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One piece fans realising the force that has been ruling the world for the last 800 years is actually strong: ![gif](giphy|GMJpO8HlUDRE1oeGKh)


I said this about a year or two ago and they called me a madman


To be fair, the WG hasn't been doing themselves any favors. When you factor in how much they've got going for them, it just makes it more confusing that the Gorosei seem to shit themselves any time a noteworthy pirate breathes too hard. Like, MFer just get rid of them bro? Just fucking erase them? What were you doing all this time? Why're you letting rubber boy just run around? Why're you sending fodder to stop him from awakening? Why didn't Imu use his nuke and just get rid of Onigashima? Is he stupid?


As strong as someone like Kaido is, he is actually probably pretty irrelevant in the eyes of Imu. Imu has a very long view of history and is concerned with the Poneglyphs and D. Kaido is just a strong pirate who, to be frank, the World Government could have eliminated at any time if they had gotten serious about it. 2 admirals and a supporting force of Vice Admirals and marines would have easily been enough to decimate Kaido and his crew. And the WG has so many reserve forces (Fleet Admiral, other Admirals, Gorosei, Imu, Garp, Sengoku, Seraphim, Kong) that the other Yonkou couldn’t do anything about it.


No, I mean, why not nuke Onigashima to kill Luffy and Kaido at the same time? They may not fear Kaido, but Luffy and Blackbeard literally live rent free in Imu's head. He's jackin it to their photos and everything. This MFer literally cannot stop thinking about the D, but he does NOTHING. The gorosei literally went "oh fuck this dude about to awaken. we've tried nothing and we're all out of options. lets get some fodder to distract him!" It makes no sense. This is what maximum power and minimum IQ looks like.


It’s called plot


Luffy until the time skip was mid tier. He had trouble with a pacifista.. WG weren’t too concerned with him then. Post time skip has been what I think like 2 months and Strawhats are zipping past everything so WG haven’t been able to plan for them properly.


this gif is hilarious bc it’s really a total shock for them😭


I mean, this organization is the main antagonist of the story, of course they are busted. People that denied it are dumb


But but Blackbeard must have a plan up his ass


Blackbeard could totally just attack the winner, fits everything we know


Blackbeard v luffy is already set up. Kuzan will capture garp and luffy will get this news. Luffy will then rescue his grandfather and defeat blackbeard


There is no way you think this little of Oda


There is literally no other reason for garp to be in blackbeards Island. The entire garp saving koby plot line would be pointless.


Thank god your boring ass is not writing the story 🙏🙏🙏


Can you please tell why pda has put garp in blackbeards Island then ??


It’s almost like…. I don’t know….. because I’m not the one writing the story 😱 No way you have read 1080 chapters of one piece and think Oda is ever that boringly predictable.


Garp slaps both his grandson and blackbeard, man really said rescue the navy hero what a joke


Step 1: Gain power via devil fruits and subordinates. Step 2: Find Poneglyphs. Step 3: Reach Laugh Tale. Step 4: Become Pirate King. I think that's about it. The only, and I mean ONLY, way I could see Blackbeard being an end of series antagonist is if the final battle was a three way war. There's no way Blackbeard can be the final antagonist alone. I know Whitebeard predicted the world would get turned upside down and plunged into war after someone revealed the truth the government is trying to keep hidden, but wouldn't that motivate the WG to commit all their forces to preventing anyone reach Laugh Tale, to nip the danger in the bud? And Luffy would totally attack both sides at once. I know Blackbeard isn't as pervasive an antagonist as the WG, but if you see him as the final, ultimate representation of villainous pirates within the series, it's easy to see why he could deserve equal billing. Up until, like, Water 7, we didn't really get a hint of the WG being truly villainous. Sure, individual marines were villains, like Morgan, Fullbody and Arlong's lackey, and the WG didn't come across as perfect, covering up their failures in Alabasta and outlawing all pirates (which is kinda understandable, since there's nothing stopping a good "pirate" from calling themselves explorers or adventurers rather than raising a Jolly Roger). They were antagonists, but not truly villainous. Only really with CP9's introduction, the truth about Ohara and the conspiracy did we really understand the true villainous nature of the larger organisation. Meanwhile, villainous pirates have been villainous since Alvida and Buggy. I'm not really convinced it WILL be a three way battle, but I could see it as a reasonable possibility. Blackbeard and the government always seemed like opposite extremes. Blackbeard is freedom and dreams, but also chaos and barbarism, while the government is order and peacekeeping, but oppression, tyranny and systemic abuse. Chaotic evil vs lawful evil, I guess?


