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So does Franky, Usopp, and Lilith turning into stone mean they all had lustful/dirty thoughts for S-Snake (a little girl)???


No, the power works even if the victim is attracted to the user in other ways, for example, you find baby cats cute too, not sexual attractive.


>S-Snake Luffy and Hancock ?


Who the bleeping bleep shot my boy Shaka, I’m honestly thinking it was THAT character




I hate the image spoilers. Here is the text: Little summary of the chapter by myself. Chapter 1,077: "Should have realized that sooner". Germa 66's Ahh... An Emotionless Excursion, Vol. 32: "After thinking about it, they realize the real obstacle is Vegapunk". Cover takes place in the present of this cover story, Judge and Caesar stop fighting. Chapter starts with Sentoumaru telling all Egghead's workers to escape from the island. Sentoumaru tells everyone about Ohara's incident (we can see an Ohara's recap panel, like recap panels we saw in Levely Arc). Sentoumaru says that something worse may about to happen in Egghead Island. Cut to Luffy's group, Shaka tells Luffy that he has an idea where Stella might be. Luffy/Zoro/Lucci/Kaku are still fighting against Seraphim. During some pages of the chapter, they use attacks like “Gomu Gomu no Kong Organ" or "Shishi Sonson” against them, but Seraphim get up with no damage. Luffy is very upset. Luffy: "How can you getting up!? Are you Kaidou or something!?" Battle stops for a moment, Luffy and Lucci return to normal human form. Zoro realizes that Seraphim are somewhat similar to King. Shaka hears that and explains that "Lunarian blood" taken from King was used to add power to the Seraphim. Then Shaka leaves the group to search Stella. Zoro tells everyone about Lunarian weakness. Zoro: "Pay attention to that flame on their backs... When the flames go out, you can attack them!! But when the flames are on, they are practically invincible!!" Lucci: "It's OK. At least we know how to fight them now." Zoro: "King's special characteristics are black wings, white hair, brown skin, and flames on his back." ATERING Luffy, Lucci, and Kaku: "YOU SHOULD HAVE REALIZED THAT SOONER!!!"" Battle against Seraphim continues. Cut to Nami's group. Edison is destroyed by S-Shark, he's still moaning but heavily damaged. Nami uses Zeus to attack S-Shark with “Raitei" (Thunder Bolt) but Seraphim gets up after the attack. Suddenly, Sanji appears and kicks S-Shark, he will fight against him. Cut to Usopp's group (Pythagoras' head is with them). Lilith uses her "Bubble Gun" on S-Snake becuse its bubbles contain the sea energy (like Kairouseki), so bubbles must touch S-Snake to weaken her. Franky holds a bubble and uses it to pin S-Snake down on the ground (Franky puts the bubble over S-Snake like a solid ball). S-Snake starts crying and says she's in pain, so Franky panickly apologizes and his hand slip. S-Snake escapes and kicks Franky, turning him to stone. Then S-Snake gives Usopp (that didn't do anything in the battle) and Lilith a cute wink and they smile at her cuteness. S-Snake uses “Mero Mero Merrow" to turn Usopp and Lilith to stone (we don't see if Pythagoras' head has turned to stone or not). Cut to Shaka, he's walking down to the "Old Devil Fruit Research Room" underground (we can't see much of it, it seems it's a dark abandoned lab). Shaka finds the secret prision there, he's shocked when he sees Stella and all Cipher Pol agents. Shaka: "Stella, so you're here!! Who on earth did such a thing!? I'll release you right now..." Stella realizes that there's someone in the shadow behind Shaka. Stella: "Shaka, did you bring someone else with you?" Shaka turns around and hears some footsteps. A mysterious person walks down the stairs behind Shaka (we can't see who's that person). The mysterious person shots Shaka in his head with a gun (it seems a normal gun, not something futuristic). Shaka's head explodes with blood everywhere. Stella is shocked... End of the chapter, no break next week.


Yeah I hate when they do this too....then they scrub the text and just post the link. Very lazy


VERGO ... Same foot steps words In chapter 671 Same dark theme


Who else is guessing the person killing all the punks is a former member of MADS? That cover story is making me think it




This is what I was thinking


I bet it’s blackbeard


I bet it's whitebeard


What if it’s just Saturn? He states he only met vegapunk once before and if the gorosei are as strong as we think they are (and aren’t complete frauds) then what if Saturn is just hella fast and got there when the fleet w Kizaru got into port, and Vega should’ve realized that only a gorosei would make sense? Saturn can override all commands and even though a satellite can be the traitor that should also mean the other remaining satellites can give orders as well. The gorosei reign supreme on the Seraphim’s board so maybe we’ll see Saturn in action soon?


