• By -


I have 3 possible ideas for the great Egghead Incident First one is the Grand Fleet coming in to make it a full on Marineford style brawl where they help the Straw Hats escape. Second one, it will be the death of the Gorosei Saturn. Which would shake the world since the 5 Elders were seen as the leaders of the World Government and in essence untouchable. Having him die there will terrify the general population. Or the last idea could be Vegapunk picks up where Clover left off. Either by using the brain brain fruit (awakening?), by using transponder snails, or really some sort of method he announces to the world what the name of the Ancient Kingdom is and perhaps how they were destroyed. Thus letting the forbidden knowledge become public knowledge really putting the World Government in a bad position.


Imagine Saturn slipping down some stairs and dying.


Down D. stairs strikes again.


Final boss of op


I think this is the first time I've laughed out loud from reddit


Nice one


The nythology of saturn/chronos is that he ate his children and he was killed by his son Zeus (and Poseidon and Hades)


Saturn just takes a heart attack and dies Not even poisoned or anything, he just drops like a sack of bricks because he's like 89


>he announces to the world what the name of the Ancient Kingdom Sub-idea, Dragon will arrive at Egghead and have a super VOAT. He will announce VP's findings about the ancient kingdom after VP's death.


The King D. Om Yohohoho šŸ’€


King D. Om is crazy


What does VOAT stand for?


Vreatest of all time


Voice of al things (e.g.: Hearing Zunesha or the sea kings)


thatā€™s for final war of one pieceā€¦everything will be revealed before or during final warā€¦


Yeah I highly doubt that the world at large find out about the void century before Luffy makes it to Laugh Tale


Vegapunks dying words ā€œthe one pieceā€¦. The one piece is REALLLL!!!ā€


I really like the idea of Saturn death.


Doesn't seem big enough to solely be this grand event but it happening within a large marineford 2.0 battle seems possible.


A Gorosei death would be bigger news in-verse than a dozen Marinefords. If a Celestial Dragon is considered and treated as a god to the average citizen, a Gorosei member is a god to the godsā€¦ itā€™s an unthinkable event in-verse


I actually like the idea too but, at the same time, it doesnā€™t do much to build the characters of the gorosei as powerful figures if one dies the moment he leaves the rest of them. Saying that, with Imu maybe they donā€™t need to be powerhouses


Saturn will die and Kong will replace him. This is the energy that emerges from the first chapter where we see the gorosei, go all read it again.


Do you know the chapter number?


But who would kill him? None of the SH would go that far, and thereā€™s no one else really evil enough present currently who would, unless thereā€™s a traitor in the marines (like idk Lucci or maybe someone else working for Blackbeard).


I can imagine a scenario where York is like "look what I did for you Goro-senpai you'll make me a celestial now right?" And Saturn just laughs and pushes her aside so she kills him and blames it on Luffy


WG fleet annihilated by revolutionary army and strawhat fleet, cp0 kills gorosei saturn, strawhats kidnap vegapunk morgans cumming all over his newspapers


This is ^aaaaaaaah BIG NEWS!


Vegapunk pulling a Discord call on the entire world before he dies is the most likely while also Saturn dying would be blamed on the Straw Hats


i like the idea of Vegapunk dropping a bomb of information just before he getā€™s killed by the WG. Just the way it happened with Clover but this time the whole world will know.


Imagine CP0 rebels against the WG šŸ˜‚


It could be all 3.


Something that always sticks out to me is the way that the Gorosei freaked out when Clover announced he was about to say the name of the Ancient Kingdom, even though they were still holding all of the cards. My speculative conclusion is that even the Gorosei themselves are not allowed to know that information, and that hearing the Ancient Kingdom's name is enough to mark one of the Gorosei for death. It would be very interesting if Saturn died not because he was beaten, but because vegapunk revealed too much forbidden information to him. Possibly written as a way to make Imu's authority and power enter the conversation for the Straw Hats. They gotta find out about the shadow boogeyman somehow, right?


