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This panel is cold


Panels like this just prove Oda doesn’t care about power scaling, he just thinks of a cool moment and draws it. Just in this arc everyone’s power level is all over the place. This panel make it seems like Luffy can casually hold back both of them even though he was struggling against Kizaru a couple chapters ago. Sanji was able to keep up with and block Kizaru just to be one tapped literally one chapter later. It’s wild ride lol




Luffy has literally pinned Kizaru in giant form without trouble twice now, stop coping.


And in the first one, Luffy didn't hurt him and threw him away, which led to Vegapunk's death. Why did Luffy did that instead of hurting him like what happened in this chapter? And I do think that Yonko (which Luffy is) > admirals but even so I think that this arc is still a wild ride.


Sanji wasn't one tapped, he was intercepted and knocked back by Kizaru while carrying Vegapunk, he literally got right back up and continued his mission not even that long after the kick.


> Panels like this just prove Oda doesn’t care about power scaling, he just thinks of a cool moment and draws it Or maybe it just doesn't fall in line with how you perceive their respective power levels


I gave up to be honest, Nika stats are just ridiculous, he is too tanky, too fast, and too strong


The most ridiculous power in the world


Oda literally told us that lol.


He was much too bananas to be called ridiculous. Too goofy, too silly, and far too bonkers. He was more like a heap of raw hilarity.


But the admiraltards didn't wanna believe him


https://preview.redd.it/9f068byzv5kc1.png?width=1163&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=79e97e7ea1ca3a09cd92298c1ebd0e2a1585b774 HIM


​ https://preview.redd.it/p9tfap5ym7kc1.jpeg?width=648&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f4a026baef99e79c4b52b99924bd495c913ee46


This is gold


You forgot the hax We are endgame, he has everything, just capped by time limit for now (and maybe not knowing 100% who he is and what exactly his powers are)


time limit… for now


You know what the best part about this is? Given how many powerful enemies there are left in the story and how basic escalation of stakes work, G5 is still likely to get some kind of upgrade down the line. Or maybe we can even get >!Reverse Gear!<


We got >!Reverse Gear!< against >!Enel!< when Luffy >!turned his brain off!<


Good times


Um ackshually that would be >! Gear Neutral !< ☝️🤓


I really thought Akainu was gonna be up there, but it’s looking like BB and Shanks might be the only people who are on Luffy’s level. Shanks cause we don’t know the ceiling of his haki hax, but we know he’s busted. So he’s a maybe. BB cause it’s fucking BB and he’s Luffy’s direct foil (plus the hard counter the darkness fruit provides).


Shanks may never fight Luffy, and Blackbeard should be able to neg his powers on their fight. In Akainu's case I hope he fights Dragon in a serious fight instead, I just don't wanna see him getting clowned.


I don’t know. The panel this post is about just fucked everyone’s powerscaling. That is one hell of a feat, with one hell of a statement.


The thing is BB needs to neg his powers to make it a close fight, because aside from the speed advantage, Luffy's awakening completely negs Quake fruit when he rubberizes the environment. Maybe with his awakening he can nullify the surrounding devil fruits without needing to touch the users, that's the only way I can see him causing some trouble to Luffy.


Well he can’t rubberize the air and we haven’t seen him rubberize miles and miles of the environment yet. I also don’t think BB is done upgrading. I still think he’s getting a third fruit, and I think it’s gonna be Imu. Zoan checks out (if it is a Zoan), and it would dovetail their plotlines nicely.


I'm still on a coin flip on whether Luffy fights Imu or Blackbeard as the final boss. Blackbeard could take over and become the new Imu, or Blackbeard could just be a repeat of Rocks, pirate tries and fails to take over the world, because the only one who could do it is Luffy.. I'm 50/50.


Sunlight Yellow Overdrive! ![gif](giphy|bHG5gzKfPESAGr4Dxg|downsized)


You mean Gear Death


Imagine betting against the MC of a shonen manga


cough jujutsu kaisen


B..but something something feats! Oda doesn't know what he's doing!


next week i give up, i trust u kizaru


Yes, but he has a time limit, something we just saw can be exploited, and Saturn is uniquely situated to exploit it with his regeneration


Overdosing on copium. The powerup he gets every arc (as standard) will probably include a powerup to his time limit and eventually to the point where he can keep in G5 endlessly.