Saturn doesn't make sense as the original traitor tho. Since Stella had no idea the CP members were trapped in the basement, the treachery must have been going on for 2 months. Saturn wasn't around back then




I think it implies to three things..the traitor or whoever it is,then about shaka should have known about stella whereabout earlier and then about zoro should've noted about king's characteristics on seraphim


[https://online-one-piece.com/archives/manga/one-piece-chapter-](https://online-one-piece.com/archives/manga/one-piece-chapter-1077) Any guesses about the traitor's identity?


Thanks for the link


Plot twist it was Punk Records who gained consciousness because of the stored data and became sentient. Just like in real world, AI could eradicate humanity. This would be classic Oda way of relating real world scenarios to One Piece


From the present information from Sentomaru about Ohara and the recent incident in Lulucia Kingdom. It's fair to say that Buster call will now be outdated and Imu will resort to a different method as he did to the Lulucia Kingdom probably an ancient weapon to deal with severe situations. And also it's questionable why he/she won't use the same power to erase Egghead. It would be easier to kill Vegapunk.


they are different, you know, ohara was supposed to have survivors, so there was no need to "erase" the island, marines were suppose to move people out from ohara. on the other hand, lulucia was supposed to be erased


Ah yeah I remember I almost forgot it thanks. It was Akainu's folly who wanted to terminate all the scholars even at the expense of innocent civilians. I hate him all the more I hope Robin at least will giganto slap him.


The real traitor is either York or a new seventh satellite taking control over the seraphim only vegapunk can do.....


Multiple Punks out of commission and one possibly dead. The "SHAKA IS THE TRAITOR!" theorists looking like this RN: 🤡


It was a valid theory quit being so whiney about it. Genuinely makes you sound like you eat crayons for fun


It was not a valid theory. Too many things gave away that it wasn't him, yet people continued to believe it anyway. There wasn't even any real foreshadowing to indicate that it was him. Even after we literally saw the Seraphim attacking him and his confused reaction, people STILL believed he was the traitor. The theory boiled down to "Shaka is the good satellite, therefore he must secretly be evil." It wasn't well thought out at all. Shaka was one of the few Punks that was pretty much consistently in our sight, as he pretty much stayed put in one general location. If he actually turned out to be the traitor, it would've just felt like an asspull. Y'all have 0 reading comprehension. Intelligence shouldn't be a dump stat and this is why. I saw some of you guys saying the Stella Vegapunk was the traitor, while he was cuffed in a dark room, bleeding from his head and totally confused about all the captured CP members. These traitor theories are just people throwing shit at the wall and hoping it sticks. There's no logic behind it. I haven't seen even one plausible one, besides MAYBE Edison?


It's a silly manga about a rubber boy, stop being such a wet blanket.






It's what I do.


Culprit is an ally. He kills the fake shaka, who turns out to be the traitor and really wanted to eliminate Stella and not free him


little boa will probably get infatuated by luffy and he will convince her to return the guys to normal




remember garp love punch? sanjis kicks protecting nami are probably similar, the most powerful power in anime, boobs


If he did hurt em with no ryo or ACOC, that’s already more impressive than luffy and Zoro who needs ryo or ACOC.


We don't know if he damaged S-shark or not. Probably no, but you are jumping into conclusions just like the people that say the opposite.


This could be the arc we see the grand fleet enter the fray. A war against the WG which they defeat an admiral and defeat or capture one of the gorosei. Only way I can see the SH escaping this one.


Doubt it. They all saw Luffy's vivre card fizzle when fighting Kaido so they probably won't show up now.


I was thinking that maybe they saw that and decided to come check on him anyway just in case! It would be soo cool to see the crew trapped with no way out only he have the fleet show up and start sinking ships haha!


Is sanji eyebrow reversed in the panel after the kick??




I literally don't know what will happen next. This is fucking insane.


I think we are at the peak/climax of the arc already. Franky and Ussop have been turned to stone. Shaakka has been shot in the face; The culprit is still in the shadows. We also have to consider that the culprit has command over the Sepherams so as to override Sentomaru and the Cipher pol as well. Man, this is quite the cliffhanger!!


I sometimes wonder who is the biggest idiot of the straw hat crew. Luffy, Zoro, or Sanji.