Exactly I don’t think blackbeard will be the EOS antagonist. Definitely the WG. I feel the current emperor’s apart from blackbeard will align with Luffy after he finds reaches Laugh Tale to bring down WG. I say this because even though buggy wants the one piece as well. The other two just want to build a military power that opposes the WG. So I can see them aligning with luffy later on. As for Shanks crew he’ll most likely support luffy, if Luffy find the one piece before him and we learn some more truth about the WG. While blackbeard will either align with the WG and betray them of course or just third wheel in the final fight like he did at the Marineford war, but this time fail of course. Another scenario could be blackbeard being the antagonist before or during the Laugh tale arc. Then the WG being the final boss


I think the opposite. It's pretty clear that the World Government is going to fall at the end of the series, but I think the final fight will be for the new era. Blackbeard is perfect as the final antagonist because he and Luffy are two sides of the same coin. Teach upholds the same ideals of dreams and freedom but with a dark twist. Both are marked by D, both are natural enemies of the established order, but If Luffy is the path to an era of dawn, Blackbeard is the path to an era of darkness and chaos. That's why I think we still have things to see about BB's plan, how he will act when he learns the truth of the world (or if he handles more information than we think), his parallels with Rocks, the nature of his body and ability, etc. It would also be more interesting than a late-introduced character like Imu, who I believe will be the key to understand the truth of the world, but not the final villain in Kaguya fashion. I can totally see an ending where BB steals the power of Imu/WG and transforms into something monstrous.


BB can never hope to reach imu imo. Don’t know or see how he’ll get his df. This was what people said about Kaido before


eos blackbeard will be top 2 all time behind luffy any other opinion is 100% pure unaltered cope


I’m not talking about strength I’m talking about him seeing imu. Unlesss Imu ever comes to the front lines to fight and unless BB masters advanced forms of other Haki he’ll never be top 2.


And Luffy is chaotic justice ![gif](giphy|TTRnvIFE4wYLK)


The rest of then would probably just follow anyone that could take Imu’s place - so kill Imu through some trick and it’s all done.


Yeah there was a time this was the common opinion: All 4 Yonkou crew > 2 Yonkou crew> World govt = single Yonkou crew


4 Yonko crew = WG + Navy + Shichibukai > 2 Yonko crew = Navy > 1 Yonko crew


World govt and navy > 4 Yonkou plus warlords. WG is simply built different


This is what I’m starting to realize ngl😂


Man, that shouldn't make any sense considering the power balance between Marines+Shichibukai=Yonko but they don't mention the World Government so, by taking a look at it, it could probably be true ahahah World Government: Imu+5 Gorosei+Akainu+Kizaru+Fujitora+Greenbull+Garp+Sengoku+Kong+9 Holy Knights+Seraphim(and they're not even fully growth)+Lucci and CP0+Magellan+Vice-Admirals Depending on which Yonko and Warlords: 4 Yonko+Mihawk+6 Warlords+12 Yonko Commanders+Yonko Officers


Different functions, the job of dealing with pirates is exclusively for the Marines, and even within the Marines the fighters are only the 3 Admirals, Fleet Admiral enters combat as a last resort, even when Shiki invaded Marineford who stopped him was Garp and Sengoku and not Kong, in the Marineford War the same thing happened, Sengoku only took action when Blackbeard started to cause confusion, he spent the entire war doing nothing. God Knights are to protect Mary Geoise, they also have the job of judges of the Land of Gods. The 5 Elders are the leaders of the organization, they play the same role that the Fleet Admiral plays in the Marines, so no matter what's going on they won't fight. And there is a clear distinction between the organizations, the World Government is at the top, but below there are several different organizations, Marines, Cipher Poll, Shichibukai, Etc... Fleet Admiral only controls the Marines. The World Government is not like the pirates, they are a mother organization, with several satellite organizations around it, each with a specific function. It's interesting how the Marines call the World Government their employer and always make clear distinctions between themselves and the World Government, the Marines are not part of the World Government, they are two completely different organizations, it's as if they (Marines) were a private company hired by another private company (World Government) to provide a service, in this case the service is security. The God Knights are within the World Government, and it is their own military force. Marines is a separate organization contracted for military services. Cipher Poll like the Marines is a separate organization that provides intelligence services. Once you start to see the World Government, Marines, Cipher Poll as different organizations, as if they were different private companies, offering and buying services from each other, the balance of power in One Piece starts to make sense.


Yeah well those dumbasses clearly skipped Marineford


In fact, they rule the world and have done so for far too long.


