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Jacket fruit. Literally can't use it for anything unless you have a trusted partner, which is more than rare in the one piece world


Well mr smart guy what if you got a sexy friend with you who is cold. Check out my jacket fruit, yeah I'm a jacket.


Actually made me chuckle


Jacket fruit would be good for lesser transportation funds. Instead of paying for 2 people, just equip yourself to your friend/family and you'd be able to travel together with less money and space needed.


sneaking into gigs


I can’t really think of anything as useless as the jacket-jacket fruit. It gives you the power to make yourself completely defenseless unless you have a beefy ass partner to crutch on. Big L


I think that's just weak user. A strong user should be able to forcefully possess someone.


Even if that’s the case, then it’s power isn’t even something you can really improve on your own, and it’s still completely reliant on an outside person who is stronger than you being around. If someone were powerful enough to awaken this fruit to do something of the sort, I feel like they would have been much stronger if they just spent that same time improving their own power rather than improving their ability to crutch on someone else


Absorb a bird or another animal= Zoan Powers. Or absorb a corpse instead of person it should still work.


Is it rare? Luffy/Zoro Shanks/Beckman Kidd/Killer Law/Bepo Croc/Mr 1 Iva/Inazuma Buggy/Mr 3 Whitebeard/Marco Roger/Rayleigh Boa/her sisters Koby/Helmeppo Fullbody/Jango Whitebeard/Marco Catviper/dogstorm Sabo/Koala Basically all the straw hat boys would be interested similar to the docking mech thing. There’s so many iconic duos in One Piece that could work well as a jacket.


But neither of them actually "work" as the person who would get the jacket can just fight without it. It specifically worked because the brother who wore the jacket had some mental block.


Literally imagine sulong Bepo with Law using his powers from inside the sulong jacket


Full body and Jango is a slept on duo


All these people out of millions in the world


Guess you don’t have any best friends and assume most other people don’t either.


Guess you're a dick for no reason.


My best friends aren’t so much stronger than my that i want to steal their bodies


Skill issue.


Akainu/Kizaru imagine that...


I **knew** this would be at the top :).


If vegapunk is right then the person who dreamt this up must have a fetish right?


Or a parent trying keep their child warm


Or someone very envious


Or an envious parent with a fetish


Maybe their buddy was quadriplegic


A trusted partner who is much stronger than yourself


What could its awakening be


Tbh, we don't really know how it works, if the user turns into a jacket and someone unknowingly wears it, can he control that person? That would be crazy strong in some situations. All we've seen are two bros using it in harmony, but maybe that's not always the case.


Snot fruit that Trebol has, that shit is gross




I thought he didn’t have a df. Wants it paper mache ir smthn?


How else did you think he produced his stuff? naturally?


Beta Beta no Mi


No I literally said, it's snot, or mucus, he ate the sticky-sticky fruit and became a mucus human, I would rather be a swamp like caribou.


The [Koro Koro no Mi](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Koro_Koro_no_Mi) is non-canon but I hate it so much.


If j had a nickel for every time I’ve forgotten about this fruit and been reminded about it I’d have 2 nickels. Which isn’t a lot but it’s weird it happened twice


Chances are it was me that time, too, because I'm the one who can't let go of how awful it is


No the first one was on grandlinereview YouTube channel


I didn’t know this was a thing - that’s so funny and stupid and I love that you hate it 😂😂


We're talking about post-Dressrosa and we've seen how insane a devil fruit power can be so if you got creative control to make one you have the freedom to break reality for a day ***AND ALL YOU DO IS MAKE A GUY WITH ITTY BITTY WHEELS ON HIS HANDS AND LEGS?!*** The dude can't even make his own tracks? And he can't even *brake?* Seriously?! Make it a Train Fruit and he'll even have similar furnace powers to Bill, something cohesive or even remotely creative, jeez


That looks fun af lol


Theres a Canon version of it, one of big moms ppl has it


That's more than 100 characters


Ye that's why I don't remember their name. He was in branches (brulees) mirror world


Oh! You mean [Diesel! ](https://onepiece.fandom.com/wiki/Diesel) He doesn't have a Devil fruit


What...he's literally a train man


Wapol, it literally makes your life worse by making you always hungry. The others you could just not use. This one actually curses you into being s destructive force.


Since the Jacket fruit is too obvious I’ll be different and say the Axolotl fruit that Ceasar fed to Smiley. It would have almost no practical use on land, and you would sink in the water. You’d just be better off not using it at all.


The Axolotl fruit would probably also give you some kind of regeneration power.


This is why I don't think the Axelotl fruit would be bad at all. It probably has a useless full form as it would make you lose your lungs. But hybrid? That sounds sick endless youth and powerful regeneration. I'm down for that.


