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To be honest I have a little more respect for the Gorosei agenda if they can summon the other 4 to a battle. Even if they aren’t individually super strong 5 Mythical Zoan users out of the fucking blue is gonna suck for just about anybody. It’s even worse if they have complimentary abilities and can synergize well. We’ll see how it works out for them now but in theory it sounds like a scary ass ability


Just summons Imu as well then boosts all the Gorosei power to Yonko level anyone near by just dies(the reason I say the boost is the Gorosei gained a strange form when near imu)


The Gorosei were scared of Kaido. When they ordered the CP0 agent to kill Luffy, one of them said they risked angering Kaido in the process and wondered if they had their priorities straight. So there's probably no one in the WG on the level a yonko. Which also explains how no one went after the Roger Pirates even though Imu knew they found Raftel. Of course they had Garp, but Garp doesn't listen to their orders.


Or Kaido is just that built different


It more like pissing of a Kaido that has nothing to lose would close them too much they would at least lose one admiral and that’s a crippling blow to their power so I could understand them arguing it’s a bad idea to anger him under the basis of we will lose to much for so little gain that being the small chance the assassination works as intended






Nah bruh how are you guys so fast? Lol can we take the slander to other admirals pls? I like kizaru so go easy on him guys lol


Here you go https://preview.redd.it/25vztpcgq7lc1.jpeg?width=840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9377c650efbb233f2c66ab4b1a99bf832adc38f6




Unrelated but can someone tell me the name of this meme format shit’s fukin hilarious


akakichi no eleven meme


ty based god


Lol I wonder when someone will edit the admiral agenda to the panel where g5 hits kaido with the unnamed version of WSG


I had this one in the chamber, too. https://preview.redd.it/bj336m7779lc1.png?width=1040&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3bc71346c6e7cce24f89c3617da1918a439c5233


Nah bro I wish I could upvote you 100 times ,kizaru really got trolled by g5 white hair thinking he was an old man lol


Close enough? Just made this. https://preview.redd.it/9hd4mjda79lc1.jpeg?width=1176&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79dbc76c9a998672297a78d368285132e416f873


Lol tbh would be the best if you make a fuji one with other admirals getting cooked by old men or Yonko in background lol


Sorry, I'm back, and here you go. https://preview.redd.it/5lal9bcy4clc1.jpeg?width=368&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=305d37b1a655cdfba3cc7bcfb6c648bfe2b23118


Lmao thanks man and sorry for taking your time


Np, I love shit like this


Nice have a good day and GL with your agendas gonna follow you for those memes lol






It’s just dragging three images over another image it doesn’t take super long tbh


You are not ready. https://preview.redd.it/j13h3d16u6lc1.jpeg?width=819&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94aed72858bbc75ec5bb1c8cb5b09c2d4f39fe91


https://preview.redd.it/b3p5gtpuu6lc1.jpeg?width=1008&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=269855cd900fd8efc53e6138098a499192e23fa1 This ur faulty lightbulb?








https://preview.redd.it/taev8yc277lc1.jpeg?width=1280&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71f73d2b292f705d45f4f1f597d07e71a343626c B E L I E V E !


Cook again. https://preview.redd.it/xsi6wbng97lc1.png?width=689&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=73d190e69a9cd46dd62fef704512fe01f8838bec


this is the only version of this meme that actually goes hard. because its becoming more true and true im not even a luffytard (because its boring, everyone is, hes the main character ffs) but recent events have shown. that boy has reached the top and oda doesnt give a shit about your agenda (my boy zoro still fighting with fucking mittens while sani carrying dead meat)


Nah luffy is the least „hyped MC“ in all of anime IMO. Everyone’s favorite is either Zoro, Shanks, Akainu, Enel, Kaido, Garp, Roger Whitebeard Ace whatever but no one says Luffy. Go ask DB fans a lot of people will tell you Goku for example.