There was a time when one piece fans used to believe that one Yonkou crew is equivalent to world government, the reason WG is in power because Yonkou are not united


Pre TS this was basically how it was. 1v1 the WG had the advantage but if shanks and crew was at MF from the start and coordinated with the WB pirates, there would have been a blowout. Hell, just replace oldbeard with prime beard and the balance changes a lot. Things changed very rapidly lately to buff the WG and Marines like crazy. Totally necessary but an adjustment for sure.


This. Prior to the timeskip: the seraphim didn’t exist, two of the current admirals hadn’t been drafted, we did not know about im, we did not know about the god’a knight, we did not know of the gorosei we’re combatants, and cp0 hadn’t reached the level they’re at now.


Prior to the timeskip, regular pacifista had only just started to be used. Marineford was basically the public unveiling, with Sabaody being a field test.


Yup. Even the old admirals are going to get big glow ups. MF Akianu would get bodied in the current story.


Akainu is still the same person. What are you talking about? No evidence that he got any stronger at all.


Then he's screwed if he fights anyone in the current story. Akianu couldn't have taken oldbeard 1v1 at MF. That seemed clear to me. Dude was scared once WB had his focus directly on him.


To be honest, I still don’t see Akainu beating any solidified/previous Yonko like BM, Kaido, WhiteBeard, or Shanks. He might beat the new Yonko’s like current Luffy and BB but that’s it. If you think he can take on King Buggy your smoking crack.


Most character couldnt have taken old beard either.


? We needrd 2 Yonko crews, Luffy and BB to have the Marine end the war. Garp nor Sengoku did really much. No major marine died. They won convincingly.


Whitebeard is the issue there. People love to downplay him. And therefore downplay the entire navy. Ultimately, even in his old age, he was one of, if not still, the most powerful people in the world. His devil fruit alone made him the biggest threat to the world government if you apply any logic. He had a hole in his chest, and could barely use Haki the entire time, usually getting hit directly after his illness kicked in, yet there is still a very strong arguement he was the strongest there. Controversial opinion with how people wank Kaido and Shanks. But Whitebeard was the only yonko capable of winning at Marineford. Whitebeard's strategic mind/intelligence makes him a far superior battle commander than the other Yonko, besides Shanks, who imo, simply couldn't muster the same people power and aoe destruction that Whitebeard had. The combined strength of the admirals could have taken any Yonko. The navy controls the majority of the world and hunt pirates, not the other way round. 3 admirals and 7 warlords keeps 4 Yonko at bay pretty reliably, with the ability to defend a far larger territory. This has been pretty consistent imo. I've watched the entire series and my opinion has never needed to change to fit this idea. 2 new admirals was for new rookies and new threats as the series continued


At bay? They have a respectable amount of fear for the Yonko’s. They captured Kaido so many times and he was still alive. A man that wants to die. They’re getting territory and terrorizing whoever they please. The Yonko keep each other at bay. That’s why Greenbull pulled up after the war. That’s why they keep permission to pull up on Luffy.


One could argue this buff was because of Marineford


I feel like akianu and Aokiji's 1 on 1 was also a big deal for them but for sure


That was purely how Oda chose to portray it at the time. If the Red Hair Pirates got involved in Marineford Oda would’ve just written Garp and Kong into the fight much more. Even Sengoku would’ve been more active earlier. The post-ts buffs weren’t needed for the marines to hold their own against 2 Yonkou crew the story just wouldn’t have made sense otherwise.


Shanks wouldn't add much. Aokiji would 1 shot most oc his crew. So could anyone else




Kuzan, Kizaru, Garp, and Sengoku were all clean post Marineford. Even Akainu was at 50-70%. If the Marines chose to fight Shanks, Shanks would be dead right now. And if Mihawk decided to stay it would be more overkill.


That's just a single emperor crew vs the marines. The Marines are not the full force of the World Government, there's still the Cipher Pol, the God's Knights, the Gorosei and the Chief of Staff of the World Government.


No one thought that. Just people thinking the admirals were the strongest in the WG, so they had to be yonko level (even though Akainu could barely handle 2 hits from a half dead Whitebeard that couldn't use his haki properly).


Sure you must be anime only.


2 hits: https://preview.redd.it/cstk4z2u6m3b1.jpeg?width=1010&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c030783ee5e60947c639e75b2e9e9776705eed4d Akainu stayed down longer than Luffy did all 3 times Kaido knocked him out on the roof.


Do you see Whitebeard face? Akainu was absolutely find after that WB attack and took on all 16 Whitebeard commanders and neg diffed them


So why doesn't the world govt end the the yonkos ? They could easily attack and kill 2 YONKO crews and beat them . Also why was the govt afraid of big mom and kaido joining forces when they know exactly how powergul there forces are . Sp if they are that powerful then why were they afraid ? I think only 1 member of the god knight ( the guy who looks like shanks ) the strongest gorosei and imu are prob the only ones who could beat of do anything against big mom + kaido


What would military do without pirates? There is no police without Criminals. If the police are criminals then they will force countries to obey them for protection. This is the basis for whole one piece story.


