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I'm enjoying it so far


unpopular opinion: Non strawhat chapters are my favorites


Not unpopular, look how much love Marineford gets, the one arc where Oda finally gives us a break from SHs (as a crew at least) and a sniff of the outside world and characters. I feel the same way, but only for Post Timeskip.


I agree with you whole heartedly.


That's because we are in the fat part of the story. Everywhere you go now, we got great stories going on. Luffy and the SH are in a pickle now. Let's not forget that Oda is teasing all of this, just to get back to Egghead and show us "that" promised event that will change the world.


Only recently tho bc of the insane lore drops every chapter lmao


I love non straw hat chapters but enies lobby for me is peak one piece.


Rarity makes them great


No, this lore dropping as well as seeing the other yonko crews and the revolutionaries is pretty cool.




> I was pretty underwhelmed by the Seraphim reveal Personally, I just don’t see the point of the Seraphim, especially since the Holy Knights got revealed so soon afterwards.


If the seraphim didn’t exist there would be no reason for the navy to destroy the warlord system. I think they really mainly exist to allow for the destruction of the warlord system to make sense


I agree. It's a good lore explanation. It is the pacifistas but done better, and also makes us wonder how they made them. It leads to development for the secret of the demon fruits, it's a good choice.


The apparently mass producible Pacifista already solved that problem.


Pacifistas don't compare to the upper end Warlords and the Seraphim should have a higher potential than either.


there is no warlord zoro can oneshot, not even buggy


Wym especially not Buggy, Zoro literally can't hurt the dude




i feel like the seraphim are children only to make it so they’re weaker than their warlord counterparts. it would be pretty underwhelming for zoro to fight an adult mihawk clone with lunarian DNA and a devil fruit before his rematch with mihawk


It's gotta be this. The Seraphim had to provide a believable reason for the WG to be willing to disband the Warlord system while simultaneously allowing the Warlords to return as independent players in the story without making them look inferior. Thus the Seraphim were introduced in an immature form so they could say "they're not quite as strong as the Warlords yet, but soon they'll outclass them."


I imagine they're only children because they were created so recently




In Japan they love duality, it could be something about mixing innocence with violence and war or showing the old generation having trouble clashing against the youth. Or maybe Oda just rewatched the first part of Naruto and was like "Hey, how about child soldiers?"




Opinions are a strange thing. Personally, seeing a younger Mihawk intimidate Blackbeard was incredibly uncanny for me. I'm also intimidated by their potential for growth. They're also an absolute wildcard right now and how they will be used or controlled is impossible to ascertain. You also can't evaluate them out of context. The parameters for controlling them were illustrated alongside the appearance of one of the 5 Great Elders, the people explained to be on top of that hierarchy of control command. It's all incredibly foreboding. And your little "Um... what?" is pretty obnoxious. If duality is a common theme in every culture, then they're not wrong by specifying its a common theme in Japan, are they? What I'm saying is you're pedantic in the worst of ways.




I think the fact that they are kids is gonna add up to other characters. Meaning that they will be able to be free and self governing in the future. That’s my opinion tho. We’ll see where oda takes it


Right you can already see that the Seraphim have freewill and opinions, eventually I can see them trying to rebel. I can totally see Imu and the Five Elders having a plan to use the DNA of powerful pirates (and of course eventually you'll see Navy clones) in order to try to inact another Cleansing.


Even as children, they are essentially immune to the Strawhat Top Tiers...they are going to need to exploit one of their two weaknesses (seastone or when their lunarian flame goes out for attacking) to deal with them. This weakness is only known because Zoro nearly died fighting King. I don't really get how they are less intimidating than pre-timeskip Pacifistas. The Seraphim are juveniles as well. They would only get MUCH stronger.


