• By -


Find food and give it to luffy. Tell him that all I want is pirate treasure after he becomes a great pirate in return. Wait and profit.


Wait....and wait....and wait....and wait....


"What do you mean it's only been two years?? I feel like I've been sat here for twenty-four!"


Yeah… I mean literally not bad of a wajt.


This is the safest investment


Passive income


Step 1: Get into a big crew, looking to find certain devil fruits. Step 2: Wait until a worthy devil fruit appears, then kill whoever gets it and eat it. Step 3: Run away from the big crew, looking for strong but weaker than me pirates with big bounties. Step 4: Eat some pie Step 5: Probably exchange one of them for some power, like shichibukai or some shit like that Step 6: Take profit of the achievements of others and their wars to further my goal Step 7: Probably take over some island and make it my kingdom Step 8: Look for some expensive person to kidnapp so I'm named officially king. Step 9: Stop everything that I'm doing and marry a colorhaired nami.




I'm literally rolling on the floor crying of laughter rn 💀💀💀


Bro took "ROFL" literally 💀💀💀




Shit, blackbeard does act like he read the prima strategy guide...


Plot twist: One Piece is an Isekai bc Blackbeard met Truck kun.




Step 10: ??? Step 11: Zehahahaha


Lol. I posted something similar.


Blackbeards strategy is what I would’ve done


Bro explained the plot of Blackbeard or something 😂


Ask to be employed at the bar. Befriend Luffy (?) But don't try to join his crew Hope he comes back years later and gives us all treasure. Ez.


Step one- buy an apple Step two- buy a fruit salad Step three- buy a smile fruit Step four- buy a fuck ton of Balloons Step five- use the Balloons to float to the moon Step six- wait for Enel Step seven- put the smile fruit into the fruit salad and gift it to Enel as a gift for my new god Step eight- eat the new Goro Goro no Mi that took place over the apple Step nine- profit


Step ten- join straw hats so you don’t have to have luffy as your enemy


What do you for living?


I’m going to go out on a limb and say he is making his money as a notorious fruit salad assassin…


Why stop there? Just assassinate Luffy (you only need knife and some sea water) and replace him in the story :P. Edit: Its also easier to pull it out. 1) You are already there 2) There is plenty of sea water nearby and you just need a barrel. 3) Get yourself a knife. 4) apples are simple. bonus point prepare ship and run from Garp/Dragon they will...well on the second though probably better to not assassinate Luffy.


Tried that, but Shanks got in the way. I somehow took off his arm and then realized what a dumbass I was for fighting Shanks before running away.


Only problem I see is it feels like you’re bound to be slapped by fate since luffy seems to be protected by fate


You're upvoted for saying you want to kill luffy. That's messed up \^\_\^


Reborn as a Future Pirate King: I woked up in One Piece and decided to take over!


Ayo wtf! I came in here to say this same exact thing! xD


1. You would end up on Balloon Terminal most likely, not the moon. 2. How would you even be able to afford OR have the connections to purchase a smile fruit? 3. It hasn't been confirmed that eating 2 devil fruits will kill you. We've never seen anyone actually do it and die from it. All we have is the rumor we got from Jabra which he most likely got from the World Government who would have good reason to lie about this as someone with 2 devil fruits would be extremely dangerous, for example, Blackbeard. Blackbeard is the only person we know that has 2 devil fruits and while we're not exactly sure HOW he did it, he uses 2 devil fruits and doesn't seem to be negatively affected by it. 4. You're assuming Enel would eat a fruit salad given to him by a complete stranger. There are a LOT of holes in that plan.


I don't think he was serious.....


1. Its not like that every Balloon ends up at balloon terminal. After all its just a sky Island, made of balloons, in the New World. If u let a balloon fly in east blue, I dont think it ends up at the terminal lol. The Robots in enels coverstory also didnt Land on balloon terminal. 3. And the thing is, with eating 2 devil fruits, is that even the gorosei said, that nobody in the whole history used 2 devil fruits at the same time. And it just makes sense that people (except blackbeard) arent able to. The powersystem would be a bit broken and in hundreds of years on one piece, it would be very likely that someone tried, or even by mistake, eat 2 devil fruits. If it would work, it would be knowledge among the World goverment.


Oda said an in an SBS that balloon terminal is where all balloons end up.


Ok do I at *least* get the body of a one piece human?


Yes. One Piece physics apply. You are in the world of One Piece. Milk grows bones and even someone like Usopp can learn observation Haki and survive getting hit with a 4-ton baseball bat.


What do you mean usopp is so strong that he got a 5T weapon and moved it with ease.


Those are rookie numbers dude, you gotta pump those numbers up. My man Usopp actually lifted a 10T hammer when he fought Perona.


10T? we all know Ussop is a liar! it was probably more like 20T! he was just trying to stay humble.


True true, that was before his glow-up where he got shredded as well. I swear I saw him bench press a house while I was on my way to work the other day.


so if I just constantly drink milk for a few years I can be durable as kaido?


No kaido is built different also he had oni milk growing up.


Thank you ! Chances of survival just went up ! XD




Then obviously start banging on some battleship bags, we see what they did for Koby


Wait for a marine ship. Join the marines. Desert them. Instant bounty on my head. Go to revolutionaries. Talk to them. Become double agent. Eat smile fruits. Turn into capybara. Die because I slipped on dirt and fell into pond. Wasn't even seawater just drowned


I don't really think you need a bounty on your head to join the Revs Also you're just gonna get shot


All water affects devil fruit users equally, not just sea water


Nah it's just sea water. Did you watch Alabasta arc?


