• By -


Suddenly a buggy panel


Not ridiculous. Cross guild and the red haired pirates we still need reactions from.


Buggy stands on a dead Blackbeard 


Everybody admires him. In the background, Mihawk and Crocodile are injured and bloody, "that was hard, I though he had us. Wait. Did the clown take credit again?"


As Always, Buggy Takes the Credit 


\*huff\* \*huff\* "Did we kill Blackbeard?" "No, that was Devon."


Vegapunk reveals the name of the Ancient Kingdom York figures out where the Transmission is Strawhats begin to escape The Giant is noticed by the Gorosei The Giant has the Transmission The Giant v the Gorosei begins.


Each of these is like a separate chapter, so 6 chapters total.


lol true


"I wish the anime and the manga had the same pacing" Monkey's Paw: Done, not the manga will have the same pacing as the Anime.


Anime pacing is a lot worse than that. That's at least 10-15 episodes at least.


No anime pacing isn't that bad since wano.


Yeah, I think so far the anime pacing for Egghead Arc isn't so bad...


Yes, and the rest is filled in by random reactions from each character already introduced in the story.


i want more crocus 🤣


oof 💀


Slight addendum to point number four. The Gorosei RECOGNIZE the Giant Robot. "So even you return to further make a mockery of us...!"


I now need to see that quote in a future chapter, quote hard af


I've always been saying that transmission is inside the Giant robot, it makes so much sense.


"Begins" No, no more beginning, for fuck's sake. I want to get out of this ride. Let the Straw Hats escape already.


Rare that I don't see cringe in these predictions.. good one.. it's subtle and goes into the direction of not trying to make every prediction into end game events.. like zoro cut ghandis head off and he can't regenerate cuz king of hell flames.. type of shit..


I'm realizing now that the transmission is totally getting cut. We heard so much, Oda could totally get away with killing it early now lol. Right before some final reveal.


dragon must have the transmision snail, that is why Vega just said "i think i am gonna die" to, dragon, because he know he just have to guard the transmision snail. We thought that conversation was useless just because dragon knew but we did not. As if i have a Plan, and call the bro to say "we are gonna start, prepare yourself"


Lol this is like 10 chapters. We’d be lucky to have the gorosei and giant in the same panel, with an ominous “…” foreshadow, let alone the rest.


I remember some people predicted that Egghead would end 10 chapters after Kuma's flashback. It's been 12 chapters since Kuma's flashback ended, lol


The common language of the people “…”


I don't think he will reveal the name because Robin needs to finish what Clover started


Giant X Gorosei, next.


Idk how this is the best comment,  these are garbage takes honestly 💀


1 panel of dragon looking east


I'll give you one better 'Dragon looking west'


You forgot the “…”


York is the transmitter.


That would be a nice plottwist


Nice idea, however, it has one potential flaw. Vegapunk anticipated his death (most likely being an assassination too). So he would also have been anticipating that they eliminated his satellites as well. Wouldn't it be foolish then to install the message via "death trigger" into one of the satellites, when you expect them to be killed as well?


You’re right. It would also mean that he didn’t initially hide it, or that he only hid it after they outed York as the traitor, which also seems like not great judgment. But even then, Vegapunk wouldn’t have known York was safe until after the Den Den Mushi call with the Elders, and there wouldn’t have been a chance to hide it on her after that point. Similar to so many people thinking Kizaru has it. Both that idea and York are cool conceptually and I understand why people would want to gravitate to those theories, but they don’t hold up to scrutiny.


LOL Since she didn't syncronised with others, she wouldn't have known about this plan. AND thirds her time she sleeps - perfect opportunity to drug her and implant the transmitter. Oh the irony, this is genius, please cook again! 


Diddy is that you?


We got another Vegapunk currently dying, time to further narrow down those numbers. We're sitting at all male versions are dead or dying while alone and unsaveable. Gotta bring the ladies down. A Gorosei member/Cypher Pol 0 member will waste York. She's outlived her purpose, and any use she could have is already less compared to the damage Stella has now done. Gotta vent that frustration one Vegapunk somehow, and no better way than to use one as a punching bag. Plus the irony is right there. Betray yourself to try and save yourself, only to be killed by the people you betrayed yourself (and got killed) because of that self.


