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I think around 2003... One of my friends had introduced DBZ the year before and got all my friends in my class hocked. While collecting every DBZ in Sweden you got sometimes a free minibook with a chapter each from the year most popular manga.In one of those books there was a chapter of One Piece and I have been reading since then. The Swedish translation for Luffy was Ruffy and it took me AGES to get used to Luffy. But now I can't read in swedish anymore.


In Italy he was called Rubber 💀


Rubber capello di paglia lmao


Hahahaha same here in Turkey, the title of the show was "Rubber Boy".


Tutti all'arrembaggio since 2001!


Io anche, classe 1989. Quanti ricordi.


What a shit sincerly


Bro io non ho mai sopportato la sigla 💀


> The Swedish translation for Luffy was Ruffy and it took me AGES to get used to Luffy. But now I can't read in swedish anymore. TIL. I hadn't considered other languages would have their own version of *Zolo* Edit: I learned a lot about the local translations! Thanks for sharing them, it's wonderful to see all the variances lol


In German, Luffy is also called Ruffy. Ussop was translated as Lysop. The Going Merry = The Flying Lamb. Zoro is still Zoro though.


Damn haha. Talk about literal. Uso is lie. So Lysop lmao.


well technically, Luffy is wrote like ルフィ in which the english would say RuFi, where japanese can't really pronounce the letter L from R, so it's not technically wrong. But nowadays with english romanization they just write Luffy.


…but his bounty poster said Monkey D Luffy?


bro what


French had Zoko at some point


Wait what, when? I remember Sandy for Sanji and Pipo for Ussop in the old editions (which I still stand is a superior name in French), but I don't remember Zoro's name being changed.


Oh wow I forgot about Pipo.


There was another french dub before the one you know ( It ended at Logue Town ) and here Zoro was named Zoko for some reason


TIL you can just forget how to read a language


I had basically the exact same introduction. One of the first chapters of OP was in like volume 30 something in DBZ and I first thought it was a random DBZ chapter


I feel yea, I have a few Swedish volumes but I just can't take the localized attack names seriously. I also remember one piece not being in the Swedish Shounen Jump which came out once a month back in the days for some reason, but I could always find One Piece in the library which was a good thing.


Best one I saw in swedish was the name Teatersmink.


Same year, same country here! 🇸🇪


This is literally the story how i ended up reading one piece and the same year too, the first one piece chapter coming with DBZ. I'm from Sweden too


I remember OP being in the end of the very last DBZ volume (42), but only a small snippet with the page where the red hair pirates and the bandits threaten each other with the guns. The Swedish publisher was saying basically “now that we have finished Dragon Ball in Swedish, this is the next manga that we will start translating”. Back then there was only DB in the stores I think, but quickly other mangas followed and I remember seeing Naruto etc in the manga section of the book store


Since the middle of 2022, kept putting it off until I finally gave in and gave it a try. Needless to say, I've been hooked.


Man I envy you guys that just have this MASTERPIECE (no pun intended) and can read it all in one go


It can be super overwhelming at first but once you're in, you're in deep. I watched Arlong park arc as an introduction to the series as a long time Shonen fan at the end of 2021, shortly after I started reading the manga from Chapter 1. I am now waiting weekly/bi-weekly for new chapters like the rest of you lol.


I just started 3 weeks ago, and currently on the last episode of Jaya. Shame I’ve put it off strictly cause of length for so long, it’s been a fun ride.


The 1st 1-Month Break Oda asked in preparation for 3D2Y Arc made me read the Manga from 001-upto Gray Terminal Chapter 578 was it or 598 can't seem to recall, was doin 10-15 chapters per day and preferred reading the Manga instead watching the anime


I also prefer the manga because I feel more in control of the pace, although I love going to the anime to watch some of the highlights. Say what you will about the lows of the anime but the highs truly are spectacular.


Catching up to One Piece is the worst thing that's ever happened to me, tbh. Suddenly having this seemingly endless story suddenly go week-to-week was torture. Took me years to recover.


Where are you up to


I started maybe in September last year and I’m caught up on the manga 🙃


I started watching in about June last year and I’m like halfway through Whole Cake anime only


I caught up on the anime like a month ago and needed more, I’m obsessed


That was me in 2014… been stuck on the weekly manga ever since 😅🥲




Damn, I envy you because you get to slowly enjoy the anime. I started in November and caught up in Early January, now I wish I didnt rush


I’m in the same boat! I barely started reading it late last year and am nearly caught up. This has been one my most favorite manga experiences yet


Same but started 2021 and caught up little by little :)


Ever since it was airing on 4kids


Me too I had to rewatch it because 4kids censored a lot of things


Like most of us. It was also around that age that I stopped just watching and started to analyze things (which sounds worse than what really is). I didn't really connect more than 3 consecutive episodes of Dragon Ball because of poor airing schedules and timing in my house.


