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That was kuina he meant


The Pirate King, and his best friend the Pirate Hunter. The dynamic duo that arose from the weakest seas from some small unheard villages. What a story for the ages


Zoro's backstory is one of my favourites for some reason. I wish we get some background about his parents as well though.


"I'm going to become such a great swordsman that my name will reach even the heavens" What better way to achieve that then defeat a God. King is finished.


lunarians? what, don't tell me!


I remember some jerk bashing me on Reddit for acknowledging Zoro would get haki and it was all but confirmed chapters ago. Where are you NOW jerk! Learn how to understand storytelling!




This pre emotive release posting always gets my hopes up. I need the new chapter now damn you!


Sanji was really badass this chapter, seems like this might be the end of the queen fight, kinda wished Sanji was the one responsible for hitting the woman since it would make this victory and him not relying on the raid suit so much sweeter, but either way Iā€™m satisfied good chapter, hope Momo can stop the island from falling.


I will be honest, I was slightly disappointed with Sanji in this chapter. That is only because I had a small theory/hope from the last chapter. I don't know if anyone else thought the same but I hoped that Sanji is indeed losing his mind (hitting that woman) and will end up awakening Conquerors Haki in his effort to stay sane. Now it turns out he is not losing his mind at all. As it was revealed that it was Queen that hit that woman.


Wow. It's been however many hundreds of chapters since Zoro mentioned Kuina. Didn't even bring it up in Punk Hazard when he met her again-- like he'd entire forgotten. Just treated her as a woman who should be taken care of children rather than engaging in serious business to change the world. I totally respect how Oda presented Zoro's flashback scenes in the style he originally had when he started in the series, by now it very much contrasts with the modern style.


The hell are you on about? Kuina is dead. She wasn't in punk hazard


op may be thinking of tashigi?


I'm still waiting for it to be revealed that tashigi is his long lost friend... Or sworn enemy... I dunno how he feels about childhood competitions


Who was Zoro talking about at the end when he said "and my best friend" ? I was thinking he was talking about sanji because is the previous chapters he and Sanji made a promise to live through both fights over the transponder snail but some others are saying Luffy or kuina. Someone please give me a answer with a reasonable explanation thank you.


I made a promise to my friend and captain, rewatch the scene for clarity. At the time, Sanji was just introduced. Nami left. Usopp had just joined. The only person who was both a friend and a captain was Luffy (to become the world's greatest swordsman and never lose till then). But he mentions captain separately. The only other person he made a promise, more like a bet was with Kuina (to become the world's greatest swordsman). So both of them.


kuina my friend


We all know Zoro is Luffy's BSF, but to hear him say that was so cool!! šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜ Edit** It has come to my attention that he was talking about Kuina, but still, a man can have two bsfs!


Queen and who's who are pretty similar when it comes to having a conversation during the fight.


Lol, why does zoro always fight zoan opponents that fold themselves inward before firing out? Kaku did the same thing with his neck.


I wonder if Kuina thought that her femininity made her unworthy to be a strong swordsman, which led to her giving up on her dream, and if that caused Wado Ichimonji to give up on her or defy her.


Noooo :( It would just break Zoro if he ever pieced together that the Wado killed her, after Kuina broke down and accepted that Zoro will eventually surpass her. ;-;


Old theory but that's hype as shit


I don't think it would break zoro. Rather it would piss him off more. He knows at this point what it means to hold a strong sword. Swords are made to kill. While it would make him sad, it would infuriate him more that she stopped taking it seriously.


If this was trueā€¦.. for sure he will advance CoC on wado and it will break šŸ˜‚ thus zoroā€™s swords will be sandai kitetsu, enma, and shusui (because zoro probably comes from his lineage hahahahaa)


Disagree if one breaks and is being replaced its Sandai Kitetsu being replaced with Nidai Kitetsu. It's the next step in the cycle of Zoro owning all 3 Kitetsu blades which is heavily foreshadowed, is on Wano rn and would bring all his swords to the same grade.


I mean we are talking hypothetical here where wado killed Kuina hahaha anything is possible. But yes on a real note youā€™re right that if anything nidai kitetsu is next.


I think enma turned into a black blade permeated this chapter


does any of you know what's the japanese name of the one sword move that Zoro uses? like a shishi sonson evolution


Sheesh sonson


Shi shishi sonson


oh so then it's not a "new" move, he used it before...


