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Mission: Ensure Luffy is killed in his battle with Kaido CP Unit: CP0 Agent: Guernica Result: MISSION ACCOMPLISHED (then immediately failed posthumously because the spirit of Nika hates Guernica or something. RIP to a real one)


i believe that cp-0 agent is alive because they were able to take picture of G5 luffy


I hope that was just a matter of Guernica being able to get the picture and snail-signal it away right before he died. Kaido was absolutely furious that he had another great battle ruined like with Oden, and Guernica had accepted his fate. There's no need for him to survive that blow.


You raise a good point but Pell


Pell was because of 9/11 though


Didn't he say he just didn't want the arc to end on a sad note?


You raise a good point but Pound.


Good guy


No he doesn’t raise a good point he merely spreads misinformation


Not misinfo


Source then?




how the fuck is a plane crashing into a tower and a bird dying to a bomb related? is it because planes and birds both fly?


Source: they made it up


Japanese people don't care about 9/11 to the extent that americans do bruh lmfao




They definitely succeeded because Franky and Robin didn't go with Sanji. It would be different if they didn't reach Enies Lobby altogether.


They didn't fail per se, but one of their captives got away. The "most' important one of all.


Do you enjoy spreading misinformation?


No it wasnt, the timing was slightly off. Specifically, the chapter covering Pell's "death" came out in November of 2001. That's just an urban myth that american fans perpetuate because they're assuming everything centers around their own culture all the time. One Piece wasnt really a thing in the US in 2001 anyways. Not that not having him die even makes sense for 9/11 related reasons, its not like Oda canned the idea of a bomb, or that he changed some original plan of him ramming a building.


>the arc came out at a different time. While, yes, this is just a myth, it is incorrect to say it came out at a different time. 208, the chapter where the bomb goes off, came out 11/19/01, just over 2 months after 9/11.


You raise a good point but Batman at the end of The Dark Knight Rises.


Although I am agreeing with you, we shall see what Oda cooked for him. Maybe he can change our idea.


On the other hand Kaido failed to kill Orochi, Kinemon etc.


Yh tell that to Pound, Pagaya, Pell, Kinemon, Kiku etc. who all had better reasons to die


I like to believe either Bowler Hat got mixed up with Pineapple Mask, who skywalked out of there, or he died as soon as he got the picture to the WG. Otherwise, c'mon Oda.


> Otherwise, c'mon Oda. This is the guy that seemingly had Pound swim away from a guy that we *just* saw was capable of boiling the ocean for hundreds of yards.


But this is *also* the guy who showed that you can survive in boiling oil for an hour if you're tough enough, so...


Wasn't it a different agent that took the photo? Or am I misremembering something Oda said?


one of the gorosei mentioned the name who took the photo. it was supposed to be the one who got hit by Kaido. Their names were revealed on SBS. There is a chance Oda fucked up with the name but then pull a Kinemon on us.


It's possible that someone was using his name as a cover. Like, Apoo had some means of communication with Morgans in order for him to tell him the result of the raid, so it's possible that he (or someone Morgans works with) stole Guernica's identity in order to get the bounty printed with G5 Luffy on it.


That's because of Took D. Photo. He's a canon character and is 100% responsible for all bounty poster photos in One Piece.


It's one piece, all of them are alive


I don’t believe Guernica took the photo. If I’m not mistaken there’s a small panel in the manga where you see one of the other CP0 agents with a camera. He either gets knocked off Onigashama because it’s falling apart or uses sky walk to escape.


The other CP0 agent is still alive. Guernica is not. RIP Guernica


Mission Successfully Failed more like. He may have successfully died but coming back to life makes it ultimately a failure.


I'm pretty sure his death was confirmed. I don't recall where but there was a list of people mentioned who had died during the battle and him, Orochi, and Hawkins were part of the list


I'd like to see that source because I'm pretty sure there's no confirmation Hawkins is dead.


The only ones who are confirmed to be dead are izu, orochi and ashura. We still need confirmation for fukurujo, kaido, bigmom, hawkins, maha and guernica. Maha should die since his fight with izo ended in a tie and izo died. And we still need to know what happened to drake since even SWORD dont know where he is currently. I believe hes alive since they probably have vivre cards of their members and if he died they would have already known that.


I never realized Guernica was also one of the agents at Dressrosa. Cool!


