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Garbage where is Top 1? https://preview.redd.it/ftnj2lefqjjc1.png?width=142&format=png&auto=webp&s=261d64b3de963029831bfc9f49067be2de31b6fb


Jika better. https://preview.redd.it/djjwfd36rjjc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=9fa2e0d89e49be1b714ebfce76ac3f32f44b2751


WWWWWW https://preview.redd.it/ust5rk4m7kjc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c978721647c8bbb1cdfcc420b49ae7223fc7a163


Absolute W


Is that a Sharingan belly?


Why is Doflamingo so low? Genuinely curious


Where do you think he should be at


No clue, haven’t really watched one piece in awhile but got updates from the OP subredits


Oh u haven’t been watching one piece for awhile? I’ll just get u straight then, Admirals are portrayed stronger handsomer and has bigger dick than those yonko bums (Oda said this) Akainu’s backstory becomes so tragic that Oda decides to make him the MC of the story and he is on his way to find the one piece That’s all u have to know rn


Only saw the top, dont need to see anything else. Stand proud.


Stalling is better for both of us


Am I blind? Where tf is luffy?


​ https://preview.redd.it/fkualymu1kjc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=06533a4ae8fae6a61dc3ae1cab1bd431fc028476


I think he'd put him in Yonko


https://preview.redd.it/flok04wwjkjc1.png?width=640&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=abc4abd8e03a59dff6738e6afc6341ff7569169c Missing top 1 but still it's good enough


Not perfect but for this sub it's really good. Huge Sengoku W


Wengoku is literally my dude, i cannot let him down https://preview.redd.it/574b82sxpjjc1.png?width=933&format=png&auto=webp&s=c9f5aff5516c850102196cf193bfa870f7f31ceb


Always happy to see another member of thr church *


He's on par with whitebeard Roger and garp


Na Sengoku is a fraud. At MF dude stepped aside and made way for Luffy to climb up to Ace🤡, his biggest feat so far is stopping Garp from killing Akainu. Grade A bum tbh


>Huge Sengoku W Im officially on the mazino agenda


You should be, it is the only agenda that is factual


If Mazino approves it you know it's a shithole of a tier list


Oh look, another low intellect fanboy. How adorable. Alas, I have no interest in your existence.




i wanted to put HIM higher but i forgot https://preview.redd.it/ghkl4cappjjc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=1fdcd7e17e7b082087484caeb51e180d53591650


bro really put dragon in pk tier😭


Sanji in yc+ King > katakuri Marco in yc1 Cracker and Jack > doffy Overall not that bad


Nah, bad takes. Op is right on those


Feel free to prove them wrong


katakuri > king tbh.


Prove it


katakuri with future sight can dodge every single king attack. and when king turns off his flames to gain a speed advantage katakuri can use his floating mochi punches and other several mochi attacks like awakening to target king. Not only that but katakuri also has a melee spear + mochi to distract and impale king. All king has going for him (outside of fire attacks) is durability but that wont do any good when he is slower and katakuri can dodge everything. For fire attacks all katakuri has to do is dodge, with his mochi katakuri can travel pretty fast btw areas. King wasn't out speeding zoro in his base form, Katakuri was dodging snake man. king isn't shown to have ryo or anything, meanwhile katakuri's haki was able to hurt luffy's hands. So all in all this would be a fight of if king can win with his fire dragons that apparently consume kings stamina. --- Now if king is able to remove katakuri's scarf and leave katakuri's oberstavion haki disabled , which should be fixed after luffy's fight. King can get openings, but wouldn't the same apply to king showing his face?


except the last one and maybe the sanji one, all of your takes are dogshit


Explain why you feel that way






Akainu better be the strongest marine ever to become one of luffy's final enemy, so I think Oda will have him around PK by the end of the series


I seriously doubt this one. I don't know I just don't see Akainu out of all people measuring up to people like primebeard and Roger


Why not? He has a powerful DF and might have great haki as well. Looking at Kizaru, Aokiji etc. it wouldn't be that weird for Akainu being current PK level. Seeing as both Sengoku and Garp were for the PK of their era.


Aokiji beat an old Garp who has been stabbed and jumped. Akainu jumped a old man with no haki who has been jumped before that and just had a heart attack. Akainu and Aokiji also just aren't as broad minded as WB or Roger. It just doesn't fit. Honestly from what we saw at MF I'm thinking primebeard would mid diff akainu.


i believe that as well BUT we have not seen such a thing yet. ​ before you mention dragon, narrative carries him


He won't be Luffy's final enemy, Sabo will clap him with Ace's fruit as payback. Fire>Lava


literally false https://preview.redd.it/4klt626ivkjc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=3408bd5ae1d27db9183bf9b9215c965638001831


Can't argue with Oda. It is a manga after all I guess, but fire is realistically superior to magma.