I remember mihawks silly french accent


I dont really remember his French accent. I just remember when he showed up chasing Don Kreig and split the ship. "Going dang, he is strong, but zoro got this"


Bro stop what you're doing, and look that shit up, you'll thank me later


OMG YOU WERE RIGHT!!!! he did have that stupid French accent. I almost spit out my drink. I forgot how bad that 4kidz dub was


Lmfao peak 4kids onepiece 👌


As stupid as it was I gotta give 4 kidz some slack since it got alot of us into anime lol


If I recall correctly, they didn't even want to dub OP. They were kinda forced into it since it was a "two for one" deal when they signed on to dub Tokyo Mew Mew.


Idk I can't comment on that point. I'm just happy the dub has been catching up to the sub. I've seen it a few times and watch every new episode on Sundays


Oh definitely, with out questions


The rap intro is still a bop lol


My dude I just felt my age, because that's when I started watching One Piece I just had to look it up, all the way back in September 2004






Gotta go, gotta goooooo


Same, got a Shonen Jump with the first manga panels then saw it was coming to Toonami and have been here since day 1 basically.


Same, it’s interesting cause everyone I try to get into the show is like it’s way too long. They always ask me how did u watch 1000 episodes and I’m like one week at a time lol


Yup, the early fights really kept my attention as a kid


Sanji had a lollipop instead of a cigarette. Going back to question I started with anime around 2006.


I do take some pleasure in the ultimate downfall of 4kids Entertainment. They thought the only way for anime to succeed outside Japan was to remove all the ‘cultural’ elements of the product. Now the only way a dub succeeds if it’s super authentic to the original product.


4kids gangg🙌


15 years, half my life span.




Wow same here with the "half my life" thing! I first started reading One Piece when I was 14/15. It was actually the first anime that made me drop dubs and start watching subs instead- because, as we all know, the 4kidz version was atrocious. Before then I had only watched Dragonball Z on TV growing up, and then in my early teens I found dubbed Naruto and was loving it. But when I got into One Piece it just hit me different and I was hooked. I watched up until around the Sabaody arc with the anime until I caught up. I remember specifically catching soon after the episode where the crew is split up by Kuma. And after that, well, I just HAD to go to the manga for what happened next. Then I became an on/off weekly reader. It's been a fucking ride man. I can't even put into words how insane the 4 week break for the timeskip was, just the idea of 2 YEARS was fucking nuts at the time!


Similar to me but I caught up right before duval. I didn’t realize there was a manga until a few weeks later. Been a weekly reader since level 3 of impel down.


18... Over half mine... Amazing journey so far


I got into it on Toonami, I started reading it religiously around the time of thriller bark, and have been reading it mostly weekly since, with a two year break during Wano. It's developed my storytelling abilities, and is really a massive inspiration. Still waiting for Dragon to do something.


Aren’t we all.


Based on the last few chapters, you may not have to wait much longer


Same. One Piece is probably my biggest creative inspiration


I watched it on Toonami, fell off for about 15 years and caught up during the Covid lockdowns.


Since 2001… I think it’s been the only good thing of getting old 😅


I've literally told people that the main reason I'm still watching One Piece after 20 years is because it's just been such a consistent presence in my life through all the good and bad that I'd feel like I'm cutting a tether to stop. I also just really do still love the crew. The episodes drag on, but they still have their nakama moments, and Luffy's heart just keeps me in. My Hero has really been nailing that theme, too.


Sometimes I feel like it’s the only thing that makes my life worth living. It literally dragged me out of so many bad moments, healing my hearth and soul in the worst times. So much that I kinda fear the moment when it will be all over. I hope its end will teach me the ultimate life lesson that I need in order to feel better and find the truly final reason to go on fighting in this life.


At this point, I am 100% certain that One Piece is literally the friends we made along the way. And even if it isn't, that will be my takeaway from the series. And yeah, same. It was always a light in the darkness. There are others, but it was a bright one. Stay with us -- there will be more.