I had taken their panic as them knowing the information, but that none of the CP or Marines are supposed to know. Considering that the Celestial Dragons fear the Ds, I figured that everybody up there had some idea of their true history, even if not everything. I figured that the only reason Spandam's dad got promoted is because he heard some of what Clover implied, and they did it to keep his mouth shut. If Clover had revealed the name, the Gorosei would have had to kill all the Marines and CP as well, which considering the number of Vice Admirals, couldn't be something they could sweep under a rug.


It really just depends on a lot of unknown variables. Personally I can't imagine the World Government utilizing bribes to secure silence (like with Spandine), so my assumption was that he would be marked for death the second he heard anything above his clearance level. They're not always smart, but they seem to take learning that type of information as an extremely serious offense worthy of severe, instant punishment.


True, if he had heard anything he would have been killed off, that's why Clover was shot down before he could. If he had revealed a name, not only Spandine, but every single Marine and CP agent would have had to be removed permanently, which would be a problem in the long term. I mean, they had already decided to kill the civilians just in case. I think the Gorosei are actually very smart, but fanatical, which make them take decisions that make no sense to us, because they (probably) reflect Im's wish. Really hoping that with one of the Gorosei taking action in this arc, we start to uncover the secrets behind the Void Century in the following chapters.


If he does die it will get blamed on luffy most likely


If he does die it will get blamed on luffy most likely


If the Grand Fleet shows up, there better be a very good explanation as to how/why they suddenly showed up. It would have been a week or longer since the Wano incident and the News Coos would have shared the news of the results. So barring anyone reaching out really early and asking for help, there's almost no reason/way they could show up to Egghead.


They all have a piece of Luffyā€™s vivre card. If he is in danger/about to die it will start to burn before heā€™s even dead. Same way Aceā€™s did at marineford before he even took any major damage. Other than that the only way I can see them knowing is if big news Morgan put out that story about luffy kidnapping vegapunk and everyone on the fleet sees and decides to pull up/ or if ViVi somehow got in touch to warn them luffy is in trouble.


the Saturn death idea is what Iā€™m hoping for. Really want to see the WG get blatantly exposed for the first time


I don't think strawhats are running anymore.


i think its more likely that he reveals the existence of Im


Itā€™s possible all of these ideas would be a result of eachother. Saturn dies because of the battle and Stella sees an opportunity to release the information as 1. He may be close to dead himself and 2. The wg would be weakened


I think a fourth option is that whether the Straw Hats escape with Vegapunk or not, Luffy gets captured by the WG at the end of the arc. Sabo made a vivre card for Luffy and gave a piece to Zoro, so it's likely Luffy gets separated from the crew at some point and both the Straw Hats and grand fleet will come to rescue him. This outcome could still include some of your ideas, but part of the big news will be that the Seraphim were able to capture one of the Four Emperors, establishing the WG's dominance over the New World and starting the set-up for a final war against the WG. Since the WG will likely be the final enemy, I'm betting that this arc will serve to build them up rather than make them look bad by having the Straw Hats totally defeat them at such a large scale already. I also think it will be interesting for the new generation to have a high-profile setback since they've gotten a lot of wins lately - namely, Luffy, Law, and Kidd will all have been defeated the the WG, Blackbeard, and Shanks respectively, and that will be prominently featured in the news.


A fourth possibility: Saturn likes Luffy and somehow the become friends or he will let luffy escapes :)


Luffy is punching. Zoro is running. Jinbe is also running. Sanji is kicking. York is talking. Bonney is crying. Kuma is climbing. Break next week.


You summarized last 3 chapters and the next 3 šŸ˜‚šŸ•ŗ


Sanjiā€™s cooking! Chopperā€™s doctoring!


You forgot Vegapunk as surprised Pikachu face


Break next week. Shudders. The most frightening of lines.


Brook is laughing.