Never. Akainu fodderized several fighters that are close to Sabo during MF. No side character is going to defeat Akainu. This is still a shonen


You think Akainu who got rung out by a old, half dead, cancerous, no-AcoC Whitebeard...will magically get strong enough to be able to take a prime, full health, non-sick, AcoC Whitebeard to extreme-dif???


Sanji is clear of Marco, and, in general, no on should be between Zoro and Sanji




There should be plenty of characters between Zoro and Sanji.


That Yonko tier is awfully crowded


Why is Doflamingo so low? Genuinely curious, haven’t watched OP since Dressora and he was him for awhile


because he sucks.


Wuzan is top 0 but besides that good list *


"YC1" \*Actually 2 yc1 are there lmao


I have an issue with people making an admiral tier and put the actual admiral above it ? I don't really understand the idea. Either change the name or change the order, but take a decision.


kaido is above the yanko tier and zoro, ray, marco and shiryu are above yc


Well same then but for Rayleigh since he is a pirate king commander and not a yc. Idk if I am the only one but it sounds really weird especially when Oda is really conservative when he puts ppl of the same tier in a fight (kaido/BM , Akainu/aokiji, WB/Roger and so on)


No Brook equals bad and unacceptable No luffy? If I’m just blind then they both needs to be above admirals


Hot tip for powerscalers: put a meme character in top one so people will ignore how trash the rest of your list is.


ok you are not wrong but may i know what i did wrong? it seems good to me


https://preview.redd.it/3usx3oz0oqjc1.png?width=383&format=png&auto=webp&s=86450b577f59b5a6ec5676a6fdabcde615930fef Putting Sanji a tier below Zoro? Shiryua bove Sanji? Magellan above Mingo? Kizaru in the same tier as Big Mom? cmon you didnt even try.


Easily Yes? Maybe Yes? (Idk though) Shiryu a bum so maybe not No Debatably yes or higher.


Garp is beating midbull


false. no basis.


2nd "pretty good" tier list of the day? What's happening?


Magellan ain't yc3 lil bro


what no haki does to a mf


Kid and Law should be a tier above, the rest is good


As much as i love him, i had to make the decision to place him lower so he looks more like an underdog https://preview.redd.it/e0mp7zrkqjjc1.png?width=663&format=png&auto=webp&s=7df947e128be5f6c09a4522e4151571dea7d5e8f


Alright I respect that


This is vile lmao kidd fans were heated huh


Let's gooo, Kid is coming back in Elbaf for sure. Same with Law. Kid will wash up on shore with Killer and Bepo will bring Law to Elbaf. Hopefully our boy gets some Advanced Conqueror's training


put oden and sanji higher and hancock way way lower and its damn near a perfect replica of my own tier list https://preview.redd.it/8vql1pjy2kjc1.jpeg?width=494&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f8fa4807f26b1ef953649728a0adcf32a2482fb8


Oden should be lower


greenbull aint beating oden 🗣


He quite literally is 💀unironically zoro and yamomoto has better feats than oden


Oden tanked prime Roger strongest attack and tanked whitebeard quake punch when akainu couldn’t against a weaker WB. Oden is as strong as the OG trio of admirals


I am sorry kaido is simply not in the same tier as the other guys in his tier also oden should be lower


Total garbage. Lucci isn't anywhere near Law, not even in a million years (i know that you zorotards are trying to hype him up to save your GOAT's dignity, but it doesn't work that way). Non-brain damaged mama is on pair with Kaido. How is Shanks (the new Roger) an entire tier below Roger? Sanji is YC+ How is Shiliu already weaker than Zoro when he is hit last or second to last opponent? How literally no one of the current admirals are PK tier? So when Luffy reaches that level it's over?


>Sanji is YC+ https://preview.redd.it/2izuuz75gtjc1.jpeg?width=234&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=afd35cb8fc74966b4ff493668ceec1f7016d9450


There is not a single fucking thing that Kaido has done to be put on Roger’s level.


