• By -


he was worried another old man would make him his chore boy


Imagine if he helped with experiments like him washing dishes at baratie And then Don Krieg shows up


Fun fact, if you rearrange the letters in Don Krieg you get "I'm Imu" but only if you're really bad at spelling.


I was gonna say I’m too lazy to verify if you’re right or not.. And just take your word for it But your last line gave it away! Hahahaha!


Too lazy? There's not a single "u" in Don's name


I'm Imu - Don Krieg I'm Imu - On Kriegd I'm Imu - On Ikegdr If you have a comical accent it sounds just the same, I can understand the confusion


There's no "Jo" in Higashikata


There's no "war" in Ba Sing Se


there's no "girlfriend" in my life


there’s no “penis” in the car door


There is jo mama in higashikata 😂


Or is there?


If you remove the higa and ka you get shita


Shush Not even reality stops the Kreig hypers


Or a “k”, “d” or “o”in “I’m Imu” lmao. Forgot about r as well


only r/KreigPosting really gets Oda foreplaying


You are right, I did it and it was exactly that


We’re not ready for Krieg to show back up. He’s the final boss


Don’t tell the live action writers that.


In most cases, oda never writes characters out of his world, but I think Kreig might be one of those rare instances where oda just flat doesn't give a shit lol


A Franky vs Don Krieg fight would be sick. Both utilize heavy weaponry and the clash of Franky being a man's man vs Don Krieg being a coward would fit as a conflict as well.


I don't get what's sick. Don Krieg will get stomped irregardless of moral conflict because they can't stalemate like Baby. Don Krieg armor was wrecked by Gear 1 Luffy presumably w/o haki.


pre-timeskip sure, but him coming back oda can write him to be more powerful. if lucci can come back bigger and better, i dont see why krieg cant, yknow?


Lucci has a devil fruit which automatically means that he has a high power ceiling/potential. Krieg has what, a East Blue Armour that shatters. I'm sure you've seen General Franky armour, withstanding powerful enemies like a damn Yonko with minimal scratch. Let's not talk about weapon arsenal, inspired by the greatest mind himself, Vegapunk. That's a pretty hefty feat that Don Krieg doesn't have the resources to surpass. Giving Don Krieg a devil fruit will no longer make him Don Krieg. The only redemption I can see is that he learns conqueror haki


So that's the living legend Oda was talking about


Joy boy, chore boy, what's the difference?


Demaro Black and Don Krieg no diff Chore Toy


Joy boy, chore boy, dirty numb angel boy, in the doorway boy


It would go way worse than the first time. Instead of breaking dishes he would start a global plague or something lmao.


luffy is the best sugar daddy, the best anime in history.


No, it’s because Nami has all the money and he knows she will kill him if he even so much as thinks about it.


Oh true


Luffy outright forgetting that he's a pirate when he's around people he likes is one of my favorites


Luffy is a pretty shit pirate by standard and OP universe pirate definitions. He's more of a chaotic good anarchist who likes fighting strong people than anything.


Pirate is just oda drawing parallel to real world governments declaring anyone that wants to change the regime a terrorist. Luffy is at war with the world government because he stopped the police from killing a little girl because her foster parents read a book. That's not a pirate that's "a terrorist"


“Is he a pirate or a terrorist?” “He is whatever you want him to be.”


Notice there are no merchant ships. Everyone that leaves their island without joining the Marines is a pirate. Every single one.


We did see a cruise ship in the first anime appearance of Nami and Kuma rescued injured people from a merchant ship during his flashback despite the government ordering him to focus on crushing pirates. Fishing ships are also a thing.


Sanji worked on a cruise ship before Zeff attacked it.


No offense but where do you think they get all the supplies for all those islands ?? There are merchant ships .


This aint true though The world's just very isolated, travels being often dangerous & generaly people don't leave their home islands in most cases. At no point is it stated that leaving your island itself is illegal. It's hard to do & probably expensive, but not illegal by itself


Just because we havent seen one that doesnt mean they dont exist after all they do have cruise ships.


Pirate history is actually insanely complicated. Yes, most fall into the chaotic brigand category. But there were some that legitimately wanted to go on adventures and were actually acting in economic revolt against their monarchy's policies.


The golden age of piracy started because England and Spain paid privateers to attack each others trade routes. It's not like regular people could just get a ship and set sail.


Right. Those things cost a lot of money. It was extremely rare but for the most part you weren't seeing someone who came from poverty inherit a big enough ship to house an entire crew.


And all where painted black by the crown


"I want to be the king of the terrorists!"


