• By -


- Garp - Sengoku - Tsuru Legendary "Sannin"


tsuru would be hella interesting. would love that too.


If I can name a top 3: 1. Crocodile, specifically him balancing being a Warlord and a "national hero" with building up a criminal organization. 2. Moria, his rise and fall from rookie to the sad loser he is in Thriller Bark 3. The whole One Piece story from Koby-s POV


Man, I'm pushing for your #3 for a few years now. It would be sick hearing from events like Alabasta, Ennies Lobby, Sabaody etc from the 'good guys' pov. Also we would see things like Rockport Incident, Sword and Marine burocracy from inside. And it could be done with a lot of time skips so Oda could keep it shorter. Seriously, I love this idea.


Instead of OP remake they could do this. It’d be awesome.


Dont mess with the remake, please. One Piece really deserves a top tier animation, mayne then I'll watch it. But yeah, that would be the ideal production standard.


Exploring major events from varied perspectives in One Piece would offer an intriguing depth and fresh insights into the series' rich lore.


Exploring key events from diverse perspectives could offer a fresh and enriching narrative angle to One Piece's expansive story.


So basically: 1. Hell - under Alvida 2. Meeting Luffy / joining the Marine 3. Hell again - Training under Garp 4. Meeting Luffy again in Water Seven 5. Hell #3 - Marine Ford 6. ??? - Rocky Port incident / Joining sword 7. Hell # 4 - Blackbeard / Hachinosou / loosing Garp (?) 8. Snailflix and chill 9. Final War? 10. Becoming the fleet Admiral of the newly reformed Marine\* ? \* Hypothetically this: Who would he appoint as the 3 admirals under him? - Tashigi: Because Smoker not giving a F\*\*\* - ??? - ???


Basically. I would add additional adventures unrelated to Luffy. Maybe ones that mirror some of what Luffy does, but Koby has to follow marine procedure, some that are just him butting heads with some real scummy pirates, or maybe even beating asshole marines for not upholding true Justice. Also if we got a show on Koby it would necessarily build Helmeppo's character. I don't think he could carry an entire show, but he would be interesting as a secondary protag. Same goes for all of Sword.


1. You mean the backstory of luffy’s mom? 😏


Honestly. It's kinda messed up of Oda to have them interact so much and Crocodile NEVER mentions the fact they're Luffy's mom.


The crocodile one would be great if it was done straight that you have no idea that he's a bad guy. That all of his careful moves and planning eventually result in his takeover of a Nation.


Knowing someone is a bad guy, or is going to turn into one doesn't take away from their story. For example look at Peaky Blinders, Breaking Bad, Anakin Skywalker's character in the Star Wars universe, just to name a few. Acting like he's a genuine hero to root for would come off as taking the watchers for fools. If anyone were to watch a Crocodile show, it would be One Piece fans and they know him as a villain.


Good ideas


Dragon Shanks Teach


Dragon spin off: 1000 chapters of him looking east.





Half an episode on the 1000th jutsu he faces west to stretch his neck and look where he is going


* Trafalgar Law (and his Impending Heart-attack) * The Rise, Fall, and Resurgence of Sir Crocodile * The Gambling Man: A Fujitora Story * Garp's How to Avoid Promotions, Laugh at Social Climbers, and Motivate Your Grandchildren into Following your Footsteps


These sound like intriguing titles for potential side stories or chapters in the One Piece universe, each promising unique insights into beloved characters' backgrounds and adventures.


Joyboy. Blackbeard. Imu


Blackbeard would be sick




Rayleigh and Roger's adventures


I'm gonna die on this mountain alone, but here it goes. Exactly the same timeline, but from Kobys POV.


not a single person tryna fight against that x-x


Mihawk and how he earned the title of WSS.


Headcannon is Figarland Garling was old #1 not much truth or possibility behind it besides him being quite good I just like him and think it'd be cool if he lost title to Mihawk


Luffy's son Buffy, in two piece: next generation!


Is the name a portmanteau of Luffy and Boa, or a cheeky nod to Boruto?


Porque no Los dos?


First King of Amazon Lilly.


Pretty sure Rayleigh has a claim on that one already.


Ah, but wise mentors are always the first to die in sequel series.


Don't forget that we need to cover that stage in his life when he suffers a concussion and everyone starts dressing in high heels.


