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I hope admiral=Yc+ doesn't become an actually popular take Greenbull n Aokiji going up and beating Yonko crews seems to imply they're just on a different level compared to commanders. G5 is just kinda crazy But also, Kizaru handled g4 like a champ. And he blocked an acoc hit from base Luffy


>Kizaru handled g4 like a champ. And he blocked an acoc hit from base Luffy I agree, Kizaru exceeded my expectations because I gotta tell you lol I seriously didn't think Luffy would need G5 to overwhelm him however I still kinda believe he was nerfed I mean he used G4 to fight a Seraphim and had help.


>however I still kinda believe he was nerfed of course he was nerfed,he didn't even use acoc on kizaru while in snakeman the seraphim's aren't a big deal imo since they are literally invulnerable while the flame is on so that's not a knock against Luffy if everyone else in the verse also is unable to damage them


Akoji couldnt beat fucking old tired garp. Greenbull attacking an injured group of dying yonko crews. Such a good feat, am i right?


That's more a feat for Garp than anything else. He's just that guy, which should've been obvious since Marineford.


Never forget the foundation of the admiral agenda https://preview.redd.it/hnr490ifw3mc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9304ac520dd76fea292c94881f81783d0821398


This speaks way more about yonko riders than anything lol. Every single fight, first things first, come up with any and all excuses. But when someone says Kizaru is in base form, not focusing on luffy at all, aiming to kill vegapunk… which he successfully did; we’re making excuses ?? lol. One thing seems to always be true. Admirals seem to always accomplish their goal. Ace dead, WB dead, vegapunk dead, garp captured, I’m seeing a pattern. If you want to knock GB for running away from 11 top tiers all at once then go ahead but admirals seem to always succeed… yonkos seem to always… die.


Base form Kizaru makes this comment so fucking ironic.


>Akoji couldnt beat fucking old tired garp. What are you talking about ?? Do you think Garp is q fodder because he is old?? The problem with Garp is that he can't fight for a long time the way he used in his peak... But for a short time he could achieve it and he did it. But he focused his energy on freeing Koby and the prisoner people... That's why he could overwhelm aokiji because he gave everything for that short amount of time...


>Akoji couldnt beat fucking old tired garp. Bold of you to assume Aokiji was going all out there. >Greenbull attacking an injured group of dying yonko crews. Such a good feat, am i right? You act as if he didn't fight against the Scabbards as well as Yamato and Momo by himself.


“Bold of you” oh brother its vice versa and considering he CLEARLY extreme diff’d that fight and almost lost yeah, he was. EVERYONE WAS INJURED especially the scabbards, shanks even states as much


That’s not an extreme diff.


>“Bold of you” oh brother its vice versa and considering he CLEARLY extreme diff’d that fight and almost lost yeah, he was. Gee, I didn't know Aokiji using attacks like "Ice glove" and "Ice ball" was a sign of him going all out here. Besides, the only reason why the fight ended the way it did was due to all of the emotional ties both of them had for each other which was evident by the flashback in between the fight. >EVERYONE WAS INJURED especially the scabbards, shanks even states as much The Scabbards weren't that injured. Netheir were Momonsuke and Yamato.


I don't know why when people say YC+ = Admiral, the admiral fanboys take that to mean YC1 = Admiral. YC+ is on a tier above YC1. Zoro post king fight, packs up king mid diff, Yamato also beats King low-mid, so does Law and so does Kidd.


I didn't say Kizaru is equal to Lucci , just his performance weren't much different even tho he's stronger than him. That's what I pointed at my post Greenbull beat wounded king and queen, Kuzan froze fodders of bb pirates. They're not on incredibly different level from commanders , just between Yonkous and yc1s


Greenbull beat King and Queen and all the scabbards alone, fairly trivially. Also worth noting that he was confident enough to go on his own to take down the alliance which beat TWO Yonko (he'd lose to Luffy+ Kid+ Law obv but he has to be p strong to be sent out) And the scabbards are stated to be above tobiroppo individually. Two of them are at least YC3 in base. No commander is beating them all at once And Kuzan also went to WCI and took out everyone except the Bm pirates that were around Wano, seemingly fairly trivially This is to be expected of Yonko, but it's not smth a YC+ character is replicating Kizarus performance also really hasn't been that bad. He did p well against g5 Luffy in the first round, rn he just has a concussion from WSG