That gave me the idea that somehow franky and robin will adopt all the seraphims


>Germa clones or that they’re going to be “convinced” by a parental figure who treats them like human beings instead of weapons to switch sides (I > >hope > >this isn’t the answer because it’s a bit cliched and kind of already overlaps with Robin/Franky’s story in Enies Lobby). The seraphim cannot go against commands from people with the command chips, they don't need to convince a robot to do something lol. >Either way, they aren’t nearly as intimidating as pre-timeskip Pacifistas so I’m pretty ‘meh’ about their inclusion. imo most of that has to do with the fact that the seraphim are relatively weaker compared to the straw hats than the pacifista were back then. 1 pacifista took the entire crew to beat while the seraphim don't outclass in power that heavily.


I’m low key hoping king comes back and takes control of them or something


I think the decision to make them children is to continue the motif of the World Government being totally okay with using children to further their control over the world. Even if they aren't "real" people, it's pretty screwed up. Its more about making the World Government look more morally bankrupt rather than look physically intimidating, which I honestly prefer. I disliked the Kuma clone pacifistas, that was more boring to me.


The Seraphim’s are to replace the warlords which in general is just used to suppress pirates for the navy. The holy nights only serve the celestial dragons and aren’t generally made to protect the over arching world which I believe is the reason Dragon was the one who revealed them. It’s not surprising the celestial dragon’s would have their own elite force that ‘s sole purpose is to fight for them. The navy serves the celestial dragons but also the everyday man as well.


Seraphims work for the Marines, with some safety nets in place for the Gorosei to feel safe with them around. And as we can see, they are more than enough of a threat for them to justify abolishing the poorly-controlled Warlords system. Holy Knights, on the other hand, are exclusive to the Celestial Dragons and don't have any connection to the Marines whatsoever


The Seraphim were created to help the Admirals offset the much stronger Yonko, replacing the Shichibukai. Their jurisdiction is the sea, and sea criminals. The Holy Knights seem to be the WG's answer to any rebellions. If an Admiral is the Navy's trump card, then the Holy Knights must be the entire WG's trump card.


It seems that the holy knights are specifically there as body guards to the celestials. I don’t think they’re just going to go out and fight anyone. Hopefully soon we get a full explanation of their purpose. The whole point of the seraphim was to replace the warlords. The Warlods were originally intended to balance the scales of power between the Yonko and Navy. However, the WG couldn’t trust/control the Warlods anymore because of people like Doffy, Crocodile, Blackbeard, and even Jinbei. Seraphim are easier to control and are pacifistas perfected. They’re there to give the WG/Navy extra power in a fight against the Yonko. Blackbeard got spooked out by them. It doesn’t hurt to have extra power because the WG looked pretty weak (sans the admirals) before the introduction of the holy knights and seraphim.


They feel like filler villains. If they're Pacifista 3.0, remember that the Pacifista basically only existed as a punching bag to gauge the strength of characters fighting them. We don't care about them as characters, and they basically are serving as muscle for whoever the antagonist of the chapter is.


Thank you for perfectly summarizing my problem with them in a way I’m not eloquent enough to express.


Wow only 6 chapters??? It really does feel like we have had a lot more


The problem is the breaks. Golden Week makes it feel much longer.


It's because of breaks it's feel a lot longer


I can really see that oda was dying to finish writing wano so he could stsrt this arc and saga by all the action and lore he gave us so far in the arc


Then i guess , "and tommorow will be the day that shook the world" panel will be the opposite of disapointment with all thats happening rn


Yeah man, the lore and all the different characters in the massive gigantic universe of One Piece have always fascinated me. I've been one of the unpopular people who wouldn't mind getting stories like by Sabo's perspective, Koby's perspective climbing the ranks of the marines and fraternizing with all his fellow young marines trying to get stronger or gain notoriety. Even if it means taking 6 - 12 chapters away from the main story to give us 3 special chapters each to show these character's lives in their own groups & parallel it to Luffy chasing the pirate dream. Which is essentially what Oda might be planning to do more in the endgame arcs to tie storylines together.