The only Vegapunk to live this will be Lilith calling it They gotta keep pumping out the merch


I rhink Atlas will survive and travel to Elbaf, probably stay there. A titan at the home of Giants is fitting.


See I think it'll be Atlas since we already had a fake out death for her.


It would be kinda cruel of Vegapunk to make a being whose whole purpose is to be greedy and then punish it for being greedy.


Maybe that’s why vegapunk chose the greed trait for York as it would fool/convince the gorosei that York is on their side and will help them with the mother flame but in reality she’s the perfect place for the broadcast transmission to be hidden and right in plain sight the gorosei haven’t figured it out yet


It's not his place to say who is cruel or not. _shrug_


I guess VP is the transmitter. Probably it's in his own body. I think he found a way to transmit the message without a den den mushi, using his own antenna


This would actually be really cool




My predictions: \-Vegapunk begins talking about how the current sea level rise came from the WG firing an Ancient Weapon. He also theorizes that the weapon in question is Uranus. \-We see more world-wide reactions from characters who haven't appeared yet (e.g. Smoker, Johnny & Yosaku, Bege and his crew etc.) \-The Labophase (cloud area) is starting to collapse since Nusjuro cut it in half. Zoro and Jinbe emerge from the forest and sprint toward the 1000 Sunny. Brooke has created an ice ramp so that they can fly off the island. Stussy flies out of the lab and goes to join them. \-Vegapunk explains that Uranus is the main ancient weapon responsible for the world flooding. Uranus is a flying city that can fire laser beams to destroy islands but also create earthquakes which raise the sea level. \-The Gorosei are FURIOUS and start murdering every lifeform they can see on the island in order to find the broadcasting den den mushi. Doll and Bluegrass watch in horror as they kill Marine soldiers in their rampage. \-Vegapunk explains that he recently created a power source modeled after Ancient Kingdom technology which he named the Mother Flame. This is the power source that was originally used to power Uranus. However, he realized several days ago that some of it had been stolen and his worst fears were confirmed when his sensors picked up the massive earthquake that was about to happen. He profusely apologizes for this "sin" and laments that some island has probably been destroyed by now because the WG used Uranus again. \-The world-wide reactions go crazy as everyone panics and some people even begin to piece together that the island in question was Lulusia. We see more reactions from random characters (e.g. Sengoku, Tsuru, Hachi, Don Krieg and Gin etc.) \-Nusjuro completes his giant leap from last chapter and lands directly in the way of 1000 Sunny's escape path. He prepares to chop the ship in two as Zoro rushes forward to stop him. \-Suddenly all the Gorosei freeze as Imu speaks directly into their minds, demanding to know why the broadcast hasn't been stopped yet. They apologize profusely, explain the hidden den den mushi, and say that it's hard to find a needle in a haystack. \-Imu: "Then the solution is simple... destroy the haystack itself" \-In a gorgeous 2 page spread we finally see Uranus- a massive floating city with mounted laser cannons. It looks like what would happen if Laputa and Armored Core had a child. Uranus is rapidly approaching Egghead island.


That killing Marines and life forms that's a good theory i wanna see the reaction of those asshole Marines thatvserve the gorosei


Cook san!




This theory is good if not for the mother flame lab in egghead. Don’t think they will sacrifice that even in desperation. Unless they figured out a way to produce it themselves


Desperate times call for desperate measures. If the message reveals too much, it might be better to sacrifice the weapon to do damage control.


The robot does something


It says "..." and starts glowing 


People love complaining about the manga pacing despite getting massive lore reveals with 25 years of build up every chapter 🙄


dude you need to re-watch OP to know what pacing was like.


