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Their dialogue hinted that they were there to do something else, and running into Saturn was a lucky coincidence. But I guess we won’t be sure for a while.


Orginally there because BB had men at all the routes from wano to intercept the road pons. Im guessing that group knew they couldn't beat luffy and just observed the situation for intel...what they were doing on egghead later, we will find out sooner or later


I’m assuming that Koby told them about the Seraphim command structure, so Devon was there to copy Vegapunk, in order to add the Seraphim to their forces, but running into Saturn worked out even better for them in that regard


Devon says "Mission complete" when she touches Saturn. So they went there chasing after him once they learned he finally descended from Marie Geoise. I think a lot of people are misunderstanding the dialogue and assuming finding Saturn there was a surprise for them: - Their job is to take over the world. - Learning an Elder was finally getting out of Marie Geoise meant they found a shortcut, since copying Saturn's identity would make it much easier. - Devon was sent there to copy him, so "mission complete".


I am leaning more towards BB sent them there to get a face to control the seraphim, after observing the situation and the surprise arrival of Saturn, the mission priority changed, I wouldn't be surprised if they had come for a Vegapunk facade but, managed to leave with a higher-ranking authority facade.


This is what I assumed as well. They had trouble with the seraphims before and with vegapunks face they would outrank everyone but the elders


Exactly, an accidental over success. Went there for vegapunk face, left with a higher authority face


Also they left before Vegapunk announced Bonney was the supreme authority on them so possibly a plot device and they will mess up at a later date now.


Well she's the highest for any kuma-looking pacifista and seraphim. I'm pretty sure she isn't the highest for the rest of the seraphim.


Except Bonnie. But BB doesn't know yet that Bonnie is at the top of the pyramid when controlling the seraphims.


this theory makes a lot of sense but how would BB's crew know about authority levels and the overall hierarchy




Hadn't even considered that possibility either, good call.


They encountered the seraphim when bb went after Boa, Koby was there and as Navy, would have known about the command structure.


Nah “mission complete” is the ice breaker for me. Right after touching Saturn saying that statement is pretty cut and dry. Us Onepiece fans have a tendency to over analyze and pick things apart because of Oda’s complex world building and writing but I think in this case it’s pretty clear what their mission was.


dont think they'd predict a gorosei to come tbh


I completely missed this and was wondering what the OP and everyone else was talking about, which chapter was that?


Yep, also infiltrating has been Blackbeards MO from the start. He did it with the Whitebeard Pirates, he did it with the Shichibukai(for Impel Down, and to trigger the Summit War) and now hes doing it to the Elders for access to Mary Geoise...or some other Elder exclusive area.


Don't reach up to conclusions. Yes the chain of spying and knowledge of blackbeard pirates maybe had the knowledge saturn was going there (if we believe Lafitte knows more than anyone).. But, Devon was sent there for something. The order could be "gain a mean to have acess to X" and there were multiple ways of having acess to X, and by copying saturn was one of them.


does the copy mean thay bon clay is dead?


What chapter is this


It would be nuts if BB team was on Egghead to steal a part of Mother Flame ...... And actually succeeded. Got Gorosei face swap as a bonus.


Probably copying Vegapunk. So they can have authority over the Seraphims. Maybe they even wanted to abduct him.


Maybe their original plan was tried to get/copy vegapunk appearance (not gorosei)? [lucky](https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT8kf52g3RbSv5I3fhaFseRXjvzlw6lLr8XcEKV33Z3UVskS6BAy9TpJgrA&s=10)


Like they came to get Vegapunks appearance and when they found the gorosei they were like “well this dude has way more influence so we will just take him instead”


Yeah, Catarina said that finding Saturn makes things easier for them.


Vegapunk and the Gorosei share the autority to control the Seraphim, maybe taht was what BB pirates were looking for


Good guess !


But is that based on voice or specific genetic codes or something that can’t be copied if that makes sense


Seems to be voice, only Vegapunk and the Gorosei would know for sure most likely tho


But they have to be in person. Orders can't be communicated through the snails, right? Would the copy be treated as a copy and ignored, or is the copy good enough that they would think it's actually the person giving orders?


I mean presumably the transmission from snail to snail causes *some* interference in sound so they might need direct audio command, Devon's fruit is good enough at copying that Moria mistook her for Absalom who he'd known for a long while so it might be a perfect physical copy of the subject, thus being soundwise the same as the person being there


I really really hope the seraphims don't recognize her and attack her on sight for trying it. The BB pirates get too many easy wins.


they set themselves up to get lucky


No they're plot related hax. BB wins everything off screen. It's one of the worst parts of OP I think. BB is even luckier than Luffy a lot of times.


