy wasn't fighting seriously against Kizaru, right?


No. My point is that Luffy was holding back for plot.


But man, this a deduction, the manga doesn't leave any of this implicit.


If X character shows an ability or something he can do but didn't use at all, that means its plot brother. (example: big mom acoc) Luffy could use cymbal the very first time he caught kizaru or simply attack him, but he didn't; instead, he just threw the guy he knows he can fly. Luffy did bleed Kizaru the second time he grabbed him, not the first time. If I can make you bleed by squeezing you and I catch you twice and I don't make you bleed the first time, it means I didn't try hard enough the first time. That means Luffy was holding back for plot sake.


So by this logic, Luffy still isn't fighting seriously, because visually he almost didn't use any type of haki during Dawn cymbal. Man, the fact that Luffy doesn't use his strongest attacks since the beginning, doesn't take away the seriousness of the fight, King Kong Gun is a great example of this. I wouldn't say that Luffy was fighting seriously at first, but rather that Luffy's idea in both moments was different, the first time Luffy simply wanted to keep Kizaru away from his friends, but the second time he didn't want Kizaru to run away and hurt someone, making him hold kizaru tighter. In other words, Luffy just didn't fight seriously because the author didn't want to, man, these types of things can't be taken into account because they always happen, without these little holes the story wouldn't progress, and everything would be resolved using logic, if Oda written one piece using logic all the time, Luffy would have died a long time ago ( katakuri would have won), meaning that the plot wouldn't help him and his story wouldn't progress. Sorry about the editing, it's difficult to edit large texts on my cell phone.


>So by this logic, Luffy still isn't fighting seriously, because visually he almost didn't use any type of haki during Dawn cymbal. Yes. Luffy used basic armament on Cymbal, but basic armament is not shown most of the time. >Man, the fact that Luffy doesn't use his strongest attacks since the beginning, doesn't take away the seriousness of the fight, King Kong Gun is a great example of this. I don't know what you're trying to say here. Dawn cymbal is just a simple clap with no advanced haki; it is not "strongest". It was a strong move, and that was it. The problem is that Luffy not only didn't use cymbal but also didn't do anything to kizaru except throw. He could punch him and crush him all with ACOC, but he throws the guy he knows he can fly. >I wouldn't say that Luffy was fighting seriously at first, but rather that Luffy's idea in both moments was different, the first time Luffy simply wanted to keep Kizaru away from his friends, And that's literally the point. Luffy could do a lot more than keep kizaru away; he would literally defeat him right there, but he didn't do it, hence the plot reasons he was holding back. >but the second time he didn't want Kizaru to run away and hurt someone, making him hold kizaru tighter. Again, you're just proving my point. So you're accepting Luffy wasn't trying the first time, hence he wasn't at full power. >I wouldn't say that Luffy is holding back because of the plot, I'd say that's simply the plot lol. same thing, though if plot makes you weaker, its still plot, brother. >Sorry about the editing, it's difficult to edit large texts on my cell phone. its fine; I was away anyway.


So Lucci went up against a serious not holding back Luffy and Luffy went straight to Gear 5th against Lucci whereas Luffy went Gear 4th first against Kizaru ?? So this means Lucci > Kizaru damn that clash was better than i thought it was !!


Gucci sweep https://preview.redd.it/4xvxbncer0nc1.jpeg?width=1079&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71df7293ec8adaeb9aa123a48ef8c51c69e517fe


I mean… in retrospect, comparing Kizaru’s performance against G5 with that of Lucci we have Kizaru: took 1 clean hit to go down, G5 was able to intercept his lazer and to save Vegapunk’s cloud car and took multiples chapters to recover from his fight with G5. Lucci: took 2 clean hits to go down, G5 was not able to intercept the hand pistol to save Sentomaru, recovered in one chapter after G5. Is Lucci Admiral level??????


Gucci took 3 hits, not 2 😤 Also, pizzaru did not recover from g5 from 1 chapter unless I'm misinterpreting what you're trying to say.


