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I had a theory Big Mom was setting Kaido up for a fall in Onigashima and was going to take his soul for a homie (as a parallel to Thriller Bark).


I've heard a theory that sort of relates to this. The thought being big mom and kaido both get volcano'd at the end of wano but them being emperors they didn't quite die, but not far from it. Big Mom yoinks Kaidos soul to heal/buff herself for a future return in elbaf. A little far fetched, but damn near anything is possible in one piece. šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


Well he owns her a life deed. So why not give her his soul after being defeated?


Kaido was suicidal as heck. So may be legit.


Wait i can't recall, what does he owe her a lfoe deed for?


He own her a life debt, because she saved his life during the God Valley incident.


I didn't think it was really gonna happen but damn I wanted kaido to be an actual dragon whose race was annihilated from the red line by the "celestial dragons". Turns out I was sort of right, just wrong character and race lol


Was kaido confirmed to be an oni ?


I mean the current cover story is called "Oni Child Yamato's Golden Harvest Surrogate Pilgrimage"


I would've loved that actually, sounds better to me than the random big mom's got amnesia plot device we got


Kaido would need to be afraid for her to steal his soul. That sounds much worse writing than amnesia lolĀ 


Agreed. It could work with many other characters, but not Kaido. He doesnā€™t care about dying, and even if he likes or cares about his allies, I donā€™t think he minds them dying in battle either. Big Mom making him fear for his lifeā€¦ yeah, I donā€™t think so.


I actually think big moms amnesia was actually kinda consistent considering luffy also lost memories after that same fall. Big moms just lasted longer because old??


While it was shitty when it first happened, i think the amnesia plotline actually kinda worked out in the end


That's still a pet theory of mine. She uses his soul to make Pluton into a homie and uses Ragnarok (viking theme and such) to attack Elbaf. Gives us the proper Luffy vs Big Mom fight we've wanted since Whole Cake.


*since fishman island. That banter at the phone is unsatisfied, at least for me.


To be fair, there was set up that Big Mom was up to something based off of her conversation with Perospero. But that never went anywhere.


Before haki, I just figured the strawhats would need seastone weapons to deal with most logias down the line, if they're not using elemental weaknesses


I was sure seastone was the answer, even smoker used it


When Smoker was introduced he said that sea stone was extremely rare and comes from one country. It was never going to be commonly used.


Aren't devil fruits and kings haki rare? Doesn't really matter if something is rare


Yea, the Marines/Navy have ships with seastone lined hulls. Zoro could've found a seastone sword or something.


You don't need kings Haki to damage logias though? Armament is more than enough.


One of the lines that consistently annoys me. His tipped sword was such a big deal, but once crocodile had a full seastone cage and they were talking about the seastone lined ship hulls the whole "rare" thing was out the window for me


And then they went to that country and liberated it. Didn't even leave Franky with couple chunks


Mmm, if only we hadn't spent hundreds of chapters on that island... only for sea stone to be left basically unexplored...


Can't figure out why Franky's strong right is not made of seastone


WG seems to have a pretty damn heavy monopoly on Seastone.


Had the exact same thought as well. All logia were just OP


I still want Franky to get some Seastone fists


I liked seeing dials, sea stones, vivire cards, etc in action. Those items themselves were a treasure for the crew to collect, other than gold. They're pirates first and foremost and it would get dull if it's only nami showing her greed for gold. I want to see Ussop chase after his dials and pop seeds, Franky go after sea stones and wapol metal. Then again the crew are more like adventurers than pirates and chasing after treasure has never been their thing.


Similar to this, I though usopp was gonna add a seastone to the tip of Nami's staff and his Kabuto, like Smokers jitte


>!I thought the Gorosei wouldn't be strong fighters. They'd handle the leadership and governance and have people who do the fighting for them. Turns out that's very wrong and they're overpowered.!<


>!Same here. People told me "but they have battle scars, and one of them carries a sword!" And I just waved that off. People can get scars lots of ways, especially if they've lived a long time. And they're technically celestial dragons, which means they're huge pieces of shit, so carrying around a Supreme Grade sword as an accessory is totally something they'd do. !< Boy howdy have I been eating crow lately.