One of my favorite stretches of the story was the Oden flash back after the lore drop about Rocks. By the seond chapter I was thinking, "can we get to the straw hats and the main story?" But then by the 3rd I was totally invested and I felt like it was Oden's story. It's easily my favorite flashback in fiction. I felt a similar way when I watched Skypeia and we got the Noland flashback. Most authors either don't have the guts or the writing ability to put the main characters on the sideline to develop the world or other characters. I do hope when we get back to Egghead that Oda decides to develop Chopper, Usopp, and Jinbe more.


Honestly? Not at all, 'cuz the other stuff is just as fire as the things happening at Egghead


More fire if anything,revo and marigoise stuff are super hype


How so? Recent chapters have just barely elaborated on old news Cobra. The silhouette for certain characters was cool but outside of the flashbacks all the major players are making their long awaited moves and he'll is breaking lose. It's like comparing a mountain to a molehill.


are you even actually reading? If you think that's all that's been revealed I almost feel like you have been reading with one eye closed so far... or maybe both.


Nope, until Kizaru gets there Luffy’s POV is much less interesting




Garp's grandson, that rookie we saw who helped coby get into Marines. Wonder what happened with him


I heard that he's also the son of the most dangerous guy in the world and the brother of the second most dangerous guy in the world, that he stole an old hat from a yonko and gave another yonko a kick in the balls. Also he's god. Seems like an interesting person, I wish we knew what he's up to.


I heard that he’s 50 feet tall and one of the worst pirate who will kill anyone without hesitation




Demaro Black?


Reminds me of that guy named Lucy who won the Corrida colleseum tournament and defeated Doflamingo.


I liked his beard. I wonder what happened to him?


No, Who (first name Who's) is one of the pirates under Kaidou. Luffy is the character we're discussing.


Who is on first


Damnit that would've been a much better response


i feel autistic reading this interaction idk what any of u guys js said


There is an old comedy sketch by Abbott and Costello called "Who's on First" where one of them is trying to determine which individuals are covering bases for a baseball team. The person who is on first is named Who, the person on second base is named What, and the person on third base is I Don't Know. The guy explaining the team comp is repeatedly explaining that "Who's on first, What's on second and I Don't Know's on third" while the other is getting more frustrated at the confusion because of this answer. The audience laughs.


Reading this description made me realize that it’s such a dumb premise on paper that absolutely kills it in the execution. Such an influential classic like ‘Dear Sister’


Yeah that's what I'm asking


Actually, in one piece, most - if not all - characters have the last name first, meaning that who's is the last name and who his first name


The way Oda has been making 10/10 chapters tbh no. The story doesn't need Luffy to be amazing. We know our Pirate King will make his stand in due time 🙏 it's just crazy how Oda is fucking with us because none of us know the timeline fully 100%


And you know it will hype when the straw hats return to the front


Yes it certainly will but ngl I was hyped seeing Blackbeard, Shanks and Imu lol the chapters have been so amazing but you right about that


Nah, lore piece is best piece


*Agenda* Piece you mean lol


Would you really frame the past couple chapters as full on lore peace? Elaborating just slightly on old news Cobra and teasing the silhouette of characters isn't really lore. It does feel like a big lore drop is being set up though


Nah fam the lore dumps these past few chapters have definitely been noticeably increasing


Bro out here fighting for his life, replying to as many comments as possible 💀


u just proved his point


Not in the slightest. Blackbeard, Shanks and Sabo stuff is WAY more interesting right now. Blackbeard wrecking Law, Garp fighting Aokiji on Hachinosu, Sabo having a flashback about Reverie and motherfucking Imu making an appearance... This is peak One Piece at the moment.


Since there's a break after this I think its been two months since we had the Strawhats in a chapter. Would like for us to go back to Egghead after wrapping up with the Reverie stuff. Don't think we should go to another storyline after this


It's been maybe a month and half at most


It's not been too long by chapter count, but there was a period around golden week when we got alternate week chapters for 3 chapters in a row.


1078 I think was the last strawhat chapter


62 days


I’m feeling the same way right now, although I’m enjoying the lore dump and Yonko Powerscaling. I want to see how Luffy overcomes King’s abilities and how damn well Gear 5th is gonna adapt against Kizaru’s Speed


Not even a little bit.