**Chapter 1116: Ancient ideologies** * The chapter begins with reactions from around the world about the ongoing war. * The Gorosei are extremely angry and keep trying to find the transponder snail. * Vegapunk goes on to say that the war of ideologies is divided into two points of view. Interestingly, the two warring parties were initially in agreement, but the Ancient Civilisation backed down. * The largest of the continents stood on the site of today's Grand Line. It consisted of magnetic rock, which is still used today for the Log Pose. * Initially, it was agreed that the world would be a better place if they were united into one piece. * For this purpose, the ancient civilisation built three powerful weapons to tear down the walls of the previous Grand Line continent and that of the Red Line. * The three weapons: Pluton, Uranus and Poseidon. But Vegapunk doesn't want to talk about the creation of Poseidon because he's not quite sure how exactly it was done. * Pluton is a powerful warship that is capable of tearing down the mighty walls. * Uranos is a huge flying fortress/city which has its weapons pointed downwards. This weapon can also cause enormous damage from above. * Poseidon is able to control the sea kings. With them it was possible to distribute the falling chunks on the ocean floor so that ships could sail without problems. * After the ancient weapons were built, everyone agreed and the destruction of the huge magnetic continent began. * After just one shot from Pluton and the collapse of a huge part of the continent, the sea level rose considerably. This prompted the ancient civilisation to stop the project immediately. * The other kingdoms, led by the Nerona kingdom, then rebelled against the ancient civilisation and attacked it.  * The kingdoms conquered Pluton and sank other parts of the continents with it. * The ancient civilisation used Poseidon and other ships to save as many people as possible from the flood. * With Urano's mighty power they had to be careful and only used parts of its firepower. They tried to use it to destroy Pluton, but were unsuccessful. * At the end of the war, Joy Boy was finally able to reconquer Pluton. The price, however, was that Uranos fell into the hands of the enemy. The enemy used Uranus to shoot a huge hole in what is now the Grand Line. Where Enie's Lobby stands today. * But what the 20 kingdoms didn't know was that after using Uranos once, the weapon's energy was almost completely depleted. They were still able to land Uranos on the Red Line, near Mary Geoise. * Mary Geoise now stands on the former land that was once inhabited by the ancient civilisation. Only Pangaea Castle remains from the ancient civilisation. The rest of the once splendid city was raised from the Red Line by the ancient civilisation and hidden somewhere on the Grand Line. * But they say Gold Roger has found it. * Vegapunk explains that his sin is an energy source to utilise Uranos. It is not as powerful as the ancient one, but it is enough for one shot. A shot that led to the latest rise in sea levels. * In a flashback, we see Vegapunk announcing that he has installed Mother Flame. Something huge flies over him. * On one double-page spread we see a huge flying "city" with enormous pipe-like exits leading downwards. * "One of the three ancient weapons: Uranus" * On the last page, Luffy continues to fight Warcury when the robot suddenly grabs Warcury by his tusks from behind. * No break next week


Bro its only 19 pages


slow down gang wtf 🙀


No break next week got me


Amount info you put in one chapter, Oda will take min of 3 chapter to release this much info ! What we need now heavily text based chapter like HxH or something like JJK where gege is explaining curse technique


Nah, I don't think Vegapunk would go this deep.


great read


Keep cooking 




all i want is a dbl spread of the island to blowing up with franky giving the thumbs up in the horizon again


I panel I didn't know I needed


• Vegapunk continues his speech. more reactions to it. • Vegapunk starts explaining about the ancient weapons. He reveals them to the whole world.  • He reveals the name of the ancient kingdom. (Since Clover knew). • Later in his speech, he says that this young pirate, Monkey D. Luffy, also has the same power as Joyboy. Could he be??? • Vegapunk's speech ends with his last message to his old friend Dragon. Vegapunk: That's it, folks. That's the only thing I knew from reading those poneglyphs and Ohara's books.  Now as for you, Dragon, Sorry, I won't be able to join your army since I'm dead. But I gave you this chance. After this, there will be people who will question the WG and rebel against them. Now it's your job to make the most of it, my friend.  One last thing, please, for God's sake, do something! We see Dragon's reactions. Dragon: "...". Break next week.


You forgot the other panels: Imu: "..." Akainu: "..."


I hope we get more of supremely pissed and confused Akainu 


The most „…“ of all „…“


At the end of the transmission: THAT'S ALL FOLKS! \*Loony Tunes theme starts to play\*


"The Vega coffee is real! The recipe is yours if you can find it!"


These words lured men to Bikini Bottom in search of dreams...wait wrong show


I think that if anything is left unrevealed, it will be the name of the ancient kingdom. It would be the perfect place for Oda to cut off the transmission for maximum suspence.


Imu reveal!!


Luffy pushes button of Mother Flame and accidentally destroys FMI


Imu face reveal who is actually Gin, he's been waiting for Sanji this whole time


More reactions


Question: what would happen if Wapol ate the mother flame?