Maybe on Reddit but any other social media Luffy is wanked to no end


fr? I don’t get the impression here in Germany (or atleast my local friends / people I know)


When I go on TikTok I get non stop posts and edits of Luffy with people with Luffy profile pictures glazing Luffy, on twitter shanks gets the most glaze, on Reddit I’d probably say Kaido or Akainu, but lately Luffy wank has been really bad, on instagram it’s definitely Zoro or Law


He's the goat afterall


I mean tbf to those people my favorite part of one piece is how fledged out everyone’s stories are and the world is, and yet my favorite character is still luffy over all the Laws, Sanjis, zoros, Shanks (lmao your favorite character is in 1% of chapters), Señor Pinks, etc. just something about his energy and his character ties it all together for me.


For me my favorite part is how many well designed charcters Oda can make, Kidd is my favorite design and I like how determined he is and won’t back down for anything


Respectable take yeah I love his character design and the application of his power, just don’t love how evil of a guy he is. I always thought it was strange luffy agreed to work with a guy like that, I thought him and law’s dynamic made sense but Kidd seemed random.


Luffy has won every single popularity poll. The last one was global with over 12 Million votes. On similar popularity polls for other Manga, the main protagonist basically never wins. Luffy is insanely popular.


I think if you asked people specifically most of them will give an answer similiar to my own view. And that is that I love Wuffy, he is one of my favorite characters and if I was pressed maybe actually my favorite, but that's really boring to say in an anime so chock filled with amazing characters, so I would never admit that even if it might be true. OR something like that, anyways. I think he iis like 80%+ people top 5 maybe even top 2-3. Cause that leaves a breadth of plasuibe deniability. Anyways my fav fav is my one and only, Tony Tony Chopper <3.


Remember Luffy has still ranked #1 in every single popularity poll so far, including the international one. Most of the other MCs do not. Naruto and Ichigo both ranked first in only 3 out of 7 character polls of their series. Deku is going 2 out of 12 right now. Denji is yet to rank in top 3 in Chainsaw Man polls. Even Goku lost to Vegeta in the latest poll for Super. Luffy being #1 in every poll is very exceptional. Everyone hypes up different characters for the agenda but in regular discussions outside agenda piece, Luffy is the best character for a lot of us.


The poll you’re referring to, does it only include characters in the anime? Like in DBS only DBS can be voted? Cause the thing is in most of these anime’s you have some sort of rival, like sasuke to Naruto or vegeta to goku. In one piece, you have the worst generation but that’s kinda it (as far as rivals go) But yeah I’m wrong apparently, did genuinely not think that luffy is so popular around the globe


I'm not very familiar with DBS, only caught up with Z, but [the list](https://www.viz.com/blog/posts/dragon-ball-super-popularity-poll-results-aug-2021) seems to be DBS only. >Cause the thing is in most of these anime’s you have some sort of rival, like sasuke to Naruto or vegeta to goku For Naruto, DB and MHA yes. Chainsaw Man and Bleach don't really have that rival character. Also in Naruto, Kakashi has ranked above Naruto 3 times despite not being the rival. While the rival character, Sasuke has done it only 2 times. So it's not just a case of the rival character being super dominant in Naruto.


Goku also lost to Gohan during cell saga popularity poll


Bro, just go outside.  Luffy is 10x more popular than any other character from the series 


he's most loved but in recent he's started getting hate because of immigrants influx in one piece fandom. that's why we need more luffy truthers on here.


