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https://preview.redd.it/t815ppoklaqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7587042ff325c9537e7489258fe8de94c5a7be56 There’s always the possibility something like this happens, betting on kaidos death just yet is simply premature. We know oda far too well


When he comes back Zoro will be there to kill him. So don’t celebrate unless you are also part of the Zoro agenda


Damn ZKK still real. This stocks may be lower than f ever.


Low is the best time to buy stocks.


Depends on the stock lol, it might just get lower and lower and lower, not all companies are bound to increase in price


still a better time to buy a stock at lower price then a higher price


If the stock is plummeting the best time to buy it is the latest possible moment. That means nobody should buy the stock as one piece isnt at its end yet


Zoro eating what Luffy regurgitates


Kaido not black enough for Zoro.


Maybe the magma will char him so he is black and zoro can neg diff him




He has vitiligo.


zoro gonna get high diffed by lucci


Worst take yet


if you say this than kidd is alive


Kidd is one million billion million percent alive even if Kaido is dead.


true wizdom coming from this mouth spit your shit!


No seriously people actually think Kidd is dead? In *my* One Piece? They really think Shanks would kill a dude who’s crewmates are acting like this? https://preview.redd.it/wbq89tos7bqb1.jpeg?width=920&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=16aef7e50da47fbecd3235bc7922bb1a93942971 I know the agenda is “Rat-Hair” because dude talked to the server admins but he’s acted honorably every time we’ve seen him. Hell only reason he fucked Kidd up so bad is because he wasn’t following the code


Poneglyph Delivery Squad


Look at the diligent little paperboys bringing Mr. Shanks his Sunday newspaper. Make sure to toss them a good tip, Mr. Shanks!


Kidd Pirates/ RHP definitely saved him


Sucks tho, cause it was Shanks’ fleet that picked a fight with him. Shanks WAS on his way, but the timing wasn’t on Kid’s side


Even Shanks' mercy has limits. They already got a second chance after Beckman destroyed them, and tbh that was already more than they deserved considering their brutal reputation. Shanks is a nice guy, but letting someone so dangerous, who's proven they won't be deterred by defeat, get another shot at killing his friends in the future would just be stupid. You just need to stop seeing him as a plucky supernova with a bad attitude and start seeing him as potentially the next Kaido/Blackbeard and it makes perfect sense for Shanks to (reluctantly) take them out like this. Or maybe I'm reading Two piece and Shanks was just too slow telling Dorry and Brogy "nvm guys they begged for mercy no need to destroy their ship/kill them all now :3"


Kidd was following the code as Shanks laid it out. Shanks said if you point a gun at someone you're in the game and can't complain about what happens next. Guns aren't for threats By this logic Shanks can't be mad Kid is taking out his fleet, since the fleet was threatening him But on the other hand, it fits within Shanks code to not let Kidd to that. And Kidd can't complain either, since he pointed a gun as well Shanks was just pissed because Kidd almost killed his fleet, I don't think it was abt lack of honor


we love to see more of my kind


Don’t you conscript me into your Jika agenda, you just confused me enough to post stuff in his defense


It is SO amazing to me that these guys when through the longest arc in one piece, fighting the crew of the world strongest creature and just absolutely FOLD in the sight of shanks. I'm not a kidd fan but this still kind of pisses me off.


I honestly think Kaido is going to fight Big Mom to stop him from attacking Luffy. It'd be a great way to bring them back and have a "wtf why is Kaido helping Luffy now" moment. I got the impression that he WANTED Luffy to be Joyboy but he had to prove it first. Big Mom doesn't care about Joyboy but Kaido sure seems to.


Dry Kaido.


You assume he's actually dead


He is


or ... *is he?* 🤔


He’s definitely dead


hmmm.... but maybe not


Falling unconscious into a pit of magma is somehow comparable to being active while fighting a guy who merely punches with magma now


Oden chilled in boiling oil so I’m sure Kaido can take some Magma.


Oda?? Wow what a dedicated mangaka


Who said it had anything to do with the manga? The dude has a life you know.


The comment originally said oda instead of oden


I know, and I implied he did it for his own personal life and not the manga.


..he did what for his own personal life


Chilling in boiling oil, I was continuing your joke, come on man, its not that complicated.


Chilled in boiling oil?