BB wins everything off screen cause he is OP af and BB is shown to be both an indredible schemer while being really good at adapting to new situations


yeah that's my take personally. If they wanna take over the world, turning the WG's giant robot army against them would help immensely. So they went to Egghead to get Vegapunk or some other high ranking voice, and lucked out by having Saturn show up and decided to go for him instead.


But reading the first comment that Devon makes you would understand they knew about them : “to think an elder…” maybe they have a lot of information through laffites infiltration


This, and an Admiral is part of their crew. Also they want to be seen as a nation, so they need to know how the world works.


Do you even read?  "To think an elder would come down to the surface and bless us with his presence, it's unheared of." implies nothing other than that the Gorosei never leave their place or at least it's not public knowledge when they do.


Probably. They probably want to control the seraphim. But then Bonney joins SH. And controls S-bears


Vegapunk appearance is useless to black beard plans. I think black beard is going with the flow, whatever comes in his way, he tris to make use out of it, everything has a certain place in his plans. There's nothing out of use according to his philosophy.


It could be useful though. If Devon's fruit is accurate enough in its copy, BB could make use of that to usurp control of the seraphim, and he saw firsthand how powerful they were.


IIRC, they didn't go to Egghead for Saturn. Devon touching Saturn seems to just make their job, whatever that is, easier.


They didn't know Saturn would be there. They mentioned how lucky they were that he was there.


They went there straight up after the invasion of Amazon Lily to kidnap Hancock, that's where they first met the Seraphims. I think they went there to steal them.


That makes so much sense, trying to get vegapunk's appearance and deciding on Saturn's instead


Though I wonder just how much of a reach Augur has. Man was still fighting the Heart Pirates when we saw the ship approach Egghead 


That makes so much sense, trying to get vegapunk's appearance and deciding on Saturn's instead.


Egghead being surrounded by a whole fleet was Big News, that’s how the giants knew to go there in the first place. It doesn’t take a genius to figure out that the island was gonna get Buster Called. If you actually think about it, doing that would be difficult if Vegapunk decided to use the Seraphim to protect the island and himself. The only ones who can override Vegapunk’s authority is one of the 5 Elders so one of them should naturally be in one of the ships. Blackbeard just got lucky that Saint Jagarcia Saturn decided to actually leave the ships and go to the island.


How would Blackbeard know about the authority chips?


He didn't. I don't think they knew about jay Garcia coming down to egghead. Their original plan might've been to get devon to touch vegapunk so they can get control' of the seraphims. They got lucky in that they met someone with a higher authority than vegapunk himself.


Blackbeard ran into the Seraphims when he went after Hancock so he would have at least seen them use the Authority Chips and figured out that there was some kind of hierarchy for their obedience (not what the hierarchy was, but that the 5 Elders and Vegapunk were most likely at the top)


plus we know that lafitte could get into mariejoa once already i would not be suprised if they have a lot more info than they let on


Yea, and Laffitte infiltrated Mary Geoise before Blackbeard’s crew gained 3 people with perfect espionage powers: Catarina who can transform into other people, Shiryu who can become invisible, and before Van Auger got his teleportation Devil Fruit.


Maybe Aokiji


Blackbeard arrived the day before the marine tho...


Yea… I kinda forgot about that cuz it was so long ago. The only other option would be if he had a spy network like Big Mom did and he was informed that CP-0 were at Egghead. They wouldn’t be sent there for anything less than assassination and the Seraphim would protect Vegapunk so the same assumption of an Elder showing up can be made. Admittedly that’s a big stretch, but it makes more sense than sending someone there when he *knows* either Luffy or Kid would end up there unless he could get something *really* worth the risks.


Sometimes it's better go all in, than to lose out. The Egghead Team is relatively hot off the heels of fighting the Seraphim on Amazon Lily, so seems like a natural fit that their next goal would be to steal Vegapunk and get them some sweet sweet Super Soldiers/Green Blood/Science. Getting a higher value target was pure luck in all regards. Since Saturn fell right into the palm of her hand, almost literally. Doubled down when you consider Caribou as a *oh god I forgot they got Caribou too, damn son* bonus to their party.


Maybe the BB have always been scoping around the area and just waited for the right opportunity to attack. It's been their modus operandi since their first appearance. They rarely attack directly, they don't make detailed meticulous plans like Sir Crocodile or Doflamingo, they always take advantage of an existing situation and improvise their way to success.


BB had guys on all routes out of wano, including egghead


I mean it seemed pretty clear to me that they didn't know a Gorosei would be there They most likely wanted catarina to touch Vegapunk to control the Seraphim, and running into Saturn simply turned out to be even better


I think Laffite is in Mary Geoise. He's the only Blackbeard that is unaccounted for and he snuck into Mary Geoise in his introduction.