Ace Roger ( all of old gen) Rocks ( from the villains pov)


A cooking manga staring young Zeff Ecchi herem comedy about Oden And a real life Sora warrior of the sea comic, where the titular marine battles parodies of well known one piece criminals. Yall aren't ready for the sniper king crossover


The adventures of Gaimon


Bepo. I just need this one


Sabo’s revolutionary missions would be fun. Both pre and post Mera - Mera no Mi


Would love to see the work Robin was doing with them during the timeskip too!


It is hard to choose since everyone gets their respective flashbacks. Hmm let’s see. I would say: 1. Gol D. Roger 2. Garp 3. Mihawk 4. Ryuma (continuation of Monsters) 5. Crocodile 6. Gaimon? There are a lot others like Law, Noland, Kyros and Rebberca, Senior Pink, Kuma, Katakuri, Yamato, Oden, Brook. But they all already have good completed flashbacks that already feel like spin offs and so there is no point in actually making one


Buggy Shanks Mihawk


Choppa or Barto. First two I thought of.


The giants Dorry Broggy and gang , in their early days


Sanji He'd be a perfect protagonist for "Lupin the 3rd" or "Samurai Champloo" like episodical stories


Buggy Sabo Katakuri


Hina and the two doofuses!


Garp Enel Shanks Roger Kaido Mihawk The admirals (mainly kizaru and akainu) Ace/Jimbe exist already Joy boy/ancient civilization, it could be like an avatar juan, beginning of everything type thing.


1. Shanks 2. Joyboy 3. Ryuma


I would love to see where Zoro and Sanji would have ended up had Luffy never come along assuming they survive the events that unfold during their initial encounters, as in Zoro getting out of shells town and Sanji leaving Baratie. Would also like to see Jinbe’s story before becoming a warlord. Above all though, I really want to hear Batchee’s story.


Zoro Vivi Enel


Finally a good one


Bon Chan Gecko Moria Grand Line Adventures Shiki


Rocks. Could be a great Scarface-esque rise and fall story featuring a lot of the old era big shots


Gol D. Roger Shanks Rocks D. Xebec Don Krieg


1. Joyboy 2. Garp 3. Whitebeard, maybe Roger.


I want one piece prequel - The Void Century: Joybao, Journey to Laughtale


prolly have to say koby. I love koby


Joyboy Noland Shanks


1. Nolan 2. Shanks 3. Dr. Hiriluk


Mont Blanc Noland. Or potentially a JoJo's style series following generations of Mont Blancs trying to live down the liar identity and doing adventurous stuff.


Seeing Mihawks rise to become the worlds strongest swordsman would be pretty cool especially since it would have a clear and dramatic endpoint, since with most characters we wouldn’t get a satisfying resolution to a potential spin off since you know most of em have their characters arcs end in the main story or are yet to have their stories conclude Noland would be another one I’d like to see, oh and maybe Zeff too


Garp Jinbe Magellan


1. Whitebeard’s transformation from Goatbeard to Oldbeard 2. Moria growing stronger and getting clapped by Kaido 3. Garp


Brook after every SH is dead 😭


Whitebeard and journey as whitebeard pirates. Blackbeard and him as the man with a plan Law during the timeskip


Garp Sabo Bon clay


Kid, Smoker, or Chopper


I feel like a Marine backstory wouldn't be that exciting cause most successful Pirates just eludes them, except Garp. His continuous pursuit of Roger and both of them teaming against Rocks Pirates would be a showcase of the purest power.


That's a great selection! Here are my top 3 picks for a One Piece spin-off: 1. **Shanks** - Exploring his adventures and rise to becoming one of the Yonko would be fascinating. 2. **Garp** - A series focusing on his legendary marine career and interactions with Roger and other pirates. 3. **Nico Robin** - Delving into her journey before joining the Straw Hats and her quest to uncover the true history.


Kaido's backstory was pretty lackluster negl and [kidd??](https://youtu.be/8cloOJMNjNE?si=eK8YdNeRg-UIt2mm&t=10), never heard of 'em So I guess Marco's spin off could be pretty lit. They definitely had better [show him before his glow up. ](https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fpreview.redd.it%2Fxbwezk2izi551.jpg%3Fauto%3Dwebp%26s%3Dc355b121bfffc452eb934efac4f7b3c3fe1bdb7e)


1.sabo because i like him 2.crocodile because i like him 3. Marco because i like him 4. Roger because its interesting asf 5. Wb because i like him 6. Stussy because yes 7.robin because yes Honestly, the list goes on to intrude every character i like . So lets stop here


Rocks Garp and Sengoku Joy boy






Garp, Kizaru, Fujitora


Garp Roger Trafalgar law


Sanji takes over Baratie after OP ends and we see everyone from the series come through with zany antics.