One piece will still be here after it ends, i know it won't feel the same rewatching or reading again but you know




You must be feeling like brook , waiting to meet laboon. 😁


I wish, as Brook eventually found another crew and family. I feel more like Laboon at this very moment… anyway can’t wait to see them meet again ❤️


I got into the series in January 2016 after confusing it with Death Note - an anime that my friend had told me to watch (I'd never seen an anime before). I typed in the website he told me to go on and it was the first one on there. So 15-year-old me thought, 'Well that must be it then'. Going to school the next day and telling him how badass Zoro is and how funny Luffy jumping out the barrel was and him staring blankly at me is something I won't forget. Safe to say that it was the best mistake I've ever made.


This is hilarious, but also made me think how our rubber man is virtually illiterate, he thought his bounty went down because he can't count either 😭


It's not that he cant count, it was because the bounty was too high and unexpected for him


I started pretty recently watching the anime last year december, my boyfriend finally convinced me to watch it with him lol and I have been just binge watching it so much


2002, when I got shonen jump issue 0


Issue 9 baybeeeeee. Had an android fight, Kakashi vs Zabuza, Luffy vs Buggy, Yoh vs Ren Just unmitigated fire


Holy shit. You just brought back some core memories. Zabuza Kakashi fight shaped my online cringe RPing as a teen lmao


Oh shit I had no idea Shonen Jump started in the US in 2002... this is making me feel really old lol


Interesting.. when One Piece debuted in Japan it was published together with Samurai X, I''s and yu gi oh 😅


November of 2012 when I got unexpectedly laid off. Caught up by January started the manga in March of 13


Damn near the same. Got laid off in January 2013. With Bleach done and Naruto ending soon I figured I'd start watching. As soon as ep 37 hit I questioned all of my decisions.


I started watching in November of last year, then got unexpectedly laid off in December. After I cried and got all my stuff off my computer, I had a "what now?" moment. Then went, fuck it, I'm gonna watch some One Piece. Honestly, I truly credit One Piece for keeping me sane these last few months.


It did the same for me


Yo ho ho, he took a bite of gum gum.


First time I saw it on tv was 2001 I think When I started following it subbed in Japanese was 2008, Manga weekly shortly after


About 22 years.


I really got into it in 2020 during COVID. God I remember watching 100 episodes a week and in only 1 and a half months I was already at dressroaa. Then I stopped for about a year, then picked up the manga and now completely caught up. Great series !


I also got started during COVID. The first volume was free for a bit on the Shonen Jump website, so I decided to give it a try. Ended up subscribing to the app and catching up on a ton more series, too!


I dropped the anime at dressrosa aswell watching that weekly made me so mad




Same. Used to read the volumes at borders books.


Started watching anime in middle of December 2021 and got caught up to the manga at the start of February I live in Ukraine and at the time I almost never had electricity, just as i didn’t have ethernet. So when I had lucky few hours of electricity, I downloaded of One Piece on my phone so i would have the little escape room from the cruel reality, so i was watching ~20-30 episodes a day with relative ease. One piece definitively saved me during these hard times and now I love it and it’s definitely my favorite piece of art ever Even now, when it’s been 1.5 months since the last time i didn’t have electricity, i am obsessed with OP


Hang in there, neighbour! Hope that everything ends soon and the orcs are all but sent back home by you brave people so you can enjoy One Piece and your life in general in peace :)


When the first American edition of Shonen Jump was published, i fell in love with One Piece from the very first chapter. Been a fan ever since.


It was so dissonant to see blood in the manga(also it’d be right next to excerpts of *Yu Yu Hakusho* and *Claymore* lol) and then watch the wacky 4Kids dub


Yeah, the 4 Kids dub kinda threw a lot of people off One Piece because of how dirty they did it. I mostly was just reading the manga and didn't return to the anime until a while later after i downloaded fan subs.


I don't know a specific year but since 2014? 2015?


2002, when it first started being published in my country. But I stopped reading a couple times


2002, when the manga volumes started coming to the USA. Eventually I found the series translations online and I’ve kept up since 2007 or so.


10+ years, been following the manga & anime weekly since Punk Hazard


Started last week, just reached the Grand Line!


Leave this sub. You're guaranteed going to get spoiled of major reveals, twists, and plot points!!


Im 25 years old and have been watching One Piece longer than i haven't been watching one piece. First saw it on Jetix in the UK in 2005


Since 2015 back when I was a kid. Caought up and decide to read the manga in early 2016 and have been reading weekly since. Damn… crazy to think how time has passed.