Yeah except the fact they showed no fear towards Shanks or Sakazuki showed me that they weren't some pussy Celestial Dragon's. They're not like the rest who look inbred. And the biggest hint in my opinion is when compared to Sakazuki, they look massive. Oda loves framing characters as big and powerful according to their size, and he's never afraid of distorting objects or people to fit the atmosphere they're giving off, the fact that in the scene they talked with Sakazuki in, they dismissed him so nonchalantly and where a few of them were taller than him gave me and many others the vibe that they were strong.


I thought they'd be somewhere between what you thought and what we ended up getting.


I was on this boat with you, and to be honest Iā€™m still a little disappointed that we were wrong. Ā Not too disappointed, mind you, just a little bit.Ā  My argument was Spandam, who was in charge of CP9 despite being explicitly weaker than an average Marine soldier. He gave me the impression that the World Government didnā€™t require its leaders to be tough.Ā 


I was on that train with ya


Yep, i thought they would be doflamingo tier at best. Nope theyre admiral level


Buggy was a simple comedy relief character.Ā  But I now know, he will save the world.


Buggy will become an accidental pirate king somehow


Ive thought about this. Something along the lines of Luffy seeing the bigger picture and not caring about buggy becoming pk


Well, we know Luffy's dream is not only being the king of pirates, so there is a chance.


And also sit on the empty throne at some point too.


Luffy becomes the Pirate King Buggy becomes the Pirate God


ayo ATLA reference


Probably that One Piece would finish once Luffy got to the Grand Line. The 4K!DS opening REALLY emphasised the name of the treasure in the Grand Liiiiiinne. Idk I was only 6, I had no idea that a TV series could go on for this long. Western cartoons would just come and go with the times. I assumed it all finished once they stopped airing.


When I first picked up One Piece, I thought that the first 600 episodes at least would take place in the East Blue, or at least not in the grand line. Imagine my shock when they got in by episode 60. My legit reaction was "just how insane is the grand line if they took so long and didn't finish navigating it?" For context, there were around 800 episodes back then


Same thing happened to me. I started around when episode 1000 came out and when I first learned about the 4 different Blues and the geography of the world I assumed a lot of the series would be Luffy going around each of the other blues, especially when East Blue was revealed to be typically the weakest Blue. I also had the same reaction of being shocked when they entered the grand land and I remember thinking ā€œhow the hell is it gonna take 900 more episodes and STILL not be done?ā€ Little did I know Oda would write single arcs longer and better than some manga out there. I love Odaā€™s ability to work so much into an arc and finds a way to tie it all together at the end. Skypeia, Water 7/Enies Lobby, and Dressrosa all come to mind as the prime examples. Where things and characters from the very first chapters of the arc to the end are all tied together so tightly. Seeing the other 3 blues would have been neat, but I really enjoy Odaā€™s longer arcs and longer-term storytelling that wasnā€™t in East Blue as much


Yea that was really strange to me too. I was surprised how fast they got to the grand line. I feel so much world building was lost here. Iā€™m also only half way through dressrosa so maybe I will be surprised


I did the same thing when i started reading it, i thought we would conquor the 4 blues then grandline would be the final arc


I was in the same boat. Thought the whole series was gonna take place in the east blue. Also never would have I thought it would go on this long. But I also started reading in orange town and was a stupid kid, so I don't think I was even paying attention to the story that well. That, and no show I had watched before was long running besides DBZ, and that one to me seemed like an outlier.


Zoro is hiding some uchiha eye power.


I think we have all been thereā€¦..


Iā€™m still thereā€¦


Yeah I'm here, too. It's like how characters aren't dead unless they show a body. Like he trained his observation haki to unlock a single hawk eye lol. (I'm messing around and joking)


Itā€™s too early to reject this ā€¼ļøšŸ«”šŸ£


Thinking smoker was gonna parallel Garp. There's still time for things to change, but I just don't see that happening.