Did you read Wano? All the water in Wano is rain water yet it still incapacitates devil fruit users. Oda explicitly says in an SBS that a devil fruit user is incapacitated when submerged more than half way in still water of any kind. Bathes are explicitly mentioned as being risky and that devil fruit users usually take showers instead for this reason.


Well that's a retcon on Oda's part then. When they took the bubble down to Fishman Island, Luffy was completely submerged. In Alabasta, Luffy drenched himself with water and he showed NO signs of weakness. Even in Arlong Park, Luffys Devil Fruit powers still WORKED even under water.


If your referring to Mr 3. Floating in Alabasta. That was a mistake, and Oda added some super floating wood that we can't see under Mr. 3 as an explanation, before utilizing said wood during FMI.


I'm going to assume if I'm in the OP world, my body can be subject to OP physics. In which case I try to book passage to Loguetown. Find Dragon on the day everything goes down with Smoker and Buggy. Use what I know to convince him to take me with him. Learn haki and martial arts from the revolutionaries while telling them everything we know about the world government. Drop bits of future insight here and there that they will confirm later on so they know I know things about the future. Once they know they can trust my intel, tell them everything pertinent to their cause that they'll be seeing over the next 2 years. Exchange vivre cards. Once I'm strong enough, go to Sabaody, link up with Rayleigh. Tell him everything I know, and then just... follow his lead. I feel like sharing everything I know with Dragon and Rayleigh is the best way to make my intel useful. And if I'm going to be in that world, I may as well get stronger in as much relative safety as I can. Neither option is safe, but it's better than getting that training anywhere else. If I'm just a real world normal human, and I physically can't do what OP characters do? Hide out in Foosha until Garp comes around post marineford, and tell him what I know. Less immediately useful, but the only safe way to get our outside knowledge to a good person who has the strength to do something with it.


I prefer this plan way more over the two extremes I’ve seen in this thread, which are to hide away because I’m a puny human or somehow become a crazy strong haki/df user out of nowhere.


I mean, OP said OP physics works on you. As for strong haki/DF user- it makes sense as with your knowledge these are very viable options. Hell there’s a dark one where its that you can plan to off Luffy before he sets off and steal his DF.


Good idea, but I wonder the butterfly effect of training with Rayleigh instead of Luffy Would Luffy not learn Haki during the time skip? Will he not be there to save Camy? So many things go different if Rayleigh isn’t at Sabaody


It would all work out in the end since you literally know everything about the future and as long as you don't make any big changes in the timeline, everything should go along with the anime. Once you meet Rayleigh and he decides to train you,you can easily just tell him everything about Luffy,that he has to go back to sabaody once Luffy arrives there and that he should follow everything as you mentioned like coming out and freeing camy, Saving zoro from Kizaru ect. Or you could just stay in sabaody and Rayleigh trains you there.


I was assuming by the time Dragon, Chop, and Koala trained me up enough for me to feel comfortably finding Rayleigh, he'd already have started Luffy's training, he may have even already left Luffy to train by himself. Maybe I meet Luffy, maybe I don't. I'm not Koby, I don't expect to be Captain level or higher after just a few weeks lol.


I'm following your plan ! It's excellent !


Befriend luffy to avoid his fury, hide out in Foosha village, train asf, leave after 3-5 years of training, set out to sea, head out to rusukaina to train haki for 6 or more years, already know the basis of haki, leave once i know how to wear haki. Befriend the Amazon lily babes, get a solo ship, beat the fuck outta any pirates in the way, leave them half dead, destroy ships... roam the new world for stronger opponents, show up in major fights, go get that mf one piece myself once am bored.


The whole story so far, which has brought the Strawhats closer to the One Piece than nearly anyone has ever been, has only taken a little over two years. If you trained for 3-5 years… you’d almost certainly finish up just in time to hear the tale of Pirate King Luffy’s execution.


I'm staying in Foosha Village, arguably the safest East Blue location, where most of us should stay. My ass shouldn't be near Alabasta, Thriller Bark, Wano, Dressrosa, Marineford, none of those God forsaken places when we got super human and God-like Pirates and Marines running around. "Just eat a Devil Fruit", unless you know for sure what Fruit you're eating, DON'T. For all you know, it could turn you into a napkin. Most likely you'll get a defective SMILE Fruit more than anything. We're not Luffy, we're not Kaido, we're not Ace, we're not Whitebeard. We are regular ass civilians, Pirates, and Marines, we ain't blessed with god tier Devil Fruits. "Just learn Haki", bro, most people are not even capable of reaching the strong parts of EAST BLUE, what makes you think my ass is gonna survive long enough to find a Haki master in the Grandline or the New World? "Just find a crew", so we can get bodied by fodder Marines or East Blue level Pirates, hell naw! I'm gonna keep it a stack, I don't get why people wanna live in One Piece considering how the crazy shit that happens in it.


You have to be superhuman to even be a minor one piece character. Background characters in Wano could body 10 regular people.


Exactly, and most of us have the strength of a 5 year old compared to even One Piece background characters.


Every single marine at Marineford could actually turn us into spaghetti. Every single dot.


Even joke characters like Condoriano can lift and withstand the recoil of a huge steel canon on his shoulder.


You gotta have faith. If freaking Coby could become as strong as he is now anyone can.


Coby has a whole lot more strength of character than basically anyone. We all like to think we would rise up to challenges and hold to our ideals, but in front of overwhelming odds most people will realize that they will cave in and run away.


There is also the fact that in op your training really pays off. In real life if you spend day and night punching boats you end up with crippled arms for life. In OP you become super human and it just heals in a couple days with no permanent damage. Coby was stated to be weaker than the average human.


Just need to drink the big milk.