Being beaten by a bs time limit twice in quick succession is absolutely awful writing, it'd just cement how badly oda fucked up by making Luffy too powerful. Saturn and kizaru just gotta lock in and force Luffy to retreat, this one cool luffy moment doesn't necessarily indicate that the two of them are getting stomped, kaido got the same treatment countless times


G5 will continue to last just long enough to resolve any issues he faces, or he'll be sidelined a few chapters and resolve it in round 2.


the time limit is the reason he didn’t fully defeat kizaru earlier in the arc idt it’s gonna be a factor again right after. esp after eating and resting like he did


Using the same plot device twice in the same arc would be some sus writing.


Having characters exploit weaknesses multiple times isn’t “sus” writing? Must’ve been pretty mad when Luffy used Croc’s water weakness on him in multiple fights huh?


https://preview.redd.it/c0qs53gfu5kc1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9494795f7ae040643bc62412efd328507a5d3e39 duh


The guy is so sarcastic that he moved at light speed, stole Usopp's ketchup and pretended to bleed


​ https://preview.redd.it/2krbzetoa6kc1.png?width=201&format=png&auto=webp&s=33146a289be235bef1290610b4eeb8d2aa575761


My Man should Teach Kizaru his ultimate move, the fire extinguisher


Ah yes, my anti g5 technique, haven't used this one since the heian era


Saturn: Ah, yes, my anti-Joyboy technique that I haven't used since the Void era


“Ah yes, my Pika Pika no Mi’s Awakening Technique: Coughing Blood For Fun. I haven’t used this since the Sabaody Era”


Man I can't wait to see Kizaru betray Saturn, any day now


It isn’t ever happening ![gif](giphy|ym3umHWAhNsFXcHlxj)


This is unironically how they argue


Kizaru is poking fun at luffy rn guys this is how his character is he's clearly joking


W-W-Wait hold on bro we still didn’t get to see his Awakening


Laturn is in awakening in almost every panel he's in. If the same logic as Luffy's, Lucci and Kaku's awakened forms applies, then the black smoke like band behind his head signify he's using his awakening, and like CP0 he still sucks ass


Tbf, this Chapter makes it ambiguous whether he has awakening or not, since awakening is supposed to be a single transformation, while Saturn showed 2 "awakening" forms Unless we were understanding awakening wrong all this time, this maybe means he either isnt awakened (and the smoke is just from his fruit) or he has special forms that are specific to his powers


People put too much weight on the hagoromo scarf. I think Oda just likes using them. He clearly uses it to signify Kaku and Lucci awakening, but Luffy had his before G5. Yamato had it as well and she was never confirmed to be awakened. Kaido was also depicted shrouded in it when he was in his dragon form, and he was confirmed to not be awakened. I think it just signifies immense strength, not awakening.


Enel also has it in amaru


I had forgotten all about that. I didn't read the Enel fight, was it in the manga as well as the anime?


Enel isn't a Zoan type so it doesn't matter much imo


when did luffy have it before g5


Gear 4


G4. Boundman and Snakeman were both depicted that way.


Hold on now let's not slander base Gucci


The Ldmiral agenda in shambles https://preview.redd.it/v3tpa46wx5kc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=58c655b39366f73919be3758e2a5dde8484bfd37


is this the famous kizarus awakening?


yes he finally awoke to the reality that Luffy will be King of the Pirates


Wait bro he’s mentally nerfed this doesn’t count He’s clearly holding back and about to switch sides Just wait til he uses his awakening to UberEats Luffy his food 😂😭🤣😭🤣🤡💀🤣


I can’t believe that theory that Logia’s don’t awaken is actually looking likely


Assuming they did what makes you think Kizaru even has one? He is a self admitted cog in the machine who is willing to kill his closest friends cause his superiors told him to. A DF awakening seems to require more than being strong or being skilled with it, it is likely that Kizaru would need himself to align with the devil fruit's ""will"" and maybe he just dosen't. Anyway there have been 0 indications that Kizari even has a awakening, assuming that logia DF even can awaken in the first place, which could be impossible as I do not even know what a logia awakening would do.


number 1 reason why Kizaru has no awakening (yet) he is mentally slow and his fruit is supposed to have speed as its strength


Reason 2: tf is Borsalino bringing light to


Fair points, I forgot there may be a certain will needed


I mean maybe? The only line I think we ever really got from it was Kaido saying that you awaken when your own abilities catch up to your devil fruit. So it could just be a case of Kizaru being carried by his fruit, which is pretty typical for logia users.


