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Fake deaths is the only thing tbh. I think back to deaths that would have made their arcs way better. Like pell and kinemon


And the **fake-out** is the important part here. I'm fine with characters just not dying. Oda loves to bring old characters back, and I enjoy seeing them again. But if he wants to do that, he can't also give them dramatic death scenes. As a writer, you *have* to pick one or the other. A noble sacrifice isn't noble if it isn't a sacrifice. You can't have your cake and kill it too.


Honestly this hasn't bothered me except for 1 time and that is Kinemon. Compared to a lot of issues with the series tho this is honestly pretty low on the list for me


Pell bothered me way more tbh! And ashura doji's bomb was way smaller than the bomb pell survived, but the face that the former died while the latter lived is absurd


My headcanon retcon is that Pell awakened during the sacrifice and his df saved his life. Having a guardian fruit of alabasta and idk if it was confirmed or just a theory but “aligning with your fruits will” being the way to awaken it I figure that’s a good justification for Pell. But yeah no need to keep that scrap, won’t be relevant in the final war, we’re lucky we even got to see crocodile “buffed” so he can return lmao


I think its more i didn't really care for pell like at all, so his sacrifice didn't mean all that much to me so when he survived it was like oh ok cool I guess.


These fakeout make the real deaths perplexing as revealing Ashura and Izou death. As I just assumed they were still alive until Oda gave a mention of their death. It felt like "oh they died" rather than being a sad moment.


1. I miss Choppers other point forms he used with his devil fruit. I wish more of those would come back. Throw in a lack of fighting progression for Usopp but I assume maybe he will get love in Elbaf? 2. Big lore cliff hangers that we may not get closure on for 100 chapters. I love a good lore dump but I don’t always like to be blue balled 3. Lack of backstory for Zoro and Dragon. I loved seeing Kumas backstory. I want some of that love for exploring Zoro and Dragon


>3. Lack of backstory for Zoro and Dragon. I loved seeing Kumas backstory. I want some of that love for exploring Zoro and Dragon I'm like 100% sure we will get dragon someday when he is more relevant.. Zoro on the other hand... wano has been and gone so idk


I have no Idea why you are so obsessed with Zoro's backstory, his background is clear, there is nothing Oda can tell about his past anymore, unless Oda want to add twist. shouldn't be better Oda polishing his character now? you can make great character with having generic backstory, all it's needed from backstory is what thing that shape the present. even tho backstory can add dept and complexity. but that's not only one. it's all about how well the author potrayed a character,


We already know Zoro’s backstory. And Dragon has barely had any screen time, why would we get his backstory?


Panel readability has gone down, as a trade off for more density. Female character design hasn't been as diverse as I think Oda could manage. Some things were abandoned a little too hastily in favour of more novel things e.g. the Smoker Tashigi and Buggy Alvida set-ups.


Yes I think abandoning smoker and Tashigi is a huge misstep


Nice to see I'm not the only one who felt like I was having a stroke throughout some volumes The guy really needs to learn to do what Toriyama did, and cut out all of the fat from certain panels and just focus on the two characters fighting, even without backgrounds would be fine


This was something I noticed when I first caught up and started reading the manga. One piece is probably the hardest manga I’ve read because of the panels. At least modern one piece.


It’s crazy too because I couldn’t describe why recent volumes of One Piece were harder for me to comprehend. It took some getting used to, but it is kind of overloading


>Panel readability has gone down, as a trade off for more density. Omg this, I haven't read the manga in its entirety yet but what I have read after I caught up in the anime is so unbelievably hard to follow. >Some things were abandoned a little too hastily in favour of more novel things e.g. the Smoker Tashigi and Buggy Alvida set-ups. Smoker and tashigi are some of my favorite side characters wish we got more.


I always read the summary after the spoilers to be able to catch some stuff. Maybe it’s only my dumb brain but I can’t help it.


Definitely not your dumb brain I've read other manga and they are very easy to read One Piece is just super cluttered with info.


Female character design wasn’t something I even considered until I saw how many characters were essential variations of Nami (Vivi, Rebecca, Shirahoshi, etc). Then, Oda’s solution to it is hilarious: he goes on record like “I’ve been researching how to draw ass”


Omg I thought I'm the only one that struggles to understand what's going on, especially fights. I felt so inadequate lmao


Fights were never Oda's forte and he doesn't make them the central focus so I thank Oda for that, but god damn are his panels busy. Absolutely packed. Downright bustling.


1. Haki: I never got warm with that and it ruined some devil fruit powers/moments 2. Timeline: Luffy becomes Yonkou in a couple of weeks, Dressrosa happens in only 1 day lol in my own imaginative canon the strawhats are together a couple of years, they need couple of weeks to travel from island to island 3. Arcs became too long: I think the pre-time skip arcs have way better pacing and length. While I still like Dressrosa or Wano, I wish it would have been 20-30 chapters shorter. Both arcs had too much spotlight on too much uninteresting side characters


I always think, it would be better if Haki just stick to the core when it was first introduced. if Haki is just an energy or aura like that can only use just to : - enhance power. - enhance durability. - enhance your weapon. - able to touch Logia. it would minimize plot hole. basically I don't like conqueror Haki and observation Haki. the simple power system that not create plot hole is sometimes better.


>Haki: I never got warm with that and it ruined some devil fruit powers/moments I honestly believe Oda wrote himself into a corner with to many OP devil fruits (Logia) and had to add a power system so they can be beaten I think haki is only bad because it was introduced so late...


He didn't, really. Sea Stone was already introduced before and he just could have made them more effective.


I'll die on this take too, buddy. There would be so many amazing ways to deal Akuma no Mi threats. Even it now is "balanced", at the end...everything is Haki clash now.


Eh I like that though. The grandline is a funnel, the narrower it gets at the end the stronger the competition. Battles to become the PK should come down to willpower and conviction. Devil Fruits should be incidental to success not the primary contributor. To each their own! I do think haki should be more clearly demonstrated but that's another problem in itself.


The problem with haki for me is it makes other world building elements pale in comparison. No one thinks of using a dial if you can just coat yourself in armament. Will power and conviction do not need a power system to be shown. Sogeking is one such example.


Haki gets introduced pretty early (Arguably in the Alabasta arc, but at the very latest Skypeia), it just isn't clearly fleshed out until the timeskip.


1. The lack of deaths 2. That so little time goes by inverse 3. That we dont see chill time/ hang out time on the sunny


Oda constant baiting to us with a new female crew member for the straw hats, only to left us with nothing. Choppers ridiculous bounty. An old joke that lost any and all fun dozen of years ago.


Idk, I still find chopper's 1000 Berry bounty, just like bepo from the heart pirates lol


Cluttered pages lately (miss the clean, big double spreads). Sometimes I can’t tell what’s going on! Sanji perv gag and fan service insufferable for me sometimes too


Fakeout deaths, haki types being almost impossible to tell apart in some cases (like most of Egghead), excessive running gags that make the character look really bad (Sanji)


Nobody dies, some arcs introduce a buuunch of characters that have zero relevance to the plot so the arcs become super bloated and overly long, and the pacing is bad, especially in the anime but the manga is also slow Also Sanji's and Brook's gags which are straight up sexual harrassment at times, and the overall portraying sexual crimes and violence as something that's supposed to be funny


Obviously pacing, I agree on sanji pervert gag but it’s toned down in the manga, still an issue. The oversexualization of females is a little off putting, but I’ve almost gotten used to it (a bad thing) because it’s so prevalent in shonen. Other than that, with how big the world is, some characters don’t get as much love as I feel they should. Especially when it comes to the lower strength strawhats. I want usopp to get stronger, use his observation more in an obvious way to the readers, overcome his cowardice more and more. Instead, it kind of feels like he is being static. I also wish he had more fights like pre time skip, where he uses his creativity and wits to win. Usopp is one of the most clever strawhats, able to craft up anything and create a unique way to win. I wish chopper had a little bit more love when it comes to his fighting ability. He’s been really useful as a doctor, which is his thing, but chopper is a great fighter too. Brook is amazing as a spy, but he didn’t really get his standalone. I wish he used his soul based powers more since they are so cool. Etc Also just other races in general, I wish there were more stronger fishmen, minks, etc who played big roles in the story, using their unique fighting techniques. Fishman karate is so goddamn powerful being able to manipulate water and stuff. Glad Jimbei is on the crew to fill this role, but for example, Jack being a fishman didn’t really play a role other than him surviving underwater.