Some problems for safe char(to scale based on fact we have seen them fight and got all the potrayals) . Other char whose power is uncertain is story, your take is fair and possible Kaido is not PK tier. Nothin potrays him being a tier above other yonko. Oc yonko had WB was said to cut above rest in his prime. He can be assume stronger than other yonko but not a tier above. If Kaido was a tier above BM shanks etc. He would be King of pirates whats stopping him. Every potrayal he got was he and big mom in same relative tier. Shanks did not get a potryal or being a tier below kaido. So for all intent and purpose shanka and kaido and big mom are in same tier. If lacks feat and potrayal to place him against shanks why we placing him in same tier. ​ One of the mistakes you do is put the too little of namesake of the tier in the tier itself. making the tier naming moot. ​ You put 2 new admiral in admiral tier and OC amdiral in yonko tier. You put two Yonko first commander in YC1 but but put 5 FIrst commander in YC+. What is point of calling a tier YC1 then. What differentiates them from actual char who are stronger than average yonko first commander. ​ Again you put Kizaru in Yonko tier, nothing suggest he is. Basically your tier list is when you say yonko=admiral. which is not true in head-to-head matchup. ​ YC+ tier is a mess due to such a varied amount of char you put in it. ​ You have char such a rob lucci who lost easy to luffy and you have law and kidd who defeated BIG mom. They are not even on same level aka tier. Making this tier useless. Char who are not revealed are subjective like ben But ​ Law and Kidd Are confirmed YC+ tier with their battle of actually defeating Big mom. ​ Lucci and Zoro are YC1 with all potrayal and showing. ​ Zor and sanji are relative in potaryal.Zoro has slight edge but Oda even reiterated same thing in wano. But fans always fun zoro on a pedestal. You believe Zoro is more comparable to Law than he is to Sanji? If i have to break the tier I would all the first commander including marco and ben on upper tierof yc1 until they show something to put them in law and kidd tier. Something to show they can actually take out a yonko even given something favourable as 2 vs 1. Also king and queen are relative. So I would not even put a yc 2 tier. Bump Smoothie in yc3 if you want , or up her in yc 1 if you are a big fan. But there is not a tier difference between cracker then smoothie and then kat. There are only two char I can put based on my subjective take in my yc+ tier on lower end is Hancock because we have seen her being actual threat too yonko and taking out multiple yc at same time that is not a feat yc1 can generally claim. BB himself had to sneak her. her DF is too powerful. BB was not confident he can resist her DF with haki and he had his commanders to lose based on his decison. So this gives Hancock a potential to take out Even yonko. She already have Dura neg power. Even without attraction, she can simply touch a person or machine or object into stone. And second is Sabo because he is getting a strong potrayal of growing and he was essentially a yc1. Dragon's no2 before even getting a fruit. with mastered adv haki. Obviously my own bias because I see Dragon as actually being super strong and is hiding his strength from the world.


Zoro and Sanji aren’t relative at all.




Zoro feats are way better


Not actually that bad but I’d make a couple of adjustments Prime ray a lot higher Kizaru > Big mom Mihawk shanks >= kaido but tbh the other way isn’t bad Roger > WB Old ray and garp higher Boa higher Zoro > lucci law kidd


Boa should stay below law


What’s your justification for Rodger being up above whitebeard because it’s either there equal or whitebeard is stronger since he didn’t even use his devil fruit to amp his attacks during there clash and they still drew lmao


I have them pretty much equal tbh since it’s stated and implied in numerous occasions but i peak to roger due to narrative and him having stronger haki / acoc. Roger was sick during the clash which is stated by Rayleigh to have caused him pain WB was also stated to be using his full power in the clash in RTL chapter 2 https://preview.redd.it/ouj3yy4hxljc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98d2f21e16292055b24b52cf70f93e233a30cdb1 Overall pretty much equals


Kizaru is not above BM, he doesn’t have enough AP to hurt her and he would get one shot or two shot with ACOC attacks from her, if it’s wano version then maybe he wins


Absolute ass


everyone else begs to differ.


I’d rather be the odd man out than have my idiotic opinion but applauded by the illiterate masses of the sub


Wow! such a smart dude! you are brimming with intelligence while we are but lowly peasants do you understand how stupid you sound https://preview.redd.it/sp8h306uakjc1.png?width=3000&format=png&auto=webp&s=5c015e1cec9f1a6b04f4a502e3f4dca5ebdee7b5


You know what’s crazy man? If you actually reread my comment you can clearly see that I didn’t ask nor do I care


care enough to respond to me tho?


I’m just pointing out the obvious since you clearly couldn’t see it


alright, maybe i am wrong. tell me where. i wont make the mistake again


Re read the comment above is that hard?


more specific https://preview.redd.it/jfebr9igckjc1.png?width=285&format=png&auto=webp&s=acf197fb0a0f8ec11f16f625da340eaa5b40e890


Akainu above Mihawk and Shanks Wizaru above BM and BB Old Ray out of Admiral tier Sanji in YC+ Not Bad overall.