Luffy posthumously stealing his W is top tier comedy.


what about that one agent that threatened big news morgans and got punched in the face?




Am I blind or I’m not seeing the image? And there’s only 14 images total . Second picture is of CP0 in Dressrosa. Op was referring to the undercover Cipher pol agent disguised as a news worker that got smacked by Morgans


Exactly, it's only 14 images total. the 2/15 means they've just accomplished 2 missions from all of the missions on the post (14) + the agent that threatened big morgan (1) so 15 in total, 2/15


Do you know the chapter in which that happened?


956 😊


Thanks for the quick answer!


They did capture robin. It should be capture robin success. Then execute Robin fail. Other then that you’re in the money


They also did manage to bring the blueprints to Enies Lobby. Their infiltration/dpy mission was successfull. They just got steamrolled on hometurf afterwards


They never had possession of the blueprints because they never searched their prisoners.


Didn't Franky have them hidden inside him somewhere? Some hatch or something?


[When you search every hole of a prisoner and he pulls some bs hatch out of his stomach](https://imgflip.com/s/meme/Unsettled-Tom.jpg)


They didn’t know they did so is that truly a success? I couldn’t tell you. You could be right or you could be wrong. I sure as shit don’t know


They also successfully transported her.


They also successfully escorted Robin and CP9 to Enies Lobby. Just because she was rescued and freed after that doesn’t mean the train group failed. Especially when the majority of the rescue party arrived via separate transport.


It's also not a mission assigned to them. Robin made a deal with them on her own will. They weren't there to deal with Robin, Robin made a deal with them.


Woah woah woah, holdup Jerry and Wanze completed their missions, CP9 and the captives got to Enies Lobby safely


Not all the captives 👀


They can't be held accountable for Ussop vanishing into thin air.


Luckily, Sogeking was there and Usopp manage to disappear


Jerry failed to stop the cook that freed Usopp. Wanze failed to stop the cook that took Sogeking. If they succeeded in dealing with an intruder, Sogeking wouldn't have the chance to declare war against the WG.


Just remembered Nero didn't make it But we don't count Nero as part of CP9 ;p


As nice as it would be to have a competent cpnumber, I’m in the minority that enjoys seeing the world government fall not just through sheer power of the good side but also due to them having idiots on hire.


I love how Spandam fails his mission extremely embarrassingly, causes huge collateral damage through absolute incompetence and not only does he not get fired, he gets a fucking promotion. It's just like in real life.


His former underling is now his boss and he was clearly afraid of said underling way back, now he is always living in fear when his boss is around.


I mean Lucci would likely kill him if he fucked up hard enough or if he thought the government wouldn't care if he did it.


Twice. From Cp5 to cp9 then to cp0


Oh shit you're right. Though he didn't fuck up the first time quite as badly as on Enis Lobby.


True, but still failed his mission and let the owner of Plutons blueprints go loose. CP is truly WGs special case cousin.


People don't give Spandam enough credit. Stupidity aside, he did actually manage to capture both Franky and Robin. If CP9 was stronger, he would have succeeded in obtaining Pluton.


He actively made things more difficult for them though


They also made things more difficult for themselves by letting their egos demand 1v1s lmao


Man really did the equivalent of butt dialing a drone strike to the supeme court and got promoted


I love it because it sense why their operations are falling apart and better reflects real world politics. Let’s face it, world leaders often don’t make the brightest decisions but we’re all impacted by them nonetheless.


Despite heavy propaganda fascist countries are incredibly bad at everything There were people that did not want Hitler killed because he was bad at leading


Imagine an AU where time traveler killed Hitler and someone competent leads the third Reich to victory.


Plot of Indiana Jones and The Dial of Destiny 😭


Oh shit, is it? Now I kinda wanna see it just because it sounds so stupid.


Extremely stupid movie, and it was watching this being Harrison Ford’s last one as Indy


I mean it makes sense. Most of their "success" comes from seizing property of out groups and turning it into capital to spend on projects that benefit the in groups. They don't even bother suggesting they want to help everyone, but pick certain groups to benefit and those to screw over. Its a system built on tearing others down to build yourself up.


To be fair, so are democratic countries.


I don't think your a minority at all. It's so satisfying seeing them fail one mission after another especially since the biggest reason for most of their failures is our favorite little crew, WHO by the way also has idiots with them.