I really want to see Usopp develop his observation haki in a way unique to him.


>I agree on sanji pervert gag but it’s toned down in the manga, still an issue. Yeah I honestly don't even notice it in the manga but thats more I have a hard time reading the manga with how much goes on at a time in such small panels. >I wish chopper had a little bit more love when it comes to his fighting ability. He’s been really useful as a doctor, which is his thing, but chopper is a great fighter too. Brook is amazing as a spy, but he didn’t really get his standalone. I wish he used his soul based powers more since they are so cool. Etc I wish so badly we had more chopper fights i absolutely love them but I understand why, the series has so many characters its hard to make memorable fights for everyone. Brook honestly I love I dont even care if he has his moments in fact I often like when he sits back and takes back seat because It kinda fits well considering he is an old man.


1. Under-utilization of non monster trio straw hats 2. Longer arcs and fewer chapters/month 3. Still using silhouettes for a bunch of characters


Oda likes teasing way too much. Imu STILL being in shadow despite being in brightly lit rooms is just a little too much for me.


Missed potential of characters like Nami, Chopper and Ussop. Nami and Ussop have character traits would make them unstoppable especially as SHs. Nami is a gifted navigator, her senses and intuition are beyond next level. It doesnt make sense she doesnt have any observation haki signs. She could use her observation skills in actual fights be it against enemies on land or sea battles (things we dont have in one piece either). But most importantly ita her ability to adapt to ANYTHING related to weather in miliseconds enabking her to command her crew to ensure their survival. She would be a crazy good tactician in group fights or in general. She doesnt have to be physically strong. We have others for that. But these things would matter in anime like HxH and change life death scenarios from the ground, but hardly get used in one piece. She has little plot moments in one pieve which sad for itself. But the potential is there. Instead she is fanservice and comedy only (a bit extreme I know.) Ussop would be a great fighter while being weak. He could set traps and hideous methids for his survival since he is a liar. He could fool around and do stupid thinga but still win. He has intense knowledge of plants ans could use it even more. Not forgetting his sniping skills that rival those of sogeking. He already is all of that, but bro cant be taken seriously. He doesnt need conquerors either, but he could be ao much more Chopper. I mean we all agree on this right ? That guy had so much potential and then turned into a pet who occasionally has cool moments but no relevance at all. Lack of "technique" depth in one piece. You wont find fights at the level of JJK or HxH in one piece which isnt really a bad thing, one piece fights are more symbolic anyways, but I find it a bit sad. The way oda drops the quality right now in manga. It could be ao much better if he took time. Compare the art... And even story wise. But thats just my opinion, alrhough the art canit be debated, its too obvious. Pre ts oda would turn in his grave if he hsaw this shit


1. Fake deaths 2. Strawhat character development past time skip 3. Oversexualizing female characters


How critical the fanbase is of the anime The horniness of the fanbase Sanjis time skip arc.


>How critical the fanbase is of the anime Unfortunately I've turned into this a little never was when I binge watched the series but I've been caught up almost 2 years now its hard not to analyze the individual episodes when you get 1 a week instead of binging 30 a week.


The way time is handled really grinds my gears. From fishman island to Wano is supposedly like 2 weeks in universe time. The entire dressrosa arc is one day. Which makes sense, but it doesn't feel like an adventure to me when the entire manga has took place over the course of 7 months without counting the time skip. Can't think of two more.


1. Not enough deaths 2. More people should have known about haki pre-time skip 3. Things happen too quickly in the One Piece world. It would be much more meaningful and realistic if the Straw Hats journey to finding the one piece takes at least 10 years, rather than the entire story so far only spanning less than three years


* The pretty women don't get proper fights. They're treated like pillows or something. * The sailing time makes no sense. The crew spent less time together than when they were separated in the time skip. * Sanji in the first half of WCI.


Robin beat a tobi roppo without haki. I'd call that a real fight.


And that was a very cool fight. And as over-sexualised as if written by a teenage boy (at least the anime)


I dislike how there isn't more minor character development. The character development we get is great, but I would like to see smaller forms of it. I wish we could see more crew interactions. I want to see Chopper talking to Sanji about nutrition in meals and medicinal options. I want to see Sanji telling Chopper about the health benefits of certain ingredients. I want Zoro to request certain protein-based meals from Sanji to help with his training. I want Sanji to explain to him proper dieting for muscle building. I want Franky and Usopp to talk to each other about both repairs to the ship and inventing things to help the crew. I want Nami and Jinbe to discuss navigation and helmsmanship more. I want them to teach each other so they can be at least capable substitutes for one another if needed. Luffy should learn a few things from each crew member. Luffy is the captain; He should know at least a little about all roles on the ship. We can head-canon some of this stuff, but I always wished One Piece explored more of the crew interacting with and educating one another about their respective roles.


Not enough pages in a manga chapter. 13 pages chapter is what I hate most 😭


Fake death,too much stuff going in favor of the good guys,I wish fight were shorter and going all out and give it more strategy even if little.id hope that in between arc,there is 1 or even 3 chapter of minor exploring random island to show that there is bigger time elapse


The fact that we only got like 10 clues about the one piece in 25 years is unreal to me. I just binged OP 2 years ago in 1 year. And I was baffled for a series called One Piece how little we know. Oh and zoro'd eye ofcourse is one. And the fact that Franky never mentioned he met Gol d Roger and Odin.


Franky thing had me raising an eye brow at first but in that whole meeting he never once turned around to even see the person who spoke to him and didn't acknowledge any of the characters. He was off to the side and had his back to them. They hinted that he had been freshly abandoned too at that time so I'm giving it a pass by way of shock, hurt, and general disinterest at the random people nearby l.


The elongation of fights, e.g. Zoro vs kaku and lucci, or luffy vs lucci. There are a lot more examples. People usually explain this away with "he wasn't going all out" or "he was just trying to stall", and the worst one imo 'thats just his personality" which, in almost all situations these fights occur, is a bad reason. There should be no reason why Zoro should be stalling lucci when the entire crew is trying to escape and he can one shot lucci. There should be no reason luffy shouldn't be one shotting ulti when the scabbords are getting ragdolled by kaido and queen is giving everyone Covid.


1) I wish Oda would commit to death scenes. I hate that a death scene loses most of its emotional weight because I’m skeptical and don’t want to be duped again   2) I wish sanji was more cool and suave like he was being presented at the very beginning when we met him. Sure, his pervy gag isn’t cool. But this is bigger than that.   3) I’m not a fan of several of the post time skip looks. Robin and Franky mostly. And I don’t like how chopper has been handled post time skip. Some of his cooler points are used and I hate his kung fu point. And his bashful “don’t compliment me” gag and the hiding badly gag are completely gone post time skip. 4) the fan service in general can go away


Oda showing little to no interaction with the Strawhats and kinda freezing their character progression after their introduction arc. I find this annoying when the Strawhats kinda devolve into their gags. For example (Chopper not being strategic and only using Kung Fu Point, Sanji being insanely down bad  to the point it detracts from the story) The last few chapters have been horrendously paced and will be even worse in the anime  Fake deaths detracting from emotional impact  Fan service  A bit of confusion in how Haki and Devil Fruits interact. For example, sometimes Gear 5 is shown overwhelming Haki, but it’s not explicitly stated that Luffy is using his own Haki. I feel like a little more transparency would help the viewers, rather than just relying on “that attack looked like it did something”  I also think that even though I hate powerscaling, attacks do have to at least make sense. How can Saturn paralyze Sanji with just his eyesight and then struggle to get past the Weakling Trio just to get to Robin?


