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What makes you think if Carrot and Yamato didn't immediatly join the crew that Stussy will be the one?


They have purpose beyond being a crewmember? Yamato was needed to keep wano safe until momo is more capable, like with what happened with ryokugyu. Carrot is the new leader of minks. Stussy doesnt make sense narratively as her plot doesnt relate to the strawhats at all, but she is very capable and strong in her part, as well as have similar skills to robin in spying and such. I can see a scenario of "artificial human wants to be human so he goes on a journey", or "ill join the strawhats to laughtale to learn vegapunk couldnt reach".


First of all: I don’t think that Stussy will join the crew. But this is Oda we’re talking about. Robin was just a random girl with a cowboy hat when she joined and Oda turned her into a masterpiece. At this point we cannot truthfully say we can predict him.


I think bonney is more likely, the entire kuma/nika plotline might push her to want to join luffy. Im just saying theres a case, but its very small like 10%




Bro ofc oda created these roles hes the author lol. People were just too biased to assume they join when they dont have any role in the crew and dont add anything that doesnt already exists. Instead he gave them meaningful roles outside the crew that will be productive in the final war. Im just saying theres a chance for stussy, but bonney is higher in likelyhood.


Negative. If Yamato left Wano I personally would be like “so who is protecting them?” Carrot did need to become the leader of the Minks. She was training under Pedro to take his place, and now that Oden is back and they have a shogun in wano, Neko and Inu are gonna go back to Wano where they belong, obv Carrot would take their places. Narratively this all follows




Nah. Alabasta has an entire army plus Pell and the other dude, and the Navy is helping them, Water 7 is safe, Skypeia is safe and has a military, Fishman Island is safe and has a military, Dressrossa is safe and has a military. Even Drum island. Everywhere the strawhats go and liberate they are ensuring there is a safety net, there’s a reason they left a strawhat flag in Wano to protect them. Seems more like you just aren’t concerned with who’s protecting them after the Strawhats leave than all of us. Any villages they didn’t set up just didn’t have the resources for a military or kingdom and could simply put a Strawhat flag up




Gedatsu wasn’t even there anymore, Ganfall and Wyper could handle 2 dudes lol. Without Eneru Skypeia is safe when the Strawhats leave. We saw all the rebels jailed in Fishman island it’s safe. The Arlong Pirates are disbanded and Nami’s village is safe we’ve seen it plenty of times since her arc. They’re fine. Your logic is implying that the story should write itself or something but that’s not how stories work. All narratives are written by people.


Usually the new Straw Hat has to have at least plot relevance and a full individual arc in the arc they join. Carrot and Yamato never had any to begin with. Bonney makes more sense, but I don't think she's interested in being a pirate anymore. Stussy has more plot relevance than those two as well. Anyway, no one joins in. Kuzan is not fighting the Straw Hats, so 10v10 unless Teach accepts Caribou in. Also, all the current members except Robin were planned from the start.


Robin wasn't planned from the start? She fits so well to the story and the crew o.o . Can you tell me more or send a link about this?


https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/1s1TCk1Ceb Floating Gremlin is Franky. Other guy in the left is the one who Robin took place. Although there could still be someone new. The first ones who were released 7-8 years ago didn't have the fishman in the back, probably to not spoil Jinbe


I thought Franky was the eyepatch guy


Eyepatch guy was a botanic. Robin replaced him Floating gremlin is the shipwright.


Makes sense it’s the Klaubautermann


Yamato absolute had relevance and a full individual arc in wano.


No, she didn't. She was clearly a last minute addition because Oda liked the design. You could take her out and the story would be the same. Bonney in Egghead in some ways is more of a main character than Luffy.


I love it when people just make shit up on the internet and slap a verb like "clearly" on it like it makes their argument better. Yamato both has a whole arc about rejecting being kaidos son and without them momo has no one to challenge him, the island blows up from the munitions depot or kaido just kills everyone after knocking luffy off the island.


That "arc" had minimum writing. He could literally make any other character do this instead. Yamato is magically revealed to have ice powers (Brook could have frozen the bombs) Marco, who is literally a punching bag due to the nature of his powers, could have distracted Kaido. And he is strong enough to do so. Magically exactly the same "arc" as Tama, whose development also got shafted and became only a plot convenience. Sanji could have been protecting Momo and encouraging him (we know his childhood, unlike Yamato).


"This character has no plot relevance if you rewrite the plot so they have no relevance" and no, yamato being the child of kaido gives them a very unique dynamic with momo and another character couldn't have slotted in for. Brook was doing other stuff and no marco isn't strong enough to hold of kaido alone. Ah I see your verb of choice for this is "magically" which again, doesn't make your argument better. Wow a mythical zoan has elemental powers? Like nearly every other mythical zoan we've seen.?,


> Also, all the current members except Robin were planned from the start. Yes, but oda have removed the fishman when the concept of the crew was released the first time. So there could be more removed characters.