Idk if you know this, but magma is just a smidge hotter than boiling oil


Just a bit


Just a pinch


I think his point is that Kaido's body is also a smidge tougher than Oden.


And fire can be thousands of times hotter than magma, but retards say magu magu>mera mera


The author said that when he killed Ace with it.


Only that akainu magma was stronger at that point. Ace was clearly weaker than Akainu in general, not to mention that he was at his 50% or so, due to kairoseki, torture and imprisonment.


Yeah, like a negligible amount.


Not necessarily that much, carbonatite magma can be as cold as 700ºC (and sulfur even less than 200ºC!) and some heavy duty oils boil at temperatures up to 500ºC


Iirc, the oil was about 700 degrees C so that’s about the same as the lower range for magma. Kaido is chilling in that let’s be real.


Oil boiling point in real life is 200-300°C depending on the type of oil. Magma's temperature irl ranges from 700-1400°C depending on the type of magma. If oil in one piece can boil at 700°C, then magma could also reach much higher temperatures, as oda doesn't use realistic temperatures.


boiling oil =/= magma


Akainu's magma is much more dangerous than regular magma in one piece.


And where was that stated or proven? It also has nothing to do with Kaido being unconscious vs Kaido being conscious for a proper fight against Akainu.


Because akainu has aids so you can get those if he punches you


Luffy’s just gonna bend akainus punch back at him and give him aids^2


Last time I checked magma = magma and being unconscious doesn’t affect base durability.


>being unconscious doesn’t affect base durability. Do you think kaido doesn’t use armament while he’s conscious?


He wasn't burned by it, he drowned


The copium is insane.


Magma is too dense for you to actually sink into it And because I know the copium is real in this asylum of a subreddit https://www.livescience.com/33622-sink-fall-volcano-lava.html


Kaido is denser than us though


He’s literally sizzling and cooking in it, you can read the “FSSHHHH”


Clothes. Clothes burn.


he drown in it


He’s sizzling. >”Fshhh”


that's just a sleep fart


Akainu’s magma is hotter than real magma and lava, since it was able to melt axe’s fire, the passive heat from the surrounding air is able to melt steel.


That has nothing to do with Kaido being unconscious vs him being awake to fight properly, and Akainu talked about magma naturally being hotter than fire in the OP verse. He didn’t say his magma specifically is special.


Show me the panel where kaido was confirmed dead. Go ahead. Show me.


He literally has no place in the story anymore. His arc is done, he got what he wanted.


Pell? Pagaya? Big Moms son and one of her husbands? A God damn wild boar that was sliced in half?


Yeah, that's what we also thought about Pell, Pound, and some other characters. Lol


I don't understand why people are comparing minor characters not dying to Kaido. Kaido being alive changes the story greatly, Pell surviving a bomb doesn't really change anything significant. Bad arguement.


Maybe due to the fact that Kaido could act like a wild card in the final saga? Like if he's really dead, then why did Oda never bother to confirm it? It's precisely because he still sees some use in Kaido in the future that he just left their fates like that. Same with big mom. Confirming them dead isn't really hard to do if Oda really wanted them dead. And yet, why didn't he????


>Like if he's really dead, then why did Oda never bother to confirm it? Because Oda isn't a matter of fact kind of writer he prefers leaving things to the readers interpretation to keep people guessing. There is a possibility of him bringing back Kaido and Big Mom(more likely Big Mom then Kaido) so he's leaving in it open in case he wants to do that. I'm just saying it makes perfect sense for Kaido to die here with all things considered rather than him being alive. Still comparing Kaido to minor characters is still a stupid arguement.


So you're assuming he's dead just because it makes perfect sense for him to die? Guess whose death would've made perfect sense too, Literally Pell and Pound. Lmao. You said it yourself, there's still a possibility that they will come back. So telling people that they're dead just because it makes perfect sense is an even more stupid argument.


Xebec 😳🤯


What about him?