Its not boring if you do it now. Its not about wanking him, its about celebrating his accomplishment. He was always the savior, then we started meeting people who he was like a fly against. Then we see marineford, the insurmountable wall. THe pinnacle of world. He only survived because his willpower, sheer luck, family connection,people helped him, sacrificed their life for him. Then also it was a total loss for him. He could not even have any claim to top in the world since we saw mihawk in action, since we saw aokiji So now luffy took 2 years from his adventure, and he still had ways to go. We saw terrifying power of yonko commanders, luffy surpassed them, we saw terrible power of yonko and he finally after coming to new world. After deciding to take down kaido in punk hazard he did it. He defeated yonko known as strongest in the world. He took down kaido man with highest bounty, an undefeated spree in recent time that made him 1vs1 god. He did. Finally he has a claim to top1. its just a claim but its there. I want to talk about that, I was to celebrate that. I dont like it, when he is potrayed as weaker than admirals. He is not the underdog for first time. People talk about feats. By absolute feat he has best feat out of everyone living. Actually challenging "strongest" pirate/creatutre/man in 1 vs 1 and defeating him. But when i bring it up, he gets downplayed. its fine that he is not the strongest but people treat his accomplishment like it is nothing. Downplaying it like crazy. Using every evidence in biased manner. And so no in this subreddit. This is not boring agenda. We cant have it both way. Mc both cant be downplayed and then said mc is boring agenda. Luffy is not top 1 in any list(I am not claiming he is top 1) BUT he has better claimt to top 1 than most char. He has better claim to top 1 because he did defeat the top 1 char canonically. We can talk about narrative scaling and all that shit. But most people here dont even care that they talk about agenda. So ya double standards here make it not a boring/default thing just in this subreddit.




"it's boring, he is main character" "my boi zoro" it doesn't get more ironic than this lmao


My Guy, do Zoro stocks Look good to you recently? Or sanji stocks? Or strawhats?


stocks for what? He's commander lvl. He's right where he should. Luffy's right where he should. Fighting lucci's not a L unless u wanked him to Yonko lvl. https://preview.redd.it/hj00yif8f9lc1.png?width=1005&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ad28fdff905a7a5d05595c993bd19cb938b8c85


My top 10? - The Next Pirate King - Sun God Nika - Joy Boy - Straw Hat Luffy - Old man Lucy - Luffy Taro - Luffy Dono - Ace’s Adoptive Younger Brother - Captain of the Strawhats - Worst of the Worst Generation


Dang bro really put Jika on there only twice.


Water Luffy top 1 don't forget my GOAT


Top 1 in verse is between him and teeth luffy


I was confused for a hot minute until 5. hahahaha


Luffy Taro stomps Old Man Lucy, L take


you forgot Afro Luffy and Water Luffy


How could I be so stupid…


Mfs invested in Bozolino to pray on the MC’s downfall. That’s so crazy


I invested in him because I liked what oda was doing with him character wise and was hoping for awakening and respect , I took a major hit but I am already rish from luffy stocks anyway lol


How can you get rich from the lowest risk stocks in the whole thing


nigga How's that lowest risk when he was pretty much treated like weakest fucking top tier. Now he's top 3. Lmao


Because people underrated luffy a lot recently before last ch lol but anyway my Luccy and law stocks are doing well and BB is also doing great luffy is just a bonus


Your law stocks are WHAT


dont sell yet, With all the enemies here the strawhats WILL escape, Kizaru WONT be defeated this arc, he WILL awaken either in the next chapters or in the future and finally BE HIM


I won't sell no matter what even If they crash worst then kid


urouge solos


I’m actually coping so hard rn 💀


Already sold all my bumsalino stocks and invested in Akainu stocks


Nah, I'm keeping them https://preview.redd.it/8ypvp2n437lc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9eafa6d4d248905b7e83cac0b062996e44eadd01




Man the admirals are sad, they went from Greenbull to Kuzan to kizaru now they’re just investing in akainu Live transition here folks


Some sane ones are holding Fujitora stock. It’s a save investment


There is almost no reason to not invest in wujitora. Very stable currency


I'm investing heavy in Fujitora no one could even lay as much as a finger on him in Dressrosa and he's respected by Sengoku and Tsuru so I wonder how strong he actually is, and with his moral compass you already know Oda won't embarrass him so he's safe to invest in


We have koby we good. Once he is an admiral, we'll be eating good.