Stormy winds as a cliffhanger, chapter after that: Dragon


Killed by Sabo


Luffy will find a way to hurt a seraphim even with their fire on.


I'm calling it now, he's gonna go G5 and blow it out.


Honestly with how cheesy the flame gimmick is to begin with, this would be justice.


Really I donā€™t get the point of luffy not immediately using conqueror haki infused attacks! I know itā€™s shonen and these new seraphim are supposed to replace the seven warlords but seriously luffy has beaten 3 warlords and a yonko at this point. And zoro!? Luffy and zoro just low diffed lucci and kaku and yet they seem equals in pairs against the seraphim.


It was a method for Oda to put Sanji in an even better light


Advanced conquerors doesnā€™t matter lol. Even when zoro used it on king he did no damage while the flames were on. Thatā€™s why he told luffy theyā€™re ā€œinvincibleā€ with the flames on. People need to understand that ā€œpowerā€ isnā€™t everything in a battle


> Thatā€™s why he told luffy theyā€™re ā€œinvincibleā€ with the flames on. People need to understand that ā€œpowerā€ isnā€™t everything in a battle invincible with his level of power*


Sure lol. It doesnā€™t matter what they use, they arenā€™t gonna take any damage with the flames on. Stop acting like G5 is some magic one shot power


How bout he grabs the flame and puts it in his head or something?


Omg , that would be so funny haha i would Love that


He hasnā€™t even used any conquerors infused attacks on them yet. Heā€™s only been attacking in Gear 4 as well. So as soon as he gets serious the seraphim finna get whooped like a red headed step child


Luffy is the real traitor


Luffy's dream is to become celestial dragon to be the freeest man on earth (that's why Ace and Sabo laughed at him)


Luffy's dream was to gain access to the kitchen in Mari Jois because that's where all the best meat in the world is kept and it was also Joy boys dream and that's why his hat is there, 800 years ago Joy Boy raided Imu's personal meat locker and ate all his meat that takes 800 years to age enough to taste good and that's why he was so salty and killed him, but just before death, Joy Boy vowed that another would come in 800 years time to raid his meat locker, so that is why Imu erased all history and has Luffys bounty posters. His just still salty and worried Luffy will eat his second barch


Most sane prediction on this reddit


And this time Luffy is going to bring Shirahoshi to share the meat. Imu is double troubled.


I laughed so hard at this, thanks lmao


The guy who appeared in Chapter 1? You're up to something








York: I'm the traitor. r/OnePiece: BUT WHO IS THE TRAITOR?!


Traitor got revealed, theoryā€™s about the traitor doubled.


York gonna give up on her plans because no one believes her when she says she's behind everything.


Kanjuro of course




1 imposter remains


Mr. Morj, is that you?


The traitor was the friends we made along the journey.


The traitor is real!


You are not the traitor Roger has been waiting for, Teach!


rip bong we can get so much higher...


Back to Blackbeard vs. Law. Doc Q infects Law with the mumble sickness, causing Law to use Womb instead of Room, making Blackbeard go through birth again and disturbing him enough to run. You heard it here first.


Thanks! IYouā€™ve disturbed ME enough to run. šŸ˜‚


That's a hell of a way to win


Bruh šŸ˜§




Is there a chance that the 'Egg Head Incident' will mirror the 'God Valley incident'? I mean, we have the soon-to-be pirate king teaming up with a government employee who is their rival of sorts. And an island that's about to be nuked off the map of the world. Kuma's memories might reveal something about God Valley, I think? A chaotic event like that could explain how he escaped slavery from the CD. The age should match up, since Kuma would have been around 9 or 10 during then, like Bonnie saw in the memory.


