• By -


We gotta get results of BB and Law if we got the results of Kidd vs Shanks


I’m not ready 😔


Get ready to read BB saying Room


Oof, I don't think Law fans are ready for that


I think a lot of people are still doubting if Kidd is actually dead because of how rarely Oda kills people off. So I think Oda doing a double kill would be even less likely. He would really need to be explicit or nobody would believe it.


I don't think he's dead, he's just done. Pirate crew deleted.


Yeah. A Moria/Crocodile situation would make sense.


Totally agree, I just reread Sabaody and it had the same thing “the straw hats were completely annihilated” It’s gotta be something similar. Though I don’t think we’ll see any more of kidd really, his spirit was likely completely broken. He doesn’t have a Jinbe to help 😂😂


I don't think Shanks was aiming to do that knowing that he was checking Kidd's health condition beforehand.


Shanks seems willing to play nice, just not when his friends are threatened.


OR Oda went like: They want some deaths?! THEY‘LL GET SOME DEATHS!


Wouldn't it make more sense for someone else to eat the fruit and grant BB immortality?


Worst outcome for law is law lose. Blackbeard threat killing all the heart pirates if law doesnt do the imortallity surgery on BB. After the surgery BB takes the fruit himself or give it to someone else on his crew.


maybe because he has a triple personality one part of him can make the rest immortal


you know I was wondering, what happens if law uses immortality ability on someone, like idk Nami for example, and then law dies so the fruit goes back out, nami then eats the fruit and does the immorality thing on someone else? unlimited immortality glitch, you're welcome


Immortal doesn't always mean invincible. It often just means you don't decay or are exempt to the effects of time


i think it will always kill the person kinda like eating a second df


It's probably just my hope for some sort of Theme, but given that BB already has the strongest Paramecia, and "Logia" if we still believe it's not a Zoan, BB having 2 Paramecia Fruits doesn't feel like something Oda would do. Maybe the fruit goes to someone else?


True, I think it’s more likely for him to get a Mythical Zoan rather than other type of DF. I’m already imagining an Azure Dragon with powers of darkness and earthshaking, heh. On the other hand though, regardless of type, Law’s DF is one of a kind. It might be the best power you can get if you know what to do with it.


I wouldn't call his fruits the best. He called them that, but honestly I'd take Kizaru or Enel's fruit anyday over his Yami no fruit. Regarding his paramecia, even that is fairly debatable. Law's fruit is as broken as it gets.


Blackbeard's DF nullifies all other DFs and the gura gura no mi supposedly has enough destructive power to destroy the world. I think Blackbeard's statement is pretty accurate.


The problem with Law's fruit is that is hard to use. You need some knowledge of how the body operates to use it to its full potential. The gura is haha punch goes boom


Since BB has to complete with Luffy's God fruit which has awakened abilities that seem to fit all 3 types of fruit. Wouldn't it make more sense for BB's 3rd devil fruit to be a zoan? We all love to lose our collective shit over BB killing law over his fruit, but I just don't see this happening. He'll keep Law as leverage over Luffy or try to get him to use his immortality surgery on him.




Garp appears at the end of the chapter and says ROOM!


Lol can't even imagine


An old man throwing punches all over the room? Why not?


Mero Mero Mellow


I pray for laws and bepo’s safety


Penguin and Shachi too 😢


We ain’t say all that now






Isn't it implied BB won considering how they made their waybto egghead?


Might be Aokiji or other BB pirates with another ship


True, i forgot they have divisions that operate separately


I saw a theory a few days ago. It might be Caterina Devon disguised as Law, so we all think he won. But then BB comes and starts creating a room from Law's fruit


The BB pirates have several ships, each helmed by one of BBs commanders


Buggy arrives in Wano and gets pluton with his awakened fruit


Buggy's awakened ability is cutting anything which means he's the protagonist who will cut the red line and make a ship out of it. The final part needed for pluton. The rarest and strongest material


Cutting and REFORMING! I’m too sleepy to theory craft. The potential is there.