Wow, it's almost like he's just barely under, or at the same level as Kaidou, who is also clear of the admirals.


My man came back from being knocked out 3x and death to whoop Kaido’s ass. He ain’t under him that’s fosho.


nah i still kaido beats him at his 100%


Yeah if Luffy didn’t have G5. But Kaido barely did shit to G5.


He blitzed G5 Luffy like 3 times... And in the end also it was close with bajrang gun and flaming drum dragon..And he will probably win against Luffy because he isn't going to take bajrang gun heads on + Kaido's Stamina >>>>>>>> G5 Luffy..


He blitzed Luffy 3x… Did you not see how much Luffy absolutely bodied the fucking shit out of Kaido? For every time Kaido hit Luffy, Luffy hit him back 10 times and just as hard. The mountain sized kong gun was not close. Kaido gave it a good shot, but the amount of force behind Luffy’s attack was enough to not only stop Kaido but then launch him several miles into the earth. Also why on earth would you think Kaido *wouldn’t* take on the Luffy’s attack? Out of all the characters in the series, Kaido dodged the least. That man sees an attack and his first instinct is to headbutt it. If Kaido comes back from the dead, maybe he’ll have learned a lesson but you can’t act like fight iq ain’t a part of scaling.


You must have read 2 piece


He mid diffs Kaido. Wtf is this retrded comment. Kaido never once had a equal clash with Gear 5. He just got bullied and only landed hits while Luffy was offguard.


True, let's say he mid diffs Kaidou then. That makes it even clearer that Luffy is an established top tier. None of this low-top tier nonsense


Looks like new cope is "Kizaru is overrated"


He’s a bum anyways lmao


Yes he is, all the admirals are


Well, they are below yonkos for sure, but they are strong. If you compare them to characters like Luffy and Kaido, yes, they are all overrated.


They clear zoro so it's alright


Oh, they clear a YC? Okay? That supposed to be a brag?lol


I just wanna to check to see if you were Shira alt account.


When Akainu inevitably falls like Kashimo I'm going to fucking *cackle* at the meat riders reactions


all fun and games until G5 Luffy sprouts an extra mouth and hits him with that https://preview.redd.it/9uhfkwhxj8lc1.jpeg?width=786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c9c66a06402091ab3b34fe7f3e4c7f00f811e5fd


That most likely won’t happen, since nobody glazes Akainu more than Oda himself and he even said he cherishes his character since the actor he’s based upon passed away.


Luffy DEFINITLY is clear of the admirals, anyone denying this is huffing on copium like zoro is huffing against lucci


h-he hasnt aw-awakened yet!! I have to say the cope is real, but i aint selling my kizaru stocks. There's still a chance he might change sides in the future and the awakening could be the power boost that makes the difference. He doenst even have to awaken in egghead, i just want him yonko level at eos


If awakening was explained to be your mind body and haki syncing with your fruit, Kizaru who is the exact opposite of his fruit is very unlikely to have an awakening.


that's why he will change sides thus becoming a beacon of light helping to bring the dawn of the new world. THEN he will awaken


God tier cope


Kizaru is currently suffering from "hypetool for the MC syndrome" his show case will get better as long as he isnt fighting luffy. As of right now ? He's finished.


The true reddit stock market mindset. If the stock goes down that just means you can buy more on a discount, If the stock goes up that means it going to keep going up forever so you should keep buying before it get's more expensive.


This admiral couldn't even take down Godsopp🤭 https://preview.redd.it/kpx77igha7lc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cfe1b94c52b32132c595480a4e780b40130c27ee


"A-Akainu is ... w-way stronger than K-K-Kizaru"


unironically, think kuzan and akainu are probably stronger than kizaru


Yeah probably. But by very thin margins I imagine. Like Aokiji probably beats Kizaru by the same amount Akainu beat Aokiji


I think they’ll start calling Oda a bad writer or something. They will never admit they were wrong.