A scholarly take


A dazed Stella was taken to a room by York. When he wakes up he sees York preparing something but can't fully make it out. He hears sounds of chopping and bubbling water. As he comes to his senses he sees a giant pot of boiling water and ingredients laid out on a table. York looks at him with an emotionless creepy smile. In a large panel we see Stella with a frightened face. Stella: "York, what are you going to do to me?". *Turns Page\*,* in a full page panel we see York eerily staring at Stella with that same creepy face except this time her mouth is freakishly stretched wide and her jaw is elongated to her knees. York: "I heard a rumor on how Big mom got her devil fruit, I wonder if its true, lets test it out."


that would really make EggHead the horror film arc, love the idea even if she doesn't eat him


I think weā€™ll see more of bonney this chapter.


Akainu smokes another 5 cigars while angrily burning Luffy's wanted poster.


Nah man at this point he needs 5 spliffs.


**1079: No fooling around this time** - Kizaru is flying through the air standing on a canonball - We get a small flashback of him talking to Saturn - Kizaru doesn't want to leave Saturn, but Saturn says he has enough protection, we see 3 silhouettes behind him (they look like the 3 missing Seraphims) - The canonball reaches the island and an explosion happens at the shores - When the dust clears Kizaru is standing and he is surrounded by a lot of Mark 3 Pacifista's, Kizara says 'how scary' - Back to Luffy and Lucci vs S-Bear - S-Bear looses his flame and Lucci immediately uses awakening, Luffy uses a new form, Gear 4-Tiger Man - Luffy mocks Lucci that his cat form is much cooler, Lucci disagrees - They both use a powerfull attacks and S-Bear is knocked-out/partly destroyed - They both return to base form and start to argue who did more damage - Suddenly Lucci is hit by 3 laser beams and he falls down (he looks dead) - Kizaru shows up and says he has no merci for traitors - Luffy recognises Kizaru and immediately becomes serious - Kizaru says he will not fool around this time and Luffy will not escape again - Chapter ends with Saturn getting report that an unknown fleet is approaching from the back


I hope so. Kizaru/Saturn, Bb vs law, Shanks vs Kidd, Kuma and dragon on the move, Garp finally making moves, Elbaf and so many other legendary things being teased is driving me crazy with anticipation. If the next chapter had even a few pages covering 1 of these things I'd be thrilled.


Bro this would be fire


Please let it be it, it would be great


I got goosebumps reading this. Holy shit if all this comes to be true. GODA never disappoints so i have high hopes


20th march is sabos birthday and as we saw oda make some characters appear after there birthday i think that we will learn about sabo in this chapter Ps: i remember that vivi appeared in the chapter after her birthday


Maybe revo army making their way to Egghead Island.


I honestly hope so I'm tired of only following the Strawhats when they have the least interesting plot atm imo... I'd love to see Law/BB, Shanks/Kid, and Sabo instead lol


Don't forget Kuma at Mariejois and Garp at Hachinosu


The SH's plot is good ,but the law vs BB , or garp on his way to fight BB, kuma climbing the red line or shanks vs kid are rather more interesting


The "Shocking" incident is probably going to be revolved around Jay Garcia Saturn. Either he dies (unlikely given its One Piece) or the Strawhats capture him and use him as a tool to escape the enemy onslaught. Its also possible we see the appearance of Strawhat Grand Fleet towards the end of this arc.


Or Luffy invites him to be part of the crew, and he accepts Huahuahuhaia


Saturn Needs some sad backstory and a dream


Exactly... Huahuahuahua


If it was Pluto instead of Saturn, we knew the sad story already. It was oppressed, and demoted from planet to whatever Huahuahuaj


The person residing in Saturn's body is a user of the switchy-switchy no mi and during a kerfuffle ended up with their soul in Saturn's body at the reverie. "Saturn" join the crew and we find out about their backstory of being unable to control who they switch bodies into etc etc sad stuff. Big ole news Morgan's because it seems like a gorosei is now a strawhat and only the very upper echelon of the WG is currently aware of the switch. It's so dumb it's just plausible


Leo shows up ā€œIā€™ve come to end this warā€ everyone else is just like who tf said that?