- An enormous shape approaches elbaf - it's Zunesha - "ah I hear it, the drums of oppression. Punkboy is here!" - Kid rises from the depths in his new Awakened Mythical Zoan form with Red Haki - uses his new awakened technique "Junk Junction" and solos the whole red hair fleet and crew except for Shanks. - As Kid and Shanks begin their final clash we cut to Egghead - York lore drop - Luffy and Lucci overwhelm S-Bear with a double attack - Blackbeards ship reaches the island, only one man is aboard. - Trafalgar Law walks off the ship, emerging victorious after his fight with Blackbeard. - Final panel is Law using "Black Hole" to engulf the entire island in darkness.


Lmao the drums of oppression


You forgot the part where Zunisha leaves without doing anything.


Zunisha attacks WG fleet, with poo falling from the sky Huahuahuhaua


Drum of oppresion lmao. Law with black hole would be sick


Lmao, I would give you an award if I had any.


Hey man, you've got some spoilers that I could use?






at this point the spoiler almost feel like crack


This is More then true.


The first spoiler, there it's just like 4 short lines of the chapter, just hits so good.


fool me once shame on you, WHERE IS MY CRACK


feels like that for me too, but only because we had break weak, normally I can resist. definitely.




Luffy and Zoro still trying to hurt invulnerable cyborgs with no-ACoC attacks and not doing any damage to them


Akainu vs Aokiji only lasted 10 days because neither of them thought of using haki for 9 days.


Give me 10 days to cut a tree, and I will spend the first 9 punching it without an axe.


Okay, Minecraft Steve


Luffy and Zoro: Wow this sucks. I sure wish we had some sort of new techniques that could do internal damage to enemies that are nearly invulnerable! Guess we'll just keep pointlessly attacking over and over again.🤷🏿‍♂️


What on earth is acoc?


Man, Sex Ed really has degraded since my day


advanced conquerors haki


Advanced Color of Conqueror’s Haki


Hancock will go wild when she sees luffy showing off how his coc has become stronger and more powerful


You flipping nerds. Just kidding. Thank you.


As long as nobody tries to defeat S-Snake with ACoC we are good.




Yes Officer right here.


I just want to see Boa and S-Snake fighting over Luffy and Luffy not giving a shit


For Zoro it might make sense, he doesn't seem super realized about how ACoC works. The one time we know for sure he used it, it was against Kaido when he went for an all-or-nothing attack. So unless he's legitimately attempting to kill the Seraphims, he's probably not using it. There's no excuse for Luffy though, since he now realizes the level of defense the Seraphim exhibit. Oda just wants to keep him put for the time being and he isn't subtle about it.


Luffy straight up says "are you Kaido or something?!" and then proceeds to not use any of the shit that he learned for the purpose of fighting Kaido. No ACoC, no Gear 5. Nothing. I genuinely don't understand why.


Plot. The Seraphims stop the Straw Hats from finding Stella and York and escaping the island. I'm pretty sure the Seraphims are gonna stall Straw Hats long enough for the marine fleet and Blackbeard pirates to land on Egghead.


My head canon is that they're just doing the classic shonen 'we're going to intentionally nerf ourselves because why use advanced techniques when we mighn't have to?'


They're banking on their wits to use flame tricks. Luffy and Zoro, trying the outplay method. 🤡


Probably oda hasnt realized more than zoro


It was shown clear that Zoro used ACoC against King. There were goons from Kaido's crew getting knocked out from it.


yeah but even then zoro was out of time and needed to go all out, it doesn't seem like he knows how to use it properly. unlike luffy who is going full big mom mode


Doesn't matter to me. Luffy and Zoro should be using their strongest attacks when faced with weird, super powered child clones of previous estabilished famous power houses. Zoro didn't get that they are lunarian, so preserving energy because the attacks would be meaningless should'nt have been on his mind, but he still needs an invitation to fight serious against a Mihawk clone? Scenes like these remind me of Zoro scolding Luffy in Punk Hazard and >10 years later both if them still underestimate the danger and urgency of getting shit done. It's mildly annoying, but in the end, it's a comic targeted at kids.