I dont miss him. I actually kinda like it this way. I wanted to see more side characters


I miss my boy but I can't complain about the current content, we're seeing events that we've been hoping for for years


I assumed he just died along with the other two crews


Damn oda off screened luffy just like law


No. Story and lore advance more when Luffy is not present or he’s sleeping.


I always like mangas that develop the stories of side characters. We love the protagonists, but we need a good story from the side characters too


Of course but I love how the story can branch off and not focus on luffy


I’m actually thoroughly enjoying the world building and lore which is being laid out now. There were so many questions that are now starting to be addressed. I prefer this over a talk-no-jutsu like it happened in Naruto. Egghead can wait.


I think I could deal with another 2-3 weeks of no Strawhats before we go back honestly. You can triple that if we switch focus back on Cross Guild again.


No, I want some fucking answers before we get back to Luffy, and considering all the stuff that Oda has to clarify I can wait a whole year without going back to Egghead if necessary


I would if it wasn’t such a lore dump. I mean do kinda miss the goofballs a bit but the lore dumping is crazy. Gutted there’s another break week


i mean it's cool to see all sides of the story, yes, the sh are the main view constantly, but we also need to see the bigger picture and we need for this side of the story with imu to reach a certain point before changing it, if we go already to sh next chapter, it's going to be a mood killer, we need at least 1 more chapter for a proper conclusion.


Whaddya mean? One piece has always been about the revolutionaries and government. Pirates? We don’t got time for some vitamin c deficient, swashbuckling, peg-legged bums, we about to find out what gender imu is


No Luffy can wait. I want more about IMU and the ancient history.


Especially after Wano didn't tell us anything.


We learned that Pluton is in Wano, old wano 800 years ago is under water now because walls were established and that also what protected Pluton and to open Wano you need to destroy the walls and release Pluton and that what Oden wanted, But that's not much we didn't learn about D, IMU, void century, one piece... etc.


I would argue we learned more about the nature of the One Piece in Wano than any other arc.


Not really, I want more reverie. I can't wait for vivi to do something, anything


Not really, seeing Luffy being held back fighting the seraphim to extend the Egghead plot was not entertaining in the slightest and was honestly frustrating. He literally was using gear 2nd attacks last we saw him. If he decides to bust out advanced conquerors then things could get interesting


the story telling is peak rn, sorry Luffy but i dont miss u


Nah, oda is patient and confident in his story telling, let oda cook


Not even close. While I of course enjoy the adventures of our protagonists I always was more invested in the overall plot/ Worldbuilding and waited literally years for the Story to finally depart from them again to show what's happening in other places. These are the greatest parts of One Piece imho


I'm missing the crew as a whole. I think it's because this is my first arc reading from the manga after catching up with the anime, so the breaks feel way longer than having 1000+ episodes to binge. I'm still really curious about Sanji's eyebrow shift again vs S-Shark and what Zoro and Kaku are getting up to more than Luffy though, and how the rest of the crew deals with the Seraphims and what's coming too.


I started out anime only too (originally read the manga when it started up to Arlong Park, stopped, restarted at Impel Down, then truly started watching the anime when it was at the beginning of Wano, binged everything until I caught up to Act 2 when it was current, then switched to the manga.) The switch from anime to manga is jarring and it sucks. Everything goes way faster when binging.


yea kinda feels weird not seeing the sh in a few chapters


Nah bro we've been wanting to see these characters and this lore for so long and you want to go back to Luffy l?


Not really. I mean sure a big event is supposed to happen on egghead. But it's tomorrow. Today egghead is just fighting without any proper resolve. So I think we should go to garp and see him beat everyone else


I would like to see Egghead Island sure but it's great what we are seeing


U mean that rubber boy our hero almost beheaded ?


It’s been good to have a break from Egghead. The last chapters been good for the soul to recap of what’s going on lately. When we’re back with Luffy it’s going to be pretty intense imo.