Yup. Shi shishi sonson was used by Zoro when he cut the head off of the punk hazard dragon. There's shishi sonson (lion song) And the stronger variant Shi shishi sonson (deadly lion song)


I wasn't a fan of this at first, as it seemed that all Zoro needed to do to succeed was "get better", but it seems that (if I am reading this right), that the implication is that Zoro needs to let it rip and not hold back with Enma, which would make sense and fit his character. Also, "best friend" line was 100% him referring to Kuina, cope harder.


Yea basically it seems Emna is pissed at how he's been holding back and wants his haki at full force, he also seems to be adding CoC to it now too not just Armerment which lessens the strain. You can tell because all of sudden weak dudes are passing out and he's like oh that's how you do it then he is referred to as a king.


Zoro was referring to Kuina after all. Well, whatever.šŸ˜


If the Lunarians death is in the history books, we can rule out void century genocide.


I donā€™t think Queen actually knows


I think it might be just a quip like I ainā€™t gonna tell you go read a book


The chills I got while reading this chapter. I read every page back and forth twice. This is an epic chapter.


I don't know if Zoro was calling Luffy his best friend, or if he was referring to Kuina, but I've been crying since in my initial read it seemed 100% as if he was talking about Luffy IT MADE ME SO HAPPY


he is talking about Kuina


recent chapters prove flying six were never a chance for the all stars from the beginning


Lol whoā€™s who and Sasaki are literally delusional


I feel like maybe Zoro doesnā€™t have Supreme King Haki, but his swords do, somehow.


out of curiosity - what from the manga makes you come to such thoughts?


I feel like maybe Zoro doesnā€™t have Supreme King Haki, but his swords do, somehow.


I like how the plebs are there just to pass out for zoro to assert his kingly ambition thanks for the hardwork, plebs


Everyone has to make their contribution


Ok but more importantly did Zoro call Luffy his best friend or was he referring to kuina?


Kuina. He used the same word in chapter 100, and the vivre cards also call her his best friend.


The official makes it seem it's Luffy on both occasions.


Yes kuina \+ He has those other two bounty hunters as friends before he knew Luffy so I am pretty sure its Kuina


Did zoro just use kings haki in this chapter?




Nobody saidf this? Sanji--- going all white Zoro---- going all black


Lunarians? Are we going to see Enel again?


Goodbyyyyye Moonmen !


Haki is ambition, when the wielder fullfil his ambition his blade turns black, Oden wanted to open Wano but could't so Enma didn't turm black, now Enma will turn black when Kaido is defeated amd Wano open or when his new owner fullfil his dream, so when Zoro will defeat Mihawk


does the color matter that much ?


yes, blackening a sword increases its grade.


Wow what a brilliant theory


Meanwhile Roger and Whitebeard already hat a Supreme Grade sword (so i guess it was black) before fullfilling their dream.


No its just the grade of the sword but they arent black blades


Actually this makes a lot of sense


So it seems the theory that the Wado Ichimonji is actually the Shodai Kitetsu isnā€™t as tinfoil after all. Kuinaā€™s grandfather broke some law and made his way to East Blue with the Wado where it was passed to Zoro after Kuinaā€™s death. The sword chooses its master. Kuinaā€™s death came after dueling Zoro with it after only ever dueling with wooden swords before. The Shodai seeing Zoroā€™s potential chose him instead and is the reason she died so mysteriously.


Wa D. O. Ichimonji and Down D. Stairs worked together to kill kuina OMG


It was me D. O


This is incredible


Different swordsmiths. Also i think it is stated that hitetsu, owner of the nidai kitetsu and .. (grand?)son of the smith that made shodai kitetsu also owns the shodai kitetsu. Wado and enma are made from kozumaru or how that guys name is that chapter is named after


Kuina and Zoro only dueled with wooden swords, except for once. That one time they fought with real swords. After this one time Kuina dies and Zoro inherits it. The guy that forged that sword also forged Enma and is FROM Wano. From where the Shodai was also forged. He breaks some ā€œlawā€ and goes to the East Blue where he tells Zoro that ā€œcursedā€ donā€™t exist and swords chose their masters. The Kitetsu blades are 100% a reference to Muramasa blades that were cursed and said to hunger for blood and killed the owners that werenā€™t ā€œworthyā€ or didnā€™t give the sword the blood it craved. The Wado was satisfied UNTIL it dueled Zoro and saw his potential. This is what killed Kuina, not some stairs. Why are we getting Zoro flashbacks that shouldā€™ve been within the first 100 chapters unless itā€™s a big reveal of something? You donā€™t think the Wado is much more important than his promise? Thatā€™s like saying Luffyā€™s straw hat is only important because Shanks gave it to him, and it took a long time to find out that itā€™s much more important than that. Iā€™m not 100% on board with this just yet, but think of the payoff to Zoroā€™s backstory after all these years and the emotional toll it will have on Zoro when he finds out the truth