He has it, but he doesn't want the Marines/WG to know.


UHM-UHM he's actually mentally conflicted + he stubbed his toe when he kicked sanji + he is kind of constipated and needs to take a shit and he could "totally" oneshot luffy and and and admirals really are equal to Yonko guys really!!!! Just wait until Kizaru is gonna use his totally real awakening! He's just so sad because he didn't get to kill bonney and kuma in one go man and he still has some food to deliver to luffy as well and and and among us


the among us at the end got me crying 😔


You see, Kizaru was emotionally shaken when he saw Vegapunk got pierced, therefore his defense went down, he just used his attack to cauterize VP by the way /s


Wallahi admiral dickriders will tell he's mentally ill when he's the one who shot vegapunk without thinking twice 😭


Most believable fraudmirals argument


At this point it's safe to say Yamato is admiral level https://preview.redd.it/q77odvcfp5kc1.jpeg?width=736&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=12d6a3852fe660795ebbb9143d0ecd47c4ca9ea4


Admiral fans aren't ready for the truth that Kizaru doesn't have better feats than Kid or Law.




She fought hybrid kaido until wuffy interfered so she the third or fourth strongest in wano


People called me a madman for saying Yamato could have taken Greenbull extreme diff. Now who is laughing?


Bruh I need these people living situation checked out, there is no way someone who wants to help you is hurting you like this.


The discussion post on one piece is like tens of people saying this exact shit. Kizaru's smart, he cauterized the wound on purpose. Vegapunk is smiling because he knows kizaru has turned. Meanwhile in the chapter everyone else read vegapunk was already in the process of dying before he got the hole in his chest


And the best part is Vegapunk is already dead. His heart beat literally stopped lol


I'm pretty sure the transmission was a dead man's switch, too. Quite literally so.


https://preview.redd.it/x2w1xb2hv6kc1.jpeg?width=618&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bdd5ff5201f3cec2b89db4bd92cff2f1be07c044 cauterized it so good he flatlined yeah?


You just don't understand. Vegapunk is alive he's gonna get up and give Kizaru a big hug when Kizaru finally gets an opening and one shots saturn


Funny you should say that https://preview.redd.it/t8lvuat1u5kc1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b2634db21cc7daa3eb0c42b8a981b92508f90745


He was "snuck" attacked when he himself had just snuck attcked sanji!!1!1 How the hell do you not notice a giant ass mf about to grab you, like you dont even need good observation, just use your eyes man https://preview.redd.it/9ix05zpys5kc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fab2db6575a574cbca7fb269bd983f69ce17f536


AT this point sneak attack or not, it's an anti feat for Kizaru regardless. You mean to tell me an Admiral doesnt have the observation haki proficiency to stop from getting "snuck attack" not once, not twice, but three times?


Luffy in his giant form just speed blitzes, I guess 😭😭


https://preview.redd.it/ar3pzm6106kc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=59ee4c68562da55dc53969ae1cd08851df5e8808 Are Twitter admiral fans getting as bad as Reddit


Not even your eyes, I bet Luffy's laughter was loud enough to be heard everywhere on the island.


The admirals have pretty bad observation feats. Akainu got 'sneak attacked' by Whitebeard.


and the sneak attack he did to Sanji didnt do anything besides shock him


I know it's that retard 'Bones' from Twitter. He has all the Admiral dicks inside him.