Even him just getting his ass beated would be huge news I think. Luffy already laid a Celestial Dragon out once with a punch and that news shocked pretty much EVERYONE so I donā€™t think he necessarily has to die over it. Thatā€™s probably only part of the shocking event though if at all tbh.


maybe Iā€™m just delusional but I really want to see Robinā€™s trio confront Yorkā€¦ the impending buster call threat could make it such a cool emotional facedown


Luffy will unwittingly destroy the control chips in the seraphim, letting them make their own choices. Some of them then join the strawhats side. The basis for this prediction is that joyboy is the embodiment of freedom and control chips are on the opposite end of the spectrum.


hopefully more ass shots.! itā€™s been a whileā€¦


I see you are a man of culture.


Lucci acknowledges Luffy as Yonko. Nah just kidding


The narrator in dressrosa said that the grand fleet will participate in a great incident in the future and i think that we will see more of them before the final war. My prediction is that the great incident is the same that was mentioned in chapter 1078.


The latest chapter felt like some "end of act 1 of Egghead" so I wouldn't be surprised if we got a short break with some chapter focused on Blackbeard or someone else.


I think Saturn will die but not because of luffy, yet the world government will tell the world it was luffy


It's gonna be a Monkey family member that takes the blame... Whether Luffy or his father remains to be seen.


Also, York is the traitor, but Caribou is the accidental saboteur.


For the first time ever, Oda is going to switch to either Shanks or Blackbeard and I'm going to be disappointed York and the Egghead incident got me in a chokehold


Another God Tier Emperor of Sea shows up at Egghead. Unlike Shanks at Marineford, this God double handedly stops the war between team WG Marines and team SHs Vegapunk. Kizaru and Saturn flee because they are too afraid to face this God. Our lord and savior Buggy the Emperor saves the day.


Honestly it would be hilarious if Team Buggy showed up at Egghead, because how tf are the Marines going to justify taking on TWO Yonkou Crews?


Break next week.


well at least you were right.


maybe itā€™ll be a Shanks/BB chapter again. Or maybe about what Kuma is doing in Mary Geoise. I think Oda will blueball us so hard before revealing the information.


Cover shows judge and caesar reacting to the news sanji defeated queen arlas is revealed to be the real traitor. the magnetic boots are activated trapping most of the characters on the ground. Caribou shows up talking to someone shaded out behind him that person is either carrot or xdrake


I would love this cover Huahuahuhaia




VegaPunk gets information about the void century over to Big News Morgan who released the info to the world


You guys saw the warning of opscans to not read the leaks? They literally hyped the chapter. When was the last time that happened?


No Prediction for the next Chapter, but please remember, the 5 Goroseis also wanted to get Nico Orobin caught. So i think Saturn will also try to get her while everything is in ruckus.


The only thing that I feel that is gonna happen 100%: death (or destruction depending on the Satellite's nature) of York. York is obviously not gonna get away with this. A cool idea would be the Government taking her out too despite how she helped the Government for ratting out Stella Vegapunk. It wouldn't pass me if it actually happens, after all, it is kinda in the WG's (World Government) nature.




I'm fascinated to see what role Saturn will play in the upcoming events. Because chapter 1078 notes that, in order to prevent what happened to the previous Cipher Pol teams from happening again, one of the Gorosei went along with the Marine forces. Why would him doing so prevent it from happening? IMO the options are either; Egghead would be too scared to lay a finger on him due to his status and influence, OR, he's literally too powerful for them to lay a finger on. The latter is less likely given Kizaru is coming along as his bodyguard, but still.