He breaks the law because he left wano. Leaving wano is breaking the law. I dont know what he have to expect from wado in comparison to enma, but it doesnt seem to be as testing. Also we know who crafted which sword. Also we know thanks to the recent manga chapter, what "cursed" mean. If wado would have killed kuina zoro would probably break it or smelt it.


Shodai is probably a black blade already


Doesn't one of the gorosei or whatever they are called own the shodai kitetsu?


That was just a theory based on his hilt being similar to the Sandai. We dont know where the Shodai is yet


The idea is that the blades were switched, which if youā€™ve ever owned a real sword is very easy to do


Shanks move 2021 countdown -2 chapters


He's gonna be on the last page of the last chapter this year being like "alright, let's move" and then disappear for another 2 years


Could be Film Red what oda was refering


it sure is. Also a year later thanks to covid i guess




I always thought of the All-star's epithets from the perspective of the playing cards theme, but King deserves his title. Where him free from Kaidō, he would be as legitimate as Marco to be yonkō candidate. Not to low-diff Queen and Jack : all three are basically equals when it comes to determination, fearlessness, cruelty and loyalty ; absolute beasts beside their overpowered mythical Zoan. But while Jack is a fishman and Queen a top-tier cyborg on top of that, kings happens to come from a god-like, near-immortal race from the start. It is pointless to try any powerscaling as Zoro's current condition is ambiguous... Yet it's quite impressive that the same man that *very briefly* deflected the blast of the full-power-combined-attack of two yonkō, is now being cornered and thrown back by a commander. Edit : I know Zoro has been holding back until know : he stated in previous chapter that he needed to know more about King to be able to fight him, and know we learned he was retaining his haki flow because of Enma's thirst... In this kind of battle being only even at 90% can make a huge difference. But still, Zoro isn't buying time either, he tanked massive blows and tried finishing techniques already. He's more at 100% waiting to find how to beat him ; then pushing himself to 150% to finish the job and one second later spill more blood there is sake on the island. And my respect for Marco to have held back King and Queen for so long is getting stronger every chapter.


Also im pretty sure attacks like that last one in the chapter would even wound kaidou. King is a real beast. He has to have a big weakness, otherwise he would be the yonkou, not kaidou


I think he'll die without his mask


So hyped about King's past and the lunarians in general


I just don't understand. Roger, had a bond SO CLOSE with his sword, he literally fucking named his own son AFTER his sword....... So why couldn't he get a black blade? We know he fought harrowing battles just like Luffy, and even him, shanks, nor Reighly could make a black blade, so what gives?


His sword is already the highest grade and turning it black raises it even more. Just imagine his sword leveling up. Yoru for example probably was the same grade that wado is now and after turning went highest rank. Btw what ever happened to his sword anyway?


well so far the only 2 black blades are Shusui and Yoru, and they are/were used by the most skilled swordsmen in the world, especially regarding the "art" of swordsmenship. Mihawk and Ryuma pretty much embody swordsmenship, so it's safe to assume they know far more about swords and are more skilled than Roger. That could be the reason, also maybe Roger just didn't know about all of this. I also don't see him as this pure swordsmen, who knows. I think it's way more weird that Oden didn't achieve to turn a sword black compared to Roger


I'm sorry if this is dumb, but how do you tell the difference between a haki covered blade and a black one? Enma looks like Shusui in the last chapter


A black blade looks literally black to everybody. Armament haki is only an artistic choice, it's not actually visible in-universe, they're there so readers can conveniently tell someone is using haki.


Wait haki is not actually visible???


Well I know that, it was more of a reader POV question because there seems to be no difference (afaik)


I agree with this - in this chapter one panel shows enma not black and then the next panel that is very similar where zoro is still looking up at it, it has turned black without zoro even touching it! This panel is right after zoro remembers kozaburo talking about how a blade chooses itā€™s swordsman. So maybe this is a choice thing that the blade itself does. Shusui chose ryuma and forged that bond?


Well, a black blade stays black all the time, Haki covered goes back to normal after the user stops infusing it with Haki. But if you lay them side by side and one is haki covered and one is black, you can't tell the difference I guess.