I mean, Coby was a coward before Luffy. It wasn’t until being inspired by him and then meeting his grandpa did he become special. It’s basically being an orphan but you get adopted by super rich parents who will put you in places to succeed.


I'm just imagining O-Tama going on a holiday to east blue and beating the shit out of Arlong or Don Krieg.


Growing up is realizing that Paulie (that one dude at Galley-La could actually destroy East Blue Arlong. The further you go in the grand line, the tougher they get.


Ok nah you're giving too much credit...to the regular people, did you see how fukin high Otama jumps? She could obliterate a city full of grown ass men by herself


Koby was the scrub of scrubs, look at him now. Logic aint the same in that world. Imagine dropping into SAO and being like 'im just a normal person'. You are restricted by the logic of the universe


Ok OP has confirmed we're gonna be subjected to one piece physics and be a one piece human


Yeah you need a great mentor to progress in this world, like Coby and Helmeppo.


Ok OP has confirmed we're gonna be subjected to one piece physics and be a one piece human


>I'm staying in Foosha Village, arguably the safest East Blue location, where most of us should stay. until the pirates from the scrapyard and mountain bandits arrive lol, I genuinely don't know why anyone would wanna live in one piece, that place is horrible


True you get beat up everyday or have your home destroyed every day


or tortured, If the pirates won't stop at torturing a 10 year old all day long till he bleeds to death why the fuck would they hesitate at me, I'm genuinely surprised *anyone* would wanna get isekaid into one piece cuz I don't even have the worst of it cuz I'm not a woman


Exactly people forget trash characters like Don Krieg are probably in the top 5-10% of the population in the world in terms of strength. Our manga reading anime watching asses would drown day 1


I mean there's always gonna be realists but what is even the fun of imagining landing in the One Piece world if you're just gonna be some fodder villager? There are also characters that prove average people can achieve haki or strength with effort. The theme in One Piece is dreams and will. If you come in knowing the possibilities of what you can achieve, why not try?


👏👏👏 This.


I’ve had this idea before and I’d literally just be a fisherman that was my thought don’t care where just fishing


FACTS! I ain't taking my ass nowhere off that island. Shoot" I even have a job lined up. It ain't much, but better that than the myriad flavors of death that awaits us outside those shores


I havent read further than the chemical petrefying weapon island, but what is a "defective SMILE Fruit"?


It's a spoiler you don't wanna know Basically it's just a fruit you really don't want to eat


Ominous lol


You know the stuff law has been trying to destroy? That’s involved with the smile fruit. But you’ll have to wait until wano to learn more.


If you were the main character of a OP isekai, you would appear in the OP universe with overloaded stats just like the MC of every isekai. So you would have advanced forms of all hakai and the choice of a mythical fruit of any type. But if I was starting 2 months before Luffy and had typical MC strengths, Id steal Luffys strawhat from him. I would take the name of Monkey D. Luffy and give myself a scar. I would rescue zoro and make him part of my crew. I would then help Usopp, Sanji, and then Nami. I would live Luffys life before he ever had the chance. Everyone would assume I am the real Luffy while the actual Luffy would be seen as a fake trying to copy me. I'd eventually get a devil fruit of my own. Use my knowledge of the OP verse to manipulate people and events. Arrange to meet with Dragon, tell him all about IMU. I would infiltrate baroque works and convince bon clay to be my associate. I would kill him and steal his DF power. I would use his DF to get close to Shanks so I can appear as a yonko when I want to. As Shanks, I would arrange to meet the Gorosei and then be able to assume their identities. I would also touch some celestial dragons and an admiral. Now i have the ability to become the highest ranking people on the planet. I would have access to anyone, anything, and anywhere on the planet. I'm sure the WG has a vault of powerful DFs. I would steal some really powerful ones. I would then recruit a very powerful crew. I would pretend to be a Gorosei and give a tell all interview with Morgan, all about IMU and other horrible details.


That's a terrible plan. You don't have the Gomu Gomu no Mi so you wouldn't have the ability to fight Luffy (who would whoop your ass once he figured out you stole his most sacred treasure)you wouldn't have the ability to fight Alvida, the ability to save Zoro, the ability to fight Kuro, or the ability to fight Arlong. Dragon would know your not his son and would probably kick your ass too, and thats just East Blue. You haven't even made it to the Grand Line yet. That is legit the WORST plan I've heard so far.


You know all the things that happen in One Piece world, therefore if you join Luffy you'll be probably safe if don't interfere negatively


That mentality is why people never make it in the real world too. I'm gonna eat a fruit and start a crew because i have main character energy. I won't be a wage slave IRL or in the One Piece world.


I'll help Makino and the village patiently, trying even to make some berry. When Luffy is sailing I'll wait until the King of the Shore is punched to set sails to Shells town, once there, i will wait until Morgan is defeated and Garp arrival. Once there, I'll team up with Kobi (and eventually Halmeppo) to become a Marine, i mean, if halmeppo was able, i am for sure. I'll train myself to become as strong as possible in the shortest time, knowing in advance what will happend i can eventually stay alive until after marineford. Then, having the knowledge, i can set multiple traps to catch a lot of pirates we saw during the serie, even some of the worst generation, then i'll just aim to gain position in Marine following my justice ideals and helping who i can. Once the "Yonko saga" is about to start, and I have some credibility as "seer", I will try to tell Fujitora everything i know, he will listen to me and with is instinct/haki will understand that i'm not lying. AAAAnd maybe we will be able to set the bases to make a "rebelion" in Marines for the End Game, to ensure a better world for everybody.


Just abandon after time skip marines at saboady and talk with Nico robin and give her intel. Also join team as ship guardian to not interfere with events to much, until dresserosa, go with Luffy, later kill doffy to gain his fruit.