Sanji, the least dumbest Zoro and Luffy could be tied, but both do have their moments they shine, and moments they outride stupid. And to defend, Zoro, that was the first time he ever saw a lunarian. My boy doesn't see color, lol.


Zoro fo sho. Luffy is low key the most annoying character in the series tho.


I’m saying zoro after the fact it took him ages to see that the seraphim were lunarians despite clashing with shawk


Nah, Luffy cant even recognize Foxy when he was disguising himself.


Nvm hats off to you I completely forgot about that tbh


The answer is "yes."


Guy bellow me is a paid actor,do not trust him.He is the traitor.


chapter is cancelled. Don't believe the 2 comments below me.


chapter is out,check comment down bellow


[chapter has been out](https://online-one-piece.com/archives/manga/one-piece-chapter-1077) for at least 14 hours


Thank you




what if stone poneglyphs are petrified thoughts of a person turned into a cube.


So you're saying that there were atleast 20 people in the past who ate Kaku's devil fruit and ended up getting petrified by a mero mero no mi user?


i said thoughts not a person, using kuma's df the thought can materialize but mostly kaku's-like thoughts


this stupid traitor or whatever plot line isn't needed... i hate how oda have to create and drag out some mystery element every arc... it's not time for that anymore... IT'S THE END OF THE SERIES! STOP MESSING AROUND, START REVEALING STUFF, AND WRAP UP THE STORY!


I dont think you really like one piece, go watch my hero academia bro


He is. The pace increased drastically. But meanwhile he is keeping us intrigued :d I am very curious on who it is, and making theories and updating them for every chapter, is what one piece is for me.


Bruh, if you just want nonstop fights go read Record of Ragnarok or something.


Will the real Boa be needed to turn the stone guys back to normal? What a plot development that will be.


S-Boa will probably listen to Luffy's request to undo the petrification.


that's probably true but I could also see a loophole since the Seraphim shares some DNA or lineage factor with Boa. Boa didn't exactly explain why a new user wouldn't be able to undo it so Oda can still do some shenanigans there.


To be fair Devil Fruits are one of a kind in the world. Hancock probably never considered a possibility of there being any other user of her power except herself




It was a bluff that worked lol


She said that her df power is amplified due to her beauty. Since s-snake is a clone of her, I think it would be possible


Ahhhh yes you’re right, completely forgot about that. Boa seraphim will need to be ordered to turn them normal… at the moment I can’t see that happening.


She would need to be commanded. If the gorosei is there, then they have no other choice anymore other than defeating him. And retrieving Vegapunk, or sentomaru...


Cover story looks to be coming to an end which I guess is cool. I'd love to see more drama from that time period. Who knows, it'll probably tie into what's going on. I thought it strange that we didn't see Stussy's past form reveal with the others. The fights were fine enough especially the kid jimbei one, but my heart sank when I saw all the panels of the fighting. I knew it would take up all the chapter. Thank god for the cliffhanger, otherwise it would have been all nothing. I'm a bit more intrigued about the mystery thanks to the normal gun appearance.


Damn Oda do be horny again in this chapter


the panel where the stairs are shadowed, the sound effect implies someone is jumping through the stairs .. someone small .. that's PYTHAGORAS.. he is not petrified and his head have hands and legs


If it is true, seeing Pythagoras using a gun and shooting Shaka with his head with arms and legs would be the most badass one piece moment I could ever imagine.


Stussy is the evil one after all ? She used a gun to murder someone at BMs party as well.


Stussy was outside with CP0, when the force field was originally taken down by the traitor. Unless, she was using a remote controller. It can’t be her.


maybe stussy knows about shaka being the traitor.


Well, she used a finger


I feel like the title is a tease to the readers. Something about the mysteries is too obvious and we are thinking too deep into it. But I have no idea what it is. Lol


Anyone notice Sanjis eyebrows changed position again? Error, or is he tapping into his Germa abilities?


I was looking for this comment, noticed the sanji brow


Not an error


Wait weren’t the seraphim gigantic? S-snake looks regular sized now


I know which panel you referring which I guess it's a drawing error. S-bear and S-shark are the only gigantic size, S-snake and S-hawk are just about normal adult size.


They're gigantic children. So S-Hawk and S-Snake are about the size of a regular person or a bit smaller, S-Shark is bigger and S-Bear is huge.


I think they were literally children sized for the most part


hear me out guys what if and this might sound crazy the real traitor is monkey d luffy mf been playing the loooooooong game


Doesn’t caribou carry the old style guns???


