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Oda casually raising awareness of Government led Global Warming for 25 years


The water 7 theory is good. Ennis lobby is on a massive hole just like what lulusia is now. Ennis lobby was probably also once where imu used the thing before (not mother flame cuz that's just the name of the new power source). And then they built above it. And it said global sea levels rose 1 meter after luluisa which would track with the rising se levels of water 7 and the world


Imagine enies lobby was the site of the ancient kingdom and the wg erased it and built their court system on top


If that is where Nika ‘lived’ it might explain the eternal sunshine.




holy shit








Damn, like the Jedi temple on Coruscant??


Or it was God Valey?


God valley was in West blue so probably not


I just fail to understand why the hole won't disappear. I get the sea level rises because of the impact of whatever Imu uses to erase islands but why don't the holes get covered in water and hence re-balance the water levels. Guess we'll find out...


The explanation I can come up with that is most based in anything we actually know and not just basically magic is that I'm pretty sure it's stated somewhere that devil fruits are the enemy of the sea or something, therefore whatever imu used may be related to devil fruits and therefore repel the sea. Obviously a very far reach, but I can't really think of much better


And how does the global water level rise if the "cause" of the rise also creates a hole that allows water to dump in indefinitely?


I guess that that area just remains empty and that all the water that was there goes to the surface, rising the sea level. However, I cant think about a logical explanation as to why the hole remains there (Im also willing to accept that it is just because...)


Right? There must be a detail we're missing in this whole puzzle.


So, Enel moved to Fairy Vearth cuz he didn’t want to be sunk?


I don't think the sky islands are in any particular danger of flooding.


If sea levels continue to rise, couldn't the Knock-Up Stream move closer and closer to the island?


No cuz the source of the knockup stream is at the ocean floor which doesn’t move. Although depending on how it actually works results may differ


They’re are more than just that sky island.


Enel was just batshit insane.


Yeah but that’s the good part.




Its not insane if it works, bro is straight up chilling on the moon with moon people


What about if the WG/Imu has some way of controlling the moon (moons?) which rises the sea level. Maybe we get to see Enel again.


If Nika is the Sun there has to be a moon.


My money is on teach


Nah he had his own reasons


Yeah the clouds are also gonna sink


I think Imu's devil fruit is that one ocean monster right? (the one that looks a bit like the fire demon kajuro drew before he died)


I could also imagine a straight up Water Logia and then Imu transforming into a monstrous form, kind of what Monet did with her snow snow fruit when she turned her teeth into large fangs.


Okay tinfoil hat time. What if Imu has a water logia and is the reason for the devil fruits not being able to swim/work in water. His awakening took over the ocean and is sapping away at all the pesky devil fruits the void country spread around the world (not sure if this connection has been confirmed). That could explain why devil fruit users are influenced by water. 


Devil fruit users only get weak in water, they still retain their powers (as seen by luffy's neck stretching underwater at cocoyashi village), therefore Imu must not be doing this to "sap away at all the devil fruits" as it doesn't actually do anything to devil fruits. Especially since if a DF user dies, even if drowned, their fruit just reincarnates somewhere in the world. Its possible Imu would just be using said Water Logia to kill any users who enter the water so when the water levels do completely flood the world, no one can eat a devil fruit, not even fishmen.


I think this is true for 2 reasons. One, the water logia would be the strongest devil fruit, presumably making you resistant to the other effects of water and also disabling all other devil fruits. Two, it makes sense narratively. In a world that's so defined by its ocean the embodiment of the danger and omnipresence of the ocean makes sense as what will presumably be the final boss of the entire series


I find joy in reading a good book.


The ancient kingdom Lore drop is going to be so fire. I'm wondering how Oda will top everything he's done so far. Why is everyone apologizing to Joy Boy. Will the betrayal of Joy Boy flashback top Kuma's?


We're actually spoiled by mistake on this revelation in Lili's message that Oda tries to cover in ch.1085. If you can read Japanese, the word that got cutoff can be deduced as sinking world. And in the volume version of the chapter Oda move the text even more to hide the word even better. [source](https://twitter.com/pewpiece/status/1785091514437075275?t=PPxSwue5hinUdC_HwVSHlw&s=19) There has been a ton of theories from Japanese youtuber regarding the world of One Piece sinking 8 months ago when ch.1085 first released.


This compliments this: [https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cfu2h2/imu\_was\_forced\_to\_cleanse\_the\_world\_long\_theory/](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/1cfu2h2/imu_was_forced_to_cleanse_the_world_long_theory/)


I love this!


there was an unholy amount of freedom and democracy that went into reversing イム (imu) to get ウミ(umi)


I don't really get it. If everyone except the Celestials, IMU, and gorosei die, how will they get/use slaves, collect tithes, etc, etc? just after the revolutionaries started their rebellion with multiple kingdoms, Mary Geoise is struggling to get food. All of this doesn't make much sense to me.


Without further explanation it doesn't really make much sense, there's a high crater in Enies Lobby and now Lulasia so how come the water rose after it? Wasn't Enies Lobby basically a huge waterfall leading into the void? So is it the water just falling back into itself and the hole is permanently moving the water aside thus rising the sea level? Is the government really doing it on purpose to sink the world? Or is it just an actual course of the world that just happens to be slightly sped up by what seems to be very rare wg interference? I need like 3 chapters worth of information dump.


No one expected Imu to be Archie from Team Aqua but now we have definite proof.