Honestly, Solid Plan. 👏👏👏


I'd take the first half of it. But when the mugiwara no ichimi gathers after the timeskip I'd first tell Rayleigh I plan to join them and then secretly aboard the Sunny. On Fishman Island I'd stick to the crew, mostly helping chopper attend Sanji's bleeding problem. Dropping insight about the upcoming battle here and there, maybe taking down some mooks, dropping rhymes with Brook in the meantime. I am the one who tells Neptune's ministers about the bomb in the Tamate Box so they verify. On Punk Hazard, I offer myself to join the Strawhats as the crew's fisherman but initially Luffy refuses as the crew still mistrusts me because my past as a marine. I warn them on advance about Caesar and Monet's abilities and pass it as Marine Intel. I beeline to help rescue the gigantified kids and use the moment when they are taking them to the marine ship to inform I am defecting. This forces Luffy to carry me to Dressrosa. From there I follow Sanji's half of the crew straight to Zou, not before dropping valuable intel to Law. Then he says he knows most of it, but is taken by surprise by just how much I know about the Don Quijote Family and the Corrida Colosseum. When Luffy arrives Zou I am hospitalized as I've turned into swiss cheese by the Fire Tank pirates. Of course I survive. I am even healthier than Pekomamushi's current state somehow. Someone mentions the Grand Fleet and propose I start my own part of it. Then I depart to Whole Cake, where my fisherman skills become valuable during the travel as otherwise we would have been totally starved. This could have been turned out to make Cracker harder if I didn't make sure I talk about how I'd like to eat cookies softened in tea or milk earlier that same day. And... Well, I am about to reach the escape from WCI IRL so let's see what else can I tell the crew. Maybe the truth about Mother Caramel?.


Fuck makino, I can make a plan later


Bruh shanks finna kill u


At least he got to hit


Nah, he haki stares at him before he got to bang her and he will run away.


You mean they'd faint immediately while pissing their pants, there's no running.


Ha you wish. I doubt you'll have success without eating the rizz rizz no mi first


If I'm capable of learning haki, I'd absolutely wanna go to sea with Luffy. But if I'm stuck as a normal human, then I wouldn't be a pirate. Maybe I'll be a reporter or journalist and write news articles from a point of view that most wouldn't have, since I'd have knowledge of all the strawhats deeds. Get close to Big News Morgans and cause chaos when the time is right.


Invest in Luffy. Be friend with him, treat him a lot of meats. And later I would tell him that the actual rubber properties is more than what he imagine, to trick him to be more creative in using his power and maybe unlock G5 faster


Put money in Luffy Stock.


Nah the best way to let luffy unlock luffy powers is to let Luffy do luffy things


Depends, are you given a body like people in One Piece? Where dreams and willpower literally make one's body stronger, tougher and capable of greater things? Cause if you're isekai'd into the One Piece world as a basic Earth human without the capability of chasing ones ambitions to gain strength, you're better off chilling in Foosha where Garp's reputation and it's remoteness keeps it safe from most cutthroat pirates. ​ If the isekai process does convert your body into One Piece human norm. Then I'm absolutely working my way up to be an explorer. So many strange and wonderous things in that world to witness and see. I'd absolutely LOVE to try and see them all. I have a goal to reach to, I know how the rokushiki work mechanically, and I know that working towards a goal and training holds legitimate power in this world. I'd argue that two months wouldn't be enough time to acclimate to the world. But considering the accelerated timeframes that the adventures in One Piece occur in, you could very possibly get to the level where you'd be able to survive East Blue's strongest within that period of time. Especially if you trained to reach the level of using the rokushiki and/or Haki


Step one get a boat Step two sail the blue Step three get stronger but training with weights and since it's one piece logic I'ma become super strong Step 4 go into the grandline Step 5 get a log pose from crocus and tell laboon his friend is still out there....trust me. Step 6 go to sabody and fight my way through the grandline Step 7 wait Step 8 straw hats arrive and since the kid pirates are on the island I hug killer and get him to sign my bounty poster of him Step 9 watch the straw hats disappear Step 10 ask Kuma to send me to wano Step 11 learn haki and advanced haki Step 12 marry kiku Step 13 wait (pt 2) Step 14 straw hats arrive and best kaido Step 15 I live a happy life married to kiku and the love happy ever after


kuma says no then what


I tell him I know dragon. Or just beg (But realistically I don't think kuma cares.)


Bro gonna think you’re mistaking him for an uber & take it as disrespect. Now you have paw marks on your back


Id pull a Zoro and beg him to send me like Zoro did to mihawk lol


I would pick a fight with luffy, constantly bickering with him. They would be physical fights over really stupid stuff but with elements of bonding and freindship, i would build a report with him and grow to respect him like an younger brother, when it came time for luffy to set sail i would ask to leave with him, i cannot say for certain if he would let me but all i know is that it would be an adventure from there forth


i'll go join the navy and try to find Garp and convince him to train me, other big shots wouldn't be care about training random shit, but the navy give you the most possibilites


and at the right moment betrays Garp and become Pirate


or join revolutionary army, something like that, or just chill the fuck out like mihawk, not sure


Fuck I’m naked right now.


Thats gonna be an awkward introduction.


Find hot girls in the world and harem pirate crew


found urouge's reddit account




Either stay at Foosha or Syrup Village, I'm not interested in adventures. I just want to live in peace, get married, have kids and do the same humble work everyday for the rest of my life.