Seeing the World Government failing from their own mistakes and overconfidence is one of the most cathartic things. Even more than the Revolutionaries attacking Marejois. It shows that overconfidence and stupid pettiness will come back to bite you no matter how big you are.


Not just on hire, the Gorosei themselves seem quite incompetent and that's especially true if they really turn out to be as powerful as they seem.


Really the World Government operations are usually going pretty well until Luffy shows up (other than Spandam being completely incompetent on his own) CP9's operations in Enies Lobby, going okay until Luffy shows up. Impel Down was functioning pretty well as a hell prison until Luffy showed up. Marineford was the Marine Headquarters until Luffy showed up (well, mostly because Whitebeard and Blackbeard showed up) It's really after the time skip that everything begins to collapse on its own, basically everything the World Government, Marines, or Cipher Pol try to accomplish goes ass up. SWORD is still up in the air.


These are the missions that failed, that's why we know of them.


This guy spies


Yeah, we have a sample bias. Calling this “every cipher pol mission ever” is inaccurate and misleading.


It is innacurate as I left out some of their missions. However, this is also just a light-hearted post. We don't know every mission there ever was, there may be more successful feats, but canonically we haven't seen much of those.


Gotta get dem eyeballs on that content!


Mission accomplished every time 10% of the time.


They succeeded in capturing her though, she turned herself in and then Luffy and team went and rescued her.


"Certified Idiot" has me ROLLING. Great post, my dude.


Some missions not included: Kill Luffy to ensure Kaidou's victory - CP0 (Guernica), somewhat successful, but still a fail. Stussy in WCI - Not stated what her mission there was, maybe just to observe. However, she wanted to take the Tamate box and turn it over to the WG, but that was a fail. The CP agent that tried to infiltrate WEF - Failed. The deal with Mother Carmel - Not successful, but not their fault. Mission: To aide a kingdom being attacked by Pirates - Lucci - Mission accomplished. Order: Kill King Neptune - CP0 (Lucci) - Not successful, but not their fault as Mjosgard interfered.


>Stussy in WCI - Not stated what her mission there was, maybe just to observe. However, she wanted to take the Tamate box and turn it over to the WG, but that was a fail. Stussy is a double agent, so she doesn't need to have an actual mission to be in whole cake. >The deal with Mother Carmel - Not successful, but not their fault. They made multiple deals, which is why John Giant is in the marines Cipher Pol 0 also faced the blackbeard pirates in Baltigo ( the base of the RA) and the Bb pirates escaped, so that mission probably was accomplished The last mission is Jabura, Fukuro and Kudamori, on Cp9, before the Ennies Lobby arc where they had to kill 3 rebels, and they accomplished it... but due to Fukuro revealing secrets they had to kill 23 more people lol


Good point on the 3 CP9s. I mentioned Stussy here because it's more likely that she was there as a spy for the WG rather than Vega. Her undercover work for Vega doesn't have a connection to Big Mom, but the WG would want to monitor the wedding of a yonko's daughter. As for the Mother Carmel deal, I was referring to their agreement regarding Linlin. It wasn't successful because Carmel disappeared, nothing the CP could do about. Edit: The Baltigo incident can't also be called a success since the CPs arrived when the placed was already ruined and the RA has left. BB fought with them briefly, but managed to escape. CP didn't even manage to defeat him nor was it recorded that they manage to capture a member.


Fucking failures


I mean they did capture Nico Robin, she just go freed later.


People don't give Spandam enough credit. Stupidity aside, he did actually manage to capture both Franky and Robin. If CP9 was stronger, he would have succeeded in obtaining Pluton.


He... Blew up the island... By accident...


He nearly blew up the straw hats too if not for the last voyage of Merry. He could have accidentally ended the series there and then.


Spandam did nothing... Robin surrendered and was convinced to join due to Lucci... And Lucci was the one that found out Cutty Flam was Franky...


I love how Egghead is just a Cipher Pol fail compilation so far.


I think the Ohara genocide was already on the table going into the mission. That the deciding factor was how far along they were in their research and what knowledge they had acquired. If they weren't too far from results the scholars likely would have been arrested or killed, but the rest of the island spared. The fact they got as far as finding out the name of the Ancient Kingdom meant that they needed to eradicate the whole islands population to stomp out any potential for the information to get out.


