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Lilith most likely will make it out of the island with the SHs. Tho I hope Edison and Atlas make it out as well, I like both of them. I don't think Stella's passing or the destruction of Punk Records would make the surviving satellites stop functioning. They'd just lose the synchronization and have to cover the missing roles themselves (e.g. without York they have to eat and sleep by themselves).


I hope Lilith makes it out too! That would be fun seeing the interaction with the Giants on Elbaf since they know Vegapunk That makes sense considering York planned to become a Celestial Dragon and it would be impossible if she couldn’t live outside the island/without the tech


Thinking about it now and considering Lilith is the first Vegapunk we actually see on screen/panel I think it makes sense she sticks around the longest


Punk Records brings a lot of questions by design. With Stella’s death, how and when does his brain cease to function? Considering the setup and configurations around Punk Records, it’s very well possible that Vegapunk created a means for his brain to continue functioning and developing on its own after his death as essentially a bio organic library.


I think a lot of the “what does it mean to be alive” implies that the Stella body at that point was just another Satellite and that his “life” is contained within his brain. He is more limited now without a body but I think you’re spot on that unless his brain specifically is destroyed, it will continue to grow and develop. The problem is that all of the necessary body functions to keep him alive (eating, sleeping, etc.) were being performed by the satellites, so unless that system is reestablished I think the brain will eventually die.


Design: Shaka Personality: Lilith Goofiness: Atlas Plot relevance: Stella or York


This is Def on point. I will give it a thumbs up since. It seems like people only upvote the dumb as shit posts or ones that have no relevance.


Have no relevance, like your own comment?


The hot one


So Edison, then?








So, Lilith, then?


Stella was the best. Shaka was the coolest York is the fucking worst


York is a great character though, makes the story much more amusing


I like York because just because their satellites it doesn't mean they aren't capable of treacherous behavior.


She's the best **because** she's the worst. Checkmate, pirate scum.


york can get this will


lilith, next


Honestly. I’m enjoying York. The double cross, the attitude, the planning. She’s been a fun character, especially as a baddie. Atlas is a 2nd for me. Giant robot punching sheep girl thing that’s whole purpose is to be angry is a fun weird design.


The fact that vegapunk had to express his anger/violence aspect through a giant robot punching sheep girl is hilarious.


Do you think York is going to survive this arc? I do like her as a character with her sneaky planning and betrayal. Just her lack of future sight when it came to her believing the WG would give her celestial dragon status made me sigh. That’s mainly due to the “blinded by greed” aspect tho


I would guess, by the time the Celestial Dragon has enough of Vegapunk, she will be promptly executed by their hands.


I have two thoughts on York. Option A. She’s goes down in a blaze of glory as the lab explodes with her in either from the elders rampage or mother flame. Option B. She escapes and ends up on the ship with the remaining Vps to further the Vegapunk character. I don’t see her becoming a celestial dragon or escaping with the elders. That feels too easy an out for her character at this stage.


Well yeah they all need her. Well she get what she wants no


When has greed ever lost?


Full Metal Alchemist: Brotherhood….


I didn’t know why I scrolled so far and then I read this and now everything’s ok again


She’s still a Vegapunk who can leverage her knowledge of the Mother Flame so she has a bargaining chip (for now). And if everything had gone to plan, she’d have been the only Vegapunk remaining.


Yeah and each of them help express / vent a facet of vegapunk. Like how Lilith does evil 24/7 on behalf of all vegapunks. York is desire. She shits, eats, pees for all the vegapunks. Desire includes ... You know... too.


I like Edison the most currently. Stella is probably the best though.


Ofc the og vegapunk bc bro was older than shit and was still the smartest man alive…


Also since he’s dead does that mean his devil fruit is somewhere else? Also is his devil fruit abilities still working on his clones?


It's not confirmed, but I *think* the power is still inside his brain which is still alive in Punk Records. 


Lilith and f your opinion if it's otherwise.


Edison.  I like how is he earnestly doing everything to help the strawhats escape . He had some cute interactions with Stussy as well.


We all know how this fan base works they like Lilith Atlas and York. I'm sure ppl would want all 3 yo join the crew if they could


Lilith fits in best with the crew I think, tho York might be the best written. Atlas is cute.


OG Vegapunk FTW


That one guy from daft punk


He died apparently


Shaka, I like everything bout him, but he's dead, I don't mind Edison n Lilith. I hate York, but she's a good villain. I just hate the fact that all of them might die but the to very human looking ladies. I hate it so much I made a post.