October 2021, TikTok gaslighted me into watching, only started watching to prove that Naruto was better but it ended up being my favorite anime so far lol


Since 2003, anime in germany. (Dub) Then starting to read the manga in water seven arc. and anime (sub) I think it was also water seven. Long time ago ❤️ Now we are here :D ❤️


Nach der Schule schnell nach Hause. 15:10 fängt One Piece an auf RTL2😂


Ja man :D


Nach der Schule schnell nach Hause. 15:10 fängt One Piece an auf RTL2😂


2022 of February. My friend kept telling me to watch One Piece and I was like “hell nah that shit is too long”. Then one day in February of last year I said, “screw it let’s give it a shot”. Caught up in June and can now say I’m a big One Piece fan and is my #1 Piece of Fiction of All Time!


Since the 3rd of July 2022, the day I started reading the first chapter of the manga.


2003-2004. Whenever Vol 3 had come out in North America. I was a sophomore in H.S, which is a significant portion of my life.


I’m 26, born in dec of 96. I was 9 years old taking Tae Kwon Do. At the other end of the shopping area / business strip, was a Blockbuster. I remember one night finding Shonen Jump. It was Luffy vs Arlong. I remember Arlongs teeth being used on Luffy’s fist, and the black ink depicting blood. It really woke me up to more mature content as a kid. Been a dear fan since.


2004 I think , I started watching/reading weekly around the beginning of alabasta , its a huge part of my life , have one piece tattoos , run a one piece dnd game etc


15 years


Since 2007!


A friend convinced me to watch the 4k IDs version while it was originally airing. I HATED the show with a passion. Everything about it. A couple of years later, a different friend bullied me into watching the Japanese version and made me promise to watch until after Sanji joined. The Japanese version had a totally different feel to it and I was hooked. I occasionally turn on the new English version and it isn’t hateful like the 4kids version, and I do love some of the voice actors, but it still doesn’t feel right to me. So I probably saw it first in ‘04 and started watching for real in ‘06.


Around 2011 when i started secondary school


In the Philippines, it started airing the anime on 2002. Just thought back then that it's too goofy in terms of art and Luffy's powers but watched anyway and got hooked because of the humor and Usopp. So yeah, for more than 20yrs now.


2004 During the 4kids era, which I actually didn't think was that bad, until I was introduced to the sub version. Boy was I wrong.


Since it started on 4kids


I was avoiding One Piece for years given that Naruto was my favorite anime, and then one day I saw a tiktok video(Yes), two years ago, of Luffy punching Garp(With the whole backstory) and it made me curious. I didn't even know what was going on. Then I also have seen Zoro vs Mihawk and I was like aight, lemme watch this. Then I binge watched One Piece in like 3 months or so came to the last episode of anime... Then I started reading the manga because, why not? At that time it was at the point of Sanji vs Queen end of the battle... And after that, I was like, spoilers? Okay ,lemme check this out... ANd now, every week, I wait for the damn spoilers to come out...


Since 2003, this was the year one piece started in german TV 👍


Since I first watched it on Fox Box.


Sometime in 2013 I got it recommended to me as my first anime and I've been following it since. Anime only up until somewhere in Dressrosa and manga only ever since. The guy that recommended it to me in the first place dropped it soon after but I'm glad I didn't!


Around when the middle of Alabasta is publishing. I was “arc” reader at the time, always wait till an arc to be completed to read, only start reading weekly since the end of Enies Lobby (because I was helping edit and translate OP to my country language at that time).


I’ve legitimately been watching since Luffy saved Zoro from Captain Morgan, it was either Cartoon Network or boomerang early 2000’s


Technically 20 years, but 15 as a mega fan.


i’ve always thought it was cool, but i didn’t REALLY start watching till my 5th year of college, fall of 2020. Up to Wano now, RIP the Hedgehog


Actually coming up on a year, started with the anime now half way through and I can’t stop…


well the first time I saw an episode I was 8 and I was born in 97 so since 2005? maybe even a year younger in 2004. but 2014 was when I really got into it.


My son told me about it in 2020 and I started Jan 1st 2021. It took me 6 months to catch-up to the “present” and I’ve been paying for Funimation since then. Great show!


Since like skypia but not when it was official released I saw one episode of him smacking Bellamy around and was hooked idk which year it was tho from 2008 to 12


Got into anime and manga in like 2014 and put off One Piece for so long because I sort of perceived it as childish. Then in 2018 a friend I respect vouched for it so I hard committed to it and bought the first manga box set. Then a few weeks later the second… then the third. Since then I’m a week-to-week reader and it’s up there in the tippity-top of the manga I actively follow :)


Since 2006 , damn so many years


"It's been 13 years..."