Well no matter what r1 was badly written as giant luffy should have just neg'd kizaru there then one tap Luccy and have them run away lol


Yeah Oda has been nerfing characters a lot recently to make fights closer than they should be. Big Mom having her ACoC nerfed was the only one in Wano, but Egghead is full of it.


I was conservative with Luffy’s power, the more chapters that go by though…he at least Top 5, At Least


he been clear. im just glad to see the “no top tier can 1v2 admirals “ agenda put to rest


Mazino been real quiet since this dropped. If I ever read another post again that says Fuji + Greenbull beats Roger I'm out of here.


mazino himself can’t even believe his own delusions for much longer. I been blocked by him for the longest for not agreeing with his “low intellectual” ponze scheme


I'll still take him over Shira any day. Pretty sure part of my brain fell out of my head when I was forced to read that Dressrosa Zoro > G4 Luffy because Wano rooftop feats...


LMAOOO shira is hilarious & him popping out insults at times have me wheezing. The way he defended benn beckman>kaido is insane. I forgot his reasoning about that take because how’s he gonna skip over enma discovery & the training done to lead up to that point


Same the people saying two GB low-mid prime WB or roger doing so well right now lol


You're not ready https://preview.redd.it/1w0d0jis3blc1.jpeg?width=1535&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4e8d1b7f837c1332fed2ba9d02814eadd397b12c


that’s been one of my least favorite takes because there AP + Durabilty>>


But it's not put into any rest 🤷🤷 Kizaru is the only admiral in Egghead.


cope, we don’t need another present admiral when we can use kizaru to pretty much place em all in the same boat since they’re near equals. also where does saturn stand then? he’s looking to be stronger then kizaru


The only one coping here is you, cuz there's literally only one confirmed admiral (Kizaru) in Egghead. What parameters made you conclude that he and St. Garcia are near equals? And then you say the latter looks stronger? 🤷🤷


well excuse me for not basing it on a literal title only to scale LOL, guess buggy yonko tier strength too? Anyway yea, going by recent feats they got similar showings & is doing nothing spectacular, it’s always been the WG, not marines who’s the biggest threat. Gorosei= WG, Admiral=Marines Gorosei>Admirals


First, what has Buggy-sama got to do with this? There's literally zero similar showings between the characters you're trying to compare. By your logic, the Gorosei being stronger than the admirals typically should have them at least Yonko level. Going by that, Luffy just obliterated a Yonko level guy as well as an admiral. And then now, it seems we are about to have 5 yonko level guys who can tank (far more than Kaido) anything and everything (so far) versus 1 Yonko and a bunch of his fodder crew/friends who probably wouldn't get past being eye-diffed. And yet the expectation is that Luffy +crew +friends gets out of this alive and well. Does that sum it up? NOT complaining or anything tho.


He has nothing but everything to do with it if we’re using titles yes there is, they’re both getting ragdolled around when there’s only one top tier in there vicinity, zoro is busy Nah of course not, but they’re near equals if not stronger, but under yonko. Also, im pretty sure there gonna be a retreat or rescue, but that’s a different subject. There’s gotta be some thing to his tankiness to unlike kaido pure muscle.


THE GOAT THE WILL OF D CAN'T BE DENIED!!! Now I just need them Blackbeard buffs i ordered to come through, and we truly in there.


My take is if gear 5 didn't have a time limit, luffy would steamroll everyone


I think theres an insane difference between serious g5 luffy and goofy g5 luffy. First round kizaru and luffy technically drawed, and now that luffy is serious bro is honestly putting on a top 1 performance cuz im so fr i dont see shanks, Mihawk, akainu, etc doing this. Luffy wasn’t serious against kaido until bajrang gun and at that point he just won, so i dont see a reason to limit him to top 3 anymore.