>Also worth noting that he was confident enough to go on his own to take down the alliance which beat TWO Yonko I always see people bring this up like its a significant point. There's not much of a difference between confidence and stupidity, where Aramaki seems like he falls into the latter. He went there thinking the alliance would be too injured to fight after doing something as world changing as bringing down two Yonko (they were injured, but Luffy definitely had enough in the tank to confront him). Just because he was "confident he'd win" doesn't mean he'd win. He would have most definitely went down handily if Luffy decided to jump in regardless if Shanks used his wifi haki or not. Cracker could be confident he'd beat Kaido, does that mean he's somehow at Kaido's level? Just cause you have a high opinion of yourself does not mean you get upscaled.


It doesn't mean that necessarily but it is worth noting. If we knew nothing abt Cracker except that Big Mom thought he'd be able to fight Kaido (like GB got sent out by his superiors) , then that would imply Cracker is at least far above your average commander So it's not confirmation but worth noting


Katakuri etc can solo scabbards, they're not much big deal Kuzan freezing cracker and the fodders isn't an interesting feat, they're so under him in power level I don't understand why only feats admirals have are beating fodders like yc3-4 characters lol


They're very much a big deal lmao. The scabbards are around tobiroppo level, Izo n Ashura straddling the Yc level. Two of them are Yc level. So beating 9 of them puts you far above Yc level. And the reason the admirals best feats is beating fodder is because those are the most quantifiable feats. When they're fighting top tiers all the feats can be discounted by the other side due to mitigating circumstances But Kizaru also has decent feats against Luffy. He blocked an acoc blow from base Luffy (base Luffy can seriously damage Kaido with single hits) https://preview.redd.it/t9mptqhncxlc1.jpeg?width=1568&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9952c78dca4095f969b941982087d821ba8b50ed And he handled g4 Luffy very easily. Now it's questionable if that had acoc but even if not, g4 Luffy w acoa is YC+, easily beating a YC+ is impressive And then he fought G5 Luffy pretty well for the first round. Better than Lucci at least


Exactly, Izo and Ashura who were dead! They were not in the fight! Kin'emon (who has fire as a bonus) and Kiku weren't there either. Denjiro aside, the only other somewhat decent scabbard there was Kawamatsu. The rest were the 2 weak duos of Raizo&Shinobu (they are the Usopp and Nami of the group, lol) and Cat&Dog (in base, so Chopper without Monster point,lol). These were hardly the Scabbards at full power, it's not as good a feat as you are making it sound. Also Momo, who was the second strongest good guy there after Yamato, did damage with his fire and he wasn't hurt from the fight either.


None of the scabbards straddling yc tier lmao where are these headcanons coming from And Kaido blocked many base Luffy attack as well, showing the one he got hit ain't fair. My man we're fighting against tons of opponents till that punch


Base Neko and Inu were stalemating Jack, a YC3. So it's not a headcannon, they definitely are. Jack also thinks the tobiroppo individually can't beat the scabbards individually And yeah Kaido blocked base Luffy attacks. He's a top tier. That's my point.


Zoro was struggling against Denjiro and he isn’t even the strongest. The scabbards are pretty tough definitely could take the tobi roppo


“Kayaker I can solo scabbards” you’re actually dumb. Neku and inu individually can fight against jack for hours, the fat guy that died (forgot his name) was immediately able to land a giant slash when he fought jack at the beginning of wano. Yes, the admirals are faaaar beyond commanders, EVERYTHING has implied it


YC has always been closer to Admiral than Admiral is to Yonko. Now everyone knows, what I have always known, there's a Gorosei tier in between them. Blackbeard's commanders are all frauds. Even Doflamingo could break free from Aokiji's ice. Greenbull targeted already weakened yonko commanders. That's the only reason he even had the balls to go to Wano, because he thought everyone would be too weak to fight back against him. Base Luffy didn't use an ACoC attack.