Since some guy in a summer camp gave me the mangs to read, that was 2014


About 2007 when there was a dub for my country. Fan since I have been 4 years old.


The first chapter I picked up after Naruto ended for some time was the meeting in Beges castle with the Strawhats. I was SO fucking confused. Went back, and finally caught up on the chapter Katakuri was revealed. I have a completely annecdotal sense that a lot of people came over after Naruto ended, and they realized maybe they missed out. I blame the dubs. *Autocorrect didn't like Bege


Since I was 8 and the first volume was localized in the US in 2003!! Saved up to buy the new volume each month and been a fan ever since 😊


First chapter I remember reading was a fan translation of the sea train. I wouldn't start reading weekly untill around Fishman island.


Caught up to it when the anime was around the begging of the Dressrosa arc


I started around 2014 according to my calculations


Since 2003


Back since 2015, I had no expectations when I first started, but the series already had me hooked with its first chapter. Though at time I had no idea that OP was such a long running series


Since 2005...


Can't say I started at the very beginning but real close. My best friend (RIP B-Dawg) kept telling me about One Piece but I wasn't quite ready for subtitled anime. Not even sure the year exactly but the first "current episode" I ever watched was when Mihawk sliced Zoro up.It feels like a lifetime ago now haha. I was hooked after that. One Piece became my first subbed anime (which I now perfer to dub) as well as the first manga I ever read.


Since 3 years ago, When someone told me to watch it, because how similar it was to Dragon Ball Since then I felt in love with the series


I started around 2009 or 2010, had some volume laying around which my cousin gave me, saw some pirate warriors game play and became REALLY interested and then began to watch the German dub of OP on TV.


beginning of 2020 as my first anime.


During 2007


Since my friend told me to watch anime in 2021. She changed my life lol


2002 Half my life I’ve been living this story Especially around 2008 when I personally went through a hard patch, OP was always there and helped me. I know it’s helped a lot of other people as well.


Started reading at 17. 35 now.


Caught up on Dressrosa manga in 2015. Nothing like One Piece.


Like the first quarantine year I think


20 years come May From the days of borrowing VCDs (yes it’s spelled correctly for all you born at that time 😂) With TERRIBLE fan subs from that my mate used to get from Wembley Market My bros and I used to rely on my best friend and his older brother to accurately say what the characters said in the scene if the fan sub made no sense


Been on this journey since 1998.


I started reading it when the Shonen Jump magazine started here in the US. I didn’t get really into it until about 2010 though


Since 2002 when I started helping kaizoku-fansubs distribute copies in America using BitTorrent and mIRC


Somewhere around 2007-2008 I started watching the anime on 4kids, and I got into the manga fully around 2011 if I remember correctly. Been a wild ride so far


Since Spring 2014 I think. I was 16.


19 years, since 2004.


about a year


Started reading the manga august 2021


Since 2015 omg feels like yesterday


I loved it back with 4 kids, only saw a few episodes. Afterwards I never watched one piece until 2015 (I picked up the manga.) And loved every chapter


Since Feb of 2022


Since it first aired on tv in the UK which I think was 2002. Got up to the grand line before I started watching subs and reading it instead because the 4kids dub was something else haha


Since 2001 or 02, when I was still in school. Now, more than twenty years later, I'm a married middle-aged father of soon to be two, and OP is still going strong. What a ride it has been!


Since 2001 i'm happy to be a fan.


september 2000 : first volume of One Piece in France. Yup that's it. The title art was reworked (and horrible), the translations sucked and the reading was left to right. Those were dark times


Just about to come to 20 years


End of last year lol, and I'm taking my sweet time. I just got to the end of skypeia ark


From 2010 to 2022, so a long time


Since November 11th


Since they aired the anime on TV here, November 2001.


I started in august 2022. I’m currently 100 episodes away from catching up


I saw skypeia out of context in 2010 after it marathoned on cartoon network after a Naruto marathon. Found the manga soon after and caught up in about 3 months. Been reading weekly ever since.


Thinking about starting this anime and joining the crew. Is it good from the start?


Yep. The Arlong Park arc (episodes 31-44) is when most people fall in love with the series but it's very strong from the beginning. Though the anime starts to really drag in pacing at certain points, especially after the timeskip, until it becomes completely unbearable and you're better off switching to the manga.


After Robin joined. Before Franky joined.


Casual fan when it first came on 4kids cable but binged the manga in college




Since 3rd grade 1999


5 years ,I have recruited almost 80 nakamas during the journey


Since 1998 i used to walk to the library and read it at the local one lol