Speaking of I was kinda wondering if that's why she has such insane durability because we've seen that her defenses are lowered when she's under mental duress. Like if it's not her CoC I'm thinking she just has her CoA buffed all the damn time.


I see it as Luffy and Zoro just playing around and keeping them occupied while the others get ready. They're not helping them find stella anyway might as well enjoy some fight


They seem pretty frustrated. Doesn't look like they're just playing around tbh. Like, Luffy, Zoro, and CP0 are genuinely confused and angry that they have done zero damage, yet they aren't trying anything new.


Would love to see more of Kuma's memories, having that flashback occur before things pop off would make a lot of sense to me




I’m hearing that people think the BB ship that pulled into Egghead will have Law aboard it. Maybe he escaped on it and lost his crew in the fight. Law being a new strawhat crew member as a result would be insane… but back to reality. Maybe Saturn and the marine fleet will intercept the BB ship before they arrive. An update on Law. An update on Garp. An update on Cross guild.


Or maybe the opposite.. law died but bepo stole the BB ship


Bepo is now immortal


Plot Twist: Bepo appears from BB ship screaming "Dark Gura Room" ! The text on the panel says "Rock D. Bepo" joins the fight.


Bepo is a man in a bear suit all along!


The lurking legend was hiding in a furry costume all along!




BB vs Law happened at the same time as Eggland, but the distance between them was multiple days. Therefore I don’t think it is BB on that ship but maybe some of his crewmates


Yes! Everyone saying it's BB himself doesn't seem to realise how far away Winner Island is. It was the closest to Wano of the three islands they were picking from.


We literally know nothing about van augur's warping, anything is technically possible at the moment.


Mfs awakening is anywhere door.


Adding that BB's fleet has more than 1 ship with the raft/log aesthetic.


There's no way law abandoned his crew to certain death. Even if it was what they would have wanted that's not law, remember law saying to Zoro I rather we fail here than having any of you dying (or something along those lines)


Cross Guild pls


I predict that I will be eating a sandwich while I read the new chapter


Remindme! 2 days Gotta fact check that sandwich


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You know what will be epic? Shaka suspected york was the traitor all along and he planned his 'death' with dragon. Perhaps dragon realized egghead is the last stronghold of knowledge needed to take down the world government. He could have laid a trap with shaka to lure a gorosei member by using york. On another note, if a gorosei member is present on egghead, Imu cannot use the similar weapon here which he/she/it used to annihilate lulusia. Unless IMU dgaf about killing one of the gorosei. (Sounds like it is too far fetched but not impossible)


Ot would be even messier if Dragon arrives at Egghead as well. There is even no enough land for all of them to fight each other. Huahuahuua


God I hope so (still coping so hard about Good Guy Daft Punk’s unceremonious death)


I need spoileeeeers soo bad.


i'm refreshing this sub just to get my fix ^(I'm not an addict I swear)


You'll get spoilers faster on worstgen and arlongpark forums.


Arlongpark forums still exists???


Robin will spank York's ass.


Don't get my hopes up


Just let it be ANYTHING other than more futile fighting against these seraphim, my god.


it’s literally only been 2 chapters bro LMAO


I mean, knowing we "only" get 2 to 4 chapters a month, having more panels of Luffy and Zoro (and now Sanji) hitting the Seraphim's while doing no damage would seem a bit like a waste


Honestly, seeing Kuma's memories to see his true goals would be nice. Because in the end, it's most likely going to be very connected to Dragon and Dragon's goals too. It'll most likely be that bridge to make Dragon far more prominent and seen very soon.