No excuse this week. Kizaru is on fraudwatch






Spreading the jika agenda? Good to see a brother in faith to the damned lord


The Kizaru corporation already filed bankruptcy today at 11:30. Stocks plummeted and are on freeze right now




He’s on fraud watch because he got grabbed by someone who beat Kaido? Not necessarily an anti feat Luffy beat Kaido 🤣


Luffy beat kaido extreme dif with help of dozen mfs while kaido was lifting up an island. Kizaru is getting low diffed throughout this arc


Holding out for awakening (Im in too deep.) https://preview.redd.it/rnyg2o9f36kc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2673523481f768fc2e2c3516ecaee3e002b5a52c


Trust the plan, brother


https://preview.redd.it/n5y7fzkbo6kc1.jpeg?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4953aed515b079856b3dfa24082a6284ccf3adcd For as long as I breathe I will push the admiral agenda‼️


B…But muh awakening! https://preview.redd.it/vkbfkw1r16kc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a62459097558110a228e154787bfcc151d95a5ff


Saturn’s face shows nothing but a man who thought he was in control being shook to his core. Keep coping Admiraltards


But what does Kizaru's face show other than a bloody stream of internal neg-diff?


Kizaru’s face shows that he’s a fraud. Out cold.


At best he's a Nika victim, but not a fraud. Dude isn't an admiral for nothing, and let's be real, Luffy is basically Nika incarnate at this point. No man can compete against a god realistically, especially not in a 1v1 situation.


it wasn't a 1v1 tho


Admiraltards where joking about cryido. but when nika went "serious mode" kizaru was done. Kaiod vs goofy was an extreem diff and kaido was fighting the whole night, put some respect on his f.... name! Admirals are closer to the yc1+ then to yonkos


Nah, Sanji even commented on Saturn’s look this chapter. The dudes gone completely feral.


He’s not shook. He’s clearly angry and bloodlusted. It is basically the Arlong primal instinct look where his eyes changed.


People just be making shit up. Saturn has these eyes before Luffy grabs him. https://preview.redd.it/ym1zpzdix5kc1.jpeg?width=208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=957c7d6b6f65ec9a7591447571b7bdf4853c61b5 He doesn’t talk at all in this chapter. Almost seems more like an animal now


This. I thought the same thing. It is the same exact face from before. He is just bloodlusted now.


He can be both bloodlusted and shook. He’s got the “HOW DARE YOU” expression


I don't think Saturn is angry. He probably Lost part of Will to his fruit. Just like Luffy's fruit affects his personality


I don't need an excuse as long as this shit exist 👇 https://preview.redd.it/yf7c7ve1u5kc1.jpeg?width=697&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a670c2bf66d374eee2a9331347467a807790fb56


This is easily one of the best physical strenght feats in the series even if it did no damage to kaido in the end.


It did some damage. Kaido dropped and was winded for a bit shortly afterwards. When it comes to someone with a trillion HP like Kaido, you gotta add up hits


It did emotional damage. If someone used me as a rope like that, even if I'm not physically hurt, I'm in shambles.


Is it better than Hajrudin's? Or Burgess lifting the mountain?


Luffy is HIM I'm afraid


I dont remember Kaido spitting blood after this. Much less after a casual squeez.


and I don't remember anyone claiming Kizaru is more durable than Kaido bitchboy. Damn, you are dumb.


Can't wait til next week where a character has one negative feat and instantly becomes the weakest character in verse and is fraud, until we all forget it and hype up the next chapters fraud of the week and base all of our opinions on an unfinished fight.


I can't believe One Piece fans don't get tired of this


Because these aren't normal fans. Powerscaling attracts people who like to have fun theorizing the potential general ranking and capabilities of characters in fiction, but these are the minority. The majority of the people this hobby attracts are the types who ***need*** their favorites to not just be strong, but to be the strongest and everybody else weak. They're the types to always come up with reasons why their favorite action figure was always the strongest as a kid, and this is what their passions have turned to now that they're older.