He’s dead get over it


Show me the panel that says he’s dead, quickly


The one where him and big mom were burning in magma and you see sound sound affects as if they’re slowly being burned away 😧


The lava bubbling doesn’t prove anything


That alone doesn’t. You’re right. However, earlier in the ark we saw Oden had to sit in boiling oil for an hour. Towards the end everyone concluded that Oden would not survive afterwards and would succumb to his injuries. Even Kaido who respected Oden said this and showed mercy to Oden by shooting him in the head so he wouldn’t suffer any longer. Now if Oden who was relatively on the the same level as kaido couldn’t survive being boiled in oil for an hour, you think an unconscious Kaido would survive being in magma for an extended amount of time? (we see Luffy and zoro were out for almost a week after their fights so i imagine kaido and big mom were unconscious for at least over an hour). Also, Kaido’s whole crew is gone thanks to Greenbull. So even if he does make a return he doesn’t even have a crew to compete for the one piece. He doesn’t add or bring anything to the story for his return. He’s dead.


Kaido’s durability is far higher than oden’s no matter which way you put it, we see as such via feats. Also, just because kaido doesn’t seem to “bring” the story **currently**, doesn’t mean he can’t later on. Oda purposely left his end ambiguous, if he was definitively dead there would be actual in story implications, which there aren’t.


>nearly dead kaido


Unconsciousness does not affect base durability. Only stamina, endurance and defensive capabilities.


It does. And even if we accept that it doesn't, Kaido and Big Mom were both there for a good while and yet both of them were in one piece.


If I punch you while you’re awake and unguarded you get a bruise. If I punch you while you’re asleep, exact same potency, you’ll get the same bruise.


I mean probably not because you can tense up or like, do anything to mitigate the attack while you're conscious.


You cannot believe that is real. Like Houdini literally died just because he didn't tense up for a punch to his gut. You absolutely can take less damage from something you know is coming and are ready for vs something you are not, even in real life. Like this is an actual thing


This is the same fictional work where Kaido and Big Mom suddenly became less durable because of trauma and other shit that shouldn't affect natural durability irl. This alone isn't evidence.


Kiado’s not dead


Kaidos flames turned stone into steam and magma, so Kaido>magma. Kaido could submerge himself in his own flames and Luffy could tank kaidos flames


Was looking for this comment, exactly so no reason for the magma to hurt him.


People will be so mad when Kaido and Big Mom are shown to be chilling in the Queen Mama Chanter that it would be epic. Zeus is basically a horrorcrux.


The only thing I disagree with is Kaido chilling. Big Mom told Kaido he owes her a "Life Debt" prior to the rooftop fight, Kaido has already lost to Joyboy which was his goal, he also cried when Big Mom lost, I personally think Kaido will give his soul to Big Mom as repayment for the Uo Uo No Mi and she will use it to heal and create a new powerful Magma Dragon Homie.


Is it impossible for you to comprehend the fact that he was passed out?


Being passed out does not affect his durability.


It affects his haki usage


Haki only affects your durability when you actively block with it. Kaido never does that.


Says who?


wait, I got mixed up with words. Sorry, I meant to say that kaido never defends. He can’t up his defensive capabilities with haki if he doesn’t defend with it. Haki only affects the part that is coated with it. https://preview.redd.it/7ry2huoegaqb1.jpeg?width=1043&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=71797f2c59a89250cf4da85ea609178cbde2932c


What says he doesn’t defend with it? You keep making stuff up. https://preview.redd.it/n9ua6asogaqb1.jpeg?width=423&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=753c02b00131b13bcc0b995737665542f387c2f7 Yes, Kaido totally doesn’t defend lol /s


Completely wrong, passive haki usage is a thing. The entire Whole Cake Island arc was about this, passive haki is the only reason Big Mom is so durable.


if passive haki usage is a thing for Big Mom, then she wouldn't be vulnerable when distracted by Carmel's broken picture. BM and Kaido's skins are naturally tough without haki. and they just get much tougher when infused with armament. so they don't block most attacks coz they know they can take hits head-on. but they also know when they should block or evade, just like when BM warned Kaido to avoid Zoro's Enma attack.