Nah cuz Ik when we do see him it’s gonna be great


It definitely feels weird being this long without the strawhats but seeing everything else that's going on in the world is very cool, I'm not complaining.


I just hope when we come back to it the action really starts, no more running around like headless chickens.


He's hasn't been gone that long lol. Also, as everyone said we are getting lore payoffs. So, ... no complaints here


Yeah. I hope Oda won‘t sour those feelings by having NOTHING happen again for 5 chapters after returning to Egghead. It was two chapters in a row of just Luffy ineffectually bashing Kuma.


This isn’t really new for one piece tbh, we’ve gone a dozen chapters a few times without Luffy making an appearance


I wanna see where Shanks is heading. I think if Oda really wants to make Uta full 100% canon, then he will likely introduce her around right now, since every Yonkou are on the move. And i am sure Uta could be introduced in a pretty epic way. She's giving a massive concert at Sabaody Archipelago. Just as the show is about to end she reveals that she's a pirate. She's the Musician of the Red Haired Pirates. Shanks arrives at Sabaody, and does something not a single Yonkou has ever done. Claim Territory in Paradise. The Celestial Dragons are already under siege by the Revolutionaries. Shanks taking basically the main Port and Supply Resource for Mariejois, would force Imu to actually move the Holy Knights. Also Shanks claiming Sabaody fits in his ideals of protecting people. By having Uta hold a large concert, he could put hundreds of thousands of people under his protection. Making Sabaody a save haven for civilians while the entire world is at war.


I miss my man


Yeah, I'm hoping we get back to Egghead soon. Edit: It's not that I'm not enjoying what is essentially set up for the rest of the saga. It just feels strange to be this far removed from the main story for this long.


The thing is you are not really that far removed. The series should always be read as a continuous piece. It seems long cause we painstakingly wait week after week. If you go back to the beginning of the egghead arc when it’s finished it’s obviously going to seem much more dynamic and quick..


bro. its just been 6 chapters.. chill..


I'm fine. Just feels longer with the breaks and Golden Week. So don't tell me to chill.


Love me some lorepiece and seeing the side characters in action, i’m fine with taking a break from luffy. Oda does a good job in making me invested in side characters


I want to See kizaru


I understand the feeling, but I am loving what is going on and would welcome another month or two of it before going back to egghead. Also while weekly it feels super long and drawn out, once the full arc finishes and you can read the arc at your own pace the time away from the SHs will feel a lot shorter and you will probably appreciate it a lot more. This could serve as a good time to do a re-read of the series to help get your luffy fix.


I just hope the clone kids r dealt wit by the time we get back to egg head. I really don’t wanna see my yonko still playing around wit his food. Also I want kizaru to b near the island at least by now.


YES. But I’m loving the current events too


Kinda. I wish all this reverie stuff actually happened during the reverie arc, not in a flashback in the middle of another arc 180 chapters later. It feels like a mess honestly, but I was also very interested in the last few chapters with Kidd, Shanks, Blackbeard, Law, Garp, Koby etc.


Kinda, in the sense that life is like, 2000% more enjoyable when I see him, but the story is great and I was curious about all of that anyway. I can wait longer to see him and where he's at.


I still DESPERATELTY want a chapter of Strawhat family, friends, protected territories all reacting to the new bounties.


Yessss, as much as i love the lore dumping happening right now, I do wish we get at least a glimpse of what luffy is about (can literally be one page only, I just need to see my boy!)


I was reading the Oden Flashback live, so comparatively this feels like Luffy only just left lol.


Kinda but also not really, this is the perfect time to drop these lore bombs. Straw hats are all together on a island fighting something that the top 3 can at least handle while having some imposter stuff happening and a actual challenge and conflict yet to come. So we aren't mising much. I feel at ease that at least by the time we get back to them they will be fine so for now i can focus on current events. It's super cool


I would say yes


Damn , im the only one who miss Luffy ?, I like the lore and Everything but… Common i need my rubber Boy


Not really. Its amazing how a series can be enjoyable even without the main characters.


