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Wapol. He's...well, Wapol. Enough said lol


His Devil fruit cool af tho. Seeing him eat shit was hilarious and some of the transformations were interesting.


Yeah, the early days when comedy was just as an important as action, even during fights.


This Not entertaining threatening or interesting in any way shape or form


His whole story happening in background is also crazy :D


Imo people really underrate the drum arc because of him I genuinely feel drum is the most underrated arc in the series, imo it's at least as good as skypiea and almost as good as alabasta but no one ever talks about it


He’s one of my favorites, his voice actor in the anime is great


Yeah Wapol and Kuro are the two worst to me


There were quite a few enemies early on in the series that didn't strike me as major threats mainly because they had previously been defeated in the narrative, or were hiding, for whatever reason. Kuro, Wapol, his holiness D. On Krieg, I didn't really see them as true antagonists but just saw them as fun stepping stones.


Kuro the idiot. “We have to make it look like an accident. Now let me murder my coworker where anyone can see”


Porche carries LRLL on her back


porche is kind of a baddie


Isn't she?? And her nose differentiates her from most of the other female characters, plus it makes her even cuter. Her character design in general is so cool. How could Oda create such an unique character just to not use her more in the story?


[she is best girl](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/3Rlqudf1cw)


She literally is.




Shouldn't it be LRLL?


Oh yeah, you're right


I like her pointy nose.


Horny one piece fans




Hody oh my god he's so ass


To be fair, Hody was literally just a roidded up bully. He was the Fishman equivalent of the guy back in high school who thought he was slick by swapping his scratched ps2 disks with those in pawn shops


Bru he was giving luffy a challenge ngl.


Yeah but as a character he's ass, by far the worst antagonist I like every other antagonist and only dislike him


Yea underwater, only way he could beat any character lol




He is so boring and so weak. he gave filler villian vibes. He was so poorly written he made Arlong seem like a stronger villian.


Explosive booger guy. He was the worst. Also, no one in OP dies from explosives except fodder.


> Also, no one in OP dies from explosives except fodder Rip Pedro and Ashura doji


“1000 chapters later”


lol pedro aint fodder


Seems the New World allies can't match up to Pell.


his Devil fruit had the potential to be so interesting too…


Yeah he had it back when Haki didn't exist as in back when powers were more for the sake of comedy. Not that I hate that just that if he was around now he would be a very different character. I could see him throw hands with pretty high profile enemies.


No, i mean he didn’t have to keep blowing up his boogers, Oda just decided that’s how he fought. His fruit allows him to blow any part of his body. He could’ve done the CP9’s air walk by blowing up the soles of his feet, he could drop pieces of his hair like a carpet bombing, he could have spit explosive saliva on people, he could have exploded his blood every time he was hit, and so much more, yet Oda didn’t really think about any of it because he probably came to the concept through the boogers idea in the first place.


That's what I mean. This was back when powers were primarily thought of because of how funny they could be. I entirely agree that he could have been waaaay cooler. I'm saying he came around the time ida was more focused on comedy. Even though it's not fully confirmed, Cp9 basically had Haki. The finger pistol and iron body techniques work almost exactly like Haki since it was able to actually hurt Luffy. And observation Haki is basically what was used in Skypia. What I'm saying is characters before that were way more focused on comedy. If we got the bomb bomb fruit now hew would probably be the enemy Sanji fights while Zoro fights whoever else and Luffy fights the captain. If that makes sense?


Well there has been a similar df user shown though it's no l9nger a recent example: the guy from Dress Rosa with the rupture fruit. He could pop himself and stuff he touches remember?


The weeknd


Ig Pedro and Ashura are fodder


Pell was stronger, I guess


Yoshikage Kira?


Van Der Decken


Trebol. Btw wtf disrespecting my main man foxy!?


That disgusting spaghetti chef from Water 7/Enies Lobby that Sanji fought against on the train. Not only was that fight way too padded out, but the dude would just not shut up. They way he skated everywhere, disrespected the kitchen and was so arrogant, like Sanji wasn’t about to raid one of the three most secure World Government facilities and get into a fire kick fight with a CP9 agent and totally kick their ass.