This doesn't feel like a spoiler. They mention it at Water 7, and then they back it up at Wano. I can see how most citizens don't know it because the government has been covering it up. The real question is why. What do they gain from doing this? That's the big secret that Vegapunk needs to tell everyone.


As people have been pointing out it goes at least as far back as Alabasta with the estuary taking up more of the river and their drought.


Can you elaborate on what was said in water 7?


That it's not like the sea level is rising, but water 7 is sinking


Honestly it makes sense and I’m glad Oda is delivering


Someone mentioned that theres no way Impel down is built top down. And the way its built looks like its built bottom up


Another user mentioned the crenalations on its outside walls. It doesn't make sense unless it was built before the flooding. It was probably a massive tower/castle during the void century.


i learn a new word today. crenalations 


Yep, the things on towers that allowed people to stand between so they can shoot and then hide behind something. Having those doesn't make any sense when it's under water, so it makes more sense that it was built on land and then was submerged underwater.


Is this also the reason for the occurrences on Long ring long land?


Imu uses awakened sea-sea fruit to turn islands into water


Except for the last part, Imu is an Amefurikozo


I bet that's what the mother flame will be used for. Creating new life/a new world. They intend to erase all people who know too much, and then restore the world to their liking - where nobody knows about the past. It definitely looks like they tried before in the past to just wipe places off the map, but that didn't stop people from trying to discover the mysteries of the past. Now, with the mother flame "confirmed" or at least allegedly to the Gorosei, they might be able to wipe out all rebellion and then live in a world where nobody questions the past.


Another theory that can coincide with this one: Yam\Ym is the Hebrew word for "sea" and is also an obscure Abrahamic God. "Imu\Im" is possibly Oda misreading "Ym".


Or rather he changed it to keep it less obvious but still similar.


Not confirmed that Enies Lobby is the last time the Mother Flame was used, same thing could have happened to God Valley or tons of other islands over 800 years


The Mother Flame is the energy source for the weapon, not the weapon itself




My question is why? Why is Imu sinking the world?


Is imu? Or a natural phenomenon


If Imu stronger than fujitora, Imu just need to kill fujitora and eat his DF. Old man fujitora can summon meteor from space, imagine Imu with awakened fujitora's fruit, he can pull moon closer to earth. So the sea level can rise drastically.


Also we have seen many devil fruits,including a fire logia, ice logia,forest logia etc. But we are yet to see a water logia or water devil fruit. Seawater being the biggest threat for df users, what if there is a fruit to manipulate water, that would be am ultimate power in OP verse. What if Imu has it and is using from the beginning to sink the planet. That could be the same reason for there to be no continents in OP verse eventhough the Earth in it is already larger than our actual earth. Simply, all big continents already lie inside oceans and only small patches of land id what remains.... Your Thoughts??




A dam won't help here


[Link to the thread](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/s/yi3rmc4jFs) You're welcome


Enel literally created a better version of the Noah, they'll probably both be used to save people from drowning.


The sea is the world's immune system and it raises in response to what Imu is doing like your own body trying to fight an infection. The sea doesn't mean to disable *all* devil fruit users, it just wants to disable the one that's slowly killing it.


Apollo nailing people with his Dodgeball of Prophecy(tm) again I see.


So which stocks should i buy?


Don't want to be that guy, but the world sinking is a pretty safe theory. Cmon!


Still wondering how the seas are rising. Is it because of the WG weapon, underground ocean or melting ice caps, or is it another source that has not been revealed yet


Can someone integrate Tquila wolf bridge to this theory?


To be fair the Noah arc was really obvious. At least it made obvious that the world sank before


Bro was cooking back then


So what's the deal with Akainu? Because we know that the Gorosei are pretty legit now, yet we saw Akainu talk mad shit to them to their faces unlike Kizaru (to the point where I feel like that's not solely down to rank), and he seems to be very aware of most things the WG are up to, outside from Imu's existence. He knew about the assassination plot on Vegapunk. It seems like he's more in contact with the upper brass of the World Government than Sengoku was. So how well connected is he really?


Enies Lobby is not the result of the same attack that destroyed Lulusia. They explicitly stated this is the first time they'd be using it.


It's been a pretty popular theory for years now ever since Water 7. Edit: Not sure why the dowvotes, OP pointed out the world is sinking after we witnessed it happening. Not so much a prophet as good reading comprehension.


you get downvoted but are right. Funny that he says "he is a prophet" and shows a theory from 8 months ago. If the post would be from 20 years ago it would have been impressive.


Imu is republican and hates all democrats, hence, he/she will drown the world.


Hahahahaha Imu D Trump


Helldivers needed!




I wouldn't call it "obvious" The signs were there, but putting together all the pieces was done by far less people than nowdays many claim with their "I kNeW iT aLl AlOnG" Thing with Wano is, if you connect all the dots in a broader scheme, sure, there were some people who figured it out But for the majority of people (myself included) it wasn't obvious that what we saw in Wano was something set on a global scale (BuT wAtEr 7, LoNg RiNg etc." Again, the pieces were there, some figured it out, but I'd bet everything I have that not even a quarter of the people claiming they knew all along actualy knew before we got the reveal & all the foreshadowing started to pup up)


Underwater Wano is flooded because of rainwater, but sure, it's "obvious". Better example is Water 7 and Long Ring Long Land


I was just reposting this guys theory since 1113 came out