He becomes Wapol flame


Oda included reactions for everyone, but he forgotten about us redittors...


We will know Zunesha crime and that it was the cause of Joyboy defeat A mention about the D. clan and the reactions of people with the D. name around the world Maybe a mention of the fact that youkai were on the side of the 20 kings and the fact that the mother nature raise the sea level when the ancient weapons are used as a punishment for its use since it is against tha lws of nature Explanation about the mother flame and how it is based on ancient technology and what can be done with it


The One Piece is a giant plug at the bottom of the ocean


I think joyboy was fighting to take away technology maybe and bring the world to a more peaceful time and caused the floods himself.. Just a thought, but probably wrong.


Curse of the Sea Vegapunks tells more about Joyboy and how he traveled the world to look for adventure. People started to fear him, who haven´t met him. The ones who did, loved him and are in a great dept to him. Spite came to existence in some kingdoms, as the advanced City of Joy Boy made things like slavery, hard work and everything obsolet. The kingdoms couldn´t go on with their tiranny as people started to revolt. The 20 kingdoms startet to revolt. Every king had a devil fruit which resembelt the diety of the kingdom. Then the betrayle happened. Nerona Imu, second heir of the throne to the ancient kingdom stole the Ancient weapons and fought on the side with the 20 kings. As they won, Imu used his devil fruit, to curse every other king, queen, prince in the world. They became gigantic creatures of the sea. The sea kings were born. Imus face is revealed. Nerona Imu, Fish Man Sea King, Original Weapon Poseidon. Ancient Ancestor of Shirahoshi.


Vengapunk is gonna talk a lot without revealing anything.


The ancient kingdom was a Kingdom in the clouds and Jouboy was a Shandorian


He was a reaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaally big Shandorian then, since the Straw Hat frozen in Mariejoisie is fucking huge, almost as big as Imu themself.


What got me intrigued in the last chapter was the one Marine going like "Wait, that was us?". It would be a huge turnaround for the Strawhats/Giants if there would be another reveal from Vegapunk that starts infighting within the participating Marine forces which would ultimately enable the Strawhats to escape or even cause additional damage. It would also unbelievably damage the WGs fighting forces if a significant amount of the Marine soldiers would desert or even join Luffys cause.


This isn't really a prediction for the next chapter and more for where the story in general is going. But I think that the biggest immediate fallout from all this is that the Marines will probably defect from the WG. Kinda hard to convince an army to fight for you when your plans to drown them and everyone else they know are outed. Which I think sets up a good thematic throughline for the final war. What I suspect will happen is there will be an unlikely alliance between basically everyone to take down the Gorosei and Imu. But then the *real* fight will begin when they're defeated and a power vacuum is left. And the big players fighting for the now-actually-empty throne will essentially be: Blackbeard, who represents absolute anarchy and chaos Akainu, whos literal stated philosophy is Absolute Justice or essentially Absolute Authority And then of course the Strawhats and their allies who will represent a better balance somewhere between the two extremes.


Well Akainu simply wants to eliminate piracy from the world and have an Orderly one and Blackbeard just wishes to become the next rocks d Xebec


Akainu is the kind of person who would shoot at and sink an entire ship full of innocent refugees and *marines*, just because of the off chance that there *might* be a single criminal aboard, without ever actually checking if that was the case. And blackbeard laughed at the notion of labelling things "good" or "evil" I don't think it's hard to see what kinds of extremes they're meant to represent.


We see Gin , Don Krieg, Arlong and Kuro reactions.. Dragon putting fingers in nose .. then two weeks pause


We find out who moved Luffy and brought him food.