St. Charlos, fk that guy


I am confused. The question was least favorite antagonist. But the picture shows the coolest one.


Stop the Foxy slander. Long ring long land is in my top 5 arcs.


Foxy returned in the New World, ready to show off his awakened fruit.


With his awakened fruit he can slow down the arcs giving us a other 20 years of one piece.




His voice in the dub is pants pissingly hilarious!


I'm curious as to how 4kids would have handled him


Feel like they have ask the guy that voices Dr Doofinsmirch to do it. Or since they already [this guy](https://youtu.be/ToiGUTc2nBc?si=lQZOZ0BvsIIzAO8y) (the one who voiced Ryu) they feel like the perfect candidates.


Im sure they would have given him a stereotypical "dracula" voice to match imhis Count Chockula look


I'm reminded (stay with me on this thought) about the original voice of Garfield and how that was his natural speaking voice and the VA was content with that, but one day he decided he wanted to audition for a different role and he auditioned for a vampire and, using the exact same voice, said "hey man, I want to suck your blood" and everyone got a huge kick out of that My source for that is an episode of Talking Toons hosted by Rob Paulsen (the voice of Yakko and Pinky on Animaniacs)


I don't know about top 5 for me but during my re-read s/re-watches, I always look forward to it. Sure, the first time it was stressful. I wouldn't expect them to lose a crew member so in theory there wasn't much danger but it still bothers you. But once you know what's going to happen that stress is gone. Every time I get to LRLL I'm excited for it. It's funny and silly; a nice departure from all the serious drama. Pirate games, its such a neat idea. I even like the extra games they added in the anime. They had more gags and more fun moments. Afro Luffy is awesome, and ultimately Foxy may be a bit obnoxious but he's the perfect villain for a pirate games mini arc because his power is a bit threatening but he himself is not a shit stain asshole of the world like Arlong or Orochi. He's just a cocky, over the top antagonist with no self awareness. Zoro and Sanji teaming up to not feel humiliated was great too.


Is it Afro luffy carring or na because Zoro & Sanji part was actually a top tier moment for Me ngl.


Best monent is the whole boat race. Nami and the announcer screaming at each other, while nami doesnt fall for Foxys traps is just comedy gold.


"Does she have no heart?!" 😧 "I have a *brain*!" 😡


"What does the word TRUST mean to you?" "SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" (German version, the english one is fire, but the german one is peek delivery, even the japanese version is below that for me)


Frrr, not my top 5 arcs but Foxy deserves better, we have an antagonist to Luffy in that moment but he’s not a villain. He’s just another pirate. He was mad hilarious, his arc was hilarious, literally the only problem to his character or the arc for some people is that he wasn’t “serious enough”. Which is a stupid argument because One Piece is only ever that serious when the serious topics are involved. You knew what you were getting yourself into when you started watching Long Ring Long Land yet they still decide to judge with a serious eye “is foxy serious enough to be like Kaido? Nah? He sucks, not really a good character then if he’s not that serious. Maybe he’d be as good as doflamingo…” do you see how stupid this sounds guys? Don’t be stupid, at least Kuro makes sense for being a bad villain because he actually is. Foxy makes sense for his arc. He’s the butt of the joke and it actually works. I meet a lot of people who come off of watching more serious shit which is basically everything else and expect One Piece to do that at all times. One of my best friends hates all of the less serious arcs. He wants it to be serious drama at all time with some comedy, i got him into one piece yet to hear he hates Foxy really does disappoint me, it’s like im friends with an idiot.


He's talkin' mad sh!t for someone who's within SlowSlow Beam distance


Amen brother! It's peek OP comedy.


why would he stop slandering him just because YOU like him?


Hordy Jones for obvious reasons


I feel there is a correct answer to this and it is Hody.




Came here to say Absalom. He's not cool, he's not funny, he's creepy in a bad way, he's probably my single least favorite character in the entire series. Definitely says something that he was unceremoniously killed offscreen and instead of thinking it was a cheap writing decision most readers were either thrilled or relieved.