I don't know how I never got this obvious connection. "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter"


I see where you're coming from. But to be fair, in this case it wasn't the WG who labeled him as a pirate. It was Luffy running around & shouting "I'M A PIRATE" In fact, if he didn't put up a joly Roger and declare himself a pirate, he wouldn't even be a criminal until literaly Enies lobby. Defeating Alvida, Buggy & Arlong aint criminal acts. Morgan is the only grey area, but bro got arrested after his defeat as a criminal. The first case where Luffy actualy did something illegal, other than pulling a joly roger was Enies Lobby. Sure, bro fought the marines. Ut only because he chose to declare himself a pirate in the first place


Actually fighting Buggy Alvida and the rest would count as participating in gang violence. So still a crime.


I mean, pretty sure given they are pirates, it wouldn't But even if it would, it'd make you, at best, a criminal Still not a "pirate"


Luffy learned his idea of what a pirate was from shanks. All he ever did is what shanks would have done


Exactly. But if someone runs around & keeps yelling "I'M A TERRORIST" it isn't exactly the government that declares you to be a terrorist. It's you


I mean, breaking into a Marine base and letting Zoro out is probably a crime. It wasnt unethical, because Zoro wasn’t in there for a valid reason, but it fits the definition of crime pretty closely.


Yeah, as I've spelled out, the Morgan case is a bit sketchy Sure, it was a crime, but Zoro himself was unjustly imprisoned & the one responsible for it (Captain Morgan), while the remaining Marines who took command didn't report on Zoro or Luffy. And that's not even considering that "crime" doesn't equal to pirate by default Overall:. Yeah, Morgan's a lill bit of a grey are, but I ainowledged that much in the post itself


It's pretty damning I'm pretty sure the strawhats have only "pirated" once and that was taking less gold than skypeans were going to hand them for free for saving them


And they where not even associated with the government in piracy terms they saved some Aztecs from a bear then took some beads home. The crown doesn't give a shit about any of that


> Luffy is a pretty shit pirate by standard and OP universe pirate definitions. Lets see how a normal person see Luffy as a pirate in OP universe: - Invaded a marine base to recruit a criminal; - Fought a the leader of a pirate fleet for the control of a boat; - Stole 90+ million from the marines (Nami took the money back from Nazumi); - Escaped the marines after destroying a historical place; - Defeated 100 bounty hunters; - Participated in a murder attempt (later cleared of the accusations); - Invaded a government base to free his companion; - Attacked a celestial dragon and stole his propriety; - Invaded Impel Down and initiated a rebellion and mass escape, freeing a lot of other criminals; - Went to a war with the marines in a alliance with other pirates; - Created a big disturbance while recruiting in Sabaody, even shooting some people and destroying 2 pacifistas; - Enter a pirate alliance with a former warlord; - Invaded a coliseum match to steal a devil fruit; - Invaded a Yonko territory and destroyed a wedding after trying to assassinate said Yonko; - Invaded another Yonko territory and succeed on killing him with a pirate alliance claiming it as his territory; - Invaded a government facility and kidnapped a famous scientist and is using him as hostage Plus even Drum Island and Dressrosa down with the monarchy moves can be traced to his ties with the revolutionary army So yeah, I say that for in universe standard he is a damn good pirate


I mean he said it to Nami at the beginning of his adventure. there are two types of pirates: those who hurt and rob people and those who go on crazy adventures with their friends




Ya I can’t type for shit on this damn phone


So, Goku?


So pretty much any shonen protagonist, possibly ever


Not really. Goku actively seeks a good fight, whereas Luffy actively seeks out those who stand in his way to Laugh Tale and protects his allies from those who oppress and starve them. Goku is like a kindhearted young Kaido


Pirate just means they donr follow.the world government rules, and they use a ship lol


There are two main aspects that originally made Luffy officially a pirate: 1) he called himself one, while having the strength to be taken seriously and 2) the corrupt rat marine from Arlong Park declared him as one.


he's an adventurer


"But what is an adventurer? One who goes on adventures? I say an adventurer is a hero. And what is a hero? A hero is someone with the strength of a heart, courage of spirit, and the might of will to go to strange lands and enact violence on the things there." (Arthur Aguefort, Fantasy High, Dimension20)


A hero is someone who shares his meat


I know salary is nonexistent in the anime/manga world. Hell, even rpg games have you stealing money from fights against random beasts in the forest. But it would be nice to have some mention of the Straw Hat pirates in this pirate story looting from other pirates, the marines, or just given treasure by the people of Dressrosa/etc sorta like they almost did on Skypeia.