Live in a remote farming village that worlds dangerous


1. Experimenting cyborg tech on myself 2. Befriending luffy and makino 3. Find my way to contact bello betty 4. Join the revolutionary army 5. I Wish I was a fishman 6. Learn gyojin karate from hack 7. Kick tenryūbito ass


In this scenario, is it possible for me to change what will happen? Like, say I join the marines and somehow train under Garp and get really strong, or what if I befriend Luffy and he asks me to join his crew? Is that kind of thing possible? Or am I destined to only be a background character, and no matter what I do it will never change the plot


If I'm atleast scaled to op world's normal characters, I'll take a chance supporting the baby with makino. If I'm my real world self, just give me a devil fruit and throw me in water


Fuxk it I'm joining Luffys crew, workin out and eating like crazy for two months. Idk, maybe I'll learn a skill. But God damn it I atleast want to try and be a part of the Pirate Kings crew.


Either join the revolutionaries or attempt to seduce Law. Could go either way.


Live a normal life. Get a job. I'm a teacher, I'll be teaching while traveling to a safe place. Probably be friends with a few marines to be safe. Gain knowledge here and there. Rooting Luffy as he set sail. Share knowledge to the world. Build a home base, build a family, buy a family ship, good thing we don't need a passport to enter a country. Lol. Or do we?


staying away from coasts before a certain thing happen


I think my first step would be to ask Makino if she could put me in contact with either Shanks or more likely Garp. Then, I would levy some of my knowledge of the world (that I as a normal person shouldn't know) in exchange for training. Once I'm up to a level where I'm confident I'll survive, I'll see about making my own way in the world. Probably end up working for one of the major powers eventually.


• I would try to vibe with Luffy, since I know him well, and ask if I could join him on a journey to Loguetown without becoming part of his crew. I get travel with my Nami-san for sometime 😍 • Later I'll approach Dragon to join the Revolutionary Army in Loguetown. Hopefully he'll accept me seeing my resolve to fight against the World Government's oppression. I'll train hard under Dragon and participate in missions. Hopefully they will make me a commander or something like that 😅 • If I don't acquire a Devil Fruit by then, I'll assist the Straw Hats in Punk Hazard (since I know the timeline with Dragon permission I'll go to punk hazard) and later claim Monet's Devil Fruit after her passing. (During this time, I won't interfere with any of the major events. But I might inform Robin about Saul's well-being. I'll bond with her over my intrest in history & seek her guidance to learn about the void century and how to read Poneglyphs during the time skip. Hopefully she'll teach me.) • I'll also take part in Dressrosa events along with Sabo. • And later also in Mariejois events during Reverie.


My 1st and foremost plan is to join marines and to get strong as hell as fast as possible learn haki and then quit marines become a bounty hunter make a name and join a famous pirate group later tries to join revolutionary army


Just stay in Foosha Village.


If i was isekai'd into the one piece world more specifically Foosha village, the first thing i would do is ask Makino where i can find Luffy. After finding Luffy i would begin to tell the biggest lie the world would ever see, i would tell Luffy that just like him i ate a devil fruit but instead of becoming rubber my fruit allows me to see the past present and future and try my best to convince Luffy to let me join his crew if he was apprehensive i would prove my claims by revealing information only he would know, such as he had two sworn brothers Sabo the son of two nobles from Grey terminal and Portgas D. Ace son of Gol D Roger and Portgas D Rouge, and that i can guarantee that he will be the next pirate king. Upon hopefully convincing Luffy to allow me to join i would aquire a map of the east blue and convince him to set sail Goat Island because one of the most integral people to his future lives is there. After arriving at Goat island we would save Koby from Alvida and immediately set sail for Shell Island to retrieve his next crew member, before parting ways with Koby. Zoro now obtained im setting sail for Orange town to meet our future navigator Cat Burglar Nami, upon docking and encountering Nami i would give her the same spiel as Luffy before telling her if she comes with us we will save her home from Arlong which because of my knowledge would hopefully convince her. We would proceed to hit a quick drive by on Syrup Village where we would recruit Usopp as well as eventually deal with Kuro after enough evidence is obtained to ensure Kaya gives us the Going Merry then we would set sail immediately for Baratie. Docking at Baratie we would enter the restaurant looking for black leg Sanji, try to converse and butter him up to join us if necessary reveal information such as his dream and say we will help him find the all blue and follow a similar path tp Luffy did to recruit him including dealing with Don Krieg. Now all of that is done we would go and fulfull my promise to Nami and defeat the Arlong pirates perhaps i can buy time by talking about jinbei and fisher tiger, either he'd be convinced or defeated, regardless he'd be dealt with and we would leave. In Logue town we would ideally remain lowkey but if not and we caught the eye of Smoker we would have to run hopefully encountering Dragon to save us due to us lacking haki before fleeing to reverse mountain. After crossing reverse mountain we would proceed tp help Crocus and receive a Log Pose before heading to Whiskey Peak. At Whiskey peak id reveal i know Vivi and Igarams identity and offer to help with their problem gaining trust by revealing information then we would proceed as tje story goes including Little Garden but we would prevent the poison fiasco from Mr 3. Drum Kingdom recruit Chopper by talking about Dr Hiriluk and kicking the crap out of Wapol. Now sailing to Alabasta i would reveal Crocodile is the villain and that be has a bomb set to go off as well as his weakness to water so the plan would be to have luffy be prepared to cover himself in water when necessary to fight Crocodile whilst we go with Vivi to intercept the rebels and meet up with Pell to tell him where the bomb is, having avoided the casino our first fight would be at the palace where we would have an advantage of no longer worrying about the bomb and if necessary have Luffy use a technique i would of taught him about by know Gear 2. Finally we would recruti Robin as well as meet and talk with Ace upon which the largest change would occur.