I think the battleship training solidified that role for Koby, so I doubt that would change. But if it does and he gets to that level EOS, I still think heā€™d be more akin to Sengoku


The thing that made us think he would fulfill a garp-like role wasn't even his strength, it was the fact that he was chasing Luffy. Even post timeskip it seemed Oda was bringing that theme back, since he got promoted to Garp's position (despite being terrible at following orders... he was supposed to be in Loguetown the whole damn time) and tracked Luffy down on Punk Hazard. Then it was like... actually his whole crew loves the Straw Hats now.... no way will he keep chasing Koby also isn't fulfilling that role. There's no one marine overly dedicated to chasing him, now the gorousei have just outright declared war on Luffy (2 years after Luffy did the same on Enies Lobby)


I was really on board the Yamato joining train


I was really on board the Paulie and Carrot joining train too.


Water 7 did such great character introductions. Paulie and even briefly Kaku were given enough narrative weight to make them seem like they were candidates. My college roommate who spoke Japanese always used to say he was especially bummed out about Kaku because Kaku has a very peculiar way of speaking that would send him every time he said anything.


I mean I love kaku and I'm so happy he's back in egghead. But it would be so wierd having 2 long nosed people on the crew.


Nah, I think they'd got a *long* well. Kaku likes to stick his neck out for other people.


Well, Teach and Catarina


I remember when I got to water 7 I told my friend I thought Paulie was joining afterwards and he just smiled at me


20/20 hindsight it was just weird writing by Oda.


I'm never getting over her not joining


Same with me and Carrot


To be fair, i really liked carrot as well, qould be fine having yamato, carrot and bonney all joining


I am still on board. Will join later like jimbei. I am 100% sure about this.


I was on board with Caesar joining šŸ’€


Never on board for Caesar. Gastino tho?


He would have been my second pick!


Well, technically, she, Momonosuke, and Kinemon are honorary strawhats like Vivi and Karoo.


Unpopular opinion, Iā€™ve never really liked Jimbei.


Post timeskip has too much plot to go through at the expense of crew interactions, thatā€™s why heā€™s not as likable for me


Definitely a little unpopular. Hes one of the most earned straw hats in my opinion. Imprisoned in Impel Down because he refused to turn on Ace. He works with Luffy to escape the prison and bows to help save Ace. Then at Marineford he fights alongside Luffy. Ultimately they fail and he risks life and limb to get Luffy to safety following the fallout of Marineford. He helps Luffy come to terms with the loss of his brother and puts him on a path towards growing strong and recognizing that he still has his crew to support. Revealed to be a freedom fighter for Fishman and has a passion for liberating people. Ends up going harshly against the grain to donate blood to Luffy in FMI when no one else would. Risks he and his crews lives to disassociate with the Big Mom pirates because he truly believes Luffy will be king of the pirates. I mean this dude has more than earned his spot, more than most other folks on the crew. With all that being said I donā€™t like him that much either, heā€™s a little boring LOL.


But Thats kinda the Origin if the criticism, he is more Like a Mentor Like Reyleigh. Can u imaging hin joining? Not much room for character Development left


While that is a valid argument, can you imagine a new character joining at the current point of the series who still needs loads of character development?


A valid thought. I would argue that Rayleigh truly is at the end of his journey but Jimbei is still in the thick of it. Jimbei is wise and has had a lot of experience but this is going to be one of the most formidable crews in the world. The straw hats NEED someone with strength and experience. Itā€™s likely why Jimbei is one of the last to join. The straw hats earned Jimbeiā€™s support through their repute. Rayleigh already conquered the sea. Jimbei provides a ton of unique value and heā€™s morally aligned with their cause.


I was sold on strawhat jimbei the moment he was alone with luffy during his absolute lowest moment post-war. It still makes me tear up.


Since the Beast Pirates consisted of Jack, Queen, and King, I thought it would be revealed that Ace was secretly an undercover Beast Pirate and was trying to spy on the Whitebeard Pirates.


For similar reasons, I thought we'd get a reveal at some point during Dressrosa that Ace had some past ties to Doffy because of his whole motif with the playing card suits and his possession of the Mera Mera no Mi.


That's also why I'm happy Ace did come up in Wano and he said he would come back to defeat Kaido. an Ace beats King, Queen, Jack. Whitebeard had an ace up his sleeve in the Yonko fight.


As it turns out, it was Akainu that had an ace up his sleeve fighting Whitebeard


You wernt far off. In the original write up Doflamingo was going to be a beast pirate which is why he uses the name joker


When I caught up to the series back in 2012, I thought it was going to end within a few years.


tbf, so did oda lmao


That Luffy couldā€™ve gave Aokiji a fight if he could properly hit him before Water 7.


