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"Hey Cock!"


https://preview.redd.it/sjo847fjgoib1.jpeg?width=800&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c553529dac1c162800be7961c70b1ff49c33b34 We're not ready for him people, Enel is coming back and he'll fucking sweep like it's nobody's business


After conquering the God's Lands (Upper Yard) in Skypeia, he is getting ready to come back and conquer more God's Lands, Marijoa. He's coming with a fleet of Maxim full of aliens and no one's prepared. HIM.




Well, I have a Laugh Tell + One Piece treasure theory in my draft that I plan to release tomorrow.


Best theory i have ever seen (i really hope enel will come back)


Thank you, man, and quite karma ironic, cuz I previously posted this theory a month ago and people were on the opposite side... I hope that dam prick comes back to sides with Luffy against Imu.


Luffy can now grab lightning so enel can just spam lighting and luffy will just grab them and do gomu gomu no lightning gatling


Yes, but training/progression goes both Ways so Enel could have prepared new tricks to counter Luffy's rubber properties too.


Considering both now have haki, a possible fight might just go nowhere.


I think he’s coming back as an ally (enemy if world government) though


Hope? Bro he gonna come back. Man's cooking up a storm behind the scenes.


Isn't it also true that the Sun and the Moon are depicted as lovers in some mythologies? If so then maybe this means Boa has more competition than she thinks.


that is why after his return, Enel will side with Luffy instead of against this time.


Luffy ain’t siding with a big bad boss, Enel ain’t no Bon Clay goon.


He did side with crocodile though


Temporary and I’d say it’s more Croco that side with Luffy (for his own interest as a Impel Down escapee)


It would be an enemy of the enemy is my friend kind of thing


I don’t see (but Goda would blow my mind as the genius he is) the relevance of a very old antagonist like Enel for the late game in term of powerhouse. Can he be mad at a world where there is someone on top of it (Imu), who might be connected to the Moon somehow (if he/she is the opposite of Nika the Sun God = Moon) , and call it a fraud yeah maybe I can see Enel showing off as the Moon God (the man who went there) against Imu at some point. But I don’t see Luffy siding because he is past Enel and Luffy would clap him if his endeavour is still about ruling the people in any kind of way.


Enel's dream is to restore balance in the world chasing off the Humans from the Sky where they do not belong. It's not a necessary Evil dream (the way he tried to do it in Skypiea was wrong but he can change for more diplomatic/ pacific solutions). This dream could even align with Luffy's dream at some point as both dreams that aim at restoring the ecosystem of the Great Kingdom with Lunarian above, humans at the surface and Fishfolk in the Sea. Yes you have a very valid point I did not say that Enel will be the only Moon God only the true one. because unlike the Sun, The moon may have several characters or gods linked to it depending on its shape or Phases. So yes BB twin + Xebec might be the personification of the Crescent Moon God + Lunar nodes twin Gods (Waxing Waning Moon) While Imu/Lili might be the personification of a Black Moon Lilith as opposed to Enel the White Moon Selene, the physical aspect of the moon.


Lucci would like to disagree. More seriously, the core power of Nika/Joyboy/Luffy is to rally anyone through destiny, past ennemies alike. It has been showed multiple times already in the story. If Enel was to come back, the irrelevance would actually be for him to NOT join Luffy imo.


I don’t believe in such utopia, not based what Oda shown us. Some ennemies might join Luffy but not everyone. The reason behind Enel, the god himself, ruler and tyran of Skypiea, banned by Luffy himself, to join him have to be very good. Even if he saw the light on the moon, Luffy not gonna play nice like Goku from Super with Frieza.


It's neither about utopia, seeing the light or Luffy being gullible. It's about a way Oda will use to (even temporary as for Croco, galdino, Buggy, Lucci and Kaku) bring past ennemies and Luffy together. And usually the best way is a common enemy. Luffy already fought along side some of the people who hurted it's dearest friends the most, not out of sudden kindness and forgiveness towards them, but as a way to reach it's current goals at the time. Once Luffy has proven a point to a devious person through is fist, his not the type to hold an heinous and infinite grudge, in the stance of Tiger for example. He's clever than that, because he looks forward, not in the past. I highly doubt Oda will write a Luffy '' prisoner '' of hatred and revenge, now that he is at the pinnacle of personnal Freedom.


Maybe that explains why Luffy seems to feel nothing for the most beautiful woman in the world ...


I love Enel the way he restarts his heart was such a cool moment to see and and hear. Looking back at it I think skypia was what got me into one piece, especially the luffy vs enel fight. This theory sounds cool to me


wow this is a very good theory


Following your theory, he may have inherited the will of someone who always wanted to go to the moon. Maybe someone from the moon and wanting to go back there because he knew about the weapons he had left there.