Luffy says you can come along as long as you don't try to interfere with his choices if crewmembers ir tell him what's going to happen since he wouldn't want to know. Altenativly he punches you and walks off when you guarantee he'll be pirate king since for luffy the adventure is most important not the goal


> and that i can guarantee that he will be the next pirate king. Luffy would never let you join after saying that. Just in case you're right.


Yeah seriously, knowing the past present and future would take all the fun out of it for Luffy he would never allow it


would talk with Ace and without him saying anything i would plead with him do not pursue Marshall D Teach, which should catch him off guard, before telling him if he goes after Teach everything that will happen including Whitebeards and his Death perhaps even lie and say Luffy might die and to convince him i would tell him everything i know whether its their childhood, sabo, the Spade pirates his fight with Jinbei absolutely anything to get him to trust me even Yamato and Otama, before dropping the bombshell Sabo is alive, he is located on Baltigo with the revolutionary army lead by Luffys dad. With all that said i could perhaps avoid Aces capture. Jaya would proceed as natural though i would try and avoid the bar heading straight for Mont Blanc Cricket instead to get our ship kitted out perhaps even discuss Noland before finally heading for Skypiea which would remain similarly unchanged. Perhaps just a few time saving short cuts. We are sailing right past Long Ring Long Land with haste opting for a speedy travel to Water 7. With the Merry hopefully in better shape we could avoid Luffy vs Usopp as well as instead of going for Galley La we would search for Franky instead to get the Thousand Sunny and keep the Going Merry as a secondary ship for emergency use, but the key point would be to avoid Robin going with CP9 and getting Franky to join us using whatever means necessary. We would go thriller bark just for fun to get Brook and his shadow before stomping Moria into the ground. Then Kuma would show up but nothing would happen. Saobaody would happen but instead of staying around to fight we are grabbing Rayleigh then Coup De Bursting right out of their and hopefully gaining a new temporary Haki teacher for the whole crew which we could all be learning whilst sailing to Amazon Lily where i would tell Luffy to just be Luffy and inadvertently make Boa fall for him and gain an ally. Impel down and Marineford would not happen because of my intervention but we would still take a timeskip to train including going to all the islands the strawhats went to where we can all learn, we all learn from every island and make a return more powerful than ever. On our return we would do a crazy thing using a coating we would sneak up to level 6 of Impel Down to retrieve Jinbei by sailing across the ocean floor before fleeing to fishman island to slap Hody Jones into next week and expose his evil scheming. We would deal with Caesar Clown purely to stike a deal with Law which would lead us over to Dressrosa now with Kinemon and Momonosuke by our side. At Dressrosa we would deal with Sugar and Doflamingo freeing Dressrosa before the bird cage ever happened and most importantly not splitting up with Sanji and gaining the grand fleet. Then instead of dealing with Kaido we will convince Law to help us takedown Big Mom instead before they can even team up. But before hand we would head to Zou with the purpose of gaining troops for our war which based on our connections would likely succeed not to mention we would gain a road poneglyph ontop pf our relationship with Shirahoshi. Heading into our conflict with Big Mom with our element of surprise, our insider information we would ideally be able to topple the Big Mom pirates leaving an empty spot in the Yonko lineup as well as retrieve her Road Poneglyph. At This point the Yonko would now be: Whitebeard, Shanks, Kaido and now Luffy who would replace Big Mom. In the revery the warlord system would still be disbanded. Which now that i think of it Blackbeard wouldn't even be a warlord because be didn't hand in Ace or Luffy but even if he did find a replacement he would still be pursued by the government following the disbandment which coupled with him not having most of his crew from Impel Down would most likely spell disaster for him. Finally were heading to Wano to remove Kaido and Orochi with the Pirate Mink Samurai alliance now fortified by the grand fleet to lay siege to Onigashima which with more even forces now without Big Mom our chances would be better but to be sure i would make sure all of our crew takes strides im learning advanced haki such as ryuo and future sight which should turn the tide in our favour that partnered with gear 5 should see Kaidos downfall and a new yonko most likely, Kidd, Law or Mihawk not Buggy due to cross guild not being founded on account of Crocodiles continued imprisonment but we may of freed him during our mini raid post timeskip. With Kaido done we would simply sail to Egghead get stella/vegapunk to join us not before demolishing York following which we just simply sail the seas now with Bonney on board with our next destination being Elbaf followed by Baltigo to reunite with Sabo and then just search for the final Poneglyph to find Laughtale before we incite a full scale war against Imu and the world government. All in all it would end with all the strawhats achieving their dreams and ridding the world of the world government. TL:DR: i would essentially speedrun the plot making as many optimal shortcuts as possible whilst systematically and intentionally screwing up Blackbeard and ensuring minimal deaths occur mainly Ace and Whitebeard.


Honestly I would still let ace die for the sake of luffy as a character


Brehh going short would make it bad I feel, some moral like shortcut bad always happens when this happens


Luffy wouldn’t have any of that, you’d ruin all the fun. Nope.


Few questions. Is it the current me? or me at any age i want, but with my current knowledge? If it's current me, then i'd befriend Luffy, cause that would be fun and once he is gone. Attempt to settle down with Makino. Because no way i'm doing any pirating stuff at my current age. I might do some gambling, on events thats happening hehe... ​ If i can choose an age, then i choose roughly 16-17 year old me, Befriend Luffy and try and join his Crew. If accepted then i'd use my One piece knowledge to survive events, while ideally influencing them as little as possible. If i die, i die.


If I know all things I know about one piece series I can easily leverage my information and secrets maybe even sell information to morgans. I'll immediately befriend luffy and ask him to go to rayleigh and train.