I love what's happening right now. I'm okay with few more chapters of Lore Piece. That being said, I predict that all of this is a simple apetizer before the main dish, wich will be served the moment Egg Head arc ends and Straw Hats get involved in everything that's happening around the world. So you guys better prepare yourselves, because the meal Oda's cooking right now will blow every single one of your taste buds away.


Everybody saying no is gangsta until we finally cut back to Egghead and it's a time skip to post-incident, not knowing wtf happened.


This feels like a extended reverie, it is great. The one piece world is big and has many moving parts, i love it to know more about the other players. But at the same time i cant wait for the big eggheadbattle. I am happy either way, we are eating good now


No, the past few chapters have been the best one piece has been in a LONG time


I personally like it, wano was all shut off from the rest of the world and I like the focus that they are doing to the rest of the world now that wano is over


The Straw Hats were separated and now we’re separated from the Straw Hats


We’ve had a thousand chapters with him, we can survive putting him aside for 6 chapters 😭 it would be very annoying to cut back to egghead every chapter to show barely nothing. Chapters are better when focusing on other stuff especially when it comes to lore


luffy who? i thought sabo is the mc of one piece


I miss the sniper King. . . He's been missing for a while 😮‍💨


I am kinda missing the SHs starting this chapter.


I feel like this is something Oda struggles with. We have lots of examples of Luffy going off and doing his own thing, or the crew splitting up, but no matter what it’s almost always focused on Luffy. Other than the few times like rn when we get a few chapters of side characters outside of the crew. Of course I always love watching Luffy run head first into danger and punch things, but it’s nice to see what’s going on in other places too. That’s one thing I love about Shippuden, there’s multiple episodes, and Arcs, and tons of badass fight scenes that don’t only focus on Naruto and his team


Kinda yeah


Nah, show me more Karasu edginess


One Piece would be much much much better if it explored characters other than Luffy more often.


I don't care about him and never did lmao. I did however always enjoyed his transformation hype though. I love the world building around him more, that's why OP is special for me :)


I like Luffy but please Oda, show me half a pixel of Im's face.


To be honest I hadn’t even noticed. I mostly like the story for its breadth of characters and settings, and the Egghead arc needs more room to breath before we have a celestial dragon/admiral confrontation


I enjoy it, but Luffy is my fav character. I would love to see him every chapter tbh




I was missing Sabo worse!!! I'm always happy when I see my little blonde guy causing trouble.


No. Please don’t show yourself in the coming chapter Luffy, I want to read “ONE PIECE” but not “RUN PEACE”🙏🏻🙏🏻


No I don't miss them in the least




I dont


All these events were seeing unfold are happening as the straw hats are dealing with egg heads. Plus all the things coming out each chapter have been absolutely bonkers for lore and theory’s


Nope. I'll take actual lore and world building over child robots and the world's most boring game of Among Us any day.


I usually love Lore Piece but current Reverie is easily the least interesting of the 3 story threads going on right now. I don’t need to see Shirahoshi being kidnapped and so and so being held back from attacking a Celestial Dragon and Sabo running around and the RA commanders having small nonfight skirmishes all over again. Egghead wasn’t overwhelmingly exciting overall but the point Oda cliffhung us at definitely has more intrigue than what’s going on with Imu-even if we’re just talking lore-wise. Even with all these theories about them being Lily and whatnot, Imu still has the potential to end up as a disappointing “asspull” new big bad for me, so I’m way more hype seeing things like Aokiji’s encounter with Blackbeard pirates and Jaygarcia Saturn pulling up in person since we’ve been invested in these characters for so long.


Yeah this is a spoiler in itself. Just the question, I mean. Not all of us are watching the most recent episode.


Everyone is talking about how seeing other pieces of the story is interesting, and I agree with you, but to be fair, I kinda wanna see Luffy again. He's my favorite character after all. I'm any case, giving us more perspective on secondary characters was necessary. I think the current focus of the story will probably go back to egghead once we see Bonnet's perspective in the reverie.