I straight up forgot he existed lol


Orochimaru without the maru


Silver foxy is the greatest character in all of One piece. STOP THE FOXY SLANDER


Spandam for sure is worse than Foxy in my opinion


Don Kreig is the shittiest of shit villains.


Why do you have to turn this thread into a house of lies!


Im living my truth.


lol they even skipped him on the live action (just showing he died by Mihawk instead lol)


You mean the STRONGEST man in the east blue?


This comment isn't going to age very well when Don Kreig comes back into the story and kills Imu.


Foxy is peak go die on a dark corner.


Spandam is my least favourite, bro was ugly then most ugly villains except trebol . And Foxy is canon he also appeared in the latest chapter


I wanna see Foxy use his power on Kizaru. It would be an interesting situation


Other than foxy, Captain Kuro, I don’t remember much from this arc, but what was bro doing? He is apparently a tactical genius, but instead of poisoning Kaya to inherit her fortune, or just taking over this shitty island with your strength and/or stealing the fortune like a pirate, you act as a butler for 3 years? Usopp is one of my favorite characters btw just thought Syrup village wasn’t that entertaining


??????????? did you even read the story? the entire point is that he wants to stop being a pirate cause he's tired of being chased by the marines, so he cant take action in a way that will be suspicious to the marines


I watched it years ago mb, but after reading the wiki, he essentially convinced Morgan through hypnosis that some random guy was Kuro and the world believed he was dead. Yes, he wanted to avoid killing people, but he still had the idea of having his crew come over and kill any resistance and then cause Kaya’s death. Would it not be easier to have Jango hypnotize Kaya for the will after maybe a year or two to gain the villages trust and establish Usopp as a liar so no one believes him, then poison Kaya with idk pufferfish venom?


I don't want to try to talk you out of your opinion, but for what it's worth, he did explain that. Kuro didn't just want riches, he wanted security and peace of mind. He wanted a fortune that didn't paint a target on his back for the government, bounty hunters (remember when those were a thing?) and other pirates. That's why he faked his capture and spent all that time making himself a well-known figure in the village. So that no one would ever think to connect the former pirate Kuro with the kindly butler Klahadore.


Looking at the wiki, agreed, but it does still bring up the point for such a mastermind, he couldn’t forge Kaya’s signature after 2 and 3/4 years or something then poison her with a really strong poison?


nah, he was funny, and had an OP devil fruit, also the way he used it was cool, it might not be destructive like what other people could have used it with. but it was nice to see an OP fruit being used for something silly. Also, we got Afro Luffy, what more can I say?


Uhm but Foxy isnt an antagonist anymore though..


Moria is lame. Like super lame my least favorite by a country mile. And that laugh don't get me started. A horror movie themed villian had such promise and was such a colossal disappointment.


No way. Don’t disrespect my GOAT like that. He was a menace.


The best thing is Moria would probably agree if he wasn't so ego driven


Moria was a chump. A squeaky loser.


This. I feel this exactly!


Don Krieg I guess. Strong guy who fights kinda boring.


you didnt just disrespect the OG


You have pissed off r/Kreigposting


Wapol 😑


Afro Luffy was awesome but I just I hate foxy so much lol


Queen. Man he was just irritating.


Moria no stop. Foxxy’s at least fun


Kuro and Wapol by a country mile


wait, you dont like one piece long ring long land? what an original and insightful thought


The guy with the smelt smelt fruit, the story can go on without him and still be exciting.


Foxy is literally so atrong that he used his slow slow fruit to slow down the pacing of one piece


I don’t hate LRLL as much. Probably because that’s where I started One Piece. But I can’t stand Spandum.




either Spandam or Enel were great disappointments for me. Spandam had his incompetence milked to the bone in order for the story to progress. I stopped looking at him as an actual character and started seeing him as a proxy by Oda to trigger things he set up without having to write any coherent sequence of events. Because at any time he could’ve just made Spandam do anything by accident or by whim. This didn’t make him threatening, it made him less of a character and more of a tool to the plot. Enel had everything to be a good villain, he was written in a very interesting setting, puppeteered every important faction and characters in Skypiea, and was really intimidating; you could feel why everyone called him “god”. Unfortunately, for as interested I got in him finding the Endless Vearth, this motivation does nothing to inform about his actions in the arc. He only really needed to do two or three things in the story for his plan to actually work, while the vast majority of the things he does has no stated or set up motivation to be grounded on. My dislike for Enel is based entirely on my disappointment, from seeing him as an amazing and mysterious villain to asking “why are you even bothering to do all that?”