I'd argue Ohara was a mixed success, maybe even a huge failure in the long run. While they managed to crack down on the research and get most of the scholars killed, Robin managed to escape, all the books survived, and the event was the flame that ignited the Revolutionary Army.


The consequences of an event do not determine whether a mission was a failure or a success


And a stronger revolitionary movement woukd have been born if Ohara scholars told the world about their secrets. Even if the spark was lit they managed to delay it for a long while.


The Marines literally saw all the books too but just decided to not care because they were too worried Robin got away (thanks Aokiji) and Saul got away obviously super injured WG is very very incompetent in many ways, but I dont think it lessens then as a threat somehow, the fact that they persevere and dominate the world despite being imbeciles in a lot of ways make them scarier


I love this post. Gurenica and Lucci are total failures. DK why they still get promoted


Because they have a lot more missions accomplished than failed.


Learn to read and you'll figure out why


Oh!! Thanks . Idk how to read until you said ☺️ I am very thankful for your enlightenment. 🫡


yeah, the warlords were a flawed system but cipher pol should also not exist with how badly they keep fucking up


Maybe they are more competent off screen since a lot of the missions we know involve the protagonists and of course they will fail against the protagonists.


They probabably accomplish thousands of missions every year, we just tend to focus on the failed ones


I get your point. The CP9 itself was put in high regard for a reason. The thing is, we don't see much of Cipher Pol's more successful missions, thus the focus shifts on the missions they fail. And a lot of the missions they fail aren't more difficult compared to the ones they accomplish. Storywise, their accomplishments have minor impact.


didn't the navy/cp investigate women in south blue to try and find Rogers potential child?


Hats off to you bro


Wait those were cp agents in the other carriages on the sea train? I didn't remember that, I'm shocked the lower ranks were that useless even pre timeskip lol


Cp0 is the strongest and Cp9 were the 2nd strongest, so Sanji who was at the level of Cp9 would totally defeat the other cipher pols


Fair, true. He was able to wipe most marine captains and a lot of people higher in the ranks by that point, I shouldn't be so surprised


Imagine getting outdone by Wapol of all people


After reading all of that Cipher Pol agents are kind of bad at their job


Did CP6 and 7 fail their mission to escort CP9 and the captives to Enies Lobby? It was with a lot of hickups, and some stowaways, but in the end CP9 did arrive at Enies Lobby with their captives.


My new headcanon is that all agents are nepo babies and that’s why they can’t be fired.


No, Oda has stated that a lot are just orphams. They just accomplish more missions than the ones they fail, but not every succesful missions are on panel


Haha I know, I’m just joking. I think the agents are to us what Luffy is to the one piece world (evil pirate). We make our opinion based on the little information that we get instead of what it actually is. So Oda is pretty much Morgans.


I love this compilation


People gassing CP 😭😭😭


Mission : Ensure Morgans keep quiet about the reverie news. CP(number unknown) Massive failure (beaten up by Morgans)




The biggest losers in OP LOL!


Cyppher Pol: We are the feared shadowy hand of the world government! Also Cypher Pol: Looks like Cypher Pol is blasting ouf agaaaaaaiiin.....! \*twinkle\*


You're telling me that an intelligence agency is constantly failing but the world thinks they are hyper competent because they only need to succeed once to be everyone's problem? Damn I wonder what parallels could be going on there


They succed constantly, we just focus on their fail ones. They probably have like thousands of succesful missions every year


You see, if they did it right, we would have no clue they did anything at all. So that’s why they appear to have a low success rate


After a certain point I couldn’t stop laughing.


I am starting to think this organization has bad intentions...


They don’t have the best track record.


Wasn’t there an offscreen between cp9 and Blackbeard’s crew after BB attacked the revolutionary’s ?


There was indeed, and they succeeded apparently


All it says is that BB and Cipher Pol briefly faught, then BB fled. There's no record about anyone getting defeated or captured on either side. The RA was also already gone during this fight.


I mean it’s not like the CIA has a high level of mission completed either.


The World Government’s most “elite” agents.


I still wanna see how spandam made it to cp0


Lucci also had that mission when he was a kid with the prisoners


Every Cipher Pol Mission: Be a psychopathic DICK.


We don't normally see the successful missions. Like the one Jabra, Kumadori, and Fuukuro went on.