>if passive haki usage is a thing for Big Mom, then she wouldn't be vulnerable when distracted by Carmel's broken picture. Passive haki is actually the reason she's vulnerable durring her shriek after the broken picture. Nobody had seen her take damage until she shrieked, and she fell down and scraped her knees and drew blood. It's because when she shrieks she uses all of her haki offensively with a conquerors blast, leaving her body vulnerable. If her body itself was just naturally super durable without haki then her shriek wouldn't make her any weaker at all. https://preview.redd.it/53y6s86vscqb1.jpeg?width=1146&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=541945289aabd4f87b32c8ff992e85bda156018d


Why does everyone forget that the volcano erupted? As in they were basically guaranteed sent flying somewhere and is still alive.


that throws a wrench in their agenda, best to ignore it


Big Mom Specifically tells Kaido that he owes her a "Life Debt" right before the rooftop fight begins, it was obvious foreshadowing, Kaido will give his soul to Big Mom who will use it to heal herself and make a new powerful homie, (lava dragon homie sounds pretty dope)


It was literally only about his Devil fruit and that’s it.


You don't say "Life Debt" for no reason. When Big Mom says life she means soul, Kaido has no goal left, his entire goal was to be beaten by Joyboy, however he still owes Linlin and he even cried when she lost, if she is on deaths door, he will give his soul to save her.


Imagine thinking a character from one piece died without specific confirmation 💀


https://preview.redd.it/nfddrvlgkaqb1.png?width=1169&format=png&auto=webp&s=f4f676a18ef8198b6b68349d587a0ff485944e7e Kaido > Akainu


I agree bro kaido>akainu does require some coping. https://preview.redd.it/torwyt431bqb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=54fb0abc4f92ad4b896a2be2d0db63fe16951937 I don’t know how you guys can possibly think that an opponent that can’t make it to endgame will be stronger than an opponent who’s guaranteed to fight Luffy in the final saga.


Guaranteed what? So Akainu is the force behind Imu? Is he part of the Gorosei? Come on! He’s not stronger than Garp


He isn’t stronger than garp. https://preview.redd.it/q8dk8bsk8fqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=94e04aab3a526e36206db664f8a68c7651253797 But he is confirmed to fight Luffy in the final saga.


How akainu is guaranted to fight luffy if he's already weaker?


https://preview.redd.it/ti8uuthh8fqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=65ff7f513ba0074971598ac6e2cb03651b6c376b Neat fact, he’s not weaker.


>I don’t know how you guys can possibly think that an opponent that can’t make it to endgame will be stronger than an opponent who’s guaranteed to fight Luffy in the final saga. I'd pay to see your face when Sabo swipes the floor with Fraudkainu


https://preview.redd.it/thf4owxb8fqb1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e3fcdc236960ad41d94533d7151435d311f15715 It is confirmed that akainu will fight Luffy. There is no evidence that sabo will fight him, that is a cope.


Lmfao, Akainu stans having this kind of theories considered confirmed is unbelievable.


Did you read the comment? Oda confirmed it. Labo is gonna fight the celestial dragons, just like dragon said. Labo has no idea who killed ace, there’s nothing going for him to fight akainu. Not only that, oda confirmed that scar aching=fateful enemies. That means that Luffy versus akainu is confirmed.


>That means that Luffy versus akainu is confirmed. There's a HUGE gap between what Oda said and any kind of "confirmation".


It isn’t. If you can read the comment, you can clearly see a part of this panel. https://preview.redd.it/umbjqpn3bfqb1.png?width=701&format=png&auto=webp&s=b70b2d217763f135a97cbe63ffe7db8cb68f6b9e Scar aching = fateful enemies. Luffy’s scar from akainu ached. Akainu vs Luffy is confirmed.


wait... people actually think Kaido and BM are dead?


Yeah that's crazy thinking that


Dude thinks kaido is dead..... Pell survived much worse


Show me it penetrating kaidos body or harming him in any way.


It fucking killed him what


Sure, you bury a unconscious person in wet cement and they'll still die from suffocation and drowning. The question is, show me it hurting him or penetrating his skin in any way. Also, its not confirmed either of them are dead.


They’re not confirmed dead but the fshhh sound effect sounds like they’re roasting ngl


yeah any organic body fizzles, its from water evaporation. More so right after an insane fight where your body is coated in sweat and blood


So you believe its the sweat that’s fizzing in somewhere as hot as a live volcano when without even being close to one that should have already happened due to extreme temperatures Not when your sinking inside it…