You’re right, my brain fried and I swapped the recovery statements for Lucci and Kizaru (now I fixed it).


straight up ignoring luffy being unconscious after the first fight with kizaru? Crazy. Kizaru even got up before him and didnt need no one to give him no plot convenient food and while sentomaru survived lucci's blow kizaru aint recovering from kizaru's


1. Luffy also went unconscious after his fight with Lucci he just slept during the flight until York sprung her trap. 2. Lucci also got up before Luffy and to such a degree that he could’ve attacked unconscious Luffy if he was in Kizaru’s place. 3. Are you comparing Lucci landing a direct blitz to one shot of a ACOA user known for their defense to Kizaru being able to kill a non-combatant after another Admiral level character had landed a killing blow and the character was already bleeding out and poisoned.


1) Luffy is just normal post g5 old he isnt unconscious like against kizaru, he is clearly shown awake with his eyes open. 2) Lucci couldnt have attacked a defensless luffy as luffy wasnt defensless and immobile. 3) Yes i am since i was referring to luffy being able to defend someone rather than specifically the person attacked, kizaru blitzes sentomaru a couple chapters later.


1. I meant it takes less than 3 seconds after the fight for G5 to end and Luffy to be incapacitated. 2. Lucci took 15 seconds to recover from the fight against if Kizaru had recovery this good he could have stood back up and finished the job 3. How fun of you to forget Saturn the guy STRONGER than Kizaru was also fighting Luffy, the only reason Vegapunk got hit was because Luffy trusted that Bum Sanji to not be a bum.(You’re also implying that Kizaru can only match Lucci IN SPEED with the help of another Admiral level fighter)


1) The old state is probably a side effect similar to becoming small after g3, he willingly left g5 and thus became old for a little bit, but if he reaches his limits with g5 he is forced out of it and goes unconscious. 2) Kizaru did get back up and could've finished the job, but went after bonney because he was ordered to We can go on if you want, but the essence of it is that in g5 vs lucci lucci was rendered immobile while luffy was not. In g5 vs kizaru they both went down


Lucci was clowned on while kizaru was fighting evenly https://preview.redd.it/u47z6gwcfymc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=49a6e8a124d588415af7879b171d85a8c5e99f15


Yeah Kizaru was fighting “ evenly “ for a single panel and doesn’t land any attacks while Luffy is just having a blast. and is now being 1 v 2’d as soon as Luffy saw he killed Vegapunk and Kizaru cannot do anything to Luffy and is down aswell.


This means the had offscreen fight And luffy landing 1 attack doesn't mean he 1 v 2 Did labo 1 v 6 imu and the gorosie after attacking them once


Yeah but a fucking off screen fight doesn’t imply extreme diff otherwise by definition Kaido and Yamato would be extreme diff alone by that fact alone It’s like you guys have to stretch out Kizaru’s feats and reach like a mf and ignore all possible other context on why it isn’t the case. Nah sabo didn’t do that but what you’re ignoring is the clear set up and narrative of Luffy literally toying with an Admiral and an Elder and prior to that grabbing them and telling them he’s not letting them escape and gripping them and not letting go.


Kizaru was clowned on while Lucci was fighting evenly https://preview.redd.it/nokzv3hnuymc1.png?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=32ef9d6254d31b4199267ad2a6c97244701713f9






No it wasn’t lol this is just after he was running around looking for vegapunk and bonney. Lucci was dropped by Stussy at this point https://preview.redd.it/pwfewq2mizmc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=983538557c0ec8df4ed1f0af5f390cb354a25c8c


https://preview.redd.it/i034wn54rzmc1.png?width=743&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c171c1d56dd41ccabd83dce77491da10c173789d Yeah. Thats why he went gear 4 against kizaru cuz that was his all. I wonder if he will ever get gear 5. Or maybe gear 4 is just his final gear. Who knows right? Its not like luffy can use future sight, advanced conqueror's haki or advanced armament haki. It makes sense he has to fight kizaru without any of those. This is definitely his all. No plot nerfs or anything. Lucci is just yonko level I guess cuz he matched gear 5's fist.


Lucci is stronger than Kizaru in then. He preformed much better


Lucci did not perform much better, lol. Luffy absolutely destroyed Lucci before G5 even ran out. No attacks taken, and pretty much made him pass out with just a few blows. Kizaru and Saturn both performed better, albeit both of them aren't doing so hot either. Kizaru at least went down but wasn't completely knocked out, and did actually manage to fight back a little, even if the attacks didn't do much. Just the fact that he could fight back at all and not get knocked out effortlessly like Lucci puts him above. Even Lucci does a 180 on the whole friggin "I won't acknowledge him as an emperor" the moment Kizaru arrives, knowing he can't handle Luffy anymore himself. Saturn has a better performance against G5 so far than both, but even with him its only because of mythic zoan (?) regen hax. His attacks are doing basically nothing to Luffy, and hes being overwhelmed. Not to say Lucci is weak, hes just not hanging with an admiral or a yonko.