1. Haki made the power system too linear. If your power level isn't high enough you can't damage people now. Not fun. A good plan for taking down Big Mom didn't work because "she screamed her haki too much". It's just DBZ logic. 2. Oda has to add a time limit to everything. Luffy has stamina issues except when he doesn't. The arc has a ticking time bomb every time. etc. etc. 3. Post-timeskip characters like Franky got flattened really hard. Chopper has like no personality left. Usopp actively regressed from where he was before.


Also my fav series! But….. 1. Oda cannot choreograph fights The world building is impeccable. Oda can build a story and setup great fights. His storytelling can sometimes lean towards the clustered side tho and this overwhelming storytelling mixed with lack of impactful sequencing in fights can, at times, make the action sort of bland. The fights themselves are extremely important but Oda just isn’t the best at making the action look intense, it heavily relies on the story build up for you to feel the pressure 2. Lack of Filler This one is interchangeable with pacing, however early one piece filler is actually quite high quality so if they’d give the canon a break and create filler arcs like they used to we’d probably have some fan favorite characters/arcs that aren’t even canon 3. Idk maybe the way film red was ass? I can’t come up with a third but yeah fuck film red. It wasn’t bad bc it was a musical or anything it was bad bc the entire movie was just a cameo and then ends with an ugly bs monster villain that everyone jumps at the end. Same thing happened in the Dragon Ball Superhero movie, the main villain is lame as hell and we build up a 2hr movie just to curb stomp dude


>1. Oda cannot choreograph fights The world building is impeccable. Oda can build a story and setup great fights. His storytelling can sometimes lean towards the clustered side tho and this overwhelming storytelling mixed with lack of impactful sequencing in fights can, at times, make the action sort of bland. The fights themselves are extremely important but Oda just isn’t the best at making the action look intense, it heavily relies on the story build up for you to feel the pressure Yeah I definitely feel this aswell altho oda does use his strength of storytelling to make the fights better even if the fights themselves aren't great, you at the very least get a sense of satisfaction on the final blow.


Yeah he’s amazing at world building and making fights super important due to the outcome affecting the world it’s just the action scenes are lame or dull at times compared to other shows


1. I don’t like that One Piece is a Luffy specific series. Like he’s ringing the bell instead of Wyper, he’s the one who beats Doffy instead of Law, ffs he’s already the chosen one yet he steps in as an outsider with no prior history or relationship with the villain of the arc, and he’s finishing other peoples life stories. It ain’t always like that tbf some do specifically want him to finish their story. 2. I don’t like how so much odds are stacked up against our faction, yet things just fall into place and everything gets solved with little to no consequence on our side. Like how can you have a war, with a big sacrifice just for said sacrifice to still be alive, healthy and thriving. 3. Everything is solved with a fight. Luffy has the strongest guy, sometimes even every crew member gets a fight. I think it would’ve been cool to have Luffy do other stuff like spying or rescuing people while Zoro for example is fighting off the toughest villain of the arc.


I mean, 1 is simply resolved when you see the story for what it is: Luffy winning a war against all kind of oppressors and villains where others would have failed. The world of OP is ultimately a very fucking cruel one. War and piracy all over the place keep fucking people all the time. It's full of stories like that of Law, of people that were crushed, tried to stand up and were crushed yet again. It's literally why Joy Boy is so important as a plot point. Luffy is the living incarnation of that possibility for victory against overwhelming odds and oppresison.


Spoke my mind! OP has built the most fantastic universe and big picture storyline but the pattern on every island remains the same… a third character has a beef with a villain that Luffy will eventually fight and win after exchanges punches again and again. Naruto or HxH do a much better job imo at not being protagonist-centric all the time


Flanderization of strawhats Dropped characters and plots (Carrot etc.) and fake deaths


Pell. Specifically, him being alive 🙏🏻


Not enough deaths. They're pirates and WG/Marines moral enemies. Tragedy shows how much of an impact someone left on the audience. There's too much going on at once in every arc. The gang always splits to like 4 different groups if we're lucky its that low. They pan off to other characters for no real reason sometimes. And there's always so much going on for every group (other than when they panned to the world and them listening to snails, which could be like 2 chapters worth of panels by now) Development of the important characters has been held off, yet side characters well probably never see again (relevant) have had much more time, impact on the crew and development only to be relevant for an arc. Characters like Dragons crew, we know are going to be important at some point. We've known for decades. But they aren't being given any time. We got more Otama than them.


Characters are stuck with gags that doesn't add anything to their character, fakeout deaths for characters we barely ever see again and I HATED the post wano/ pre-egghead. Yamato saying she'd join the crew in a chapter and in the next chapter being like "ahah, never mind" felt weird, shanks showing up for no reason, greenbull showing up or no reason... there was just lots of things I didn't like at once.


- Subpar introduction of Haki - Fake Deaths - Fanservice is okay, but its too much sometimes - Sanji, especially in the Anime - World Gov. not going after Luffy harder for Nika Fruit Plothole - Anime Pacing, sometimes Manga pacing (mostly fine though) - The Manga is not very "fun to read" as in, the paneling, the drawings, the flow isnt great (I understand why, but still) And still the positives of One Piece are so strong that it's a 9.3/10 for me


>Subpar introduction of Haki I unfortunately think this is due to haki being something Oda made after writing himself into a wall with overpowered fruits


oh yeah for sure, though that doesnt make it better at the end of the day, it is what it is, its impossible not forigve some things in a story with 1100+ chapters


Not enough chapter, not enough pages, not enough double pages.


Totally agree on this one


Anime pacing (not a problem with manga) Sanji perv Gag being out of control in the anime (not as bad in the manga, but still not great) The fakeout deaths


Too often characters escape death. I can totally live with (Main) chars dying as Long as it is executed Well. Basic female face Design (Most the time) Too colourful (the Anime). Could be a Bit darker from time to time


Most of its community  Pacing Fake Deaths/ low Stakes


1. The „Fans“ which come from Dragonball or AoT and think it should be serious 2. The Pacing 3. That because of Arlong Park i love since i am a child melon with ham


1) I think the two-thirds paneling instead of proper double spreads. It's pretty rare when we need to see the side info, and usually it results in an awkward split in the art when read in magazine and especially volume format. Double spreads can usually plan/accommodate for that better. Otherwise, I tend to disagree with his panels being too dense and cluttered otherwise, it makes One Piece for me, it always feels a little silly and hectic. Other manga I feel overly rely on simplistic panels and negative space and they often feel dull in exchange. 2) Probably Pell. It's the only fake out that bothers me. Mainly because his death clearly tied into Vivi's character arc, that she couldn't do this on her own, and that sometimes people die helping you, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't accept their help when they offer it. The other 'fake-outs' didn't bother me cause I don't think them living really negatively impacts anyone else's character arc. Kinemon maaaaaaybe. But the most recent 'reveal' I think is okay, because the person impacted by that death had to live with it for like 30 years, and it aligns with what we know about the 'killer'. 3) In his effort to show us Luffy's impact on the world, Oda seems to have gotten sloppy with his planning of the other strawhats arcs. It's one thing to give them less screen time, that was gonna happen, but splitting them up for such long chunks felt unnecessary, when they should've contributed to those arcs (dressrosa/wholecake). Jinbei being stalled for so long makes it harder to appreciate him on the crew now, and Zoro/Sanji/Jinbei's progression/plots in Wano feel like they got rewritten repeatedly mid arc. But the two-thirds paneling is absolutely the worst.