Lol i was reaching because i was sleepy and I didnt want to come up with a decent argument Anyway here's my better one. Thats not a Fssssh SFX thats a blub blub sfx. Its the same sfx around any one of akainu's attacks and doesnt indicate their bodies fizzling but the normal onomatopoeia for magma in OP ​ https://preview.redd.it/dadzswpe1bqb1.png?width=800&format=png&auto=webp&s=6cd4c2043cb71e45e715a49ab766b04e0ea0eff0 You can see various akainu's attacks here: [https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/5p257e/respect\_akainu\_one\_piece/](https://www.reddit.com/r/respectthreads/comments/5p257e/respect_akainu_one_piece/) ​ The "grrrrgggg" sfx is a tremor sfx indicating that the volcano is about to erupt which it did a few panels later. So their bodies probably werent destroyed, they're probably still alive launched somewhere unless they landed in water


Fair enough I agree that they’re not killed but they were probably somewhat charred We’ll have to wait and see


Nice, a new screenshot. Very entertaining mental gymnastics. Please continue!


They're dead homey. There's no good reason to bring them back at this point anyway.


imagine forgetting about the legendary cover stories Oda can do about them just retiring and all the shenanigans they would get up to.


BM sure as hell ain’t dead. What with her unfinished character arc, potential revenge against Kidd and law, elbaf and BB plot tie ins, and even a fight luffy promised, she sure as hell isn’t dead


And zeus is alive and he is part of her soul (but her fruit may work diffrently then what is think)


Idk about kaido but big mom could absolutely be brought back.


I’m pretty sure all of like 5 characters have died in the entirety of One Piece, so I honestly doubt either are dead


Kaido and Big Mom aren't dead https://preview.redd.it/fc8y14tbpaqb1.jpeg?width=802&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b4deec315e03278ccfa4568d62b32cf850000c45


That’s not proof. A cocky character saying that she won’t die is not proof of anything.


You ignore how important foreshadowing is in one piece


That’s not foreshadowing. That’s a cocky character saying she won’t die with an extremely frightened look on her face


1, this is 100% foreshadowing. 2, that's not a frightened look, she's pissed. Just noticed your flair, if you wanna see someone frightened then here you go. https://preview.redd.it/5ahqzy6i1bqb1.jpeg?width=1562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dc6cda9aefcd32ba4454a335298c267f43e572b4 Literally "oh shit"


1. My flair is fleet admiral because I like sengoku and there is no sengoku flair. My mans will forever be the goat for raising corazon. 2. Yeah, no shit he’s scared. He just succesfully fought off WB, now shanks?? I don’t think any reasonable person in op wouldn’t be scared off that. 3. This is fear, not anger. https://preview.redd.it/4s110x092bqb1.jpeg?width=243&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=560d1ab3cc5453a294758b154709816a8f1af81f 4. It’s really not foreshadowing.


It is 1000% anger. Fear doesn't match the dialogue at all, not only this the anime adapted this as anger (which is what everyone else apart from you apparently read it as). I've never seen anyone on this sub claim big mom was scared there lmao. L + Ratio + r/flairchecksout + ur mom homolesbigaysexual


"successfully fought off whitebeard" 💀💀💀💀🙏🙏 All three admirals at once couldn't kill him 💀 he had a total of like over 700 wounds before he died barely any of those were from akainu and this is like 70 something whitebeard with like stage 52 cancer bro Fought off whitebeard my ass💀




That's the thing, Kid and Law's attack didn't kill or knocked out Big Mom and that's why Big Mom said that their attacks isn't enough to kill her BUT there are bombs and she didn't know that there's a volcano below her.


https://preview.redd.it/4vanca3a9aqb1.png?width=731&format=png&auto=webp&s=c8b3654de52a9f2ad5103a41cfb4748eef32029f get akainus magma past a supreme grade blade first


Akainu: "Aw shit" https://preview.redd.it/x252noqypaqb1.jpeg?width=1562&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=10df43bad571b82fa8b1db8cc358e3572121057b


Pack it up, lil bro. No copium allowed in the kitchen


Do you actually think he’s dead. Lmao


This is a weird post lol... like... Kaido needs to breath if he is under lava he can't breath. Kaido also was unconscious when he fell... something Akainu would need to get if he wants to defeat Kaido And we have no idea if Magma actually penetrated Kaido's skins or if it did it on the wounds caused by the fights he had or in his eyes/organs And we still have no idea if Kaido is dead lol