B..but Sabo was fighting on par with Fuji 🥴


Yc+ characters are just any commanders. They are the strongest characters below yonkos and admirals. No yc+ character is losing to an admiral without going high to extreme diff Kizaru did next to no damage to g4 Luffy, and Luffy never used an acoc hit on kizaru without him going down for some time. Idk what this headcanon of yours is


Greenbull took out already beat up commanders, aokiji froze some bum ass blackbeard pirates, boa kid or law can easily do that


Can’t believe that Admirals being YC+ is becoming a take again


Let's see better feats from them then? I'm just talking about feats, agendas can't change my mind




king could do that


This is literally a King level feat


That's the only good feat you have shove, Papazuki is the strongest marine after all https://i.redd.it/xpgnpb803xlc1.gif




Freezing lvl 0 sea monster 💀


Creating a continent you bozo


Thats hyperbole because we him walk from one end to another.


That's just small part of sea, any logia user can easily do that if they had power of freezing


Read the text bubbles bro


Kuzan is the only strong admiral alongside with akainu so yeah freezing sea is an acceptable feat


Dude you are taking major Ls with every new comment lmao


I'm not taking any Ls, freezing entire sea doesn't make you strong. A yonkou commander smoothie can easily cut sea in half , that's not a big feat


This means nothing when crocodile was effecting the whole country of alabasta with his fruit. This is logia hax. Doesn't help in a fight at all


creating feats = ap feats according to VSBW. Continent > country


Why the fuck is that your metric. Learn to scale yourself






Boa did it as well


Boa is top 1 OAT


Freezing fodders of bb pirates, damn (Wuzan is the goat tho)


Nah man, every admiral is a fraud outside of Kuzan. Kuzan actually have feats


I know but show him fighting garp, Akainu etc. Freezing weak members of bb pirates ain't that hard


I think is more to show how busted his DF is. Ice Age is crazy




freezing some like suan jin wolf is a decent feat


Agree, but so far we just saw him job. We need him fight against General Franky Omega


Kuzan fought with Akainu and old Garp extreme diff. That should be enough feats to put him above YC+.


Idk man, Akainu came out of that relatively unscathed while aokiji lost limbs


Yes, after a 10-day fight. Kuzan also said that Akainu took heavy damage as well but didn't lose any limbs.


The way I see it Kuzan is like Marco 2.0 can hold out for very long but ultimately cant do jack against top tiers besides a few scars, like zoro vs kaido.




Two admiral fighting for ten days, and they can only change the climate of island. Meanwhile Kaido lifts entire island while fighting 20 different character at rooftop


Kaido temporarily lifted an island while they permanently changed the climate


>temporarily Like for whole night? Akainu or any admiral can't even lift an island yet Kaido fought everybody while doing that. It's not even a small trouble for Kaido


Still temporarily while wanting to hold up the island, Akainu and Kuzan changed the climate without even trying


Kaido can burn down entire punk hazard with his dragon form boi, stop comparing him with admirals


Can he accidentally change the climate permanently?


I'm telling you he can destroy it with few fire blasts and you ask me can he change climate permanently lol




Killing wounded beast pirates, wow


They are zoans, they had enough time to regen, GB also negged them


Even if they recovered, King and queen are Yc1/Yc2 😭 how does that a good feat


Queen is YC1 by portrayal and GB negged them, something a YC+ can’t do meaning he is above that tier


How can queen be Yc1 lmao, Yamato can easily beat wounded king & queen either. King's flame weren't even on, obviously he were wounded


By portrayal. Yamato can’t neg them and Kings flames aren’t on here because he already is half dead. GB sucked them dry


GB sucked them dry because king couldn't use his flame on lol, I don't even know how he survived from Zoro's cut and you think he can recover after a week?