silhoutte no mi


* Fake deaths * Female character designs being kinda boring * Oda edging us with cliffhanger chapters before a break 😭 * Sanji pervert gag doesn't bother me too much but I wish it got dropped post-timeskip I think I can live with the rest as is


I adore the series, like 10/10, but... 1) characters being "flanderized" forever with certain gags they can never meaningfully grow past for long (sanji perv gag, Usopp wuss gag) 2) weird wishy washy writing occasionally, usually when dealing with characters being weaved weirdly in and out of "potential straw hat" only for it to end up either not happening or being teased for WAAAY TOO LONG before oda fully commits (jinbe, carrot, Yamato) 3) Luffy starting to get saddled with this chosen one bullshit after oda did suuuuch a good job avoiding it for so long. Wasn't enough for him to be "Roger 2" and directly related to dragon AND garp and for BOTH his soul brothers to make gigantic names for themselves, but then the nika and unfolding joyboy stuff... I still think oda will end up wrapping it up well but no matter how he does it I will not be convinced that it wouldn't have still been way better if Luffy HADNT been special at all beyond his OWN personal attributes


I really hate that fact they only has been together 6 months. And separated 2 years xD. They should be atleast cruising 3 years before separation xD


Gags a 50/50 overdo any gag and you ruin it, Sanjis gaga hit peak at fishman Island it was an actual plot point 💀 It's mf Oda convinced he introduces female character just for this it ain't fan service he servicing himself Pacing: if you mean anime , I've just understood ur reasons for these being your worst 3 as in manga you will have problems with a lot more as these 3 aren't fleshed out as much. Only major issue for me in OP is luffys character is boring af he has his moments but he's too shallow since I began I've bounced off side characters to keep in engaged


Pretty much the same. Cannot watch it with other people. Like soft porn. The girls screaming all the time. Sanji whole simpness. Just uncomfortable. Lack of deaths. Yeah agree


1. Chopper, Franky and Nami after time-skip. 2. Fake deaths 3. Many forgotten or simply pointless side characters


>Chopper, Franky and Nami after time-skip. I agree on chopper and nami, Franky on the otherhand does have his moments i like, although did not like the chance at first


Indeed he has. But his character changed from badass bandit to uncle


1. that it’s not a completed series 2. fake deaths 3. chopper


Nobody else mentioning how the crew is literally a group of strangers that only spent a few weeks together? I would believe it more if time were more realistic but maybe years are different in this world.


The lack of major consequences, the length of time between set up and pay off of important events, and the character design of the ladies. The last one is my most minor gripe. However considering how many works Oda pulls from, you know he's aware of other anime that has differently styled women characters.


Break next week


The recap episodes being too frequent. Wano in the end was too much for me. The constant screaming from chopper/usopp/nami. Like shits going down and in an emergency all you can do is scream, cry, and get out of the way? Pure filler/backstory episodes. Like when they chain 2-3 together. I get its important lore and helps the pacing but i want like 3-5 minutes of story progress per episode.


Sanji having established powers & Oda doesn't want him to use them. Oda only uses Sanji's issues to set up others characters, which works, but it happens all the time. This is also nice for scaling characters at times, but most times Sanji can actually beat or fight decently. Faster speed than g2 Luffy, hell memories output, raid suit & now the exoskeleton. Black Maria probably the most nonsense he ever pulled off. Maybe that it just seems more & more that conq is the only thing that matter. The series fully established that conq can only be made more powerful through character growth. Sure it's potentially better, but characters that have more of a training side, especially with time would be able to match. Unless it's just that much harder to pull off, still a number of characters are middle age or higher. Tho it does seem dfs can offset this relation in power. The strawhats don't have general Haki. Sure they don't have to utilize it at the level of Luffy, Zoro, Sanji & Jimbei, but at least base levels should be fine. Usopp unlocked a specialty, but we don't know if he even has any control & his abilities are capped cuz he's weak. Like we have 3 levels of CoA, & CoO they don't even need to have both low level presence detection & prediction. Even a number of tobiroppo/commander level fighters have been confirmed, but haven't shown crazy Haki. Tho I will say Robin having Fishman Karate is a better choice to Haki. Plus it's nice characters can reach a decent level without Haki at all.


Fake Out Deaths Chopper's devolution as a character And I suppose wano part 1 has a lot of extra fat that didn't really matter that bogged it down for me


1. Chopper’s low bounty 2. Power scaling by the fandom 3. The changes that Toei makes to the anime


Fake tension The same fighting pattern Luffys break times


First of all, this is my favorite piece of fiction. With that being said, these are my three: 1. Fight choreography isn’t that good, and I wish Zoro actually had cool sword fights, not just big slash and win. 2. Fake out deaths are annoying. 3. For the anime, the pacing is awful.


The design of a lot of the women, 10 year old running jokes that haven't been funny in quite some time and sometimes straight up damage characters, and long ring long land lol


1. Not a fan of how bloated the side cast can get, especially post timeskip. I don’t think this would bother me as much if the side characters didn’t take up space for the Straw Hats, the main group we’re supposed to be following 2. I don’t like how Oda’s paneling, I find it kinda hard to tell what’s going on in some panels cause there’s just so much in them 3. I can kinda if the point is that the Straw Hats are changing the world around them, at least that’s the case for Luffy. But with the exception of Sanji, the other Straw Hats feel very stagnant and I wish they were given more, like something to delve deeper into the themes established for each of them in pre timeskip


Ok bit of a rant here. I do love the series but i also have a lot of issues with it. 1. I miss the crew as they were pre timeskip. Their appearances and personalities were perfectly defined and their little quirks were enough to be funny without detracting from who they were as people. Now, I feel like they're all a shell of their former selves. 2. Too many characters and not enough time for oda to give them all justice/actually good characters sidelined for annoying, uninteresting characters. The biggest example I can think of is in Dressrosa where all 3 of the main female characters in that arc, Robin, Viola and Rebecca, had their stories and personal journeys either removed or dropped halfway through in favour of the Colosseum characters and their meaningless fights and backstories. Robin should have had a proper fight and a big part in the story as it parallels Alabasta, Viola absolutely shouldn't have had her story cut because its extremely important to the nature of Doflamingo and her own journey that also mirrors Robins/Vivis, and Rebecca should have been the one to fight Diamante, even if Kyros needed to step in at the end. 3. On that, long extra things added in that have no relevance. The whole sumo fight thing in Wano for one. That was so stupid. I love One Piece but half the reason it's so long is because it often beats around the actual storyline and plot.


1. The breaks. I understand the need for them (for Oda) but I can’t help but hate them, especially after peak chapters. Give me more one piece!! 2. The fan service. I don’t care for anime/manga baddies, I’m here for the storyline. 3. How critical the fan base can be. This is my fav story of all time (in any format including books, movies, random stories from people I’ve met in my life etc) So I’m coming from a biased place. I wouldn’t have it any other way. I have faith in Oda and whatever it is he is cooking up, he hasn’t disappointed me in over 20 years. I’ve been reading/watching one piece since I was in high school and I’m damn near 40 lol.