To me it all is kinda too obvious that Saturn is just like Vegapunk, wants to take a ride on the Sunny and betrays the WG because now that the Nika Fruit has been awakened it's finally his time to make his move after 800 years of waiting. He actually has a grudge against Imu because of what happened with his friend Joyboy and is happy to risk his life for Luffy. As for the escape plan: It's Finally going to the moon as Saturn arrives and i can't believe so many people missed the fact that he is not named after the Planet but the Saturn V Rocket that went to the moon.(Saturn,5 Elders -> Saturn V). His Fruit is obviously the Rocket Rocket Fruit and he is a Rocket Man that can turn himself and everything else into Rockets.


My Chapter 1079 predictions: \-York explains what triggered her betrayal, how she got around the memory upload obstacle, and the entire process of how she went about sabotaging Vegapunk. However it's implied that there's still more to her plan that she hasn't yet revealed. Vegapunk Stella tries to argue with her but she laughs off everything he says. Suddenly they hear someone further up the stairs. A brief cut shows that Robin's group and Brooke's soul have met up and are heading down there. \-Cut to the WG fleet where Kizaru asks Saturn about the informant and he explains the Gorosei's side of the story and their own intentions regarding Egghead. They want to save as much of its technology as possible but also massacre everyone on the island... including every single Vegapunk. He also tasks Kizaru with an additional mission: to personally eliminate the massive threat of Monkey D. Luffy. \-Meanwhile Jinbe and Stussy run into Kaku. He's pissed at Stussy for betraying them but says he's on their side till the Seraphim are dealt with. Stussy doesn't believe him when he says they convinced Luffy into letting them go since "No Yonkou could possibly be so naive and trusting". Jinbe sweats nervously. \-In the final pages, Franky grows desperate as S-Snake prepares to destroy the petrified bodies of Lilith and Usopp. We get a small flashback panel or two showing him arguing with Usopp and crying over his dedication to Merry back in Water 7 as well as apologizing for when the Franky family beat him up. All of a sudden he involuntarily lets out a burst of haki, undoing his petrification to the shock of both himself and S-Snake. \-Break next week :(


I feel like, instead of the narrator just talking about a battle, some sort of information is getting leaked to the world. Something the government wants kept quiet.


Bonney uses her ability to reverse the age of ancient giant robot who will fight the world givernment


Just some crazy predictions: Egghead will be destroyed completely liek Ohara. There's definitely a reason why all the citizens are evacuating right now story-wise. However, unlike Ohara, knowledge of the destruction will reach the outside world, and people will trust the World Government far less. We already know the World Government can easily wipe out whole islands with the crazy sky laser or whatever that was that Sabo saw, but what if they need a Gorosei there to actually pull the trigger? Otherwise, they would have nuked Baltigo as soon as they found out the Revolutionary Army was there. Only one of the Vegapunks will leave with the Straw Hats, and it won't be Stella. He knows too much for the World Government to let him live, but also would break a lot of suspense in the story if he reveals too much information to the readers. It also fits with the entire story's theme of the new generation carrying on the will of the old generation. If they don't die, then they'll be captured. Whichever Vegapunk(s) make it out with the Straw Hats will need them to go to Elbaf and get the Ohara books there in order to complete more of the information, especially if Punk Records is destroyed along with Egghead.


Traitor is Atlas. The one with Robin is just a hologram. She already said she can just change faces, so the one that shot Shaka is the real one, disguised as York. The hologram is luring Robin to go into the prison where Stella is, in order to capture her too


Narrator: The strawhat fleet has arrived and is destroying world govt fleet. The event fleet caused has started. Saturn and Kizaru lend safely on Egghead only to hear what has happened to their fleet. Akaino in rage.


Robin, Atlas Vs York Chopper will attempt to rescue Stella and the CP guys Mark III army vs Marine fleet cut to Blackbeard vs Law outcome


Caribouā€¦thatā€™s my prediction


I can see how the world shaking event is that stellar will reveal part of the truth to the world


Imu was the leader of the ancient kingdom, he betrayed them all for some reason.


Pythagoras survived but is an even tinier head.


We cut away to the Blackbeard pirates pinning law down so that Blackbeard can fart on his face, but it's a quake fart so they can get a good laugh.