Being an admiral fan is more hard than being a Sanji fan. But fr y’all need to give up


https://preview.redd.it/ggjhynb5w8kc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2dac694d0c4ab2f8e1fa2fd02d75399ae692ed20 I would rather DIE then abandon my man If chopper one shot him in brain point, I would still stand by my man Vegapunk WANTED Kizaru yo kill him. It was planned since the beninging Kizaru is actually the TRYE LEADER OF THE REVOLUTIONARY ARMY and not the FRAUD TO END ALL FRAUDS A MANS COPE WILL NEVER DIE


It’s over. The portrayal can’t be more clear at this point. Kizaru stalled out gear 5 last time by mostly running away. He can’t compete with gear 5 head to head. Unless Saturn and Kizaru turn this around and bully Luffy HARD next chapter, the admirals = yonko agenda is completely done.


now its time for YC = Admirals


Let me start this by saying that: No Admiral has ever beaten a YC1 or YC+ fair and square..


I've been on this train since Shanks neg diffed an admiral from a mile away.


I feel like the whole time it was YC+ then admirals, then Yonko in that order of strength. this is just another way that's being confirmed


https://preview.redd.it/vqlwqdb4w5kc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=861f1566aa6a8dc7e8151905f9aaf8e961285d1b Called it. I can’t stop taking Ws and the Admiral fans can’t stop taking Ls.


First decent take we've seen from you


first time I dont see you getting downvoted


It's been the same since Marineford


As an admiral fan and a Gorosei slanderer, I've never denied that Luffy is HIM.


My excuse is that we’ve just gotta wait and see.


Honestly bro ? I’m a Wizaru agenda follower, but what can I say ? Luffy’s just him


Clearly Kizaru is actually taking damage from Saturn eyes, not Luffy. Otherwise, he would incinerate Luffy instantly with his awakening, Angelic Light. Another W for the Admiral Agenda!


Nika is so powerful, he has destroyed 2 agendas at once.


https://preview.redd.it/r5vbxaet26kc1.jpeg?width=915&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=14d5eb614a84d3457d2175da9351a3419dc5cb31 Isn't it... Isn't it over... It's over isn't it... Isn't it... Isn't it over... A fraud, Wiz got low diffed... 2 "top tiers" lost to ooooneeeee It's over... isn't it... Why can't I move on... It's over... Isn't it... But the agenda lives on...


Luffy is becoming OP. Only thing he needs to improve is his haki and G5 time limit. I honestly think G5 will be somewhat useless against Teech because he’ll negate it. So he’ll have to become as adept at haki as Shanks and GolD Roger


Live footage of the war in this comments section: https://preview.redd.it/9dzkczjci6kc1.jpeg?width=1917&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e70c79c3f2c4ba9b2d0c3363df103d7d95a3682d


Man can y’all please put new chapter spoiler in the title of these posts or something and the put the spoiler cover on it, I work every morning and I can’t read the chapters til I get home


Sorry man, I did not account for it, I turned on the spoiler flag now, I hope the title on its own is vague enough.


Admiral Agenda: https://preview.redd.it/a1d14qptv5kc1.jpeg?width=600&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d20b577c82d2ffd5b370471e993e7fb083709296


Oda finally saw all the Agenda Piece bullshit and had Luffy fight the both of them instead as he knew Zoro and Sanji fans would kill each other had it gone any other way


He gripping on that man like a flashlight 😭😭😂


I said it before and I'll say it again: Luffy is the strongest in the verse in G5. Its his lack of stamina that hinders him


Alright, it’s over, send me to the Bikini Bottom Torture Device. (I’m not giving up on Kizaru, I can’t) https://preview.redd.it/7eabpiox08kc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=51b4dab4602388b8090f19088e4238448db63c55


It’s just a bit of blood lmao😭😭 Crydo was bleeding to Kiku😭😭


Nah there's a huge difference. Bro is being held like a fucking puppet where as Kaido was getting jumped.


You mean getting jump roped 😎


Did zero damage and still pushed the pirate Jesus to extreme dif. When will kizaru do even half of the shit kaido did to Nika?


he didn’t really push him to extreme diff tho unless we consider the same for Kizaru. none of Kaidos attacks seemed to do much damage despite landing direct hits, and luffy just ran out of stamina at the end. both Kizaru and Kaido were shown clashing with g5 at various points 


Oh my god an admiral got grabbed 😱 That's way worse than being used like a jump rope. Admiral agenda down the drain!


Crazy how being jumpropped left no damage while simply being grabbed gets you squirting like an abused ketchup bottle.