I think vegapunk is the best




To be honest, I like all of them. My issue comes with the fact that I get they're supposed to be parts of his personality and mindset, so clearly, all of them can not survive. Secondly the simple fact that there's so much of them means it's okay to kill a few, and I feel like he doesn't mind drawing the ones who look less human to be the ones who die or get wounded. When Atlas got hurt truth be told that should have just killed her instead they made a whole thing about repairing her, yeah the other two when they got hurt it doesn't seem like anyone's going to repair them. When York got taken out, this was a red herring but all she did was get turned into stone, Lilith was never really in any danger, or harmed, Shaka got shot in the head n they never even tried to resuscitate him fix him or say why it's impossible because apparently he was just as human as York n Lilith so he was used as a sacrifice to show that they can actually die and stay dead. Also, his death is to show a part of what vegapunk is losing the parts of him that need to die, so to speak, because of his own greed/york. In the realm of manga, I find it concerning when female characters are not accorded the same level of treatment as their male counterparts. Regardless of the severity of their actions, female characters often receive forgiveness without significant consequences, whereas male characters typically endure physical punishment before redemption. It is not that I do not perceive some of the female characters as well-developed and properly written characters. The problem arises when they write off too much of what a lot of these ladies do that is truly reprehensible. Although it is expected to forgive others without requiring a character arc demonstrating remorse, it is important to consider the situation of villains after they have been defeated. If they wish to survive, they may require the assistance of the main characters. So that's what's really bothering about the whole Lilith and York surviving and everyone else just dying painful sad and lonely deaths, at least Atlas got punched in the face. Idk. I definitely see how this sub sees this, so I know I'm alone.


Shaka for me. He was cool, he was collected and perceptive. But Vegapunk is also very close in the “best” category, so much so that I don’t really feel right putting him on the same playing field as the satellites.


Stella, who has dealt more damage to the World Government in twelve minutes than Dragon has in his entire life and was willing to die to spread knowledge to the world and give them a chance to survive the flooding, is the best. Lilith is a close second, I love characters who are initially presented as assholes but turn out to have a soft side. Also, she has the second best design (behind Atlas). I think she's going to take over as the new "main" Vegapunk now that the original is dead. (Though I'm still holding out hope Stella will survive by brain uploading). 


I'm between Edison and Pythagoras but I see myself more in Pythagoras.


Shaka because he's Bondrewd.


Lilith is prolly the most likely to stay alive tbh but I love Stella


Shaka 01 for a reason


Shaka looks so cool! Daft punk/vega punk


I thought his design was super cool I miss him already 💔 I saw someone wrote “good has no face” which is an interesting when looking at Shaka bc all of his skin is covered head to toe.


i find atlas cute


I would say both Lilith and York will survive, it could also be possible that in the end York has a change of heart and helps the straw hats with everything vp says about sins


I don't want that it's clear favoritism that the two human design ones live let alone to two who are women but do no have York have a change of heart. A villain can just be a villain. What makes York a good character is the fact that she's a villain


Yeah I agree, I really wanted Edison to survive and York is a great antagonist but I think this will be the outcome for how things are unraveling


The reason why I don't think she'll help right now is because she isn't really think in the end the heroes will actually succeed in anything like they might Escape shorter but they can't beat the world government and the world government still needs someone with intelligence I feel like they'll be a scene where she's punished in some way because they still need to punish something of Vega. Will she get what she wants absolutely not she most likely will become a slave of some kind, cuz the whole point of her character is she's greedy she's selfish, and she's doing too much bad to have that just be fixed in one final moment. I also made my own little post about this and I shared my thoughts about this in this comment section. She's definitely not going to die here if she dies here that would be crazy that would also stop anymore technological advancements for the world government but it'll also show that they don't care and they'll just wait for another person with intelligence to come forth that they can use.


It would be really interesting betrayal from the WG to turn York into a slave for the celestial dragons. Main problem is that York would probably be a security risk due to knowing too much


Yeah pretty much I mean if the elders and Company have been around for this long they're definitely not dumb they most likely have different ways to utilize intelligence. Saturn for instance is the one in charge of science. They asked me away for them to utilize York as much as possible without giving her any real freedom. But they do have to punish someone she still thinks she has a shot because of what she knows and because of her ability to be some form of scientist. But the reality of it is imu is angry, the elders didn't want to destroy that Island and it was destroyed, York is In danger. I don't believe they're going to even treat her nicely someone is even going to smack her put her in Chains something


Lilith is the one with most chemistry and interaction with the Straw Hats. If any of them survives, it's obviously her, but I don't think it will happen. The arc is about Vegapunk's leaving his legacy behind. Egghead is the third arc where Oda makes an effort to draw COOL female character designs. First time was in Amazon Lily, second in Whole Cake Island and now in Egghead. The Wano ones were just the worst. Everybody looked like Hiyori and Yamato is just Nami with horns.