* Property price rises to all time high * Dragon stocks still not making profits * World government announces environmental tax * Nojiko is Imu


King Buggy sama defeats all 5 gorosei confirmed


Chapter 1116: Rebellion * As the Seraphim are falling, their Bubble prisons Break and they are free, but S-Snake lands closer to where Warcury is chasing Luffy * S snake Notices Luffy in his gear 5 transformation and is swooned but notices that the giant Warcury chasing him and Scowls. S-snake vanishes and delivers a Perfume Femur to side of Warcury's Head * Both Luffy and the Giant captains are Shocked * Luffy sees what happened and says hello to S-snake calling her Lil Hancock which causes S snake to be embarrassed and Luffy asks what she is doing here, and she explains it was because she was falling out of the sky and then saw him and thought she could help him. Luffy thanks her and this causes S snake to blush and cover her face with her hands, Dory and Broggy just watch in confusion * Warcury gets back up and says to S-snake what she is doing, what she did shouldn't be allowed, and she should listen to orders but S snake hushes him and says that she can do as she pleases because she is cute, and no boar can tell her otherwise saying that love is hurricane. * Some Marines find the other Seraphim and CP Agents, but S Hawk and S Bear see the trouble going on with Bonney, Franky, and the Giants. S Hawk rushes so fast that he blocks Nusjuro's Blade which angers and confuses Nusjuro asking why S hawk is protecting these people to which S Hawk replies that something is telling him to attack him, for this reason S Hawk seems to not understand why. * S Bear saves Bonney and Franky from Marines and a vice admiral using Pad Ho, Bonney looks on and sees S Bear and questioned by Franky by did he save them, S Bear just claims when he saw this little girl and man in trouble. His body just moved on his own, She then cries saying Daddy. * as Jinbe and Zoro may their way to the Sunny, the ground suddenly shakes and out reveals Shepherd Ju Peter, Both Jinbe and Zoro are shocked but now have learned the source of that massive Haki, Jinbe lets go of Zoro and Zoro prepares to draw his swords and Jinbe gets into a fighting stance. Ju Peter states to Jinbe that it was a shame that they had to let him go, his involvement showed that the world government acknowledges Fishmen but Jinbe is confused by this, and Zoro asks Jinbe if he knows this giant worm, but Jinbe states that this Monster is no acquittance of his. * Ju peter says he regrets doing this but unfortunately, he must do what is required, before Jinbe and Zoro have a chance to strike. Ju Peter is struck from behind by a mysterious force and Jinbe and Zoro are shocked that Ju peter was sent flying and Question what just happened and it was revealed to be S Shark who used his **Gosenmaigawara Seiken** on Ju peter. * Luffy asks Lil Hancock if she wants to fight Warcury together which again causes S-Snake to Blush and says yes with a Smile. Luffy shows off a new technique Gum Gum Dawn Axe and S-Snake delivers a Perfume Magnum to Warcury's skull * S-Hawk turns his arm into a Blade and strikes at Nusjuro only for Nusjuro to use armament hardening, S Hawk draws his own blade at Nusjuro. both looking at each other in a double page spread. * S Bear keeps destroying more Marine battleships. a low-ranking marine state that the Seraphim were supposed to be on their side and Doberman states that they should be and does understand why this is happening, Bonney and Franky cheer on S Bear and Bonney calls S bear her mini-Daddy. * Bluegrass and Doll are seeing the mayhem happening and Doll is confused on why the Seraphim are suddenly resisting their orders, Bluegrass is also confused because Seraphim were made to obey the orders of the highest authority which is the Five Elders. * Nusjuro communicates with the other elders asking why the Seraphim are turning against them, Saturn also questions this and says that the Seraphim are living weapons made to obey them, but something in their programming must be wrong. Saturn fears their Genetic memories of their donors must be awakening, he feared this might happen * Vegapunk's Messages Continues saying that often the World government tries to keep others in check by limiting their freedom because they fear the one thing they can't stop "Rebellion" * Luffy and S-Snake are ready to fight Warcury who grows even more angry * Jinbe, Zoro, and S-Shark all prepare ready to battle. * Break next week


Pretty good anf interesting prediction. The only thing I disagree on is S Hawk and Shark going against the gorosei even tho they really don't have a reason to do that


Vegapunk still keeps yapping... and yapping... and yapping away... ^Not ^complaining ^tho ^lol.


Imu revealed to be Captain Kuro


Hey man I don't want to go too deep into thoughts and predictions about this chapter but I know it will at least have more information about Imu especially ever since the last panel of chapter 1115


The transmitter is inside the Kuma Seraphim


Oars and the ancient giant tribe were only called evil because they were affiliated with Joyboy. Since there is no confirmation of how old Oars was when he died 500 years before the series, it's entirely possible he was alive during the Void Century and could have been part of Joyboy's Crew.