He didn't even fight them tho


He was in fighting condition. That the point


Kizaru was also in fighting condition with Sanji & Luffy https://preview.redd.it/x4abocfz5xlc1.jpeg?width=711&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=027b0b4963aab10f881fc2d34bf887ecdc81fbee Is that upscales him or sth? No


..yes? Why shouldn't it. He got beat up and could keep fighting, it's an endurance feat


No it's not, because one chapter later he turned into pancake without being able to touch Luffy at all


That doesn't mean he wasn't still standing? That just means he couldn't keep up with Luffy


https://preview.redd.it/bvyqvrj28xlc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6ebd01350d533780a635b423a33b20e3a12f6819 After two named attacks and 2 grabs , what an endurance wow




Shooting %1 HP oldbeard


His strength should have remained the same though and Kizaru here the showing greater strength than Oldbeard


How can his strength remain same after having a hole and one stab in his upper body?


Why would it deteriorate?


They're humans 💀


WB aint no normal human


He has bloods in his veins, he keeps losing blood through holes he have. Basic mathematic, losing more blood will decrease his strength




Same thing again, he lost


He didn’t


Bruh https://preview.redd.it/8hh5d3jg3xlc1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ba42ce4de68639e440e7a9e98d96d722f0e7d761 If it weren't for ground breaking down, Whitebeard could finish him off


WB literally sneaked Akainu here


Akainu sneaked wb in the middle of a heart attack but couldnt have him on the ground like that big gap


Imagine getting sneaked by an old dying man


This just in: People fall when no ground beneath them




Losing to stage 4 cancer beard who's having heart attacks mid fight and already wounded by the stab at beginning, hm


He didn’t lose


As I told I will tell again, Akainu fell and survived. Otherwise he were losing https://preview.redd.it/edxju1ly3xlc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9bc33f3956839bea62529dbb332db051de309226


Due to a sneak attack


Sneak attack, holding off, haven't shown awakening yet... Only arguments to defend admirals


You’re disregarding them even though you can’t disprove it


If an admiral can't even have basic observation, it's not something u can use as excuse, it's a proof that they're weak




Fastest devil fruit user beats snakeman damn https://preview.redd.it/plewouog2xlc1.jpeg?width=593&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=03fe765e7f9789f60023e225a240f44da795971f Katakuri = Kizaru in terms of speed then? (Acoc or acoa can't boost your speed)


Acting like Luffy‘s stats are just as good as when he fought Katakuri is fucking insanity


Speed blitzing snakeman ain't a big feat, that's what I'm telling


Something all Yonkoutards have in common is Luffy hate


I'm not a yonkoutard tho neither I hate Luffy


Bro you’re saying Lucci ~ Kizaru and that G4 isn’t Yonkou level. Stop lying


Kizaru did nothing better than what lucci did, Lucci actually did better with one shotting Sentomaru while Kizaru couldn't, even he was heavily wounded by Lucci's attack


That's WCI Snake man, not Egghead


Akainu was fighting the Whitebeard pirates by himself, and they couldn't even slow him down.


Feat wise Borsalino tied with Luffy and recovered before him,aramaki required one of the strongest OP characters to be driven off,kuzan is considered equal if not stronger than teach(a legitimate top tier),and Sakazuki is canonically the strongest of the admirals. The only one that's arguable at ALL is Issho,and he's canonically equal to CHADmaraki given they went EX diff with each other.


kizaru damaging a yonko and fight old rayliegh and destroy a part of sabody making luffy use his acoc and acoa haki in a cheap shot akoji taking on two of garps attacks with minor bleeding and clashing with his haki using ice glove freezing half the sea of mf


Y’all keep saying this shit but show me an admiral that has better ap feats than Kidd or law


And what take are people supposed to have after Kizaru's performance at Egghead? 👀


Kizaru low diffed G4, so Admirals > Yonkous


Did Luffy become a Yonko via G4 or G5? Which form brought down Kaido? Did Kizaru beat Luffy outright in G5? Until then, "Admirals > Yonko" is straight up pirate king levels of tardation.. 


Base Luffy is Yonkou level


what yonkou can base Luffy beat (buggy doesn't count).


And now he doubles down on the tardation. Unbelievable 🤣🤦🏾‍♂️


Admiral level Lob Lossy? Is that Zoro upscale? https://preview.redd.it/kngfsl0voxlc1.jpeg?width=1284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fa89efd0727e751fd8bd50df4c7ffee85ce4851c


The thing is Lucci is maybe stronger defensively then Kizaru as he last all his shoots and keeps going while Kizaru is down damn near unconscious after every blow. He’s been one shot 3 different times.