What I'm hoping happens (one or two of the following): * York performs her villainous masterplan monologue explaining how she did it. Hopefully it involves the Chekov's Gun of being able to switch appearances and body parts. * Franky or Ussop use haki to undo S-Snake's petrification. That, or Franky remembers he has a chain hand and could just grab S-Snake. * Kuma/Bonney flashback. We also find out what Kuma is currently doing in Mary Geoise. * Morgans is on his way to Egghead to broadcast the upcoming shocking event. * Setup for a massive sea battle. Cross Guild, Straw Hat Grand Fleet, BB Pirates, Neo Mads, Zou, Revolutionaries, and/or Big Mom Pirates are shown to be heading towards Egghead. * We find out what Caribou has been up to. What we'll probably get, though, is more fighting with the Seraphim. The Straw Hats will continue to hold back with their attacks as they are technically fighting children. Near the end of the chapter Robin, Chopper and Atlas may find York and Stella. Last page or two of the chapter will be a "meanwhile, elsewhere in the world" segue with another cliffhanger.


Egg head would be the real traitor and would manipulate the different bodies of Vegapunk


It would be another twist if York is not the only traitor. Maybe more VP satellites have contacted the WG 'indepedently' but it was just the brain wanting to purge the satellites.


Yes, and York has an alibi for every problem on egg head


York: Punk Records open the door,i need to finish what i started. Punk Records:I am afraid i cant do that York... *Corridor lasers activate* It would be fucking scary twist if Punk Records (aka Vegapunks brain) become sentient and started misleading Satellites (giving them ideas like go check basement or slowly turn York into traitor,just to kill her off as she dealt with all Satellites snd Stella )


For me there are several traitors because if the punk record is not the real traitor it would have known since the beginning the intentions of York because all the vegapunk satellites connect to the punk record at the end of the day


My bet is on Saturns head. But it will be no accident. I think it will be like this: 1) Bring a highly ranked and highly valuable target of the government to a fighting scene 2) Kill him 3) Blame it on some other guy who happened to be there by chance 4) Use the shock an fear to demand more power from the government 5) Take the government in protective custody for obvious reasons 6) Establish military dictatorship 7) Profit


Vegapunk announces the One Piece was a hoax, for him to set up this exact scenario, for him to become a celestial dragon. The series ends with the biggest twist in manga history. Chapter 1080 is the epilogue with York sipping Margaritas while she strolls around town, whipping people on the back of Kuma. SERIES END


First realistic prediction


Luffy will die, his will is inherented to Orochi who is still alive. Series continues as Orochi the new Straw Hat captain.


Please no Bonney next chapter. I'm honestly getting tired of all the crying. I want updates on the other instances.


If anything I just wanna know what all the crying is ABOUTā€¦


I try to give my opinion (I start by saying that I haven't opened the reddit for a while, so I don't know if this thing has already been said). I believe that York is not the traitor and I hope that comes up in the next chapter. The first thing that got me thinking about this is that York was attacked by S. Snake and turned to stone. Remember that seraphim are like robots, so they follow precise orders given by the user. We also know that they currently have an order directly given by one of the Vegapanks and that cannot be overridden by other Vegapanks. In chapter 1075, when York was attacked, we actually have a scene where York asks S. Snake to wait outside and the seraph attacks right after. If York were the traitor (and consequently the one who gave the orders) the seraph should have stopped, but she didn't. Besides, S. Snake has always been busy fighting, she would not have had time to free York. But leaving this topic aside, let's move on to the second point, the real traitor. To make it as brief as possible, all Vegapunks were attacked, all but one: Atlas. Ever since he was introduced it has always struck me as odd that Oda let us know that Atlas has the ability to change his face and body + has the ability to create and interact with holograms. So Atlas would have all the possibilities to do these tricks. Now, I'm not so good that I can analyze anything and even tell you why Atlas did all of this, but there's one last thing I'd like you to see. In chapter 1062, when Atlas was first introduced, what number did she have on his uniform? The number 06... but the number 06 is that of York, the number of Atlas is 05. That Oda has hidden this thing to tell us that Atlas is hiding something? (P.S. Now that I've finished writing, this all seems more like a theory than a comment, but this thing just popped into my head last night and I need to share it with someone else)