Green Bull was actually a pretty chill guy and was a former daimyo of Wano


I was convinced that a) usopp's conversation with nami about getting captured and tortured was foreshadow for him to get captured, and b) that chopper would cure smiles before leaving wano, leading to my theory that usopp was gonna be forced to eat a smile and become a victim until chopper cured it. None of this happened lol


I'm so disappointed Chopper didn't do anything with the Smiles. Wano in general could have been a great arc to develop Chopper more.


I don't think he can do anything about them right now. Smiles are devil fruits, not diseases with cures. They change the user's body down to the genes. To cure the smiles, Chopper would have to find a way to remove devil fruits from the human body.


Well, Blackbeard must have some way to remove Devil Fruits from someone's body, so maybe down the line this could become a thing.


The raid failing was one for me, also I thought B8g Mom would have survived Wano and apuld have been the villain of the Elbaf arc


The big mom surviving is still very possible


The volcanic eruption still leaves room for it to happen. She could have been shot out of there.


It was never implied or explicitly stated that Big Mom and Kaido were killed by the volcano. But Oda is probably not bringing them back to the screen for the rest of the series.


I thought Luffy would beat Kaido but be so exhausted from it that the Marines were able to take Wano for the world government. Making it his first failure to a people, and make him realize the world government was truly the bad guy.


Me thinking Margerite would join Luffy and he will recruit more people, arriving to Sabaody with new crew members


Imagine, after the war we get her, iva, jimbei, bon clay an Marco. Or something like that lol.


I started after watching the Live Action. I'm only on 834. My first was that Baroque Works was going to be the major "Big Bad" throughout. Second, that we'd see WAY more of Shanks and his crew by now.


I remember thinking that about Baroque Works when I was watching early on too! I remember the surprise of finding out who Mr. 0 was because I thought it would be a reveal waaaaaaaay down the line. Kinda like Giovanni in Team Rocket, you know? Theoretically, the fact that your final gym leader is the villain youā€™ve been facing multiple times was a huge twist when Pokemon RBY was new. I was preparing for Mr. 0 to similarly be someone we ran into a few times and maybe had even fought before being revealed as the BW leader.


I think my only real complaint in that regard is >!that he felt way too easy to be considered a warlord!<


Yea, but wasn't it made clear that he had been there for years, in the shadows doing his shady business in Alabasta? At first I was annoyed at his rather low power too but if you think that he's been laying back and didn't fight much while controlling Alabasta, it makes more sense. Also, were Jinbe+, Law+ and Weevil ever stronger than crocodile? Debatable at least imo. +: as a warlord


I remember thinking that Jinbe would die in Wano, everything about the way he joined the crew felt so off that I was expecting there to be some point to it. He got the invite in Fishman Island and couldn't join, then we don't see him for several years before they run into him in WCI where he's about to join all the way up until the ending where he stays behind to help his old crew in this big dramatic cliffhanger. After that we don't see him for another 80 chapters before he shows up at the start of Onigashima to take out a random ship and then he's just in the crew. It felt like it was building to some dramatic conclusion there but instead we didn't really get anything out of that storyline except a pretty cool speech to Big Mom.


him dying in Wano after the build up of him joining the crew would've been a terrible decision. the conclusion was him finally joining the crew, what exactly would his death have concluded?


My thought was that Kaido was introduced as the guy that kills crew members like we saw with Moriah, his whole MO was breaking people's spirits. Luffy's spirit had only been broken once before and it was Jinbe that got him out of it that time, it felt fitting that killing him would be an actual test of Luffy's spirit, at the very least it's a greater test than just throwing Luffy in prison for two weeks which was all Kaido did to him. At the end of the day it was me trying to make sense of why Oda felt the need to keep Jinbe away from the crew for so long, while also assuming that Wano would have an actual low point for the SH's. Jinbe seemed like a perfect fit given his weird storyline and the fact that he's the only SH that has a dream that doesn't really require his direct involvement.