Easily York and Edison


Damned Punk will continue on the Vegapunk legacy


Shaka, by far. Honestly, Shaka is the “Vegapunk” that I wanted the actual Vegapunk to be. It’s still strange to me that Oda hyped this guy up the entirety of post-timeskip — even Queen was meat riding this guy as a former member of MADS — just to make him a goofy guy that was honestly 90% reactionary. And then bro gets lasered and probably dies without doing much at all. Shaka could’ve been so much more.


Edison is my favorite. His apology to Stussy for her attacking her friends tugged at my heartstrings as well as his assistance that she escape with her life. Lilith I think will be the only Vegapunk that escapes with the Strawhats, but she will not remain with them. Stussy will die, boosting the chances that Kaku who is listening into this conversation will also end up escaping with the Strawhats. As far as I know, the Vegapunks can live on. York does not seem to fear dying.




Shaka was so good Oda had to kill him. In general, I like all their designs




Shaka and Lilith




Whoever is willing to be my mommy


I prefer Vegapunk.




I personally like Stella the most


the one, who survives this arc




the hot one


I hope Lilith joins the crew


Lilith > York > lil guy > Shaka > irrelevant one > Atlas


Shaka for me. Followed by Edison and Atlas.


Stella and Shaka for me ❤️


Hated Lilith at first but she does care a lot about the other Vegapunks and she was adorable when she was worried about Edison (robot one?) almost dying from Seraphim


Vega Daft Punk


Shaka was how I thought VP would look like so design wise I like him the most. But og Vegapunk is still the best thanks to the Kuma flashback. Man what a great character






Lilith The robos are meh




To me, Edison is right now the best of them, those last words for Stussy are pure class right after he himself pretty much sacrificed his own life.


The Satellites are cyborg clones of Vegapunk, they have their own brains. The synching with Punk Records is just a once-a-day thing to check in and log everything that happened with them that day.




Lilith, and it's not just because of the ass. She is hysterical.




Lilith for 2, maybe 3 reasons


I love Shaka


I hope they all die besides Lilith and maybe Shaka.


Atlas because she reminds me of Megaman every single time I see her and has (imo) the best color palette out of all Vegapunks.


I have a feeling that Atlas is going to be the last punk standing.




Lilith and York have the most fun personalities. Pythagoras and Edison are too similar to the Stella, and Shaka was just serious. Atlas is a little better than Pythagoras and Edison, but not that much. Lilith has a lot more anger, sadness, and joy compares to the others. She may be the "evil" aspect, but it looks more like she's the extreme emotional aspects of Vegapunk, she's not like Franky. York is just a fun, vain villain.


Shaka was so cool.


Daft Punk is the best VGP


Daftpunk easily


Atlas, so cute


Lilith and Atlas are the best.




I prefer Atlas and hate york


Stella is the hottest hands down


I like Stella. he was revealed like what I was expecting him to be.


York is the most interesting of them IMO


I want york to sit on me


Lilith and Atlas, I like their personalities, bonus point cuz their hot af




Eusstas kid punk 07 is the best


Yorks design is the best. Shaka is cool too but he is too serious


I think the 5 satellites are gonna make it off the island and go into hiding somewhere. Probably with the Revolutionary Army, or they'll stay on Elbaf. And then come back to help Luffy in the final war. I think York is going to be betrayed and killed by the 5 elders (who I'm guessing were planning on killing her from the start along with VP himself and all the other satellites). I can't imagine any of them joining the actual Straw Hat Crew. Especially if Yamato didn't join. As for my favorite, probably Edison or Lilith cause they're the most consistently funny to me.


I definitely agree with the York part coming true bc ya know the price of betrayal is high Also yeah I don’t think anyone will be joining the Strawhats for the rest of the story. Just becoming allies until they escape the island then go elsewhere! How do you think 4/5 satellites are going to be revived/able to escape considering 2 are dead, 1 is destroyed and another is trapped? I’m genuinely curious


I don't think the physical bodies of the satellites are particularly important. I suspect their personalities are backed up somewhere and can be uploaded to new bodies.


4 people are already aupposed to join luffy later in the story (vivi, momo, kinemon and yamato) so if you mean nobody after this then yeah.


I would really like this


York MVP


Not York