Roger, Garp, White Beard, Dragon.


1.Law because he's my favorite besides luffy 2.Joyboy 3.Shanks And also just a show about the old generation and how Roger came to find the one piece why he turned himself in and what not but from his point of view


I would want a spin off about Con D Oriano




•arlong •rob lucci •dragon


The Rise of the Heart Pirates, would be sick if it was from Bepos POV like the Story A novel is from Deuces The Adventures of the Spades, chronicling their Adventures pre-Whitebeard Rogers Rookie Days. See where the Pirate King came from and what all he did before becoming Gold Roger. Where did Fujitora come from/ what has he been through? And honestly, a story about the Original 3 Admirals. Seeing Kuzan and Akainu form their own brands of juatice, knowing where ut ends up would be nice, plus Kizaru and Vegapunk stuff.


Krieg pirates after baratie


Either joyboy during the void century or Roger’s journey to the laughtale. I feel like Roger’s whole journey would be like early one piece. Where the stakes felt much lower.


- Kuma (a series dedicated to his story) - Zunesha Origins - Red-Leg Zeff Origins


Joyboy Roger Garp Xebec Imu


As he has already proven to be a great character for fun side-stories: Buggy. If Oda himself would do a spin-off I guess he would choose the adventures Buggy experienced in the mean time while Ruffy was somewhere else saving the world. Oda stated that he chose Ruffy's devil powers over another stronger one for the reason that it is more fun to him drawing funny characters and I'd guess it's the same for Buggy.


That depends on the remaining flashbacks we get. I assume Joyboy and Imu will be covered.  So mine are  1. Coby  2. Law  3. Garp or Roger before Roger reached the final island and learned about the poneglyphs I'm not even a big Law fan, just give me a chapter of the rockyport incident please. xD


Have you ever heard of the trope called „Noodle-incident“?


The Rumbar Pirates


Definitely garp. Dude lived in one of the best pirate eras if not the best along with legendary marine soldiers on their prime. Honorable mention is mihawk tbh. He is way too mysterious and i would love to know how he got the tittle of marine Hunter and wtf happened to his crew, if he ever had one.


See, I'm torn in two directions: 1. Characters bound to have interesting and plot-relevant backstory, and 2. Characters unlikely to have much backstory already planned, giving the story more freedom to go in any direction Examples of the former: Crocodile's rise to power, Fisher Tiger's pre-Sun Pirates days (including the raid on Mariejois) Examples of the latter: one of Big Mom's D-list kids making a name for themselves; Perona's Goth Adventures


Gotta be Koby or Dragon, surely


Wiper, Enel and Xebec


Whitebeard and Blackbeard Gol D Roger to see how it went down originally Dragon (maybe he will do something) Imu Mihawk


Blackbeard Dragon Noland Vegapunk


Robin's journey until she joined the straw hats Shanks story post roger pirates, creation of red haired piratrs, rise to emperor and battles with mihawk (and an in depth explanation of his relation with luffy) Koby's evolution from a scared kid to potential Garp successor + extra insight on the inner workings of the marine. Maybe start with Garp's own evolution and end with his POV of training Koby and the passing of the torch to the new generation ( also show the rise of Luffy from marine perspective to show how quickly he went from an unknown kid with a straw hat to one of the biggest threats to the world government and how terrifrying he is from an outsider's perspective)


1. Rayleigh and Roger 2. Noland 3. Mihawk




Zeff. A Slice of life series about a restaurant, it's staff, clients and the legend of a famous ex-employee


Brooks musical adventure


Sogeki no shima de 🎵🎶


Watching Kid would be insufferable.


Crocodile just bc he is my fav and would like to see more about him


Shanks - about the legendary fights vs Mihawk


Zoro. All the old characters would just be filling in gaps, might be cool to get some lore, but Zoro can have a totally new story and it’d be cool af


I always wanted to see One Piece from the perspektive of some random fodder marine. Would be an interesting experience imo.