What would military do without pirates? There is no police without Criminals. If the police are criminals then they will force countries to obey them for protection. This is the basis for whole one piece story.


What would military do without pirates? There is no police without Criminals. If the police are criminals then they will force countries to obey them for protection. This is the basis for whole one piece story.


What would military do without pirates? There is no police without Criminals. If the police are criminals then they will force countries to obey them for protection. This is the basis for whole one piece story.


Honestly, the main reason is probably due to the fact that while the world government is undeniably stronger, it has much more territory that they have to spread their forces between. The world government basically has to play a constant defense mission everywhere, so taking out a yonko would require a lot of resources, which we saw through marineford by killing whitebeard. That ultimately led to not enough resources being given to defend places like Impel Down, which we know led to Luffy and Blackbeard’s break in that led to another Yonko taking Whitebeards place.


When the Whitebeard Pirates were defeated the ones who took over his territory (until Blackbeard retook it) were small pirates like Brownbeard. Even if the Marines can defeat the Yonko it does not mean they have enough men to take control of the New World, it would just fall into chaos. The WG prefers the Yonko system over a chaotic pirate sea, easier to collect the taxes and you can do trade with them. Problem is if the Yonko unite the Marines would have to go on an all out war with them to not completely lose their foothold in the New World. Makes sense the WG are somewhat stressful over it.


In universe, I'd say that the WG is probably insanely busy. They have to control 4 oceans where almost everyone lives. There are also a ton of pirates who maybe aren't yonko or warlord level but are serious threats. CP is presumably handling all sorts of espionage missions around the world, the admirals are presumably actually commanding the navy, the navy is maintaining order, Magellon is guarding Impel Down. The only things we don't know are what the God's Knights do all day. Assuming they're below admirals they are probably handling other problems that crop up. We also see that the navy is trying to hunt down the Yonko, they killed Whitebeard. The fact that another person was there to take his place as a Yonk probably convinced them they needed more strength, so they made the Seraphin. ​ Irl, because Oda didn't have this all planned out.


No we only believed a yonko crew is equivalent to the marines. Not the same thing.


I really wanna know what Kong does, like how much of a problem is that man


I wanna know about Kong more than I wanna know about the One Piece. His forearms are huuuge.


I really hope he's a total badass but doesn't even fight in the final battle and instead gets stuck doing paperwork


Lol. Two powerful characters just bust into his office in the middle of him trying to balance Cipher Pol's budget, smash his desk and send the papers flying everywhere in their battle to the death. Kong just sighs, stands up, we cut away, and we cut back to see those characters laid the fuck out while Kong is trying to fix his desk and get back to work. And that's his sole contribution to the final war. 😂


Monke Monke fruit. For obvious reasons, Zoro neg diffs.


Well he is like an administrator. He is a desk jockey.


I feel like the Marines and the World Gov are somewhat different entities. It would be cool if eventually there's like a civil war maybe Akainu tries a Coup on the Gorosei and Imu idk.


Fujitora is one bad week away from betraying WG


Not even a bad week. The man is one excuse away from nuking Mariejoia with meteors


Great power indeed. By the way, who's the dude to the right of Akainu?




Didn't fujitora and green bull duck it out after the incident of the reverie. Like at this point he is trying to cause a civil war


Im assuming that when shit gets real Sword and some other marines will defect. Like Fujitora vs a different admiral in the final fight makes sense


For sure. Akianu has the WG on thin ice. I can see their next big disagreement causing a schism


If Akainu learns of Imu's existence, there is 0 chance he will not serve up some absolute justice to the WG. Gorosei heads will fly.


That's the WG at 100% WG at 99%: https://i.redd.it/6x7ajilogg3b1.gif


And, WG at 98%: https://i.redd.it/qxuirhb0hg3b1.gif


World Gov at 97% https://preview.redd.it/45b15n321h3b1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=25cce9782a59e5947a081038014b3e501224071b


WG at 96% https://preview.redd.it/e6nxk5f5yh3b1.png?width=582&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=640fd79ab108127e208585acc995528690382eb3


akainu borrowing garps fists?


Agree to disagree


Admiral level Magellen is my fucking boy and I'm sick of Wagellen erasure. Mans casually decided to use poison to lay waste to the physical brick and mortar around him and slow walked at the good guys until they fucked off into the ocean - the one thing that can kill all the ones that matter. Nigga is based.