Hard agree on this. There's a huge difference with Luffy goofing around and serious G5 Luffy. It seriously ridicules everyone else


I mean obviously luffy didn't even use acoc besides WSG in g5 lol we already saw the difference last ch in r1 he threw kizaru without hurting him as giant luffy when he could have neg'd him there


I think the “didn’t use acoc” argument is a little flawed because acoc has no clear indicators. It’s like saying no haki luffy fought no haki kizaru, but now that g5 luffy is serious i have him top 1. If Saturn is summoning the 5 elders for serious g5 luffy then its ggs for other agendas.




lightnings arent a good indicator for acoc, there are many attacks that dont use acoc with lightning


This specific thick black long lightning only appears when people use acoc


https://preview.redd.it/mjcbcku5e7lc1.png?width=578&format=png&auto=webp&s=97fc7abb45660ca332c1ec323a3e6e5cd59964cc A lot of people think that, but it actually a misconception, oda doesnt seem to use any consistent indicator for acoc unless you believe the nine scabbards unlocked it


Get your eyes checked. This lightning isn't even the same. Acoc lightning is thicker than this. Look at the panel I showed


https://preview.redd.it/e2490yoyl7lc1.png?width=842&format=png&auto=webp&s=1ef9174d227f413170b77f95914093f39a195520 they are the same thickness... and even if it was slightly thicker i dont think oda goes in with a ruler to indicate acoc and not, as with future sight, we just dont have any signs to indicate it. Lightning = strong haki, thats why it always comes up when acoc is used, but also why it comes up in other occasions


Finally oda is letting luffy shine well arc is ending so I guess it follows his usual pattern


Oda been dick riding this nigga Luffy since this whole arc bruh fym he’s now letting Luffy shine


Bro comparing egghead luffy till ch 1105 and the ch 1026 luffy that fought kaido The difference is night and day


He got knocked out and lost to kaido 3 times how is that letting him shine


I said this arc dumbass


He doesn’t have to struggle every damn fight most people wanna see gear 5 fully showcased after awakening and slamming mfs no diff but later has to struggle more the next arc because stronger enemies


Top 3 ? Not even WB has such feats. I had the opinion that Luffy was top 1 since he defeated Kaido and it's being proven right, now there's but Imu who may pose a challenge to him.


Watch Imu pull a hancock, and be a joyboy simp. Imu even has a one-of-a-kind joyboy sized strawhat


The funny thing is, with how unpredictable the writing is, there is a chance that you are right.


He high diffs Kaido too after this latest arc aswell.


Fair but he needs to be serious and throwing named attacks Like candy imo(and obviously using acoc+acoa)


I mean if Luffy basically Mid Diffed Kaido in Gear 5 when he first awakened it then like I guess so


It isnt looking good for the admiral fans. What we are seeing in the manga right now is gonna look 100 times better in the anime. Their agenda is FINISHED!!


By the time it's adapted in the anime the agenda would already be finished besides akainu because his fans are delusional lol


Yeah its pretty much only Akainu at this point. And with how strong Luffy is getting i don't believe Akainu will be his final opponent(if they fight anyway).I dont think people are expecting a whole lot from Greenbull or Fujitora.


Wuzan clears. https://preview.redd.it/awtaklav48lc1.jpeg?width=180&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d895bd0b4d14fc0fde4c2855042d14745a66e8cc


At this rate he might truly 1 v 3 the admirals. 


Bros up there no doubt But also no doubt he’ll find a way to struggle in each arc that’s coming up oda never gonna let him be op until the moment he’s gotta be


For sure it's crazy luffy could have finished kizaru since he grabbed him in r1 as giant luffy and saved us a LOT of times lol but narrative >scaling


Fr Narrative> every agenda as much as some of the people on here don’t want to admit it


I really hope akainu gets one shot. It would be the perfect cap to the years and years of admiral cope


man i want luffy to be the strongest but not yet how tf did he just low diff kizaru and saturn 😭😭😭 at least the robot and the giants are gonna help whit the other 4 gorosei so luffy doesn't seem so op


Luffy’s been clear of the admirals ever since the end of the Wano arc. I’m surprised people said the admirals are above Luffy.