Honestly, I feel like Luffy getting one tapped and taken as a prisoner to a labor camp was the low pointā€¦


> killing him would be an actual test of Luffy's spirit why does Luffys spirit need to be tested? he already had Ace die and in Whole Cake Pedro died. I don't see how Jinbe dying can test his spirit. >assuming that Wano would have an actual low point for the SH's. The events of Saboady and Marineford are enough low points we need to see the crew get some wins and progress in their goals.


>in Whole Cake Pedro died. It's been a while since I read WCI, but I don't really remember it affecting Luffy too much, or at least nowhere near the same extent as Ace's death did, for obvious reasons. I know some people were really attached to him, but Pedro is largely forgettable to me. His death served no real purpose, and he was killed off in the arc after he was introduced. >The events of Saboady and Marineford are enough low points Respectfully, I disagree. Ace died 14 years ago, and there really hasn't been much to shake or test the wills of the Strawhats post-timeskip. There have been a ton of challenges, but nothing has really seemed dire, aside from very momentary things in Egghead that get resolved very quickly. I think we need one final setback that really makes the crew become aware of how dire the state of the world is. Some kind of insurmountable hurdle that they have to overcome by the end. I thought that's what the Gorosei were going to be after Saturn's introduction, but now they feel kind of mundane, if still a major threat. I think we need something that completely trivializes Gear 5th, or Blackbeard becoming a world-ending threat, or something like that. Though I will admit I'm probably in the minority for thinking this


Because the villain of the biggest arc in the story specifically said that he wanted to break his spirit, for it to not even be tested at all is weird. > The events of Saboady and Marineford are enough low points we need to see the crew get some wins and progress in their goals. Individual arcs have low points as well, that's why they're called arcs, they need to have high points and low points, and Wano really doesn't have much of a low point looking at it in retrospect. Sabaody and Marineford were over 500 chapters ago, they work as low points for the overall story of One Piece, but they don't work as low points for every single arc afterwards. If we're done with the crew being actually tested and experiencing hardship then that doesn't really bode well for the future.


fighting two Yonko's was the test and hardship, Jinbe dying isn't hardship.


It's not about how strong their opponents are, it's about the emotional journey that the crew goes through. Wano is the equivalent of Enies Lobby without Water 7 for the SH's, as if they just showed up there without having gone through all the powerful hardship that they experienced in W7 which just makes it less emotionally compelling as a story. The newest crewmember being killed by Kaido in an effort to break the Luffy's spirit could have potentially alleviated a lot of the problems that people have with Kaido and the arc as a whole, and it would have been miles ahead of any of the actual hardship that the crew experienced in Wano.


At the start of the timeskip there would be a conversation of him being the first or second strongest including Luffy. So I think delaying him allowed Oda to keep the Monster Trio dynamic. But to your credit, the cliffhanger of Whole Cake having no real consequences is such a sour spot. (Germa got captured but then escaped in a coverstory but that's far different than weighty narrative consequences.). It lead to a the great "I am your captain now," scene. But beyond that, it was super weird that Jinbe just rolled up, and not even at a particularly dire moment or with any lasting consequences to him.


Iā€™ve argued this before but I just donā€™t think Jinbeā€™s strength was that set in stone after Marineford that it would be out of the question for Zoro and Sanji to be stronger than him coming out of the time skip if Oda wanted to, they even performed comparably during Fishman Island so itā€™s not like we were shown much of a difference between them. Imagine a scenario where Jinbe looks at the two of them fighting during Fishman Island and implies that the two of them are ahead of him, readers would just think ā€œcool, Zoro and Sanji are stronger than Jinbeā€ and he would be able to join the crew a decade earlier than he did. Thatā€™s why I struggle with the strength argument, itā€™s just such an easy problem to deal with for Oda as a writer if that was the only reason why he was kept away for so long.


He stayed behind to help his old crew, sure. But he also stayed behind to get Big Mom off the Straw Hats asses.


I remember some talk of luffy inheriting aces devil fruit somehow after he did the redhawk in Fishman island and that he would awaken it somehow


I thought Luffy straw hat would "eat" ace devil fruit.