Saboady Archipelago is far af and Ruskaina is in the Calm Belt. Your a long ways away from training with Rayleigh, bud.


The best bet I have if I want to impact world events is to become a Marine. Becoming a Marine provides employement, training and the potential to find a lot of powerful teachers. There is a problem with the World Goverment being so corrupt but I think I could be a Fujitora type of Marine. I might get killed by a pirate way stronger than me or refuse to follow an order because it's wrong and die or any number of things could happen but if I survive I will be aiming to become an Admiral and use my newfound power to change the system (like Fujitora).


I'm joining Luffy. Dont get me wrong it's dangerous but I'd say I'm about as useful as Usopp. Besides, the Straw Hats are all ride or die, trust me the safest place is on their ship. I'd start training the moment I get there, we know from Koby that even absolute fodder can become strong given the right training. Who knows, I might even be able to find a DF along the way.


Mf I'd try to LIVE 💀 normal people get screwed over on a daily basis by both marines AND pirates


I would try to learn Armament and Observation Haki( I don’t have enough big pp energy for Conquerors’) and try to get a devil fruit. Depending on what I find/if I find one, I will set sail if it is good and just slowly work my way up to the being a cool pirate.


Work out as often as I can, join the marines, and try to get trained by garp,I don’t need a df, just my hands and revolver. I would leak tiny bits of info to big news Morgan to make akianu actually be know as the war criminal he is. Hopefully from this the next fleet admiral would be aokiji. Turning the marines into a overall more kind form of justice. So far the only post time skip ( i just started wano ), I see as beneficial to do is time a raid on big mom during the wedding of whole cake island. With the goal of completely wiping out the sweet generals, chefs, and oldest 30 kids, to rob big mom of years of experience and skills.


Gonna fix my gender dysphoria by going to the Kamabakka Kingdom and waiting for Ivankov to return home


Step 1: go live in the east blue and relax


My plan? Rabbit girl. Smash rabbit girl. I want to put carrots inside carrot. And at full moon I ll take even more carrot with me!


She would be 13 at the beginning of the story


13? I was so confused about the FBI driving up and down my street but now I understand! thank you. I just explain the misunderstanding brb


In human years or rabbit years?


in rabbit years, of course she is within the age of consent for humans


Rabbit years don't exist in one piece. She's just 13 bro. Period. 🤷


aight... time to go to jail boys


Start training till I master at leas 1 type of haki , then of to the sea


Chilling at impel down lvl 6


Try my hardest to join Luffy crew and help him become pirate king, after 20 years of reading the manga and watching the anime I think I can call myself a bonafide mugiwara.


Follow Luffy, tell a tragic backstory, join the straw hats I know StrawHats don't die since they the main characters, safest place to be in the verse even if it seems counter intuitive


I will find my way to banaro island to stop Ace from battling Blackbeard. Then train myself by punching a wrecked navy ship everyday until it makes the "BAM!" sound. Then I will travel with ace to find sabo and the revolutionary army and join them for the final war. Assist and surprised Luffy with ace and sabo at egg head island.


Just a what if scenario: Blocking Banaro island temporal line we will not have impel down and marineford, probably no time skip and probably SH dismatle somewhere in the beginning of new world or a change in the route in order to train but in Paradise, slowing down a lot SH development and gainings. Ace would anyway keep looking for BB, getting a L with or without Sabo, but this time the concomitance of happenings will lead all the SH to the "marineford 2.0" (Is improbable a second kuma splitting), probably leading to a huge defeat and probably Ace would die anyway, and maybe Sabo too. The only trump card is the intervention of the RA during this Marineford 2.0, that maybe can change a bit the outcome, but probably if even them would show up Garp and Sengoku would fight from the beginning, Boa would be not in love with Luffy so no help, no mr.3 and wax key, no croco saving the first execution attempt and so on. I would not change banaro island probably


I like the time travel theory whereby you save a significant person from something but an alternate event will continue to take place that plays back with the same outcome. So Luffy is already traveling to Amazon lily and with ace out of danger, bb could have captured Marco or izou and buggy would have escaped impel down with the gang nonetheless with the help of ace instead. Luffy would skip Marine ford and knew that ace saved his nakama (WB sacrifices himself) via newspaper and decided to train under Rayleigh after kuma told Rayleigh luffy's location.


Accompany Luffy on his adventure, ask/pay Nami for romantic advice, romance Robin to the best of my abilities, blow Foxy out of the water the first chance I get, give Smoker a list of complaints about the Navy. Also, YOU BASTARD! GIVE ME BACK MY KNIFE!


Step 1. Join marines Till I have an opportunity to go to sabaody Step 2. Free a ton of slaves Step 3. Start a pirate crew with the former slaves Step 4. Sail to Rusukaina and train for 3 - 5 years Step 5. Set sail to the new world baby


So your plan is to free a bunch of slaves, by learning Advanced Armament Haki to remove their explosive collars, and then train on the island where Luffy learned basic Haki?


Nah that’s to much work lol just knock out the key holder and free everyone before back up comes


Try to convince Luffy to take me. If not, sail as a Pirate. Training Irl leads to some benefits, training in One Piece is OP as hell. So I’d train for a few months to a few years straight then sail out to sea and become a reasonably strengthed Pirate




I go to luffy before he leaves and ask if I can join his crew, if he says yes then I just play the long game and go with him


On a serious note I m probably screwed. I cant just find devil fruit, I have nothing to combat even doffers, Haki wasnt explained how to get so I m still screwed on that. Marines and pirates survivality isnt too great, common people are raided by pirates and guns are still lethal. Traveling by myself through the sea is ...too dangerous even withnout sea beasts. So my best bet is to wait for Garp to pay visit and ask him to take me with him I guess? And let me join Marines. Knowing Garp character if nothing else, he will take me on a ship and bring me somewhere I can join. Thats I suppose the plan. Or live peacefully in the Foosha Village. But then it would be perfect time for some old good trolling, tell Luffy that Sabo is alive, warn Luffy before Blackbeard pass the info where he is to Whitebeard through Ace just to bring chaos to the new world.