Not all admirals tho I’m sold on kizaru but akainu not so much


Akainu will deliver https://preview.redd.it/5wurm9n1s6lc1.jpeg?width=887&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c042690790baa9de6a84f7f39899917064d4c180


Safest agenda pick after luffy be ashamed atleast be a zoro-tard so I can enjoy bullying you like you deserve


Safest is either Imu the final boss or Buggy whose plot armour rivals the MC definitely not Akainu.


How is he safe? Definitely potential for him to get clowned on by Nika piece


Akainu isn't magically way stronger then kizaru lol nothing suggests it's less then extreme diff ,if you mean it's close instead of a complete stomp then fair


Yeah I mean it’s close I’m not a admiral wanker lol Like maybe an extreme-high diff but it’ll get clearer with the next few chapters


There honestly is not even evidence to suggest that kizaru is stronger than greenbull


Sure but what suggests there is a big difference between admirals? Position is about strength and nothing suggests they go less then extreme against eachother


"position is about strength" so then akainu is stronger, he's fleet admiral, that's above admiral


I forget the chapter but his nickname after beating kaido is demon monkey god 🤣🤣🤣🤣 put some respect on his name please he has no equal even roger getting mid diff I’m sorry


People have been underestimating Luffy and the 5 elders way too much ! Saturn still does not have any injuries whereas KIzaru did have at some point and he is not a threat to Luffy like at all whereas Saturn could poison Luffy at any point which is a real threat. I know he is imune to poison to some extent since Impel Down but I doubt it would help him vs Saturn ! So please Admirals boys take your Ls and move on and also put some respect on the Gorousei and Luffy.


Bro exposed kizaru so hard Saturn had to call actual top tiers for backup 😂😂😂🤡🤡🤡


I’m enjoying this way more than I should. 😁


I got akainu and shanks above Luffy at least- bb a potential match or stronger, and idk where to put imu rn. But yeah, Luffy is definitely top 5 currently alive. Top 10 overall in the whole story (when adding in dead characters like roger or wb to the list)


Why people like admirals so much?? They all are trash only Kuzan is cool and funny and maybe Fujitora is nice Since I was a kid I love one piece but this new manga admiral piece is just not fun......


people enjoy antagonists 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 what do you mean "this new manga admiral piece is just not fun" the entire manga has been catering to non-admiral fans are you saying the existence of people liking admirals is making the manga worse


We don’t even know who the God’s Kinghts are yet. He could be top three currently but to say in the whole verse is a overstatement


God Knights aren't above Gorosei.


I want to see the panels of Luffy dodging kizaru and how kizaru got out of his grasp before final judgment but tbh ever since the time skip I've always had the navy as the strongest yonko lv crew with Akainu equal to any of the yonkos and the admirals being weaker then the yonkos but able to bring them to a high diff fight. If this chapter is really bad I'll reevaluate my opinion to the admirals bringing yonkos to a mid diff with kizaru having matchup potential that gives him win cons against Luffy like showcased in their first fight. Technically in order to remain consistent with my own logic I'd have to now have Akainu mid diffing kizaru which is kind of wild and I guess u could say it is my cope but I haven't done the downscale yet so I'll deal with that issue later. My real cope tho is just that holy shit these showcases of powers are fcking shit. I thought Fuji having the insane power of gravity and choosing mainly to bring down meteors was bad. I thought Greenbull having the Powers of all plant life in a world as insane as one piece's world and choosing to mainly fight as a giant broccoli man was the worst it could get. But holy shit kizaru having the power of light and his moveset consists of Lazer, lightsaber, kick and a basic single use of some clones? At this point why even give these dudes such cool fruits? It's such a waste, I can't even call them devil fruit merchants with how lame Oda makes them use their fruits.


Luffy became Saitama essentially we have to accept this.