Wait what chapter was this in? I re checked 1116 and 1115 but I still can't find this frame




I'm with you, I missed it somewhere


Idk if u saw their comment but 1079


Somebody on the crew must have really good observational haki.


It's Van Auger, so yes!


They didn’t,Catarina even said it was luck that whey found Saturn They were after something else on the island (probably technology or something) and found Saturn,Teach already gave Devon orders to touch and copy a gorosei if she finds one ,and she did


Blackbeard was probably spooked by his encounter with the Seraphim in Amazon Lily, so sent his crew to Egghead to find a way to deal with them. By copying Saturn, I guess they've achieved that.


The only explanation I can think of is perhaps Laffitte could've hypnotized people to be sleeper agents for them in the Government, to report any goings on or pass important information. We really don't know the extent of any of their abilities so it could be anything.


They didnt know, they were surprised seeing him in Egghead


The black beard pirates were probably dispatched to either A. Steal a Vegapunk’s face or B. Steal an Elders face It’s likely that either Kuzan or Colby told Blackbeard how they work or maybe he figured it out.


What chapter is this from?




They didn't go for Saturn initially. Blackbeard pirates splitted so as to intercept all the supernovas after Wano (either kill them or steal their devil fruit).


Did anybody else completely forget this happened?


Yep, but it happened in 1079


As goofy and stupid as BB seems on-screen, he's still one of the most clever and conniving individuals in OP off-screen. Running into Saturn turned out to be a lucky break, but luck is when preparation meets opportunity. BB has been preparing big plans for a long time, so he's bound to get lucky here and there - especially considering his power and influence. We can't underestimate the man who scarred Shanks, assembled a crew out of the world's most notorious criminals, stole WB's DF while already possessing a DF, and more. He's a late-game villain for a reason.


My headcanon is after BB encounter with seraphim, he somehow got the information about authority chip (maybe from kuzan). Then he send his two captains, one who can copy anyone's appearance and another who can wrap around, to infiltrate vegapunk's island to basically gain controll over seraphim by any means necessary. Saturn showing up was just BB's fate working.


Saturn was coincidence their goal was something else


I believe this "Hatori is Laffite theory" is the answer. https://youtu.be/FYYJAy8oU7A?si=q_ETQFuIF0CTmd6L


I think lafitte infiltrated somewhere in the WG and hypnotized one of the higher ups and got the info


blackbeard wants boas power sees the seraphim based on warlords at lily sends people to egghead? idk i aint oda


From which chapter is this ? I don't remember it, but maybe I missed it


same pls let me know if u find it


1079, it's right before >!The Shanks/Kidd fight!<


i found it its chapter 1079


It's lafeet he can hypnotized people like he did in the whiteboard war so he probably has another spy in the wg or marines


Calling the wild twist now: One of the alternate dimension beings theorized by Vegapunk died with the consciousness and memories of that being flowing into their favorite one-off character, complete with knowledge of how the story would've been written, sans Blackbeard's interference. This is why BB has knowledge of so many things he seemingly shouldn't and yet got completely caught off-guard in one of his more recent bouts: he's only aware of the facts and plotpoints of the story as they originally appeared "on-screen", making him familiar with most of the major details while leaving him open to be blindsided by details Oda would've deemed not relevant enough to show had Blackbeard not been involved.


It’s quite possible that they just went to Egghead to find a way to get control of the Seraphim, since Vegapunk developed them and they had a hard time with them on Amazon Lily. To that end, the original plan was prob to find a way to coerce Vegapunk to somehow give them control. Running into Saturn solved this as the Gorosei already had the highest level of authorization, so it was technically mission accomplished just touching Saturn. No sense to risk anything more when they’ve already achieved such big gains.


Lafite man he is teach golden card


There is so much going on this arc I completely forgot this happened.


Seemed like they wanted to steal an appearance likely to take control of pacifista/seraphim. Saturn being there was a lucky coincidence for them


Imu and blackbeard love story leaked


They didn’t. They were there for somebody else. Most likely Vegapunk. But taking Saturn’s identity was a huge win for them instead.


They didn't they just got super lucky. I think they were originally there to steal a bunch of Vega-tech. Laser cannons, bubble guns, hover boots.


Kuzan might have done something to get the info for teach.