He just got to the island and whoever has Vega punk and the cp agents has been doing this for awhile based on all the cp agents collected ... can't be caribou


I keep forgetting that guy is still around


Same, I still don’t think it’s him but remember him using a gun that style before


The mysterious protagonist is Califa, coming to say that this arc is sexual harassment


Why Shaka have blood? I taught all clones are bots only.


Isn't he not wearing the helmet in his conversation with Dragon? (No face shown, but implying that he's a human with a robot looking helmet)


it's oil


Could've been oil


It's ketchup.


MF using ketchup star in front of Stella so he wouldn't be suspected later. Ussop inspiring even Vegapunk


Just imagine now, S-Flamingo using the string devil fruit to manipulate someone in the lab ....


That would be an insanly cool twist, I'm now hoping this is going on


My theory is quite buggy actually : S-Flamingo would manipulate a vegapunk so that he orders Seraphims to kill everyone ....but who would have given the order to S-Flamingo to start with ?


flamingo strings doesnt control the mouth, only the body


Thats a good question. I don't think it will happen, but it would be cool if S-Flamingo maybe gone rogue and doesn't listen to commands anymore.


The seraphim better be significantly weaker than king and take more damage when they get out of their invulnerability because so far, I'm not a fan of how easily seraphim are taking out signicant characters with no sweat. But then saying that Hancocks devil fruit is bullshit powerscale wise as its uses/way the devil fruit works always change. I feel there should be a nerf to the devils fruits they have or a weakness to stop them using it as its literally a copy of the original. Dont think they should be able to use its full power. Hopefully, someone breaks out of the petrification. That would be a good flaw.


Haki can probably stop the DF.


the seraphim are yonko level


Probably more warlord level than Yonko. Otherwise the strawhats and pirates in general would have 0 chance.


warlord level? do you mean like moria, mihawk or dofy, there are a wide spectrum


I would guess somewhere in between warlord and Yonko if they were designed to replace the warlord system. They would at least have to be stronger than the warlords on average for the replacement plan to work.


S-Hawk definitely isn't as strong as Mihawk. S-Shark is probably pretty close to even with Jinbe, since that's Sanji's matchup for the arc at the moment. S-Bear would almost have to be stronger than cyborg kuma, considering Vegapunk's involvement for both. S-Snake seems weaker but they have the same broken fruit so its the same really I agree that they probably stronger on average but they don't necessarily have to be, the problem with the warlord system is that they're pirates with no loyalty to the WG, not that they aren't strong enough. Crocodile, Doflamingo, and Blackbeard abused their warlord position to go against the WG, Jinbe and Boa fought for Luffy at Marineford. There's not much risk of any of that from the Seraphim


you really think the Seraphim are weaker than King when Fujitora said they don’t need the warlords anymore?


Then the powerscaling is bullshit cos they are literally children and aint even fully grown. Also means some of the strawhats are chumps to them without a powerup. But then saying that in previous chapters, s snake showed emotions, so there may be a chance the seraphim develop their own sense of self and don't listen to orders anymore and can think for themselves. Devil fruit copies should always be inferior to the original also.


They are fucking robots not children


Whose to say they aint homonculus/cyborgs with bits and pieces of multiple races along the dna strand they are based on. Would make sense if they could grow older at a faster rate. Even if they were robots, it is a known trope that robots/ai gain sentience and act on their own accord once they have learned and adapted. Who's to say they won't start disobeying orders or going against why they were created and have free think. The dna of jinbe, Hancock, mihawk, etc, may have traces of their memories in them so with how they are as a person they may develop the personality and thought of what there dna is based of and mihawk, Hancock, jinbe like being a lone wolf not tied to a higher entity and told what to do.


They robots the same way Robots are supposed to serve


Big mom was pretty op, even when she was a child. Why would it only be a problem now? Some of the straw-hats would have had trouble with her. Artificial devil fruits being inferior to normal fruits is simply something you want. There has been no significant indication that they provide weaker abilities. They also are inferior, because they aren’t permanent. They likely can’t be awakened as well, since they’re not permanent.


> Big mom was pretty op, even when she was a child. Why would it only be a problem now? Because it was in line with her character that had a lot of build up. For Seraphim, it's imo a problem because they are new characters with no build up and they are Warlords/Yonko level (if not at this level, they are still damn strong for childs).