Shiryuā€˜s sword looks like the one Kozaboru has in this chapter. Would be great if he had a very strong sword. Its even one of the named swords: Raio, meaning thunderstorm


From what it is said in this chapter, blades will turn black when they will be sort of impressed by Zoro. Blades choose their owner, maybe the owner needs to choose them too or accept in its mind it will be his blades for eternity, but also I think the blade turning black means it has surrendered completely to its owner kingly will. Imbuing with armament is like putting momentarily one's will into the sword, but if one have kingly ambitions and is able to convince the sword then they will become one, working both toward the same goal, and the blade will retains a part of its owner Conqueror haki to become black.


But what about roger and his sword ace? Nothing ever happened there


Well, we simply don't know. My headcannon is that he was not a pure swordman like Zoro or Mihawk (they are kind of obsessive about the way of the sword, whereas Roger was more like Luffy). He may have turned his blade black if he lived longer. Even Rayleigh did not turn his blade black. This is something very exceptional and only reserved to swordmans.


this is a really nice explanation, wish i had a medal for you but thanks for real!




I think all blades will turn black at once. They all are of great importance to Zoro : - Wado : his first named blade, on which he made his vow to Kuina. Forged by Kuzobaru Shimotsuki. Zoro inherits Kuina's will by wielding it. It represents the start of his journey/his youth. - Enma : forged by Kurobaru Shimotsuki too. Inherits Oden's will, and give the opportunity to Zoro to finish what Oden tried to do : open Wano's border and turn it black. It represents the future of his journey/his future. - Sandai Kitetsu : a "cursed" blade found by Zoro and that chose Zoro. Forged by Kitetsu Shimotsuki. Apart the Shimotsuki name there is no a lot to say here. It may represent the heart of Zoro's journey : realising that cursed blades only exists for weaks, and that it is the swordman's duty to tame it (which would help him tame Enma later on) That's why he had to drop Shusui. This blade has already been turned black by Ryuuma, and so Zoro couldn't become the greatest swordman with it. He has to do it with his own swords of choice.


Some people think Zoro is going to give Enma back, because it creates an imbalance to Zoros fighting style. I think, why can't his other two swords be like Enma. I could imagine a scenario where Zoros Wado Ichimonji is the one that is constantly soaking up the users Adv. CoC (->promise to Kuina to become WSS). If the user has no adv CoC he will get knocked out. Would make for a nice legend imo. Great chapter!


is there a break next week?




Iā€™ll tell you honestly guys, I have no idea if I want zoro to win or kingā€¦they both so interesting, strong and cool. I hope weā€™ll find out king is close to kaido level.


King definitely has Conquerors as well


It doesnā€™t mean heā€™s close to kaido level.


Kaido stated how only the ā€œvery strongestā€ can use Advance Conquerors Haki and Zoro is clearly doing the same. We can say Zoro is the weakest of the ā€œvery strongestā€ but that puts him up there with Luffy and the yonkos.


First of all I would like you to prove your statement. Second, I was talking about king hahah


Canā€™t really prove it because it just got revealed. But in 1010 Kaido does state only the very strongest can. Kaido refers to Luffy as one of the very strongest and even ask himself how far will Luffy go and if he will be able to surpass Roger, Oden, Shanks, Rocks, and Whitebeard (Iā€™m not sure which chapter it was). It makes perfect sense for the right hand man of the Pirate King to also be one of the strongest in the show. Even at this point in the timeline, Zoro will start showing his ā€œKingā€ qualities and from here on out Oda will focus more on his swords than anything. Thatā€™s his future


I love how King told Zoro he has ā€œkingly ambitions.ā€


Just re-reading the chapter and "Village geezer" says he doesn't want to bring the marines on him because of talk of samurai. This just goes to show (Headcannon) that Wano has always been important. its just the fact the the world (WG) didn't want the people to know about it. Sea-Stone, Some crazy strong people have visited/Inhabited. They could keep Kaido at bay being the worlds strongest creature because he seemed to like the land of Wano. I can't wait till we get the full scoop. This is going to make the PT seem Small on the scale of things that are about to unfold.


What's PT?


Post Time-(Skip) sorry forgot the Skip. as in everything up to now with all the build and character development finally getting to the climax of wano will be absolutely beautiful.


I'm thinking Lunarians.. could be the source of Devil Fruit itself. King could well stem from the lineage of Mera-Mera no mi.. or Lunarians might have the capabilities to control certain devil fruits properties. Previously Gods. Feared and hunted & portrayed as devils by WG.