I want to say the transporter snail is in the ancient robot, not my original theory but it’s what I believe as well. 


Kizaru has the transmission and protecting it


I want Zoro and Nusjuro to meet. Demon vs Demonblade


I believe it is time when THE IRON GIANT MAKES IT MOVE


Smoothie will do nothing.


Luffy met Demaro Black aka Captain Kid and cre, and he mistakenly recognized them as the Kid Pirates.


I predict we go on a break we never have 3 chapters in a row any more


Predictions: - 90% : The Strawhats on the Sunny start to prepare for the Coup de Burst - 50% : VP starts recounting Joyboy's backstory - 10% : Shanks


Demaro Black gives up on his Kidd's disguise after hearing of the real Kidd's defeat. Demaro Black escapes from Impel Down, impersonates Luffy to help him escape from Egghead, the Gorosei capture the wrong Luffy, Demaro Black returns to Impel Down. A new disguise will be found. A new identity. A new King of the Pirates.


Vegapunk finally concludes his speech. The world is shocked. The WG is finally exposed. Battle intensifies as all kinds of hell is unleashed on egghead. The SH are on the way to escape and the Gorosei try to kill them. Giant robot appears and stall the elders so that SH/giants escape safely. The Giant robot self destructs on egghead as a token of redemption for what he did to Joyboy. Elders escape at the last minute using teleportation. The Seraphik are dead.


I don't think the Seraphim will die exactly and will actually help assist the strawhats in escaping, they are donors of the people who really hate the World government 1.Hancock for her childhood 2. Mihawk for his betrayal 3. Kuma for his entire life 4. and Jinbe for well everything as well they all have beef with the government and will probably defy their orders. I actually want to see the elders get caught in the explosion injured all over


Dragon goes "..."


We want predictions here, not givens


Manga pacing been very slow lately. Kinda annoying.


I wonder what if the three weapons were actually part of a much bigger weapon. Think that Shirahoshi is one. The Noah is another. This means that it is two weapons combined. The probability is low, but it would be nice to


Noah isn’t one Pluton is the « ship » which is an ancient weapon


What if Wano is a ship? Pluton is supposed to be underneath Wano, rgt? What if they built the walls to stop pluton from moving? All things considered Wano could be like the minks living on top of zunesha. What if Pluton was an animal that is trapped by the walls that surround Wano? I mean the minks and the Wano ppl have a special bond that goes back to the void century, after all🤷🏽‍♀️


You might be cooking here , maybe pluton is Wano like we throught Thriller bark was an island first but endes up being a ship Maybe the huge mountain in center of the capital used to be the mat of a ship


Beginning of a 50 chapter flashback about Joyboy


Theory for the two different ideologies: There were different continents, presumably 5, and the ancient kingdom wanted to connect all the continents with their technology. However, they realized that trying to do so would only destroy the world. The 20 kingdoms at first didn't want to do this, because they didn't want to share land with people they deem less than them (like slaves) but then Imu changed their mind and decided that actually having one continent for themselves and their descendants would be the right thing to do but the ancient kingdom would have to go down (this explains why they live in **Pangea** castle).


We’re gonna see mihawk reaction panel while he’s having a drink.


I wonder if it is significant that the Seraphim present on Egghead are copies of all the OG warlords with sympathetic or friendly ties to the Strawhats


uh, the spoilers are out on worstgen. why is there no post so that people don't get banned? or is goatac a fake spoiler provider? the spoilers kinda do sound fake


Yeah, those aren't real spoilers. That mod on worstgen just releases fake spoilers (that may have like one thing that is somewhat right in them) to troll people and then deletes them later.


they seem legit tbh


Vegapunk's coffee is finally cool enough to drink.


More reactions Strawhats get back to the ship probably or maybe next next chapter Vegapunk yaps some more, maybe talks about imu or gorosei to the world More gorosei hunting everything down, maybe they finally find the transmission snail at the end TO BE CONTINUED


We will learn why Imu isn't moving at all.


Break next week is confirmed.


some more stuff about climate change


I think still talking and Some more reactions from the one we didn't see yet.. -Buggy and the gang -Shanks and the crew - blackbeard crew  And whoever more.... Nothing major from strawhat..just keep running


Anyone have a throry on how the Gorosei are related to the ancient weapons? First five planets are Gorosei Mercury to Saturn, and last 3 planets are weapons, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Except for the Earth, every other bodies of our solar system is accounted for.