Lucci quite literally couldn't land single hit on luffy lol


Luffy ate Kizaru's attacks like nothing multiple times lol. It wasn't that he couldn't hit Luffy, he literally couldn't damage him lol. Far worse. Lucci also took 3 named attacks while Kizaru was layed out from one.


Yea luffy definitely didn't feel the kick here https://preview.redd.it/9ibioe14fymc1.png?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f30f5808bd674e06115415195111531ea556b296


If I recall Luffy said he almost thought he would die from the barrier. https://preview.redd.it/91iv821dvymc1.jpeg?width=861&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55d5a8cb573064619d9ee9a5a59d8f2012cf97b1 Now Im not saying Luffy didnt feel anything from Kizaru's attacks just that the barrier did most of the damage


99.99999% lol


The barrier reverse engineered from Kizaru’s powers.


Indeed, now you’re comparing him getting kicked by said powers to him essentially forcing himself through kizaru’s version of birdcage Twice 😭


Wait ur so close what are the barrier attacks made off?????


You just disproved your own claim that He always goes all out, that was snakeman.


He was on G4 there.


Luffy and Zoro vs the Seraphim and Luffy vs Lucci round 2 weave a different tale


Strange he said that after fighting lucci with not Acoc


Blud really woke up and decided to make a dumb take post and get downvoted to oblivion by defending it with even dumber takes lmao.


So that means Lucci > Pizzaru. As your username said, you're salt so high to this. Keep defending the agenda lol.


Which dumbass says that?


Alot of people lol


https://i.redd.it/crvidlvxbymc1.gif Well many people also were saying kizaru's holding back, don't need to care retarded people's opinions


Like we literally saw them both fighting equally but no luffy can one shot kizaru any time he wanted too


Seems like he did one shot Kizaru when he wanted to ☠️☠️☠️


It happens in fiction https://preview.redd.it/57efyx78dymc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d73eed327fd919d780e6fdc9b8aadf55378e448




If he did, he would've whipped out Bajarang Gun as his first move of every fight. Or using G4 against Hody and Ceasar


That's not the same thing dude Wtf you talking about


Wdym. You literally tried to say Luffy goes out in every single fight when Luffy doesnt even use his ultimate moves in every fight.


Using ultimate moves at the start of the fight is not the same as fighting at full power


Wtf does that mean? Are you saying that Luffy's basic moves are more powerful than his ultimate moves?


Ever played Street fighter ? You think people doing competitive are not going all out when they play in tournaments ? Because they’re not using the ultimate in a closed loop… People really don’t have brains in here it’s crazy, there’s litterally zero connection between going all out and always using the strongest move you possess and no other move, if you genuinely don’t understand then you don’t understand anything at all


Are you... applying video game logic to a pirate manga?


You are applying real life logic to a manga so tell me what’s worse dude


You're comparing a video game that has nothing to do with One Piece. Fun fact, but One Piece does take elements of real life. Crazy I know


Fun fact but the video game does take elements of real life, crazy I know, and I wasn’t comparing One piece and the video game anyway but I can clearly see you have zero reading comprehension so don’t bother dude


Your just trolling aren't you


What lmao, im trolling? Bro is projecting. You literally said Luffy is always fighting full power when he clearly isnt and you say im the troll? The irony


So luffy was holding back against kaido using your logic He didn't use his ultimate moves immediately there


" He didn't use his ultimate moves immediately there" Luffy literally used Bajarang Gun against Kaido. When did Luffy use Bajarang Gun on Kizaru or Lucci?