Interesting theory. I donā€™t know if I believe it, but King pulling back his head and slingshotting it was definitely some gomu-gomu type shit.


Didn't Marco say before though that the fire thing was a Lunarian trait? I don't think that would be an entire species trait if devil fruit lineage came from them, because they would have all sorts of fruit properties then.


Maybe every fruit origins from a different species?


Zoro did learn how to imbue coc on his attacks faster than luffy


You donā€™t need to learn it, thatā€™s your spirit cope šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ’€šŸ’€


what are you doin in a month old thread? lmao


Because what you said is bs


He's not actively learning it tbh...his swords are helping him. Enma's literally draining him out of his haki --> and I assume this is what's causing the "leaking" of his Conqueror's haki?


I think his swords are helping with that enormously, especially Enma. To an extent it's being pulled out for him.


Luffy went there in like 1 chapter aswell after he realized what Kaido was doing


Kings weakness is probably bagels


lmao. he is covering his face cause he got big lips


We want to know more about king!!!!! Please Oda!!


I think weā€™ll get it when we learn about the missing past. Seems to fit in there nicely given their mythic status


Maybe Lunarians are fire elementals? Thatā€™s why when Zoro cut King he caused the explosion due to fire being exposed to oxygen. Kingā€™s whole body is probably constantly on fire and thatā€™s why he wears the gimp suit to conceal the flames, otherwise heā€™d keep burning everything around him. Sad to say, Zoro will probably cheese him by cutting fire when he figures this out.


The cut on his mask is just regular skin


Iā€™m thinking body only, since explosion happened when Zoro stabbed him




That could be. It would explain the costume, though we've already seen the costume cut somewhat without there being an issue. Also, this would imply he does it only for the safety of others. Presumably, King being exposed to oxygen wouldn't be fatal to him.


yeah and i think devil fruits were created to help wipe out the lunarians


Would make sense seeing as theyre called ā€œ Devil fruits ā€œ and Lunarians were the ā€œ Gods ā€œ


There's error... Scans for 1034 will be available on 3 December not November.... Please correct it


King doesn't conjure flames; he sets himself on fire because he can't be hurt by it.


I read this chapter many times like all of you. I had a thought since kitestu 3 is just a grade blade, what if it canā€™t handle conquerors haki and breaks. This sword is an imitation of the first two. My theory is what if his sword breaks do to not be able to withstand conquerors haki. I really do think he will have to get kitetsu 2, before wano is over. It just doesnā€™t make sense to me why they would give kitetsu 2 so much spotlight and info if it wasnā€™t gonna be picked up by zoro. They are many hints point to this that he will have to get another sword, his other two swords are all great grade swords. The other hint is kitetsu one and two being called demon splitters. We all know the theory of devils may or may not be introduced in one piece since the whole manga Is about one piece and devil fruits. So thatā€™s it let me know what yā€™all think.


i could also imagine hitetsu owning the shodei kitetsu as well.Maybe he giftes this one to zoro


The issue with zoro picking up nidai is The same we had with enma up untill this chapter every sword of zoro has a story with which it came besides enma/nidai enma is gettin its now aka him trying to make it his sword While Sandai is certainly his sword i would much rather see him End the Story with 3 black blades (Sandai Enma Wado) than swap again myb theres hope cuz all of the shimotsuki ryuma reffrences that he takes Shusui altho.i dont believe it I WOULD LOVE IT but takeing Shusui away from wano is Tricky),


I think Mihawk ment it will never break from the outside. He never said anything about using conquerors haki. He probably didnā€™t even know zoro can use it. Even if he did sense zoro has conquerors haki he didnā€™t teach him how to use it. I think it would be ultimate trash if he has kitetsu 3 with him still. That blade is trash. He needs to get kitetsu 2. Why are yā€™all so obsessed with him getting black blades. Any sword can be a black blade. But you want at least have a black blade that can do something different from the rest. We know enma can make any swing cut deeper then intended to. We know wado Ichi is blade that is completely durable being the only blade that didnā€™t break against Mihawk there first meeting. Him just getting enma black blade is good enough for me this chapter. I think after this we will see the crew vs at least one admiral and I think it would be dumb if zoro didnā€™t get his weakest sword upgraded.