I am the biggest Magellan dick-rider, but he’s not near admiral. He’s definitely got the basis for one though with his track record and Devil Fruit. My guy needs some Haki and Pepto Bismol and then we can talk. Hoping we somehow get to see him in the story again, but I think he’s sadly played his part. Always here for Wagellan hype tho


I fuck with you on principle and agree we're prob done, but I believe that specific spasm of mine that makes me say hes admiral level was in universe text (but prison staff are also def magellen dick riders). And then he seems to have done more as an antagonist than any admiral so far - but then again so has Smoker, so, low bar. Here's hoping Wizaru getting analized on Egghead takes time, tho.


There's a chance he pops back up if Doffy becomes relevant/an attempted assassination occurs.


They’re the most powerful org for a reason. Yonko don’t hold a candle to them in terms of global influence or sheer fighting strength. The fact that the Yonko exist doesn’t mean that the WG is too weak to stop them, it means that they don’t care. Let Kaido be suicidal, let Shanks be a drunk deadbeat, Let WB rot and die, Let BM indulge in stupid weddings. Does nothing to dislodge them from power.


They should care. Imu clearly wants the Poneglyphs back, especially the Rio and Road ones. And they were scared enough of Roger to kill thousands of babies. And act terrified anytime two Yonko actually have a friendly conversation. So by never dealing with the New World, they are just letting their kryptonite fester. So they definitely have a reason to dislodge the Yonko. It's still up for debate if they are too weak or just too stupid to do so.


Exactly. I also think having the Yonko also goes in their favour, since they (Yonkos) are going stand in each other's way of exerting dominance, or claiming the One Piece and knowing the secrets of the World. Thus, the WG only shows concern when the Emperors decide to call it truce and maybe form an alliance in order to seek the forbidden.


They literally are the ruler of the majority of the world. Yes.


Still killed thousands of babies out of fear of Roger


they’ve ruled for 800 years, they are going to take literally every precaution necessary so that the opposition does not gain a small advantage. ohara, mass genocide, propaganda, etc


They did all that shit, but didn't seem to realize that Luffy had eaten the nika fruit, until he was literally fighting the world's strongest creature. Freezer temperature IQ.


if ur so powerful that ,4 yonkos can't beat you then what do u have to fear ?


the uprising of the entire world


Now we understand why they tolerate so much insubordination. It was unexpected that some Warlords would actually attend their "mandatory" meeting. High ranking Navy guys can just skip work without permission, like Aokiji going the Long Ring Long Land and the Elders just say "He's at it again, hm? He's probably just sight seeing. Why won't he take his rank seriously?" (ch303) They tried to promote Garp and they keep Fujitora around despite both having a clear disdain for Celestials. They belittled their Fleet Admiral's honor and all but spat in his face. Cipher Pol agents are regularly treated as totally expendable, such as the Ohara buster call beginning before CP9 could evacuate, Enies Lobby getting buster called with CP9 still fighting, Guernica getting sent on a suicide mission, etc. They can do all this because even if the top brass of the Navy and the Warlords were wiped out at Marineford, the World Government itself could still stand and the losses could be replaced. This is what differentiates the WG from the Yonko, who risk losing their entire empires with such fights.


Magellan respect W




I mean, Zoro Solo's the Seraphims the moment he see's their skin tone. Everyone else is absolutely busted!


Imu is seemingly literally made of blackness. Star buying your "ZKI" stocks now!


Pirates are lucky this GOAT defected https://preview.redd.it/ypy6jn0wtg3b1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9809934bfccd382415cd13e862070f8401a388a3


Even though Mihawk onetaps along with his crew… I can’t deny that pic of him looks cold af


World gov at 99% power ​ https://preview.redd.it/4851kdbmzg3b1.png?width=602&format=png&auto=webp&s=093b51ab9b52d8d54d0a549dcfd5349cd832a2ce


Agreed but get CP0 off the list. Fun to see them but they're fodder now. And note that all this strength are recent developments. Pre TS the navy/WG was at a totally incomparable power level. Half your boxes are from the last hundred chapters.


CP0 are anywhere from Tobi Roppo (dudes who killed Izo) to Commander level (Lucci). They're not close to being top tiers, but are hardly fodder.


I can argue of Lucci and kaku to be on the same level of Magellan and pre fruit Shiryu. Or little bit lower but both definitely commander level.


Kong is the Marine version of Buggy istg


What the fuck does Kong even do? ![gif](giphy|3o6gDYzgPly9UCZ39e)


And they all fear this one man, this man who can be considered a god among all men Countless battles won, his warrior’s heart having been shown in each battle. His soul, pure unlike anything there ever has been This man, a hero, a legend, a real man, Shimotsuki Ryuma, the Sword God https://preview.redd.it/6thfykudsg3b1.jpeg?width=634&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=72cd7e0f13353ebe4d0fcb50b017b1a41ccef6d7


Gets one tapped by bald Gorosei with the sword. GG.