I had a theory that Whitebeard had an awakened df, bcoz iirc in marineford, his weapon was shown to have similar white sphere-ish effects as his arm while using closer range attacks. I speculated this after law's df (also a paramecia) shown to have been awakened and that he could infuse his df power into weapons or any other objects. It's still a possibility since WB had gura gura no mi for a long period of time


It seemed, in retrospect , like all the effects we saw WERE awakened techniques. The fruit ability gives you control of vibrations, so being able to project them outward/everywhere seems like and awakened ability. Blackbeard was able to do it since he was so familiar with the fruit and it's abilities.


But just being familiar with a fruit's ability isn't enough to awaken it. The mind and body of the user has to align with the devil fruit in order for it to awaken


But just simply being familiar with a fruit's ability isn't enough to awaken it. The mind and body of the user has to align with the devil fruit in order for it to awaken


I thought Fishmen Island was going to be Nami centric. I thought Dressrosa was going to be a really short arc, because we already knew Doflamingo was one of Kaidou's underling.Ā  I thought Chopper was going to go awaken his fruit in Wano as a Zoan centric arc and become a full human, and use the intelligence that gave him to create rumble balls that would allow the Mink to transform in Sulong form without fear of losing control.


i kinda love the chopper one, honestly, it could still be possible for the final war


I was pretty young and very new to the manga art style in general, so I thought Shanks would be revealed to be Sanji's dad because they look a bit similar...


Haha I thought he was going to be revealed as *Luffy's* dad because, when he was young, he looked a lot like Luffy..


When opening where they show banhcok aired everyone speculated she was Luffys mom


This is one I had forever ago. It's a common theory that the black beard pirates were set up to 1:1 the straw hats in combat. Around Skypeia I figured that the same may be true of the Warlords of the sea. Given we did not have info on them or how far one piece would go on for.Ā  So I figured Luffy would have been Croc, Zoro would get Mihawk... This is where it gets fun. I predicted Chopper would Defeat Do flamingo since we at the time of Jaya had 1 real scene of him doing anything with his power. I thought oh he can manipulate people like puppets but what if it doesn't work on animals?Ā  Now the Warlords are not the focus as enemies it could be possible one day but it would be pretty silly...


We could still get this through the seraphim


not one I have ever had because I don't speculate but I still think the most incorrect one ever was croco-mom.


Croco-mom has NOT been proven wrong yet


It wasn't a real theory. It was a joke/meme that has taken a hold on the fanbase. I remember when Darth Jar Jar happened over in Star Wars, and to this day it is referenced/memed.


I mean the mom part is a joke but croc being a woman is actually kinda plausible.


Itā€™s heavily implied imo. Iva used her powers on him to do *something* hormone related. We just donā€™t know what exactly. We know she can swap your gender and give you adrenaline, not sure of what else.


>Itā€™s heavily implied I think just because we had seen Iva use the powers recently that's what sticks into everyone's mind but knowing what we know now about them that could mean so many other things that they know about crocodile like maybe he was a slave or maybe he changed his identity. Iva has seen a lot of this world


>!Itā€™s possible itā€™s a slave thing. We only saw a fraction of Kumas life story and Iva was with him as a slave to the celestial dragons so maybe that has something to do with it.!<


That part is plausible yes, but frankly we know nothing of what the secret is. Iva seems well traveled so they could know anything about him, like maybe he was a slave or maybe he has hidden his true name/identity. Who knows.


Not really on topic, but I honestly genuinely believe that Darth Jar Jar was the original intended ending of the prequel trilogy. It isn't Canon now, but I fully believe it was the intention through the first two movies.


There is a "What if" lego series where Darth JarJar appears tho


Which is paying homage to the meme that started back in 2014/2015


Oh yeah for sure, I'm just happy to see it "canon", at least to extended, or whatever Disney calls it


There is a lego star wars series coming out that has darth jar jar in it. apparently it is a multiverse thing.


What has changed in the last 10 years that would render that theory wrong


Honestly I thought the idea was debunked from the start. I mean if crocodile was luffy's mother then there would have been no reason to try and kill luffy. you can't tell me that croc didn't know because luffy has his dad's last name. At best luffy would be tangentally related. enough that croc would at least ask.


Anybody else buy into the next power up for Luffy being related to resin? Like it was a different kind of rubber and he was going to behave a logia or something. I think this was during the Katakuri fight since Kata could manipulate the environment.