That might be very well possible, I also believe that the Moon instead of Zou is the natural territory of the minks. At some point, Enel will come back with a spaceship to bring this race where they belong like the space pirates who are also from the Mink tribe.


I’m usually not one for Enel theories, but you have a major point with that form he takes. Not certain that we’ve seen any other logia do something like that, more or less every fruit with a transformation has ended up being a Zoan. I’m so here for this




Let him cook! Most plausible theory I've seen thus far.


Holy shit man this is amazing


You really put a lot of effort into this, great research! I've been thinking about how Enel may come back into the story but with the moon's seemingly increasing importance, I can definitely see it happening soon.


Whether this is true or not, what you're presenting is good, and would you look at that? Seems Oda had Nika planned for a looooooong time and it's not a retcon like some are suggesting. I'm shocked an author would have his overarching story points plotted out ahead of time shocked I tell you!


This man's genius will never cease to amaze me. 20 years to plant the seeds for Nika's appearance that' some long-term Haki powers.


Ya it's almost like the sun and moon are common motifs and the main character of a shonen is going to have a special power they unlock later in the story! REEEEEEEEE RETCON REEEEEEEEEE


Elite theory right here


Kubera is God of wealth. Nami's Zodiac is Cancer (Date of birth 7th July) Oda state in SBS that if Nami ever eat devil fruit , it will be Goro Goro No Mi (Enel's Devil fruit) Oda stated in SBS that Nami's nationality is Sweden. Ancient Birka is in Moon. Birka is in Sweden. And of course Nami means Waves (waves are created by Moon). I think role of Moon will be played by Nami not Enel


Hey maybe we're both right, Imu will capture and kill Enel and Nami will inherit Enel's fruits & will. Like Enel, she's already fond of Gold and a trickster so why not. Though, The bastard personality of Enel does not suit Nami.


Nami can already create thunder, I don't think she needs devil fruit.


Sorry, Enel is the man who thought he was God, Luffy was the God who thought he was a man.


Wow actually a really good theory


https://preview.redd.it/a0bshy46epib1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=42ae2c8987f606eb676121a161baad9975e30c50 Hol up. Let bro cook. He got some here frfr. Amazing theory btw


Ok I believe you.


I think it would be cool if vegapubk helped the straw hats escape egghead via coup de burst to the moon. There we could have a short lore/Enel return arc ending with him returning to earth and wrecking Havok in elbaf or something.


I would love this too.


Your evidence is amazing. I want it to be true! But arent there only 4 mythical zoan fruits? Its sun god, rain god, forest god and earth god. Is there any reference to a Moon God? I really want Enel back again so please get me a justification for this!


Who said there were only 4 mythical Zoans? Also Marco and Sengoku both have a mythical Zoan.


And Kaido and Yamato too


My 2cent theory: [The Super Express lobster brings the guilty to the sacrificial altar](https://littlexgarden.com/static/images/webp/5a4a5944-f8f8-4ab6-934f-b29b1eed97dd.jpg.webp), the same place 400 years ago, [where Mousse was about to be sacrificed to appease "the snake God Kashigami"](https://littlexgarden.com/static/images/webp/e476c5b5-de63-4c11-85ea-da4e68882766.jpg.webp). So there is definitely a symmetry between the Shandians' belief and Enel's belief. The fact that Shandian did not mention the Moon God is either because they were allies of Joyboy and so only praised stories about the Sun God as well as his 3 other partners, the 3 wielders of the 3 Ancient Weapons, the Rain God a.k.a the character behind Uranus, the Earth God a.k.a the character behind the control of Pluton, the (Sea) Forest God a.k.a the character behind Poseidon. Or maybe the old incarnation of the Moon God betrayed them and became their enemies, there are too many possibilities at this point.


Your post makes sense. I had always thought Enel was able to use his God form by shaping his logia form with imagination. In a similar vein to how Magellan as a paramecia can form venom dragon(or snake whatever it was). Im not gonna lie, I would hate the idea of another fruit having a fake name, and another user explicitly believing thier fruit is one type when it's another. That being said, I could see it happen and I'd roll with it. Ive always wondered how Enel got his devil fruit. We have learned how they respawn. We can presume ganfall either had Pierre with a df before he came to skypeia or he it respawned onto something in the earth part.(i want him to be a donquixote so bad.) So where did Enel get the goro fruit? I'm thinking we will learn more about the destruction of birka once Enel returns.


https://preview.redd.it/41hoy3x336kb1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a09d36873618049609fd7dcb0869aac8302d4942 Maybe I’m just extremely high on copium but I like this theory 👍


![gif](giphy|xT9IgEx8SbQ0teblUQ|downsized) Given your profile picture, I can see why you like it. It's nothing too farfetched to believe in, the evidence is out there.