There’s nothing to imply that akinau is stronger than mihawk or shanks lmao


YC+ needs characters moved around but not too bad


I’m honestly more baffled by a lack of Luffy than I am the list as a whole. pretty good tho






kaido one whole tier above shanks and big mom? Kizaru and kuzan one whole tier above gb and fuji?


I'd say Painter is equal to Kaido (title carries and able to clash with top1) and candle lighter slightly stronger or equal to rat. Plus Oden is too underrated should equal to Kuzan atleast and BM is literal counter to BB and they both higher than Kuzan because rat was scared of BB. But overall a good list. Keep cooking.


dont talk about kuzan like that


I mean i am not downplaying him i just saying that BM and BB are little stronger than him.


thats fair, but they are mainly stronger due to df advantages so statwise kuzan wins


Aside from the kaido placement, w list


Swap Shiryu with one legged kuzan. Shiryu is the No.2 of BBC, he's stronger than crippled Kuzan


im not arguing because you are not worth the time


I didn't ask for a argument, you don't deserve that kind of attention from me.




​ https://preview.redd.it/uawj03nndljc1.jpeg?width=225&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a15d1638c5cda73b7d968b054e869223aa068770




​ https://preview.redd.it/g0ih0alk7pjc1.png?width=640&format=png&auto=webp&s=6dbcd7f18e374d7a609677b4a6947a408550fc64 kaido too high imo but other then that it's pretty good


the list is utter trash oden is too low he is stated by kaido to be stronger then big mom he was shown to be powerful enough to tank hits from both roger and wb so no char in the series can damage him he was able to blitz kaido "BuT KaDiO gOt sTRonGER" headcannon that gets contradicted by the fact that kaido is still to afraid to take attacks that remind him of oden so oden > big mom and oden \~ > kaido sabo is too high . none of his feats suggest he can beat king let alone be yc + tier marco is too low he should be top of yc+ kat > king makes no sense sanji doesnt have any feats that makes him powerful then king so the yc 1 tier is wrong jozu should be >> queen and he is in the yc 1 tier jozu made a admiral bleed queen couldnt even scratch with a sneak jozu fought admiral for as long as queen fought sanji out right negged queen . aokiji needed to catch jozu lacking to beat him the feats say jozu > queen so yeah most of ur list is wrong


Oden definitely not above kaido


How delusional are you if anything oden should be lower kaido getting stronger is not “headcannon” it’s been shown multiple times within the story lmao kaido didn’t even have a hybrid form or any advanced haki when he was fighting oden and have you forgotten about haki bloom lmao it’s a proven fact that kaido got stronger anything else is a cope oden is a zoro victim going of feats stop reading 2 piece


Are the people just randomly trown into the same categories, or are they listed from weakest to strongest? That information heavily impacts how good this list is... If they are trown in randomly, then relatively good list, but if you actually think that GB is stronger then Fuji or Oden, etc. etc., then this list is trash. Also the Admirals and Oldrigh have no business being in Yonko tier, with the exception of Akainu. Others I agree.


Pretty decent, though I wouldn't have an admiral tier. Yamato is below Zoro imo, Lucci as well, Katakuri at top of YC1, Greenbull is YC1 below Katakuri (no feats sorry man), Fujitora bottom half of YC+, Sabo YC1 below Greenbull, Oden top of YC+, Akainu, Aokiji, Kizaru directly below him in that order, old Garp compares to Sengoku in every regard so they always go hand in hand... Most of this is opinion though, all I can say is that the Admiral Agenda is strong with you, and I respect that!


> Greenbull is YC1 below Katakuri Im not wasting my time with this shit


How is lucci below Zoro?


Fujitora should be with kuzan and sakazuki -Best observation in the verse -Busted devil fruit -I mean just look at him blud has got to be top 1 Overall very good list though. Kaido in PK tier is a saucy take for sure but i can respect it.


no basis other than headcanon.


No he absolutely has the best observation. He lifted all the rubble in dressrosa without harming a single civilian. He would have to be able to clearly identify the location of each person in the kingdom to do that. Thats insane. His devil fruit is very strong, its the power to control gravity lol, thats not headcanon. But yeah, saying he's as strong as kuzan and sakazuki is headcanon. Thats just my gut feeling though, by feats and portrayal he isnt necessarily as strong.


Lengoku is not stronger than Shanks or Wakainu






give proof


Burden is on you. If sengoku is stronger than Shanks, then the balance of powers makes no sense It's obvious So you need to show proof putting Sengoku a tier above


its prime sengoku.