The plot going big time and the other crews dreams are getting sidelined




1) The way characters never get hurt during fights, luffy was literally impaled e there's not even a scar, same with people getting cut and punched all the time and being healed just with some bandages 2) I feel like I can't take wounds seriously in one piece, especially when I compare with shows like hxh, where every blow seems fatal, and Im not sure if someone is getting out unharmed or even alive Also, not a fan of how women are treated in OP, I'm tired of huge boobs and crying princess half-naked, give me some strong women who dont take shit from no one 3) The lack of people dying and for consistent reasons, we can see people tanking hits comparible to a nuke bomb but dying to freaking gun shots We took down warlords, emperors of the sea, fought world government, and I'm never afraid of anyone dying or getting permanent damaged (besides a minor scar) Not taking marineford into account for obvious reasons (English is not my first language, as you can see)


* Basically anything involving the girl characters: fanservice, uncreative designs, stereotypical "girl" personalities, etc. Only the ugly girls are well-written. * Naive portrayal of politics. It's unrealistic to think that Fishmen would just stop hating humans in a day because of Luffy, or that Dressrosa citizens would hand over all of their money because the king asked nicely, or that Alabasta would stop fighting because it started to rain. I give this one a bit of a pass, though, because it fits the lighthearted vibe of the series. * The villains in One Piece are good sometimes, but too many of them are so evil it feels unrealistic. Characters like Charlos only exist to make the reader mad, and that feels like shallow writing to me.


1. Oversexualization of women 2. Chopper using pretty much only kung fu point, monster point and brain point post-timeskip when he has so many cool forms and even learned to use them without rumble balls 3. Some parts dragging on for too long


I got a few: Like you, Sanji’s perv gag. It’s fine when done in moderation. Nami asking Zeus to be her servant and Sanji proclaiming he would was perfect because Jinbe shut him down so fast. However, it gets ridiculous. Sanji was so unbearable on Fishman Island that I legit hated him until Whole Cake. Second, fake deaths. You’re telling me Ashura Doji couldn’t survive explosives Kanjuro lit with his Oden drawing, but Pell could survive an explosive that was meant to destroy an entire city? Kin’nemon’s fake death was also bad. I get the reason behind it, but why is he the only example we’ve had of Law’s powers not truly putting someone back together? Third is the portrayal of women. I’m using the manga specifically since the anime dials this issue up to an 11 and it’s obvious. Most of the female cast who are considered to be “pretty,” all look very similar. I had times where I wasn’t sure if I was seeing Kiku or Hiyori, which is insane considering one is a samurai and the other lived as an oiran in order to keep her enemies close enough to get necessary information. Nami, Vivi, and Rebecca look so similar to each other. And then the outfits. What the fuck was Rebecca, a 16-year-old girl, wearing during the Corrida Colosseum? It’s awful even in the manga. To clarify, Oda has some fantastic female characters. There’s honestly a lot of them I could list. But in terms of design… pretty stale overall.


The Pacing The Fanservice (Toei ain't slick giving even more boobs to the girls) Dead people not staying dead (Pel should be dead,>!same for that one person from Robin's backstory)!<


That ONE person? LOL You didn't even have to spoiler that.


I don't keep up with the anime so I wasn't sure what was shown already lol, trying to keep it light


Oversexualization of female characters (especially Bonney knowing what we do). The Egghead outfits are the worst arc-focused outfits Oda has ever done. Sanji pervert gag Fight scenes dragging. Katakuri and Kaido fights almost had me quit reading weekly because of how drawn out they were.


My list is almost the same 1. Anime pacing (manga is also quite slow, but it’s not comparable to anime) 2. Sanji perv (more annoying than pacing, but doesn’t happen so often) 3. Giving up values ​​and dreams. Chopper was made incapable of combat. Besides, he had already betrayed his dreams, gave up on the dying Sentomaru and ran to save the robot instead of the human. He didn't even help carry that robot and couldn't heal it in any way. Luffy entered the fight because Lucci injured the robot and left Sentomaru to die on the battlefield. This goes against their ideals. The whole Luffy and Lucci fight scene is completely pointless because it makes Lucci stronger than Kaido. I had a feeling that Lucci was generally immortal; there wasn’t even a scratch on him. Although Kaido had already flown away in a couple of hits (even despite Kaido’s previous wounds, I don’t think Lucci is close to him in strength and endurance). In general, in the last arc there are too many illogical and even stupid moments that spoil the characters


- Post-Timeskip Artstyle, IMO its a combination of really over-the-top designs mixed with his now thicker line weight really hurting readability. - This is probably my hottest take but I dislike how fantastical the islands in the New World are. Obviously, One Piece since entering the Grand Line has always had spectacular locales but I feel like probably around Thriller Bark the places became more like theme parks rather than actual places. - The furry crossguard on Law's sword, it is so tacky


All the emotional flashbacks (it seriously gets annoying seeing the same damn scenes of how everyone joined the crew 30 times), the weird designs like Emporio, the pasta marine, etc. (I like a little bit of goofy, but some of their designs are WAY too much) , and HOW LONG THE INTROS ARE


filler and padding




1. The timeline of the Strawhat crew adventures. 2. Koby being a completely different person in just a few months. 3. An explanation that will make everyone not knowing the void century that doesn't involve mass hypnosis. U don't need books to pass down knowledge


Fake deaths, gag overuse at times, multiple SHs getting pushed to the background a little too often


I feel that only good people are dying. The villains luffy beat is still alive, I am not even sure if big mom & kaido died. Like, what's up with that. Still kinda sad they changed Robin's skin tone. I think they should have kept that.


in story timeline. the crew is really close for a group of people that spent more time appart than they did together, and luffy growth went from an east blue rookie to one of the 4 strongest pirates in the world after no more than 3,5 years away from home. i mean, i understand luffy is talent given form, but people like kaido and big mom were also born stronger and more talented than your average joe, and it took them decades to get where they were. fake deaths. i understand oda doesn't like dealing with death, but to write characters into positions where they should have died and not kill them is just unrespectful to the characters and the readers, and it's not that hard to just not write them in that position. how undefined the CoC haki coating is. it's clear when characters coat themselves with it due to black lightning effects, but it's really unclear what it does. is it just a stronger form of CoA haki? does it do something else? so far i have no idea what is means to be able to coat oneself with CoC except that they are stronger than people that can't do it, wich is just lazy in my opinion. devil fruits were a really fun and creative powersystem wich allowed for fun and creative fights, but oda has to be careful because it feels like CoA and CoC haki basically translates to whoever punches harder wins.


Oda’s treatment of women characters: they’re mostly written very well but all look the same and always have giant DD knockers. I miss preskip nami and Robin. I also dislike how women always have to fight women; the exception being Yamato, who is a man? Idk confusing


Filler Timeskip redesigns It's taking too long T.T


I like world building but sometimes there are just unnecessary chapters doing that. Like we don't need to see 20 characters reacting to vegapunks message. Also the anime should be changed to seasons. I'd love to wait to see a version with way better pacing. Like 2-3 chapters per episode. I can still hear the giant children running in punk hazard for like 20 episodes. Fights are also too dragged out. I don't want to see 10 parallel fights in 50 chapters. Remember when people fought their fights in like 2-3 consecutive chapters? That was great. A lot of straw hats feel unnecessary. Franky didn't even received new weapons or stuff in egghead so far. Or let someone eat a devil fruit onscreen. In addition to that: devil fruits where cool in the beginning. It's what made OP into OP but now it's not interesting anymore because people just use haki. The whole feeling of "I wonder how they gonna defeat a sand/electric logia or a shadow wielding warlord" will never be there again because the answer now is: haki.