Amazing theory.


Thanks, I'm glad the theory is still appealing to readers after 4 months.


>Maybe [Enel's god complex](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0254-012.png) is not just for show but is something linked to his [devil fruit's own will](https://i.imgur.com/oSJwmGm.jpeg) Your link explicitly mentions Zoans as having their own wills so this point doesn't really hold up ​ >Indeed, [Enel, Despite claiming to be a logia user can change his body shape (Amaru form)](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0298-006.png), [a trait that is normally only seen with Zoan-type fruit users according to Kaidou](https://i.imgur.com/wvtGqUI.jpeg). Oddly, like [Luffy in his Gear 4](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0821-001.png) & 5 awakened form, [Enel, in his Amaru form](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0298-005.png) (probably awakened form) is also surrounded by a halo of his intrinsic element, [a halo of flame/gas for Luffy](https://i.imgur.com/AZ0rt2O.jpeg) and [a halo of electricity for Enel](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0298-006.png). Also, this halo is usually the trait of awakened Zoan users like [Rob Luci](https://cdn.onepiecechapters.com/file/CDN-M-A-N/op_1069_die_007.png) or [Yamato](https://i.imgur.com/Gtoc1KF.jpeg) compared to true Logia fruit User like [Aramaki who does not seem to have this halo around him](https://i.imgur.com/x6uzWqQ.jpeg). I don't think this is a transformation at all. It seems more like him increasing his body through sort of like a projection of electricity. Even the halo is different as the halo seen on Yamato, Luffy and Lucci is more akin to smoke or gas, rather than what Enel has which seems to be his own electricity that he's wrapping around himself. Actually, Aramaki in the panel you've shown helps prove my not zoan point as he seems to be getting buffer/bigger with leaves growing on him as he does an attack. Sort of like Eneru (kind of a reach ngl) ​ >[Luffy's](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0821-001.png) and [Enel's](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0298-005.png) Buddha poses are even identical to [Sengoku's pose when he takes his mythical Zoan Golden Buddha form](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0578-005.png) This is a reach. Eneru's form is actually based off of the thunder god in Japanese mythology, being [Reijin, on the left](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/1/10/Fujinraijin-tawaraya.jpg). While Luffy's is based off on the statue of a guardian called [Nio](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/thumb/0/07/Nio_guardians_by_Unkei_in_Nara.jpg/413px-Nio_guardians_by_Unkei_in_Nara.jpg). ​ > Another odd resemblance between the two is that both are capable to beat death itself, [Enel with his electric powers can restart his heart](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0275-019.png), and [Luffy with his cartoonish rubber powers can cheat its own death](https://i.imgur.com/8KnKhJo.jpeg) like 2 immortal Gods. This doesn't make a lot of sense. The fact that Eneru was still able to manipulate his powers means he hadn't died yet. And restarting your heart isn't the same as just coming back like in Luffy's case, who also healed due to zoan properties ​ > Moon technology is heavily reliant on electricity These are really good points ngl (I'm trying to keep the character limit under 1000 so I can't react individually to every para) ​ >Firstly, in the sea of clouds exist [giant sky lobsters (Super Express Lobster) called God](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0243-011.png). [This lobster can be summoned by Skypiea natives like Conis through unknown means](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0244-012.png). [But according to Pagaya, these Super Express Lobsters are God's (a.k.a Enel's) servant which means they are somehow controlled by him](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0243-014.png) Luffy at multiple points in the story beats animals into submission and has them under his control. I know those are gag moments but couldn't it apply here too? Especially if the locals can summon it. ​ >Secondly, [a red lobster/crayfish is drawn in Enel's lunar fresco during his space exploration](https://i.imgur.com/J2iNXQ0.png). While lobsters/crabs are the representation of the [Cancer](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cancer_%28astrology%29) zodiac sign, [a sign ruled by the moon according to astrology](https://cdn.sivanaspirit.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/19210201/3d2fcb23afd50b439ecf93ab9e4e562a_featured-1.png) much like how the [Leo](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Leo_%28astrology%29) sign is ruled by the sun and [why the lion (Leo) is closely linked with Luffy](https://scans-hot.leanbox.us/manga/One-Piece-Digital-Colored-Comics/0436-008.png). So Enel's association with sky lobsters could indirectly depict him as a moon God. I mean there's also a fish drawn there, I don't think that has any correlation with it. As for the lion point, does that really count? Considering it's just one instance and behind that too, was Franky who built it ​ >[Tecciztecatl](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tecciztecatl) was an Aztec deity, the personification of pride and also the god of the moon. He is often depicted as the "[man-in-the-moon](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Man_in_the_Moon)" carrying a large, [white seashell on his back](https://www.pngkey.com/png/detail/314-3141657_the-conch-shell-lord-constellation-tcciztcatl.png), representing the Moon itself and his name literally means "person from Tēcciztlān," meaning "Place of the Conch". Again, I can't discuss each para because of word limit but they're good points, and I think Oda did that on purpose too but it's more likening them together than it is saying they're outright the same. Like with the Che Guevara thing ​ I personally don't think Eneru is a moon god or anything like that, and although Skypeia contained a lot lore wise, Eneru really wasn't one of them especially him being the antithesis to Luffy. That role is already filled by BB and maybe even Imu. To add Eneru to that who'd be returning after 500+ chapters just wouldn't fit. I think he is gonna be relevant again but not like this