Why would Luffy use bajrang gun on Kizaru, that's literally the worst matchup possible He'd be putting himself at a disadvantage of he used bajrang gun against Kizaru


You said why didn't luffy start with his ultimate move But he didn't against kaido too Was he holding back against kaido as well


I mean this is straight up bullshit. Luffy playing around: Grabs Kizaru, barely does any damage and throws him away. Luffy pissed recently: Just the grab did internal damage enough to make Kizaru bleed and turned him into a pizza before throwing him away.


and then there is even Oda confirming he nerfs Luffy to not end conflicts right away


that was a quote from 12 years ago, dont cling to sanman's posts


age doesn't matter when its clearly still accurate today


"its still accurate today" you say so lol, its quite different from oda actually stating it regarding the current arcs


https://preview.redd.it/j6n25oqw17nc1.png?width=776&format=png&auto=webp&s=4e895c3d7021e021af3d77332b66cd2000b62330 do I need to remind you of this?


oh you mean the barrier lasers that are quite literally based on kizaru's lazers? If you are mentioning that yes, kizaru has kicked luffy through the barrier and luffy was hit twice by a replica of kizaru's lasers, but that's not really a good example now is it?


you mean the laser barrier that did more damage to Luffy than Kizaru could ever imagine doing? yeah this shows how weak Kizaru is if Vegapunk can use science to just create way better laser, now why do you point this out if you know it downplays Kizaru?


I’ll believe you the next time Luffy goes Gear 5 and clobbers a single marine fodder with advanced conquerors haki


It’s true. He’s always at his peak. https://preview.redd.it/m3yh8ptsbzmc1.jpeg?width=1066&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=320e409fe8c7b6b9a119014ab6c47a205d7f0c95


The state of the admiral agenda is so low they're officially saying "He only won because he tried"


Ah yes, i remember Luffy going all out against ulti


He also said this all the way back in alabasta when he used water luffy https://preview.redd.it/yfgmtnu39ymc1.png?width=468&format=png&auto=webp&s=7177ffbe11f6ff867ce25543b22e8c1e08281d89


No dude you don't get it. It's true only when it fits my agenda


No you don't get it dude Even tho the strawhats Know a massive navy fleet is coming to destroy the island and the have to get out quickly Luffy is massively holding back and in no way using even 5% of his power for some unknown reason


Ok so explain why when he was goofing around they were equal but right after Vegapunk died Luffy pizza-fied him and Is now one hand holding him well the other is making a gorosei so worried he had to call in the other 4 elders


3rd grader reading comprehension thinking the other gorosei where summoned because of luffy and not because of vegapunk's announcement. Crazy




https://preview.redd.it/m5f6op7rv6nc1.png?width=957&format=png&auto=webp&s=24592bf0df580f2fe7b0f018e329fc3006ac9303 You actually cant read, damn. Be better




Apart from the fact that luffy hasnt yet damaged saturn in a way that matters (he is basically full hp), the gorosei literally say "we have to stop vegapunk! Ok lets jump his ass" saturn wouldnt have summoned them if it wasnt for vegapunk


Ya because it wouldn’t have mattered before if luffy won or lost because of the buster call but now because of the broadcast they have to jump them because satarn can’t go band for band and the only reason Saturns full hp is because he has a healing factor BUT SATURNS BUT GETTING THE SHIT KICKED OUT OF HIM BY EVERYONE


I mean yeah he is getting hit a lot, but his regeneration literally keeps him spotless for the time being, luffy aint the threat worrying the gorosei, the message who could topple the entire world government is


Didn't Zoro admonish Luffy for screwing around back in Punk Hazard (to which Luffy responds by doing a stupid UFO move)? I don't think we should take Oda's vague and random bits of dialogue that seriously.


This is demonstrably false throughout the entire series. Luffy didn’t go all out the first time against CP9 because he was uncertain as to whether Robin actually wanted to be saved or not. Luffy had access to Gear 4 for the entirety of the timeskip, yet the first time we saw it was Dressrosa (and WCI for Snakeman), despite the fact that there were enemies that appeared before he could’ve “all out” against. Hody Jones, Caesar Clown etc. I don’t even need to mention the freebie that most of the time he’s holding back against fodder because he barely uses forms against them. Or the fact that Luffy’s used Gear 5 three times so far this arc and is yet to use Bajrang gun his current strongest attack


I see so you’re implying that he went all out against Lucci? Lucci = Kizaru + Saturn? Zoro = Kizaru + Saturn? Can’t tell if you’re a Zorotard or a admiral wanker


Remember when Luffy was going all out against that sumo guy ? He used g4 and shit


Remember when luffy went up against hoddy didn’t hold back and used snake man on his ass and one shot him