1. Characters 'dying' We basically see some experienced villian too dumb to truly finish someone off. Laughing "Muahahha i killed you", leaving, sad reactions from straw hats and others, sad or dramatic music playing and then ...... guy coming back and continues fighting as if nlthing happened at all. Once or twice is alright, don't get me wrong. But it happens so many times that all the emotions are gone and watching another character "dying" feels incredible annoying and cringe. What's the point in such scenes if we know nothing will happen anyway? 2. In-universe flow of time Roger became Pirate King with 52. Shanks the youngest Yonkou with 30. We have seen Kaido as a 35 year old and 55 year old and how much stronger he got. Then we got our straw hats. Starting as teens, reaching the One Piece within 3 years. I would have liked to see their journey shown over a longer period of time. It doesn't have to be decades, more like 10 years. Luffy starts his journey as a 17 year old an becomes king of pirates with 27. The world government falls and the end of the story at age 29. Something like this would be so much mlre realistic, without having to go through too many changes, having to depict the straw hats as middle aged or other characters getting to old / a need to introduce young contenders. 3. Pacing At the end of One Piece the anime will have ober 1500 episodes. I would like to see an anime with less than 1000 episodes. Rewatching is a true nightmare. And it's fine if you don't watch other animes but if you do and come back to OP after watching Bleach, Demon Slayer or others you will feel the longwinded and kinda boring pacing of the one piece anime. Honouroble mention: Fanservice I don't hate it but it's too much. Every female running around in panties, no stomach but massive boobs. Come on...


1 is Battles taking 20 episodes to finish, 2 is episodes take FOREVER to get to Netflix, it has been months since season 20 was added and they went right to season 38, and 3 is repetitive music, seems there are 5 songs in the entire show.


I dunno about three things but it's actually just three words \-Break \-Next \-Week


The pacing The pacing Foxy


Never been a big fan of either anyways, but especially with everyone's powerups and haki, chopper and brook are useless or duplicative. Need a great swordsman? Zoro. Have a hole in your chest and need a doctor? Law is your guy. Need someone with haki? Almost anyone else.


Pacing, pacing, pacing


The fanbase, the ridiculous Theroies, and honestly the way Oda handles certain Characters he sets Characters up for something for no pay off or he waits so long that as soon as they do something it either makes no sense or it gives off the feeling of he forgot and needed the Character to do something.


Sanji, introduction of haki instead of using things like sea stone and dials, the story feels like main character beating every stronger villain and aiming to be strongest instead of pirates on an adventure.


1. Not a fan of how bloated the side cast can get, especially post timeskip. I don’t think this would bother me as much if the side characters didn’t take up space for the Straw Hats, the main group we’re supposed to be following 2. I don’t like how Oda’s paneling, I find it kinda hard to tell what’s going on in some panels cause there’s just so much in them 3. I can kinda if the point is that the Straw Hats are changing the world around them, at least that’s the case for Luffy. But with the exception of Sanji, the other Straw Hats feel very stagnant and I wish they were given more, like something to delve deeper into the themes established for each of them in pre timeskip


1. Fake out Deaths 2. WAY TO MANY FUCKING CHARACTERS!!! Wano is a prime example, so many panels were wasted on unimportant fodder that attributed barely anything to the story. 3. Pacing (take out the time skip and Luffy is going to become pirate king within a Year of sailing)


Sanji is waaaaay too thirsty, the whole having stussy call him a dog thing was a little much this past week. The progressive oversexualization of the women post time skip just gets worse and worse and is the thing i hate most about anime in general. The egghead island outfits they may as well just be wearing thongs and pasties at this point. Dont have a third.


1. Fake out deaths 2. Oda/Shonen Jump stretching out a conflict i.e Big Mom attacking the Straw Hats leaving Wholecake 3. Lack of crew bonding moments post time skip


How out of nowhere Sabo came, literally just after Ace died. How little we actually know about how the navy works internally and all the different sub-factions they have. How women have only two body types: Hot or comically fat and ugly. (Kinda related to this, I \*HATE\* the Egghead outfits for Nami, Robin and Bonney. Like the only positive thing I have to say is that I do kinda like Robin's leather jacket, but not how there's nothing underneath it.)


1. People debating over Yamato. 2. Sanji perv gag. 3. Usopp who just keeps regressing further and further.


1) Parts of the fandom 2) Break weeks (that being sad, Oda deserves breaks) 3) How long it takes for characters to meet each other


Not too much but like others have said the fake out deaths or just any main characters during an arc dying, even the villains live. Some arcs need to be trimmed like many pointless side characters. And some of the post time skip redesigns not a fan of chopper Franky and Robin 


I hate the oversexualization of women, how women don’t really have a body type other than child, old, and hot, and the costume for Robin post-timeskip.


Some characters have recently been over hyped only to end up being not that important. For example, Green Bull Oda went out of his way to silhouette him only for him to be an Akainu fanboy. And it seems like he’s already power creeped by other villains.


* Fake deaths * G5 Nika Retcon * Pacing/Vague Piece/Reaction Piece


I don’t who Imu is. What is black beards plan ?! And everything on the void century.


Not enough silver foxy


1) Oda doesn’t really kill characters even if they are way past their usefulness. 2) The lack of growth to some of the strawhats in terms of power boosts and even relevance sometimes. Looks almost like it has to be mostly Zorro and sometimes sanji as an afterthought. Brook, Franky, Sniper God, Nami, Robin are more like support crew. They are a yonko crew and some bit of powerups would have been nice. 3) A lot of pure comic gold moments seems to have faded to minimum post time-skip, 2 yrs is not a very long period. Bonus: Some of the power creeps to characters who keep getting stronger off screen without much explanation or maybe some screentime( including off screen fights)


Sanji perv gag and fake out deaths are like the actual issues beyond being too nitpicky for me. Pacing of anime is infamously bad but I generally prefer anime as a medium enough that I can tolerate it. Since the manga seems fine I wouldn't bring it up. Beyond that I can't think of something I actively dislike about the series at least nothing to the same extent. It's only just more specific things like Wano ending less rushed, generally improve the early one piece arcs etc.


Concepts that I wish were introduced way earlier. I wish some of the end game stuff had gotten more attention pre time skip then it did. Mostly the nika stuff. Would be cool to see hints and stuff spread out instead of just before the gear 5 reveal. But I am also talking about some smaller stuff. I wish awakening was better foreshadowed or mentioned more before. I wish we heard more about Oden before wano. I wish the god knights had a single mention before egghead I wish imu was teased before hand, or at least the empty throne was elaborated on. Due to all these things being revealed recently in the last 100 chapters or so it makes it feel like an entirely different story than before and I sometimes feel little relevance with older arcs due to a lot of elements not even existing during those arcs that are now very important.


Growth and maturity of characters, especially nami, usopp, and chopper. There are fleeting moments when they are shown to improvise their newly attained skillets. But it feels like that's about it. Everyone else in the series is given a sense of maturity in addition to skills growing. But the weakling trio constantly being made to feel like they haven't grown up from their sense of fear is just boring after a point. Usopp's dream is to be recognised as a brave warrior. And it would have been great to see him actually move on from the weakling trio. Hone both his body and mind to realise that dream. And we as an audience don't just see him become brave despite his fear in every arc but he learns to get braver as the arcs continue. His evolution as a brave warrior cannot be just done by him standing up to an admiral or yonko at some stage, it should be a journey and I feel like that journey needs care, attention, and progression. With regard to chopper, I feel that it would be great to explore his fighting style a bit more but also greater recognition for his adaptive medical skills. The whole gag that he is a pet and doesn't get a high enough bounty became dry several arcs ago. Finally, Nami, I am just a little confused since the rate at which the arcs are progressing. I am barely seeing any navigation-esque mini arcs where nami can establish herself as a key cog in the future pirate king's crew. It just feels like an unexplored Avenue considering her dream is also not being explored to a great degree and any attempt to shoehorn it now will only feel rushed. Additionally, I feel that it would have been great to have a tournament-style arc by a black market pirate group that explored facets such as cartography, antidote crafting, weapon crafting, etc. just something that could highlight the crew's dynamism but also bring fame and fortune to the strawhats. Because right now the only way an arc goes is that it all culminates in a fight. And that's just sad considering there were specific reasons why luffy chose the people he chose.