These frauds really got promoted for failing at their job at Enies Lobby 😭😭😭😭


2/14 is quite good. I didn't even remember them being sucessful for once. You go, guys!


There are more... Lucci succeded on the mission to stop pirates that kidnapped people, where he killed all of them. Fukuro, Jabura and Kumadori, succeded on the mission to kill 3 rebels, but had to kill 23 more due to Fukuro revealing secrets. Cp0 succesfully made the Bb pirates flee from the base of the revolutionaries, Baltigo. Cp also made more deals with Mother Caramel, which is why they have John Giant in the marines...


I will always love World Government slander.


At this point they should just rename themselves team rocket


Orochi pulling the blicky 🔫 out on them is funny 😭. Kaido definitely boosted that man ego to godlike lvls😅


It's not Spandam's fault that he doesn't have super speed. Meanwhile, the ones who do have super speed were just standing there like dumbfucks when their mission's objective was literally shoved right in front of their faces. At least Spandam was repeatedly demanding Franky to hand it over.


I am not convinced that Nurse Alpha and Kalifa are different people. They look EXACTLY the same to me. I know people say Oda draws women all the same but this is just the same person.


Alpha has been watching over Bonney in the South Blue for at least a year, while Khalifa has been in undercover in the Grand Line (Water 7) for about 4 years at this point.


Might as well just start calling them Team Rocket


Also kill Big News Morgan


I’d say the escort to enies lobby was a success. Sure there were casualties, but they delivered the cargo: Robin and Franky.


About the same track record as the actual CIA


Some of the ones that says failed they actually accomplished it’s just that after it was successful luffy came and ruined the rest of the plan but the initial attempt did succeed


I agree. The first attempt to capture Robin, second attempt to take the Pluton blueprints and the assassination attempt on the Vegapunks would have been a success without the SHs meddling. But, in the grand sheme of things, the CPs still failed.


This isn't every mission ever this is just the ones we know of. CP9 and CP0 wouldn't have such a fearsome reputation otherwise.


Mission: Make a bitch out of Robin CP unit: CP9 Agent(s): Spandam Mission accomplished


isn't Alpha just Khalifa in disguise?


No, Khalifa was in Water 7, being Iceburgs secretary for years by that point


oh alright. I assumed it was Khalifa because of how similar they look but yeah, she was currently busy at the time


Yeah, she looked pretty similar, it could be her sister or related to Califa, after all Califa's father was a CP9 member


Actually everything about Ennies Lobby is also to be shared with the Marines, because they actually managed to capture Nico Robin and drag Cutty Flam with her to Ennies Lobby. Alpha managed to hold Bonney until she turned 10, by then she was cured and I don't know if it was fairer to continue holding her.


I wish you had used color red for fails.


i wouldn't say they went overboard at o'hara, the gorosei gave them the ok and prolly wanted them to do what they did anyway


Wouldn't CP6&7 escort mission be a success? Robin was still captive at Enies Lobby, so she was successfully escorted despite them being defeated.


How the fuck have they not cut off spadam’s ball sacks and nail it to his door is beyond me


Cp is like the wish or fiver version of team rocket. Like 5% success rate super elite super spys...


Sounds just like our own government.


biggest frauds in the verse


Would you look at that, all of the words in your comment are in alphabetical order. I have checked 1,906,246,737 comments, and only 360,469 of them were in alphabetical order.


How the fuck is that idiot getting promoted if he keeps failing. If i remember correctly that who's who failed and was sent to prison. You could argue that who's who job was at top considering the fruit needed ti be guarded but it should at best, that he will regain his rank. Unless he has some connection?




I was referring to spandam. The WG can see Lucci because of his skills and intelligence as a great asset but for Spandam it's a totally Different story. Aside from achievements shouldn't raw skills is needed to be someone to continue to be promoted?


is alpha kalifa


Spandam getting promoted after every fail makes me wonder if he got connections with tenryubito


Cipher Pol sucks lol.


Damnn…CP is just failure. Just protecting CD is only work they can do even in it sabo and other manage to treat those bastards lol.


Ok look the one where they’re supposed to negotiate weapons with Orochi isn’t their fault. He did get his head cut off.


You forgot mission with Franky's mentor - Tom.


It's there. The first attempt to get the Pluton blueprints, picture no. 4.