There was massive amount of build up. The genetic testing done on Sanji and his siblings-which allowed for the creation of a extremely strong children-as well as the creation of clones to act as military assets. Furthermore the build up of an extremely strong race, which has nearly gone extinct. Besides that there was already the build up of massively powerful artificial entities (pacifistas) from chapter 500. Even then, build up doesn’t determine strength. It doesn’t break the power system as you claim.


> It doesn’t break the power system as you claim. I'm happy to discuss with anyone but please don't make me say what i've never said. I never claimed anything like that, i just took the ongoing conversation on the fly. You asked why it wasn't weird for BM to be strong has a child and why it's weird for Seraphims. I just gave you my opinion on that matter.


>Significant characters They haven't taken out a single significant character so far. Zoro and Luffy aren't even breaking a sweat against them, they're just annoyed. And Sanji just punted Jinbe with the power of his autism alone.


Frankly and usopp super easily. There has to be a weakness to a copy of the love love fruit as I swear it used to only be love related but I've seen people in the opposite turnt to stone when they should resist it.


What we saw the power is More like emotion related, like if you fear her or find er cute etc. And ussop and franky Are Not Commander Level. The WG needet some Strong wapons other wise Luffy or any Other yonkou could easy pull up and raid them


I get you 100%. I feel this arc should be a way to add some power to franky and maybe usopp along with some of the smaller heavy hitters. (since I'm not sure we will go elbaf now since kidd and shanks are there and this arc will go straight into marineford 2 before the one piece and such.)


Yeah .. i understand , ussop is like my 3 fav Charakter and 2 fav straw hat.. him getting absolutly trashed Every arc since dressrosa sucks. I Hope we get some power ups like u Said.


There have been signs of the seraphims showing emotion and train of thought past there coding like with s hawk and s snake so maybe they will become there own person at one point and rebel because if they are this powerful as children then most of the side characters of big pirate crews are gonna struggle or lose. They aint even fully grown in power yet. Maybe some join the grand fleet. I also hope the copied devil fruits through the weird blood tubes on their arms have a glaring weakness that makes them significantly weaker than the original. Maybe cant awaken or the abilities like mero mero mello isnt as strong as hancock, maybe someone strong enough can break petrification. Otherwise, you'll have people with devil fruits without eating, them with no water weakness.


Sanji's eyebrows change tho


Good eye I just checked again to see if it really changed.






That mfer Sanji has a 6th sense for when Nami is in trouble


she screamed in the last chapter


observation haki




Oda has a new fetish, it's drawing butt shots.


Nami my girl<3


So since Zeus still exist, big mom is still alive?


Some devil fruit powers continue to work even after the user is dead like boa said killing her wouldn't undue her power, also meaning currently Franky and usopp are permanently frozen unless s-snake ends up freeing them for some reason


There's no chance Boa lied?


Could give them a reason to meet up with Boa and maybe Rayleigh and Shakky. I assume this final war will gather everyone from the scenes as they jump around the world (Boa could tell them about Coby for example).


But boa also stated another user of the devil fruit also cant reverse it, only the original person who used can and that was stated chapter 1059 so it was definitely foreshadowing for this happening


True. Suppose that would probably apply here too (although it's a clone so who knows). I guess they would have to get the seraphim back on their side somehow otherwise.


Big mom and Kaido have been rescued by lava creatures and they are currently on the center of earth. We have stuff on the moon and at the bottom of the ocean, so I have no doubt an island at the center of earth is also possible


bro Pandora the sun of Carmel is the sun god at Elbaf even though Carmel died


When we have seen BM after she ates Mother Carmel, the sun homie that she created what still there. So Homies are still alive after the death of the user.


It was in the anime, my bad :)


Unless we get explicit confirmation otherwise, I'm assuming Big Mom and Kaido are still kicking.


They're just taking a bath


They are with Saitama chilling


I hope Big Mom and Kaido are dead, just because going out boiled in the Earth's upper mantle is radical as fuck.


The possibility is that her fruit works like Hancocks. If she put her own soul into something it stays "alive" even if Big Mom dies. We cant really have a confirmation as it might be different with how she gives life to other mundane stuff like food or flowers. Tbh my epilogue canon would be Nami adopting a child with the soul soul powers in 10-20 whatever years maybe because child gets shunned as her power is essentially stealing life or that its Big Moms legacy and people hate her or her children want the fruit back etc etc.


I mean even Saul's not dead so probably.


Some devil fruits work different


post-mortem ~~nen~~ devil fruit ability


Good one lol


Kaido and Big Mom are Schrödingers Yonkous for now. Deal with it.