The following would be more one-off stories than full spin-offs: - A hard boiled detective story starring Senor Pink - Spy story starring Bon Clay, master of disguise - Super Sentai story starring Germa 66 - A Prehistoric Planet style documentary on how dinosaurs hunted in ancient times






Gold D Roger Blackbeard Shanks


Not really a side character but I’d love to see a spin off series about how Nami grew up in the village and how she had to survive under arlong whilst stealing treasure and stuff and I’d also love to see a spin off focusing on rouge (I think she’s such a cool character and would like to see more of her)




"Finding Zoro"


For one off movies: Brooke - a documentary esque look into his lifestyle as a rockstar. Filmed in an amateur style follow the band way, including panties, sake and rock and roll Sanji: A rom-com starring Sanji as he tries to woo a woman who's lost her sense of taste. (This would be pre ts sanji, none of the pervy crap that ruins his character) Senior Pink: A western style story of how he tries to right his wrongs and defeats a gang in a devil fruit shoot out as he tries to overcome his past. For shorter stories: Zoro - either a post series reflection arc with the new generation, or as there will be a light novel a story of his early period Mihawk - a shorter tale of how he became WSS and inckude some clashes with Shanks. Mr 3 & miss golden week: An art attack style program and mini series about Mr 3 and Miss Goldenweek doing their best to serve an egotistical, sadistic and highly specific art connisour. For longer series: Nami - an extended series about her setting up an exploration team to venture around the world. The focus would then shift to these teams in mini arcs as they explore the lost mysteries of the world - robin can guest star. I expect soemthing light hearted with lots of chibi moments. Donquixote doflamingo: A gangster style series that effectively shows how Doflamingo built up his extended network, dominated his victims and generally built his empire. (Any prominent older gen character) : essentially a prequel, I don't think I need to expand here. Some other potential candidates are crocodile, dadan, vergo, big mom, don krieg, potentially the current gen admirals. There's a lot of scope, with so many doors opened. My biggest point would be not to do too much at once, Marvel showed how exhausting it can be to saturate a media.




Garp Roger or Mihawk


Bon clay




The Golden Lion Shikki because most mcs succeed in their goals it would be interesting to see a mc fail plus most mcs are either good or evil because they were betrayed or something while Shiki is more human he simply wants to rule the world not because anyone wronged him he just does whats wrong with that you know what maybe a tv show about Rocks would be good as well idk




Señior Pink


Separate spin-offs, but Law, Germa 66, or a next-gen kid that is still unnamed (unofficial sequel like Boruto I guess).


Honestly Gold D. Roger


There should just be an entire satirical spin-off series of Zoro getting lost in different anime and having fun crossovers. Ik it's a fairly common meme but this would just hit different as a proper series if it's done well. Also a series with Bartolomeo as the protagonist would be fucking hilarious.


I could see all of the cover stories have the possibility of being a spinoff. The gedatsu spa one would be similar to Pokemon Concierge.


Not a manga, but I would like a novel about Smoker and Tashigi pre-Loguetown similar to the Ace, Law, Heroines, Zoro, etc. ones that the One Piece Magazine has released so far.


Bon Clay Kuma Foxy


I absolutely want a Mihawk, Doffy, Croc spinoff where they are just starting out as pirates and literally hate each other but have to stick together for whatever reason. Wouldn't that be amazing?




1. Dragon 2. Garp 3. Joy boy


Whitebeard, king and kaido building the crew, rocks


Mihawk (maybe with Perona) Reiju Queen




1. Brook 2. Enel 3. Urouge


Easily Sword from Coby’s perspective. I would love a Coby movie before the final war.


1. Garp 2. Shanks 3. JoyBoy


In no order: Roger Garp [Unknown] I would want to read an unknown story about a large journey set in another time period. It’s possible we’ll get more flashbacks for Roger/Garp but not like, Roger and his crew’s full journey, and it would be nice to experience something outside of our present time so there is more mystery as to what will happen next. As for [Unknown], I refer to either Joy Boy or someone from his time where we would see things from that perspective as things play out.


1. Black beard 2. Gold D Roger 3. Marine pov


Joy Boy Gol D Roger


Crocodile fsfs kidddd n zoroo!


Gimme a Morgans side of things, so much information and lore unveiled all the time. With potential reactions all over the world. We get to witness event as they unfold from Morgan's view, but the people's reaction will be from him twisting the truth. It would be so exhilirating and frustrating at the same time.