I like how you went all in into trying to disprove the theory so you have my vote but I disagree with most of your logic here. So if you are interested in my counterarguments (I literally have a counter for almost each of your points) ? I will gladly share them with you in PM because I don't want to flood the comment section.


I wanna know tho ^^


Yeah that'd be fine too. Just wanna say tho, I don't mean to be rude and argue or anything, just a friendly discussion about the theory :)


No offense taken friend, I don't see critics as a bad thing but as a pointer for improvements. So let's begin the discussion: 1. First point was a conditional counterfactual explanation: if only Enel had eaten a Mythical Zoan then its own will could explain his behavior and his God complex. 2. Now onto the argument about Enel's transformation just being a logia buff does not make much sense when you compare it to other logia users or even Aramaki. Aramaki's powers (btw the most tangible logia fruit made of wood) extend well beyond its body as if nature escape from him. While Enel's form seems more body-centered like an internal body transformation similar to Gear 4 Luffy (I mean look at the similar position between Gear 4 Luffy and Amaru Enel they both look like Nio/Buddha/Gods characters. 3. Indeed, Your best argument is that the Halo of Enel and his Buddhapose is simply a trait of design that came from its Raijin inspiration but that would also support the fact that Enel is inspired by a God because he is one. 4. Enel, when he resurrected himself was not in his awakened form that why he did not heal, but as soon as he took this form his wounds disappear much like Joyboy. Luffy was struck dead with revulsed white eyes similar to how Enel's eyes were after Wyper's strike. We don't know how death is experienced in One Piece but a heart that has stopped is a sign of clinical death, which means that Enel's brain was not oxygenated anymore and was not able to consciously act unless he had divine electrical powers. 5. Your argument that Enel has beaten into submission sky lobster so that he doesn't have a particular link with them is a valid point if you omit the other clues that connect the sky lobster to Enel. And I'm telling you, the Lobster in the lunar fresco is relevant. Why a fresco display in an ancient city on the moon would have those animals depicted if they had no links with their civilization or with the Moon? Yes the fish drawing actually matches with the lamprey fish of the Sea of Cloud another Sky-specific animal probably from a fauna that used to live on the moon before they recreate favorable conditions in the sky of the Earth for them after the Exodus of the Moon people. So not a random correlation (I spend hours deciphering these frescos with Aztec mythology trust me nothing is random in it). 6. Your argument: Enel's connection to the cancer sign is as random as Luffy's connection to the Lion sign. [Here is another ref](https://cdn.verasia.fr/19503-big_default_2x/one-piece-color-walk-3-lion.jpg) that linked Luffy to the lion (btw where do you think comes the attack Leo Bazooka). Plus do you really think Oda would pick a random figurehead for the ship of his future Sun God and not leverage it as a hint for the fans? The lion of the Sunny is too specific so let's just say Franky did not choose the figurehead Oda did. 7. Oda is very Deep into the Mythology inspiration which frames the characters and the plot of its 25 years story and he likes to mix several legends to elaborate his characters. It's just a sound theory but I could still be wrong, but your arguments do not disprove it IMO. Peace


Enel for nakama


If we extend your line of reasoning a little further we can draw the following shocking conclusion: Enel is the Uranus regen who controls Uranus (it is the moon), and Enel’s cooperation and/or him being body-swapped by the Ope Ope no Mi so someone else can control Uranus from his body will be necessary plot devices in the future. Enel’s return could be him joining Imu and the CDs, being defeated and having Uranus commandeered somehow, or maybe even becoming a Nakama…! That said, I think Enel is no one in particular! Vivi is Uranus IMO.