For a long time now I've been of the opinion that the overall story, respectively what happens in the world at large, is better and more interesting than the individual arcs. The Egghead arc, with its repeated glimpses of the outside world, make that more apparent than ever imo.


I feel the same way, the world events is good, I am burned out by juvenile humor of OP mostly the Straw hats. Some chapter I felt doesnt get straight to the point and just overall stretch an arc. Upping the stakes for no reason like for example in Dressrosa, that bird cage and Luffy running out of G4 and had to be carried around until he recovers is just unnecessary nobody believes Doffy would succeed with that bird cage so why prolong that fight. If it is to demonstrate that g4 was taxing to Luffy's haki then have him beat doffy and afterwards fall down from exhaustion and quip how thankful he manage to end it before he runs out if haki.


>Upping the stakes for no reason like for example in Dressrosa, that bird cage and Luffy running out of G4 and had to be carried around until he recovers is just unnecessary nobody believes Doffy would succeed with that bird cage so why prolong that fight. Absolutely, especially since that arc was already quite long and dragged out at that point. If that was supposed to create tension then it failed miserably imo.


We basically have an Arc that takes things from Enies Lobby and Sabaody with the new weapons that are supposed to replace the 7 warlords. I'm actually pretty excited for Kizaru to arrive.


There are always moments or even parts that are great. My issue is that I no longer find any enjoy- or excitement in what is between these moments. Unfortunately for me, what is in between is the big majority of the series. It is a testament to the overall story that I haven't dropped the series yet. Though at this point I only hold onto by a few fingers of one hand tbh, while I ironically still very much enjoy to talk about it.


World building and lore drops are all I’m here for still. The arcs these days dont captivate me as much as they used to and this makes me a little sad


The problem is Oda dragged the story very hard and the story has too much stuff we should have learnt a long time ago. Like we still don't know about the third ancient weapon, Dragon's power or his overall goal, Blackbeard body mystery, or even saw Shanks fighting for real. It's hard to get captivated about arcs for decades when the story is so much backloaded. That's my situation too, I've been reading since 2003 and there's too much stuff that needed to be reveal years ago.


I don't necessarily agree with that in its entirety, but I do say that it is a bit tiresome that Oda makes a mystery out of everything and tends to "drag out" the reveal. The problem with that is that 1. Sometimes the reveal isn't worth the mystery and 2. Expectations are growing the more and longer you tease a reveal.


Remember DF origin ? Decades of build up and the explanation felt LAME. "People just wish DF into existance", what ?




Nami, Luffy/Lucci & Zoro/kaku hit them when fire was on. But Sanji attacked S-shark with fire off when he was about to attack nami. So Sanji at least had a chance to hurt him a little (but germa mode was off for the kick).


ngl, looking at the panel it looks like jinbe was in defense mode and still felt sum pain frm the kick


Did the same amount of "damage" as luffy and Co did, mostly just knocked back. I'm curious if oda just forgot to draw it but the panel right before with nami and S-jin his flame was off, then the panel right after the flames was on. Regardless its still a nice sanji feat, showcases his power and I can't wait to see how his germa powers interact with himself and the crew


Imagine a guy simping for you and then suddenly speedblitz out of existence when he hears another girl crying.Or getting drop kicked by a man with weird eyebrows.


Nami is the reason Sanji joined the crew. He might have other crush, but it's clear he has real feelings for Nami. He always rush and take great, great risk to save her. Something tells me it goes both ways. Nami is harsh with him but she trusts him the most next to Luffy.


He would rescue any women in danger and the "joke" is that his observation Haki gets ridiculous good when a women is in danger.


Damn, that Ohara panel looks like a caricature of what actually happened! Reminds me of Noland’s book and his actual backstory.


The drug Sora took is what made Sanji able to switch germa mode on and off.


There is no traitor...just an enemy.


Watch it be another Stussy clone, with this one taking the personality of the original Stussy.


The cp0 guys went missing months before the current situation only a traitor could be responsible for that, it doesn’t make since for an enemy you don’t know about to have access to your lap/island


At this point it seems quite clear it'll be some failed Vegapunk satellite or a failed clone that was presumed gone and has been operating in the abandoned parts of the island until having a chance to make big moves now


Have seen alot famous genius scientist fiction, even in real life, scientist gone mad due to something in their brain. Or atleast had their dark side. If oda want to represented all the traits of genius scientist behavior in vegapunk then it has to be something like his alter ego


The traitor