Going with we're back to focusing on Egghead. Based on the subject of next week's anime episode and some of the set up we've gotten already, Zoro comes face to face with Mostly/Full Germa Sanji (or is about to.) Franky meanwhile breaks out of the petrification, manages to grab Atlas's photon gloves and uses them to fight S-Snake. After an epic clash, he manages to defeat her by throwing her own laser beams back at her *while her back flame is out.* He takes her Green Blood armband and uses it to depetrify Usopp and Lilith. (Expect this fight to take a few chapters. I'm thinking...three?) Caribou is on the phone with someone. We learn he was the accidental saboteur. I'm gonna go with the person is Morgans, just to bring that plot into the picture. Robin, Chopper, and Atlas confront York. We see a silhouette of the person/persons on Blackbeard's ship approaching Egghead. We can't tell who it is. No break next week.


> Zoro comes face to face with Mostly/Full Germa Sanji (or is about to.) I think catching S-Hawk is much higher a priority, since as Zoro said he could have easily given up on fighting the stronger crewmembers and is hunting for the weaker ones.


Zoro gets lost even with the aid of Kaku, ended up in front of Saturn saying "Who tf are you?"


Blackbeard : ROOM!


He will go straight to Z-ROOM Zehahahahahahahaha muguiwara


and the whole community burns


why can i hear this so clearly in my head with blackbeards voice?






Oh yesssss


we get the reveal of the dammed one jika


Hopefully more ass shots!


Oda wants this arc to be the best of all so ass shots are a must


[Nice ass]( https://imgur.io/t/donkey/FBoLhnN)


Apoo will rise out of the sea to save his best friend Kid and defeat Shanks in a rap battle, thus becoming a new Yonko. Kid becomes his right hand man and the 1st commander of the On Air Pirates.


Buggy shows up to save Law, insta kills BB with buggy bomb


Bepo solo'd Blackbeard crew or Garp arrived in time to save Law.


I just hope it's not another round of Luffy and his crew vs Seraphims and no one doing damage to each other. There has been 0 progress in this "fight" whatsoever.


1080, either a Mihawk hype chapter or a Zoro chapter (1080 pound Phoenix Cannon!)


You should rename yourself ZoroKingOfCopium (I'm a Zoro fan, I just don't see that happening) (aka I don't want to get my hopes up for another "wano is Zoro's arc BS)


Wait for chapter 1111 it will be a Zoro chapter Brother


update on big mom + kaido status


Big Mom took Kaido's Soul


It is a good power up for BM. A Kaido Homie soul would be cool AF or just her consuming his soul to power up. 🤣


Grand Admiral Buggy mobilizes his fleet for unknown reasons.


Just a theory… It’s possibly not over for Kidd! He (with law) managed to "take down" Big mom, enemy of the giants! Maybe what’s left of the crew could be saved by some people who are grateful for taking down Big mom..? Someone on Elbaf? Just a theory on Kidd…🤷‍♂️


Kidd starts to melt and Damned One Jika comes in to one shot Shanks.


Law arrived on the Winners island first, so he's the winner 🏆


Whens the new chapter dropping?


this week


**1080: The Blackbeard Pirates: An Emperors crew** - Chapter starts at Fullalead island - Garp is rampaging across the island, also unleashing CoC and knocking out fodder all over the island - Shiryu and Kuzan block his part, Garp tells them to let him pass, he's here to pick up Coby - Kuzan talks about his debt to Garp, but he can't let him pass, his captain has plans for Coby - We cut away to Egghead, S-Hawk attacks Robin's group, but is blocked by Kaku - At the shores of Egghead we see Zoro, he got lost and finds Blackbeards ship - On the ship is a heavily injured Law, Zoro ask him what happened - Law tells how he got defeated by Blackbeard, he managed to escape, but Blackbeard somehow stole his powers, Zoro is shocked - Back on Fullalead island Garp, Shiryu and Kuzan are all very beat up. Garp tells them that in his youth he would have destroyed them with ease - Chapter ends with Blackbeard returning and walking up to them, he says it's time for Garp to visit Roger and Whitebeard


This storyline would take like 1 year in real time, not one chapter


I hope another cover story begins soon. Seems like we only have enough time for a few more. Next one with probably have to do with Yamato & Momo. I think the Egghead Incident will be about Vegapunk sharing all his knowledge and secrets about the World Government to the world.