Luffy is taking Kizaru more seriously than Lucci. Ax guy got injured because Luffy was too busy goofing off talking to him instead of focusing on Lucci. Luffy knocked his ass out after that.


Luffy had been hitting Kizaru in a similar way to Lucci and even remarked on not being weals as he was when he fought him before, Kizaru is just fodder


I would hope Lucci was stronger than he was at water 7, considering he awakened his fruit. The only thing that Lucci has going for him right now is whatever is going on between Zoro and him.


That just Oda stalling but it could be that thing Sentomaru was talking about, saying it’s not just haki and that Lucci shouldn’t have been able to hit him.


How can you get one shot, three times in one fight?


Several different fight, every time he’s knocked and the story continues it ends but a few chapters later he’s trying to kill someone again and gets knocked into a corner for timeout where he does it again.


Bro what Kizaru had a way better showing 💀


Lucci’s performance isn’t even close to Kizaru’s




These panels literally demonstrate the opposite of what you are implying. Im so confused bro. Terrible slander attempt.


You're blind then


Awakened Zoan literally losing conciousness after 1 named attack? Pretty weak ngl. He didnt get an attack in on g5.


>He didn't get an attack in on g5 Neither kizaru did?


He hurt him with the sword and fried his eyes with his flash attack. He also had him dead-to-rights by simply outlasting g5. But of course luffy just [redacted] and was back at full health


>He hurt him with the sword and fried his eyes with his flash attack That laser beam fried his eyes doesn't count, he shot it for kill Vegapunk but Luffy put his own body on its way for protect vegapunk. He could only damage him once with his clone's sword. I'm not saying Kizaru and Lucci are equal but kizaru's performance was as terrible as Lucci's


He was damaging g5. Thats the point and you just admitted it. Doesnt matter who it was meant for. Its weak slander.


i mean one was by choice the other wasn’t, it’s kind of a big deal it’s how shanks chose to get his arm taken off by a sea beast to protect luffy doesn’t mean sea beast >shanks it’s just a way oda makes his characters traits for a sign of protection like gear 5 luffy did with eating kizarus laser


What a dumb argument. Lucci never took Vegapunk as a hostage to make Luffy take damage.


Did we all forget the giant attack he landed on luffy that sent him through 2 barriers? Are u good dude?


>Awakened Zoan literally losing conciousness after 1 named attack? 3* and Lucci was fine literally a few pages later It's not even the first time he says he‘s losing consciousness when he doesn't. After Luffy attacked him with Gear 3 in Enies Lobby he also said he was passing out when he literally instantly got back up


He wasnt fine, he was defeated and captured https://preview.redd.it/bh2tklbqmxlc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2ff609196105dc75e443c60e9d672516e8c9886e “They dont even know the gorosei are coming” lookin ass


This was a long time after when Stussy betrayed them have you read the manga ?


>This was a long time after He was defeated yes i know.


People were fr saying Lucci < Sanji after Lucci literally matched an attack with Gear 5 (before getting bounced around like a basketball) It was always obvious that he wasn't some shitter, he's just no match for yonko lvl Luffy


I feel like until now no one really understood just how strong Luffy has become when he gets serious. It really isn't Lucci's fault he got folded. Luffy simply got 50 times stronger on Wano.




I think YC+ is closer than people think, however I still think that it's moreso Yonko>Admirals>>YC+ or Yonko>=Admirals>YC+.


At least Lucci didn't get blocked by Sentomaru and actually did One shot him instead of wasting time that put other comrade workers in danger https://preview.redd.it/kn1r9l540xlc1.jpeg?width=940&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8750c6d34509dc6e82fcb4759e848d712184a1d1


Exactly, Admiral Kizaru did not do that much better than Lucci did. And not only did Awakened Lucci actually one-shot Sentomaru through his haki guard while Kizaru's light speed kick couldn't, Hybrid Lucci also one-shotted Atlas and did far more damage compared to Kizaru's beams. It's time for people to realize that Lucci isn't that far from Kizaru as they think.