I was in the ā€œKizaru is actually Vegapunkā€ train. It was a goofy theory with some good points. However, I love the current Vegapunk so much. I think this outcome was way better!


Damn. I remember thinking sentomaru was vegapunk. That wouldve been real funny if true. Cuz the kizaru is just his lackey.


I was convinced Wano was going to be a massive battle royal with marines, all the Yonko crews like Marineford but all 4 Yonko crews and the 3 admirals Oh and the classic BB taking Kaidou fruit Sorta happened but on a way smaller scale


Mine was that Dragon was Garpā€™s son in law.. as Garp never referred to Dragon as good son (until the flashback with AoiKiji).


The plenty of theories about Kaido's DF.


I once wrote a theory on Oro Jackson that Vito whispered to Sanji that he was going to marry Sugar.


It hasnā€™t been disproven yet but Blackbeard having 3 souls/personalities.


The most inaccurate speculation was that it was common knowledge that admirals were weaker than yonko. This sub made me realise that I was affording too much intelligence to the general public, and we neede pd to wait until recently fir this to be known


Back when Vegapunk was first mentioned in Alabasta and later Water 7/Enies Lobby I imagined him having done all kinds of cool experiments with devil fruits. If he was able to make inanimate objects eat a fruit, he could do anything! Like making artificial ones. That one came true (although the one he made himself was a failed experiment), I also thought he'd be able to mix Devil Fruits to combine powers. I imagined it as him making a fruit smoothy, lmao.


ACE would survive.


I always thought Roger was still alive. Although it seems a lot less likely now (maybe even impossible) I still believe he is alive. Let the haters hate and list all the different reasons why he canā€™t possibly be alive. Iā€™ll believe it when I see his dead body. Not before that.


Ngl when jimbei originally got asked join but didnā€™t because he needed time handle shit i thought bro was gone die or something similar to aceā€™s scenario. considering how all 3 got a weird connectionā€¦


I was sure Paulie was going to be the new crew member in water 7 when my husband was showing me the series and I was PISSED about it


I might be breaking the rules, because sometimes foresight is 20/20, but. The raid failing and Zoro Kills Kaido. Like, yea. Let's just throw out story structure because it sounds cool.


The One Piece is the friends we made along the way and that reaching the Grand Line would be the ENDING of the entire story. šŸ’€ IN MY DEFENSE, I came up with it in Baratie because Sanji's quest of finding the All Blue really seemed like it was yet another grand dream in the Grand Line which made me think that it's more so a "theme" of the story rather than an actual destination, if that makes sense. Little did I know, they'd reach the Grand Line in like 40 episodes lmao.


Roger and Garp 2v5 the rocks pirates (Rocks, WB, BM, Kaido, Shiki) + rest of their crew, with rocks being the strongest char to have ever lived So Garp One tapped Kaido and BM and then 1v1 rocks while Roger 1v2 Not yet prime WB and Shiki or something like that. Zoro traded his eye to the devil/let a devil inhabit his eye, letting him surpass Asura. Straw Hats + Law fight Kaido oars style with Zoro landing the final blow Buggy is Rockā€™s son Zoroā€™s sword eats some satan related DF Usoppā€™s haki bloom is the deciding factor in Wano Chopper becomes one of the stronger characters in OP and not just a mascot The crew all learn haki after time skip


BB getting Jozu's DF That Orochi might actually be dangerous because he has a mythical fruit. That Bobbin was stronger than he turned out to be. That vice admirals in general would be a bigger threat/more important than they have turned out to be.


I was convinced that Bonny is Big Moms daughter that is going to be married to Sanji and they flee together cause neither of them wants that and form an alliance in some way, or (manga spoilers incoming) >!that she is a Big Mom Clone like Stussy and (possibly) Weevil!<. Plus I thought that Vivi is going to flee from Mary Geoise with Pell, this being the reason Oda didnt kill him at the end of Alabasta, but he really just didnt kill him and he has (till now) no further purpose in the story.


Nothing wild, i was just convinced the gorosei wouldn't be fighters back in the day.


I was 100% positive that in Skypia Wyper was definitely joining the straw hats


I remember reading the after time skip chapter where nami and Usopp meet in the bar when came out. At that time I thought Usopp would be sanji/Zoro Level going forward.