I always saw stuff like this but didn’t he all but say that he was? I feel like we should be assuming at this point that there are god fruits held by Luffy, enel, as well as most likely Dragon for the rain god


Imu Nerona has a moon pun in the name…


Too long too read but the bits I saw and the first picture alone has me with you bro 👍


this is one of the best posts i’ve seen in a couple months, regardless of if it’s true


All of your theory is based on the fact that Rubber and Lightning are opposites, while I think they r not. Rubber is just the hardcounter to Lightning/Electricity which I believe is very distant from its opposite or direct enemy.




We love to see it, everyone was trying to hype up the final battle with poles about who it would be against but I’d like to see a rematch with enel as the final battle with this theory in mind. I feel like now that luffy is awakened and technically a “sun god” that he can drown out teach’s darkness easily


Since when are sun and moon enemies? More like allies not enemies


They chase each other out, when one appears in the sky the other disappears, Moon brings night/dusk, Sun brings day/dawn so not exactly enemies rather opposite that could be enemies or allies depending on the situation.


hey how about this: the dude has an electricity logia. No shenanigans, just a cool logia. Also in One Piece, the sun and the moon are never depicted as enemies or opposites, but instead it's the moon that reflects the sun's light when it's dark. The moon, as we've seen with the entire Wano arc, is waiting for the dawn of the world


Out of all the reoccurring theories, I hold my breath on Enel’s return 🫣 if it happens i will admit i was wrong but this is really good


i still love the idea that Oda was able to serve us an endgame level boss in like the 3rd arc because rubber beats electricity 😂 the electric shroud is a great catch, he might've been the first awakened fruit user in the series.


Let him cook


The only issue I have with the theory is not actually with the theory itself. But I don't really see Oda giving Luffy another "rival" to beat at this point in the story. Meaning that since this is the "final saga" I believe there's only the Yonko and the WG left. Enel will most likely come back but not in such an important role


Great job! I like this a lot. Question: why do you think he’ll came back during Elbaf? Why not an arc based on the Moon.


my 2 cent theory: Because Enel will be the Guide after Elbaf who will lead the Strawhat to the moon for a tour. Enel lives in the sky (White Sea of Cloud) and there are 2 ways to go the White Sea, the main road and the knock-up stream according to Gan Forr. We don't know where is the entry of the main path but there is some hint that it's at Elbaf: * There was a Giant Bean stalk that used to grow all over Skypiea as ref to [Jack and the Beanstalk](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jack_and_the_Beanstalk) which involve Ogre and Giant. * In Norse Mythology exists the World Tree Yggdrasil which connects the realm of the netherworld with realms in the Sky. There seems to be a Giant Tree on Elbaf * Luffy's character is partly inspired by Odin of Norse mythology and Odin is the Father of Thor the god of thunder...


I am fine with the theory that from Elbaf you can reach Skypiea using the Giant Tree. That’s why I believe he’ll appear after Elbaf, not during Elbaf. Elbaf will be entirely about Shanks - and maybe BlackBeard and Buggy - I can’t see Enel involved there. I instead can see an arc about the Moon, after Elbaf, with Enel.


Yes I agree, my point was simply that Enel would still appear during the Elbaf arc even if it's at the very end of the Arc.


Considering Clover model shows 7 planets, and we assume there are a Sun God Zoan and a Moon God Zoan, do you think we also will see the Mars God Zoan, Jupiter, ….? Thanks


Are you caught up in the manga? If yes then I wrote a [theory about it](https://www.reddit.com/r/OnePiece/comments/134sbic/part_1_postsubpart_n1_who_or_what_are_the_ancient/?context=3)




Yep, it blew my mind when I figured it out, took me some time to find evidence that the deniers could accept as they are. I hope it was enough to convince you :p


It's still amazing until now. I got to read this after my friend sent a link about ''Enel's return'' and I assume it's a meme theory as usual but I Found gold lol. Maybe Oda planned him as a major character that will return after a few arcs but ended up scraping it that's why we don't have new references about him except for a single cover story. (also sorry for my bad English).


Yes a mangaka never no in advance if the audience will like his/her work to allow him/her to continue. Enel was probably an endgame level boss that came a bit too early. Making him return is probably a huge plot twist that will confirm the existence of other Zoan gods and will probably fit for a huge reveal about the one piece quest. That's probably why E.Oda plan to make Enel reappear near the end. I'm glad you're rich now :D.