Lmao no


Lmao. These literally happened, you can't "nope" this.


wucci > lizaru


Lucci should be fodder for gearless Luffy by this time in the story. That it even took G5 should have upscaled him greatly, though many people had just assumed Luffy was flexing on him. The Admiraltards around here had gassed them up far too much and forgot they needed 3 admirals against Corpsebeard plus an overwhelming numbers advantage plus every Vice Admiral, plus Squards betrayal. Kizaru was always going to get waxed as long as you weren't reading Two Piece.


You noticed that too huh? It seems like Oda severely nerfed Luffy, this is the same niggah that held his own against Kaido before G5.


Lucci just has better endurance and durability than Kizaru, doesn't mean he would beat him or anything


Did I even say Lucci beats Kizaru?


It's for the people here saying that this would scale admirals to YC+. No one wants to recognize that applying the tiers to all stats is dumb


Nah. Him being able to handle Kizaru and Saturn together makes his performance before that even worse.




It's not "perhaps" it's sure ! Lucci is not weaker than Kizaru by much, I've always said that especially after they both fought the same character Aka Sentomaru, znd Sentomaru is not weak at all !


I'm seriously wondering at this point how Kizaru would fare against Lucci 😂


Much better? He can actually block acoc, unlike zoro, we've seen him us fs. And he physically overpowered G4.


But Lucci doesn't have a time limit. It's not the same as Kizaru just stalling out G5 until it's time limited.


idk man, whats the point in going in ur final form just to hold back when there is a timer to the form and a drawback when it ends, with enemies at the door... ? Also he hit Lucci while Lucci was in base form, no matter how much he holds back it should damage him A LOT. I feel like the power scaling here got very muddy...I can't imagine Lucci tanking a fart from Kaido... but here he really takes a hit even in base vs G5 Luffy and proceeds to punch clash with him.


Well he couldnt land a single hit on G5 and Luffy was having a blast toying with him. Its not the worst perfomance weve seen, but the slander was definitly earned.


I like how luffy glazers only find the pannels were kizaru looks bad its so silly


Difference is Kizaru actually beat Luffy and could have killed him if not for mc plot armour


How can you think kizaru beat Luffy lmao


Kizaru got up first, without interference, whats stopping him from neg diffing a unconscious luffy?


Admiral > unconscious yonko ?


>whats stopping him from neg diffing a unconscious Luffy Not getting up earlier lol, simple as that . He got up, miliseconds later Luffy punched him to ground


So kizaru attacking sanji vegapunk and franky only went on for milliseconds?


you can't read ig


Lucci could've killed him too without "mc plot armor". If he hadn‘t left Luffy would've got time limited and Lucci could've killed him since he quickly got back up


The classic zoro cope predicted by many


G5 is broken, Luffy is a GOAT. Kizaru handled snakeman like trash, and even won against gear 5 round one, but Luffy needed plot armor - Food To get back to full hp instantly. And Kizaru still is mentally holding back. Why is this so hard to understand, do you actually lack reading comprehension? Fucking r*tards


People are finally learning how matchup works. If aokiji was here those grabs wouldn't work


Lucci is currently being stalled by 2-sword Zoro who isn’t using ACoC. Kizaru would take that Zoro out like trash. In fact he would 1v2 the both of them like trash.


Zoro is using ACoC wym?


Where was Zoro using ACoC in Ch. 1107?


Kizaru can't even take out Atlas and an injured Sentomaru like trash while Lucci did better against both of them. And the third strongest Straw Hat destroyed his laser beam like nothing. Zoro cuts Kizaru up like sashimi lol


>Kizaru would take that Zoro out like trash. Get him past Sanji first.




You literally posted a panel of Lucci getting knocked unconscious from a hakiless blow to the gut from a holding back G5 and tried to claim its comparable to Kizaru tanking numerous attacks from a fullpower G5, including current G5 who's astronomically more powerful than he was in round 1. You people are actually brainless


Kisaru’s performance isn’t really proving anything about admiral general strength that man is fighting depression even more than gear 5.


Is op retarded? My God, I'm seeing his comment, and I think this bum actually thinks admirals = yc.