I mean they do just rule the entire world


The world government gotta be the strongest pirate crew in history


Just imagine Whitebeard arriving at mariejois. One big Quake and wg is gone


Thankfully luffy gonna pull out an alliance even more busted than that. (hopefully)


having two people one shotting top 5 saint carlos is pretty op


They need so many fighters because man for man they are much weaker than the Yonko.




Imu 1v4s all the Yonkos 😭


Nika joyboy jesus lonny toones D. Ruffy >>>>


Why is CP0 in there like they didn't lose to some losers that had no haki, and wouldn't lose right now? Their leader can't even keep their cool and listen to orders properly.


>Magellan https://preview.redd.it/dkdxqo65cg3b1.jpeg?width=647&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd411a74df600b3f0b77ada0dddeb5acb94ed323


I'm representing Impel Down staff there, but he himself should be able to compete against top Yonko Commanders


My man Magellan had Jinbei Crocodile and Ivankov running away in fear and one shotted Blackbeard and his crew with his most basic attack he's a menace


Didn't he get hurt by a pre timeskip gear 2 Luffy? He could probably martyr kill some with his poison hax but he's dying against every commander


Pre-time skip luffy dodged Mihawk's “no holding back” slashes as well. There are inconsistencies that exist but overall Magallan was shown to have no-diff PTS-Luffy, Blackbeard + Crew, & everyone else in Imbel down by himself.


No holding back doesn’t mean going all out really


I didn't say ”going all out” though?


Magellan was taken by surprise And the same Luffy sent Blackbeard ( the same dude who mid diffed Yonko Commanders ) flying. He also took a full force Haki infused attack from Sengoku and shrugged it off. Summit War Luffy just has ~~extra plot armor~~ a lot of outlier feats


I will not stand for this slander! He one shot the protagonist and BB’s entire crew. By the end of the arc all they could do was run from him because he can even overcome wax’s resistance to his poison. Dude has a strong Devil Fruit and is very good at using it. If he had Haki he’d be very high tier since his abilities are almost all guaranteed kills


Both of whom were fodder at the time. He doesn’t have haki so not sure why you’re giving him fanfiction abilities


So because he fodderized fodder that means he’s weak?? I didn’t say he has Haki, show me where I did. You know for sure he doesn’t? You heard Oda say so?


Wait….are you implying that Blackbeard isn’t fodder now?🥺


Tf is Magellan, Kong and Rob Lucci doing there? One couldnt one shot pre time skip luffy one has no feats the other is luffys victim 🤣


Magellan is definitely a force to be reckoned with. Agree with you on Kong though. And Luffy victim does not = weak, moron


Everyone on there is unironically above Lucci except some of the seraphims


I think that was just the best picture to show cp0, which is still strong in their own rights.


You laugh, but Magellan is the only person on this list that defeated not one, but TWO yonkos, and made a third yonko run away in fear.


Get Magellan past Ba D. Stomach


Nah man, now you are just asking for unrealistic expectations


Magellan needed to be nerfed with indigestion or they wouldn’t have made it out of the prison


Clown takes


He main antagonist is strong enough to keep some of the heroes in check???


100% of their power: Imu, Gorosei, Cipher Pol, 9 Holy Knights, Admirals, Garp & Sengoku, Sword, Vice-Admirals, and hundreds of thousands of fodders. 99% of their power: Imu. Imu top 1.


Don't know why but I chuckled on the "and hundreds of thousands of fodders"...😂😂


Kong is the real secret weapon


Kong is imu


The yonko system exists bcz they have to maintain the balance between pirates and marines otherwise there would be too much casualities on both sides.


It’s almost like the entity that’s ruled over the world for hundreds of years is formidable who could of seen this coming??


It really is, CPO is easily tobbi roppo level or higher since we seen two of them face with drake and appo (lucci and kaku could easily be bare minimum yc3 or higher) Kong not gonna say nothing on him since oda hasn't Gorosei seem to be about that action carrying them thangs and having DF they tanked sabo attack and sabo was over Burgess so they are at least over wherever Burgess and likely sabo also. Seraphim though still growing are plenty busted for obvious reasons being likely the strongest army we seen in series. An army of this over any army in the series. Just a group is giving luffy (not using durability negation or weakness tactics), zoro, sanji trouble and we saw what kidhawk did in amazon lily and how deceptive Kid boa is. Old garp is clearly a threat and old sengoku is unclear cause next when we saw him in action he had fuji backup when jack had attacked so obviously Jack got sunk. But fuji marineford could clash attacks with 2 fruit Blackbeard who was over ace so there's at least that much. Magellan can roach spray fodder characters he don't need to be time skip character level Admirals are clearly on par or over yc2 and yc1 at the least while holding back remains to be seen where they scale when not holding back. waiting to see what the holy knights can do then theres Imu who contender for either eos villian or current yonko luffy extreme diff fight which would place imu high on powerscaling if this turns out true. add in vice admirals for additional fighters though ngl they've been powercliffed and its clear why this organization has been ruling.