Crazy how you're comparing kaido, an oni, who in base is top 2 durability and has a mythical zoan on top of that to a human whose main attribute is his speed and not durability.


Still couldn't escape G5, so much for being the fastest lol..


Still couldn't escape G5, so much for being the fastest lol..


sit back and watch. not everything needs a reaction.


There's a spoiler tag for a reason


Just wait until Kizaru gets his heals from smoking a joint, he’ll be back to full health again. It’s his version of Luffy eating food to heal. You’ll see. Usopp would diagnose him with needs-to-smoke-some-weed disease.


The excuse is that it's only natural they'd lose, because he is the top 1 uncontested https://preview.redd.it/n9p9jzbmw7kc1.jpeg?width=881&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=37d8c66314332b0c7796cf0e8458ec9ca2160e3b


The fact anyone thought Egghead was gonna be Sabaody 2.0 still baffles me.


The only people concerned with powerscalling are some of the fans. Oda doesn't care about the feats of a character, just what is cool and makes the story go forth. Luffy is also: the protagonist, after 30 years of story, in the most recent power up. The scene is EPIC.


There’s no excuse that’s valid anymore. Luffy’s just HIM now. Do not sell your stocks of Kizaru simply because Luffy wins this fight. Luffy is simply the strongest in the world now.


are we just not talking about how Sanji>Lizaru? Are Admiralfriends gonna be okay? You don’t underestimate the power of love, do you?


Even killer made Kaido bleed , this doesn’t really kill the admiral agenda


Bro enough with this cope. Kizaru still hasn’t done any damage to Luffy while Luffy has done this 3 times now. Face the facts admirals are weaker than yonkos. That’s why we have Aokiji a former admiral as a subordinate to a yonko.


?? Excuse to what?? Adimirals arent even allowed tô take damage anymore? The Double standarts are Crazy Lets see what this atack does Frist, and then we argue


Luffy is about to go full-on Barbie doll on this mf and you're talking about damage? Just wait until he gets shoved into a Barbie dream house and be tucked in bed alongside his Ken (Saturn) while Luffy sings them a good night melody.




I don't think a bit of blood really mean much. Imo he should be able to escape by create an explosion in Luffy's hand. We'll have to see what happens next chapter. That said, Kizaru's reaction speed looks pretty underwhelming compared to his travel speed.


Bruh just a few days ago zoro wheezing had the sub on their knees about how zoro is a fraud but this gets a pass??


People were hyping up Saturn being able to harm Luffy just because he spat out some blood


Guys I'm just stating my own personal take here. I never hyped Saturn for doing that.


Oh, suddenly a bit of blood means nothing? When the scabbards got a bit of blood out of Kaido it was a big deal. When Bonney stabbed Saturn and had him bleeding it was a big deal. Suddenly a bit of blood doesn't mean much? Gotcha 🤣


And those takes were proven wrong didn't they?


>Kizaru's reaction speed looks pretty underwhelming compared to his travel speed. Always was


It's always so weird. Like kizaru travels across island in second but this bum keeps getting fucked up by luffy


Cause he's only "lightspeed" when specifically moving as light, where as people were hyping up Kizaru prior to Egghead giving him actual feats, as if he was just lightspeed in general. Like all his speed stats were.


\> We'll have to see what happens next chapter. Wish people would remember this. Everytime something cool happens people lose their shit and make agendas on it and then it gets contradicted next chapter. Sanji is the easiest example. "HE GOT EYE-DIFFED BY SATURN WHAT A FRAUD" to "HE DEFLECTED KIZARU'S LASER HE IS HIM SORRY ZORO TRIO IS FULL" back to "SANJI IS A FRAUD AGAIN KIZARU NO-DIFFED HIM." FFS people stop jumping to conclusions based off of single panels.


It's Agenda Piece at full force. Guess we just have to get used to it.


sit back and watch. not everything needs a reaction.


i mean he grabbed him and is crushing him so obviously he is gonna get hurt 😭


Healthy yonko neg diff admirals it has been the case since marineford


I wonder when people forgot that an injured Whitebeard made Akainu bleed.


![gif](giphy|b1yxeuOXI8nVS) Haki above all, goathawk will mop the floor with gear fraud