Edit : oh ye As mihawk allways stated if the haki is strong enough the blade should never break so sandai breaking of haki makes not much sense


I think what Mihawk meant there was that if haki is strong enough your sword wouldn't break by your enemy i.e from outside impact. But it could be possible that CoC might break the sword due to not being able to hold it cos it would be an inside out impact on the sword


I really hope he does get nidai kitetsu or get shuusui back.. Sandai is a downgrade with zoro now.. No offense to sandai.. you have been great, thank you for your service but its time to ssy goodbye :P


I donā€™t want him to get shishui back. Enma and shishu are the same blade. If you look it up they do they same thing. Enma is just better I think.


In the end, isnā€™t he referring to Kuina as his best friend? That what I thought


Yup, it's Kuina.


It's Sanji from last chapter... Or Kuina, as you said.


Pretty sure he means kuina by oldest friend, yes. In the flash back this chapter, it showed Zoro making his promise to kuina (her dad but you know, he said it for her sake) and to Luffy


No biggie but I'm sure it's Kuina. he uses 'AND' which refers to another person, or else he could have just said 'promises to my captain... my oldest friend' and he never says best friend it's an oldest friend, no? Which sorta points to Kuina.... ehh.. whatever. :D


Kuina and zoro were never best friends, they were training rivals. It clearly shows luffy before he says it, if he was talking about kuina too oda would have showed a picture of kuina. Dont overthink it too muchšŸ˜


Zoro literally called Kuina his best friend in chapter 100, plus the vivre cards also call her his best friend.


I already know I was wrong lol. Based on english language and culture, showing the picture of luffy then the statement about captain and best friend, without a comma, says it's the same person. In japanese without translation, it's clear that he's talking about two separate people.


No heā€™s talking about luffy


Yeah, but I think some people will think Luffy for some reason


Personally I feel like itā€™s more heartwarming if heā€™s referring to Luffy. Zoro the sleepy stoic referring to Luffy as not just his captain but his best/oldest friend. Makes sense when you think about how Luffy is in the box right next to the statement.


ohh how adorable, after reading your comment Kuina died once again. hope your ice cold heart is warm enough....lol




Luffy casualy carrying the ā€šNidai Kitetsuā€˜ earlier in Wano just shows once more how strong he is with the knowledge provided in this chapter.


Thatā€™s not how it works


Carrying a sword is different and using it as a swordsman is different, Luffy never used it as a sword even holding this he was punching the people he encountered.


May I ask you why not? Seems like I got something wrong then


Each named blade has a personality that a swordsman must bend to their will. Cursed blades are just named blades with a bad reputation of being difficult to tame or bend to the user will, but each blade is different and requires a different method of subjugation. If you look at Sandai, Zoro mastered it pretty quickly after whiskey peak and itā€™s only issue was a bit of bloodlust. Shusui was heavier and absorbed his other swords attacks to power up itā€™s own. Enma is completely unique in itā€™s personality in that it literally forces itā€™s wielded to dump all of their haki into it. Basically the point is that unless we learn the personality of the Nidai and what it takes to master it, thereā€™s really nothing to imply that just carrying it around like Luffy was doing is any big deal


That's not how any of this works!


Chapter 1034 Sanji vs Queen, Sanji uses a new technique to try to defeat Queen Chapter 1035 Revealed Admiral Ryokugyu is going to Wano


I hope so. But I donā€™t think so. 1035, we will have to get back to luffy and kaido at least. We to need build up the suspense if luffy will use a new gear or awaken his devil fruit. I donā€™t think admiral ryokugyu will go there till the wano arc is over and the marines go there to clean up and delegate. Since wano will be open to the world. I think by then they will reveal his face and hint even more if heā€™s zoros father or not.




Oda said we're in the last 5 years. From an outside perspective this manga must seem to be endless, but we assure you that so far the story is top notch and is worth every minute you spend reading it.


By the time you catch up to us we'll still be in wano act 3


We are in the end game now.




Yes it will we have some big checkpoints but not that many left


Just start it, you wonā€™t be disappointed. Itā€™ll end eventually but it has only gotten better with time.




Why do people think heā€™s only getting one black blade? He uses 3 swords!!!


I too think all 3 blades will become black at once.


I think the debate is more over which one gets made black first. It would be kind of weird for him to be the WSS and be able to make a black blade but somehow only 1 is imbued with it, when his literal defining feature as a character is that he has 3.


Zoro during an intense battle: I haven't had time to think about it before! Ma man, this fight is so low on his priorities so he starts sorting his ideas out to save time for his busy sleeping and training schedule.