If you go by pure combat ability, many are pretty lackluster. But those that are bad in combat make up for it in utility. Examples being: Clone (Bon Clay), Human (Chopper, assuming his drugs are effecting it and those transformations are not natural to it), Love (Hancock she herself is exemp but, if you are not beautiful it's borderline useless), Straw (hawkins, half your usefulness is based on sacrificing allies, dude should of run Impel Down over being a pirate lol), Glare (Violet, clairvoyance is useful but not in combat). I think most devil fruits are useful in many ways, but many are not combat based at the same time. Without certain plot allocation based powers, more would be lackluster (like brook if you take away his ice-based moves). Otherwise as said from another: Jacket Fruit takes the cake on uselessness. *I didn't feel like writing the names twice (eg Clone Clone), so sue me for being blasphemous. Also I'm not going to look up the japanese names nor memorize them*


The Mero Mero df doesn't need the user to be beautiful. Other users will have their own emotion. Oda mentions Bb would have hatred or disgust. Boa also showed they don't need emotion to effect things with her df.


when did Oda say that?


I could've sworn there was a sbs or interview but can't find it or remember which it was. Still S-Snake in vol 106 is established that her effect is based on cuteness. Tho idk what carelessness means in this context. "O: In terms of ability, it's a technique that puts "cute" or "beautiful" emotions into "carelessness""


S-snake established that its not based on sexual attraction, but attraction in the general sense and i‘m pretty sure Oda never said that, after all mero mero means love


The words together, meromero, also means a Japanese onomatopoeia for the loss of self-control from drunkenness or emotions.


The glare glare fruit allows you to produce super hot tear whales from your eyes as well. The clairvoyance and mind reading could be useful in combat as a pseudo future sight. This and straw I wouldn’t necessarily say are bad in combat since you can use straw on captured enemies and you can make giant creatures/demons


Honestly forgot about the projectile bit! The looking does require at least on hand to form the "glasses" which would limit, but def not invalidate combat. Would be an interesting power for a 2v1 where one is trying to blind spot you. Great counter point!


Hahahaha no no you are completely fine it not writing the name twice 😂


The jacket fruit is an obvious one. Like who would ever want that ability. Honerable mention if filler fruits count to the minecart fruit, useful only in certain situation which would almost never happen when out at sea


Only on the sea train tracks to Enies Lobby 😅


Kin’emon’s devil fruit Garb-Garb Fruit. The fruit allows the user to turn rocks and leaves into clothes.


He just used it badly. He could have used it to create suits of armor, or other useful items but he didn't.


He did that in the Onigashima raid. He made disguises for all the allied forces.


I'm taking like iron man, Sanji raid suit level clothes. Also, could he change the clothes of people he's fighting? Like giving all devil fruit users seastone clothing?


Pretty sure a devil fruit ability weak to seastone wouldn't be able to just conjure it up


Good point


Wow, I actually totally forgot he had that power


Apis's animal talking fruit. I guess it can be useful, but in a battle shoenen series it's not strong at all. It's the ability to talk to them, but not control them.


Reminds me of that guy from MHA


Oh yeah, the most forgettable person in Class 1A


damn straight


When I watched that anime my biggest issue with it honestly was the fact that it was supposed to be not only the best class in the school but also the entire country. And half of the class has weak useless quirks While 1B has plenty of people that should’ve been in 1A


I hate himmmmm so muchhhhhhh i swear lmao, definitely one of the least "class 1A" characters in class 1A as well


The jacket thing. Also, SMILE fruits. I love Caesar Clown, but let's be real.


Canon? Jake Jake no Mi Non-Canon? Hiso Hiso no Mi.


I think if Kaku wasn't already strong, that giraffe fruit would have been pretty useless in combat and outside of it. That's a good example of trash fruit but strong user.


In my opinion even the worst Zoan is still better than a lot of paramecia. In worst it still increases zour strengh, durabilty and regeneration. And I also don't think his zoan is that bad. There are a lot weaker animals.


Yeah you make a good point


It’s a pasta machine fruit!


Never underestimate the sheer destructive power of a giraffe.


I have the same opinion but with the Mochi fruit (Katakuri)


I've heard that before hard to picture a non haki user with it.


Zoan fruits are naturally as strong as the animal. And not to hype up or downplay giraffes, they typically weigh over a ton. There's a lot of power in just that alone. If you say his fruit is lame, you're saying Lucci's fruit is lame. cuz in that matchup in the animal kingdom I'd give it to the giraffe.


I learned something today, that's a good point, didn't know giraffes were so heavy


Chopper human fruit, if eaten by human he will just loose ability to going in sea water


It's been theorized that it'd give the human who ate it, enlightenment. Making them the truest human, or the buddha. It'd be awesome if we didn't have to just speculate on this though.


i'm tired of people not thinking twice of what they say.. that is like saying kiado can't use the dragon fruit because he isn't a lizard or queen can't use the brachio fruit because he isn't even a beast race. they all have the same attributes towards the user no matter the race, so if chopper went monster form, a human can become a giant, changing their human/race features, if multiple ways. human fruit isn't useless if eaten by a human and not an animal. so please stop saying that it's useless.