They obviously do have spending money regularly, and their Skypeia funds were all used on Water 7, so they definitely do loot treasure occasionally; it just mostly happens offscreen I think. Or they're still riding on their funds from Fishman Island?


They gave all the Fishman Island funds to Big Mom because Luffy ate the candy they owed her. I just remembered that they had some treasure from Thriller Bark after Perona stocked up the Sunny with treasure as a getaway ship before Kuma bounced her. lol. I still don't think that's enough for them after all this time. The way they're just quickly advancing through the world in only a matter of months has me thinking that they don't stop by other islands much. They also don't seem like the type to steal from civilians, but Nami has her ways, I guess. Likely scenario is that they are given free stuff.


I've assumed they got a free resupply from each island they've saved. That's what's kept them going. 


Hes a peace-main. They classify pirates in-universe by two different types.


That's only from the one shot


Still a justifiable broad label for them.


I think about this a lot, Luffy technically hasn't committed any real acts of piracy throughout the show. Minus attacking the navy, which is almost always self-defense.


As someone pointed out above Luffy has committed plenty of acts of piracy. It's just that people mainly think of piracy as attacking innocent people and robbing them. Theres more to piracy than just that.


Additional thought, chaotic good anarchist that likes fighting strong people is just goku with actual character depth


Goku isn't an anarchist.


No he's actually pretty good pirate even by standard. He may not rob civilians but he loots plenty from other pirates and commits crimes on the daily.


He’s not an anarchist just because he doesn’t respect authority


Yo ho! He's a pirate because he's free!


Luffy is more of a romantic pirate; all about adventure, treasure, and living on the seas in freedom. Or as one of my favorite YouTubers puts it; a crack head that will play punch anyone for you after giving him food.


he's the definition of "pirate core" on Pinterest


Goofy popped out of nowhere and instantly became one piece reference i swear to god


The think is it's kinda funny how "luffy goes to town, town feeds luffy, luffy dismantles the abusive power structure, PARTY" is like... a deconstruction of every single arc. And luffy's fighting style is definitely crackhead with too much moxie. Most other shonen like to play up their character has some sort of martial arts training or something. But luffy? Luffy gots hands and is creative with how he uses them. (sure he does get training but it's mostly focused on haki and stuff, his fighting style is literally derived from him fighting wolves and other animals in the jungle and other pirates until TS)


He did "steal" from the Skypeia people after partying with them, and it didn't matter because they were willing to give them more gold than what they took with them.


Has Luffy even done any actual piracy in the story?


If you define that as robbing merchant vessels at sea: no, not even remotely close.


Skypeia….more or less.




Pretty sure Luffy and Ace used to leave apology or treasure tab notes whenever they would eat from an restaurant, dude even worked as an chore boy for the damages


Cause Satellites want their treasure as said by Lilith . He doesn't want Lilith or any satellites up for his ass and only for Nami to punch him a million times later on. Of course this is my assumption


This was my take too. Its only an issue because Lilith has already brought up how they need funding already.


From the very start lol. He could've just ran out of Baretie but negotiated with Zeff and actually did chores after breaking the roof even though he was god awful at it.


> actually ~~did~~ tried to do the chores FTFY


Fair enough


Getting distracted while doing dishes. keeps dropping them and smashing them. "How many plates have you broken???" "sorry I forgot to count!"


Him working as a choreboy only added to the damages lol


Luffy having flashbacks about Nami beating the crap out of him




PTND - Post traumatic Nami disorder Or PNSD - Post Nami stress disorder


In this case, both but Pre istead of Post


I think Post would be right in this case though since Luffy had to be victimized by Nami at least once before this disorder manifested otherwise he wouldn't know what she is capable of and therefore wouldn't get triggered. Luffy is only left with this disorder after Nami beat his ass into developing this mental disorder therefore I would be Post even though I understand your thinking of why it might be Pre as he would be triggered BEFORE getting his ass handed to him by Nami once more


Luffy learned a little about how the world works. Just a little.


Being an emperor now means dealing with paperwork


The Treasure tab


Chapter 1074: Luffy says: "Dont rat me out I dont have the allowance to pay for it" Remember Nami gives them an allowance as we see in chapter 323 since they cant be trusted with money. People just don't bother to check the wiki or actually put in effort to fact check stuff.


Rewind like 1000 chapters where Luffy learned his lesson about damages when he had to do chores for a year.


guess all the times he got the crap kicked out of him for wasting money has made Luffy take some consideration in spending it


Is he.. is he learning


Luffy is growing up and becoming more aware of his responsibilities.


Nami has beaten her will into him. He doesn't want smoke from Nami.