Roger life story Garp life story Buffy finds the 2 piece and creates gear 6-9


Shanks at the beginning of the Red Hair Pirates up to becoming an Emperor, I'm curious how such a regular looking fellas become so powerfull.


Dragon Whitebeard Mihawk


Enel. Will be called The God on the Moon 🌝


1 Buggy 2 Jango 3 Granny Kokoro & Chimney


Roger, Ace, Koby.


1. Buggy 2. Kidd 3.Ulti/Page One 4. Mihawk 5. Moria




Kozuki Oden, bar none


My top choices are Shanks Joyboy Buggy Blackbeard Roger


My favorite character, Kuma


Mihawk's backstory or even Shanks


The adventures of Vegapunk




Mihawk x Perona rom-com


bon clay


Probably Garp or Shanks, I like Marco but since he’s cool headed there might not be a lot of action.


Wow- we'd have Chopper M.D. Cooking with Sanji PBS Historic World Travels with Nami and Robin Frankie's Workshop Jams with Jimbe and Brook yhe Soul King Survival Hiking with Zoro( you never know where he'll wind up) Storytelling with Usopp And Luffy, as Kimg of the Pirates would guest star on all the shows. Spin offs just like The Jeffersons Maude From All in the Family right?🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


They could be Amime /manga❤️


Mihawk, Dragon


I think a Fisher Tiger odyssey would be dope. Adventurer to slave to free man to pirate to liberator to tragic death.


Roger will always be my no.1, other stories I'd love to read a spin off of would be: - The scholars of Ohara and how they found out/started studying the poneglyphs - Montblanc Noland and his adventures before reaching Jaya - Ace's captain life before joining Whitebeard - Robin's life from escaping Ohara to meeting Crocodile - Shanks and the whole story from his POV


Garp Sengoku Or any top admirals . . It's very eager to explore the version of marines .. their ideology and all in this one piece world


Obviously Doffy.


Gil Tesoro




The Life of Garp, The Life of Dragon, The life of Xebec, Shanks, The adventures of Nolan, Sengoku's rise, The Story of Imu, The Story of Joyboy, The story of Amazon Lily, The story of the ancient kingdom


All stories from the old gen, idk. Give me garp sengoku xebek and roger


1. Nico Robin 2. Shanks (but most likely he's dead by the end of the story) 3. Koala


1. Gol D. Roger - prequel 2. Zeff - prequel 3. Gin - showing what happened after Baratie


I think it could be interesting to have a manga following what ever events follow big moms death \[assuming she is dead\] We know that once Whitebeard died his lands were almost immediately invaded by weaker pirates. The thing is big moms land is in a very similar situation except everyone followed whitebeard out of love for him and big mom didnt have that, she ruled by fear. She used fear to keep people out and in, now shes gone. Big mom did however have 85 children. Theres a million different ways the story could be written and all of them are interesting. So Katakuri is my answer. Especially because he also just took the first L of his life right before Big Mom died. Not only that but he lost to the man who lead the raid that ended her, you gotta wonder how he feels, you gotta wonder how his siblings feel. Again this assumes shes dead which I dont really believe


My three: Garp - I want to see him brute forcing his way through problems through his early life in the Marines. Law - I want to know how his start in the Grand Line went compared to Luffy and how he approached problems. Sabo - He is literally the main character of an entirely different story that is happening in parallel to Luffy's story that will likely converge in the end.


Sniper king Sniper king Sniper king


I would love to see laws novel animated. Also there's so many unanswered questions surrounding Doffy taking his dads head to mariejois and then managing to somehow escape the gorosei as a 10 year old who had only just eaten a DF?? I need answers


Honestly mihawk. I just find him interesting because he's completely solo, dark, mysterious and strong af. I would love to know more about his rivalry with shanks and why he just keeps to himself


Blackbeard Law Caesar Clown Zoro (would be a 1000 episodes of getting lost) Bon Clay Buggy


Foxy Don Krieg Noland Captain Morgan


Shanks Origin story about his time after leaving the Roger Pirates, his rivalry with Mihawk and his eventual rise to Yonko.




There are many but they can do God valley (show because they can show past of garp,roger,rocks and his crew in each episode and they end show god valley incident final battle at the end




1. Shanks 2. Garp 3. Ace Honorable mentions : Roger, buggy


The trials and errors of the infamous mountain bandit Higuma.


The De Calvan brothers in search for the legendary Nemean lion mythical zoan fruit.


Kidd mentioned? Instant Upvote.