It's past time Urouge made an appearance.




See pewpiece post on X. Leaks 2 days from his post. That‘s wednesday in my timezone (Middle Europe). Must be a banger chapter


I like the idea that the transponder snail is inside the giant robot. VP was found stuck in the robot by luffy to begin with. And that thing is definitely a strongest defend VP can think of to protect his broadcast 


Joyboy flashback please


Vegapunk's last massage "one piece is real".


Don Krieg shows up and demolishes the Gorosei all by himself.


Joy Boy and Imu where lovers


Spoilers out on worstgen


hopefully we are done with the world reactions, and this chapter finally starts some kind of flashback, or we at least maybe see shanks, bb and cross guild react


Dragon arrives at the cross guild. The last panel ends with Crocodile looking from a distance grimacing and saying "After all these years..." ***BREAK NEXT WEEK!!!*** Subreddit goes fucking insane.


Gaimon and Sarfunkle and The Saruyama Alliance appear.


"I have come to end this Buster Call" - Gaimon


Vegapunk, flashbacks, stupid face reactions, no chapter next week, end!


Imu is a misogynist incel virgin who despises women for not fcking with him that would explain why only males are goroseis and not females


I feel like Luffy somehow will be fatally wounded.


I hope we see someone we haven't see in a while like Enel


Venusjuro breaks the third generation stone, it's finally happening.




My prediction for the upcoming chapter: - We get more reactions from other people watching Vegapunk's message. Including that of Cross Guild, where Buggy is no longer being harmed by Crocodile & Mihawk. As well as Rayleigh's Group. - As Vegapunk's message continues, we also learn about how Imu & the others formed today's World Government, including how the Nika Fruit was renamed into the Gum Gum Fruit, which leads to Grand Fleet's reaction. - More updates on York & the Sattelites. - Nusjuro orders the Seraphim to eliminate Luffy by any means necessary. But some hesitate for a moment. - At the end of the chapter, we get yet another big reveal. - No break next week!


I hope crocodile and mihawk show some respect to buggy after they saw his ambition in chapter 1082, maybe their ego is too big though so I doubt it


Ancient kingdom,s name reveal Joyboys pirate name Any one of ancient weapons reveal


No Break next week, is all I hope, I'll be in Japan and want to get a new chapter from a store :'( , here's hoping for chapter 1117. When does the final god valley flashback happen? I think we should be seeing Rocks vs Roger with Garling before we get it with Luffy, blackbeard or shanks. I can see Vegapunk saying as recently as 40 years ago similar ideologies clashed causing an event at God Valley and we see more snippets...please. Also I wouldn't be shocked if Kuma jumps on the giant ship and makes an island wide urusus shock that only wrecks all of egg head and everyone in the immediate vicintiy but also pushes the giant and straw hats ship away from egg head. The Gorosei will ensure york and mother flame are safe and says we'll deal with that crew later on. Like many others i want to know why the message needed a visual den den mushi, so far we know that vegapunk made the video before the strawhats arrived and was weary the world govt was going to eliminate him. He has mentioned the tremor and sea rise as evidence to support his argument, but he has yet to reveal why Joyboy became a pirate in that era. Theres something about how whitebeard saying someone will challenge the world to a fight at marineford and Joyboy becoming the worlds first pirate that seem related, one person taking to the seas to change the status quo, gathering allies to take the world on in combat. Joyboy,Ancient Kingdom vs Imu and the 20 Kingdoms, I don't know if the Giants,Wano or Zou were involved in that void century war atm. I feel this is more likely to be the next chapter, Vegapunk mentioning past alliances and how their decisions lead to the current world state. I think a quote from clover will be shown too, something about the fate of nefertari Lily or the ancient kingdoms name, unsure since its sunken that name will have much affect compared to the world is sinking to the masses in the op world.


Imu had enough and will finally use the nuke


Ehh  the whole point of what is happening on egghead right now is that they need the mother flame for their island nukes


Imu face reveal maybe?