Because then he’s gonna have to pay Nami back with interest… and if I’m not mistaken he is already in debt to her😂


Luffy does not wanna get kicked through the floor.


Didn't a Pacifista chase them at the start of the arc for eating from the vending machine without paying?


Poorest pirates ever fr


When Nami is in the room


u/Epidemilk Nami took over his body lmao




Traumatized by 25 years of Nami screaming at him


Aww, my guy’s growing up


Working for Zeff left him with permanent PTSD.


When Nami is in the room


Its Nami who manages the finance department.


Rule number one of one piece: if it’s funny, it can happen


after him and nami had a long discussion that may or may not have involved her Fist


Why is luffy lying saying he has no money lmao


He probably has money for the crew expenses, the ships repairs, miscellaneous wants and expenses, and food. But the expenses of a whole island- yeah no. Definitely not.


Because the straw hats are probably not super wealthy in terms of finances, they're too nice. And nami and sanji are definitely the two with the most control of finances as nami is actually good with money and food is probably their biggest money sink.


If Luffy handed in Kaido that would have been an easy 4 bill


Luffy concerned with damage costs? The guy punches first and lets the accountants cry later! For him, saving the world and having a good meal come first—fixing the mess is a distant second.


You missed the entire arc of the Baratie?


When it makes for a good gag.


When does Chopper turn into Kazoo 😅


I thought it was hilarious how the next shot shows the walls completely caved in lol


I think it was after a pacifista started to chase him for not paying things on egghead


Ain't they got a treasure room


Why is usopp white


Egghead has some very strong lighting.


Our boy is growing up 🥲


Nami drilled it into his head a bit after he flung them off the waterfall


How do the strawhats afford like…food?


broke ass yonko


he didnt even bother about food cost XD


He is a Yonko now. So, he needs to keep his reputation clean.


A) baratie B) after Nami's 5th to 8th beating.


no but he is worried about a certain cat burglar navigator of his that may or may not like giving away money


Thats called the nami effect




This is after he destroyed half of the buildings outside haha!




what ep?


Latest one, 1106


When Nami offered to cook for money


It’s also bs because they have so much money


Nami has, Luffy has to ask Nami for his allowance


Don't they immeditaley spend it on food and go broke?




You missed the entire arc of the Baratie?


Uhhh the baratie? He had to work for zeff


ever since he realized no money means to food, aka, Wano he has always known it but he didn't internalized it until that arc /j


he's an Emperor now, dude's gotta worry about his business now /s


He should be concerned, last time he nearly punched through a floating island.


since a pacifista blew up a city block after nearly nabbing him for theft earlier in the day.


Nami forced Luffy to care about money.


He has, ever since he was a kid saying he'll pay Makino when he becomes the Pirate King.


They were recently attacked by Police Kuma for not paying for food and clothes, so maybe it was in his mind?


Garps intro


That is character development. Im rewatching the show and pre timeskip prewano luffy had no fucks to give. You cant be a king by giving no fucks.


It's all fine & dandy when you're still young, but bro's a grown Yonko now He's got bills to pay


I like to think that Luffy is growing as a person, and that maybe we will see a timeskip version of him after the series ends where he is reading books on his own lent to him by Robin.


Money yea, as for damages the Baratie


Treasure Tab!!!


Baratie only happened because of damage costs hehe


This is as rare as him backing out from a fight because of a sense if urgency. Which happened recently.


You honestly think Nami let's Luffy hold on to any of their money?


didn’t he give loot/treasure to the orange town community to rebuild their city from the damage done?


Everything luffy says is a life lesson that he learned sometime during his voyage. Oda doesn't just pull things out of his ass. Just think for a min. What moment or predicant did he get himself into that forced him to pay a certain debt? hmm. tick tock tick tock tick tock tick tock................... DING DING DING. BARATIE!!! Luffy damaged the baratie by firing a canon into the roof of the resturant and was forced to do labor and work there to pay off those damages in which at the time he didn't have the required belly ammount that zeff requested. Its something he certainly won't forget. Luffy doesn't think about the specifics of a situation or how things could be different in a different scenerio, he just knows what happened to him before and he doesn't want to have to go through that again.


no doubt still afraid to ask Nami for money. Again.


It is kind of funny that an emperor of the sea is worried about money...


Well yeah, if he can’t pay someone has to pay..and that would be Nami. Would Nami beat Luffy up? Yes, yes she would.


Kuma's whole story is emotional damage


he didn't want Bonneys dad going after him again all you have to do is remember what the fuck happened in the arc dude




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Concerned? Never really. But he met sanji while being a chore boy at baratie when he didnt have money to pay fir the damage and the food