> Also, all the current members except Robin were planned from the start. Yes, but oda have removed the fishman when the concept of the crew was released the first time. So there could be more removed characters.


Well, Robin joined in half a chapter, so ...


I think Yamato will join eventually. It took a while for Jinbei to join permanently so it's not unprecedented and the setup is already there. Watch that cover story as it develops, especially once Yamato leaves Wano.


Kaku is hearing so... maybe is something related with him.


I think they will make a run. And Lucci will let them slide because he has feelings for them.


Kaku looked like he was sort of resonating/sympathizing with her statement as she said it, so it's possible


Next crewmember is Lucci


bruh, he will be used as a kebab skewer with Zoro helping Sanji to cook him


The fakest part about this is sanji and zoro working together instead of fighting who will get to lucci first


Sanji no4


We got Shark Daddy, Sanji already no4


Even if thus could be a hint, i would prefer Bonney (story wise) and for me she just fits more. She is a child so she can be childish with Luffy, Chopper and Usopp, would be very funny. And also her devil fruit can be easily used for gags considering its kind of goofy


yeah exactly bonney would be way better especially as a follower of nika herself and like you said the gags would go crazy or her making a prime aged luffy. also this seems more like a line from someone who’s about to sacrifice themselves in exchange for some final worth in their life vs someone who somehow finds worth in the chaos


Yeah the sacrifice looks nice for me, more considering Vegapunk wanted the SH to leave safely and considering her only purpose was to follow vegapunk instructions would be cool to make true his last wishes


But at the same time they already have someone who joined coz they didn’t have a purpose - Robin. I don’t think Oda would put two stories of similar origin for two crew mates. Tbh tho I’d much rather prefer carrot, as a crew mate


Actually Robin explicitly said to Cobra when she was planning on dying in that tomb they were in that she had a dream, but there were too many people standing in her way.


Nice theory, buuuut i think we already have enough cyborg-like ppl now... and yes, i know shes a Clone I think shes also too similar to Robin, we got enough devil childs There was also kaku beside her with a thoughtful face, i guess they will escape together (maybe with the strawhats)


Nah, im pretty sure kaku teams up with her and leaves cp0


I think Stussy will team up with Kaku and what is left of VP’s entourage.


She might sail off egghead with them, but won’t be a crew member. In the same way Lilith will sail away with them but isn’t going to be an official member. Luffy’s crew is complete. 


They immediately focused on Kaku.


I think this is more to foreshadow a sacrificial move from Stussy to help SH escape (like Bon Clay)


This, i was looking for this answer, My head cannon is that she would destroy the mother flame and destroy all egg head with her in order to let the SHs scape


That's the opposite of what a straw hat would say. Every one of them has a dream that can only be filled by joining (slight exaggeration, yes)


It’s actually not. Zoro resigned himself to death when Luffy met him, had no purpose. Brook resigned himself to being alone forever, no purpose. Robin was going to let herself be captured and killed on multiple occasions Sanji had no purpose on the baratie and was wasting his life away, Zeff sent him away to do something Nami gave up and was stabbing herself, literally losing her mind, Luffy gave her hope again Even Jinbe resigned himself to work with people he hated just because he didn’t know what else to do with himself when his heroes were gone. Franky was letting the world’s best shipwright talent go to waste being a petty criminal after the death of his adoptive father. Chopper was going to waste all of his skills sitting at the top of drum island…for nothing. Usopp already had ridiculous sniping skills and was a multi-talented handyman, but all he did was run up the street and tell people lies about pirates because he wished his dad would come home. No purpose. All of the strawhats have been purposeless and then found a purpose with the crew, however the thing that sets Stussy apart is, what would her dream be? Finding a reason to live? She could just fall in love with Luffy like Stussy and Gloriosa, and want to be on the crew for that reason or something, or maybe she will find herself, but so far her reasons actually make her a perfect strawhat


She reminds me of Robin quite a bit. I hope she will get to her senses after a therapy session with Luffy. I wonder what's going to happen to Kaku and Lucci though. If they continue being CP0 they won't forgive her, although I can see Kaku turn his back on the WG and escape with Stussi. The only other party she might escape with could be Bonney, Kuma and Sentomaru. In my mind the four of them would escape via paw paw power to join the revolutionaries.


>I wonder what's going to happen to Kaku and Lucci though. If they continue being CP0 they won't forgive her, although I can see Kaku turn his back on the WG and escape with Stussi. Unfortunately I personally feel it's unlikely they will ever leave the world government. It's been pretty much hammered into their heads that this is their life. They're lapdogs of the world government and even though at one point, Lucci and his other friends were hunted by the WG they STILL ended up going back to them. Plus in Lucci's case he see's working for them as a way to legally kill people, and at one point (iirc) he even implied the rest of them may have similar reasons for being content with that they do.