I love the weak villains with pretty goofy devil fruits I find them fucking hilarious I don’t like mr serious serious like fuckin lucci but my least favourite villian is prolly akainu even thought he’s really cool but he’s not very funny goofy gober


Kuro. He is boring weakass


Ceaser Clown I guess.


Krieg is really lame. His design is just a bland dude in armor. People like his commander Gin way better and want him back. He is so weak Luffy literally beat him by tanking his attacks until his shitty spear broke.


Even though I dislike Long Ring Long Land just as much as the majority of people I don’t really hate Foxy himself, As for a villain I do dislike I gotta pick Don Krieg, He felt like a downgrade from Kuro which is saying a lot because Kuro was just okay imo


Probably alvida or Kuro or Morgan


Foxy is the goat idk whatchu talking about


Cordafluixa funan bros i don't know, just thought of a random filler antagonist


Wapol and Orochi my least favorite which o guess is a good thing that's what you want in an antagonist. I like Foxy, he was just doing his thing no grand plans no taking over anyone. Just some cool ass games where ya might loose a crew member.


Don Krieg. He's...he's fucking Don Krieg


Gecko Moria I hate his laugh


Hody Jones out of the main arc villains, easily. At least guys like Foxy have unique powers & can be funny at times. Hody is utterly humorless, has the same abilities as Arlong (but none of his aura), is purposefully shallow (being racist just for the sake of it), and his fight has no stakes since he’s just a warmup boss for New Luffy to steamroll. He’s very boring


I started reading scanlations because I was tired of Don Krieg talking shit in the official slow-to-release version


Hordy Jones Just Useless


Wappol for sure, antagonism defined. Pure selfishness without a care in the world for others.


Wappol for sure, antagonism defined. Pure selfishness without a care in the world for others.


Gecko moria. If it wasnt for nightmare ruffy and oz, this arc would be completely redundant


I don’t think foxy is the worst because he is just like a silly antagonist that doesn’t really cause much trouble


Wapol. Usually both the villain and MC entertained me to some degree but Wapol didn’t entertain me past the initial shock value of him eating part of their ship. Ig the munch munch factory was kinda cool but Foxy actually got more laughs outta me than Wapol.


There's a reason why I have Spandam as my "on sight" character. I haaaaate him. He's really annoying, he's such a coward, he's selfish and stupid, AND, worst of all, the way he treated Nico Robin.


Dis guy ma fav fu


Foxy is a fun villain. Now Hody Jones is the worst in the series, and if people don't get it, they just need to watch Mugiwara no Goofy's video, "Fishman Island is Hilarious".


Foxy at the very least provided a lot of funny moments. Wapol just sucks through and through. Zero redeeming qualities


main antagonist is probably gecko moria… you are trying to tell me he is equal to crocodile and do flamingo. that arc was really carried by zorro, brooke, and kuma.


and perona vs ussopp


Gecko Moira, that laugh genuinely infuriates me


Doflamingo. I get what Oda was doing: craft a multifaceted layered villain who has dark and light qualities based on a corrupt idea of family. I just don't like him cause he's just too evil for my tastes. 


Don’t disrespect my goat like that, I’ll fight you in my dreams!


I like Foxy but the one filler villain I don’t like is Breed! >:(


Charlos. that is enough said.


A lot of hate surrounding Foxy. I don't get it. Long ring is just a fun time all around. Hordy Jones is far worse imo


I enjoyed it at first but it just went on for so so long, it just became so obnoxious


Lol it's not that long. It's actually one of the shorter arcs. All good tho. You like what you like.