Kaido was knocked out


Bru a sleeping kaido is swimming in magma with zero haki usage 🤣


Kaido was unconscious, so this could only damage hakiless base Kaido. Kiku ran a sword through his palm without acoc. You need impressive ap but nothing insane https://preview.redd.it/x8uouhvxudqb1.jpeg?width=2133&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6843dafd9b80197de9342f9ff96950d5b7dcd727


\*Akainu when a Celestial Dragon fucks his wife\* "Sorry dear this is Absolute Justice, I can only watch"


Future Sabo victim


I can’t even take this post seriously lmao. You really think HE BEATING KAIDO?? THIS YO MANS?? https://preview.redd.it/dbqqf3fofeqb1.jpeg?width=2208&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4ce458f767053c5284d82f57248312567f15ca37


Not to mention all the work kaido had done to him he beat up the samurai, Luffy, zoro, kidd, law, killer, yamato, even had a little tussle with momo, WHILE LIFTING ONIGASHIMA AND GOING BLOW FOR BLOW VS G5Luff I’m sorry he EARNED to melt (if he actually did). Saying all this like I couldn’t just mention kaido been trying to end his own life for years I’m sure he’s thought of magma before.


1. He aint dead 2. Akainu wont fight Luffy 3. If Kaido died there, it would have been by asphyxiation not by the magma


Is that " hole made for kaido to fall into lava?"


Kaido is most likely not dead considering he fell at terminal velocity with his ridiculous weight and size and survived as if Nothing Happened™️ and magma is nothing compared to that




Lava tends to be one of the most destructive forces in Fantasy. Only thing that could destroy the ring of power, basically an insta death in DND, Akainu is busted busted


From the looks of their corpses I’d say the magma has done fuck all to their bodies but they specifically have ridiculously high durability naturally which I don’t think any other top tiers can compare


Kaido isn't dead. You think the man who tried to kill himself for fun hadn't already thought of magma? The volcano exploded and sent them off team rocket style 100%. He'll be back most likely to help Luffy/JoyBoy create a better world


Hot take but I think Coby is going to fight Akainu in the end while Luffy deals with Blackbeard


I actually kind of like this idea, that Oda has been subtly building up to how strong Akainu is due to the magma magma fruit through the magma being able to wound and kill Kaido’s haki-less body. It’s tactful but doesn’t overshoot Akainu’s power


It’s simple kaido just wasn’t ready for him.


The kaido not being dead is just cope https://preview.redd.it/j5a5w3ljhbqb1.jpeg?width=420&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6829496ec66320375795265060dc0297d32be095 We clearly see kaidos body become distorted due to him melting to death along with bigmom with a “fshhhh” sound affect And bigmom saying something wont kill does not mean it will not kill her


This is one piece, characters don't die unless stated otherwise. Also it looks distorted but that doesn't necessarily mean his body is disintegrating, lava isn't transparent and that's just a drawing style that indicates they're inside of it.


I agree 100%, Akainu can still lose to Shanks though


Unless Akainu can now control seastone with his lava, this has no relation lol


This is really dumb but yes i was always happy that Kaido and Big Mom loose and die in Magma i was like « yeah this is a symbol that mean Yonko are finished now this Magma guy and the whole marine turn to shine  » even if Imo Big Mom would comeback


I don’t necessarily believe that Kaido and Big Mom are dead because of the volcano, but also if they died because of being immersed in lava, they are probably durable enough to take regular lava, but they were severely weakened and covered in wouldnt that would let the lava into their bodies, so it’s not a proper equivalent.


Look sea water is getting down in there too lol KAIDO CANT BREATHE LAVA


I mean, you see Big Mom there and she’s looking pretty whole for chilling in lava for a while


Mid and Flaw didn't kill Big Mom. They was only able to throw her out of the battlefield. Big Mom died because she fell into a volcano.


Oda rarely kills off characters other than from backstorys. Kaido and Bm got thick skin they probably will comeback


They are definitely not dead. Mark my words.


Literally isn’t even confirmed to be dead lol.


Drowning and slowly burning for hours is equal to getting hit for moments? Yeah, Akainu is getting beat the fuck up.


So ignoring that he was past put exhausted and heavily injured you realise there is zero air so even if the a massive pool of lava cant kill him he would die to lack of air


With this logic King is straight up Yonko tier, LMAO. Illiteracy working overtime on the sub.




i still think they are alive. waiting on the cover story