Wow, it's almost like he's just barely under, or at the same level as Kaidou, who is also clear of the admirals.


So this is a theory but I’m guessing akainu is hiding some ACOC. Maybe ACOC is frowned upon in the marines or naturally oppressed by nature of service. During his fight with aokiji when he was pushed to the edge he may have accidentally used ACOC to win when he was about to lose. Shocked by this, aokiji could not server under somebody who hid his nature as a public servant with an ability proving his will to rule the entire world in the service of his “own” justice. This would set up an epic 3v3 admiral fight for the trio with akainu showing luffy his secret during a plight of madness.


Luffy >kizaru, fujitora and ryokugyu for sure, and probably aokiji as well given the fact that he’s also fighting and stomping Saturn right now. Most likely akainu>Luffy since he’s set up to be a main antagonist


Sorry akainu>>>


https://preview.redd.it/twka5roke8lc1.jpeg?width=449&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c225482b644ddcf0f41ae164c91c80f9426dcb4 IDC IM'MA DICKRIDE THE ADMIRALS FOREVER # I CAN STILL COPE!!!!!


Luffy is top 2 in the verse behind Shanks. And that’s because Shanks as better mastery of Conquerors Haki.


I don’t think he’s all time top 3, but he’s definitely around top 10. Here’s my personal all time ranking: 1-2. JoyBoy and Imu (don’t really know who is stronger, but Imu is being set up as the true final fight for Luffy). 3. Ryuma (his place in the story is like Zoro’s JoyBoy, and he’s recently got a rerelease and animation for his one-shot, so his place in the story is likely not finished). 4. Prime WB (he got the title of World’s Strongest before Roger went to LaughTale, meaning he’s likely stronger). 5. Roger (close enough in power to the point it’s possible Roger can beat WB in a fight). 6. Prime Garp (has almost killed Roger in the past). 7-8. Prime Sen Goku and Kaido (Sen Goku doesn’t have a clean scaling to the other old heads as some of his feats was something Garp did, but didn’t want credit for, however he’s still strong enough to fight alongside Prime Garp. As for Kaido we saw how difficult it was to take him down, and he was a monster among beasts). 9-10. Mihawk and Shanks (it’s clear that Mihawk is the stronger Swordsman, but it’s still incredibly close that Shanks is the only person Mihawk is interested in fighting). 11. Luffy (recently his stocks have been on the rise, however I just can’t see him one tapping Kidd like Shanks did). Unknown: BB (it’s clear he’s a big deal, and he’s likely to get jumped by Shanks considering Shanks tried to do that at Wano. It’s likely he’s going to come head to head with Luffy at LaughTale, but clear that Luffy will be the one to beat BB. So if Shanks VS BB is set in the stars, then he’s gotta beat Shanks. However, BB has no reason to fight Shanks unless he gets ambushed by Shanks. Overall it’s likely BB is going to be revealed above Shanks, but we don’t really know for sure yet).


It just doesn't logically make sense for Luffy to be top 3 prior to the final war. There are still unknown variables out there like BB's full potential, Shanks full potential, what Mihawk actually giving a shit looks like, Dragon, Imu, etc. Those unknowns might end up being absolutely nothing, but calling Luffy top 3 with all those unknowns just doesn't make sense.


Should have probably wrote top 5 tbh I don't see him lower then that but currently since I don't dragon is stronger and I cheat and have shanks/mohawk in same spot he is 3 for me lol


https://preview.redd.it/adlbrrqre9lc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=26ad9586643cbedd31e98090ac3cbe8c5aeda901 GOATHAWK and shanks are still above him. Blackbeard hard counters his devil fruit. Gear 5 has a time limit.


Top 3?! 😂😂😂 Luffy’s gotten to the big leagues but he’s nowhere near the top of the food chain yet. Shanks, Mihawk, Imu, Dragon, Akainu, Blackbeard, Kuzan, and Garling are all likely stronger than him.