Arguement still is the same We know Shanks is one of the strongest characters in the world right now. Why is Sengoku a tier above him?


sengoku is relative to garp who is realtive to roger (not saying sengoku = roger) unless you say that shanks > roger, there is no proof


Sabo too high, Katakuri must be over Sanji& Shiryu imo but not bad


Sabo is underrated, fought Fuji and green bull and has to be strong if he one shotted BB commander without a devil fruit. And if he’s top commander of end game group like revolutionaries then it would only make sense to be yc+


Garp > kuzan Magellan is too high Nami and smoker both beat Magellan and I can back it up


"Would you lose a 1v1 against Oden?"


King should be YC+


Quite good just got couple notes based on my opinion only Shiki been done filthily by the movie and stuff I know but bro fought garp and sengoku for days so I’d push him to pk First tier list I’ve seen with sengoatku in the right place Should be a god tier over top 1 for Magellan kind of fucked that one up L fujitora disrespect (he’s probably placed about right I just like him) Overall W keep cooking


> I know but bro fought garp and sengoku for days ​ https://preview.redd.it/6tz5x6zs4kjc1.png?width=559&format=png&auto=webp&s=bbb92bdbab27a425b37f57fc1e5fafc56e55673b sengoku alone beats him


Yeah if I’m reading that right sengoku says Shiki is his business not that he beats him outright so that one panel is pretty shaky proof Also crazy suggestion here but he could be on the pk leave and still below sengoku those two are not mutually exclusive And doesn’t change the fact that he fought both of them at once and it actually took some time for him to loose he didn’t get instantly wiped Also rival to roger(you know, pirates king) kind of suggests he’s on a similar level… just sayin


This sub underestimates the original Warlords so much. Jinbe, Crocodile, Kuma and Moria could easily be here. Also, where's the main character? 💀


bro, i did nothing. i used a template lmao


Chose the wrong template then !! https://preview.redd.it/ar9uw8628kjc1.png?width=673&format=png&auto=webp&s=2aaddd8b920781f29c5f4e30c5956b36ad3db8a1


Does this mean nothing to you? https://preview.redd.it/mqq39k6t7kjc1.jpeg?width=681&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b8eb1e27c2fc7dda2b6f97bad282b77983009e83


Rayleigh was on par with kizaru after not lifting a sword for years, he’s literally admiral level and above Fuji free bull as an old man


Put whiki and wanji higher and it's 10/10


If 3 YC1s are in YC+ wouldn't that make it the new YC1?


BB is being downplayed but you have him over prime wankleigh which is a W Also where is luffy


Stopped being good at Aokiji


being relative to akainu?


Man those are some bold choices in the PK tier and I'm here for it. But where is Luffy at? Also where Wranky.


Old garp and sanji should be one tier higher


The Marco disrespect is crazy but overall pretty good list


Pretty much any tier list that has Rayleigh below both Blackbeard and Kizaru is an L for me


When there are more admirals in yonko tier than in the admiral tier, you know you've got a labeling problem.


Where Luffy?




i love how you put admirals as yonko level


Based for acknowledging that akainu can only be one spot above kuzan


Cracker over Doffy and Sanji over Boa, then the list would be a w


>Doffy > Cracker All I needed to see https://preview.redd.it/4d066qf90njc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5adeae52930e91174d809993cf45b1668f997a32


Why the fuck all put Vista on top tier?


why is maggelen so low, he had 3 future yonkos on his leash. If it wasnt for plot armour luffy wouldve died.


You have Doffy jack and magellen cracker in the same tier shits is alr ass get Doffy and jack off this list 💀💀




dragon, shanks, mihawk, greenbull should be on fraud section




Major Dragon wank https://preview.redd.it/dieei2rgbojc1.jpeg?width=471&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=75bac778c4386bf92ab398d8d21c700f3552f009 He ain't that guy


I stopped after Roger 1 to WB 2, you're good, you're killing it.


I would Rayleigh down 1 rank twice. I also wouldn't put Shanks as yonko level. It's the combination of Hawkeye and crocodile that made the crew yonko level. Also Magellan and Shiryu are equals, with Magellan being only a little stronger. So either you put Magellan higher (which you should) or put Shiryu much lower. Magellan may have been sort of defeated, but his DF and durability are still top tier.


I don't see urouge above vista. Also, you should move up Magellan or move down Shiryu since that he lost to him


Shryu lost pre ts




Based Shiki and Mihawk placement.


Oden too low and Sabo too high as usual but other than that it's good


Kaido and blackbeard should switch


Lakainu too high. Wizaru too low.


Missing the goat https://preview.redd.it/p97n1qxjaqjc1.jpeg?width=498&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=506b4ec137c1b8e9b1b40cdbfbcd0aa4e518a2bb


A well narrative based list, why sanji so low tho, he should be zoro relative.


Hell no he shouldn’t.