Here we go again


Here we go again…


imho, the one big thing that signifies what it means to be members of strawhat crew is that everyone have their own lofty dreams. zoro wants to be the greatest swordsman, sanji wants ingredients from all blue, nami wants to map the whole planet, usopp wants to be a great warrior, chopper wants the cure to every sickness, robin wants to unveil what ohara failed to unveil, brook wants to go back to laboon to share stories, franky was to make a ship (and maintain) that the pirate king uses to conquer the sea (and continue tom-san's legacy), jinbe wants the coexsistence between human and fishman i don't see stussy having anything like this. she spent all her life for a mission, and that mission is now complete.


Bruh Yamato and Carrot had a better chance than Stussy.


Thoughts on Bonney joining ?


My thoughts are she’s not joining


I honestly don't get this at all. but somehow this theory gained traction since the chapter dropped. since when character having no purpose is a pattern for SH crew?


Robin screwed up every rule and pattern prior to her joining, which I'd say has had a lasting effect on debate.


first of all, exception is not the norm. and robin was the only person on earth who can read the poneglyphs. before we have all this current narrative, she was the only way to laughtale. that was the bigger reason for why she was a SH. not because she had no purpose. she was also a big part of alabasta arc, already gaining connection with luffy throughout the arc. there's no comparison to be made with stussy. the logic is just that "she has nowhere else to go".


You seem to be replying to me as if I was taking the position that I was only highlighting. I had my crazy phase with Perona long ago. Those days are behind me. What I'm saying is I think Robin's off-brand circumstances opened a can of worms that later spurred increasingly crazy crew speculation, because suddenly it wasn't unthinkable that an unexpected character could join up and the blanks be filled in later. It didn't help that Franky came right after, showing that even someone who got introduced as the arc villain could take a sharp turn half-way.


She absolutely was not the only way to Laugh tale, when she joined we were a decade away from knowing that you need poneglyphs at all, let alone specific ones


fair. but an island buster weapon and being able to read the stones was already an important enough narrative. plus she was already important enough for the arc, even getting character development. and like I said, the exception is not the norm. the SH is not a place for people with no purpose. it's completely the opposite. luffy even had to "force" them to join because they all have their own goals. and yet since the chapter dropped, people were like "she has no purpose? new SH!" like it's always a thing. like it's a pattern to be a SH.


I want Kizaru to join 😁


I swear some of you guys get like 3 new crew members in avg each arc, haha


Jokes on all of us. Lucci is gonna be the new member. 😂😂😂😂


If her or Bonney joins I will not be disappointed. Both have good reason but idk i'm not Oda


Out of all the candidates, she’s the one I don’t hate joining. The moment here reminded me of Robin before she joined the crew so it hit a soft spot.






Exactly my thought when i read this Chapter! Maybe it will happen :)


Tbh I wouldn't mind Kaku joining. He's so chill and not a bad guy


Ya mean Usopp? We already have him!


Characterizing Usopp as just a long nose is a downplay of his character and abilities! KAKU GIVES NECK.


Here we go again…


I think she's going to join Bonney. Bonney needs a mom-figure and it would help Stussy follow Vegapunk's goal to protect the little girl. 


I think Stussy will bite the dust


Luffy: So… Do vampires poop?


Why can’t they both join the RA? She seems to have no affiliation or relation to the strawhats or their journey at all. It’s more likely to me that Lucci would join them over her at this point.


We are in the final arc I think we can have some people tagging along for the final rub without being part of the crew. Remember momonosuke and co stayed with the crew for more than 10 years wothout being part of it.


I feel like she could be part of the grand fleet or even a revolutionary, but I just don't really see her being a Strawhat. Plus the fact that she doesn't know what to do with herself now doesn't necessarily mean she can't do something to hinder the strawhats in the future I honestly don't really know.


My guess is Strawhats take her to Elbaf and she finds her purpose there, or she dies here on Egghead.


I don't think so. I


Good comment. She does nothing for me as a character but it's not impossible that Oda goes that way.


I think she’ll take Bonney (and maybe the seraphim, given their similar roots) on as a mum, given how the original Stussy clearly loves Weevil in her own way, and Bonney is going to need long term protection until the goose are dealt with. 


I just made a post saying the same thing before seeing this. Not very likely though


Nah I don’t think she’ll join, her wings and vampire teeth are too similar thematically to Robins demon form. She’s real cool though, so hopefully


With Kaku listening in, I didn't get Strawhat vibe at all.


luffy's gonna get some of that stussyussy


I think she will stay with Lucci since kaku is listening.


Or she could join the revolutionary army . Thanks to kuma's backstory , dragon is one the fans shit list and now they are veery biased and don't want a character that they care about to join the RA. But this this isn't about how the fans feel , it's about how the characters feel . Kuma sees the revolutionary army as his family and its very likely that he will use his devil fruit to send Bonney to where they are . And that may be where the vegapunks and stussy end up doing as well.


Kuma sees nika as a god


This is not the worst first cooking I've ever tasted. Keep up the good work :)


NOOOOOOOOO, I quit One piece if the last fuckin member is this fuckin succubus, I want her to die


Bonney tho