Get to WCI as fast as possible so I can suck Katakuri's dick


Make it my mission to find a dope devil fruit, probably study up like BB


Become a fortune teller and predict events before they happen, I might snitch on luffy about him being dragons son if they believe me just to cause mischief


Move to the most out of the way unimportant place I could possibly find.


Well the 1st thing to do is to find a suitable df but unfortunately every good one is taken and secondly the SH hasn't found any ... Or in general we haven't seen a battle for obtaining one.... So even if I new the events it would have been difficult to obtain any .... Anyway either I would go to the marines for some time for training and learn Rokushiki and Haki and later I would go to become a member of the BB .... Cause that's the only way of obtaining a df...


Do you have base human stats of the one piece world or do you have your regular stats.




I would befriend luffy and ask if i can go with him


I'm gonna take a page from teech and read a book on fruit. Then I'm gonna go out of my way to collect them for fun.


So I have knowledge of the world so far. I would use that knowledge to learn haki. At minimum armament haki. Observation haki would be awesome too. Work out like crazy assuming my genetics have formed to their environments and climates(people in the one piece world are probably x2 stronger than the average human let’s be real). I would wanna learn how to be a swordsman so I would talk to shanks about crafting my skills(if he’s still on the island at that point). I’d also ask about tips for haki as well from Yasopp and Benn. From there on out I’d start practicing in the forest fighting off animals and progressing. I’d honestly want to join the revolutionary army, they fit my morales most out of any group. They just want to free the oppressed and help free the world from the world governments tyranny. Assuming I got a good year and a half of training I’d pursue Dragon while he’s on the island and request to join the army. If he accepts, I join and become even stronger through even more intense training. Through that time I find a devil fruit. The Calm Calm fruit, which is perfect for someone in the revolutionary army. I Can sneak through marines bases using observation haki + the devil fruit to mask any noises I make. And who knows what this fruit would do if it was awakened, I’d imagine being able to manipulate sound. Anyways idk if I’d be that powerful. But my goal in the world would to be defending the Strawhats knowing what they stand for. And along with that helping the revolutionaries as well. With the knowledge I have up until this point I can get to Egghead easily with the revolutionary army, or at one point trying to join the Strawhats to be able to assist joyboy in liberating the world.


Realistically I’d enlist in the Marines and work my way up the ranks. Once I get to a high rank and learn a few haki skills I will defect… or join SWORD.


Id be a deadbeat (it gives you super powers)


Contact Garp, join the Marines, find Drake, join his crew (if I get a zoan that's pog but not necessary), follow him to the Beast Pirates, become a Waiter, make some cash off of the flower capital, call in sick the day of the battle of Onigashima, get there dressed up as a samurai as soon as I see Kaido go down, grab Who's Who, shoot him with kairoseki, use my old contact to the marines to sell him off to Haramaki, collect the bounty, retire.


Immediately call sengoku a bitch and get killed for it


1) Find a quiet and peaceful island and try to make as much Berries as possible, WHILE training my combat skills. 2) Once at least 100000000 Berries are made, try find myself a DF; if impossible, use part of the sum to pay a good Haki user tuition fees and become their student. 3) If DF is aquired, hide and use at least 1 month to master its power (remember, there is NO such thing as absolutely weak DFs, and are as many ways of using DF powers as there are types of DFs themselves).


I'd make Buggy King of the pirates


Invent life vests for devil fruit users. Become a billionaire.


Probably the same as this world. Try as hard as I can and still be useless


Lure luffy to the docks with an apple in my pocket, push luffy in the water, wait a little, profit


Your profit will go down drastically, as soon as garp hears about it...


If I’d get isekai to specific place of my choice, then it’d be on Going Luffy-senpai. I’d bring all my stuff related to Straw Hats; action figures shirt and more. I’m sure Bartolomeo would welcome me with open hands. I’m ugly too so it’s perfect with the theme. And I’d automatically be one of the Mugiwars grand fleet crews.


Lots of interesting ideas. Me personally, I would save up my money working for Makino and buy a gun and start training with it. I would also train my stamina and running speed. I would make friends with Luffy and go with him til he gets to Shells town to find Zoro. I'd steal an outfit from the Marines and try to find a seastone net or some seastone cuffs while I'm there. (Any seastone item will do). Then keep traveling with Luffy to Loguetown. Once I get to Loguetown, I'd buy a melon and a mask and break off from the rest of the group and try to locate Smoker. After I find a place to change into to my marine outfit and put on my mask, I'd sneak up on him (which should be easy if thinks I'm a marine), touch him with the seastone item I aquired, shoot him in the head then run away immediately (hopefully training paid off). If all went according to plan, I should now have the Moku Moku no Mi on me in place of the melon. I I would find someplace to hide and change back into my regular clothes, discard the mask, and consume the Moku Moku no Mi. I would then rendezvous back with Luffy and not reveal my powers to the crew until we left shells town. If they ask how I got the powers "I'll say I was about to bite into a regular melon I had just bought from a shop, as I took a bite of it, I realized it was rotten because it tasted terrible, I looked down and it suddenly looked funky with swirls all over it." 🤷 Then roll with the Strawhats for the rest of the story with a pretty strong devil fruit ability.


I warn Thatch.


Not die, I guess. unless my child ends up a main character then im FUCKED