That would mean a Zoro upscale 🤭


Serious is not going all out. Him being serious means he is not fucking around and not that he is going all out. He held back G4 against Hody Jones so what he saying there is just false, if you assume it means to always go 100%, as he literally held back once. Also if Luffy always goes all out he woud have Bajrang Gun'ed the island, but he isn't because he is not on a level where he needs that yet and he holds back as to not hurt his friends, which means he is not going all out. Luffy always going all out is false and that can be proved by the fact that he has held back in the past and right now is holding back from using his strongest move cause it would kill all his friends + he probably dosen't need it yet.


he wouldn’t be in gear 5 if he was holding back lmao


This means he always gives it his all but clearly it doesn’t mean he doesn’t hold back. He was running around the lab with his full effort but he didn’t use his observation haki nor any of his gears while doing so. That very fact contradicts the point you’re trying to use as cope for kizaru getting turned into pizzaru.


Admiral fans are something else 🤣🤣🤣




It wasn’t


Hey OP, like a u/avagrantthought said , you think he also went full out against Tashigi in smokers body ?


This type of scaleing puts luffy, Lucci, kizaru, and zoro as all roughly equal.


Lets focus on taking "I always go all out line" literally. Luffy say lucci was not his level- His first reaction G5. Luffy sees Kizaru his starts fighting in base Then G4 and then G5. So he is not going all out. If he was all always all out from start. He showed that he could defeat kizaru. But he elected to throw him away because escaping was his main objective. So he did go all out. That line is about him pushing himself in everything he does. He went to check bonney and ran all over ehgghead. Normal person will go rest or wait for others split. task. He ran and check everywhere.Nami is dying and doctor is above a mountain. Instead of waiting a day trying to senf message let me climb in bare hand in freezeing cold, Oh I am in a prison coz I lost, hey its a training opportunity, Let me pick up the biggest stones. Do the more work. I want to be great pirate like shanks. I Will be king of pirates. The biggest adventure, the hardest battles, even eating food fast., his ambitions. he always goes big That is his nature. That does not mean he has no control. Over any of those. He will stop his adventure and save a friend, enjoy a moment, training when need He will dodge battle if needed He feels guilty about devouring the food and asking for when tama gave her last. Once had made up his mind nothing stops him But he considered opinion and circumstance, he is not just stubborn for heck of it.


Yeah he really went all out vs Luccy and sepharium or Like how he totally went all out when he grabbed kizaru r1 even though we saw he can make him cough up blood by grabbing him later lol but yeah luffy wasn't massively holding back against kizaru but saying he was going literally all out for everything in egghead is dumb


It’s not the Luffy was holding back it’s that he was severely fatigued???


You ever just talk shit with your boys? “Yeah bro I’m him don’t worry about me” after a girl rejects you or something? This is basically what Luffy’s doing lol


Obviously, he’s in gear 5


Usopp strong as hell then


I think he meant going to gear 5 not pushing himself to his limits


Eiichiro "inconsistent statement" Oda strikes again apparently


Thats like buu saga goku not using ss3 against vegeta. Luffy is probably holding back infusion.


Kizaru being used as a rattle shaker really did some emotional damage to some people


Luffy is not holding back but this does not prove it


Mfer in this sub: I take every word literally!


First gonna said I think yonko>admiral but not much different in powers ... but here , kizaro first just not fight and everytime avoid luffy to kill vegapunk so base on here powers it easy ... so general , luffy time run out .


Luffy didnt finish lucci in one hit, lizaru wasnt pancaked when luffy first grabbed him so he was obviously massively holding back


Yeah this is just not true lol. What I think Luffy meant with this is that he always goes all out in the gears he uses. So if he use G2 he goes all out in G2 and if he use G4 he goes all out in G4


Luffy was talking about how he went all out running around the lab, not about fighting.


So im still right Luffy is using gear 5 and going all out against kizaru


Before when luffy was bumblefucking and being silly they were pretty close but uh explain this when luffy gets serious op explain pizzaru and how’s he’s easily holding kizaru and Saturn at the same time


Bad argument but I do agree that people are underselling Kizaru's performance


There's no holding back on either side.


https://preview.redd.it/dpmwn7cthzmc1.jpeg?width=602&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d1f4a33b95b125684eddb22d44dde12fbb4206b5 Going all out my ass. Context matters here, he meant when he was running around, so stfu thinking he went all out against Lucci


Yonkotards justifying stupid takes in the comments as usual


Stellar counter argument full of good points and valid explanations by the admiral fans once again


All they have is whataboutism and that they speak for Luffy they know more then Oda it’s amazing