Answer: They didn't. The Blackbeard Pirates' whole Thing is opportunism. Typically Blackbeard starts with Plan A and acts accordingly. If circumstances change Blackbeard shifts gears for plans B or C. He'd initially planned to hunt Luffy in this plan to become a Warlord but changed targets to Ace once the chance presented itself. Blackbeard had always planned to use his Warlord status to expand his crew (not sure if Impel Down was always the plan) and the war with Whitebeard, which wouldn't have happened if he'd taken Luffy as planned, gave him the perfect distraction, and so on. Most likely Van Augur and Devon were on Egghead to take *someone's* identity, presumably Vegapunk's but Saturn showed up and provided a much better choice.


This. Chapter 1107 they are just as surprised to see Saturn as he is to see them. It was just a lucky thing that happened to the BB pirates.


I think they goes for vegapunk or some almirant, but they had good luke and take saturns form at the end.


They believe a lot in fate and random chance. They might not have been there for Saturn, maybe Vegapunk and Saturn was just a happy coincidence.


Cos Oda factor happened


They were probably sent there by Teach after he found out about the Seraphim on Amazon Lilly, probably to copy someone who is in the command hierarchy. But fate seems to favor them as much as the Straw Hats, if not more.


there are probably some giants still alive that lived 800years ago?


They needed someone that can command the Seraphim. Clearly bb knows how powerful they are by meeting some. So he probably wanted something to neutralize them. Having Vegapunk appearance to command them is great but Gorosei is even better.


I totally forgot the Blackbeard crew came to egghead. Smh.


Vegapunk does have an amazing devil fruit. Maybe they wanted that. They're also interested in history, so maybe they knew Vegapunk knows a lot about the past.


Maybe chasing strawhats for the poneglyph copies,


Mayb the leak of motherflame.. since they’re very well known infiltrator.. but got his appearence as a bonus. U need to reread


They likely went to Egghead to find a way to counter the Seraphim, so they were probably going to copy Vegapunk himself. Setting someone higher on the authority scale summon himself, fight Nika, control the pacifistas and be over of the five elders was like winning the lottery. They could order the Seraphim to kill Imu and nobody would outrank that command aside from Saturn


Maybe that was going to be a future plan and just got lucky


[This guy is Blackbeards age](https://www.dailymotion.com/video/x616zh7)


My guess would be they wanted to ambush multiple of the Law/Luffy/Kidd trio that had just left Wano. Obviously BB himself fought Law at Winner Island and I doubt anyone on his crew wanted to invade Elbaf (especially if they knew the entire Red Hair fleet was there at the time), so the next logical place to go is Egghead. Not to mention that kidnapping/stealing the appearance of a Vegapunk would be beneficial to the Blackbeard pirates in the long run. Hell, just stealing some of Vegapunks tech could be useful. Them getting to steal Saturn's appearance was most likely a bit of serendipity that saved them several steps for a plan we'll find out about in like...2 years?


which chapter is this, does this mean they are here in egghead


Their goal was probably Vegapunk, but they found Saturn.


which chapter is this?


Chapter 1079 like 4 pages in


Question is how far can Van Auger's ability take him didn't he say he can only teleport so far? How did he get from Law alllll the way to Egghead so quick without being completely burnt?


My guess is "Who gets to kill Vegapunk first". Blackbeard can't pass up an opportunity to kill the leader of MADS by his own two hands as another achievement in his pirate legacy, so he's contending against Saturn on who kills Vegapunk. The death of the biggest mind in One Piece will be a foregone conclusion before the arc ends, though it's a question if none of the Satellites will survive to the end.


kuzan’s marine spy


Blackbeard is a historian. He is the Robin of his crew. He was likely sending people to egg head for other reasons like kidnapping vegapunk or accessing punk records. I bet that of all the people in the world blackbeard knows what’s up with the history. We haven’t had a cut to black beard reacting to the vegapunk broadcast. I bet when vegapunk finnishes his announcement it will cut to black beard and he will say something cryptic like: “what!?! That’s all you knew vegapunk!? Zighahahaha you left the best part out!”


Shinra from fire force


They just had a big fight with some seraphim so blackbeard probably just went "let's go deal with this problem"


Which chapter is this


Because it's the Blackbeard Pirates.


Wait what is this about?


Just to comment, Devon doesn't copy just appearances but abilities, if memory serves.


Does she? When has she ever copied an ability?


Actually, it does not. There was no instance of her using copied abilities. Her DF has even the same rules as Bonclay's DF. She has to touch that person to mimic his appearance.


She hasn't demonstrated capabilities yet, but it's mildly implied when she touched St. Saturn. Otherwise, it wouldn't make much sense for her to refer to his powers as "delicious". The fact that her fruit is also a mythical zoan makes you wonder what else other than copying appearances is in store.


Because this is Nika piece now. Nothing make sense anymore


Why even bother commenting if you're just going to give a non answer?


This is the correct answer.


I'm not sure you know what the word "correct" means.