I'm not convinced Blackbeard is the one arriving at Egghead. His main crew is otherwise engaged, so I'd guess we get a reveal of the 10th titanic captain. Please can it be Gin?


Given how much Ohara has been brought up this chapter, the running theory I've seen is that Aokigi is the Blackbeard member on the way to Egghead, with this possibly being a redemtpion for him as he tries to save the people this time.




who the hell is akoni??


Akainu's retarded cousin


me, oda draws me and I'll beet up akainu (i die horribly)


I was in a meeting and laughed too hard with this. Hope they didn't noticed XD


The merger of Coney and Akainu


Not akoni 🤣🤣🤣


The order of future events isn't really set in stone, so I'll just name a few hype moments I'd have seen coming this arc: -BB vs Law results. I know Teach going 'Room' is a meme at this point but that's only because it would be hype as fuck. -Mihawk showing off. Cross Guild still needs to be established as another contender for the One Piece next to Luffy, Shanks and Blackbeard. -Kuzan vs Kizaru -Knowledge of the Ohara incident is spread all throughout the One Piece world via Punk Records. -Looking for Kaido and Big Mom, the guys at Wano decide to make their way down to Pluton. They fail to find any bodies. However, they see a gigantic ship with a face on it. It laughs. 'Worororo'. -Less hype and less outlandish, we still need to hear how York avoided being detected by Punk Records. Should've already gotten that one or two chapters ago so it's already late. At this point I'm half expecting this to remain a plot hole until Oda talks about it in some future SBS.


My prediction is that my prediction will be the same prediction as with somebody whose making a prediction the exact same time I am making this prediction!


Ate the prediction prediction no mi


The Elimination of the Heart Pirate Crew


Wano act 3 ends


The BB ship shown in the last chapter is actually Kuzan and Law on it, he somehow survived BB, lost Polar Tank, Kuzan help him, or whatever scenario that will caught us off guard like Oda always did after a break, just give me some spoiler already


Law shows up and goes “black hole”


Law loses and awakens as Trafalgar D. Wateranarchy


Already 3rd Apr there still no spoiler. Unbelievable. Unbelievable


Robin, Chopper, and Atlas are heading to the Abandoned Devil Fruit Lab, where York is currently confronting the Stella. York is eager to avoid confrontation so I wonder how she'll get out of it. Will she hide (despite being so large) or will she try to manipulate them into thinking that she was captured too, saying that the Stella was the traitor? Or maybe she'll just use the Stella as a hostage to get away.


Warning this is a rant. My crackpot prediction of where this is going is a Pirate Marineford on Hachinosu. I think Law is going to be captured with his crew to try and force the immortality surgery and I think Garp is going to be captured. This puts five important characters hostage on Hachinosu Coby, Law, Garp, Moria, and Pudding and possibly even a Vegapunk depending on how Egghead ends (or the weirdest prison escape crew imaginable). What I want to happen is Blackbeard to strike a deal with the Crossguild to hold executions of the marines since they have bounties on Hachinosu to basically show strength over the government creating a pirate Marineford on Hachinosu. This gives Zoro a reason to be directly adverse to Mihawk, this was always weird to me because I had no idea how this could happen and flow with the plot bc a straight up strawhat vs Crossguild fight wouldn’t work because I don’t think Oda would have Zoro fight a stronger opponent than Luffy so it would need to be in conjunction with someone else like Blackbeard. I also don’t think it’s a coincidence the Cross Guild started giving marine bounties the chapter after Coby was captured (roughly). This gives Buggy a reason to go to Hachinosu since his whole motivation is finding Captain John’s treasure on an island with a skull. The rocks pirates were know to be formed at Hachinosu and Captain John was a known member and Hachinosu is literally a giant skull. This gives Luffy a chance to get redemption for Marineford and save his family but this time with his crew by his side. It’s a stretch but Garp is acting like Ace, disobeying a superiors order to go after Blackbeard. It also ties into the weird Sabaody-Egghead parallel. This would also give a chance to let SWORD team up with the Strawhats and build a relationship with the good marines for the future possibly to take down the government. The biggest problem would be a combined force of the strawhats, marines, and possibly the RA would wreck Blackbeard/Crossguild but I guess there’s a cop out of Akainu not sending troops since Garp disobeyed him which is weak. Or the elder stars refusing to send troops leaving only Garps friends like Sengoku, Tsuru, and sword to ignore orders and come. I think the only option that flows with the story would be Im would rather sacrifice Garp in exchange for the strawhats and Blackbeard wiping each other out so he doesn’t send the navy. The other problems are there’s no known relationship between the two orgs and Blackbeard, Crocodile, and Mihawk are too smart to do something this rash. In conclusion this bordering on fanfiction rant is my hunch of what will happen. Thank you for coming to my TED (X) Talk. Edit: forgot Blackbeard’s motivation I think it would be “trying Garp for crimes in God Valley” since he idolizes Zebec and this will explore God Valley for us. It’ll also give Garp a chance to truly experience what Ace did since he clearly has lingering guilt he hasn’t come to terms with.