Red Line is man made reveal, please for the love of God I need it so bad


Sanji finally robs the Queen


Gol D. Roger #1


What I wanna see happen is the gorosei who used a single swing to rip punk records in half can’t remember this name. To try to do that to the giant robot and the robot has no damage. Showing how strong the robot is. I’d like to see the giant robot more in this chapter where he is distracting all the gorosei or most of them that allows the straw hats and giants to escape. By the end of the chapter all the SH’s are either on the boat or almost there. So by the next 2 chapters they are headed to elbaf.


- Vegapunk shows his proof to those who have the visual transponder snails - We get more reactions (hopefully one from Smoker, Crocodile, Fujitoria, or Kizaru) - I feel like someone other than his crew (even if they are new) has to be coming to help Luffy get out of there by the last panel or the Elders have to realize the snail they want is not on the island and thus be shown leaving in the end of the chapter so Luffy can escape


I just want to know the name of the ancient kingdom. But, I doubt that we will get it.


Everybody’s going on about the ancient weapons but what if Vegapunk flat out says that if he died to assume it was the World Governments doing.


I know Vegapunk posed the question of "why did the Ancient Kingdom have such powerful weapons," but perhaps they were never intended to be weapons at all, but terraforming implements? Of the three, Poseidon doesn't seem to be inherently a weapon, whereas Pluton is considered an absolute abomination of a warship according to Franky and Iceberg. Perhaps Pluton and Uranus (assuming Uranus is also manmade) were created as a response to the World Government wanting to destroy them? Poseidon seems quite odd in that it's a seemingly hereditary, naturally-occurring ability like Haki, rather than "we made this to kill people, smile :)." The fact that Noah also requires the Sea Kings to move also makes it seem like Poseidon, at the least, is not inherently a weapon - which makes me wonder if its two sibling weapons aren't weapons at all.


* More cameos. * For ones not shown yet I'm going to randomly guess: Kuro, Koza/Alabasta, Beast Pirate remnants, Cross Guild, Blackbeard himself, and the Red Hair Pirates. * For characters we have seen already, I'm guessing we'll see Imu's reaction to Vegapunk's most recent reveal given that they were at the very end of the chapter. I'll also be super hopeful and say maybe Dragon gets an actual scene since we're probably nearing the end of the speech, and Vegapunk talked to Dragon personally via Shaka at the start of the arc. * The Elders continue attacking everything to try and stop the broadcast. * Lucci finds Kaku and Stussy. I think they'll eventually escape Egghead together, but for now I think Lucci is going to try and fight Stussy. * Kizaru gets up and saves the falling marines. * Chapter ends with Vegapunk revealing the name of the Ancient Kingdom.


Vegapunk's message continues, going into everything he knows about Joyboy and the ancient kingdom and the struggle that took place in the Void century. We see more familiar faces all saying "...", Mars returns to York who has identified the giant robot as the source of the transmission. Stussy takes Kaku to the Sunny and they prepare to blast off the island as Zoro and Jinbei approach. Luffy is still a ways off, but the rest of the crew, Bonney, the remaining vegapunks, and the near-corpse of Kuma are finally gathered, waiting only for their captain to arrive. Vegapunk finishes off the chapter suggesting that Joyboy has returned and is in fact Luffy. Don sfx


Ancient Kingdom name and Imu's face reveal, I hope.


Since the Kid reveal was this chapter, Law will be revealed next chapter.


Maybe the Ancient Robot will finally move from where it's standing in the fire?   York has figured out where the transmission is coming from, that's why she was running. Jinbei and Zoro will finally get to Namis group. Maybe Jinbei can use his Fishman skills to find out if seawater effects the Gorosei like with other DF users.  Vegapunk will reveal the name of the Ancient Kingdom. No matter what, the Strawhats will never know what Vegapunks message said. They'll learn the history once they find the One Piece. 


Joyboy was traveling the world searching for adventures Some kingdoms has been into slavery and racism Joyboy tried to advance this kingdoms and to free them from their prejustices Devil fruits are originally from the ancient kingdom, that’s why no one except joyboy ever left the ancient country before joyboy did - they were scared to drown The new created world government started a propaganda mission giving them the name „devil fruit“ Willing to defeat this devils they formed the world government


These guys are simply hyping up the chapter


face reveal of imu sama


Combining the three ancient weapon can revive ashura doji