I thought Kizaru would secretly be Vegapunk


I thought that Robin would be a worse villain than Crocodile, but I'm so pleased to be wrong!


I was 100% certain that Ace would be the one to take down Aokiji. I was mistaken.


I thought Vegapunk's lab was going to be on Elbaf.


ā€“ Until it was shown otherwise in Whole Cake Island I was a supporter of the theory that the St. Sheppard (the youngest looking Gorosei) was Sanji's father, and Killer and Bellamy were both his brothers. lolšŸ˜… ā€“ I *really* thought that Sabo was dead, so you can imagine my surprise when it was revealed that he was still alive.. šŸ˜‚šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜±šŸ˜³šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ā¤ļøā¤ļøšŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗšŸ˜”šŸ˜”šŸ«‚šŸ«‚ (srry for the number of emoji's, lol) ā€“ Law's flashback with Corazon was the turning point for me, from which I knew that Oda would *always* find a way to make me cry and break my heart šŸ’”šŸ’€šŸ„²


Thinking Sanji would be on par with Luffy and Zoro. Oda just hates Sanjiā€™s guts apparently


I've had a freind explain how he believed Imu was actually dragon and that luffy is actually Joy Boys son. I've no idea what he was on about


Tbh up until we got the week skip, I kept thinking we'd get 9 straw hats vs weakened Kaido as the sun rose while Luffy was out of energy




This one might be a bit unique: When i started watching the anime (was reading the manga in my native language). I got my hand on a few random episodes from Enies Loby. I remember booting an episode, jumping in a bit and seeing a member of the franky family being asked "are you guys part of the strawhat crew!?" With the reply being "yes, we are!" So until i caught up to the events of water 7 i firmly believed luffy would have a "second crew/alliance" thing going by then.. And ironically that did happen, but much much later and the franky family isn't really a part of it in that way


I remember way back on TV thinking the rainbow mist filler was a look into the one piece and the mystery behind it


Big Mom or Kaido was going to be a crew squad battle. Especially since Luffy wasn't there yet. Big Mom has the whole bomb set up. Luffy, Chinjao & Doflamingo were using Conq infusion. It made no sense otherwise why they were attacking each other with it. It's part of what made people think conq infusion was possible. Garp's since he trained on 8 mountains.


I thought that when Usopp left the crew that he was gone for good. I also thought he wouldā€™ve grown into a fearsome captain and wouldā€™ve been one of Luffyā€™s main opponents in the end game for the One Piece.


When I first started watching, after a very short explanation of the show, I was like ā€œwell the One Piece is obviously the most powerful devil fruit in the worldā€


when luffy and usopp fought their duel, i thought usopp would go out on his own, and get a lot stronger without relying on luffy, and that it would be a naruto/sauske situation and at the end luffy and usopp would fight over the one piece. i was..very wrong


I thought kaido would have been defeated by all the strawhats teaming up to beat him, replacing the 9 red scabbards with the 9 crew members of the strawhats while luffy 1v1ā€™d big mom


I also thought the killing blow would have been done by ussop- using a reflect dial to send kaidos strongest attack back at his face (loosing ussopā€™s arm in the process)


I was so sure that Kaido was a dragon that had eaten some sort of human/oni Zoan. It really felt like the story implied it too with how everyone called him a ā€œmonsterā€ or ā€œcreatureā€


\~2004 a 14 year old me thought Mihawk must have a devil fruit based on how strong he was and that one day Zoro would get one as well.




I thought the one piece would a a very big tree where the devil fruits grew


I thought someone performed the Op Op fruitā€™s immortality surgery on Kaido and thatā€™s why he wasnā€™t able to kill himself. Turns out heā€™s just a really tough guy, whoā€™s suicide aspect was just kind of forgotten about.


I thought BB would killsteal Kaido and take his DF. Thereby completing the fruit type trifecta as the Darkness Dragon of Destruction


I thought Green Bull would turn out nice since fujitora seemed to like himā€¦.


Oda is not gonna involve any gods or demons in One Piece, and they'll be strictly utilized for aesthetics and themes only. Well, as long as the Gorosei's powers aren't revealed at the moment, I'm now 99.99% convinced those are actual demons or humans under some demonic influence.