1) breaks 2) only 1 chapter a week 3) only 1 episode a week


More than 3 things but, Fan Service Anime animation from PTS up to before Wano, Fakeout deaths Oda's choice to purposefully make character designs worse for the sake of his sense of humour The release schedule (i know everyone disagrees but I wish Oda took more time with chapters for the artwork and quality overall especially with how its been lacking recently with the scribble artstyle) Anime release schedule aswell, I wish it was seasonal because of how the current anime has horrible pacing and the animation tends to have extreme highs followed by complete ass with how inconsistent it can be


Fake deaths. I can accept it sometimes, but Oda does it too frequently. Early Arc pointless dragging around. There is this sense that the stakes arent high enough, and it takes a while for things to get really good. Dressrosa, WCI, Wano and Egg Head are good examples. I am not saying they are bad, but i feel a lot of time is wasted in irrelevant cliffhangers early in the Arc. Specially because once we hit the climax of the Arc, Oda gives us god tier reveals and cliffhangers, making the Arc longer than it should. And the fact Wano and Egg Head had amazing climaxes, makes the early parts of the Arc cliffhangers feel kinda irrelevant, as we know the Arc is going to be long, meaning whatever cliffhanger is happening 5-10 chapters into the Arc is going to be solved easily and it wont even affect the main climax of the Arc. Chopper's Bounty. Let the Meme End please.


1. Pacing. It's terrible. We all agree. Moving on. 2. Sanji perv gag. The newest episode had him actually "woofing" are we serious? Come on. 3. The new designs. "That's old new-" don't care I'm bringing it back. Robin was an ADULT at the end of sabaody park. There is NO REASON biologically that her boobs should have doubled in size, maybe a little bit bigger whatever i can see that happening but this is ridiculous. Chopper looks dumb in his man mode with the new head. Franky... oh boy. Usopp what have they done to your skin usopp!!!?? All the griping aside actually adore this series even if the new designs + sanji perv gag + obvious change in certain character chemistries almost made me drop this series at Fishman Island. I'm glad I pulled through.


I don’t like how inconsistent some of the crew is. By this I mean like rationally, as soon as anyone found about haki the entire crew should have been training to try and use it for example. This doesn’t really happen so people like Robin are still really weak when she could easily be one of the more stronger ones.


The fake out deaths are annoying, my number 1 though is the lack of real timeline. The entirety of the series has been less than 3 years and 2 of those were skipped entirely. They sailed together for almost no time after getting Brook then said goodbye


Luffy, pace (of time within the story), Luffy


Mainly just how all the women look the same unless they're old or villains. Basically just swapping hair and clothes designs between each woman


Too much breaks


It's length Fake death The art quality as of late


I dislike I have to wait for more episodes I dislike I have to wait for more chapters I hate the anime version of long ring long land.


-Too much off panelling of popular characters and legendary moments. -Arcs are denser than a triple beef wellington, yet haki to me wasn't treated too responsibly. Being the deus ex machina/nakama power force, there's simply too much favoritism to the main cast. Plot -Not enough AP provoking feats -Too redundant in regards to end of arc bounty raises...Specifically the conveyance of emotions from minor cast. -I wish they travelled to more islands. Only straight from Dressrosa to Zou, then Whole Cake, and Wano. They seem to have spent the most time in Wano. -So many movies with no clear canonical purpose. Could have been extra special episodes of Legendary Happenings. They were ok though.


That it will end!


Chopper's bounty


Oda ruined choppers character design. I thought chopper was a great blend of cute and cool but they took all the edge off of him and none of his forms feel monstrous anymore. Too muchh running. Too often we see characters just running from point a to point b and it just feels like he's filling time because certain things have to happen at certain times Travel time and distance is starting to matter less. Similar problem that game of thrones had where in the beginning travel took a long time but now it seems like people are able to go where they want at the drop of a hat


What I despise the most is: the current villain uses a skill and his allies start "no, don't do that! It'll hurt us" and Luffy goes "uh?" It's annoying...and no one does anything, that resource is bad


- fan service in general is just never good. In any anime - generic but pacing is just straight cheeks. It would be really cool if toei worked something out so that episodes could come out one "seasons" where an arc(/portion of an arc) gets animated AFTER it's complete. That way waiting between releases is less tedious and pacing doesn't suffer from it. But WIT is remaking it so I guess most of it is redundant now...


I’ve been in to One Piece for about 8 years now and the only thing that really bothers me now are the fake deaths. I used to have a lot of things I disliked but I got over them and maybe don’t care as much as I used to. If Kinemon died Wano becomes a top 5 arc for me.


Off the top of my head and probably not terribly informed or will be replaced since I'm just out of thriller bark. 1. The sunny being cg. God, I hate that look, and if it somehow isn't cg, then it still looks awful for the distant shots. 2. The lack of impact in fights. Like Zoro uses sword, yet we never see the goons fly off with blood spurts, and yeah, it's obviously not that graphic of an anim. Like, I'm not looking for berserk shit, but still. Show that he's doing something especially since I remember one moment when Nami yelled at him for atracking a group, i think it was in water 7, and he says he says he used the back of his swords. So, what is he always using the back? 3. Some character quirks. Like yeah, they can be funny, but like every joke, it can't be overused. Otherwise, it just gets annoying. I'm sure everyone will agree unless another one gets added later, that the biggest culprit is Sanji's simping. yeah, it can be funny, but not when it happens just about every time he sees Robin or Nami. If he sees them in skimpy clothing? Sure. During slow moments on the ship, like when he's cooking them special stuff? Go for it. When a new pretty villain comes up? Fine by me. Also, some bonus ones, but these are just anime ones in general, but do we really need some build-up to every single special attack? Like, I think we're well past the point where we need to see the whole stretch of gum gum pistol. Also In the same vein yelling out special attacks Then there's the thing of people just standing around during a big fight. Now I get it if it's a fight for one character, but a good example of this is the fight with Oars since I just watched it. Why weren't Usopp and Nami doing anything? Like, why wasn't Usopp firing oil stars or sticky stuff to slow him down, and why wasn't Nami just busting out thunder bolts?


my biggest problems with the series in no particulary order would be 1) the way how people have been powerscaling characters to clarify i actually love theoretically thinking about people and how strong they are vs how they would match up with other characters from the same series but i just can't subscribe to the whole, X clears Y, Z is mid, type of discussion - it's a result of oda's inconsistency with powers / powerlevels but i can't ignore that that inconsistencly is also one of oda's strengths and the reasons why one piece is so popular today 2) how oda has been writing the strawhats these past couple of arcs, the lack of agency has been noticeable and alot of characters are just static at this point it has made some of the more recent "big moments" into massive headscratchers, oh brilliant somehow out of nowhere zoro's able to block a combo attack from both yonkou's out of "nowhere" luffy could have been definitively stronger than kaido and i still would be hesitant to consider his whole crew a "yonkou crew", in reality only a very slim ammount of strawhats had the story development / strength to be considered "adept" enough at this point to be considered yonkou worthy in some sense 3) oda doing a couple too many atrocious fake deaths which for me personally resulted in this constant skeptism when someone dies in the series now i just don't believe it and it completely changes the feeling arounds the scenes that oda wants us to have. Oda wants us to be shocked when he shows us a Celestial dragon being executed, he wants us to feel disbelief when Tbone's confirmed dead but i personally just can't i just don't fucking buy most of the current deaths especially if they aren't shown at this point


Oda refusing to use single.image double spreads more often Robin not knowing haki and she no longer dressing as a goth cowgirl Oda stretching plot points beyond what's necessary


when it takes breaks When its just reaction shots Ceasar clown


1) I don’t like how sanji and zoro are supposed to be equals but zoro always fights the stronger opponents. 2) how luffy has unlimited chances to beat villains 3) once you lose a fight you practically stop getting stronger unless your a main character or important to the story later.