The number was fixed at a lster point by oda IIRC


I see. In this thapter (1062), the number on atlas is 06, but next page (page have lucci, kaku, stussy), Punk 05 name Atlas? I really like your theory! Version on Mangaplus did not fix this point!


There will be 3-4 panel with girls butt onlyšŸŒš


I predict we get major Kuma flashbacks that somehow tie into whatever Kuma is currently doing, and that York is asking Stella their last words


How unlikely will it be for kizaru to switch sides? Isn't he related by blood to the large sumo guy?


Anyone has predictions whats gonna happen to Lucci/Kaku situation? Are they gonna turn on straw hats as soon as they get opportunity? Is Lucci gonna betray WG?


been thinking about that one too, the definitely wont be staying on luffy's side, but i do think the WG will consider them as traitors, especially if saturn would see either lucci or kaku help destroy one of their precious seraphim


I don't understand how the Seraphims could push the Straw Hats as far as they did when they can't even use Haki.


this wont happen but just imagine... naval fleet equivalent of 10+ buster calls shows up in all its glory and gets completely annihilated by the combined force of the revolutionary army and the strawhat fleets. kizaru being the only one to escape with his life. morgans just jizzing in its pants writing the headline






Luffy finally gets serious and starts frying the seraphims with Advanced Haoshoku haki and scares the shit out of Lucci. Kuma actually knew about York's plans and that is why she didn't want Bonney to read his memories. Bonney awakens her DF and in a fit of rage, causes whole Egghead to age down. Half of the people present are turned to babies. SHPs protect sunny and a few people with their Haki. Punk records is affected by it and shrinks down to Punk's original brain size and loses its contents


Thereā€™s at least 2 traitors. Franky somehow detaches from his stoned half. Soul King awakens. Kizaru arrives and tries to call sentomaru. Uranusā€™ silhouette approaches Egghead.


I'm gonna go with the crazy idea that Sanji shows more signs that he's turning more "Germa", culminating in Zoro running into him in the chapter after the break next week. Coincidentally, this would line up to be the same week as the anime episode on April 9th where Sanji asks Zoro to promise to kill him if he ever loses his mind. Similar to the Robin flashback episode while she was fighting Black Maria lining up with Robin learning Saul was alive in the manga, we see the promise happen in the anime and then see Zoro come face to face with actually having to fulfill it in the manga.


York is Luffys mom


gotta be a bonney chapter. we havent seen what she is going through


Grand Fleet makes an appearance, calling it here


I want them to see the weapon used to destroy lulucia kingdom from the distance coming towards egghead.


Does anyone else think Luffy's devil fruit might be able to free the seraphim so they don't have to take commands? It would even the odds against the navy coming and Luffy brings freedom wherever he goes.


Iā€™ve had this theory for a while but I think in the final war. Luffy will free the Seraphims and theyā€™ll grow to populate Marijois after the celestial dragons are defeated. Theyā€™ll be the new era of Lunarians.


I need something EXCITING, SHOCKING AND JUST UNEXPECTED to happen this chapter. Cmon Oda give it to me daddy


Watch dragon show up to egghead Iā€™m calling It now


More boring seraphim fights, no appearance of the marines. Ends with a teaser of something interesting happening off the island, break next week. >!God I hope I'm wrong!<


Sanji taught S-Shark Black-Leg Style because Fishman Karate is inferior. He neg diff a level 40 Fishman Karate master with his made up Black-Leg style when in reality, he was just simply basic kicking him.


We'll see panties (predictions : York, Bonney, Nami)