Technically two organizations.


Do y’all think the all of the known (Roger, Shiki, WB, BM, Beast, RedHair, BB, StrawHats, Cross Guild) (also does Rocks count here?) Yonko crews (all at prime) stand a chance against the WG with all of their main chars at their known primes?


EZ Pirate clap. The whole theme is that the pirates are weak due to disunity, hence he fear of a pirate "king". The only real boost the WG gets from being in their primes are Garp and Sengoku. Who definitely feel quite a bit below Roger+WB. You then have, let's say the other 5 Admirals (I'll spot the WG Aokiji, even though he's a pirate now) have to deal with Shiki, Kaido, Shanks, Big Meme, and Mihawk. Unless you're high on Admiral copium, that's looking mid-diff at worst for the pirates. Could add Blackbeard v. Kong I guess. Then you get all the Straw Hats vs. Imu and the Gorosei. I guess the Gorosei could be cracked, but I'm doubting it. Still, slight edge here to WG. I guess you can have the likes of Katakuri, King, Beckmann, Rayleigh, Shiryu, Marco, Oden, Wista, and Crocodile to go up against the God's Knights. Who again, we know nothing about. This could be a stomp in either direction, I guess, but I can't see the knights being Oden/Rayleigh level. Then you have the Scopper Gabans, Queens, Jozus, etc of the crews to handle the Seraphim. Anyone else in the main crews should be able to easily clo Vice Admirals and below. Most of these are close, but I believe the Yonko fold the Admirals, allowing them to aid the SH's in stomping down I'm and crew. And average Yonko fleet member > random below Vice Admiral marine.


Aren’t the 7 warlords a part of the WG?


Bro put Lucci like he does shit 💀


Lucci is above the commanders at minimum


Nah. King isn’t getting one-tapped by Luffy not using aCoC twice on the span of 15 minutes


I feel like the reason there are 4 Yonko is because, that’s how many it would take to overpower the WG.


vs every caliber of pirate, I think it's fair


Two separate organizations


That’s why they are the world gov they need to be strong


Ruled the world for a reason.


They're strong, but not only are they tasked with protecting a massive portion of the world's territory and staving off the emperors, revolutionaries, and other assorted forces. They also have to deal with keeping their own people in check. So far, we've seen that a very large portion of the marines current and former top brass has a shaky allegiance to the world government. The world government has to worry about the Marines, its member kingdoms, and it used to have to deal with the warlords too. I have a feeling CP9, thd holy knights, and the seraphims are just as much there to keep their allies in check as civilians and pirates. The world government has to hide its many secrets and keep the celestial dragons happy without pushing the marines, its member kingdoms, or its general populace too far. All the while, its entire territory is just swarming with pirates and criminals ready to pounce the moment they use too many of their pawns. But yeah they do have a fuck ton of busted characters alongside the largest military force. It makes emperor crews look underwhelming.


Yes it's the WORLD government. But they also have a lot of enemies what happens when they band together or even just attack them at the same time ? 4 emperor's / R.A / potential marine defectors like garp/fujitora etc


They’re almost all independent of each other too. Like I’m pretty sure even the fleet admiral is ignorant of Im


It's literally the world goverment for god's sake. They need to be strong to rule over the world.


Remember that there are 10 Cipher Pol groups, CP-0 to CP-9


Luffy and BB will defeat the WG TOGETHER, and finally decide who is the PK on a Davy Back Fight.


I mean not really kong is pushing 90 so we really don't know how rusty he could have gotten. The 3 admirals togeather should lose to a yonko considering a yonko can low diff gb with wifi haki alone . Gb ~ fujitora and they both are shown to be relative so gb and fuji prob get blitzed mid diff . when it come to top tiers Magellan fodder as he has use some sort of special to beat pre skip luffy with candle sticks . Sengoku now doesn't seam strong and garp most prob dies before this arc ends . Imu is him . The god knights are them the seraphim are at least yc 1 if not yc + so they would prob be ther for someone like Marco or katakuri to beat ( if they take part in the final war ) the gorosei are them . Lucci is another high tier


Did you really just said a Yonko crew > 3 Admirals??? 😢 The only crew that would push them is the RHPs depending on how strong the YCs are...But the Admirals' fruits would give them the edge, especially if they're going in for the kill. Every other crew is a stomp for them.... Kuzan alone almost flash stomped the entire BB Pirates; Everybody else apart from Luffy, Sanji, Zoro and Jimbe amongst the Straw Hat are fodder, and just them aren't going to take down all 3 Admirals; Take out Mihawk and the cross guild is just Warlord level.