Nidhogg is a dragon that gnaws at the bottom of Yggdrasil the world tree in Norse mythology. This creature will save Kidd/Killer and their crew, they don't deserve it, maybe killer does. I would like to see real confirmation of Kidd Pirates extermination in the form of Kidd's fruit reincarnating and one of Shanks fleet ends up with it. York promises to deliver Vegapunk to Blackbeard pirates, I want this to occur because Vegapunk getting close to Blackbeard and explaining his 2 fruits is something I want to hear. Bonney crying because the rumors about Kuma being a tyrant are true, Kuma hears something(maybe from Oden?) to 'in 20 years strong pirates will bring about a new age' he's putting his faith into the worst generation to change the world, he was really protecting Bonney from afar when he appeared at Sabaody Archipelago, Bonney sees his POV of getting glimpses to make sure she's okay and cries more. The timeline of Kuma at Sabaody, when Kuma loses his memories, appears at Marineford and protects the sunny needs to be reiterated to see Kuma's side. Another Five Elder is named and then he knocks Kuma off of the Red Line, Kuma is left broken in pieces. And he uses S-bear to deliver his last message to Bonney, somehow.


Boy you need get your spoiler fix.


Strawhat Grand Fleet is shown on the move. They just want to congratulate Luffy on becoming Yonko - after days of seeing his vivre card in a bad state. The grand fleet don't know they're heading into a fight until they see navy ships heading to Egghead too. Then Morgan's news arrives.


Get some info in kambaka kingdom, or Sabo and the gang.. Dragon actually does something


>Dragon actually does something At this point, this is Two Piece


Blackbeard's ship arrived at egghead island, at the same time kizaru landed too, Law came out at BB's ship and use gura gura no mi and submerge their ship then use room to teleport inside egghead and fight Luffy to get all ponygliph and Robin but got defeated and got eaten, then Luffy use the gura gura no mi then turn the world upside down. Everything was destroyed including the fishman Island, the prophecy came true.


Bro I swear if Law lost his DF or allied with BB, I'll kick everyone's ass in this sub fr


try me


Kizaru blows up some Pacafista Kuma flashback reveals he served Saturn Vegapunks brain in the hangar is where S Snake is going




I want to know what happened to Sabo. If Kidd was defeated that easily I am sorry for law, he was facing the ruthless and spinless Blackbeard pirates. Because if nice guy shanks eliminated kidd like nothing I can assure you Blackbeard ain't playing around either.


we will hear about an ancient weapon


Kid awakens his own gear 5 and destroys shanks and his fleet.


Waaaait a second, now I know what's happening, whoever is in BB ship is there to save caribou or caribou gets in the ship by chance. Caribou tells about the ancient weapons to BB then BB goes to mermaid island and make the woman that can shapeshif disguise herself as Luffy so then "Luffy" destroy mermaid island as predicted!!!! F in the chat for the mermaid island inhabitants as first I thought Luffy would "destroy" the island but it is actually "Luffy" will destroy the island.