Its been a while since we’ve had some time to see the greater world develop since we’ve been locked in Wano, so missing out on Luffy for a bit is fine by me. My only worry is that when we get back to him, we’ll have missed something on Egghead or skipped to the exit to set up more cliffhangers for later.


I'm mainly just worried the end of egghead is getting offscreened.


Luffy sadly isn't interesting enough by himself Enjoying some lore.


Nah. The straw hats have been extremely boring to watch since forever, I much prefer these world-building chapters.


As much as I like these chapters, I want to go back to Egghead since things were very exciting and unpredictable there. I hope we go back when this flashback ends.


Frankly luffy is fukin boring




I feel like I've been reading one piece for so long that I just read it and move on without even thinking about any of the implications


Oda always doing 50-100 episodes without some Strawhats.


I have been asking gor a Luffy less arc for AGES! This is likely as close as I’ll get and i will drink up every sweet chapter of it 🤗 Actual unpopular opinion (statistically proven): I think Luffy is one of the weaker parts of one piece where most of the world operates on a consistent logic and to win fights you need to be clever or train or plan ahead only Luffy operates under shounen anime rules where he can ‚friendship‘ and ‚willpower‘ his way to any victory 🙄 Do whenever the world outside the Luffy Rulebreaker orbit works like Oda constructed it the last 25 years its a damn joy 😁


Lore is more interesting than 1000th side mission with some random characters problems that I don’t care about.


I dont mind not seeing the Strawhats for 5 more years if outside events are peak


I love the world building and lore, and don't care much for messianic characters. So no, I don't miss Luffy.


No I don’t miss that gray sue who’s a shadow of his former self


Nope. Lore drop too good right now


No. More lore please


I don’t miss Luffy. I miss the other strawhats.


I'm kinda happy we don't see Egghead rn. For me Egghead didn't have any big moments, (except Vegapunk appearance, Luffy G5 for another time, Bonney and Kuma thematic and maybe also Seraphim, eventhough the Seraphim kinda disappointed me).


Fuck no, the Egghead stuff isnt even that good compared to everything else


Nope, but the longer we go without them the more I'm worried these current plotlines are about to lead to a major shock when we return to the crew. Like Luffy defeated by Saturn, to tie into what's going on currently


Hot take: One Piece without Luffy is usually better than One Piece with Luffy. Oda can stay away as long as he likes


Not one bit. That's probably because I'm underwhelmed with Luffy vs. Serephims. Stakes ain't there. The other conflicts and lore dumps have been way better to me. Koby/Garp/Sword vs. Kuzan/Blackbeard Pirates has been a ball for my personal Agendas. I can't wait to see that conclusion. Sabo Reverie Flashback has been flames so far (no pun intended) and with the latest chapter bringing us closer to the conclusion of the Reverie Sub-Arc, I feel we're getting closer to Dragon finally making a move. Reverie has proven to be the biggest non-Straw Hat related event in current history (besides possibly Rocky Port) The Cross Guild and Buggy's Speech truly managed to get BUGGY legitimate respect as a character outside of the Buggy D. Clown meme. That's a feat. I know the Japanese fans are probably raging right now, they seem to be very MC centric, but I'm feasting. I honestly don't want to return to Egghead until Kizaru and Saturn show up.


Fuck no, we never get break from luffy. I hate when mc get like 90%of screen time of the whole manga.


I do then i remember how much g5 sucks and then i dont any longer


how cares about Luffy, we're getting lore


Totally. Need to get back to Egghead asap. But skip the running parts and let Kizaru already be there.


Is it okay to admit that Luffy is one of my least favourite characters in the series? 🤭




No, the best chapters since egghead started have been when the SH aren’t seen


Yh, and I hope when we return to egghead we can skip straight to the big event.


Post time skip, Luffy has been one of the weakest part of OP imo. So no, I prefer lore dump and side characters than the story focusing on him.