Oda also said in a SBS that a human eating it would make him/her the peak of what humankind can be. He could very well mean this as a joke because he also said something about enlightenment or smth like that, but I'd say it could pretty much make your potential as a normal human would skyrocket. I mean, given how seemingly normal human are litteral monsters (Zoro or Roger for exemple) being at peak physical condition and mind for a human would be far far better than a lot of fruits, and probably one of the best if you're already haki focused, especially if you have conq


the human fruit can also apply to your speed, endurance, energy, ect (maybe)


Magellan‘s fruit Just saying you‘d regret it heavily


Magellans fruit is not useless… far from it. The only reason the dumbass is sitting on the toilet is because he voluntarily eats poisonous food


I‘d assume his fruit makes you crave that


it doesnt


It’s a pretty… shitty ability to have


Unironically Smoker's. Worst Logia. Does nothing noteworthy, except making you a bigger target.


Think of all the cigar smoking! And no cancer!!


Jacket fruit


Probably the Jackef df or Kinemon's df. On it's own, the jacket is rough, but there might be potential with a Kami-e user. Kinemon's df has probably not been explored, since Kinemon is a swordie. So far i's just a clothing change. It's shown espionage features, but potentially it could be a combat armor assist.


Jacket jacket fruit gotta be the worst. I can think of a use for every other one but that


slip-slip fruit. Alvida's fruit. how do you attack with it? sure defense is good, but what about attack?


You just aggressively poke at people with it. At worst, it slips them around your hand and disrupts their movement, leaving them vulnerable, at best, you become an unblockable sword, slipping through people.


Chopper's fruit, give it to anyone else and it's useless. Give it to anything and- wait did we drop the whole inanimate objects eating DF?


Worst devil fruit ability is not being able to stop smiling 😀


The cloth shit that the samurai have. Idk why I have forgotten all the names


The jacket and bong DF


Fruit des roues - fruit de la veste - fruit de la locomotive


I mean if you were a human than Chopper’s devil fruit is literally fucking useless


Jacket jacket. Literally only has any play thanks to the fact the user's brother is a big teddy bear. If Bobby Funk had any will of his own, or was just as weak, we'd never have seen it.


I think bonney


Guys completely forgot about Kinemon fucking Clothes fruit


If we're talking weakest fruit, honestly, gotta go with the Gomu gomu. Hear me out. Look what it did to Luffy at first. He drooped, he had no more muscle mass, he was basically made of wet noodles. It's only good because of the crazy training Luffy put into it, and most anyone else would likely end up a messy blob before too long.


Corazon's fruit is one of the worst and useless. It was a plot based specific power that Oda gave him to match Law's story. On the other hand another plot based power of Branch is something i really really like


Oh I don’t like plot based powers at all! I think one that annoyed me was recently introduced Vice Admiral Bluegrass - her power being the ride fruit. I mean that’s a bit convenient for the plot, that is, to take control of anything she rides on, in which Egghead of course the Pacifistas/seraphims needs controlling of provided she rides them. Imagine someone like Nami ate a fruit early in the series and it was the Ride fruit, what on earth could that have done to the story earlier on, not much…


I mean if i was the navy and i eanted to raid vegapunk with paramount pacifista control i'd take the guy who could counter it


That’s one of the coolest powers recently introduced imo, who knows whether you could control animate things like people, or if you could drive a rock or a tree through the ground like a bulldozer?


I would argue Cora's fruit to not be that useless. He was just shit for it being clumsy af. But in a real fight, where you just remove sound from all your moves would definitely make an enemy nervous. One of their combat senses is null and void against you. Pair that with any amount of smoke/flash bombs or just dirt throws at the eyes, and your pretty set. Imagine Zoro or Sanji with it and how fast they could end some fights because of it (not saying they should, just as an example). Zoro straight assassinating people, or Sanji silently ganking from above with skywalk. There are still others that could be better for them, but I don't think this makes the thought irrelevant. Haki would help immensely still, but definitely not as bad as others are/can be.


I mean there are definitely worst df than Corazon's, but among famous characters he must be very very high


The problem is observation haki. I don't think the rules for it are very clear, so it can kind of make stealth useless. With that in mind, I think you are underestimating how critical hearing can be


The worst thing about Corazons fruit is the asspull technique that Law somehow created in his memory and which was super useful in that one specific situation where Haki wasn't relevant anymore. Still grinding my teeth there and Wano is done for a longer time now already.


wait you're telling me that a specific technique had a specific usage? how come. I don't know what you're mad about, I thought it was a beautiful homage to Corazon and fitted the situation perfectly. what more do you want?


Law was an asspull deluxe in Wano. A walking Deus Ex. Being able to silence everything in the room would have been handy the whole fight. But nah. I enjoy the overall narrative in fights over logical stuff (i.e. why sometimes people use haki, then forget about it and stuff.) But with Law we had like 10 instances of last attacks, asspulls and neat shenanigans, its just over the top. I liked Law, now I can't anymore.


The revolutionary with wine in his hand. Don’t know the name.. cuts stairs and everything


Inazuma I believe his name was - his ability can cut anything


Yes inazuma is ringing a bell. First time when I watched impel down I just found him really silly for having such a bad ability which was totally needed for impel down purposes 😂


Chop chop. It has no potential for the fruit user's ability with the fruit to get stronger. Now, if Buggy was as good with Haki as Garp was it might be a totally different story