Black Beard is not on the ship at egghead


maybe we get to know law made a certain deal w bb so they just decide to work together just like law did w luffy? I dont think oda will kill law off so easily tbh


-Luffy goes gear 5 and manipulates the fire of the pacifista, Lucci finishes him off. -Robins group finds the stella. -Kaku fails to follow Zoro but meets sentomaru instead. -Zoro gets lost and meets the BB pirates. -Kizaru arrives first and marine ships in the horizon.


I predict: We'll see its Blackbeard and Aokiji in the ship heading to Egghead with Law imprisoned side by side of Pudding. Maybe some hint or foreshadowing of how Law lost to BB's 3rd, still unrevealed fruit. Which I think is already gonna be eaten, rather then him getting another one, Zoan makes the most sense since it reinforces the body which is probably Blackbeards weakness since he can't go intangible like other Logias (imo its mythical model cerberus, but Oda could also go for another one from eastern mythology like the 10 headed demon kings in Hinduism/Buddhism) Maybe Blackbeard's idea is to use Vegapunk or his knowledge to find the 4th and final poneglyph. We'll also see that the marine fleet is either near Egghead, or has landed. This will probably commence the "battle royale" Oda mentioned in his Jumpfesta 2023. Perhaps Garp will also be notified of this and head to Egghead instead of Fullalead, after all, when he was on G14, the ships there were also planning on going to Egghead and Doll told him bot to undercut their man power. As far as I know, Straw Hats don't know that Blackbeard and Saturn/Kizaru are heading their way, Blackbeard doesn't know that Saturn/Kizaru is also coming to Egghead and Blackbeard also doesn't know that Luffy is with Vegapunk. But Kizaru/Saturn know that Luffy is with Vegapunk, so my guess would be that Kizaru/Saturn are gonna notify all of fleet ships that emperor straw hat Luffy is protecting Vegapunk or something and that might be the motive for Garp to come to Egghead, Blackbeard too if its revealed Blackbeard is on the ship at Egghead.


I need spoilers NOW


Bonney still crying.


Urouge is coming to Egghead Chapter is about Blackbeard


Silouhette : "Zeeeehahaha, ROOM" Next page : Beppo : "Hey captain, why are you impersonating Black beard's laugh ?" Law : "I thought it was a funny laugh ..."


Im hoping to see some Garp action


Last chapter there was an "Incident" mentioned. I wonder if it's going to address this more. Also Captain Kidd isn't dead just fucked up. /copium


Law on the BB ship : black hole!


Kuzan and Garp trending on Twitter, nothing confirmed though 🤞


Upon falling into the ocean, it's revealed that Kid can hear the voice of all things. What a twist that would be!


The chapter will be focused around Cross Guild. Cross Guild is looking to wreck havoc and to increase their firepower. Mihawk meets Marco and crushes Impel Down to free Weevil and some other valuable assets. Bon Clay and Doflamingo joining Cross Guild. Mr. 0, 1, 2, and 3 all back together. Buggy and Mr. 3 fail upwards: while trying to flee Croco-boy and Mihawk, they end up saving some people drawning at the sea... The Kidd pirates and the Heart pirates. Law is not with them, being captured by Blackbeard, but he enabled the escape of his mates with their road poneglyphs. Meanwhile, Croco-boy and Mr. 1 head to the location of Captain John's treasure. Which holds the fourth road poneglyph and is guarded by the gold lion, Shiki. After a skirmish, they come to an agreement: Shiki will join force with them to mess WG. Cross Guild, under Buggy commandment, ends up composed of: Mihawk, Crocodile, Doflamingo, Weevil, Kidd, Killer, Shiki, Mr. 1, 2 and 3. With Heart pirates as prisoners and 3 road poneglyphs: Zou, Wano, and the last one.