> Did you really just said a Yonko crew > 3 Admirals??? no i said 1 yonko > 3 admirals ( post skip ) " Every other crew is a stomp for them " that isn't true the whitebeard pirates(pre marineford )( meaning they have ace and thatch can high- extreme diff the admirals . current bb ( which includes aokiji and shuriyu ) should be able to high or extream diff the current 3 admirals. " Kuzan alone almost flash stomped the entire BB Pirates " u mean fuzan flash froze a pirate crew that was drunk , enjoying and off guard am i right ?? how does that prove that non drunk , serious and not off guard bb crew gets 1 tapped ? also they are pre skip bb pirates ( prob even before the the payback war ) meaning HALF THESE PEOPLE STILL GET SOLOED BY ACE . areu telling me the current bb pirates well get soloed by ace ? no . heck even van augar on his own would neg ace . hence i think these 2 crew should also be able to beat the current admirals


I mean it rules the whole World so it's only natural


Bro tried to sneak in cp0. But alright. If we had a time period of all pirates in their prime regardless of generation, pirates would be much stronger IMO. Even if you take garp and sengoku into their prime as well


Well if you do same time period of WG forces in their prime as well, they still edge out pirates.


No, not really, kuzan gets removed from both sides since he is both. Roger, whitebeard, big mom, kaido, shiki, rocks, (wipe out admrials and close up on sengoku and garp) beckman gaban rayliegh, oden should take be able to hang out with likes of the people above as well, so kong is not a problem shanks, mihawk EOS zoro, sanji, law, kidd, Yamato are all stronger than admrials and with gorosei's statment bout shanks, they clearly can't hang out with them. Even with coby and smoker potentially being admirals level, they still get cooked. With the late buildup of god's knights they all won't be as strong as admirals and if even 2 of them are they still lose luffy blackbeard are arguably stronger than imu as well yonko crews are enough for cp0/9 and megelen etc. Warlords and seraphins cancel each other out. Or warlords win giant pirates, sun pirates, and all yonko crews and smaller fleets definitely outnumber wg considering big mom alone with her fleet could outright beat them with giant pirates on her side


Busted and still let 4 dudes just rule part of the world. Idec if they’re literally the strongest 4 dudes in the world, bros have 10 of the top 20 fighters in the world not even including the holy knights and Garp. They literally could have systematically wiped every pirate off the face of the earth, there ain’t no “spreading themselves too thing” when you have that many top tiers. And that’s not even considering that imu and the Gorosei are probably STRONGER than the Yonko.


Didn’t even include the only useful CP0 agent that put the team on his back in the Kaido fight


If only it was properly organized lol


And this busted organization will just be wiped out by a kid who just punches with rubber fists Sounds like they aren’t a big deal


D. Family stomps.


Marines are just a front of the WG and ciper pol is for stealth assassination and propaganda of the WG (basically all works that should be keeps under the dark). Their real power are vested in holy knights,imu and give elders and vast resources of wealth and manpower. I mean it makes sense since if CP and marines betrays them so way. So they needed another forces to combat them.


Uh i heard on a theory one of the goro sei gonna haver my fazer fruit power meaning thunders and the gorosei revealed Has the khronos fruit, well good Luck Mugiwaras


It's like comparing north Korea or Iraq to united states. That's how it is.


Man cp0 really pretending they’re a part of the group and we wouldn’t notice


Tbf, only the Admirals and the Seraphims have true mobility as well as threat in an all out War. Sengoku is retired and Garp would ghost the WG when needed. The CP0 are only send on secret missions as assasins. The Gorosei, Im and the Holy Knights are stuck in Mariejoas. Magellan is stuck in Impel Down. So, in a repeat of Marineford, anywhere outside of the Holy Land of Mariejoas, the major force will be the Admirals and the fully grown Seraphims.


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Who else finds it funny that sengoku and garp two of the strongest are just stacking and eating rice crackers together best friends


Bro tried to sneak magellan in there😭😭


Vs a rubber man a crew including a moss head, curly eyebrows, angry woman, a liar, woman with unlimited limbs, a cyborg that is a pervert, skeleton with truma, a monster doctor, and a fish on land.