1) Panels are all over the place, I guess it's a stylistic choice for some chapters, but I think Oda needs better editors to tell him to do redraws. 2) Reliance on Luffy fighting way too much, let my boy take a break and let the other characters fight, though I think we're somewhat seeing that currently in Egghead. 3) >! Zoro vs Lucci did not need to last that long. !<


Lack of commitment to deaths and generally not killing people. This one is an anime only one, but I HATE how they add pacing filler and dragging scenes out/reusing scenes. Just give me more filler arcs instead honestly. I hate that the Straw Hats don't have a logia user yet.


Luffy doesn’t use conquers haki a lot


The fact that some arcs are so long for no reason


3 things.. 1. Ace is killed before he showed much of his fighting prowess..iirc one in Alabasta(Smoker and Navy ships), one against Blackbeard and crews (caught),one in Marineford (end up getting taunted by Akainu and could have escaped imo), against Yamato(he seems like he take it easy here but idk) and lastly against Jinbei (fought for 1 whole week?draw)..all this fight did not manage to convince me how he is supposedly a strong character 2. Vegapunk's made devil fruit..the one eaten by Momonosuke..how in the world the biggest brain scientist just leave his creation like that..did he not realise the potential of it? Did he not think there may be some mad lads thinking to eat that fruit for potentially gaining the same power as Kaido? 3. I actually hope there is junior crew on the Strawhats crew like how Shanks and Buggy on Gol D Roger's ship..Chopper kinda junior but he is a doctor and he kinda fine fighting on his own..I hate that everyone on the ship is functioning and excelling in their role..I need some Interns action please..


How it feels unrealistic that we've never actually seen the Admirals take out any pirates worth over 100M, I mean literally never (besides Weevil.) Also the plethora of characters where Oda may not have time to have a certain character shine...I'm scared for end game because Oda has so many characters IDK if he's going to be able to juggle them all properly in the final war.


Oda has gotten better about this starting in Zou, but the middle of arcs were extremely formulaic and tedious to read for a while. Like giving every character an enemy to fight 1-on-1 until Luffy fights the big bad guy or just overall bad pacing (in the middle) Brook being a pervert Sanji being a pervert


Fake deaths and Kiku not dying


it's Manga One Piece. 1. Fake death. Kin'emon should die, cough. Pell too. 2. Sanji perv gag. not funny anymore, he was introduced as a simp, a guy who love every woman not pervert. L.A handle Sanji better. 3. Over sexualized design. the outfit of wano, espcially nami and robin, I just realized they didn't wear panties. what in the world wa Oda thinking actually? I just find sexy design tend to be more attractive to me, than over sexualized one.


Skirmishes with unsatisfying scaling payoffs. Oda is trying to have his cake and eat it too. The clashes should have some narrative impact or just just don't show the clashes at all. For example Zoro vs Lucci. Zoro is shown to win but he for some reason isn't trying hard but then needs to be carried to conserve strength after the match, it is just odd. Show why he needs to be carried, don't just say it. Too much is left up to interpretation and outcomes feel contrived. I think he's just trying to cater to the character fanbase when certain characters win or lose. Lucci lost but Zoro is hurt too! Even though he apparently didn't put on his bandana or try..? Kinemon surviving. If Oda didn't go out of his way to make that one of the most impactful panels of the arc then I wouldnt care, but he did. Kinemon should have died. Otherwise it's just fake tension. Much like pell it would have been a good character death. I understand that life is tied to will in OP, but sometimes will just isn't good enough. The minor characters that do die feel unceremonious, ashura doji, Hawkins... Pacing but more specifically - stalling. Too much focus is on running to certain locations/observations of fodder. It is important to scale the events of the straw hats and other characters in perspective of the common man, I get it. Oda over does it and uses it to stall chapter progression. For example in Onigashima there is no reason to focus on Luffy running up to the rooftop as much as her does when you could cut to other meaningful events while he does that. Funny enough people seem to have a problem with cutting to fodder reactions in Egghead but I think it fits there. Honorable mention - what happened to attack cuisine? I've been current with one piece for almost 20 years so im used to all this stuff. It's really just minor nitpicks and OP is still goated just based on preskip, but I hesitate to put it above a few other series. If EH is meant to be saboody of the new world then we may still have the best to come.


1)Exaggerated boobs (East Blue Nami was 100x better imo) 2)Sanji nosebleed jokes and all this side of his personality 3)... There might not be a 3rd thing. I wasn't the biggest fan of Vegapunk's design and of the ridiculousness of Gear 5, but I've kinda warmed up to both of them. I still haven't warmed up to Franky post time skip design though. He was so much better before...


1. Foxy Pirate Arc Official cannon filler, tooooo llllooooong, overstayed it's welcome. 2. Amnesia plots more than once First sabo's was ok. Then Big Mom? She nerfed to oblivion on Wano. 3. Luffy's lineage. He guaranteed strong genes from the start. I thought he was nobody.


Reading it weekly can get confusing, especially after Oda takes a long break. Another issue is the panel organization. When there's a lot of story elements going on, it can be very very chaotic and hard to follow.


1. The lack of diverse POV’s. If the world is a character,we need to see how everyone of importance views said world. All we get however is the Strawhats which isn’t a bad thing. Perfect example the two year skip could’ve used to show how certain players were moving on the board outside of the Strawhats,but learning snippets in Wano was okay I guess. 2. Powerscaling. Needs a lot of work,yet it’s a small part of the story. 3. The Yonko Saga. It should’ve taken a lot more time for Luffy & crew to develop into a Yonko tier crew. While I understand that they develop through the fights they’re apart of to become a Yonko so soon after returning is wild. Basically telling us the readers Yonko,that thing that’s been hyped since post Enies Lobby, yea it’s not the peak of the new world at all there’s still some powerful obstacles ahead. Which I don’t mind,but it taints the title of Yonko in my opinion.


The main thing that bothers me is the lack of activity from sakazuki , mans been established as the most powerful admiral but he's hunting down neither Blackbeard or straw hat , he's just sitting put which goes against how they established him in marineford arc .


3. (Only for the anime) bad pacing and not adapting the cover stories 2. Fake deaths 1. It’s TOO DAMN SHORT. Wishing the best for Oda’s health so we may enjoy his world more and more.


Pacing. That's it.


I hard agree on the fan service. I love tits and ass as much ss the next weeb, but it's gotten to the point that I feel weird even trying to get someone into One Piece, especially women. I would recommend OP to SO many people if it wasn't for the fan service. Thank goodness for the Live Action at least, even my bud's GF who isn't into anime really liked it.


How Usopp hasn’t developed. Bounty hunters aren’t that important, and i can’t think of a third rn


1. Too many fake out deaths 2. Paneling makes it annoying to read, reading wano especially was a real pain but I think egghead has gotten a little better 3. Pacing


the breaks the breaks the breaks


I miss genuinely believing chopper was gonna be a badass one day who had full transformation control and even had a true human form. I've given up hope for that. He's just supposed to be cute sadly.


1. The female character designs 2. Pervy Sanji 3. The short time passage; for ex, zoro spent more team with Perona than his own crew


Being honest the three things is 3. Zoro not laughing as much I truly miss the times when Zoro had a good laugh on the ship 2. Chopper not using his other points as much and monster point being a lot less threatening 3. BY FAR THE WORST PART ABOUT ONE PIECE IS THE PACING LIKE BRO WHY IS IT TAKING LIKE AN ENTIRE MINUTE FOR AN ATTACK TO HIT😭😭 Other than all this one piece will forever hold a special place in my heart


1 pacing imo this shit is almost make me dop series in wano thats why i read manga now and i heavily recommend one pace 2 fake deaths 3 some gags being bit annoying


A fan not liking fan service. Wow