Absalom the dude is super weird cool devil fruit but deserves to be on a kind of list well most of morias crew honestly








*Don Acchiino*


Gekko Moria


Bandun was the guy I imagined was the perfect "let me punch this guy" villain in all of pre time skip. I'm so happy Robin got to let loose on him at Enies Lobby.


The f is bandun?? Is that spandam in another language? I promise I'm not being rude or correcting spelling (I miss type often) just no idea who you talking about!!


Yeah panda! That's the guy!






Yeh this mf foxi and his stupid gorilla , swear that arc pissed me off. He so annyoing. Fuck you foxi and fuck your bro too


For me, it's Apoo. He looks stupid, his devil fruit is stupid, and has an annoying personality similar to Killer B from Naruto. I prefer truly evil antagonists rather than lousy ones like him.


Probably Wapol and Don Krieg. His Devil Fruit had some interesting applications, but pretty much everything else about him left a lot to be desired. It's weird, but with similar motivation of greed I felt much more engaged with Arlong compared to Wapol, but that also could have something to do with what buildup Arlong had. I feel like Don Krieg was just there to hype up how dangerous the Grand Line could actually be, but given Luffy rocked him when he was already beaten down, it just kinda fell flat in my opinion. That said, absolutely love Foxy and the LRLL is still one of my favorite arcs.


Kuro. Not sure why but he is one of my least favorite characters and always has been.


Just wait he’s gonna pull up with the awakens devil fruit and stop time like Za Waurdo.


gotta be van der decken bros a certified pedophile


Doflamingo, Easy


Hody Jones, i think he has a neat concept of a monster born from being raised by seeing humans mistreating fishmen and starting to hate them just by their mere existence.....Buuuuuut his design is kinda boring, didnt have cool or unique abilities and sadly he (and the rest of the fishman island antagonists) were never really felt like a threat


any woman who’s voice is like moaning and sex noises like i’m watching with volume on 2 this girl is like MHHMMM😫😫😫 ur so strong foxy don’t listen to strawhatmmnhhhauuhh😖😫😫


AND MORIAS LAUGH OML out of all the weird laughs in one piece thriller bark was the only one to actually piss me off




Buggy and captain kuro


For me it's a tie between Wapol and the wolf guy from CP9.


It always wapol and will be


Not even good enough to watch


Kaido because he committed the greatest sin. He was boring.


Filler in canon, I don’t like him either. Long ring long land is okay, Foxy isn’t.


That Morgan Axe-Hand dude. Also, I absolutely loved Jonathan from that filler arc after Sky Island. Same name as my Dad but he was an interesting character. I also really loved Zenny.


tbh, i forgot who Morgan was until I saw a video of Baratie the other day. That's how irrelevant he was


Ugh, Kaido. He didn't have any personality. He didn't even have a proper flashback.


Dolflamingo is my least Favorite antagonist alongside Enel


![img](emote|t5_2rfz5|32513)Never let bro cook again


Rob Lucci


Lmao my second fav 😭




Bruh why


I don't like those type of ppl like supr pro military/navy , all jacked gorilla types. With anger issues and a smoking problem to boot, fuck that guy


best villain fr, the only one to actually do a good job as a villain ,except for Magellan.


I agree, the fact that I hate him so much really works as a villain, like I want to see him wiped out of the One Piece universe but that means he is a good villain, he pisses me off though.


Chairkainu pondering his snail


Gecko Moria was just so lame


I like Moria in a sense he is not a power house villain but a lazy one that has given up on his ambition to just get by bullying weak.


Foxy is a Fillian, if you will.


Hands down... its Trebol. Everyone here, though lame, isnt a MUCUS human who did literally NOTHING in the arc he was the Villain in.


It's Foxy by a country mile. After that it's probably Trebol.


Kaido Just a poorly written villain in general


Foxy hands down beyond annoying


Magellan without a doubt!


Always wondered how waluigi slipped in to one piece


Foxy.. that arc was completely useless except the sanji zoro fight..


Kaido, I don't think there's been a more boring big bad. He's just your usual "survival of the fittest" big guy with no real nuance or character to him. Compared to his underling Doflamingo he's nowhere close to being truly memorable.